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S15.E12: Girlfriend in a Coma

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I...I really don't know why this episode....exists, in all honesty.

Maybe I'm just cynical tonight or maybe it was really not a good episode because I finished it feeling incredibly annoyed, at best. 

Unfortunately, the case with the coma patient didn't make me feel anything, not even at the end. It was alright, I guess, but I didn't cry. Maybe because I knew exactly everything that was going to happen since it was extremely predictable and paint-by-numbers. 

I didn't realize that the last couple of episodes were still taking place at the end of November. I guess that time jump happened. 

This was just the romance episode, which makes sense as to why I didn't like it. Well, romance and the whole "Hey, my name isn't actually Betty." 

Which, by the way, is the biggest load of crap I've seen in a while on this show. Really? What in the world is the purpose, especially since Amelia and Owen have enough to deal with? I mean, they're already stuck with Teddy; we don't need some dumbass plot twist with Betty/Brittany/Britney/Brittani/however the hell her name is spelled. 

Meredith chose Deluca after he threw a few hissy fits, and in the process, Meredith stands up Link...after being reprimanded by Deluca for her standing him up at New Years. Jesus Christ, fuck the both of them, seriously. This isn't some true love shit. No way can these two last...except we have the weirdest and possibly worst couples sticking together lately with better options being pushed to the side, so what the hell do I know?

Maggie and Jackson were....minimal. Meh on both of them. I guess they're destined to stay together for likely the rest of the series, so I should probably just accept that fact. 

Teddy/Koracick still doesn't work for me. C'mon, show! Koracick deserves better! They don't have any chemistry! 

I know it's a bad episode when I came out of it with the only positives being one scene of Glasses-Turned-Contacts and HAOG. And I don't even like those two separately, let alone together! I disliked how Contacts just blurted out his "secret" in the OR. Dude, nobody cares. You're literally just an intern who has formed no connections with these doctors. 

Again, I did warn you I'm cynical so maybe others will have a better viewing experience than me.

ETA: I forgot about the whole Bailey/Ben stuff. I guess that's a way to wrap it up. I forgot that the last episode had Bailey figuring out kind of what was going on, but I didn't realize they were going to conclude that stuff so...quickly.

Oh, and Richard/Catherine stuff was there. A lot happened in this episode.

Edited by Lady Calypso
  • Love 13

Well, Happy Valentine's Day.  Are you all happy now?

The main story was a major downer.  I liked both of the couple and then that happened.

Meredith is often self-centered (like standing up both men at New Year's)but making a date with Linc to show up DeLuca is really immature.  Standing up Linc at the restaurant was not just selfish and immature but hurtful.  Why should I root for her at all? I also thought that EP looked a lot older than she usually does this episode.)

I don't care about Bailey and Ben. I'm so over her hysterics.

I know how Catherine felt when she fell off the treadmill because I broke down too trying to do something physical after cancer treatment. But I can't feel sorry for her because she's got her husband and her son and even her stepdaughter to help her through it. That's more than many people have.

Owen:  Since when does addiction come with lying?   Me: Since always.

Camilla Luddington looked gorgeous in that blue dress.  But I wish Jo would stop pushing Meredith at Linc. It would do Meredith good not to have two men competing for her.

  • Love 12

Lifetime is currently airing season 3 in the afternoon, and it is striking how great the romantic parings, friendships, and professional interactions used to be. Aside from Alex/Jo and Miranda/Ben (and not counting Richard/Catherine), the current pairings are overly manufactured and lack a certain spark. Ratings be damned, season 14 may have been a breath of fresh air after the abysmal 13, but the Grand Canyon-sized cracks are showing again.  

After everything Meredith's been through, it really is a shame that the best tptb can think to do is stick her with Andrew.

  • Andrew, who's only character trait is speaking Italian and is otherwise incredibly dull.
  • Andrew, who dated and sexed up her sister.
  • Andrew, who had a crush on Jo and who her best friend (Alex) beat the crap out of.
  • Andrew, who completely disregards the fact that Meredith has three kids at home and asks her to go have a drink on Christmas Eve.

He acts like a pouty, petulant child. And I'm not implying that Link is or should be "the one", but in comparison, at least he's shown to be thoughtful and considerate to Meredith - like giving her the Christmas cookies - without being pushy and predatory. Turns out, Meredith doesn't deserve his kindness. I actually respect the guy even more for ordering wine and presumably staying to have a nice meal alone despite having been stood up.

And just like that, Tom Koracick is less charismatic when paired with Teddy. I do not understand the logic behind bringing her back and have her pregnant with Owen's baby yet not be with him. 

Miranda and Ben and the tree house was a sweet moment, and I appreciate that bit of continuity from last season.

Betty/Brittany, who cares. Have they not wasted enough screen time on this random ready-made family? Please give Alex the attention, instead. 

That lipstick was not working for Meredith.  

Edited by funnygirl
  • Love 16

Ugh, Jo needs to quit pushing Linc on Meredith. I actually have no preference as to who Meredith has sex with or starts dating, but it just drives me crazy when people like Jo get so pushy. You already told Linc that Meredith would be his date for your party? STFU. And take it down a notch with your "no blue scrubs" snobbery rule.

Owen can also STFU. If you're going to be late to Teddy's appointments, then you aren't allowed to complain that she didn't wait for you. And his shitty attitude about addiction sucks. If you didn't already know that lying is part of addiction, then you need to educate yourself and quickly since Amelia and Betty/Brittany are both addicts and are part of your life. I guess he totally didn't notice all those other times that Betty lied to them.

I think Koracik would be better with a lot of other people, but the one reason I am sort of supportive of him dating Teddy is because I know it will fluster Owen. I'm pretty sure that when Owen inevitably opens his mouth and inserts his foot, both Teddy and Koracik are going to give him an epic and well deserved verbal beatdown about how he doesn't get to weigh in on who Teddy dates.

When Richard, Jackson, and Maggie were standing in the doorway talking about how Katherine won't let them help her AS SHE WAS WALKING UP THE STAIRS, I was really hoping she would turn around and say, "You know I can hear you, right?" I understood her frustration (especially with the physical therapist with the patronizing baby voice), but I found myself thinking about how lucky she is to have a husband and an adult son to help her on top of the piles of money and the huge house. Imagine trying to recover if you don't have a support system or enough space/money to get a treadmill in your house. Imagine having to take the bus to PT so you can do your exercises. I don't begrudge Katherine having these advantages. It just made me sad thinking about people in a similar situation who don't have the resources to recover as comfortably as she does and how much harder it must be for them.

Poor Garrett. I'm glad that Natasha was able to make the decision for herself though.

As someone who has made a similar comment in multiple situations, I fully supported Andrew telling Meredith that it was shitty to be stood up because SHE HAS A PHONE. They're both doctors so he understands that things come up at work, but he was right. She had all night to send him a quick text to tell him that she wasn't coming to the party because her patient just woke up. Same thing when she stood Linc up for their date. It's called common courtesy. Back in ye olden days, you would have been expected to call Alex's house and the restaurant to let your date know that you couldn't make it. Now you have this amazing technology that fits in your pocket so quit being rude and let people know when you're flaking!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 9
On 2/6/2019 at 10:04 PM, statsgirl said:

Meredith is often self-centered (like standing up both men at New Year's)but making a date with Linc to show up DeLuca is really immature.  Standing up Linc at the restaurant was not just selfish and immature but hurtful.  Why should I root for her at all? I also thought that EP looked a lot older than she usually does this episode.)

DeLuca is being pushy and just on the edge of being creepy/overbearing - if this was a Lifetime movie I would fully expect him to go full stalker within a few days or weeks - but Meredith is being so rude to both of the guys that I don't know why I am supposed to root for her to be with either of them. And like others have said, it's odd that it doesn't seem to have entered Meredith's mind or be a concern to her that DeLuca dated her sister.

  • Love 17

As a Washington resident, sometimes this show just makes me roll my eyes when it comes to certain things they portray about our state. I went on and on about the ridiculous way the show killed off Derek, because the setup would never have happened in WA (at least the way it was written). On that same note, I just rolled my eyes at Ben building a treehouse for Bailey in February. Setting aside that we are battling snow right now (which is a bit uncharacteristic for us, so I wouldn't expect the show to portray something like that), our winters are rainy and cold. It's not nice enough for long enough periods of time during February to do something like that outside. But whatevs...

I don't get the whole point of this baby drama story with Owen. Yes, I get that he now (and probably just for now) has a long awaited baby to raise and love. But why this whole lying Betty/Brittany story? I don't know where they are going with this (aside from giving Owen man pain by taking his baby away from- which again- why go down this route at all?), and honestly, I don't care. I like Teddy and wish her well, and I like Amelia, particularly now that she has her crap together. I haven't cared about Owen in years, so his part of this mess just makes my eyes glaze over. 

Before this episode, I was on board with Meredith and Deluca, but the way the writers wrote him this episode put me off this pairing. He was rather presumptuous in his pursuit of Meredith, and they really haven't dealt with the whole "she's a mother with three kids" situation. It just felt off, and makes me think that while they have hooked up NOW, this will crash and burn before the end of the season. Hopefully Linc has learned his lesson and will run far away from Meredith. 

Even though the way the patient storyline played out was predictable from a mile away, I still had some feelings when she died in the end. Probably because that is one of my big fears (that I'll find some sort of lasting love, only for me or my partner to die an untimely death). 

  • Love 13

I teared up at the end of the coma story. Not because the love story was so touching, but because I was touched at her taking control of her own health and life-and-death decision, and him supporting her at great personal cost as opposed to bullying her into changing her mind because of his own needs. Take notes, A Million Little Things!

  • Love 9

The timing of this holiday episode is weird.  Has Grey’s done a Christmas episode before?  I can’t remember one.  

Any way, I don’t think Linc is right for Meredith.  Nor do I think Meredith has any interest in Linc so she is in fact jerking him around...maybe not intentionally 

DeLuca is annoying but his annoying character traits are exactly the same one Meredith possesses.  

I don’t know how Justin Chambers doesn’t quit.  I mean he’s one of the few original cast members and storylines take a continual backseat to everyone else.  I mean I think he and Jo are boring too but I didn’t write them together.  The show is clearly invested in these two but they get no screen time.  

This episode is the first time I felt bad for Owen.  I understand his being upset at Betty/Brittany.  Her lies could lose him his child.  I could also understand his frustration with addiction and it’s side affects.  

Koracick and Teddy are like every other Grey’s relationship...out of nowhere.  I find it hard to believe a newly pregnant uprooted woman in a complicated situation with a new job would be single and ready to mingle but it’s Greys so lol

  • Love 12

I really don’t buy Betty as an addict. The actress does not sell it at all. Totally unbelievable. 

I’ve just finished a rewatch of series one and just started on series two and it really made me miss early Bailey. She was such a stong character in the beginning and seeing what she is reduced to now is really sad. She’s pathetic.

Also I want Richard back as Chief. 

Also also, they never show Joe the bartender any more. Wonder why. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, GSManiac said:

really don’t buy Betty as an addict. The actress does not sell it at all. Totally unbelievable. 

The actress is abysmal. There’s zero emotion or expression coming from her ever. Out of all the actresses they probably could have chosen from how did they end up with her? 

Meredith/Andrew - ugh. He comes off so one note and boring. He had more charisma through his friendship with Jo and even relationship with Maggie. With Meredith he just seems like a stalker. 

  • Love 13

It’s annoying when the patients have to comment on Merediths love life.  The woman was in a coma but mentions the dr’s that like Meredith?  Deluca has been around Meredith for years and now he is so into her?  What is their age difference supposed to be?  In real life she is 20 years old than him.  And I know I could never be with anyone that slept with my sister.  Are we really supposed to believe that all these men are so into her?  

  • Love 18
7 hours ago, dmc said:

This episode is the first time I felt bad for Owen.  I understand his being upset at Betty/Brittany.  Her lies could lose him his child. 

It's not his child. He's fostering, not adopting. He always knew it was temporary. 

3 hours ago, nokat said:

And it was stalkerish. Not sure the audience they are aiming for, but the men on this show are creepy.

That's Shonda's style. She thinks aggressive and stalkerish are sexy. See: Fitzgerald Grant III

7 hours ago, dmc said:

Koracick and Teddy are like every other Grey’s relationship...out of nowhere.  


3 hours ago, Chas411 said:

The actress is abysmal. There’s zero emotion or expression coming from her ever. Out of all the actresses they probably could have chosen from how did they end up with her? 

She kinda looks like Camilla? Maybe they cast her as Jo's long lost sister. 

  • Love 4

I admit I've done a full 180 since the start of the season regarding Meredith's love triangle. 50% of the reason is that they gave Chris Carmack a haircut. The other half is just that Linc is closer in age to Meredith. Not that you can't date someone older or younger than you, but professionally they're on the same level and can better understand job stress/expectations. And personally Linc has show to understand more of Meredith's life. Sure kissing, in the elevator is fun, but who's been the one that has met Meredith's kids? Has been to a family party? That's such a big part of life when you're older/have kids. And I think THAT would be a way better storyline - dealing with a stepparent/merging lives/etc. I saw Meredith make out with some young stud with dark flowing hair in an elevator for 10 seasons. I want something new!

  • Love 10
45 minutes ago, Layne said:

It's not his child. He's fostering, not adopting. He always knew it was temporary. 

That's Shonda's style. She thinks aggressive and stalkerish are sexy. See: Fitzgerald Grant III


She kinda looks like Camilla? Maybe they cast her as Jo's long lost sister. 

I thought Owen was trying to adopt that kid.  If not, then you’re right.  He  should   have expected it  to be temporary

  • Love 1

*sigh* I'm so disappointed that they turned DeLuca into some kind of horndog stalker.  Not a good look at all and I no longer like him.  Also, it was a dick move on Meredith's part to stand Linc up.  So I guess DeLuca and Meredith deserve each other now.

Also, while it's great for Catherine to want sexy times with her husband, I do not need to see more scenes of horny Catherine letting us know that she's still "sexy" at her age.  

I'm tired of the surgeries, the doctors are shoving their hands in the patient, laughing and talking about their sex lives and acting like they're playfully making mud pies.  I know the patient doesn't know what the hell is going on but it just seems disrespectful.  

I'm tired of all the rest of the characters.  Can't think of any one of them I'm rooting for.

In short, I'm now a hatewatcher.

  • LOL 2
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34 minutes ago, dmc said:

I thought Owen was trying to adopt that kid.  If not, then you’re right.  He  should   have expected it  to be temporary

It's a complicated situation because they had Betty/Brittany living with them, and she's Leo's birth mother. So Betty/Brittany was always flip flopping between letting Owen keep Leo and taking Leo back once she was mature enough. 

46 minutes ago, shantown said:

I admit I've done a full 180 since the start of the season regarding Meredith's love triangle. 50% of the reason is that they gave Chris Carmack a haircut. The other half is just that Linc is closer in age to Meredith. Not that you can't date someone older or younger than you, but professionally they're on the same level and can better understand job stress/expectations. And personally Linc has show to understand more of Meredith's life. Sure kissing, in the elevator is fun, but who's been the one that has met Meredith's kids? Has been to a family party? That's such a big part of life when you're older/have kids. And I think THAT would be a way better storyline - dealing with a stepparent/merging lives/etc. I saw Meredith make out with some young stud with dark flowing hair in an elevator for 10 seasons. I want something new!

Yeah, the biggest issue is that we already saw Meredith have a fun, flirtatious relationship with Derek that TURNED into a more mature one. I mean, yeah, her and Derek had a lot of ups and downs, but it was very similar in the early days to her and Deluca now.

Which is why I didn't like coma patient telling Meredith to find herself someone who could turn back time. Uh, no. For someone like Meredith, she needs someone who will help her keep moving forward. She's a single mother of three. She needs maturity, not a fling. I mean, if it was just a fling with no strings attached, then fine. But if they're trying to get to a point where Meredith marries Deluca, that will never ever ever work. I wish they were just promoting this romance stuff for Meredith as a temporary fun thing. It would have been fun to see Meredith dating both Deluca and Link for a while. However, the show is clearly heading toward a more serious relationship and I'm not sure whether they're seriously thinking of keeping Meredith with Deluca or not.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, dmc said:

I thought Owen was trying to adopt that kid.  If not, then you’re right.  He  should   have expected it  to be temporary

I think Owen was fostering with the hope of it turning into adoption. But he knew it wasn't a guarantee. I think he got his hopes up because he thought Amelia would take in Betty  and they could all stay together somehow. 

I don't get how Betty could be lying to child services. Leo went into the foster system so they must have talked to her. Did she just make up a name and say her parents had given up on her and they believed her? They didn't do any kind of background check? I can see Amelia and Owen falling for a phone call with a friend, but not a social worker.

  • Love 9
On ‎2‎/‎6‎/‎2019 at 10:03 PM, Pepper the Cat said:

Frack you Greys,

first you piss me of by having a Christmas episode in Feb.

then you break my heart and make me cry.

Then you piss me off again with having Meridith hook up with the entire wrong person.

I can’t decide if this was the best episode of the season or the worst

I don't know why they made the episode Christmas/new years theme in Feb, made no sense to me, the episode itself was ok, nothing that great, am I setting myself up for disappointment each week by hoping I will see an episode as good as we got in the first few seasons?

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

I think Owen was fostering with the hope of it turning into adoption. But he knew it wasn't a guarantee. I think he got his hopes up because he thought Amelia would take in Betty  and they could all stay together somehow. 

I don't get how Betty could be lying to child services. Leo went into the foster system so they must have talked to her. Did she just make up a name and say her parents had given up on her and they believed her? They didn't do any kind of background check? I can see Amelia and Owen falling for a phone call with a friend, but not a social worker.

I wondered about social services myself 

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, madpsych78 said:

I still think Meracick was a missed opportunity...

I agree. I also think Koracik has great chemistry with just about everyone. He's a great addition to the cast. I'm a Jolex fan so I'm pleased with them being together (storyline would be nice) but I feel like they got most of the other couples wrong. I know each has plenty of fans but for me I think different combinations would have worked better. 

I remember when DeLuca first appeared there were tons of comments on how much he resembled Derek. I agreed. I think its a big miss in not making him a Shepherd. He could have been a nephew of Derek's. That would have given him built in family ties to Meredith, Amelia and by extension Maggie, Richard, Katherine & Jackson. They could have left him with Maggie or paired him up down the road.

Meredith has better chemistry with Koracick, Owen, Jackson and even Linc. If they really wanted Meredith to be with a much younger guy they should have left Maggie with DeLuca and paired her up with Jackson. They both have children, powerful surgeons as mothers and have both been married so there's common ground.

Amelia and Owen have been back and forth for so many years I honestly have been done for years. I think its a given that Owen will lose Leo right around the time Teddy has her baby. So pair them back up. Free up no longer has a brain tumor Amelia for Linc or Koracick.

The episode bored me. I felt bad for coma lady but I felt like it was obvious from the start that she wasn't going to make it. So instead my mind wandered and I sat there thinking how to redo the pairings. Ha,

  • Useful 2
  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, maasa said:

I remember when DeLuca first appeared there were tons of comments on how much he resembled Derek. I agreed. I think its a big miss in not making him a Shepherd. He could have been a nephew of Derek's. That would have given him built in family ties to Meredith, Amelia and by extension Maggie, Richard, Katherine & Jackson. They could have left him with Maggie or paired him up down the road.

There was a lot of backlash at casting GG because he was cast around the time Derek died and because of his resemblance to Derek. In fact, the media (perhaps GG himself?) even said that they wouldn't pair him with Meredith! Boy do things change...

Now, I actually like the DeLuca/Meredith chemistry, but not as a long-term couple. 

  • Love 2

I get what they’re trying to do with showing that women can be sexy and desired by men half their age or whatever but this Meredith/DeLuca thing is just...it feels very forced. Their relationship is extremely childish. He acts like her 4th child and she brings herself to that level when dealing with him. I cringe every time they are on screen together. And Ellen looking so much older than GG does not help at all. Linc would have definitely been the better choice, but not by much.

I truly believed that when they brought Scott Speedman on, he was gonna be endgame for Meredith. I loved his character and they had great chemistry. Huge missed opportunity IMO.

Edited by doLLish
  • Love 13
16 hours ago, ForeverAlone said:

As a Washington resident, sometimes this show just makes me roll my eyes when it comes to certain things they portray about our state. I went on and on about the ridiculous way the show killed off Derek, because the setup would never have happened in WA (at least the way it was written). On that same note, I just rolled my eyes at Ben building a treehouse for Bailey in February. Setting aside that we are battling snow right now (which is a bit uncharacteristic for us, so I wouldn't expect the show to portray something like that), our winters are rainy and cold. It's not nice enough for long enough periods of time during February to do something like that outside. But whatevs...

That yanked me right out of the story.  There were all these green leaves!  It looked like May or June!  

  • Love 3

They should rename the show “Meredith the sun queen”. As someone else mentioned even the poor woman in a COMA was invested enough in merediths stupid little love triangle to give her advice. Merediths little love problems sound a lot like the crap my middle-schooler’s friend’s problems.  

Maggie can disappear as far as I’m concerned. She can take deluca with her. He is no longer likable and comes across as an schoolboy  with too much time on his hands and a crush on his teacher.

this show needs to clean house with the ever multiplying annoying characters.  Let’s start by keeping Alex, jo, Koracick, we can even keep Jackson (as long as Maggie is gone). 

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Which is why I didn't like coma patient telling Meredith to find herself someone who could turn back time. Uh, no. For someone like Meredith, she needs someone who will help her keep moving forward. She's a single mother of three. She needs maturity, not a fling. I mean, if it was just a fling with no strings attached, then fine. 

I couldn't agree more. I thought that was terrible advice, and it kind of came out of nowhere. Sure, it sounds romantic, but the patient didn't know Meredith at all or what she needs.  

  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

Meredith standing Linc up was a dick move.  SHE is the one who made the date.  On Valentine’s Day, no less.  (Don’t get me started on how they were able to make a dinner reservation for Valentine’s Day on the same day).  

She stood up DeLucca, too, at New Years.    That’s what made him get mad and take a stand.  

I don't see the age difference between Meredith and De Luca as an issue at all. My problem with their romance is that he had a relationship with Maggie and had way more chemistry with her than with Meredith.

Owen and Amelia have got to be the most ridiculous couple in Grey's history and that is saying a lot when I think back. A single busy doctor, Owen is fostering a baby he hopes to adopt, while Amelia is mentoring, fostering or whatevering the baby's mother, while Owen's ex is pregnant with his baby. Unfreakingbelievable! Writers, when you have to go that far to get a couple to work, they are a disaster.

  • LOL 1
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Well I binge-watched six episodes today.  The fact that I got six episodes behind actually tells you everything you need to know about my investment in this show.  Sigh.

The "love triangle" formed by Meredith and the-one-that-speaks-Italian and the-one-that-looks-like-Thor is just tiresome.  As others have said, I don't see why either would continue to pursue her after she stands them up on New Years and Valentine's Day respectively.  Seriously, Mer just need to be alone with her memories of McDreamy.  That's the best option for everyone.

Regarding the sad central couple -- I had thought from the very beginning that when she came out of the coma we were going to find out that he had assaulted her.  So color me surprised to find that he's actually a good guy.  For his sake I hope that wedding ceremony was not legally binding because I'm guessing she leaves behind a mountain of unpaid hospital bills.  I hope he's not on the hook for that.

  • Love 3
43 minutes ago, WatchrTina said:

For his sake I hope that wedding ceremony was not legally binding because I'm guessing she leaves behind a mountain of unpaid hospital bills.  I hope he's not on the hook for that.

I don't remember seeing them sign any documents, I doubt she would have been able to anyway, so I don't think it was legally binding.   I hope it was just a way to give both of them peace of mind.

8 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I think Owen was fostering with the hope of it turning into adoption. But he knew it wasn't a guarantee. I think he got his hopes up because he thought Amelia would take in Betty  and they could all stay together somehow. 

I don't get how Betty could be lying to child services. Leo went into the foster system so they must have talked to her. Did she just make up a name and say her parents had given up on her and they believed her? They didn't do any kind of background check? I can see Amelia and Owen falling for a phone call with a friend, but not a social worker.

Actually given her age, I don't think social services would find anything even if they tried to run a background check. If she's already on the streets at 15 then she probably doesn't have a Learner's Permit or any other sort of ID. Without a criminal record her fingerprints are unlikely to match anywhere. And where I live at least CPS is wildly overstretched on their resources. They'd be far more focused on finding care for Leo than in following up on what Betty/Brtittany tells them about her background. They're pretty much going to have to go off her word about her name, background, etc... CPS aren't cops and B/B isn't under arrest when she talks to them. They pretty much can only go on the info she gives.

3 hours ago, SimoneS said:

Owen and Amelia have got to be the most ridiculous couple in Grey's history and that is saying a lot when I think back. A single busy doctor, Owen is fostering a baby he hopes to adopt, while Amelia is mentoring, fostering or whatevering the baby's mother, while Owen's ex is pregnant with his baby. Unfreakingbelievable! Writers, when you have to go that far to get a couple to work, they are a disaster.

Idk if it's about trying to get the couple to work as much as it is trying to keep Owen relevant. 

  • Love 1

I loved this episode except for the Deluca/Meredith crap and the Betty crap.  Deluca/Meredith dynamic makes me very uncomfortable and creeps me out. I wish she had left him on that roof.

I'm hoping Betty being Britney means we are rid of her and Leo. Owen is absolutely right, they have to tell the social worker and they should call the police.

I don't watch any scenes with Maggie anymore so that helps my enjoyment. 

Edited by Court
  • Love 5
19 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

That was, overall, a terrible hour of television.

And yes, Owen, addicts lie.  Please join us all in reality.

People who are close to an addict know on an intellectual level that they lie, but it still can come as a surprise and a betrayal on an emotional level. And since Owen is legally fostering Leo, he would assume social services had the correct information .

I actually think Teddy might work with Korichek and I like Owen and finally like him with Amelia. Still having a problem with two handsome men chasing after plain Meredith. I like her but don’t see an engaging personality there.

  • Love 3

How considerate of the citizens of Seattle to refrain from, like, dying, while every single doctor was unavailable attending the wedding under the stars!

OK, that was way too much snark from me, so I won't even begin commenting on Meredith's love triangle and her twu wuv with DeLuca.

There were things I liked, though. Jo was a doctor and not the Future of Medicine. And I've decided that I find Teddy and Koracick cute together, so stupid Owen better not mess with it.

Edited by Joana
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