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S44.E10: Rachel Brosnahan / Greta Van Fleet

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15 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

And the singer looks like Pete Davidson’s super ugly and homely sister

I thought the singer looked like Roger Daltry. I didn't care for the group. I let the first number play while I did other things, but I FF'd past the second number.


14 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

They had the wrong chyron when Aidy came out to sing her boomer song in the Millennial Millions sketch

That really threw me. I loved the song, but I was somewhat distracted trying to figure out why she was a Parrothead Boomer.

I thought the show was so-so. My favorite part was the Tabitha sketch. I loved seeing Kenan acting like a shamed dog. The other clips were great as well, but Beck was almost too creepy. However, I've seen a few dogging-shaming videos, so I know there are dogs who have weird expressions as they're admonished.

I liked Beck as Mitch McConnell. It's great how he makes his chin disappear. I didn't like Kate's Pelosi. And I hate how she seems to make all her impressions have a sneaky or devilish side. I feel that way about her Elizabeth Warren impression, too, though she really nailed the voice.

Leave Me AlUrn as a conversation prophylactic (great phrase) was pretty clever.

I loved the bit Pete and John Mulaney did. They made The Mule sound insane. Love the title "The Mule-aney."

I can't say I get the point with the Kool-Aid Man sketch. I know it was in reference to the Gilette ad, but what was it saying? 

In summary, Beck-as-McConnell, Aidy's boomer song, The Mule-aney, and 'Tabitha' were about the only things I liked about this ep.

Rachel B was kind of a nonentity here. 

Edited by peeayebee
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27 minutes ago, helenamonster said:

Count me in as somebody who also thought the lead singer of Greta Van Fleet looked like Pete but can't put their finger on why.

Round head, round hairstyle, big mouth, big teeth. 

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20 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I can't say I get the point with the Kool-Aid Man sketch. I know it was in reference to the Gilette ad, but what was it saying? 

I think it's because, in my Kool-Aid commercials, the Kool-Aid Man bursts into places which, in real life, would not be cool.  So I think it was about that--don't just go invading places where you're not invited.

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5 hours ago, izabella said:

SNL had better get used to writing for strong women politician

THANK YOU. I am quite over the punchline of "those power hungry, desperate, insincere women, amirite?"

Second or third the nomination of Beck's impression of McConnell as the highlight of the night. It was perfect and I almost rolled out of bed laughing. 

"Gen Xer will just sit back and watch it unfold." Ha! But we'll sing "conjunction junction" as we watch, thank you very much.

Pete D. and the singer of Blood Wolf Moon have the exact same smile - takes up entire face and full of teeth. Except I don't think I would start squirming if the lead singer were to appear on WU. Pete had an appearance or two that were funny and grounded, but now....well, I'm glad he has Mulaney in his life.

Something about the Kool Aid sketch just irritated me. I'm sure Gillette is more concerned about marketing than any genuine effort to challenge the idea that manly man chestbeating raw meat chowing dudes would do the world a lot of good if they'd check themselves every once in a (blood full) moon, but the sketch played to me like the very idea of moving away from the social norm of "boys being boys" had...well, gotten someone's knickers in a twist. Maybe I missed the actual point of the humor of that one. 

I loved Cecily in the "bad man" sketch. Her voiceover was so over the top, like someone trying out the scolding for the first time and just letting all hell break loose. 

I need a "leave me urlone" urn. I have what I refer to as "resting therapist face*" and I would love to have an urn with me on the metro or bus and bring it out when someone starts yammering at me to say, "oh, this route was my twin sister's favorite...she loved the window seat...I'm just going to open the window a bit and let her experience it forever..." 


*And I'm not a therapist. People think I look like a 'nice woman.' Which I also am not, but I'm also too Midwestern passive aggressive to say, 'please leave me alone.' I've tried resting "B" face, but I look sleepy. :(

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Wow. I guess I'm the only one who didn't find Tabitha funny at all. 

I'm also apparently the only one (or one of a few) who LOVED Greta Van Fleet, and SNL was the first time I heard them perform. Yes, their music isn't *that* innovative (i.e., it is a lot like Led Zeppelin), but I am stoked that the musical act was a rock artist rather than a Cardi B/Lady Gaga/Kanye West type pop/hip hop artist. Then again, I am approximately the same age as Kenan and grew up with grunge/alternative music in the early 90s lol.  

I also loved the Cold Open and the sketch with the funny names. My favorite impression in the Cold Open was actually Beck's Mitch McConnell, and he didn't have any lines IIRC! The makeup and facial expressions were just brilliant. 

I do agree that Kate's Pelosi is not her best impression, although her Warren was good. I would have thought either Cicily or Heidi would have gotten Pelosi.

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36 minutes ago, potatoradio said:

"Gen Xer will just sit back and watch it unfold." Ha! But we'll sing "conjunction junction" as we watch, thank you very much

And "I'm just a Bill". Didn't anyone else watch School House Rock??
There was a skit that I swear was on SNL about the Gen Xers being too tired to do anything and acknowledging the millennials will save us all. I can't find it though.

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17 hours ago, DEL901 said:

I had to wiki the musical guests.  Greta is 4 dudes, 3 brothers and an other.  


1 hour ago, Quickbeam said:

I really thought the lead singer of the musical act was a woman. It was the creepy fringe vest that sold it. 

I've heard of GvF before, but based on this performance I still have no idea what the hell the lead singer was yelling during the songs.
The mix was terrible so the vocals were drowned out.  Even if mixed properly I still doubt I would figure out the lyrics.

8 hours ago, Inquisitionist said:

I thought Davidson/Mulaney was the best part of the show, and mostly because of Mulaney.  

BTW, The Mule has a 66% fresh rating at Rottentomatoes.com.  But then Million Dollar Baby had a 91% fresh rating, and I though that was a manipulative piece of crap.

That movie review was pretty funny -- especially with the random Andy Garcia disses tossed in.  John Mulaney just makes me laugh.

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6 hours ago, absnow54 said:

Technically he was born in 1978, and Leslie Jones is the oldest cast member, but I think every one else on the show now is a millennial... except Mikey Day who is borderline. 

Yeah, I forgot about Leslie Jones. And 78? I could've sworn he was born in 75. Oh well, silly me.

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9 hours ago, Ottis said:

On the urn skit... so men are not supposed to talk to women? Ever? I mean, clearly if you are on a yoga mat with headphones, most men know not to wave a hand in your face. 

If only that were true.  A guy once reached over and pulled the damn earbud out of my ear to start chatting to me (I was on a bus, not a yoga mat, but still).

John Mulaney needs to host again STAT.  The discussion of The Mule had me rolling.

Edited by Steph J
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Some guy on a motorcycle once started talking to me while he was next to my car at a stoplight (I had to have my window open due to having no AC at the time), so yeah, happens ALL the time. I couldn’t really show him an urn then, however. 

On topic, I enjoyed the show. I laughed out loud at the Tabitha sketch and I think John Mulaney could be funny while reading the phone book. I see a pattern of female hosts blending into the background. Tops for the season so far is Matt Damon’s episode.

Edited by cpcathy
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5 hours ago, Ottis said:

Hence my issue. If 1 or 2 guys out of 10 don’t understand cues to not start small talk, does it need to be a skit on SNL?

sure.  I suspect that women have to put up with a lllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttt more shit that us men do and that 10-20% is underestimating the amount of shitty men out there.

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Three filmed bits don't make it a "live" show. 

While I understand the suicidal feelings someone might have, I think Pete is at 14:59. Knowing my luck, he'll get a $20 million/picture deal.

I no longer know the musical acts anymore. I'm Gen=X old.

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33 minutes ago, MrWhyt said:

sure.  I suspect that women have to put up with a lllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttttttt more shit that us men do and that 10-20% is underestimating the amount of shitty men out there.

Exactly. Especially since for all the guys out there who say they never do such things, pretty much every woman has multiple stories of these exact things happening to them. So, it's doubtful 90% of women meet the same 10-20% of skeevy men. 

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3 hours ago, Steph J said:

If only that were true.  A guy once reached over and pulled the damn earbud out of my ear to start chatting to me (I was on a bus, not a yoga mat, but still).

Yeesh. And here I thought wearing my iPod was a sure "leave me alone" sign. If nothing else, it provides me with the perfect excuse that I supposedly can't hear them.

I've had guys hit on me during a workout or a run, much to my irritation. Dude, I'm trying to count my reps or my laps. I do not want to chat or give you my number. One idiot, somehow not understanding this, proceeded to follow me around the gym until I had to get management to intervene. I would have loved to have my urn with me.

"We always loved to go to the gym together. . ."

Having battled depression myself, I don't want to sound unsympathetic to Pete Davidson, because I'm not. I'm sincerely glad he's appears to be feeling better and I hope he's seeking help.

But he's NOT funny. At the very least, not in these individual bits. And making a crack about suicide? Um. . .NO.

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But.  Pete is making it visible.   And uncomfortable.  And I also live  with depression and anxiety.  

So.  I am a little conflicted as well.  Is the visibility helping or hurting him?

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I thought Pete previously said he was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder, which is a whole different thing than depression and anxiety. Although possibly he has all of the above.

Anyway, in the moment, his comment didn't land to me as "a crack about suicide". What he said was a factual statement. He said it in an awkward way and implying a certain causality where there was none, but that statement was very dark because it was literally true. That's why Mulaney paused and looked him right in the eye for a moment there. Pete was making light of what literally happened, which I suppose in a weird way could be his way of saying "see I'm doing so much better right now I can make light of it" or could be seen as horrifying and scary. It might even be both. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is, to me, there's a big difference between "comedian makes suicide jokes" and "comedian very publicly expresses suicidal ideation; people rush to make sure he doesn't harm himself; he doesn't; later makes joke about that having happened."

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I liked this SNL so much, I kept it on my DVR and might rewatch it! As a Gen Xer, I was prepared to sit back and watch the show implode but was pleasantly surprised! I also struggle with depression and anxiety so Pete talking about his issues at least removes the suffering in silence. Like we’ve heard/learned depression lies so if you voice what that dark pit is saying, your friends/family can set you straight or pull a 5150 to get you on good meds. The stigma around mental health is that we’re weak/emotional/enjoy wallowing and that if we really wanted to, we’d get better. You know how we tell diabetics that  they need to tell their pancreas who’s boss, right? 🙄 

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6 minutes ago, Grammaeryn said:

The stigma around mental health is that we’re weak/emotional/enjoy wallowing and that if we really wanted to, we’d get better.

Yep. "Snap out of it!"

8 minutes ago, Grammaeryn said:

You know how we tell diabetics that  they need to tell their pancreas who’s boss, right?

And you lazy paraplegics need to just get up and walk.

Does anyone watch/enjoy the musical performances? I've been watching this show for years and even when I like the artist, the performances have almost always been my "grab a snack/go to the bathroom" time.

Conversely, even at this show's worst, I've always loved the Weekend Update. I enjoyed Jost and Che chewing out those responsible for the shutdown.

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7 hours ago, helenamonster said:

Ok, I laughed way too hard at that Keith Ka'weef joke ("We didn't know he was inside so when he came out, it was a delightful surprise!") because I am twelve.

Same here (but I'm not 12).  The whole sketch was jr. high humor but it was great, particularly the queef joke.  The "delightful surprise" tag was about a three-second time-delay fuse for me, all the better. 

I rag on SNL regularly for its MG selections, especially the lack of rock acts, the last few years.  I'm not very familiar with Greta Van Fleet and wasn't too impressed.  I love Jack White and when he was on last the last year or so he sucked, so you never know.  The musical sound quality and last night was horrible for the first song, so that might have something to do with it.  The vocalist was too soft and it's doubtful the bass guitar was even plugged into an amp.  

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3 hours ago, Fostersmom said:

Exactly. Especially since for all the guys out there who say they never do such things, pretty much every woman has multiple stories of these exact things happening to them. So, it's doubtful 90% of women meet the same 10-20% of skeevy men. 

It happened to me just tonight!  I went out tonight to pick up a late pizza after the Chiefs whiffed it in the playoff game , and there was this (what I assume to be) slightly tipsy customer in the pizza place who remarked that he really liked my leather jacket, then started stroking my arm, while the two male teenagers working and me (an adult woman) just kind of froze uncomfortably before I threw cash at the kids and got out of there as fast as I could.  There are plenty of men out there who feel entitled to touch woman/ invade their space, and that “Alurn” sketch really nailed how uncomfortable it can be.

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Seeing John and Pete together makes me really hope they bring their mini-tour somewhere close to me. John has been taking Pete around doing shows (They’re friends, and I think it’s to help keep Pete busy, because the prices are much lower than John pulls). If the WU bit is any indication of the two of them together; I’m in. I’m guessing Colin was also breaking at the end there, because when Pete fell into him laughing, it looked like Colin was already there  

I would also be first in line to start a kickstarter to fund both The Mule-any and Alurn. 

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10 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

It happened to me just tonight!  I went out tonight to pick up a late pizza after the Chiefs whiffed it in the playoff game , and there was this (what I assume to be) slightly tipsy customer in the pizza place who remarked that he really liked my leather jacket, then started stroking my arm, while the two male teenagers working and me (an adult woman) just kind of froze uncomfortably before I threw cash at the kids and got out of there as fast as I could.  There are plenty of men out there who feel entitled to touch woman/ invade their space, and that “Alurn” sketch really nailed how uncomfortable it can be.

I can beat the sleeved arm! I worked retail and was running the layaway desk back in the day. I had an old guy, had to be at least 70, start petting my bare arm one day. "Boy, your arm is hairy...I bet other things are too." It's seriously been like 20 years, but you don't forget the uber creepy ones. I could have used one of those Alurns, I could have told him it was one of his friends or the last guy to think that was okay. 

Count me as another who like John and Pete together. I know John has dealt with addiction in the past, so hopefully he can keep Pete at least sober. Did anyone else catch Pete's little underhisbreath comment about not even mentioning "her" once at the very end? I didn't notice it during the show, but I watched their movie review on YouTube a second time and heard it there. 

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34 minutes ago, Fostersmom said:

I worked retail and was running the layaway desk back in the day. I had an old guy, had to be at least 70, start petting my bare arm one day. "Boy, your arm is hairy...I bet other things are too."


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On 1/20/2019 at 6:20 AM, Writing Wrongs said:

Why do they keep Pete? To me, he's not funny at all. I just feel uncomfortable when he's onscreen. Him making jokes about drug use and suicide threats doesn't help.

People must find him funny for some reason. 

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17 hours ago, Camille said:

And you lazy paraplegics need to just get up and walk.

This reminded me of something I used to do at work, many years ago when I worked on a CRT attached to a mainframe.  I would type in "Get up off that fainting couch and walk!" and hit Enter, just to see it come back with INVALID COMMAND.

Yeah, I used to get pretty bored at work.

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On 1/21/2019 at 12:02 AM, Camille said:

Conversely, even at this show's worst, I've always loved the Weekend Update. 

Me too...always one of the best parts of the show to me.

On 1/20/2019 at 3:23 PM, Ottis said:

Hence my issue. If 1 or 2 guys out of 10 don’t understand cues to not start small talk, does it need to be a skit on SNL? The premise of a national show like SNL is that it satirically portrays broad, common behaviors or stereotypes. If SNL mocked men who wore white socks with crocs, a lot of people might say, “Huh?”

Aside from that, again if that were a skit about annoying behaviors from women, it either wouldn’t be done or it would set off the internet. So why do the one about men?

Many SNL skits and characters are not broad/common behaviors or stereotypes, or things that lots of people have encountered, and also many of them do make fun of women.  For example, I have never seen any real-life commercials at all like the ones that Cecily and Vanessa used to do for the supposedly luxury products, but they portrayed dumb sluts and it was hysterical.   The vast majority of women are not like that (sound familiar?) but it was still funny.  The Heidi Gardner character who is the girlfriend of the boxer and always threatening to take the kids to her sister's house is a very specific character, and not something I have any experience encountering in real life or even in movies, and makes her character (a woman!) look like an overdramatic shrew, but it's still funny.  Will Farrell's Jacob Silj is super specific and by no means portraying a common behavior or stereotype, but it's funny.  When the cast does those obnoxiously self-aware and PC school plays, those are pretty insider-ish and niche, but still funny. 

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To me there was something very off about Pete's "affect" in the WU bit. He seems more genuine (and to me is much more funny) when he lets his anger about himself and the world show. The silly smily goofiness he displayed the other night didn't seem real to me. It seemed like someone trying way too hard to convince me (or more to the point, convince himself) he was OK. Color me concerned.

Edited by Milburn Stone
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On 1/23/2019 at 9:07 AM, Milburn Stone said:

To me there was something very off about Pete's "affect" in the WU bit. He seems more genuine (and to me is much more funny) when he lets his anger about himself and the world show. The silly smily goofiness he displayed the other night didn't seem real to me. It seemed like someone trying way too hard to convince me (or more to the point, convince himself) he was OK. Color me concerned.

Him being goofy like that is him at his most natural. Long before he was known mainstream, that's how he would be in interviews or bits. He's just naturally smiley. And I dont think he does it to mask pain. He just also happens to have a lot going on.

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I can't help it; I just like Pete.He caught my attention when he joined the show, and I can't say why.Maybe its his goofiness.And yes,the fact he lost his Dad on 09-11.and yes,I have a family member who was diagnosed years ago with bipolar disorder,and that cousin has gone off and on meds for years.

Mental illness is one of the last stigmatized diseases .If Pete was undergoing chemo for brain cancer, there wouldn't be all the judgements about how he looked worse one night compared to another. I'm rooting for him, and obviously the cast and staff and Lorne are too. 


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On 1/20/2019 at 3:55 PM, Steph J said:

If only that were true.  A guy once reached over and pulled the damn earbud out of my ear to start chatting to me (I was on a bus, not a yoga mat, but still).

Me too!!! Except I was on a train, not a bus or yoga mat. It's like, what part of 'I'm busy listening to something that's not you' do you not understand? Oh wait, you just think you're entitled to my attention by invading my personal space and crossing boundaries. 

Those back spikes would be useful against so many dudes... including from an old doctor I had to my brother-in-law's dad. 

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On 1/20/2019 at 3:23 PM, Ottis said:
On 1/20/2019 at 2:58 PM, Irlandesa said:


Hence my issue. If 1 or 2 guys out of 10 don’t understand cues to not start small talk, does it need to be a skit on SNL? The premise of a national show like SNL is that it satirically portrays broad, common behaviors or stereotypes. If SNL mocked men who wore white socks with crocs, a lot of people might say, “Huh?”

I know this poor horse has been beat to death, and others have put it more eloquently than me, but isn't that kind of SNL's thing? I mean, or course most Target cashiers aren't crazy. Of course most young men don't give their lady friends a questionable gift in a box. Pointing out the outliers is what they do. If it hits home with some who have been on the receiving end, well...

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A lot of people dragged Greta van Fleet for their performance, but I have to offer a mild defense. If you went back and saw the bands they’re influenced by back in their primes, they probably would not have sounded awesome. In fact, so many of them were drunk and/or coked up, there’s a fairly good chance they would’ve sounded like ass.

Now, for a band that already has a bit of reputation for getting too much too soon and being called the saviors of rock, stinking up the place on SNL is a surefire way to confirm their overratedness in the eyes of their detractors. Remember Lana del Rey sleepwalking through her performances a few years ago?

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On 1/20/2019 at 2:23 PM, Ottis said:

Hence my issue. If 1 or 2 guys out of 10 don’t understand cues to not start small talk, does it need to be a skit on SNL? The premise of a national show like SNL is that it satirically portrays broad, common behaviors or stereotypes. If SNL mocked men who wore white socks with crocs, a lot of people might say, “Huh?”

Every woman is affected by it.  Every woman on Earth.  Is that a big enough or relevant issue for you to do a sketch about or do only men matter?

On 1/20/2019 at 8:21 AM, Ottis said:

What if you put your hand on the back of anyone you squeeze past, male and female, so they know you are there and don’t step back?  

I've never felt the need to do that to a stranger in my entire life and my personal opinion is no one else should either.


On 1/20/2019 at 9:59 PM, Camille said:

Yeesh. And here I thought wearing my iPod was a sure "leave me alone" sign. If nothing else, it provides me with the perfect excuse that I supposedly can't hear them.

I've had guys hit on me during a workout or a run, much to my irritation. Dude, I'm trying to count my reps or my laps. I do not want to chat or give you my number. One idiot, somehow not understanding this, proceeded to follow me around the gym until I had to get management to intervene. I would have loved to have my urn with me.

Some men purposely try to corner you in situations where you know you're forced to be, so that you can't feel like you can leave or report.  This is why so many of us get harassed in the workplace or so many women get abused by their own family.

On 1/23/2019 at 10:33 AM, cpcathy said:

Oh wow, he looked genuinely happy to me.

He clearly gets along with John and they're real friends.  It's sweet.

On 1/25/2019 at 5:31 PM, lou ann b said:

I can't help it; I just like Pete.

I like Pete too.  Not only for his personality and his humour, but superficially, I think his smile is very contagious.  Kind of like how Keenan's silly little smirks are.


16 hours ago, 27bored said:

Remember Lana del Rey sleepwalking through her performances a few years ago?

I remember when she first came on the scene it was just a bunch of really strange/bad live performances, yet I love her album Born to Die anyway.  I don't begrudge those guys any success, if that's what they're getting, I guess.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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4 hours ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I'll take Greta Van Fleet over the smorgasbord of "rappers" they have on practically every week. 

Yeah, I was trying not to go there, but notice the music critic/hipster crowd doesn’t quickly smear or write off rappers for being derivative. Part of me thinks they’re easy targets in this day and age. White dudes from the Midwest making Dad Music who obviously have some connections are obviously easier to make fun of than hip-hop on the whole.

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I wasn't particularly impressed by Rachel Brosnahan.  She was okay, but nothing more.  I did like Greta Van Fleet - had no idea that was a band, though; I thought it was just a woman.  I liked the Led Zeppeliny sound to those songs.

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Forgive my lateness, but I have to comment:

The "Leave Me Alurn" sketch?

Fucking GENIUS.

The YouTube comment section is full of whiny man-babies pissing and moaning about how mean, unfunny, and unfair the sketch is. Here's my take on it...

It's not an attack on men who talk to women, it addresses how women are conditioned by society to feel uneasy about simply saying "I want to be left alone". Note how Rachel and Kate say, respectively, "Confrontation avoided!" and "Now he's gone, and I didn't have to be a bitch about it!" It's nothing against men, it's against a societal norm that needs to be challenged. There is nothing "bitchy" about wanting to maintain your personal space. Freedom can stem from just being left the hell alone.

Too many men figuratively (or literally) corner women, bully them with forceful friendliness, then turn on a dime and call them "bitch", "cunt", or other ugly nouns if she objects. I've seen it too many times. Women are expected to be "nice", all day, every day, regardless of circumstances. It's apparently wrong if she doesn't want to chit-chat with a stranger, but it isn't wrong if said stranger disregards her personal space and intimidates/insults her when he feels slighted. Men are absolutely under no obligation to be friendly to anyone, at all.

So, men? You can absolutely talk to women if you want, but just read the room. Is her posture stiff? Is she avoiding eye contact? Is her voice constrained? Is she answering in a brusque, monosyllabic way? Unless that's just how she talks, she probably doesn't want to talk to you. Respect that and walk away. You'll live. 

And if the "Lower Back Spikes" portion bothers you, I have to ask: WHY do you need to touch a woman's lower back when walking past? Why? Why the lower back? Just... why?

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