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Season 6 Discussion

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On 11/30/2018 at 11:37 AM, magemaud said:

What I believe happened is that Eric drove to NYC picked up Leida (and Alless and Reina) at JFK and they went to the PA cabin for a few days before they went back to the airport to get the rest of the family. They ALL stayed at the cabin at least one night (remember there weren’t enough bedrooms for everyone) before heading off to Wisconsin. When Leida’s family was returning to Indonesia, again via JFK for some unknown reason, THEY might have flown there as they were “used to staying at five star hotels” but apparently at least Eric drove from Wisconsin again in order to drive Leida and Alless back another 15 hour trek. But here’s my theory, that van was a rental for the show and the only time Eric actually drove the entire way was from PA to WI with the whole fam-damily. 

Edited for clarity: IOW, there was only a one way cross country roadtrip that we SAW, and even that might have been edited to show just the beginning and the end. Dodge vans (or whatever he was driving) are readily available to rent. When they showed Eric, Leida and Alless leaving NYC after saying goodbye to her family, he could have been dropping that van off at the airport, and flying, not driving to Wisconsin. Anything's possible with this misleading editing. 

Your guess is as good as any about what happened to move these people from the East Coast to the middle of the country.  There was certainly some driving, but 15 hours, with that many people in a van?  Wouldn't they have stopped for an overnight, if they drove from PA to WI?  Eric, I assume, was the only driver.  It makes so much more sense for there to have been some airplane travel involved at some point(s), but damned if I can figure it out.  This whole Eric/Leida thing makes no sense at all to me.  If, as is my best guess, she wants to live in America to make money as an internet sensation--is she delusional?  Couldn't she do that in Indonesia?--what's in it for him?  I know foreign poontang is the standard answer for this question, but honestly he doesn't look or seem like he's interested in sex.  A more libido-less man I haven't seen on this show.  Alcohol and depression can each do that to a person; maybe he's dealing with both.  For someone whose main interest seems to be money, Leida is settling for a pretty low entry-level American dude.  I'm sure there are more successful men in this country who would've fallen for her "medical graduate, model/actress, rich family" presentation of herself.  Eric is just horrible; there is literally nothing good I can say about him.

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On 11/26/2018 at 6:49 AM, Drogo said:


Can't. Process. 

And he's hanging onto this chair like it's about to launch off the ground.


I'll be honest, everything about thjs picture makes me want to launch myself into the sun.

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9 hours ago, CoyoteBlue said:

Yeah, I had been under the impression that the parents got an eyeful of The Apartment at some point.

Oh yes, they certainly did. Supposedly Eric rented a place nearby for Leida's family to stay in while they were in Wisconsin, but she stayed at Eric's. They showed us her first glimpse of the hovel and her reaction. Then in another scene, (which could have happened the next day) she is shown taking her parents to see the mess when Eric isn't home. That doesn't make any sense to me. If her parents would veto the idea of her staying in the US because Eric's living conditions weren't up to their standards, why on earth would she take them to see it before it was cleaned up? A normal reaction would be to say, "Let's get this place cleaned up BEFORE my parents see it" and try to put their minds at ease about her staying there instead of confirming their fears that she's moving into a shithole. 

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3 hours ago, Toodleoo said:

I'll be honest, everything about thjs picture makes me want to launch myself into the sun.

Okay, BFF, come sit with me.  There is NOTHING appealing about Colt.  Nothing.  The thought of being near him/kissing him/being intimate with him makes me, literally, gag.

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No feedback on the young ones wedding dress outing? I liked the 3 they showed her trying on and the one she chose. 

I don't remember anything about wedding plans other than her mother can not attend. 

Question : am I the only woman walking this plant who didn't dream about a wedding dress since they were a little child? 

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1 hour ago, athousandclowns said:

No feedback on the young ones wedding dress outing? I liked the 3 they showed her trying on and the one she chose. 

I don't remember anything about wedding plans other than her mother can not attend. 

Question : am I the only woman walking this plant who didn't dream about a wedding dress since they were a little child? 

No, you are not.  I think the idea of the huge, multi-thousand-dollar wedding, with concomitant dress, is only about 20-25 years old.  Although I must say that $1900 for the dress she chose was quite reasonable, based on my watching of Say Yes to the Dress, and it looked exquisite on her.  I don't think we've been made privy to any wedding plans yet, other than that it will take place in Chicago.

I'm screaming at Mother Jon for saying "lots to process."  WTF?  She has to figure something out?  FFS, her *adult* son has presented his fiancee, a seemingly nice young woman who is all alone in this country, and MoJo can't even give a straight answer when asked to help select a wedding dress--something *any* potential mother-in-law who is not Cruella DeVille would jump on with both feet.  Whether her son has made a wise decision or not, MoJo is not behaving well toward Fernanda, or anybody afaic.

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7 hours ago, Toodleoo said:


I'll be honest, everything about thjs picture makes me want to launch myself into the sun.

Coltee is grosee.

4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Okay, BFF, come sit with me.  There is NOTHING appealing about Colt.  Nothing.  The thought of being near him/kissing him/being intimate with him makes me, literally, gag.

I thought I was the only one thinking "ew, just no!".

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Fernanda looked beautiful in every dress she tried on. Glad Jonathan’s mother softened up a little. God! Every second with Steven is fraught with anger and anxiety. This is with a camera crew there. What will he like when they are alone?  He hasn’t lasted even a week and he is totally out of his element taking care of a child. I pray for her peace of mind he heads back to the US without her ( hopefully, TLC will pay her for her trouble).

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Steven is a little psychotic biotch who deserves to be body slammed by Viktor Drogo, but since that isn’t possible, let’s verbally slam him, shall we? 

1. Meth face

2. No empathy 

3. Selfish

4. Screams about how fighting is bad for kids/babies, keeps screaming 

5. Drives recklessly around Russia

6. Always right


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Just now, renatae said:

Dear Coltee, No, you don't have to choose between your mother and Larissa. Yes, it's good you feel a sense of responsibility toward your mother.

On the other hand, your wife comes first, not second. And no, you are not obligated to LIVE with your mother! When you get married, time to leave the nest, or at least have a separate in-law area. You should have planned for that, instead of giving Larissa that nonsense about "You knew I lived with my mother, now suck it up forever" BS.

Larissa is demanding in that she wants the most expensive of everything, but the actual items she wants (air conditioned car, home of her own, a couch, for crying out loud) are not unreasonable.

She wanted the expensive SUV. Turned her nose up at the smaller one. Wants the furnished apt for 3250 a month instead of the 1650 a month unfurnished. In a year that’s 19000. And 38000 in two years? For furniture. Does that 1600 stop when the value of the furniture is made up? 

I can see moving to a slightly larger place, but she wants everything all at once. Baby steps, honey. One thing at a time. 

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13 minutes ago, Hannigram said:

Does anyone here believe her family spent 300,000 US dollars for her first wedding. Asians are known for having a lot of wedding guests but 2,000 is huge even by Asian standards. 

Maybe she and her husband scheduled their wedding to be held immediately after an ACTUAL $300k wedding.  That way, the flowers and everything is paid for.  (my friends got married in late december to take advantage of their church being done up beautifully)

Or they got married next door and after the fancy wedding was over, they went over for photo ops LOL

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5 minutes ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Eric almost had me on his side…until he said to get rid of Indonesian culture background.  Dude.  This isn’t about her being Indonesian and people outside of America care about their families, asshole.  It’s about her being a selfish bitch. 

I agree. What Leida was suggesting had nothing to do with “Indonesian culture” she’s just a nasty person who DOESNT want you Eric. 

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5 minutes ago, iwasish said:

She could not care less if Alless sleeps on the floor...she was looking for a 7k bed set for herself and a $2300 couch for herself. Never even looked at kids furniture. 

Where was he during furniture shopping?  Was Tasha babysitting?

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1 minute ago, iwasish said:

I thought his comment about Indonesian culture was in response to her demand to stop paying child support. What he should have said was why doesn’t Alless’ father care enough about him to at least support him if not actually visit him. And why does Eric have to support someone else’s kid and not his own daughter?

I agree with you. Eric was insinuating that Leida doesn’t think he should pay child support because of her culture, which anyone with half a brain knows it’s horseshit and Leida is just awful (don’t blame Indonesian culture). 

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I can't help but believe that because Ashley's immediate family is not a part of the show, the only thing they could come up for a storyline is the fact they are an interracial couple.  I find it hard to believe that perfect strangers would care so much as to go to this level of harassment.  A comment or five I could understand, but hundreds seem very excessive. 

Someone should probably tell Leida that Eric is not paying child support because he wants to, but rather because it was court ordered.  Horrible, selfish woman! 

This season is very dark.  I miss the days when all the couples had to worry about was a disapproving relative.  I don't see one couple worth rooting for. 

Edited by Adeejay
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5 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I agree with you. Eric was insinuating that Leida doesn’t think he should pay child support because of her culture, which anyone with half a brain knows it’s horseshit and Leida is just awful (don’t blame Indonesian culture). 

She's not awful, she's made all kinds of sacrifices to be with him.  And all she asks in return is that he give her the identical life she had before.

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23 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I agree with you. Eric was insinuating that Leida doesn’t think he should pay child support because of her culture, which anyone with half a brain knows it’s horseshit and Leida is just awful (don’t blame Indonesian culture). 

And if he makes shit money I doubt he’s paying huge dollars in child support for just the one daughter. Probably a hundred or so a week.

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1 hour ago, Hannigram said:

Does anyone here believe her family spent 300,000 US dollars for her first wedding. Asians are known for having a lot of wedding guests but 2,000 is huge even by Asian standards. 

Pics, or it didn't happen.

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1 minute ago, sconstant said:

She's not awful, she's made all kinds of sacrifices to be with him.  And all she asks in return is that he give her the identical life she had before.

I don’t think she’s awful for not wanting to sleep on a box spring or live in that crappy apartment, (that is justified and perfectly reasonable) I think she’s awful for suggesting he not support his child. 

I also think she doesn’t like him very much and is regretting their entire romance, having doubts about getting married. 

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I agree with everyone that this season is very dark. We could all laugh at the foolishness of Darcy & Jesse because we knew they were able to leave each other if necessary. But poor Olga has now brought another human being into her already bleak life and is supposed to depend on that wreck of a human, Steven, before emotional support. Like others have said, Iant to start a Go Fund Me for her.

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My thoughts on this episode. It's starts with Larissa waving Debbie's Handicapped parking ticket in her face to cool off. Hysterical. Larissa-- I just laugh at her comments with the "e" at the end. Her starting with Debbie being like a cat, she tries to be nice-ey, she is the victimee-- Oh my. I just laugh. I forget how horrible she is, she is that entertaining to me. 

Coltee doing the math on the apartment... he's getting a reality check and realizing why his mother has been the only woman in his life forever. 

Larissa left her kid for Coltee, so I'm not surprised Larissa could give a shit about leaving Debbie.

Jay and Ashley are a new couple. That said, Jay can't just take off in her car whenever he feels like it. I'm glad Ashley is putting her foot down on that. She's not a glorified mother. My husband is from a machismo country in South America, and when we first started dating, after the constant sex and infatuation wore off, he started doing the EXACT same shit. It was a long road, but we got through it. And he doesn't even cook for me. Jay is an easy one to train.

Steven and Olga = cycle of poverty. Can't watch.

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One more episode left of this misery season?

Leida, if you are that rich, where are your LV bags, your Valentino or Gucci bags, whatever high end designer stuff you would own? You could sell a bag or two on eBay or at some consignment shop to afford to buy a new bed or couch or whatever. Ask your parents for a loan or gift of a few thousand dollars. Your sad excuse of a future husband does have to pay child support. It is the law. You don't like it - too bad. Used furniture can be an option if you know who you are buying it from. Or from an estate sale or something. Otherwise, you open yourselves to a bed bug infestation. You know full well that you are marrying a schlub who has no money. He can't afford to give you a second lavish wedding. It's not about the big day or the dress or the flowers. It's about the actual marriage.

As I said in the live thread, many nice restaurants have private rooms for small weddings or other parties. No need for an empty ballroom, no need for huge, expensive floral arrangements. And no cash bar for 25 people.

You get a nice bed for your son first. You come second. There are probably far wealthier American men to choose from - why Eric? He will not give you the life of luxury that you feel entitled to. You are not movin' on up to the top. You are taking several steps down - for real love? Hahahahaha.

Ashley, you and Jay received hundreds of racist comments? Seriously? Maybe bots or people who are filled with hate trawl wedding sites. Most people wouldn't bother. I could see a handful of townspeople - that's it. Jay doesn't have to tell you where he goes each day, but because he is new in town, he should say he is going to X. The polite thing to do. You still have a lot of insecurity about him. And rightfully so. He is still very much a boy with a lot of maturing to do.

Olga, do you have any friends or coworkers to turn to for help? Steven is selfish, it's all about him and his needs, and he is far too immature and angry to offer anything to a relationship with you or your baby.  He is a fuse ready to blow and you don't want to be on the other side. Domestic abuse is more common in Russia, or so has been in the news lately, and women don't have many options. You are exhausted and recovering from painful surgery and all he cares about is himself. Counselling and anger management therapy will help him a bit. Not going to happen til he gets back to the US and maybe you quietly disappear. Steven, maybe one of Olga's male friends or coworkers needs to have a nice little conversation with you. You face a life of abuse with Steven. Walk away. Steven needs to deal with his own stuff and demons first.

At least Jon's mother showed up to the dress shop. Must have taken a lot for her to do so. And she wasn't a royal bitch. It would be tough to go dress shopping without anyone and it is a step. I would hate to go dress shopping unless it is with one or two people. Too many opinions ruin the day. I liked the first dress. She can probably dye the dress another colour and get some wear out of it after the wedding. Or get a belt or something.

Coltee is not going to move in to the nice $1600 apartment/condo without there being a mother in law suite attached. No, I would not like to live next to my in-laws. Debbie is not Mrs. Respectful Privacy. It is not up to Larissa to decide that Coltee needs to cut the umbilical cord. She knew perfectly well that her marriage to Coltee came with his mother. And that he will take his mother over her every single day.

Kalani, all you want is your sister. Of course Asuelu would like to live in the US. There aren't many decent opportunities for him in Samoa. He could make a better life for himself here - given a chance. You share a child with him and are tied to him for 18 years, at least. You don't have to marry him. It is doubtful that he can afford to visit the US from Samoa all the time to have an active role in his son's life. So you may be spared that inconvenience. You should have gotten to know him first before you had a kid with him. Get a new job, and maybe you can build a nice life for you and your son. And maybe find a more suitable partner to put up with your being a first class bitch and a woman who is more interested in her sister than any kind of meaningful partnership.

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Throw Steven down the stairs. Olga needs to walk out the front door. He'll never find her. I can't believe how immature and selfish he is, I really can't. This poor girl is all alone, struggling to raise a baby while Steven whines at her, me, me, me! Does he do anything? Has he changed a diaper. There's a Google Translate app, you can use the calculator on your own phone and have her type the numbers. It's  not hard Steven, you're doing nothing!

As for the rest... they're all losers. Rent should never be 3k in Las Vegas. Was the assault on the wedding page connected to the show? "I choose to live a simple life." Yeah, sure, Eric...  just like you choose to be "40". I don't believe she had 2k people at her wedding. Those pics of the flowers could be downloaded from the internet. Show me a pic of the crowd, Leida. It was a five star hotel but that altar looked like it could be anywhere. Uh... same old same old with Asuelu... I can't remember the rest now, lol.

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17 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

One more episode left of this misery season?

Leida, if you are that rich, where are your LV bags, your Valentino or Gucci bags, whatever high end designer stuff you would own? You could sell a bag or two on eBay or at some consignment shop to afford to buy a new bed or couch or whatever. Ask your parents for a loan or gift of a few thousand dollars. Your sad excuse of a future husband does have to pay child support. It is the law. You don't like it - too bad. Used furniture can be an option if you know who you are buying it from. Or from an estate sale or something. Otherwise, you open yourselves to a bed bug infestation. You know full well that you are marrying a schlub who has no money. He can't afford to give you a second lavish wedding. It's not about the big day or the dress or the flowers. It's about the actual marriage.

As I said in the live thread, many nice restaurants have private rooms for small weddings or other parties. No need for an empty ballroom, no need for huge, expensive floral arrangements. And no cash bar for 25 people.

You get a nice bed for your son first. You come second. There are probably far wealthier American men to choose from - why Eric? He will not give you the life of luxury that you feel entitled to. You are not movin' on up to the top. You are taking several steps down - for real love? Hahahahaha.

Ashley, you and Jay received hundreds of racist comments? Seriously? Maybe bots or people who are filled with hate trawl wedding sites. Most people wouldn't bother. I could see a handful of townspeople - that's it. Jay doesn't have to tell you where he goes each day, but because he is new in town, he should say he is going to X. The polite thing to do. You still have a lot of insecurity about him. And rightfully so. He is still very much a boy with a lot of maturing to do.

Olga, do you have any friends or coworkers to turn to for help? Steven is selfish, it's all about him and his needs, and he is far too immature and angry to offer anything to a relationship with you or your baby.  He is a fuse ready to blow and you don't want to be on the other side. Domestic abuse is more common in Russia, or so has been in the news lately, and women don't have many options. You are exhausted and recovering from painful surgery and all he cares about is himself. Counselling and anger management therapy will help him a bit. Not going to happen til he gets back to the US and maybe you quietly disappear. Steven, maybe one of Olga's male friends or coworkers needs to have a nice little conversation with you. You face a life of abuse with Steven. Walk away. Steven needs to deal with his own stuff and demons first.

At least Jon's mother showed up to the dress shop. Must have taken a lot for her to do so. And she wasn't a royal bitch. It would be tough to go dress shopping without anyone and it is a step. I would hate to go dress shopping unless it is with one or two people. Too many opinions ruin the day. I liked the first dress. She can probably dye the dress another colour and get some wear out of it after the wedding. Or get a belt or something.

Coltee is not going to move in to the nice $1600 apartment/condo without there being a mother in law suite attached. No, I would not like to live next to my in-laws. Debbie is not Mrs. Respectful Privacy. It is not up to Larissa to decide that Coltee needs to cut the umbilical cord. She knew perfectly well that her marriage to Coltee came with his mother. And that he will take his mother over her every single day.

Kalani, all you want is your sister. Of course Asuelu would like to live in the US. There aren't many decent opportunities for him in Samoa. He could make a better life for himself here - given a chance. You share a child with him and are tied to him for 18 years, at least. You don't have to marry him. It is doubtful that he can afford to visit the US from Samoa all the time to have an active role in his son's life. So you may be spared that inconvenience. You should have gotten to know him first before you had a kid with him. Get a new job, and maybe you can build a nice life for you and your son. And maybe find a more suitable partner to put up with your being a first class bitch and a woman who is more interested in her sister than any kind of meaningful partnership.

How is Debbie not respectful of their privacy? The only time we’ve seen her have breakfast with them was when Larissa cooked and insisted that Colt invite her. The other times Larissa and Colt have had breakfast Debbie is not there. She didn’t go to the possible wedding venue, or apartment hunting. Yes having a third party there is intrusive at times, but Larissa talks about bringing one of her kids over, that’s intrusive too. I see Larissa having the attitude not Debbie.  She thinks getting rid of Debbie will make it easier to get into Colt’s wallet. It isn’t Debbie that makes Colt cheap. It’s his nature. 


The $1600 apartment was unfurnished. I’m guessing the $3250 furnished one was probably for short term visitors/people that have some business in the casinos and night clubs. 

if Colt blanched at 1600, i wonder what he and Debbie pay. If their total rent is less than 1600 and each pays half then I can see him not wanting to pick up the whole 1600 on his own. Until Larissa is able to work and contribute I say keep the status quo. Who knows what kind of money Larissa can earn, who knows what her skills are. 

Edited by iwasish
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Asuelu is always on the truth serum!  Hahahahaha!

They are ALL Samoan!  So, what is their problem anyways?  Their Dad is from the same place. Chicken and Coconuts!



Did Kalani have IVF swirl with her sister??  It is always MY baby!

8 minutes ago, iwasish said:

How is Debbie not respectful of their privacy? The only time we’ve seen her have breakfast with them was when Larissa cooked and insisted that Colt invite her. The other times Larissa and Colt have had breakfast Debbie is not there. She didn’t go to the possible wedding venue, or apartment hunting. Yes having a third party there is intrusive at times, but Larissa talks about bringing one of her kids over, that’s intrusive too. I see Larissa having the attitude not Debbie.  She thinks getting rid of Debbie will make it easier to get into Colt’s wallet. It isn’t Debbie that makes Colt cheap. It’s his nature. 

Debbie has to go! She has Coltee on her teat and now it is Larissa’s turn!  

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Watching this episode again, had only seen parts of it before.

Let me start with...I am horrible with names

Col-T & Larissa:

It seems as if she pronounces the full constants-i.e., Col-T,  big-g  I don't know if that's a Portuguese thing.

Col-T reminds me of this guy from My 600 Pound Life, he lived with his mother, too.

Eric and the 'Rich Bitch'

There is nothing about that woman or any member of her family that scream 'We're Rich!' to me except her mouth.  None of them dressed like they were wealthy, she wore a house coat like my grandma use to wear when she was in her 70's!

Does she ever acknowledge her son? Have we ever heard the little boy talk?

Speaking as someone who's dad married for the 3rd time when I was 30 to a woman who decided she would pretend dad had no life before she came into it, that whole apartment scene angered me. I then remembered that this person wants him to stop paying child support for his minor daughter but expects him to support HER son?  I found out that my dad's wife was telling people that there was no relationship or communication between us & our dad until we were adults. Another friend of hers told me that his wife told her dad never had kids of his own & was thrilled to be 'Dad' to her adult kids! We were always a part of his life.  I see this woman doing the same thing to Eric's kids.   

Edited by alegtostandon
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Well, damn, this episode did nothing to assuage my fears about Steven. When he started in about how she should know how his upbringing affected him I was thinking, yeah, Olga was raised in an orphanage, dude. Get over yourself. 

Wish I could sponsor Olga in the US myself. 

Jonathon looks like the kind of douche that would shag a bridesmaid on his wedding day. Fernanda is too good for this creep. I do think his mother did pretty well in the dress shop for her. I think she feels for Fernanda and may end of liking her better than her son. 

Why Leida is with a Eric after seeing what little he can offer her is beyond me. I’m sure she can get a better prospect than him. I must be missing something. 

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I felt bad for Eric after Leida's lashing. I don't know what her deal is with the child support. Even if he didn't pay child support, he would still have no money. He probably doesn't pay more than a few hundred a month. And WHY does she keep talking about how rich she is, but not buy herself? You don't need green card to buy things in the US. If your so wealthy, YOU buy the shit you want.

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I already wrote about Steven in their thread.

The only other thing that I remember from tonight was it looked like Coltee's eyes were going to explode out of his head when he thought about leaving Mommy.

As another poster wrote, Coltee and Debbieee are the only real couple on the show this year. Definitely true love.

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7 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

Watching this episode again, had only seen parts of it before.

Let me start with...I am horrible with names

Col-T & Larissa:

It seems as if she pronounces the full constants-i.e., Col-T,  big-g  I don't know if that's a Portuguese thing.

Col-T reminds me of this guy from My 600 Pound Life, he lived with his mother, too.

Eric and the 'Rich Bitch'

There is nothing about that woman or any member of her family that scream 'We're Rich!' to me except her mouth.  None of them dressed like they were wealthy, she wore a house coat like my grandma use to wear when she was in her 70's!

Does she ever acknowledge her son? Have we ever heard the little boy talk?

Speaking as someone who's dad married for the 3rd time when I was 30 to a woman who decided she would pretend dad had no life before she came into it, that whole apartment scene angered me. I then remembered that this person wants him to stop paying child support for his minor daughter but expects him to support HER son?  I found out that my dad's wife was telling people that there was no relationship or communication between us & our dad until we were adults. Another friend of hers told me that his wife told her dad never had kids of his own & was thrilled to be 'Dad' to her adult kids! We were always a part of his life.  I see this woman doing the same thing to Eric's kids.   

Yeah my dads wife was the same. We weren’t allowed to tell stories or reminisce  about our lives prior to her being in the picture because any reference to our mom (who was alive) bothered her.  The best was when at my brother’s wedding my sister had her husband dance with our mom and then had him cut in on my dad and his wife. She couldn’t make a scene but cussed my sister out in the parking lot later. It was pretty funny, I think even my dad got a snicker out of it. 

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Leida!  Did you finally figure out why Eric was on Indonesian Cupid??? Is it starting to sink it???

let me tell yah......LOSER!


She is so stupid.  She just throws temper tantrums and doesn’t even believe what she is saying.  I want! I want!  


Where is her OWN money?  She can’t afford to buy her own son a bed in America? 


Flowers before Aless!

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

I can't help but believe that because Ashley's immediate family is not a part of the show, the only thing they could come up for a storyline is the fact they are an interracial couple.  I find it hard to believe that perfect strangers would care so much as to go to this level of harassment.  A comment or five I could understand, but hundreds seem very excessive. 

Someone should probably tell Leida that Eric is not paying child support because he wants to, but rather because it was court ordered.  Silly woman! 

This season is very dark.  I missed the days when all the couples had to worry about was a disapproving relative.  I don't see one couple worth rooting for. 

And I haven’t heard her mention her two children since the very first episode.  Where are they

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2 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

And I haven’t heard her mention her two children since the very first episode.  Where are they

Ashley's children are where they should be - off camera.  I have to say that for someone who appears seemingly intelligent, I am surprise she is making such a dumb decision.

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