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Season 6 Discussion

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2 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

So, Larissa likes fatty pieces...now we know what Colt’s appeal is for her....

Poor Olga, all she  has in the world is Stephen, a nasty petulant shitheel. The look of seething rage on his face when he was behind the wheel looked like a still from an ID Discovery special. Shnikies! 

Jay and Ashley are just a run of the mill hot mess of dysfunction wrapped up in cheating and all it’s attendant fighting and drama. 😴😴😴 

Maybe Ashley shouldn’t have been so quick to throw her best friend  overboard for Jay of the Wandering  Eye...

No way are Leida’s parents rich. No family of financial means would let their daughter, let alone their cherished grandchild, live with with  the degenerate slob that is Eric. Either the family is putting on airs or there is an arrest warrant out for Leida.

Eric with his nasty gray t shirt, pasty cottage cheese arms and greasy comb over are making me fight my gag reflex at every turn. 🤮 Does he ever shower? He looks progressively dirtier to me every week.

And is it just me or do Eric and Tasha look the same age? They are what happens at the unfortunate intersection of bad genes and poor nutrition. Gotta say though that I love  how Tasha is handling her wicked stepmother and her miscreant father. I am sort of a fan. I gotta admit. Girl takes no prisoners. 

Kalani and Nick are such assholes taking Asuelo to learn how to ride bike...laughing, yelling and cracking jokes about training wheels. They suck. I just love how Kalani rolls her eyes at everything Asuelo says. I wish he would crash that bike in those two fat assholes.  Kalani, you got knocked up at  30 after having unprotected sex...and just quit your job, so you can live off your parents. Girl, you are no paragon of maturity.  Kalani and her judgey, arrogant gaslighting, bossy behaviors make me think two things :

1) That I am thankful for vodka. 

2) That even with vodka, I still really want to throat punch her. Sorry...not sorry. 

Kalani and her shitty family really need to take a breather and realize that if she were really “all that” she would not be in the situation she is. Ugh, that heifer needs to take a hard look in the mirror and stop jumping in Asuelo’s shit. 

“I love being Oliver’s dad because he is white and his mom is American.” Ooh...so I guess Asuelo is not so good at playing the 90 Day Fiancé Game either. Time to cut your losses and run, Asuelo, run.

Jackie has an unfortunate upper lip.....just like her mom...who is a raging, jealous  bitch, btw. But I gotta admit that Jonathan knows how to throw some shade... “Mom, you’ve been married a few times....what is your advice for us? That was a master class shade toss. ;-) 

And that’s all I got. These fucking people are so exhausting. 

Am I the only one who felt it was incredibly disrespectful of Jon to say that to his mother ? 🤷‍♀️I actually felt that his sister seems very well-balanced and has a rational thinking head on her shoulders. And Fernanda doesnt need to sit on Jon's lap the first time they chat with his sister .... PDA is cute but not the first time you meet an already disapproving family. 

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Steven is annoying as hell. And he appears to be an asshole, but mostly just really freakin' ANNOYING. 

I didn't get to watch the entire episode yet, so I've only seen the first half. But does Leida ever even touch her own child?? Like ever? He goes from Grandpa to Eric and back to Grandpa. Leida talks about him in her talking head interviews, but they never seem to interact. Did that finally change in the second hour? So far, I don't think we've even seen her speak directly to her own kid. Maybe its the editing. I really hope so. 

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13 minutes ago, Lily247 said:

Am I the only one who felt it was incredibly disrespectful of Jon to say that to his mother ? 🤷‍♀️I actually felt that his sister seems very well-balanced and has a rational thinking head on her shoulders. And Fernanda doesnt need to sit on Jon's lap the first time they chat with his sister .... PDA is cute but not the first time you meet an already disapproving family. 

You’re not the only one. Jonathan strikes me as the type who grew up calling his mother by her first name. 

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4 hours ago, Lily247 said:

Well, Oliver looks exactly like Asuelo, meaning he looks 100% Samoan to me and not like a mixed race baby, not that there is anything wrong with that, but I can tell that this must be some kind of thing in Samoa. But I guess whatever makes Asuelo feel better, that he wants a baby who "looks white." 

I think he looks more like his miserable mother, poor thing..got a sour puss face.  but still cute.

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6 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Well, I have a list...



The look on Leida’s mom/dad/bros’ faces when Eric was saying goodbye was HILARIOUS.  Go back.  Look at it. LOLOL.  The saying goodbye to Aless was really sad, though.

Eric’s greasy hair was all I could stare at while they were cleaning the apartment.

Tasha was actually very mature and tried to be kind, but Leida was a really rude bitch to her from the start.  

“She’s my daughter, I’m not kicking her out” to throwing her under the bus and letting this random woman attempt to throw his daughter out in the first 5 mins being in her house was Eric at his lowest to me.  I LOVED Tasha being like “you aren’t on the lease, bi-atch”.  You can tell that Tasha was truly hurt by her father’s words and actions.  Leida is a gross, self-centered, nasty person, and so is Eric.  Those two deserve each other, but won’t someone think of the children?!



I did go back, and you're right. It was hilarious! Dad actually rolled his eyes when he said that Eric was going to take care of his grandson.  Mom was like, "Hmmph!" She is NOT a happy camper!

I think that the son must be the youngest, which is why he's not yet married. Also, the young chess player could be more math and/or science oriented, understanding some English, but not speaking very well. 

I think they must have really pressured Leida to excel, and she failed them miserably. They may not have set out to make her feel bad about herself, but they failed her miserably in that regard.  They obviously love her a lot or they wouldn't have showed up in America. Also, they love Alex and they're very concerned about his care! It was very sad to watch their faces from the window, getting one last glimpse at their small grandson.  I think they're praying he will eventually return to Indonesia.

They would have despised Eric less if he hadn't been so quick to throw his own daughter under the bus.

And, Leida's treatment of Tasha was despicable. I don't know what to say about Eric, that spineless, sweaty wonder, basically watching it all go down, sitting there with his bottle in his hand, thumping away at it.

29 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

You nailed this completely on the head.  He is a psycho - that is a word I don't toss around too often.  His yelling at her about the damn hand washing was very disturbing, like he was scolding HER for his behavior.   Classic abuser"  "Look what you made me do!"

Steven is so psycho that he doesn't even understand how psycho he is acting. His voice goes up, his body language gets threatening and offensive, and he wonders why SHE'S disrespectful? Okay, right, Steven....

Any therapist would have years of work ahead there.

I give him major credit for wanting to be in his son's life, but he's gonna have to get some therapy so that he doesn't damage his son's life. He can do it, but will he?

If Olga doesn't have anyone in Russia, then living with Steven's grandparents still may not be the worst idea. I think they would welcome Olga and their grandson with open arms. All of them would be good for each other and Steven could visit, provided he behaved.

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7 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Steven is so psycho that he doesn't even understand how psycho he is acting. His voice goes up, his body language gets threatening and offensive, and he wonders why SHE'S disrespectful? Okay, right, Steven....

It was just so "on a hamster wheel" and never getting off:  "You disrespected me!  Can't you see that?  APOLOGIZE!" as the new mom who just had, oh I don't know, SURGERY is in the back of a car that HE is driving.  And they are both 20.  Good gosh she could apologize until the day is done and he will STILL find something to be pissed about.  Olga, run away, run far way, he has got to leave in less than 90 days.  Change your name, keep legal custody of YOUR son and be done with this loser.

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1 hour ago, Drogo said:


Can't. Process. 

And he's hanging onto this chair like it's about to launch off the ground.

Drogo, you of all people should know when to post a spoiler alert. I just lost my breakfast 

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Leida is a straight -up bitch.

The restaurant that the Coltees went for dinner is close to my house.  It's really good.  They have a great cold food bar.  I guess TLC skipped the veggie portion of the meal.

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37 minutes ago, millennium said:


How come everyone is suspect of Fernanda rather than looking at pervo brother/son Jonathan and asking WTF is wrong with you that you want to marry a teenager?  That you bought boobs for a girl just out of high school?   What is your damage?

Based on catching a glimpse of his mother, he is clearly looking for a compliant, pure hearted woman who will give him a lot of attention and affirmation. Her young age helps here along with her Mexican very family centric upbringing. Could  Mother Jon have combed her hair for television? Sister Jon and Mother Jon have strong Chicago accents that he does not I wonder where he grew up, and why Lumberton (NC I think)  and how long? 

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

You nailed this completely on the head.  He is a psycho - that is a word I don't toss around too often.  His yelling at her about the damn hand washing was very disturbing, like he was scolding HER for his behavior.   Classic abuser:  "Look what you made me do!"


Agree. He bonded with Olga over the couple of weeks before the birth with intimacy he has probably not seen with a woman since his birth, if then. That has been taken away again. Olga is all about the actual baby now and recovering from her C section (which she should be). He snapped. Deep deep trauma. We were privy to a HUGE honeymoon phase and the bottom just fell out. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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Steven needs serious therapy. That was some deep seeded anger bubbling to the surface. Poor Olga. You could see the confusion and sadness on her face in the car, while he was gaslighting the hell out of her. Maybe when he comes back to the US, he can take some time and get some counseling before Olga and Richie show up. I have a feeling there's a 50% chance Olga will never come to America, not because she doesn't want to, but it will come down to her safety, and the safety of the baby. 

Oh Asuelo! Aren't you the cutest little bike rider in all of Utah. It's too bad your fiance and her meddling brother can't say anything nice about you behind your back, even going as far to call you a toddler. Kalani is just not a very nice person. She expects everyone to roll out the red carpet for her in everything she does. Meanwhile, she has no job, and expects her parents/fiance/anyone to take care of her forever. 

Coltee is such a werido. Run Larissa! There must be a hot waiter at that Brazilian Grill that could make you happy. 

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2 hours ago, charmed1 said:

You’re not the only one. Jonathan strikes me as the type who grew up calling his mother by her first name. 

My guess is that he is the child of her first marriage and the daughter there is from a second. He has mommy issues. 

If I had qualms about my brother’s choice of wife, I wouldn’t discuss it with her, I’d speak to him. Then if he still chose to marry, I’d be polite and friendly and say nothing else. Not my life to live. 

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  I get not letting Larissa get her hands on the prepaid Visa....but, FFS, spoil her a little.  Give her that honeymoon period we all get of romance and feeling loved.

Debbie’s cheapness with Larissa bugs me to no end.  Larissa is right!  She has to go.  2 against 1 is not fun.

I was so happy when they took a break from the Dinty Moore stew and all went to rodizio!







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My blood was boiling last night with Leida. Look, I get it, you were upset that the place was a mess when you arrived there from Indonesia. But, you did not have to be that beyond rude to Tasha. Tasha was trying to be polite and I don't blame here for walking out of the room like that. Eric couldn't even bother to stand up for his daughter.

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3 hours ago, Drogo said:


Can't. Process. 

And he's hanging onto this chair like it's about to launch off the ground.

Umph. In the words of the late Superfreak, I give these titty-ees four thumbs down. The milk’s gone bad.

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Leida telling Eric he is not folding the blanket "properly" and to do it again. He quietly does it again! 

How old is Eric's daughter? Are we still believing he's 40? 

My heart aches for Olga. 

Kalani wonders why her family doesn't like Asuelu. Could it be because she tells them every single thing she doesn't like about him? I still say Asuelu is developmentally delayed. Putting the baby on your shoulders and holding him there with one hand? Come on, now.

Is Jay too cool to let Ashley know when he is leaving the house? He thinks it's ok to just disappear and not tell her where he is going? That's pretty standard respect in a relationship that he doesn't understand.  I also want to know where is he going, he doesn't have a car or any friends. At least he made dinner, hey, the guy can cook!!

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3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Leida telling Eric he is not folding the blanket "properly" and to do it again. He quietly does it again! 

How old is Eric's daughter? Are we still believing he's 40? 

My heart aches for Olga. 

Kalani wonders why her family doesn't like Asuelu. Could it be because she tells them every single thing she doesn't like about him? I still say Asuelu is developmentally delayed. Putting the baby on your shoulders and holding him there with one hand? Come on, now.

Is Jay too cool to let Ashley know when he is leaving the house? He thinks it's ok to just disappear and not tell her where he is going? That's pretty standard respect in a relationship that he doesn't understand.  I also want to know where is he going, he doesn't have a car or any friends. At least he made dinner, hey, the guy can cook!!

I agree with you about Jay.  If my husband left without telling me, I'd be upset.  It's just common courtesy so I don't go looking for him and realize he's not there!  I think maybe Jay wouldn't be as defensive if she wasn't going through her phone as if she was his mother and he was a teenager!

Olga/Steven and Kalani/Asuelu are poster children for using protection when having sex with someone you just met on vacation!

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1 hour ago, millennium said:

How come everyone is suspect of Fernanda rather than looking at pervo brother/son Jonathan and asking WTF is wrong with you that you want to marry a teenager?  That you bought boobs for a girl just out of high school?   What is your damage?

SERIOUSLY!! I've been saying that all along. And I also didn't get any hate vibes for her off the sister and mom. I feel like the mom was one step away from folding her up in a big hug and telling her, "oh honey, go home and wait a little bit." Definitely Jonathan was throwing the shade about her multiple marriages and her age when she married his dad and had him, but she gave SOLID advice - don't get married - from a place of experience. And then Fernanda's TH about they don't like her age and she can't change her age to make them like her, and I'm thinking HELL YES you can change your age, all you need it a little time. And if dipshit loved her, he'll still love her when she isn't straight out of high school.

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3 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

And I also didn't get any hate vibes for her off the sister and mom. I feel like the mom was one step away from folding her up in a big hug and telling her, "oh honey, go home and wait a little bit." Definitely Jonathan was throwing the shade about her multiple marriages and her age when she married his dad and had him, but she gave SOLID advice - don't get married - from a place of experience. And then Fernanda's TH about they don't like her age and she can't change her age to make them like her, and I'm thinking HELL YES you can change your age, all you need it a little time. And if dipshit loved her, he'll still love her when she isn't straight out of high school.

I agree. That hand on the arm and “honey, you’re so young” sounded like it was cautionary, not bitchy to me. But Jonathan has made his mother out to be a villain in the story he’s told his child bride, so she’s believing that it’s she and Jonathan against the world. Sisters, mothers, and Carolina bar hags be damned.

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9 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

BroJon basically presented this poor girl on a trashcan lid to his family.  Doesn’t matter if Fernanda is a filet mignon or not, she is still served on a trashcan.  

Love the Cosby Show reference! And it's apt. Vanessa announced she was engaged to a man her parents had never even heard of. I mean, if the first question your parents have when you announce your engagement is "to whom?" there's an issue. Jonathan did the same thing.

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9 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:


The situation with Family Jon very much reminds me of Family Chantel and Pedro in their first season: The American has done a great disservice to their foreign “love” by not being an adult with their family, and the family takes it out on the foreigner instead of their precious child/sibling who, IMO, deserves a lion’s share of the blame.   BroJon basically presented this poor girl on a trashcan lid to his family.  Doesn’t matter if Fernanda is a filet mignon or not, she is still served on a trashcan.  I also hate that Jon seemed to be projecting his fears and insecurities around commitment on Fernanda. 

I love you for making this reference!  I have taught this little gem to our children and use it whenever the need arises.  Last night our 19-year-old daughter watched this mess with us and said right out loud regarding Jon/Fernanda "ooooh, total trashcan lid move".  I was a proud bonus-momma.  =)


That being said, we deserve what we accept in this life.  Fernanda, you're too young to really know it yet (IMO), but Jon doesn't respect you, you're his trophy.  Move along and find someone who treats you like his treasure, not his trophy. 

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