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The Bachelor Season 23: Spoilers & Speculation

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I understand the decision. They would be foolish to pass up a virgin football player  Bachelor.

I’m not a fan of Colton but he’s good looking. I’ll just have to mute the lisp.

Another bonus is Tia will die out of jealousy. I’m sure she will be a contestant.

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How many times will Tia manage to appear on Colton’s season since they are meant to be together? No more Tia. No more Becca. No recycled contesticles. Are we ever going to see an African American bachelor? Asian? Latino that isn’t Juan Pablo?

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So...Tia has been, from at least Becca's season, an ABC plant to show off Colton to the max, while keeping him from being seen as a Casanova in Paradise. 

Colton was probably, IOW and IMO,  always the choice for TB-23.

None of Jason's "greasy" (according to many) hair,  Blake's blubbering,  Joe's (let's call it) "zen," Kenny's kid,  Jordan's jealousy, etc. 

But....Tia.  RS insists she won't show,  but....Tia.  

I'm placing my bet now: If TB-23 is Colton,  he's choosing a blonde. Anti-Tia ("tia" means "aunt" in Spanish ?).

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Damn, damn, damn, damn, fuckity damn! ?

Is the theme song going to be "Like a virgin"? 

And how devastated is Tia going to be when he turns in his V card for someone other than her? Or would that be an Ashley I. move? 

Edited by dizzyd
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I wonder why they think a virgin is a good idea.  It makes the fantasy suite date anti climatic.  He’s going to fuck for the first time on this show? Hell no.    Stupid choice.  There is something off about a handsome football player being a virgin with zero mention of religious beliefs guiding his curious choice.  

Edited by Wings
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Not to get too icky with this but, being a man, there's no way of telling that he even is a virgin.  We're just supposed to take his word for it.  So why did he bring it up?  He's a fame whore.  

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29 minutes ago, Ohwell said:

Not to get too icky with this but, being a man, there's no way of telling that he even is a virgin.  We're just supposed to take his word for it.  So why did he bring it up?  He's a fame whore.  

Why would a handsome young man want fame based on his virginity.  It is easy to believe he is being honest since his mother addressed this with Becca on his home visit.  That in itself was shocking and creepy. 

Edited by Wings
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5 minutes ago, Wings said:

Why would a handsome young man want fame based on his virginity.  It is easy to believe he is being honest since his mother addressed this with Becca oh his home visit.  That in itself was shocking. 

Some people will do/say anything for their 15 minutes.  Like I said, we just don't know and, more importantly, there is no way of knowing.  Furthermore, why would his mother even bring it up?  Any other guy would die from embarrassment.

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1 hour ago, Ohwell said:

Not to get too icky with this but, being a man, there's no way of telling that he even is a virgin.  We're just supposed to take his word for it.  So why did he bring it up?  He's a fame whore.  

Not to pile on the TMI, but there's nothing physically determinitive of "virginity" in women, either. An intact hymen is not proof of virginity, nor is a broken hymen indicative of sexual activity. "Virginity" for women is a total social and cultural construct meant to police women's behavior, and to "ensure" "legitimate" offspring inherited a man's estate. It is a stupid social construct with no medical or scientific basis or relevance. The notion of "virginity" needs to die already, as it us almost always used for ill. 

For Colton? I couldn't care less. I understand wanting to meet the right person, but I wanted to enjoy life until I met said person. I wish we could have a Tia-cam to watch her freak out, though. 

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Latest from Reality Steve on Twitter:

RealitySteve‏Verified account 

(SPOILER): I know a lot of you want Jason. I know a lot of you want Blake. I know a lot of you just want me to be wrong bc you gain some sort of pleasure out of that. I’m sorry. Colton is going to be named the “Bachelor” on GMA tmrw.


Doubt I'll be watching next January as I have had enough of Colton's story.   

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I was kind of thinking, what with all the Colton/Jason/Blake campaigning, that they'd pull a last-minute switcharoo and announce Peter as TB. But if Reality Steve is right, they're going with Colton, someone who won't theoretically bring any hint of scandal.

The problem with that for me, though, is that Colton is a boy-man. Most 26-year-old guys are still working on shaping their careers, not planning for a wife and kids. (Notice I said "most.") The male brain itself, according to the latest science, does not fully mature until about age 25.

So for me, the problem with Colton is that he is totally not what the show is supposed to be about: giving an eligible, unmarried man, who seems ready to find love and settle down, the chance to find that person from a selection of attractive women. Sure, it's a laughable set up, but when the guy is older, you like to hope that just maybe he'll surprise us all and really click with someone. When the guy is 26, and as immature as Colton appears to be (though now I'm starting to think he's just been acting his BIP story line, per Production directions), it's like the show has completely given up trying to pretend it's about finding love.  

Hard pass from me.

But as I said on the BIP thread, I'll still read RS's recaps and watch the final ep, like I did with Ben's season.

PS - What would make the season stupendous for me, I think, would be if viewers in droves besieged TB, and Mike Fleiss specifically, with tons of snarky commentary each week. Now that would be awesome, assuming that Colton turns out to be the lemon I think he'll be. (JMO, of course.)

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I don’t want Colton because I don’t think there’s a lot below the surface, he’s not articulate or interesting, seems to be wanting his 15 minutes of fame, and seems very malleable.  Also, I think he will make for boring TV.

It seems like social media as whole are not excited about this. Hey ABC, what about thinking about what your customer/consumer actually wants.

At first on Becca’s season I liked him, but he grew old fast. Especially on BIP, where my opinion of him really plummeted.

There are some many better (maybe not great) options including Eric, Kenny, Jason, Joe & Blake. At a minimum I think they are all more intelligent and would make for better TV than Colton

I don’t care about the virginity thing but I do have a lot of respect for him waiting for the right “person”.  

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This is not surprising given the previews for tonight's BIP, in which it looks like Colton and "her" break up so he'll be properly broken hearted for his appearance on GMA in the morning. All along I've felt Tia was being scripted to build the Colton story, from the fake "reveal" to Becca that she's "in love" with him to all the bogus scenes on BIP. All producer manipulation ... of us!

I have to say, thinking of Colton as TB makes Ben Higgins look great. And I'm not a Ben fan. NBC better come up with something good on its channel since AGT and ANW will be over by the time TB airs.

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Well,  RS must be right,  since Colton is ditching Tia on BiP while crying his eyes out (she,  OTOH, is remaining curiously dry-eyed ?). 

Colton is charisma-free. Who cares what he does, or whom he doesn't, as The Bachelor? All the women will look 10 years older than him,  anyway. 

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Well, Fleiss has seen the push-back from viewers at the idea of Colton as the bachelor. But I can already see him tweeting after the announcement, if indeed it's Colton:

"Come on, guys, give Colton a chance. He's promised to learn his lines and blocking each morning before shooting, and I promise you it's gonna be the most dramatic season evah!"

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On 9/2/2018 at 6:27 PM, Diana Berry said:

I was hoping it would be Eric (on BIP).  He seems sweet ,funny, the other guys seem to like him.   But nooooo we have to get Colton ( with special appearances by Tia, Becca, and the ex gymnast gf just speculating).

Well Eric has shattered my illusions.  At this point , I'd even take male model Jordan as the Bachelor.  He's funny, amusing, the guys like him and he does a good job with his talking heads.

Nooooo Colton

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I'll bypass watching the actual show, but I'll always read here & Reality Steve's columns anyway to get the scoop.  The show won't air until January, so that's a long time for any number of unfortunate things to happen to the kid.  Not that I wish him harm, but you never know....... ;-)

He'll be as compliant to their instructions as Ben was. The perfect little Bachelor robot. 

Edited by leighdear
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15 hours ago, adhoc said:

I was kind of thinking, what with all the Colton/Jason/Blake campaigning, that they'd pull a last-minute switcharoo and announce Peter as TB. But if Reality Steve is right, they're going with Colton, someone who won't theoretically bring any hint of scandal.

The problem with that for me, though, is that Colton is a boy-man. Most 26-year-old guys are still working on shaping their careers, not planning for a wife and kids. (Notice I said "most.") The male brain itself, according to the latest science, does not fully mature until about age 25.

So for me, the problem with Colton is that he is totally not what the show is supposed to be about: giving an eligible, unmarried man, who seems ready to find love and settle down, the chance to find that person from a selection of attractive women. Sure, it's a laughable set up, but when the guy is older, you like to hope that just maybe he'll surprise us all and really click with someone. When the guy is 26, and as immature as Colton appears to be (though now I'm starting to think he's just been acting his BIP story line, per Production directions), it's like the show has completely given up trying to pretend it's about finding love.  

Hard pass from me.

But as I said on the BIP thread, I'll still read RS's recaps and watch the final ep, like I did with Ben's season.

PS - What would make the season stupendous for me, I think, would be if viewers in droves besieged TB, and Mike Fleiss specifically, with tons of snarky commentary each week. Now that would be awesome, assuming that Colton turns out to be the lemon I think he'll be. (JMO, of course.)

So much this re Colton. I want a hot bachelor, someone with a ton of animal magnetism and chemistry with lots of the b'ettes, and who's ready for happily ever after. This might be a different bachelor for some of us (I would take Peter, for instance), but it surely isn't Colton. A jock at 26 who says he has never done the deed is by definition not hot, not interested, not invested. His mother knowing this is just so icky I can't even. 

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Bachelor Nation kept this show on the air for years. I really don't like the way they laughed in our faces with this pick and I hope the ratings are flat. This isn't just a bad choice, its a big middle finger to us all who very clearly expressed that Colton isn't at all ready to be the lead.  Stunt casting at its finest. 

Colton will probably have a nervous breakdown the minute he turns on his phone and sees how badly this is received. He's a weenie and malleable in the producer's eyes but can he withstand being the object of intense negativity from Bachelor Nation? The guy already is a sniveling mess and totally transparent in the way he reads his lines.

Smug Chris Harrison will have to test his acting chops pretending that we're all excited about this fake journey.  

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I've been telling myself all morning they were ready to pull the trigger on Jason, but Becca is having second thoughts about her meathead fiance and asked them to keep Jason available.

Based on nothing at all.

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35 minutes ago, phlebas said:

I've been telling myself all morning they were ready to pull the trigger on Jason, but Becca is having second thoughts about her meathead fiance and asked them to keep Jason available.

Based on nothing at all.

It's a cool story and I love the conspiacy angle. 

I'd watch it as a Lifetime TV Movie.  

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I'll sit this season out. I've had enough of his smirking while talking, his playing to the cameras, his false tears and humility, and his questionable charity. I don't mind a fame whore being the lead, but at least be honest about it.  Haven't missed a season since the 'prince', but it'll be nice having my Mondays back again. 

I'd have taken Adam Jr. over this other meat puppet. 

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1 hour ago, dbell1 said:

I'd have taken Adam Jr. over this other meat puppet. 

Adam Jr. wus robbed!! Heh.

I can't handle a whole Colton the manchild season, he's too wishy-washy. I mean he's yet to be able to decide who to have his first time with in 26 years, which leaves him particularly ill equipped to decide between a whole bevvy of bachettes.

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3 hours ago, leighdear said:

I'll bypass watching the actual show, but I'll always read here & Reality Steve's columns anyway to get the scoop.  The show won't air until January, so that's a long time for any number of unfortunate things to happen to the kid.  Not that I wish him harm, but you never know....... ;-)

He'll be as compliant to their instructions as Ben was. The perfect little Bachelor robot. 

I have watched every season from day 1.  I have never even threatened to not watch.  Not anymore!   I will do the same, read here and catch the episode ON Demand if worthy.   Like a bachette dying or getting seriously injured or a crew member jumping off the balcony to avoid capture.   It really does have to hit those points.  


3 hours ago, phlebas said:

I've been telling myself all morning they were ready to pull the trigger on Jason, but Becca is having second thoughts about her meathead fiance and asked them to keep Jason available.

Based on nothing at all.

I love this!  Now, this would be fun to watch. 

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Fleiss & Co. definitely have what they wanted.  Another controversial Bachelor.  They hit it big dragging Ick Vile off the reject pile, so bringing Toddler Colton into the center ring is the only way they could go for:


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Good lord, I never thought they'd actually do it. What a bizarre choice and bad mistake. 

I’ve never seen any pro-Colton sentiment online or anything, which is what they usually talk about when they introduce the new lead. It really makes my conspiracy alarm go off and makes me think they thought he was so perfect on paper when they first cast him, like “Wow, this guy is perfect! Former football player, has already dated a famous person AND a member of Bachelor Nation, runs a charity-like-thing, is a virgin (that's new!), people are going to fall in love with this guy we gotta lock him up and give him whatever it takes to get him on Becca’s season, tell him if he doesn’t win he’s guaranteed the Bachelor lead next season!”

Then when they realized no one cared about him whatsoever on Becca’s season and he wasn’t gonna win, they had Tia show up and claim she was still in love which set all this Paradise nonsense in motion to keep trying to make him "happen."


Anyway, I watch every season, mostly for laughs, but I can't imagine watching this dude for an entire season. He's come across extremely off-putting since the very beginning.

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Wonder if a Bachelor-to-be can "resign" due to personal reasons and the runner-up be crowned instead?

 "Bachelor Colton Underwood will not be filming the hit ABC series as originally planned. His departure from the role was announced this morning, said ABC. "The timing didn't feel right," Underwood said.  "My breakups with Becca and Tia were still too raw. I think I would be more able to find my person in a year or two."

Jason Tartick, who came in third on Becca's season, was picked to fill the role. "I'm extremely excited to find love as The Bachelor," Tartick said. "I know the process works and I wish Colton the best." Filming begins next week.

See ABC? It's pretty easy.  

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27 minutes ago, TheFinalRose said:

Wonder if a Bachelor-to-be can "resign" due to personal reasons and the runner-up be crowned instead?

 "Bachelor Colton Underwood will not be filming the hit ABC series as originally planned. His departure from the role was announced this morning, said ABC. "The timing didn't feel right," Underwood said.  "My breakups with Becca and Tia were still too raw. I think I would be more able to find my person in a year or two."

Jason Tartick, who came in third on Becca's season, was picked to fill the role. "I'm extremely excited to find love as The Bachelor," Tartick said. "I know the process works and I wish Colton the best." Filming begins next week.

See ABC? It's pretty easy.  

i got so excited for a second!

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The only thing that would save a Colton season is to pack the house with Corinne-level oversexed brats.  Temptation for the Virgin!

My appreciation for fun horndog Charlie increases every season.

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I came into this franchise late and have yet to see a good season of these shows according to my friends who suckered me in LOL.  

I thought it would be nice to watch a handsome swoony young man and some fun loving ladies go on magical dates or engage in some activities that might bring out a little drama.  I really expected the lead to have so much charisma that you kind of developed a TV crush on him (or her).  Like living a harmless escapist fantasy and getting to see different locales etc.  

My first season was Ick Viall.  First bachelorette was Rachel.  First BIP was the one that got shot down because of Corrine and the guy whose name I already forgot.  Then I got Arie.  And then Becca.  And now Revolton.  Yikes, right???

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6 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

I came into this franchise late and have yet to see a good season of these shows according to my friends who suckered me in LOL.  

I thought it would be nice to watch a handsome swoony young man and some fun loving ladies go on magical dates or engage in some activities that might bring out a little drama.  I really expected the lead to have so much charisma that you kind of developed a TV crush on him (or her).  Like living a harmless escapist fantasy and getting to see different locales etc.  

My first season was Ick Viall.  First bachelorette was Rachel.  First BIP was the one that got shot down because of Corrine and the guy whose name I already forgot.  Then I got Arie.  And then Becca.  And now Revolton.  Yikes, right???

The first season of Paradise was really good.  Trashy, flashy, boozy and everybody going nuts, sex everywhere, uncensored and unprompted.  Clare talking to raccoons, attacking crabs and sunburns & sand everywhere!  Oh, and gallons of booze.  Then even more booze.  You had to coat your hands with Purell just to watch the thing!

Good times.  The first will always be the best.  

The main shows have always been hit-and-miss.  I think Emily & Andi were the best Bachelorettes and I really liked Brad 2.0 as Bachelor, and think Sean was the best of the guys.  If you can find Sean's season, it's worth watching.  He was excellent.   

Edited by leighdear
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Actually, if you can find Emily's Bachelorette season start there. You'll see Sean and Arie before their bachelor stints, and Emily Maynard was probably Fleiss' favorite lead ever.  At least they were reported to have paid her the most to be the lead. 

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My first foray into the Bachelor world was with Emily's season.  I'm so glad I did because it sucked me in.  She was so beautiful and her group of guys minus a couple were very charming.

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21 minutes ago, LBS said:

My first foray into the Bachelor world was with Emily's season.  I'm so glad I did because it sucked me in.  She was so beautiful and her group of guys minus a couple were very charming.

That one was the best and good place to start but no season will ever top that, for me anyway.   Jef fan here.    

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