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S10.E20: Reunion Part 1

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Well, it's a fair point that when the argument favors Carole, she has no objection to throwing down events that happened over ten years ago.

My basic disappointment with this reunion is that not much happened in the season that rose above petty nonsense and the stuff that did is being ignored because Luann is absent.

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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

I know what they were saying and I do not agree that Bravo should be held accountable.  Dorinda et al are accountable for their own actions.  If one is an alcoholic and cannot be around booze without drinking you stop being around booze.  I saw B and L having ice water with lemon at the finale.  Surely D could have as well.  No one stuffed the drink in her hand.  They can promote alcohol all they want but they aren't making it a condition of employment nor are they pouring it down their throat.  A bartender cuts someone off because there are rules about selling/serving alcohol. Bravo isn't serving anyone.  It is offered/provided and it is up to the individual to partake.  


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I was a little surprised to hear that Jill is  dating someone already, though I don't know how soon after Bobby's death this was filmed..

i hope they keep Tinsley, especially if Jill comes back.  there would be so much toxicity and she's a nice fluffy antidote.

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5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

Oh yeah...I remember that though I forgot Kristen made it past one season so I just blended her two seasons together and assumed that Bethenny was there for all of it. These women quickly forget that some of them have participated in the 'Operation Save Sonja From Herself' for at least 2 seasons. But even though they were being completely hypocritical in that moment, Bethenny faired no better by originally trying to pawn off the matter as being something that Ramona was pushing when Bethenny had many scenes where she spoke to or about Sonja and her fake businesses. Though in looking back, I'm trying to recall if it was one of the women who brought it up to Bethenny or if it was just something that Bethenny observed and honed in on herself.

Why am I also remembering a scene in which DORINDA expressed her concerns for Sonja in regards to her drinking. IIRC it was when they were in Atlantic City or Foxwoods, the next morning - they asked Bethenny to go to Sonja's room to have a "discussion" with her.

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The thing is, these women have legitimate grievances against Bethenny.  She has said terrible things about all of them.  But the way they approached her at the reunion was clumsy and asinine and almost made her sympathetic.  It was like Giudice 2.0. 

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5 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

Bethenny is staying if she wants to.

I could see Sonja going before Ramona. But I think she'll stay if Bethenny does, as an allie. Other than that she has little going on. So if Bethenny decides to take a break she had better watch out.

I don't see Ramona going anywhere, Andy likes his OGs who have never left the franchise.

I can see Lu going because of her shennanigans with the reunion and Andy doesn't like being jerked around, but there's a lot of drama to be mined still, so I think she'll stay, but maybe as a friend.

There's too much unfinished business with Dorinda and all the women, and at least she has a partner, so that gives her other scenes, I think she'll stay.

Tinsley I can see being let go because she's a bore. I like the lightness she brings, but I'm not sure if that is enough.

Carole is gone, whether by choice or by firing, it doesn't matter. I'm sure it's a good thing for her. She doesn't seem to like being on the show.

For a real cast mix up I think two new women is best, I bet it's Tinsley as the second person and Lu as friend of.

I think they all are back next season with the exception of Kicked to the Kurve Karole.

They will probably bring in one new full time HW - I do wonder who will be the link will it be Luann or Bethenny?

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I just watched this and ewwwww, what is wrong with Carole?  She is ridiculous, like the 12 year old sidekick of the class mean girl.  She made me sick, she has changed for the worse.  It's almost as if when she was 25 years old she acted 55 and now that she's 55 she's reverted to her teen years.  

And why won't anyone call Dorinda on her alcohol problems.  Dorinda has that alcoholic defensiveness that they get when they don't want to stop drinking.  And then everyone but Bethany dismissing it as if "oh we all drink."   No, Dorinda has an alcohol problem.  

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5 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

Right.  As I said before, my daughters friend passed Ramoaner on the sidewalk without makeup and hair all undone and messy, and said she looked horrible .. not like on t.v.


4 hours ago, babykin said:

Interesting. I saw Ramona on the UES a few months ago with no makeup and she looked very pretty. She's petite and her skin looked flawless. 

I met Ramona years ago in a restaurant. She was super petite and very pretty. Now this was when she was still with Mario and there was no trouble in paradise. So this was also pre-boob job.

I wish that she never bought those Divorce Boobs - I thought she had such a beautiful figure then

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4 hours ago, Chicosan said:

 I’m firmly on Team Bethenny because I hate when grown ass women who can’t control their jealousy, pettiness and hypocrisy get pack mentality to try to take a girl down.

I'm not on a "team" when it comes to the housewives.  There's usually some quality in each of the ladies that I like, and there are qualities in each of them that I strongly dislike.  Most of them tend to piss me off at some point during the season, with the exception of Tinsley.  I find her to be a breath of fresh air amongst these women! 

I wouldn't worry about Bethenny.  She gives as good as she gets.   You really can't win an argument with her, so I'm not sure why the ladies even attempted to confront her, especially in front of Andy.  He annoyed me as much as some of the ladies did.  FWIW, I remember hearing Bethenny tell Dorinda that she's "A" drunk.  It was interesting watching her back peddle that particular comment. 

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30 minutes ago, Lemons said:

And why won't anyone call Dorinda on her alcohol problems.  Dorinda has that alcoholic defensiveness that they get when they don't want to stop drinking.  And then everyone but Bethany dismissing it as if "oh we all drink."   No, Dorinda has an alcohol problem.  

I think part of it is because they don’t want her wrath. She hits low and hard and any more commenting on her state of “abuse” would be construed as offensive. There also might be a plan in place that we don’t know about. That could be her storyline for this upcoming season and Andy doesn’t want her on the defensive to start or it ruined by beginning before they start filming. I’m sure they are all aware that she has issues. It’s not always worth winning the battle if you lose the war. I think there will be bodies stayed this next season and Dorinda has a target on her back. 

Edited to add: They also might be following a script and Andy doesn’t want to get into the booze questions until part 2 or 3. Hey, at least Dorinda isn’t hiding a drink behind her on the couch like she was last season. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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3 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

I'm genuinely surprised that Bobby's funeral has become such a thing. Producers love dramatic, real-life moments like that (Teresa's homecoming from prison, anyone?). Andy confirmed that Jill invited Bravo to the funeral: she and Bethenny have a past, their reunion is what a lot of viewers wanted to see, so they got the footage. All of these women have been around the Bravo reality block and know how it all works by now. They've invited the cameras to personal events in their own lives but conveniently forgot about all of that so they could try to attack Bethenny. If anyone should be accused of being morbid in this scenario, it would be Jill.

Bethenny plays the game and she plays it well, which is partly why the others resent her. She used the show to make $125M on booze and then got paid twice to promote it. This is what you're supposed to do if you're on a reality show. She would never leave her ringer on during a reunion only for it to beep during one of Andy's monologues. She's too good at this to make that kind of mistake.

Ramona does get spastic at times but like Luann, I think she is quick to move on. That is the hallmark of a "good" Bravo housewife, because ultimately you have to film with these people. Others who walk around with an axe to grind, bitter and keeping score, get tiresome (looking at you, Slurinda).

I believe that Carole was fired. As for who I think will be back next season:

  • Bethenny (if she wants to be)
  • Ramona (an OG, is never boring)
  • Luann (an OG, has not been boring)
  • Sonja (somewhat boring as of late but close to an OG and something of a Switzerland since she's on good terms with Ramona)
  • Dorinda (offered Friend status, will probably take it and spend the season drunkenly lashing out)
  • Tinsley (offered Friend status, will probably take it and continue to bring nothing to the table)
  • + 1-2 newbies

Dorinda says - Say What?



Tinsley says - oooooohhhh, That's SOOOO UN Fair air air. Insert mewling noise


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9 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Ramona and Dorinda had lots of negative things to say about Bobby's funeral.

They didn't film the funeral - they filmed outside the funeral home.

I do wonder if part of the resentment comes from 1) not being asked to film by Bravo 2) putting their jobs in danger - if Jill comes back it is possible that Dorinda/Ramona could either lose their apple or be demoted to "friend of".

If Dorinda and Ramona are such good friends of Jill - then why didn't Jill tell them she invited Bravo to film?

Watch the clip of Dorinda - she slows down and pauses to pose for the cameras - guess she's morbid too

I thought I saw Patty Stanger  so I googled, didn't know she was close friends with Jill and Bobby.

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3 hours ago, gingerella said:

IMO, Bethanny calculates every single move she makes and does nothing unless she thinks it will benefit her business and subsequent bank account. I don’t believe she went to that funeral and popped back out of the car for some emotionally altruistic reason.

She did it because Bravo/Andy wanted her to.     It's her job.

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43 minutes ago, ladle said:

The thing is, these women have legitimate grievances against Bethenny.  She has said terrible things about all of them.  But the way they approached her at the reunion was clumsy and asinine and almost made her sympathetic.  It was like Giudice 2.0. 

They have all said and done terrible things to each other over the years. There isn't a single innocent in the cast.

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5 minutes ago, AnnA said:

She did it because Bravo/Andy wanted her to.     It's her job.

This.  I think this is also why Andy was getting so pissy about this.  He wanted B to be there and to get out of the car while they were filming. Clearly it was okay with Jill since she invited them or whatever.  B knows her role.  She plays it very well.  

All of these ladies try to carve out a storyline. Something interesting in their lives that viewers will want to comment on and anxiously await the next segment of said saga.  However, when most of these (actually all of them) are single there's no man to talk about. No man to create drama with so they must create a lot of drama among themselves. I know there is always drama with the group man or no man but at least when there IS a significant other there is more stuff to talk about and to.  

So this year re: storyline...

Carole: her marathon, Her off again relationship with Adam, Friendship with Tinsley and yes of course her feud with B which got more traction than any of the other stuff she had going on. 

Dorinda: Unfortunately for her, her storyline was her drinking and all the insanity that comes from that. 

Ramona: nothing. Not..a..thing..except how B is unsupportive. Can anyone name one thing that was interesting about her this year?

Sonja:  Her friendship with B. Her mini feud with Dorinda. Her slippers. 

Luann: well that goes without saying

Tinsley: that goes without saying too. She's too vanilla for this show but I like her. 

Bethenny: Honestly I guess it's feuding with most of these women. Every episode this year someone is upset with her. Her apartment, her divorce, her daugher..none of those things were anywhere around this year.  I mean she went on vacation and she came back to her apartment. Great.  


All this is to say these ladies need some other kind of drama.  It's getting a little old with them screaming and yelling at each other all the time. 

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44 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:


I met Ramona years ago in a restaurant. She was super petite and very pretty. Now this was when she was still with Mario and there was no trouble in paradise. So this was also pre-boob job.

I wish that she never bought those Divorce Boobs - I thought she had such a beautiful figure then

OMG Why are we just hearing this story now!? Details please!

Edited by Jel
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{a couple of snips for length}


On a shallow note: (Bethenny’s) hair looked weird—it looked like how my hair looked when I wore a banana clip in 1987. And those struggle snow globes that she tries to pass off as tits? In the words of Aunt Sassy* “I don’t wanna SEE that!”


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2 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I never made a statement that Carole didn't lie.  My exact response was "Fine" which is another word for agreeing with you.  Perhaps you're thinking of somebody else.


Yup, your right, it was someone else. I guess I was confused because you kept quoting me and responding to a different topic than I was talking about. 


No matter. My point was about Carole's lies, not about Andy's behavior. 

Edited by MJS
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I'm in a weird position with Bethenny.  I really like her on-screen persona, but the stuff she does off camera is horrendous, IMO.  It's like she's two different people.  Plus, I cannot stomach the control she wields over the cast and the show.  It's just not right.

I like the entire cast as-is, but getting along.  I'd like for them all to come back, including Carole, and what I'd like to see happen is for them to all learn how to get a long.  That is a season I would like to see.

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3 hours ago, Rap541 said:

I'm just going to take issue with Kellys somehow being portrayed as the innocent kind and gentle victim of some malevolent plan of Bethenny's on Scary Island. For a lengthy portion of that trip Kelly was dishing it out at the drop of a hat or less. She lost her shit at that dinner over nothing.

“Satchels of gold! ... Al Sharpton!” ? I have fond memories of that episode 

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1 minute ago, Jextella said:

I'm in a weird position with Bethenny.  I really like her on-screen persona, but the stuff she does off camera is horrendous, IMO.  It's like she's two different people.  Plus, I cannot stomach the control she wields over the cast and the show.  It's just not right.

I like the entire cast as-is, but getting along.  I'd like for them all to come back, including Carole, and what I'd like to see happen is for them to all learn how to get a long.  That is a season I would like to see.

A Very Special season of RHoNY -- I like it!

Dorinda admits she has a problem with alcohol

Carole and Bethenny make up while Bethenny is on a silent retreat

Tinsley gets her first period

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5 hours ago, Chicosan said:

 I’m firmly on Team Bethenny because I hate when grown ass women who can’t control their jealousy, pettiness and hypocrisy get pack mentality to try to take a girl down.

That's B to a tee. Except she doesn't need a pack. I'm sure she's not jealous of them financially, but hell, even Sonja has a more fulfilled and happy life than B obviously does. And I would guess that stings at night when you go home and the only person you have to call is your paid assistant or married, high as a kite boyfriend.

Edited by hottesthw
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1 hour ago, ladle said:

The thing is, these women have legitimate grievances against Bethenny.  She has said terrible things about all of them.  But the way they approached her at the reunion was clumsy and asinine and almost made her sympathetic.  It was like Giudice 2.0. 

Worst approach possible. Not to mention, it won't work with her. You can't outjab a jabber. What jolts Bethenny is silence, emotional distance, controlled reserve. We've seen it this year with Carole. She can't take it and loses her shit entirely. These chicks are dumb.

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3 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

The more I think about it, the more I think both Ramona and Dorinda fear either the loss of their own apple or a demotion if Jill were to return.

Isaac Mizrahi and Dorinda were on WWHL, when asked who they'd like back - Isaac answered first with "Jill Zarin"  Dorinda did not agree with Isaac, Jill who she claims is her very good friend.

Dorinda suggests Jules which I see as a total NON friend move. While Jules might need the money, Jules has always been too vulnerable to be on a Reality TV Show. She should not be subjected to the stress. Jules lives in Florida with her parents. Where would Jules live in NY? I don't see Dorinda opening her home to Jules and her children for the 4/5 months of filming.


She could always rent from Sonja. The word on the street is she's looking for a tenant.

Edited by SweetieDarling
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3 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

What jolts Bethenny is silence, emotional distance, controlled reserve. We've seen it this year with Carole. She can't take it and loses her shit entirely. These chicks are dumb.

So true! I think she knows how to wind Ramona up, can reduce Sonja to tears and, well, we all know how Dorinda gets when she's mad. Carole looks like she might lose her shit next episode though...

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2 minutes ago, coops said:

Carole looks like she might lose her shit next episode though...

Watching her yell at Andy "what, are you scared of her too?" made my heart happy. I CAN'T WAIT to see his response/reaction!!

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2 minutes ago, hottesthw said:

Watching her yell at Andy "what, are you scared of her too?" made my heart happy. I CAN'T WAIT to see his response/reaction!!

Does she, really? Now I have to watch the blasted thing. I have no affection for Carole but she has gone where no one’s gone before — standing up to B AND ragging Andy. 

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So doing your job is to get out of the car when you see the grieving widow and approach her again for a second time so the cameras can film you and Jill  commiserating about being alone.  Congrats from Andy to Beth.  How sick is that?  And then we have Beth talking about her 'need' to talk to Jill again.   BS on that - Andy inadvertently revealed the real reason.  Once was not enough inside (where there were no cameras),  she just 'had to' talk again outside.  Crap.  What kind of person are you?  And then you bring your daughter to Shiva and talk about how happy 'you've' made Jill.

Yeah Beth, it was a 'moment'.  It wasn't about Bobby or Jill.  It was about Beth.

I loved how the others were saying that Beth is all about the cameras.  Bobby's death is certainly proof of that.  It's probably the only reason why she flew back from Aspen.  She probably got a call from Andy.

Edited by breezy424
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15 minutes ago, BckpckFullaNinjas said:

Does she, really? Now I have to watch the blasted thing. I have no affection for Carole but she has gone where no one’s gone before — standing up to B AND ragging Andy. 

Wait now.  Are these three reunions AFTER Carole quit or was fired?  If yes, why did she do the reunions?  Did the contract say she had to finish either way?   If so, then she can’t just walk off as somebody said.

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1 hour ago, Jel said:

A Very Special season of RHoNY -- I like it!

Dorinda admits she has a problem with alcohol

Carole and Bethenny make up while Bethenny is on a silent retreat

Tinsley gets her first period

2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

I was a little surprised to hear that Jill is  dating someone already, though I don't know how soon after Bobby's death this was filmed..

i hope they keep Tinsley, especially if Jill comes back.  there would be so much toxicity and she's a nice fluffy antidote.


Tinsley has turned out to be one of my favorites.  I really like her on the show.  If Carole goes, she may too which I think is sad.

Edited by Jextella
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10 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

Wait now.  Are these three reunions AFTER Carole quit or was fired?  If yes, why did she do the reunions?  Did the contract say she had to finish either way?   If so, then she can’t just walk off as somebody said.

The reunion was filmed on July 17th.    Carole announced she wasn't coming back on July 25th.

There's a big chunk of their salary payable AFTER they film the reunion. 

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2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think they all are back next season with the exception of Kicked to the Kurve Karole.

I don't think Bethenny is coming back next season.  Just a feeling.


19 minutes ago, Jextella said:

Tinsley has turned out to be one of my favorites.  I really like her on the show.  If Carole goes, she may too which I think is sad.

I don't think Tinz'll leave because of Carole.  Like some of us, she seemed to like Carole well enough at first but has witnessed the wheels come off the bus. In addition, she's been poked by Carole's mean girl stick and shared a couch with her at the reunion where Tinsley looked like a princess, Carole acted like the wicked witch.  I think the bloom is off the rose for Tinz where Carole is concerned. 

She'll need a friend next season. Someone, somewhere, suggested her sister.  That might be a lot.  But could it be worse than Kim and Kyle?

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9 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I don't think Bethenny is coming back next season.  Just a feeling.

I'm fifty/fifty on it. I can see her "taking a year off, with the option to return". I can also see her signing on with the idea of showing how she "manages it all".

Ramona, I'm not worried about. She's cray, but in a stable entertaining way.

Dorinda? Not sure why people she's on the chopping block. When she's "making it nice" she's every gracious host I've ever known and when she's drunk, it's time to hide!

The ones I think might be on the block?

Tinsley - too boring, has had no real storyline in two years. On the other hand, I sorta love her bubbly little "but guys... I think we're supposed to be having fun, not screaming at each other.... guys...." routine. I like her, but I seem to be a rarity.

Sonja - I think I just don't find the "I'm so sex crazed, my vagina is literally pulsating for dick" stuff. It's not funny, her flashing people with her muff isn't funny, and I genuinely stopped caring years ago. 

And then Luann. 

I don't like Luann. I'd love her to be gone because I think she's a genuinely awful person who totally knows she's doing awful things and totally knows she's still pretty and can play dumb and innocent, and continues to get away with it. I don't want her on the show But... even though I think its clear she's playing games and acting dumb and innocent when she blatently lies and pulls shit to get out of dealing with the hard questions, I think she'll land on her feet and get another season. Maybe. Because I do wonder if she's used up all the good will. Carole probably saved her job by quitting/getting fired. 

I don't like how blatant Andy's favoritism was. I don't think Bethenny needed his help and honestly, I am no fucking stranger to the f-bomb, but I really don't think Andy needed to be all "I want to hear her *fucking answer* - he was trying too hard. He also seemed just... pissed to even be there. 

Carole was just... I don't know... way too angry and committed to her rage to make me think she was already planning to walk away. 

31 minutes ago, film noire said:

called Sonja disgusting,

Wait, you're disagreeing with this? Because I thought you were also calling Sonja Lady Diaper Pee. 

Is Bethenny really so wrong on this one? ;)

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On 8/22/2018 at 9:33 PM, Mozelle said:

RHONY viewership stats according to Wikipedia


Season 4*, episode 1: 1.96 million viewers

Season 4, episode 16 (finale): 2.44 million viewers 


Season 5, episode 1: 1.66 million viewers

Season 5, episode 18 (finale): 1.83 million viewers


Season 6, episode 1: 1.33 million viewers

Season 6, episode 20 (finale): 1.50 million viewers


Season 7**, episode 1: 1.56 million viewers 

Season 7, episode 19 (finale): 1.40 million viewers 


Season 8, episode 1: 1.24 million viewers 

Season 8, episode 20 (finale): 1.96 million viewers 


Season 9, episode 1: 1.27 million viewers

Season 9, episode 19 (finale): 1.72 million viewers 


Season 10, episode 1: 1.39 million viewers

Season 10, episode 19 (finale): 1.24 million viewers 


*first season without Bethenny

**Bethenny’s return 

You beat me to it.  I've seen it said more than once that Bethenny's the star or she helped the ratings.  I think Bravo definitely treats her like the star of the show, however, the ratings did not suffer when she left and the season she returned did not see an increase.  The ratings suffered when Jill was fired and never fully recovered.

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On 8/22/2018 at 8:03 PM, QuinnM said:

The look on Bethenny’s face when Andy asked Dorinda whether she thought she wasn’t drunk all the time.  It’s like she thought Andy was going to roll out a clip real.  And he may next week.  The last clip in the preview of Andy yelling at Carole, man he does not like her.

Now I was someone that read his book (listened to it while I walked) and he called Bethenny and Carole friends that he had to not invite to his annual Christmas party.  His party is a big deal, fascinating guest list, Carole he said was the hardest call because they had been friends since they both started in news.  But dammmnnnn, he does not like her right now.  I’m telling you this goes beyond this show.  She did or said something that got back to him.

Something definately happened behind the scenes this year where Bethenny is concerned.  When she first came back to the show, everyone was kissing her hiney.  Even Ramona.  I'd go as far to say there was an aura of fear about the women.  That went away for some this year - namely Ramona, Carole and Dorinda.

Ramona has been particularly and surprisingly vocal.  It makes me think she's had enough and felt safe letting her true feelings be known.

This isn't all Bethenny.  It's Bravo giving Bethenny power.  

As to Carole vs. Andy.....Carole crossed a line.  Going after another wife is one thing, but when Andy and/or Bravo are brought into it, it's all over.  We've seen this many times over.  Andy is, IMO, very patient with the women but there is a clear line at which it stops.  Carole crossed it big time.  Ramona is safe because she hasn't brought Andy into it.  Don't mess with Andy and don't mess with Bravo if you want to stay.

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2 hours ago, Talented Tenth said:

You beat me to it.  I've seen it said more than once that Bethenny's the star or she helped the ratings.  I think Bravo definitely treats her like the star of the show, however, the ratings did not suffer when she left and the season she returned did not see an increase.  The ratings suffered when Jill was fired and never fully recovered.

Andy's got to be disappointed with  these ratings.  Even OC had 1.4 viewers this week.  

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2 hours ago, Jextella said:

Don't mess with Andy and don't mess with Bravo if you want to stay.

See that's the thing.  Carole has been around long enough to know this, yet she went there.  For me, that confirms that she wasn't concerned about whatever consequences there may be, either because she had already given notice, or she didn't care if he cut her.  

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10 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

According to Dorinda, Richard knew very influential people here and abroad.  They traveled all over here and in Europe and she loved the life he gave her.  Very different from what she does now.

Yes, he was a really big deal in the financial world.  My jaw dropped open the night Bethenny characterized him as essentially a nobody.  She "knows it all," right, so she intentionally minimized his stature.   It was a bit higher than her then bf's in the global financial community, I'd venture.  

Edited by weaver
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For someone who claims to come from humble beginnings, Ramona is the most demanding and entitled twit around. 

Bethenny’s hair and makeup looked great. I have a love/hate relationship with Bethenny. Sometimes she drives me around the bend , but man, that girl is quick, and funny. She comes up with the best comebacks. 

Carole use to be besties with Andy. not anymore. If looks could kill she would have been dead, and buried. 

Slurinda is probably my least favourite now. She is as mean as a gutter rat.  She can deny away, but she is a drunk. The stuff she said to people during her drunken outbursts was an abomination. She means it too...the truth comes out when the liquor starts flowing. 

Carole: Na,na,na na, hey hey,hey Goodbye.   Good riddance. I won’t miss that lemon sucking, pan-caked  assed weasel. 

Sonja, next time Ramona tries to cover your mouth, bite her. don’t worry, It won’t break your vegan/pescatarian diet. 

I don’t understand Jill Zarin but she was the one who wanted Bravo to film the funeral. She is the thirstiest one of all. She’d film 24\7 if she had someone willing to do it.  I believe slurinda  would have done the same if Richard had passed while she was on RHONY. Heck, he’s been mentioned by her so much that he deserves an honorary Apple. 

Tinsley: forgot she was there. As usual. 

Edited by Barbara Please
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8 hours ago, AnnA said:

The reunion was filmed on July 17th.    Carole announced she wasn't coming back on July 25th.

Between 07/25/18 and now...the editors had plenty of time

to edit the reunion...and...not in Carole's favor.


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5 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Bethenny's dress reminds me of this wedding dress at Norstrom that I've been getting ads for for months (I'm not getting married and have no idea what in my browsing history has made this happen).  Maybe it even is the dress, I didn't pay enough attention.  I was just like "That dress is haunting me!"



I loved her dress & this may be it, it’s gorgeous

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12 hours ago, Jel said:

Every single time Bethenny said "Chef", Kelly would say "Cook". Bethenny said, "I didn't go to culinary school?" Kelly, refusing to let facts distract her from her thesis, ignored that and continued "correcting" Bethenny. So arrogant, so nuts, so hostile -- Kelly!  Good times.

I couldn't stand Kelly.  She wasn't fun to hate, in the same way Dorinda has gotten.

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12 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

According to Dorinda, Richard knew very influential people here and abroad.  They traveled all over here and in Europe and she loved the life he gave her.  Very different from what she does now.

He was a lifetime member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is an elite moneyfuck of one percenters Frankel could only dream of entering--  he was a power broker of the first order -- if she didn't know that, she's an indiot, and if she did, her envy made a fool out of her.


Very different from what she does now.

Yes -- she's certainly not having Bill, HRC and Bishop Desmond Tutu over to party anymore ; )

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