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S13.E03: Leave It All on the Dance Floor


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3 hours ago, Loves2Dance said:

Shelly's reaction to Dayton being called was priceless. 

I agree, but if I were Shelly, I would be so upset with the comments that they made about Dayton, and how ridiculously over the top they are about everything VK!!!

Crying over her solo??? Seriously??? How about Tina being there in studio after the TC announcement? Such clear bias. It would be so hard to be Shelly and have to

work with these people knowing all of this. I have to give her credit.

  • Love 9

My thoughts on the episode (not already stated above ;)):

The Laker girl who was at the Vegas shooting and had to run for cover - like OMG, an actual legit backstory of a recent and serious struggle!...my daughter and I were gasping like ”wow - that’s horrible” - then, unfortunatley, we were totally turned off by how she said the experience inspired her to try out for DCC.   Like you go through something like that and your first thought is to try out for a scantily clad pro-Cheerleading squad?!!  Just smh.  She seemed like a good dancer that girl, but she didn’t come across as very bright in her interview footage, and her looks and figure weren’t anything spectacular, so I could see why she didn’t make it.

I don’t think that other former Laker girl w/ dark hair has an attractive face.  She looks very basic and just not pretty to me.   And her figure is way too frail/thin.

Wasn’t anywhere near as impressed w/ the video footage of Miss America girl speaking than I am her photos and slow motion footage.  She is just amazingly photogenic, but her speaking style is very robotic.  Her legs are also kind of short for her torso and that is a pet peeve of mine.  She is still very, very pretty though - just not AS pretty as I thought from her photos.

I’m not a fan of the Gabby girl from Arizona either.  I think she’s a lot more cute than pretty and her dance technique is not very good.  Just kind of a blender that is too small to get noticed, but they probably like her for diversity reasons so I can see why she made it to TC.

As stated in posts above, I’m still liking VK - shes one of my favorites of the new girls.   I like Malena too - she’s really pretty - kind of reminds me of a nicer/more approachable Gabrielle Union.

Christina looked really pretty at the panel interviews.  I agree that Salina and the other vets who were “mentioned” for weight by the show looked heavy.

Edited by MyFavShows
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, catmom720 said:

I think the DCC use a similar time schedule as the Air Force.  If you arrive somewhere 30 minutes early, you're early.  If you arrive 15 minutes early, you're on time.  If you're on time, you're late.  My husband, a veteran, had to explain that to me.  I'm sure Keyra was aware of this concept, or however the DCC standard works.  She honestly seemed baffled about being cut.  Maybe she should watch this episode!

Victoria, queen of the DCC...funniest thing I've read in a long time!

Add Marching Band to the list about time/being early... A quote from Drumline - which also applies to the DCC .. " 

" Dr. Lee: One band, one sound. When one of us is late, we are all late. When one of us looks or sounds bad, we all look and sound bad. So what's the concept?

The Band: One band, one sound.  "

My guess is not only Keyra was late but it probably caused some last minute arrangements in the formations.  I also wonder how much was Keyra riding on her LSU bestie Certsten during the season and re-audition process. Nothing wrong with that - but Cersten made it clear she was moving on....

  • Love 6
18 minutes ago, PollyHowell said:

I saw a lot of cameos of Alexandra tonight - the dark-haired girl they featured a bit last season who was a teacher. I believe she was cut at finals last year. She definitely has the look and I remember enjoying her solo last year, but K&J were spot on when they said she lost power on the field and didn't project. They didn't put any emphasis on her presence at all this year, and with the amount of talent they had come through this year, I can see how she is lost in the shuffle. I feel for her; I think she came across as genuine and seemed to work very hard.

Wow - for the life of me I can’t remember who you guys are talking about?  From last season?  She was in TC?  Can someone post a pic?

  • Love 1

Have we ever heard Jessika talk before, like ever? Three years later and they finally decide to showcase her in a not so good light. Some of these edits are such a slap in the face to these girls, esp the vets. 


I know they were learning the routine and just practicing, but Heather O. seemed incredibly unimpressive during that segment. 


Literally laughed out loud at the face Marshall gave sobbing Brenda


Could just be editing, but Judy seemed very quiet most of the show. It was pretty much all Kelli and Charlotte commentary.

  • Love 14

Earlier this year I was very sad about Selena's cut, although I'd almost expected it because of the inference during last year's office visit that she was very much on the bubble even then.  However, I found Keyra's cut to be shocking as well as sad.  At first I'd thought maybe it was weight since that was something she'd mentioned really struggling with in previous years, but I remembered seeing some of her performance videos on Michelle Keys' Instagram a month or so before auditions, and she looked gorgeous and very fit to me.  When things started to surface about her being late, that made much more sense to me, because seeing her in this episode her body was absolutely slamming so I didn't think there was any possible way it could be a weight issue.

I think the problem there was that even though her lateness was likely addressed at the time (I can't imagine it wouldn't have been), she made the mistake of believing that because she clearly had a good track record since and that there were no apparent continued ramifications, that it meant all was well, when in reality being late is the DCC kiss of death.

Just because someone is nice (or professional) to you, it doesn't mean they like you, and it doesn't make you their friend ?

  • Love 13

Some other thoughts on the episode that haven't already been mentioned:

- My new favorite Kitty-ism = "sex on a stick."  I will say that the Kitty segment was quite tame, which I suspect is a result of the much higher caliber of candidates showing up at auditions.  Similar to how the makeovers have become boring in recent years.  Bummer for all of us that love her past segments where you were convinced she would eat at least one girl alive.  But the solos were great!

- Making history by being a Laker Girl during Kobe's last game?  Really?

-"Mesmerized by Charlotte's beautiful eyes" with that fake, inserted twinkle...c'mon, CMT.  She's the LAST person that would have any sort of sweet, beautiful quality to her.  But kudos to the girl that attempted to suck up to her, I guess.

- During Maddie's solo, I was smiling at the screen like an idiot.  I love her!  But those kicks - yikes.

- For the hot minute Yuko was shown on the screen, she was a pretty bland performer.  Not much different from past seasons, and I could take or leave her.  But she's definitely a beauty and her solo costume was GORGEOUS.

  • Love 10

In regards to Dayton, I think maybe her witty personality can be misunderstood as slightly aloof or not taking it as seriously. Throw over the top, animated VK in the mix and it sort of emphasizes Dayton's quieter personality even more, making her seem not as interested or dedicated. She definitely did not get this negative treatment from Kelli last year. I think VK literally came in and stole the show. 


I wonder if Dayton assumed (rightfully so) that her and VK would be treated fairly and similarly as legacies on the show. Seeing this play out on television has got to sting. 

  • Love 13
2 hours ago, pizzaislife said:

I don’t either. I’m not a Kashara fan, she is too much for me to take but I hate mind games. Just tell her she needs to tone up don’t mess with her.

im also getting tired of Jenn K. We get it you’re being groomed for  something but the whole speech every year kind of makes her look like a DBag. 

Yeah, I hate when they play games. Kashara did look soft at finals, and I don't think she should get a pass for it if other girls are not, but still, just be upfront. Cut the mind games. 

Jenn K. practically gave the same speech as last year. She's obviously an asset to the DCCs, but she's annoying on screen.

3 hours ago, dccfan37 said:

The girls reaction to Selina was so sad :( she’s definitely flown under the radar and we didn’t get to know her as well but you can definitely tell how much she’s liked by the girls 

Agreed. Selina is a class act. I understand why she was cut, but I hate it.

3 hours ago, BonnieBlue said:

I was upset when I heard Keyra was cut, but watching the show, it was totally justified.  If you can't bother to be where you need to be on time, then you should find something else to do.  Selina might have been 14 pounds heavier, but she still looks better than Victoria.  Yuck.

I missed it.  What did it show -- wait, let me guess, they crowned Victoria queen of the DCC?

Yeah, Keyra should know that the DCCs have zero tolerance for punctuality and attendance. It is definitely not a salaried, 8/9 to 5 office job where you have some leeway in arrival time. I know that from just watching the show, so she definitely should.

She caused her own demise unfortunately. A shame too....because she looked like a firecracker when the vets were practicing the dance. Interesting that she won Judy over as well in the dance department but screwed up in other aspects of her job.  

3 hours ago, ElenaFR said:

If Kerya was cut for being late, why not tell her before trying out? Waste of time for all involved. 

This was strange, especially because Keyra seemed surprised by the cut. I always thought that the vets have a meeting with K&J prior to tryouts where they get an assessment. If this issue with punctuality wasn't addressed, but she was cut for it, then that's crappy (and leaves open the possibility that the cut was actually for something else). If it was addressed, and she still doesn't understand the cut or realize that punctuality is a huge deal to the DCCs, then there's no question that cutting her was correct.

I didn't understand Sara's cut. I definitely think she should've made it over Jessika. I've never understood her appeal at all. Glad that Briana made it to TC this year, and while I couldn't tell if she was being facetious, I was so happy when Brenda pointed out that a little bit of softness is feminine. Seriously, very few men who I know want a woman who is hard as a rock and all muscle. 

  • Love 8
21 minutes ago, 123DCCWoooo said:

Mesmerized by Charlotte's beautiful eyes" with that fake, inserted twinkle...c'mon, CMT.  She's the LAST person that would have any sort of sweet, beautiful quality to her.  

LOL. Sometimes I think the editors at CMT are being subtle smartasses.

Charlotte seemed so painfully fake in her little speech at the end before they called the names for TCCs. She seemed a little too pleased to start crushing some dreams 

6 minutes ago, scorpio1031 said:

Why was Brenda emotional?

She was literally sobbing over VK's solo

Edited by NMDD43
  • LOL 1
  • Love 8

I'm really trying to make an effort to not go sharpening my pitchfork after this episode.  

I'm hoping that further episodes will provide some context but I'm having a hard time imagining it.

Could also be that I just need to go have some chocolate cake.  I spent last week's episode making one as I watched, and I feel like I should have saved my efforts for this week (also, my recipe serves double duty for the drinking game - I make it with Guinness, so that way I can keep up with everything except my diet ?).

  • Love 12
8 minutes ago, evasworld123 said:

Glad I’m not the only confused one. Was this on an upcoming scene for next week? Didn’t see it in the episode and can’t find the preview :(

Just fast forwarded thru the ep from Amazon. It’s at the end of the preview.  I don’t think it needed to be said.

Edited by scorpio1031
  • Love 2

There really was a higher caliber of talent this year overall compared to last season. A few observations - Dayton has one of those laid back personalities which hides her fire and passion a bit. I have a feeling that compared to the hyper energy of VK , this may have diminished her in the eyes of some of the judges who know that both gals are legacies.  To me, Dayton has a more lyrical style and less of the rah rah needed for the DCC style. Truly, I didn't get to see very much of her dancing to be completely sure - just a feeling I have. I think the two veteran cuts at finals were deserved, but I always hate seeing them after the final number is called. It must be completely devastating to be "left behind"and having your former team gals come console you.

  • Love 7

I love watching finals because we get two very opposite views of the dancers: first we get to see them stand out in their own way during their solos and then we get to how they directly compare with each other on the field during the kickline and choreography.

As usual, there were some dismal interviews. How does anyone not know what FBI stands for? I kind of wish she had used the acronym meaning from those terrible tourist t-shirts and said, "Female body inspector!" You know Neal would have high fived her for that.

After we saw Kitty specifically tell one girl that she needed to see some of her back because her shorts looked like granny panties, I was surprised that she didn't say the same thing to the Lakers Girl Sarah. Her body was fine but the high waisted shorts gave her a boxy look.

Once again the weather guy is the only one who isn't drinking the Victoria Is Awesome Kool Aid and I love him for it. When Kelli and Brenda started crying after her solo, I seriously said out loud "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS SMOKING?" She is clearly being given preferential treatment because anyone else falling out of her turns (not once, but TWICE) would have been given the Kelli side eye and been cut. Instead she gets the sympathetic "awwwww!"s from the judges. I went back and watched both of the pirouettes she fell out of and her spotting was terrible so it wasn't just not being used to the field.

In contrast, Gina had textbook technique in her double pirouette: clean spotting, correct arm placement, shoulders down and back/chest open, nice high passé and relevé.  I know a lot of people didn't like her attitude in training camp last year, but at least her dance technique looks great on the field.

I thought it was sweet that the guy from Lucchese was putting in a good word for Brennan every chance he got. I'm neutral on her (I don't think she should make the team just because she keeps trying out but if she is one of the top 36 girls, then good for her), but I appreciate that he's rooting for her so much.

6 hours ago, DFWBelle said:

"You will not make this team just because you're someone's daughter" Kelli to Dayton

"Unless your name is Cassie."

3 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I’m not a fan of the Gabby girl from Arizona either.  I think she’s a lot more cute than pretty and her dance technique is not very good.  Just kind of a blender that is too small to get noticed, but they probably like her for diversity reasons so I can see why she made it to TC.

If they take Gabby then they will double the number of Asian girls on the team!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 18
6 hours ago, ElenaFR said:

So sad for Selina. Work with the woman! She works full time.  I can't imagine the difficulty it is to be a full time teacher, dance and try to remain ultra thin. 


Kerya I had been in your corner the entire time until now. Turned me off. With the edit, looked like an eye roll when Gina was called. 

I noticed the eye roll too! Seemed like an obvious one to me. See screen grabs below....

i also don’t buy that “she had no idea” why she was cut. I’m most certainly sure her tardiness was addressed to her. Maybe she was just so arrogant she thought it didn’t matter. I’ve read in other places/forums that she’s supposedly had an issue with arrogance/attitude. 




  • Love 12

Definitely need more Judy and less Charlotte. 

So Selina is cut for weight but Kept Kashara. Hmm.

Jesika should have been cut for her less than stellar interview and blandness. 

Overall, many of the vets were outdanced by the rookies. 

Cowboys get rid of that obnoxious jumbotron. Does none of the ladies any favors. 

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Rubyslippahz said:

Also, what the hell was Charlotte wearing at the end when they announced names? It reminded me of the brown buckskin outfit that Charles Manson was arrested in circa 1969.   

Looked like a bird flew into her and all that remained were those random feathers.

LOVED veteran Alexis' gray/silver finals outfit. We don't see that color too much on this show (at least I don't recall).  But then Dayton had on a similar color, but I hated her costume. 

Was the ballroom dancer from last year there this year? Thought I saw her during finals.

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 1

I feel totally vindicated. I've been saying for months that Keyra wasn't cut for weight. There is more to say about this, but I'll be gracious.

Regarding the cut, those late/missed appearances happened over the holidays, approximately 5-6 mos.earlier.

She saw all those heavy vets and bad vet solos and was shocked that she was cut. She thought that was water under the bridge.

Was happy Judy spoke up for her.

  • Love 22
5 hours ago, sATL said:


I have an issue with controversial questions, where it seems like they expect you to take a stand, right there on the spot. It would have been better to ask - What an were some of the issues in recent NFL seasons where players (and I am not sure about the cheerleaders) have taken a stand, where it can be perceived as controversial.

The news anchor Brenda Teele needs to ease up some on her questions - is someone supposed to know all of the federal (or state) agency acronyms? There's just too many of them.  And I think now - mainly b/c of texting - people know the acronym more so that what the acronym stands for.

And the causes - I like the idea , but does the cause have to be a tear jerker? There are also plenty of causes that are for people who are not terminally/medically ill..

I think they are tear jerkers simply because most people are going to choose a cause they have personally been affected by. I think many times we are sort of complacent about so many issues/causes until it affects our life somehow. At that point, we are kind of jerked back into reality that it is a problem that needs to be addressed, needs more attention, and needs help to find a change. My cause would be organ donation. It was never on my radar until my sister got sick and needed a heart transplant. She would have died in a matter of days without one. Not enough people donate. Because I was so personally affected (twice), one of my missions in life is to tell as many people as possible her story and educate people on organ donation. Before she got sick, it was just an issue I never gave any thought to. Now, there aren’t many days that go by that I’m not talking about it. So, I think it becomes a tear jerker thing just because the girls have personally been affected by the cause they choose, and that drives a different kind of passion. 

  • Love 18
16 minutes ago, hypeman said:

I feel totally vindicated. I've been saying for months that Keyra wasn't cut for weight. There is more to say about this, but I'll be gracious.

Regarding the cut, those late/missed appearances happened over the holidays, approximately 5-6 mos.earlier.

She saw all those heavy vets and bad vet solos and was shocked that she was cut. She thought that was water under the bridge.

Was happy Judy spoke up for her.

Keyra actually looked better at auditions this year than she did last year. More toned. 

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, njcate said:

Some random questions:

it looked like Cristi Fischer didn't make it to finals ...does anyone know why ?

also - it looked like Gaebri Anderson  in the front row of finals ...does anyone know how she did ?

Unfortunately for Christi I would assume it is her look.  She’s not attractive ?

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, sugarplum said:

I think they are tear jerkers simply because most people are going to choose a cause they have personally been affected by. I think many times we are sort of complacent about so many issues/causes until it affects our life somehow. At that point, we are kind of jerked back into reality that it is a problem that needs to be addressed, needs more attention, and needs help to find a change. My cause would be organ donation. It was never on my radar until my sister got sick and needed a heart transplant. She would have died in a matter of days without one. Not enough people donate. Because I was so personally affected (twice), one of my missions in life is to tell as many people as possible her story and educate people on organ donation. Before she got sick, it was just an issue I never gave any thought to. Now, there aren’t many days that go by that I’m not talking about it. So, I think it becomes a tear jerker thing just because the girls have personally been affected by the cause they choose, and that drives a different kind of passion. 

I'm glad your sister is feeling better. Thanks for being a spokesperson on her behalf.

True. All true. A personal attachment is best - esp. if you've known someone personally who has been effected.

I was referring to causes like the boys/girl club, certain scholarship organizations (like UNCF), Scouts, Meals on Wheels, Hats and Gloves, Habitat for Humanity, and Red Cross - esp. given all of the hurricanes in 2017. On another show, one of the family members had a charity who introduced music to children whose has a parent incarcerated.

I'm not saying one charity is better than another - I am saying all of them are good and necessary - as the end goal is to help someone in need. I just thought one of the candidates   adding to the list charities where maybe someone isn't brought to tears..

Edited by sATL
  • Love 2

So Kelli has set a standard about tardiness. If late during the season, don't bother showing up for auditions. Wonder if this is a rule for ALL or just the folks that she is not enamored with. 

Kerya's confidence/cockiness in this episode is how I see VK. Both have come across as crass.  As I tell my two daughters, A Lion does not need to tell the world it is a Lion. No need to be all kinds of extra if truly excellent. 

  • Love 9

I’m glad Ketta wasn’t cut for weight like most people thought. I like Keyra. I think her  personality is stronger than they would prefer which I can relate to. The whole “yes ma’am no ma’am” and America’s sweethearts but in booty shorts thing is really weird to me anyway. 

 She is good and she knows it and I don’t see anything wrong with that. She backs it up unlike VK. From her Instagram story a while back, it seems like they didn’t tell her that she wouldn’t make the team again due to her issue with punctuality. It seemed to really be a surprise to her. She said that “Rumor is that I didn’t make it back because of being late to appearances” or something like that when she was asked.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, BonnieBlue said:

Kelli holds women of color to different standards, we all know that.  

Are there other women who were so late to two performances that it caused issues? I’m certain that is one standard easy to measure. I haven’t seen people stay if they are late. 

Was the blonde girl Hannah who had a swift departure for weight and bad dancing many years ago ever late for appearances? I thought she just turned them down.

5 hours ago, sATL said:

The solos were great. I really wish we could see them in their entirety - the cameraman jumps around too much. And I enjoyed the soundtrack that went with the solos - which I guess was the work of DJ EJ/production for filming and not what the women asked to be played.

But the best part of the solo.. was the WTH "the look" from Marshall, regarding Brenda's emotional scene


I freaking LOVE Marshall.

  • Love 20

Years back, a TCC was cut for being eight minutes late for her uniform fitting. She was late one time. That’s all it took. They are not kidding about being late. Keyra was late twice so not surprised she didn’t make it back.


She’s talented and gorgeous so I think she’ll be moving on to bigger and better things where she can shine pretty quickly. 

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, raindancer said:

I'm really trying to make an effort to not go sharpening my pitchfork after this episode.  

I'm hoping that further episodes will provide some context but I'm having a hard time imagining it.

Could also be that I just need to go have some chocolate cake.  I spent last week's episode making one as I watched, and I feel like I should have saved my efforts for this week (also, my recipe serves double duty for the drinking game - I make it with Guinness, so that way I can keep up with everything except my diet ?).

I make Guinness chocolate cake too!  It's a recipe from my great grand-apple and it is BOMB.  I do brown sugar cream cheese frosting to make it look like a real Guinness :)

ETA: Her original recipe called for a cup of hot coffee and I replaced it with Guinness :))

Edited by RedDelicious
  • Love 2

My thoughts on the episode:

Keyra, it does not matter how long ago it was or how close you came to not being “officially” late, the fact that you were DCC late TWICE, you’re history.  I’m sure Kelli addressed it both times as it doesn’t seem like her NOT to address it.  During the end of the year meeting, Kelli may have suggested she not come back but Keyra may not have heard it that way.  Maybe her arrogance got in the way of hearing it.  But she should have known better and her being cut over it does not surprise me at all.  I’m guessing her reasons or excuses for being late did not sit well with Kelli.  And I like Keyra and am glad that Judy stuck up for her.  It was about the only words Judy said the entire episode.

And yeah, I saw that serious eye roll when they called Gina’s name.  Don’t be mad at Gina for being great.  But I’m aware of editing so don’t know when she really rolled her eyes, but it really doesn’t matter does it, she rolled her eyes at something.  It’s probably little things like that (attitude) that kept you off the team this year in combination with being late twice.

I liked Gina last year and she is turning into such a great DCC so I’m glad to see it.  As for Selina, I’m surprised that it took this long to cut her for weight.  I think she was a little heavy the last two years IIRC in the judges’ eyes so I think this year they finally just let her go.  You can’t be slightly overweight (DCC weight) and a blender and stay on the team, especially when the rookies are so talented.  You have to have something else to compensate for it.  I’m guessing KaShara’s personality and Tasha’s looks save them from being dropped due to weight.  

THANK YOU CMT for showing the names of the candidates and their status (rookie or vet) during the dancing.  And THANK YOU for showing the routine longer when the vets were learning.  I felt like I could actually see some dancing.  Anyway, that helped tremendously so keep it up.

I think Malena is cute as a button, but she needs to tone down on the under eye highlighting (or strobing, it that what it’s called?). It’s too white under her eyes.  It needs to be blended more or a softer color (more yellow as in Ben Nye’s).  It’s distracting.

So glad Titan’s Brianna made it to TCC.  She’s gorgeous and seems like a mature, well spoken woman.  

I’m surprised Jessika made it through after that interview.  Not good for a TCC, really bad for a vet and other vets have been cut.  I suspect that KaShara being called last may have been because of the numbers falling that way.  With an extremely talented rookie class, she may have been outdanced, outkicked and with any weight warning, her numbers may have slipped into the lower tier of making it back.  

Jenn K doesn’t bother me.  She seems like a great employee who takes her job and responsibilities seriously.  She seems to be a great ambassador for the organization and I could see her taking over for Kelli or Judy one day.  And she told the vets correctly; bring it or go home.  

  • Love 15

I can’t stand Keyra this episode, the over the top kicks and woos at finals. The eye rolls at Gina making it back. Gina can outdance you in a heartbeat. 

Loveee Rachel, thought she was super gorgeous. 

We all knew VK’s solo would be awesome, she’s an excellent technical/lyrical dancer and obviously she was going to go with that for her solo. I cna actually understand why Kelli teared up, she’s good at emotionally dancing.

that being said, loved marshall’s side eye at brenda crying. There was no need for her lol

great kittyisms this episode

dayton comes across as disinterested to me, probably bc her and VK are two opposite sides of a coin personality wise. I’m sure Kelli said the same thing to VK considering she put that disclaimer out there during her solo.

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, VintageJ said:

Jenn K doesn’t bother me.  She seems like a great employee who takes her job and responsibilities seriously.  She seems to be a great ambassador for the organization and I could see her taking over for Kelli or Judy one day.  And she told the vets correctly; bring it or go home.  

I think Kelli was fresh out of the gates as a cheerleader when she became assistant director back in the late 80s, so I can see them doing something similar with Jenn K.  It seems like a natural progression.  When Kelli does retire, you better believe I want to see her crush that field entrance in boots before she leaves the stadium for the last time!

  • Love 9

Now that I’ve had a little sleep.. Rachel was sweet as can be and reminded me of the pageant girls I grew up with (I’m only 24, so I know girls still competing). 

I hate how CMT edits because I was under the impression that Sarah did better than Alanna. 

Alanna has an unique look to her also.

Hannah seemed to be a firecracker? 

Yuko is forgettable.. seriously.

Last, i loved the comparison edit! I actually enjoyed Tasha and Gina dancing (well I knew Gina was good, but have heard mix reviews on Tasha).

  • Love 2

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