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90DF Live Chat: Rice-A-Roni & Google Translate

Message added by Meredith Quill

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Eric is an idiot. "I haven't been able to rely on my 19 year old." Dude, she's one year above the legal age. He's such a jackass. I know 19 year olds who are high school seniors solely based upon when they started school, so your logic is ridiculous.

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Just now, brillia79 said:

This. Those trophies weren’t for the kids. They were for their gen-x parents who never got over being chosen last for dodgeball teams in 3rd grade.

LOL, I was going to pick on the boomers, since they're the parents of millennials. 

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Go, Steven! And yeah, if none of your children attend your wedding, something is very wrong.  I used to see a guy whose grown children wouldn't have anything to do with him. It made me uncomfortable and I stopped seeing him. I wonder if they showed up at his funeral.

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Eric has a fucking nerve. 

Steven is actually right about the 25-26 thing. I work at a university and we had a course for staff about how to handle issues that might arise with students. People 18-26 or so are called "emerging adults". 

The worst thing is Eric's real rage when anyone suggests that his daughter has a point. He is furious! 

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Just now, Eldemarge said:

Ashley is milking this aggrieved wife shit for all it's worth and won't actually decide to kick him out.  Just to get our pity?  I don't get it.

There’s no “Happily Ever After” if you deport your spouse before the season.

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3 minutes ago, brillia79 said:

This. Those trophies weren’t for the kids. They were for their gen-x parents who never got over being chosen last for dodgeball teams in 3rd grade.

Not all kids need a trophy, I taught mine that guess what, sometimes you lose.  But Eric that is not the point, you douchebag.  Dont blame other parenting styles on you being an ass to your daughter.  They both are so focused on that damn MESS when they should  focus on how highly inappropriate Leida was to Tasha.

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Just now, Pepper Mostly said:

Eric has a fucking nerve. 

Steven is actually right about the 25-26 thing. I work at a university and we had a course for staff about how to handle issues that might arise with students. People 18-26 or so are called "emerging adults". 

The worst thing is Eric's real rage when anyone suggests that his daughter has a point. He is furious! 

Exactly. Generally if everyone is telling me I'm wrong about something I have to sit down and re-evaluate some thing with my attitude or opinions. This asshole is just doubling down. 

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3 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Your brain stops maturing in your mid 20s?   Is this Snowflake Web MD?


From my understanding this is a fairly widely accepted theory today; your brain isn’t truly done baking until about 25/26.

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Eric....STFU!  Tasha is 19.  You can tell her I want you to move out because the apartment is too small.  BUT......hey!  Next Saturday we will go look at places and I will help with the first month, etc.  


Remember when Leida’s dad extended this to his own daughter.....Leida....????  And, Leida is 30 with a kid!


You are the SNOWFLAKE!  Failure to launch Fathers.....is just call Deadbeat Dad in our generation!


plus, you should think.  If Leida is talking to Tasha this way.....then she will treat Jennika the same way!


This man just lies about the money.  He is like....I am not poor.  Leida is just wealthy.

I am not too poor to help my daughter with first month rent.  She is 19.  An adult. A snowflake!



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