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Did Abby say that she bumped into Chris at the supermarket in January and he said he was selling his apartment in the DR and moving to THAILAND???   Hahahahahaha I can't believe he's run thru all the DR girls....he probably got the idea from the show.

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1 hour ago, Real Eyes said:

It’s not insulting to the average Muslim. Dangerous in some places?  Absolutely. 

Truth! I dated a man who was French Algerian. I am Catholic. He was Muslim. We once got into a discussion about whether or not Salman Rushdie deserved to have a fatwa for "The Satanic Verses," but other than that, our religious differences were not an issue. I respected his observance of Ramadan and he didn't mind the crucifix in my apartment or on my person.

He did advise me not to visit Algeria on my own (I was interested in going to Morocco as well), but I would stand out a lot more there than Marta would. 

Also, why does Daya communicate exclusively in Arabic? I was under the impression that French was also taught in school in Algeria. 

This all feels manufactured by production. 

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3 hours ago, EastCoast4Life said:

Jon and Rachel: I think Rachel looked thinner and very pretty with the new highlights. I think Jon looked like he had been living under a rock somewhere. His hair was crazy, and he seemed like he was on something. Of course she's spying his social media, she doesn't trust him at all! Great way to start a marriage.

I was confused by this. I was wondering what Rachel could have "needed to fix" on jon's social media account, justifying the need for his password. Does anyone think he didn't actually need anything fixed? Do you think she's the type of woman who would demand his logon credentials to all of his accounts bc she has trust issues? And just didn't want to admit that and seem petty on tv? 

But either way, why would Jon hand over the password and then have that conversation w an exgf, knowing that Rachel would be snooping?

Or is that why you say he must be "on something?" 

Edited by eatsleep
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3 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Tarik is an idiot. Your child's co-parent has a right to know who and what you're bringing around your child. Nobody's saying you have to tell the person everything and all the intimate details. I'd want to know that my child would be safe and treated right. He knows nothing about Hazel. I just can't see her being maternal or even warm. She has the same deadpan expression for everything. 

Rachel's ex-husband wouldn't even consent to their daughter travelling to the UK for the wedding, so I wonder if he knows about Jon's history or if he is just against her being around someone her mother doesn't know that well. As evidenced last night, he has a short fuse at times. That would be a red flag to me. 

These people with children are idiots. Ricky left Columbus with the intent of proposing to the woman he told his daughter about. Now he's engaged to another and he's just going to casually mention that and tell her about Ximena. And he's 30k in debt because the second wife gave him the money to fight for custody. Ximena needs to run farrr away. 

The best was Ximena’s remark that “sky diving” is next. 

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1 hour ago, AussieBabe said:

Tarik's mixtape cover is even more comical. It's his head pasted on the Black Panther's body/suit. You can't make this up. He is the black Anthony Bourdain after all! Whatever the hell that means in relation to his terrible music. And he played that terrible song during a romantic proposal? Geez.


Nuh uh!  The Devil is a LIE!

Who is responsible for this?  Please don't tell me this is a real thing. My brain cannot allow the thought of Tariq spending hours in the studio ( aka his brother broom closet) working on rhymes and beats while he waits to be discovered by Kanye.

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57 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I think it's more like the time Anna Nicole Smith fell in love with this dude:


"A better life" with someone who won't be cruel to you is Enough for many people.

But HE was a bazillionaire! 

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4 hours ago, AmyBre said:

Do the math for the production company.  They pay for Jesse's ticket and two nights at a hotel.  That's 2K.  They just need to sell one 30-second spot at that primetime hour to make 50 times that much.   Darcey is a mess and they know it but their misery, Karine's misery of losing a baby, and the verbal abuse that the participants put one another through.  That is what sells.  The only funny part to this is that Ricky and Tarik keep doing dumb things and the producers are loving it.   After a while, it's the same formula, the same food presented in a different plate.

Angela is the new Nicole.  Darcey also has a bit of Nicole and that other lady who married Muhammed.  Look at all these couples, NONE of them has a chance in hell of having a real relationship based on trust and openness.   By the way, I thought Darcey was middle class or upper middle class, but she's broke and only plays "acting rich" with expensive cars and expensive looking clothing.   If this woman is not "in" with all the BS and isn't following a script, she's going to have serious psych trauma, not only for what she's going through, but what she's putting her daughters trough. 

I tune in every season thinking that they will have at least one serious couple who's in it for love and not for the camera and spurious notoriety, but I'm always disappointed.

How much do you think advertising costs?

Network prime time shows MIGHT command $500,000/per, but cable it's usually closer to $2,000-$5,000, even less for spot during local slots. 

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26 minutes ago, eatsleep said:

I was confused by this. I was wondering what Rachel could have "needed to fix" on jon's social media account, justifying the need for his password. Does anyone think he didn't actually need anything fixed? 

That and it just happened to stay logged on on two accounts (usually hard to do) and she happened to see the notification and ...

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1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Not sure about NM custody laws, but assuming her older daughter's dad has legal custody and shared physical custody, she needs permission to take her to TX , let alone out of the country.  If they were married at the time of birth, he has legal custody - it is VERY hard to have sole legal custody these days.  It needs to be "I got pregnant in Italy on vacation and I don't know the guys name"kinda deal.  Cause let's face it - if she could have jetted to London with older daughter she would have done that by now!!

Rachel has said that she shared custody with her ex-husband (her eldest child’s father) and thus she is NOT able to move to the UK. 

I agree with Rachel’s ex not letting his daughter go to the wedding. 1. It was probably during the school year, 2. It’s not as if Jon was her long term boyfriend, and he KNEW HIM, yet they were getting married in the UK because he was from there or had family there- this is a guy Rachel spent two weeks with and was talking to online, no no- I wouldn’t want my child traveling out of the country spending time with someone I’d never met. Now if she were a teen that’d be different but she’s about 8 or so. 

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1 hour ago, Drogo said:

I think it's more like the time Anna Nicole Smith fell in love with this dude:


"A better life" with someone who won't be cruel to you is Enough for many people.

When you think about it, it makes a lot of sense.  People talk about wanting to marry "the one" and wanting to be with someone hot, etc.  But in reality, just being with someone who's not an asshole is saying a lot.

(says someone who works around a lot of assholes)

Edited by Neurochick
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2 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

Rachel has said that she shared custody with her ex-husband (her eldest child’s father) and thus she is NOT able to move to the UK.

I think the point was, once she is gone, he had to take legal proceedings if Rachel refuses to return her. 

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2 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

But in reality, just being with someone who's not an asshole is saying a lot.

Exactly.  Ricky and taReek are both skeevy/high-reaching/annoying to most of us, but neither really seems like an abuser. 

Pole on the other hand... best wear fire-retardant pajamas, Kremey.


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15 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I agree with Rachel’s ex not letting his daughter go to the wedding. 1. It was probably during the school year, 2. It’s not as if Jon was her long term boyfriend, and he KNEW HIM, yet they were getting married in the UK because he was from there or had family there- this is a guy Rachel spent two weeks with and was talking to online, no no- I wouldn’t want my child traveling out of the country spending time with someone I’d never met. Now if she were a teen that’d be different but she’s about 8 or so. 

I agree!!  I would have to fly with the child, at considerable expense (no way am I letting a little kid taker her first flight internationally, alone) for an online dating deal?  Sending her there to hang out with Mr Temper Tantrum?  No way, no how.

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12 minutes ago, Real Eyes said:

I think the point was, once she is gone, he had to take legal proceedings if Rachel refuses to return her. 

I think this is a lot of speculation.  Custodial arrangements vary.  You never know what two parents will agree to.

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There is one thing that I'm surprised hasn't been commented on yet RE P & K, especially given the speculation with the pregnancy timeline.

So last night when I was watching, hubs happened to also be casually listening. When it got to the scene where the Dr took them from the ultrasound room to the consult room, and the producer said "I'm going to help let you know what's going on" to Paul, there was a little bit of shiftyness going on. When the Dr said the baby "looks to be 9 weeks and we think it stopped growing at 8 weeks" the producer translated it as "they think the baby died a week ago"...Hubs and I looked at each other and both said at the same time "THATS NOT WHAT HE SAID". Now, it's not that the translation was totally inaccurate, but seemed worded in a specific way. 

Food for thought.

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1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

Nuh uh!  The Devil is a LIE!

Who is responsible for this?  Please don't tell me this is a real thing. My brain cannot allow the thought of Tariq spending hours in the studio ( aka his brother broom closet) working on rhymes and beats while he waits to be discovered by Kanye.

Oh it's real! Complete with at least 10 tracks. I'll go find it and share the link to the foolery.

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I've done my share of mocking P & K, but that exam and its outcome should have really been done off screen. 

That said, Pole’s still a dumbass for his limited Portuguese. At this point, I feel like I understand more, and I know none. 

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Marta Kardashian is boring. 

Pole and Karine.  Sadness. The loss of a child is devastating. 

Jon will cheat on Rachel after the novelty of marrying an American wears off. Also, he's a douchebag for inviting an ex to his engagement party. His anger showed up in the car, and it looks like he kicks off more next week. 

 Hazel looked about as excited about the engagement as a patient going in for a colonoscopy. However, she is no dummy. She brought up the 'rich Japanese guy' to get Tar-ick to propose. She's desperate to change her current life situation, and Dumbo the Rapper is just thinking with his lower parts.  His interaction with Hazel is definitely skeevy.  He never even mentioned Hazel to his ex. That kind of information would be useful if you're co-parenting.  And what is with Hazel wanting to be insta-Mom. She hasn't even met Auri.  

Ricky is annoying as fuck. I can't stand his face, or his stupid fanny pack.  He gives himself a pat on the back about mentioning Melissa, but hasn't mentioned to Ximena that he's not technically divorced. That seems far more important than telling her about Melissa. 

When Darcey was waiting at the park she looked like an escort waiting for a John. I can't stand either of them. They are dragging out their storyline but nobody curr. Darcey has a hideous crying face. 



ugly cry.jpeg

Edited by Barbara Please
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43 minutes ago, Lemur said:

I think this is a lot of speculation.  Custodial arrangements vary.  You never know what two parents will agree to.

No one is suggesting that’s what Rachel would do, just speculating on why her ex would deny the daughter traveling. Once a child is outside the jurisdiction, even with a custody order, that order must be enforced. That is expensive. 

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3 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

Marta Kardashian is boring. 

Pole and Karine.  Sadness. The loss of a child is devastating. 

Jon will cheat on Rachel after the novelty of marrying an American wears off. Also, he's a douchebag for inviting an ex to his engagement party. His anger showed up in the car, and it looks like he kicks off more next week. 

 Hazel looked about as excited about the engagement as a patient going in for a colonoscopy. However, she is no dummy. She brought up the 'rich Japanese guy' to get Tarik to propose. She's desperate to change her current life situation, and Dumbo the Rapper is just thinking with his lower parts.  His interaction with Hazel is definitely skeevy.  He never even mentioned Hazel to his ex. That kind of information would be useful if you're co-parenting.  And what is with Hazel wanting to be insta-Mom. She hasn't even met Auri.  

Ricky is annoying as fuck. I can't stand his face, or his stupid fanny pack.  He gives himself a pat on the back about mentioning Melissa, but hasn't mentioned to Ximena that he's not technically divorced. That seems far more important than telling her about Melissa. 

When Darcey was waiting at the park she looked like an escort waiting for a John. I can't stand either of them. They are dragging out their storyline but nobody curr. Darcey has a hideous crying face. 



ugly cry.jpeg

That should come with a warning and complimentary eye bleach.

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13 hours ago, millennium said:


Was it just me or did the ends of John's hair grow like mile-a-minute weed as he was driving?

Rachel was being an idiot.  She shouldn't have been snooping around in John's social media in the first place, and his explanation sounded honest and sincere.   There was nothing objectionable in what he said to his former girlfriend.  Stupid Rachel seems to think John's life only began to matter the instant she karaoked into it.

Darcey's toe cleavage...

I noticed that about John's hair too! It was suddenly sticking out at odd angles.

ITA with the bolded comment. I took it as John telling  ex that he really did love her at one point and is sorry for how he acted back then. Rachel is very insecure.

I use to work with a guy who always commented on my 'toe cleavage' whenever I wore a certain pair of pumps.

Are we suppose to believe Hazel is really in love with the plaid tank top guy?  She almost smiled when he proposed! Probably cuz she knew her Japanese man trick worked. I cannot see her being a parent. She's already calling herself 'mom', I can imagine real mom appreciates that.

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1 hour ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

I don't know if anyone follows Hazel on instagram but her name is illipina26. Her profile is private but has over 10k in followers.

It says she is an:


"Bisexual and proud of it"

She also loves to dance.

She's shady! Plays sweet and shy but she's trying to get one over on Tirik. How can he believe she's into him, she's cold as ice and emotionless. How can he NOT know who she really is if others see it?!  Wake up dude....you have a child waiting at home!

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37 minutes ago, snarky snarkerson said:

There is one thing that I'm surprised hasn't been commented on yet RE P & K, especially given the speculation with the pregnancy timeline.

So last night when I was watching, hubs happened to also be casually listening. When it got to the scene where the Dr took them from the ultrasound room to the consult room, and the producer said "I'm going to help let you know what's going on" to Paul, there was a little bit of shiftyness going on. When the Dr said the baby "looks to be 9 weeks and we think it stopped growing at 8 weeks" the producer translated it as "they think the baby died a week ago"...Hubs and I looked at each other and both said at the same time "THATS NOT WHAT HE SAID". Now, it's not that the translation was totally inaccurate, but seemed worded in a specific way. 

Food for thought.


So four weeks had passed since the visit that confirmed she was 4/5 weeks along. 

I guess they will admit her and perform a D&C instead of waiting for her to pass it. If the baby has been dead for a week, I would think it needs to be removed to prevent an infection.

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I also didn't like the filming of the ultrasound and viewers being shown, that should have been done behind closed doors, the Dr was an unsympathetic asswipe. Poor Pole if he thinks this kid was really his. I hope Ximena questions Rickster about the ring, being he did purchase it for Melissa. What is going on with Ms Fiddy2's bank account next week ?

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2 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I also didn't like the filming of the ultrasound and viewers being shown, that should have been done behind closed doors, the Dr was an unsympathetic asswipe. Poor Pole if he thinks this kid was really his. I hope Ximena questions Rickster about the ring, being he did purchase it for Melissa. What is going on with Ms Fiddy2's bank account next week ?

Maybe Scottie needed bail money or attorney’s fees?

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2 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I also didn't like the filming of the ultrasound and viewers being shown, that should have been done behind closed doors, 

Was it to add fuel to the fire about the baby not being Pole's?  Personally I don' t think it's Pole's either unless I see a timeline of when he arrived and when she lost it. TLC plays fast and loose with timelines.  Just odd the way she was asking for a baby to fix their relationship before the marriage then they marry, then fight then poof - baby.

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I'm offended that Tar-ick is calling himself "The Black Anthony Bourdain", more than comparing Hazel to Angelina Jolie. Anthony was well-traveled, witty, intelligent, talented, and humble. None of those adjectives apply to Tar-ick. 


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3 hours ago, AussieBabe said:


This just made me officially hate him... there are no words  for this imbecile!!????


and i I honestly believe the people on this forum could out rap him any one of us! 

Edited by Mainer
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From Hazel's profile, the words "ACTress" "Bisexual and proud of it" - those are more words in a row than have come out of her mouth since we've known her.  And, more attitudinal than we've seen, as well.  If she is ACTing as a soulless shell, she is doing a good job.   Otherwise, this is the right Hazel, yes ?

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18 hours ago, JasonH said:

In the Live Show, Darcy’s sister talks about getting citated for the fight with her sister. She also says “ya know” a lot. I mean, a lot.

Did that irritating host try to make a joke saying "It's been a long time since I've been citated" or something like that?  I hope she was being sarcastic and dummy didn't take her up on it.

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6 hours ago, GoGamecox said:

Darcey looked like a Mariah Carey wannabe in her "Meet at the Park" outfit. #goals

She looked liked she was going on an ESCORT date!  Not a "match made in heaven"......both are unhinged!

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10 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

I would bet money Marta works the pole during the daytime or right before people get off work. No way is she a nighttime headliner. 


Ha, this made me snort, kinda like she is the early bird special.  I wonder how many eye infections or stye's or Pink Eye Rachel has contracted over the years of her sticky germ infested fingers in to her eyes, why the heck does she look at it ?  Hazel is like the walking dead, she could be the next girl in the Ring movie 

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8 minutes ago, Chippings said:

From Hazel's profile, the words "ACTress" "Bisexual and proud of it" - those are more words in a row than have come out of her mouth since we've known her.  And, more attitudinal than we've seen, as well.  If she is ACTing as a soulless shell, she is doing a good job.   Otherwise, this is the right Hazel, yes ?

Her cousin/friend who called her a sexy bitch when she was dressed up to meet Tarik  at the airport, might have helped her with her profile.

She mentioned bringing her son to the US and taking care of Tarik’s daughter. That’s pretty much the only time she’s spoken of him. I wonder if Tarik plans  to bring him along, and what if the father says no, he wants to keep him?

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Seeing Stacey's boyfriend was also weird because it was like seeing a real life version of what Darcey imagines Jesse looks like to everyone else. He was actually pretty hot. I'm sure they will be tapped for next season if Jesse gives up the famewhore train. I wonder why  it always has to be international guys? You would think there will be plenty of young American fitness buffs looking for cougars.

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2 hours ago, Thisgirllovespasta said:

I don't know if anyone follows Hazel on instagram but her name is illipina26. Her profile is private but has over 10k in followers.

It says she is an:


"Bisexual and proud of it"

She also loves to dance.


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20 hours ago, spankydoll said:

Eh. Many models have bad skin. Look how the photos of Gwyneth Paltrow - she has terrible skin and looks lovely in photos. 

Darzy stop messing with your face . You look gorgeous and then you blow up your lips and it's back to young Jocelyn Wildenstein. Stop it. ✋

I see flashes of an older Lindsay Lohan in her ugly cry face.

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52 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

I noticed that about John's hair too! It was suddenly sticking out at odd angles.

ITA with the bolded comment. I took it as John telling  ex that he really did love her at one point and is sorry for how he acted back then. Rachel is very insecure.

I use to work with a guy who always commented on my 'toe cleavage' whenever I wore a certain pair of pumps.

Are we suppose to believe Hazel is really in love with the plaid tank top guy?  She almost smiled when he proposed! Probably cuz she knew her Japanese man trick worked. I cannot see her being a parent. She's already calling herself 'mom', I can imagine real mom appreciates that.

LOL@ Johns hair....I saw that in the car. Looked like a tiny hair piece blowing,  He's seems a bit ditzy and inviting an ex(that you haven't spoken to for years) is not a good idea. All of these couples are mismatched and have issues. Ricky is fickle, loves Melissa on "Tuesday" then suddenly MADLY in love with Ximena 2 days later!? Seems he's in love with LOVE!  Hazel..... bisexual and Tirik a swinger? Interesting they haven't talked about that or slept together yet! She's playing him and he's falling for it.  Can't wait to see next episode....he leaves and she's left homeless? hahaha   she has a plan! Angela and Michael?  Seriously?  That's a train wreck ready to derail. Karine and Paul.... she's spoiled and Paul's a mama's boy.....neither of them are playing with a full deck.  Jesse and Darcy.....OMG , dramatic, narcissistic, insecure, immature and controlling (both) not to mention.....AGE! He tries to be the level headed mature one but he's condescending and manipulative! She's afraid of getting old and needs to set a better example for her girls.

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22 minutes ago, usernameG said:

If you only had Tarik and Ricky to choose from, who would you choose? Derp face or fanny pack?

I would rather gnaw my own arm off , but if it was a case of me saving the world, I probably would go for Ricky which compared to Thailand David is a step up.

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19 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Jesse, maybe you did think it was the right thing to do to break up with Darcey in person. But it is the same dynamic with the two of you. It is exhausting and demeaning and disrespectful to her. Perhaps you got some satisfaction after the last 'dig' at her.

What puts the lie to his "I just wanted to do it in a respectful way" is that he doesn't try to meet her in some reasonably accessible place for HER. Instead, for her final humiliation, he makes her drag her butt and her ton of luggage to NYC in order to meet her, not at a restaurant even, but in a freezing park. (Of course, it was nice that this time we were not subjected to luscious food going to waste.)

He doesn't even resist the temptation to argue in front of the Uberer, but makes sure the driver gets all of the downlow in stereo. Jesse, Jesse, Uber Alles.

Things must have been really bad between them in the interim, as the closer she got to Herr Jesse on the train, the more afraid she was that this was not going to be a positive meeting instead of the reaffirmation she had been hoping for.

As soon as he complimented her on her appearance instead of criticizing it, I think she knew for sure the windmills were about to collapse on her and her different shoe options.

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7 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

I can't rag on either of them this time because it's so incredibly sad to lose a baby. The people at the clinic could have been a bit more empathetic, wow!   But, as others have pointed out, timelines are so odd on this show.   How long has Pole been in Brazil?

Then there's Jon's hair which must grow at an alarming rate judging by that car ride. Baby Lucy should be some indicator of time passing, but she always looks the same age.

Do they purposely put that large interviewer lady in such a small chair for fun? They did the same thing last time.  I kept expecting it to break.  Not that she's fat or anything, but she's obviously very tall. 

It's similar to little May who still manages to the same age for multiple seasons now when that doesn't fit the timeline we know from filming being possible. Mysteriously she also doesn't seem to age in appearance so it's not like she's just being 'held back' age wise by TLC...but it's odd.

It is crazy how "messy" they are...wasn't it Chantal who aged backward between two seasons also?

I do wonder, though, if they reshot some of the car bit later and thought about getting them all dressed in the same clothes from the other scenes but no one thought about Jon's hair then being "off"?

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18 hours ago, gavinmac said:

I don't have kids and have never been through a miscarriage and I'm sure it's horrific, but was Paul's immediate reaction normal? "What caused it, lack of food?"

I honestly think that is just symptomatic of Paul's extreme cluelessness. Of course, Karine may not have been eating well for a long time due to her nausea, and malnutrion actually can be a cause of miscarriage.

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