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Season 2 Discussion

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4 hours ago, Honey said:

True, I have never been the jealous type, but I don't see anything wrong with him getting his rocks off while we're apart.  I probably wouldn't do it too, just because sex doesn't really mean much to me.  I could really care less what he does when I go back to the US.  The only risk is that he may fall in love with someone else, and if that happens, then a major problem is solved.

I think the difference is that she IS concerned about him stepping out and would be upset if he left her for someone else. IMO, the fact that Jon has had the kind of relationships that were not monagamy based scares Rachel, because monagamy is so important to her. If he had said he had a lot of relationships but that they were commitment based even if only for a brief time, she would be a bit less stressed.

Edited by iwasish
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35 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Coming in a future episode babe.  More time to work on yourself babe

Every week I think Big Ang can't surprise me any more and she delivers each time.  Whether it's the fry level of her hair or the exposure level of her backless tops and plunging boob wranglers she is a truly a TLC gift that keeps on giving.  In this 2 weeks of filming she is getting more wrinkled and dried out like fruit leather and Michael has aged 18 years.

And that cake.  Yikes that cake.   I'm surprised she just didn't dip her paw in it and stuff it in her maw like a big bear.   I am horrified.   But then I had to imagine her putting frosting somewhere in one of michael's parts or cracks and I had to run screaming from the room.

There was no Roni here tonight.

I was scared cause  I thought she was talking about putting it somewhere on her own body, not that there would be much left of it by the time they got home.

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12 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

I highly doubt a rich Japanese man would marry a poor, Filipina, single mom.  If Tarik falls for that then he is stupider than he looks. 

I'd wish her the best and congratulate her. Dodged a bullet.

She has shown zero interest in Tarik, asked him very little if anything about his life, his hopes and dreams, what life is like in America - it certainly isn't what Hollywood movies show.

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When I have travelled internationally, some chivalrous man or two have always helped me lug my bags up the steps at the subway stations. Nope, I wasn't in killer stilettos and some bizarre outfit, but someone usually showed me some kindness and I was greatly appreciative to them. No one helped Darcey lug her bags up the steps?

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2 hours ago, Adeejay said:

The fact that Karine is already showing, tells me she is more than "four to five weeks" pregnant.

Hazel is either a master manipulator or Tarik is just plain dumb. 

Michael sure knows the way to his girl's heart. 

She missed having her cake.  I wonder if she keeps them around regardless of special occasions.  Many adults find cake icing too sweet, but cigarettes dull the palate.

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1 hour ago, Oldcrone said:

What the hell is with Rachel’s friends eyeliner???? NOT a good look on her.  Alice Cooper wouldn’t even wear makeup like that ?????????

It was like some caricature of Dragon Lady makeup.  Or the cadaver of Amy Winehouse.

33 minutes ago, MrFluffy said:

Darcey, if you need veneers "re-fitted," you have a horrible dentist. Once in, they should last a lifetime.

The dentist was young and handsome.  He will be her new mark after Jesse bids adieu.

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17 minutes ago, Stacee said:

You know that feeling when you're in a room that smells bad and you are counting the seconds until you are out and away from it? That's how Hazel always looks when she is around Tariq.  

Could someone please give Rachel a box of tissues? That constant dabbing her tears with her fingers is so annoying. Or maybe its her constant crying. 

I can't believe Darcy gets her hair professionally done. Ew.

Actually her whole look is ew. 

I really like Xinema. 

She gets her hair done by her “cousin.”  Did you notice all the trash in the street outside the dentist’s office?  Shame on you CT liitterbugs.  Then there was trash blowing across the parking lot of the Albuquerque bridal shop.  The Indian Chief is crying somewhere.

16 minutes ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Who gets medical test information over a cell phone?!  Imma call bullshit on that.  Plus, the person on the line didn't even sound like the doctor from the clip we saw.  I call shenanigans!  IMO Karine KNEW she was pregnant and she got a friend to call (conveniently) as she is with Paul to share.  4-5 weeks is utter and complete bullshit. She was pregnant before he got there.  And, I would feel bad for the sucker in this mess, but with Paul?  Nah.  Fuck that guy.  Deal with your life now, dude.

Marta and Daya are useless.  Like.  Why?!  They can communicate even less than anyone on we've seen on the show so far.  She seems dim (do ppl do no research into travel before they book a ticket?!), and he comes off very quickly as a hot, but controlling douche.  

Hilter Youth

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TOTS found out about the assault situation between Darcey and her sister, right?

  Darcey screams nothing but utter desperation every time we see her.  It makes me very uncomfortable, and I hope her young daughters have other female role models in their lives. 

The beach is beautiful, but Tarik and Hazel ruin everything!!  They are so uncomfortable, and Hazel isn't even trying very hard.  That ILY was like me ordering a burger and asking Tarik for no onion or mayo.  

I finally figured out why I can't with Rachel:  She's such a Debbie Downer "me me me" type.  She has a not terrible life with 2 healthy kids and a roof over her head, and she's so Eeyore about everything.  "I love that my kids are here together...but...**whomp whomp** I wish I was in the UK with Punchy McPuncherson."  Her self esteem issues are understandable, but, damn, she isn't "crane lift out of house" big....she can change her diet and workout a bit, and be fine.  If John wanted a blonde, blue eye Gisele looking chick and she has concerns about that, they should have discussed THAT in the UK.   Also, I feel like the US government is gonna frown upon 60 convictions for fighting including 1 that includes hurting someone permanently.  BUT.  I still think crawling Lucy is the sweetest thing ever!

You know what?  I like Ximena.  She's attractive, and seems to know who she is, what she wants, and what she won't deal with.  Plus, I feel like she's gonna fuck with Ricky to give him some payback for being a ginormous asshat.  I'm really looking forward to that b/c I genuinely dislike Ricky.  Dick. 

MAGAngela and that cake is really the poster for what some people think America is, right?  I have literally never in my 35 years, living in the US and out of it, travelling around the world, seen someone eat a GD cake like that.  It was like a trainwreck; I couldn't look away. 

Not that I have interest in seeing them....did I miss the conclusion of Corny and Antonio in NYC?  Like, is that done already?

Karine will tell Paul babies inherit their mother’s skin color.

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The summation of this episode is: a bunch of lying liars promise to never lie again, and their marks future fiances believe them.

I agree with everyone who said Angela's appearance gets more egregious with each episode. And the mental picture of what she plans to do with some of the frosting from the cake has me traumatized. Ewwww!

Darcey wins the award for Most Desperate Person Ever.

Has Rachel been taking sad sack lessons from David Poor??

Marta.....good Lord. They need to start teaching Common Sense and How To Spot Red Flags in schools.

Hazel and Tarik , poor Hazel is trying hard to not vomit any time Tarik touches her,

Ricky is disgusting. All these jerks promising they will never lie again make me twitch.

Editing to add Pole and Karine! I could kind of see his side in terms of feeling used (what did he expect?), but it's obvious that he's been more than a little grumpy. Karine and her mom are unwilling to endure any more of it. Must be really bad. 

Edited by RedBagWithMakeup
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I just have to make a separate post about Mahkul. So he openly admits that he's been working to gain her trust for over a year. That if Angela leaves, all his hard work is for naught and he will be stuck in Nigeria. 

But he's not a Nigerian scammer....

I almost died when he told Angela she's like a mother to him. Ha! I was waiting for her to deck him or at least smack him with her purse, but she didn't even flinch!

And what was with him smacking her in the face with her duffel bag when they were in the car?

I can't help but wonder what might happen to Giant Jugs if she didn't have a camera crew with her.

Edited by RedBagWithMakeup
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2 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

Darcey, if you need veneers "re-fitted," you have a horrible dentist. Once in, they should last a lifetime.

I wonder if she's using something like Lumineers that don't require the tooth grinding that traditional veneers do, which I've seen patients come in to my Dad's office with having partially popped off, especially with receding gums and poor care. It's nuts how the bonding light isn't as effective with everyone as it should be. It could also be that she was still in her "trial smile" period where the veneers aren't fully bonded to the teeth so that if things aren't perfect, they can be changed before becoming permanent. Dad doesn't do veneers often. He'll do them when there's a reason for the tooth to be covered (like when a kid hits their face and a front permanent tooth dies and becomes grey) but does not generally go beyond one or two teeth at a time. 

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Kudos to Rachel’s ex for not letting his daughter appear on this show. He seems a lot more sensible than the British guy.

These people are so stupid. We need some regular people - no strippers, no google translators, no veneers, no babies calling ransoms dada, no Melissas,  no loud mouth crepey big boobed ladies... just regular normal people.

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Most anticlimactic moment: Karine is pregnant! Most disappointing: Grangela is still in Nigeria. Funniest: Lucy's dubious expression in the promos when Rachel says she wants the reunion to go well. Most cussworthy: Marta being so clueless that her "relationship" is nothing like she is assuming it will be. What? He is offended by your cross to the extent he hangs up on you? Guess what he will want when you let him know Catholicism is "important" to you. Dolt.

Ximena is so bummed about being Plan B that I expect an inquisition and explosion when she hears the answer to "Did you buy this ring for Melissa?" Maybe that's why she demands he jump in the water when he can't swim. Now she's looking scary.

My biggest interest is in the promos. What did Jesse learn about Darcy while he was in Amsterdam? What did Rachel learn about Jon?

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4 hours ago, wheresmypizza said:

Karine is '4 to 6 weeks' preggs? HAAAAAAAAA! That kid already has hair.

LOL! I assume that while Pole was not consulting his translator app, someone asked the doctor's office to fudge the results. Actually I'm rather doubtful that they did a quantitative analysis, which estimates length of pregnancy by hcg levels, rather than just a qualitative analysis, which just gives a pregnant or non-pregnant result.

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6 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

OK, something's off with the Darcy/Jesse airport scene.

And last night, when Jesse's plane was taxiing, they showed a United plane on the runway. United doesn't fly to/from JFK. 

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On 9/22/2018 at 8:08 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

I don't think either one of the two people on the show ever used the word "adultery," so I'm not going to touch that topic. Not everyone is Christian, or religious even. 

adultery isn't a religious term.

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8 hours ago, endure said:

Nothing new here except Karine is confirmed pregnant.

Yes...4 or 5 weeks. I wonder if that is just based on her telling the doctor when her last period was.  What type of dr's office pregnancy test takes 2 hours??

3 hours ago, renatae said:

Most anticlimactic moment: Karine is pregnant! Most disappointing: Grangela is still in Nigeria. Funniest: Lucy's dubious expression in the promos when Rachel says she wants the reunion to go well. Most cussworthy: Marta being so clueless that her "relationship" is nothing like she is assuming it will be. What? He is offended by your cross to the extent he hangs up on you? Guess what he will want when you let him know Catholicism is "important" to you. Dolt.

Ximena is so bummed about being Plan B that I expect an inquisition and explosion when she hears the answer to "Did you buy this ring for Melissa?" Maybe that's why she demands he jump in the water when he can't swim. Now she's looking scary.

My biggest interest is in the promos. What did Jesse learn about Darcy while he was in Amsterdam? What did Rachel learn about Jon?

I can't wrap my head around that whole family. They're (devout) Catholics, yet all the women in the family were exotic dancers?  Are they gypsy's? Do they read tea leaves, too?  I am so confused by this family dynamic.

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8 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

Coming in a future episode babe.  More time to work on yourself babe

Every week I think Big Ang can't surprise me any more and she delivers each time.  Whether it's the fry level of her hair or the exposure level of her backless tops and plunging boob wranglers she is a truly a TLC gift that keeps on giving.  In this 2 weeks of filming she is getting more wrinkled and dried out like fruit leather and Michael has aged 18 years.

And that cake.  Yikes that cake.   I'm surprised she just didn't dip her paw in it and stuff it in her maw like a big bear.   I am horrified.   But then I had to imagine her putting frosting somewhere in one of michael's parts or cracks and I had to run screaming from the room.

There was no Roni here tonight.

.........or she was going to put that frosting somewhere on her body, and Michael was going to have to take care of business.

5 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I just have to make a separate post about Mahkul. So he openly admits that he's been working to gain her trust for over a year. That if Angela leaves, all his hard work is for naught and he will be stuck in Nigeria. 

But he's not a Nigerian scammer....

I almost died when he told Angela she's like a mother to him. Ha! I was waiting for her to deck him or at least smack him with her purse, but she didn't even flinch!

And what was with him smacking her in the face with her duffel bag when they were in the car?

I can't help but wonder what might happen to Giant Jugs if she didn't have a camera crew with her.

"...black guy? What about a black guy????"

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No, the "free refills" is only an American thing.  People in other parts of the world don't drink nearly as much soda.

Its not just soda. When I visited Ireland, they charged me for extra packets of butter. And in London, the McDonalds wouldn't give me extra ketchup packets. 

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It cannot be said enough,  but Jesse is an asshole. He hoped to humiliate Darcy with a public dumping. He flew out knowing she’d think he was coming for a good reason...what a shithead. I don’t even like Darcy, but I am tired of Jesse’s gaslighting. He knew if he did it in person, she would flip out and he’d look calm and rational. His “friend” was right to say there are cheaper and easier ways to breakup with someone who lives thousands of miles away.

Darcy is the same age as me, which makes Darcy plenty old enough to know better than to keep up a relationship with someone you can't be in the same room as for more than 5 minutes without having a nasty fight. Honestly, I think Darcy deserved this for what she was willing to put her daughters through by continuing this relationship. After everything that happened, Darcy was still willing to marry Jesse. For being willing to do that to her kids, I have no sympathy for Darcy, ever. 

Edited by Kellyee
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It is not just an American thing. It may be an American marketing move to give away basically free sugar water in its base price. In other parts of the world you can by bottomless, or whatever the local term may be and get continued refills of rice, the soup of the day or a sugar water drink. And then use the little bit of the main dish to add a bit of flavor to the rice, popcorn, bar nuts, etc that you stuffed yourself on.

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20 minutes ago, Eric said:

Hazel, Annie and Anfisa all want to be with rich guys but ended being broke in America.

"Broke" in America is a bit different than living on the street on skid row. It is closer to middle class in their third world home.  The living conditions of the  working class in many a third world society is close to the homeless American..

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1 hour ago, trimthatfat said:

It cannot be said enough,  but Jesse is an asshole. He hoped to humiliate Darcy with a public dumping. He flew out knowing she’d think he was coming for a good reason...what a shithead. I don’t even like Darcy, but I am tired of Jesse’s gaslighting. He knew if he did it in person, she would flip out and he’d look calm and rational. His “friend” was right to say there are cheaper and easier ways to breakup with someone who lives thousands of miles away.


17 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

As I said I don’t like her, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get joy in someone publicly humiliating her. Jesse is being cruel and getting happiness out of it...that’s indefensible to me. So I’ll agree to disagree. Darcy being a poor excuse of a mother doesn’t minimize Jesse being a poor excuse for a man. 

I get this and agree.  On the other hand, what would happen if production called Darcey and said "Look, Jesse is coming, but we just heard him say that he's going to break up with you and wants to do it in person.  We think this is kind of a jerk move, so what do you say we just wrap up your storyline with a talking head where you say you're going to break up with him via text message?  And then we'll get a talking head from him, and you don't have to worry about more filming until the tell-all."

Pretty sure she'd say "No no!  Let's do more filming.  He'll break up with me.  It'll be SUPER dramatic.  I will wear all white, and my teeth will be white, and I will arrive in a horse-drawn carriage with a lot of luggage and ..."

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It's always such a pleasure to visit with Sulky Overgrown Toddler (Kreeny), her scheming mother, and Mommy-whipped Pole. How much did Mom Kreeny pay that doctor's office to say "4-5 weeks pregnant?" Dat's some major-league scamming, and I hope the local medical board is alerted. What should have been a happy moment between husband and wife (finding out pregancy) was just sad. Two scheming chicas saying, we don't need you, we got your sperm, your status, and your child support, so adios if you want, nobody cares. 

If Paul gets up, walks out, and goes home, there is very little that Karine can do to claim paternity and child support. She doesn't have the finances to wage the kind of legal fight an international custody and child support battle would require. Paul still holds all the power at this point. He can walk out and she would be stuck. Karine is a poor girl living in a third world country. She has very few resources. 

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10 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

If Paul gets up, walks out, and goes home, there is very little that Karine can do to claim paternity and child support. She doesn't have the finances to wage the kind of legal fight an international custody and child support battle would require. Paul still holds all the power at this point. He can walk out and she would be stuck. Karine is a poor girl living in a third world country. She has very few resources. 

TLC tweeted that Paul’s mom actually  called while they were waiting for the test results and she told him that even he is too broke to be a dad right now. He’s still far better off than Karine financially though. 

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8 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Who gets medical test information over a cell phone?!  Imma call bullshit on that. 

Well the first season they were on they did get her STD results via the internet

7 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

I just have to make a separate post about Mahkul. So he openly admits that he's been working to gain her trust for over a year. That if Angela leaves, all his hard work is for naught and he will be stuck in Nigeria. 

But he's not a Nigerian scammer....

I almost died when he told Angela she's like a mother to him. Ha! I was waiting for her to deck him or at least smack him with her purse, but she didn't even flinch!

Oh yea, she totally flinched! I was waiting for her to say something but Michael kept talking and she seemed to have forgotten about it.

9 hours ago, MrFluffy said:

Darcey, if you need veneers "re-fitted," you have a horrible dentist. Once in, they should last a lifetime.

that was confusing to me.... we were suppose to notice a difference?  I was miffed by the oo's and ahh's she was giving herself afterwards. 

7 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

TLC tweeted that Paul’s mom actually  called while they were waiting for the test results and she told him that even he is too broke to be a dad right now. He’s still far better off than Karine financially though. 

So it wasn't Paul's criminal past that made them weary of Paul... it was his condescending attitude towards their extremely immature daughter that made him not husband material.  Got it.

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Darcey thinks she may be finally getting swept off her feet, but admits sometimes she's not sure he really loves her...at this point is there truly anyone more clueless in the universe??  The previews gave me all I dreamed for!

9 minutes ago, gunderda said:
that was confusing to me.... we were suppose to notice a difference?  I was miffed by the oo's and ahh's she was giving herself afterwards. 

Yes and how it suddenly made a "new and confident" person, translating to how wonderful things will go with Jesse now.  JUST WOW.

Edited by noveltylibrary
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