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S05.E14: Ho, Ho, Ho 2018.07.12

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6 minutes ago, FrankieTankie said:

crazy bitch has embedded an ap on his phone without his knowledge to track him at all times ...

No she just clicked a box on his contact list to share his location with her. I am not suggesting it’s cool for her to keep it after they had broken up but it’s not some spy software and he could easily uncheck it. 

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11 minutes ago, annewithaneee said:

That’s what I think too. I mean, she didn’t seem high to me but medicated. I double my Xanax - with a prescriber’s blessing of course - whenever I know I’m entering a highly triggering situation, and that’s what she looked and sounded like to me. If so, more power to her.

Xanax is not a drug that would be prescribed to an addict in recovery. I think she was drinking. Mix that with anti depressants and presto you get medicated Kathryn. 

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1 hour ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I haven't finished the episode but something seems off about Kathryn at Patricia's dinner. Her way of speaking her eyes....I thought she maybe had a few drinks, idk. she didn't seem like the same Kathryn I've seen all season. 


1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I think she acted under the influence of something.  Either that or the near catatonic state she's been in for most of the season has been tempered by a med adjustment.  I hope it's the latter.


1 hour ago, zenme said:

She seemed to be high. I bet she took something to relieve her anxiety. 


I thought the same thing, with a big sense of disappointment.  I really am impressed with the person she's working towards becoming.  And I was one of her worst critics. 

That being said, by the time she finished talking to Patricia and sat down with Shep, I thought her speech seemed back to normal.  But boy when she was ranting about "J. Snow", she did sound half a drink too deep or one toke over the line.  

Wow, did JD look like shit.  I mean, he never looks great, but he was flushed and gin blossomed, and clearly tried to wear a tux from 30 lbs ago.  His hair was greasy and disheveled...in short he looked like he showed up directly from a 2 week coke/whisky/adderall bender.  He looked like he smelled.  Boss Warthog indeed.

Not much to say about Ashley that hasn't been said.  I'm glad we won't be subjected to another season of...whatever the hell that was.  

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Now we can see why they let Landon go.  Kathryn and Ashley sitting in the same benches in the same hall where Kathryn and Landon had their little confrontation to end the previous season.

But Ashley has similar viciousness and intensity as Kathryn, whereas Landon tried to play along but must have thought it absurd that her story line was that she and Kathryn were fighting over old broken ass Thomas.

So Ashley kicks up these fake Bravo confrontations a few notches more than Landon could muster.

Austen going up to Thomas to tell him about Ashley being an escort was also staged.  Like Ashley is carrying her old business cards with formal wear.

Kathryn looked really changed when she was spitting out genome about Jen Snowden.  It’s a good edit too, since they didn’t flash back to her coldness about Jen’s baby.

Wonder if Naomie will be back.  Her family has to be telling her how poorly she comes across.  She comes from money so she doesn’t have to put herself out for public scrutiny, a lot of which will be negative reactions to her pouting bitchieness.

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I think I took a little too much pleasure in learning that Craig hasn’t been sworn in yet because he still hasn’t passed the character and fitness check. That’s a big deal. All that law school, all those loans, all that claiming he graduated and applied for the bar, all that pressure to come clean and actually graduate and sit for the bar, all that work to pass the bar...imagine if the Supreme Court of the State of South Carolina then says, “Nope. You’re a lying liar who lies and will not become an officer of this Court.”

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15 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

This is incorrect. If she has a mental illness and medication would help alleviate her symptoms, she would be prescribed those medications. A lot of people are more familiar with the older idea of recovery that advocated for total abstinence. That is absolutely not the model or best practice now.

He's been sworn in. http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/southern-charm-star-craig-conover-laywer-sworn-in-to-south-carolina-bar-reaction

Thank you, @HunterHunted. Glad to hear it. But this whole concept of him becoming a “lawyer for hire”, where “it's kind of got to be a specialty firm where I can come in and close stuff off for people that can't do it themselves”, does sound a bit rich coming from a guy who can’t finish a pillow-stuffing project.

But I do wish him well.

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While I was never a fan of Landon, the one time I did like her was at the end of the group vacation last year, when she figured out and called Thomas out on his pitting her against Kathryn for his pleasure/entertainment.  I'd never expect Ashley to get that, but I was hoping Kathryn would have figured that out and said it at the end of the heated discussion on the porch.  The dude gets his jollies from having women fight over him.  Snowden was in that mix in years past as well, but she's dumber than Ashley, so she'd never get it either.

JD entering in that coat actually had me audibly gasp and then laugh.  Dude looked like Kramer's accidental pimp outfit.  And he had the audacity to tell Elizabeth he wouldn't "let" her wear that dress?  I seriously question Elizabeth's sanity if she really did reconcile with him, as he's no role model for her sons.   

TRav is a disgusting individual and I hope he's permanently gone.  That being said, he should have taken Ashley up on the offer of a $5,000 pay out to go away.  Would have saved him tons of money in rent alone.  Hell, the $50K figure Whitney threw out might have been a bargain as well.

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6 hours ago, zenme said:

Well, JSno certainly speaks up when she feels someone is being wronged, and I can appreciate that. She did that for Kathryn a couple of seasons ago, and was in her corner against a formidable opponent, Thomas. Now she's in Ashley's corner in her defense against spreading of rumors. Whether it's true or not, I can admire that she feels someone's being wronged and stepped in. 

Austen, shut up. Jennifer wasn't accusing your sister of anything, but pointing out that you wouldn't like someone spreading gossip about someone you love.


Yes, and Austen said something like I was talking to Thomas and you two came over and got in the middle of the conversation. That wasn't true Jennifer and Thomas were talking and Austen came over to spread gossip.  Jennifer was right to tell Austen he was wrong. I can't stand Ashley but the whole she an escort  gossip was messed up. 

Thomas is a coward he let's all this figthing go on around him and never gets in the middle to stop it What a balless wonder.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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9 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

Oh, totally forgot to point out the facetime with Cameran's husband! Was that the first time we've ever seen him? 

I think when we first found out she was married the camera zoomed in on a framed photo of him. We’ve also only seen Palmer via baby monitor camera, so maybe Jason (is that his name??) thinks one form of media removed makes it okay?? I also thought maybe this might be the last season and that’s why he agreed to being shown on TV via a phone’s FaceTime.

9 hours ago, Wierzbowski said:

Patricia's party looked bunk. Cheap, chintzy, and too brightly lit. Those white trees should have reached the ceiling. 

Yeah, she made these people rent tuxes and buy gowns FOR THAT?!? Dinner consisted of a chicken breast.

2 hours ago, Lizzing said:


JD entering in that coat actually had me audibly gasp and then laugh.  Dude looked like Kramer's accidental pimp outfit. ...

TRav is a disgusting individual and I hope he's permanently gone.  That being said, he should have taken Ashley up on the offer of a $5,000 pay out to go away.  Would have saved him tons of money in rent alone.  Hell, the $50K figure Whitney threw out might have been a bargain as well.

I realize this speaks to how boring the rest of this episode was, but JD walking in with that raccoon coat like straight out of a 1950s movie was everything. All he was missing was a straw hat. I laughed so hard.

I think reality spoiled my reality show. We already knew they were still together, we already knew about the escort accusation, and we’ve already seen the video of T-Rav and Kathryn dancing. Hell, we’ve even seen the clip of Ashley and Kathryn fighting since the premiere. I may have been clutching my pearls over any one of those things in show time, but it was a real snooze.

Edited by JenE4
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8 hours ago, snarts said:

All that said, I don't think they're still together now, based  completely on social media. If they were still together, Ashley would be posting pics just to save face. I wonder how much he had to pay her in the end?

They were together as of as of about 3 weeks ago. My coworker saw them at Mcdonald’s with the kids (she also saw Ashley at the pharmacy said she was sickly skinny. I usually never run into anyone, except I did see Cameran, her husband and baby at target the other day). 

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9 hours ago, KLJ said:

Love Shep responding, “it’s Michael Jackson’s monkey” when they realized there were bubbles walking in.  I can’t help but love him sometimes when he says random shit like that.  I thought it was sweet how he asked if Kathryn was going to be okay. They seem to have a genuine friendship. 

So are JD and Elizabeth getting divorced then?  I was thinking JD had no right to be commenting on what Elizabeth is wearing.  She looked good.  JD, not so much. 

Cameran is gorgeous and looks freaking amazing, but she just bugs me.  I feel like she acts like she’s above it all, but then asks the most prying questions to create drama (producer induced or not, who knows).  She just doesn’t feel as genuine to me, like it’s all an act.  

Craig’s house looked disgusting.  Not shocking he didn’t continue with his life coach considering she wanted to talk about his habitual lying.  

Can’t even address the  craziness of the nurse.  Thomas didn’t seem to be upset about everyone laying into Ashley.  He seems relieved when she goes nuts on someone other than him.

Did Jennifer Snowden just meet Ashley for the first time?  

I agree about Cameron.  Although I love her, I didnt like the way she was talking to Craig at his house.  I know she’s the “ Mother Hen”, but she doesn’t have to be so cruel.  I also don’t care the way she speaks to her mother, even tho both are for the camera.

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9 hours ago, KLJ said:

Love Shep responding, “it’s Michael Jackson’s monkey” when they realized there were bubbles walking in.  I can’t help but love him sometimes when he says random shit like that.  I thought it was sweet how he asked if Kathryn was going to be okay. They seem to have a genuine friendship. 

So are JD and Elizabeth getting divorced then?  I was thinking JD had no right to be commenting on what Elizabeth is wearing.  She looked good.  JD, not so much. 

Cameran is gorgeous and looks freaking amazing, but she just bugs me.  I feel like she acts like she’s above it all, but then asks the most prying questions to create drama (producer induced or not, who knows).  She just doesn’t feel as genuine to me, like it’s all an act. 

Craig’s house looked disgusting.  Not shocking he didn’t continue with his life coach considering she wanted to talk about his habitual lying.  

Can’t even address the  craziness of the nurse.  Thomas didn’t seem to be upset about everyone laying into Ashley.  He seems relieved when she goes nuts on someone other than him.

Did Jennifer Snowden just meet Ashley for the first time?  


Oh me too. I can't really warm to Cameron.  Yes she is beautiful .  I agree with you I just feel she believes above it all. She adds nothing and doesn't open her life up.  I'm not sure why she's  so special.  Other bravo celebs were kicked off for not being  genuine,  why she gets a pass I'm not sure.

Edited by Coffeewinewater
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10 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

This was a lot

Ashley vs Kathryn: The crux of the issue is not Ashley's crazy attitude (though that's a big ole chunk), but the fact that Thomas lives for this shit. Loves it. If he was a mature person, then there would be no Ashley because 1., why would you ever date someone like that,  2. You don't bring someone like that around your children, and 3. You don't allow your partner to antagonize the mother of your children. But, Thomas ain't shit and Ashley's ride or die dramatics are perfect for someone with an ego like his, so here we are. There's still together, so that's the first and last about this from me.


Kathryn & Patricia: Okay, this was gross. I will never be okay with any sort of Kiss the Ring antics, especially from someone as judgmental as Patricia.




Thank you! This woman works my last nerve. Elegant, gracious, and special she is NOT. Proud of Kathryn though.

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Chelsea bugs me with the way she sort of jerks Austen around but I appreciated the levity she brought last night.

In response to the rumor of Ashley being an escort: “How much can you make doing that? What? I’m a businesswoman now.” 

And when Austen said “I told her that no one is saying you are a hooker” and Chelsea replied “No one but everyone at our table.” 

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9 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I haven't finished the episode but something seems off about Kathryn at Patricia's dinner. Her way of speaking her eyes....I thought she maybe had a few drinks, idk. she didn't seem like the same Kathryn I've seen all season. 

Ok I didn’t want to say anything but.... I agree. Wonder if she took a few tokes (or extra benzo) for nerves?

Now I still think she acted pretty well (compared to her terrible outbursts in past seasons) but yeah she *almost* seemed to be slurring in some of her conversations in the beginning of the night. Towards the end - like during her conversation with Pat and Ashley - she sounded more normal. 

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Austen is soooo boring and inauthentic, IMHO. He seems to just lumber around trying desperately to be relevant. I binge-watched the season yesterday, and during Austen's beer scenes, I got up to do laundry. He's such a snooze and just seems to go along to get along. And his silly beer 'business'??? Yes, because you're too special to work like the rest of the world. Sigh. I wish he'd be dropped to "Friend of" status. 

Edited by StevieRocks
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Eh, I'll cut both Naomi and Craig a bit of a break this season.  We all know that couple that broke up and then spends about 18 months devolving before they get their shit together and truly move on.

But next season it's on!

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3 minutes ago, DrSparkles said:



Thank you! This woman works my last nerve. Elegant, gracious, and special she is NOT. Proud of Kathryn though.

Haha .. I was thinking the same about Patricia.  Who the hell is she, the Queen of South Carolina?  She sits around like a somebody who can dictate who, what, where, etc. and everyone goes to her for advice.  What a crock.  Maybe she had too much competition up in New York City and had to go down South to be “somebody”.  I’d LOVE to hear what the butler has to say.

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I'm not a Kathryn fan, but, try to be fair with my assessments, keeping in mind that these lady fights over Thomas are really laughable.  I know that Kathryn isn't really afraid of Ashley, because when you are afraid of someone, you don't repeatedly walk over to them, lean over and get into their face and refuse to back off, after they repeatedly ask you to back off.  And then you respond in a voice louder than they do.....no...that's called being an aggressor.  And, Ashley did apologize to Kathryn earlier in the evening, but, instead of either refusing or accepting the apology, Kathryn decides to verbally spar with Ashley.  That'a silly.  I mean, I know that Ashley is sort of whack-a-doodle, but, knowing that she was likely on edge since half of her boyfriend's cast member friends are saying she's a call girl....well...don't poke the bear, but, she did.  Still, it seemed to me that Kathryn put more into that drama than Ashley. And, Kathryn did seem a little off.  I won't attribute that to substance abuse, but, I thought something looked off when she was getting dressed for the event.

I also thought that Kathryn seemed more awkward at the ball than anyone else.  Was that makeup she had out at the dining table?  Then, she threw her purse on the table like she was at a bar. She normally has more class, so, that's another reason I wonder why she was acting so off. Her words to Patricia were awesome.  You could tell that she had practiced and it was appropriate.  I'm not sure that I would brag about googling White Tie affairs, but, at least, it's something.  She was very off on the dance floor. Said that she couldn't dance. Really?  Her walking was off too. If heels cause you to walk like that, you should get different heels. 

I'm not sure why Naomi would be upset that Craig had a date. Does she not understand than any woman with Craig is going to get the Craig treatment. And that ain't such a good thing. She knows this.  Once, again, it's really difficult for me to believe her angst in that situation. 

I laughed at Austen and his shorty vest. lol Did they give him the wrong one?

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9 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I think she acted under the influence of something.  Either that or the near catatonic state she's been in for most of the season has been tempered by a med adjustment.  I hope it's the latter.

It is a court recorded well known highly documented scientific fact that She passed all of her random  drug tests.The courts have been hovering over her like a pigeon from hell and she has made no missteps.

Edited by ozzy
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That party was a joke. Sad little pieces of white felt under the fake white trees? Stains on the wall? And Bravo couldn't spring to pay for 50 or so extras so it looked like there were actual people there? If I were Patricia I'd be embarrassed to have that passed off as a party I threw. Also-was her lime caftan appropriate for winter white tie? I feel like the answer is no.

I agree that Kathryn is most likely on Xanax or some other kind of mood leveler. True confession-when my child was 3 I was drinking too much and I went to the dr and they prescribed xanax. It was wonderful. Smoothed out the sharp edges of life that were overwhelming me and I found I didn't need a few glasses of wine every night anymore. I was able to start exercising again and just get back on track and then move on without it in a few months. So I hope Kathryn is taking something similar and has a good experience with it and it helps her.

I would have liked to have seen more Kathryn and Shep together, and if they are really pushing this Kathryn-Shep thing, I wish he had been part of the confrontation on the street. I don't think they would really end up together in real life, but I do feel Kathryn's getting it together could be a nice impetus for Shep to step up and grow a bit. 

Naomie is mean. Craig is a total weirdo, I don't blame her for being angry/frustrated with him but the way she spoke to him, and to the girl from CA earlier in the season-she knows better and she does it anyway. On film. I hope she is gone next season. The Craig-Cameran scene was weird. Who goes over to someone's house to be rude to them? Ummm, thanks for coming over, Cameran. I do see that Craig is super-frustrating as a friend.

Austen went to stir the pot with TRav but maybe he didn't realize that shrill Jennifer Snowden was another master drama queen? And loud. She and Ashley can form a cabal.

Ashley is just a total weirdo. I could ALMOST feel bad for her, as it could not be nice to realize that the whole room thought she was an escort. But then she opened her mouth. 

TRav is so old and drunk and gross. I hope that Bravo replaces him next season with someone who is actually eligible and less problematic.

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I thought it was comical that the cast were pointing fault with Ashley because she wasn't working at a job, other than on Bravo at the time, she flirted with her boyfriend's buddies and she had stories about her on the internet.  lol It's really funny.    

Oh, when Ashley was talking it seemed that her voice was very hoarse. Recall that she barely had her voice when she met with Patricia.  Plus, she's so thin. I'm just wondering if she has thyroid problem.  Those are major symptoms of a thyroid disorder, but, she's a nurse, so she would know that. 

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18 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Ok I didn’t want to say anything but.... I agree. Wonder if she took a few tokes (or extra benzo) for nerves?

Now I still think she acted pretty well (compared to her terrible outbursts in past seasons) but yeah she *almost* seemed to be slurring in some of her conversations in the beginning of the night. Towards the end - like during her conversation with Pat and Ashley - she sounded more normal. 

Yeah I wasn't going to say it at first because I hadn't seen anyone mention it. I don't think she was all that bad as you said compared to the past but something was off. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw it. I see more have mentioned it. I didn't want to come off as a Kathryn hater (I don't like her but want her to be well for her children ) .  I thought weed or a few drinks but yeah it could have been anxiety meds upped I don't know much about anxiety meds but I thought they would make more mellow. She seemed slurry and a little more aggressive than we've seen her this season. 

I will say I loved the video at the end of she and Thomas dancing  for the kids Why can't we see that Kathryn she seemed free and uninhabited.  I really liked it. 

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14 minutes ago, Heathrowe said:

and to the girl from CA earlier in the season-she knows better and she does it anyway.

She apologized to her in a way that both accepted and the only screen time Peyton got at the ball was Naomi telling her how hot she looked.

Jason appeared on camera talking to Whitney, I wonder if he and Elvis will be on the next season.

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5 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

Wait is TRav off the show for sure?  That would be awesome but. I wonder if Ashley would try to offer herself around again to get back on for next season.

I read that T-Rav won’t be at the reunion or be back next season.  I’m sure Ashley is done here, and will probably look for another gig on another show, if they want her.  This is just what I read, so one never knows for sure.

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7 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

She apologized to her in a way that both accepted and the only screen time Peyton got at the ball was Naomi telling her how hot she looked.

Yes, she did. But still-she said it. To me, it makes her look small and nasty and she has become one of my least favorite characters. I'm sure the producers encourage them all to bring the drama. I think Chelsea does the best job of not taking the bait, and laughing things off/getting screen time by being fun, instead of pretending she's on Dynasty. But you don't get as much air time that way.

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No love for Katherine, Ashley or T-Rav, but frankly, this show will be very dull without them.  Someone mentioned a while back about Katherine’s family and whether they were old Southern aristocracy ( the Calhoun’s). Katherine has so little in the way of basic knowledge of etiquette and class, as well as a serious lack of intelligence, so it wouldn’t seem as though she was brought up with the kind of education that a real a Southern Belle would have.  It amazes me that she would be considered a “ catch” by these guys.

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IMO, the most beautiful Kathryn ever looked was at the Founders Ball in Season 1.  The green dress, gold flat sandals and pretty Ariel hair.  I thought the overall picture last night was good..but not great.  The hair looked like Ouiser's dog Rex, the heavy makeup was sprayed on.  I think if she simply had better hair and makeup last night, the overall effect would have been stunning. 

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7 hours ago, Long Spot said:

one toke over the line.  

So what's wrong with that?

42 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Why should anyone tiptoe around Craig though?  He needs someone to knock some sense into him and be dead honest.  The wine he gave Cam was totally old and sour.

I think she was looking at a dirty glass and didn't want to drink from it.  Craig's parents need to drag his ass back home.

37 minutes ago, Heathrowe said:

If I were Patricia I'd be embarrassed to have that passed off as a party I threw. Also-was her lime caftan appropriate for winter white tie? I feel like the answer is no.

I thought her dress was hideous, out of season and not in line with what she wanted everyone else to wear.

JD's raccoon coat is actually from the 1920s.  It was worn well into old age.  He probably robbed someone laying in their casket.

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40 minutes ago, ozzy said:

It is a court recorded well known highly documented scientific fact that She passed all of her random  drug tests.The courts have been hovering over her like a pigeon from hell and she has made no missteps.

Yes, and it it were marijuana that she had, it could show up in her hair weeks later. Probably was the effect of a med adjustment or an added med that boosts the anti-anxiety properties of an anti-depressant. There are a lot of things that I don't particularly like about Kathryn (especially in past seasons), but she seems to have taken measures to improve herself and has matured a little, imo. At any rate, I hope she continues on this path of wellness for the sake of her children and the fact that T-rav may be occupied with legal troubles.

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I wonder if anyone noticed how sweetly Shep assisted Katherine from the car when they arrived at the ball.  He held her hand as she got out of the car and when she stood up he helped to straighten out the skirt of her gown.  It happened very quickly so I had to rewatch a couple of times to make sure I was seeing it correctly.  I'm happy she has a male friend who is looking out for her well-being.

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3 hours ago, Lizzing said:

Hell, the $50K figure Whitney threw out might have been a bargain as well.

I heard it in passing as the phone rang at my house and I like an idiot deleted the episode from my DVR.   When Ass-ley mentioned meeting his father, did Whitney say something sotto voce to the effect that T-Retch's Daddy offered her $50K to get out of Dodge?

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1 minute ago, Koalagirl said:

I wonder if anyone noticed how sweetly Shep assisted Katherine from the car when they arrived at the ball.  He held her hand as she got out of the car and when she stood up he helped to straighten out the skirt of her gown.  It happened very quickly so I had to rewatch a couple of times to make sure I was seeing it correctly.  I'm happy she has a male friend who is looking out for her well-being.

I did notice.  Shep is very well brought up and then incorporated some nasty college behavior.

1 minute ago, Carolina Girl said:

I heard it in passing as the phone rang at my house and I like an idiot deleted the episode from my DVR.   When Ass-ley mentioned meeting his father, did Whitney say something sotto voce to the effect that T-Retch's Daddy offered her $50K to get out of Dodge?

That's what I got, I thought she said the family took up a collection.  Ha ha.

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What’s with Queen Patricia and those Caftans every minute.  She should have brought her lounging chair with her for more comfort.   J.D. with that coat .. I just can’t.  Looks like his ex-wife got one over on him with the new boobs.  Were they new?  Anyway, good for her.  To classy for him.  He’s another pig like Tom Ass.  Can’t wait for the reunion.

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26 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I read that T-Rav won’t be at the reunion or be back next season.  I’m sure Ashley is done here, and will probably look for another gig on another show, if they want her.  This is just what I read, so one never knows for sure.

Take note, that Ravenel did not appear on Watch What Happens Live at all this season.

He's definitely burned some bridges with Bravo. 

Edited by Bossa Nova
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1 hour ago, DrSparkles said:



Thank you! This woman works my last nerve. Elegant, gracious, and special she is NOT. Proud of Kathryn though.

Ditto on the thank you.  I cannot stand Patricia.  There is nothing in her words or attitude that says old guard Southern Belle.  A real Southern woman of grace and standing wouldn't mention to everyone withing earshot that she hadn't had her ass polished by the guest she'd snotted and snubbed for five years.   

And please?  That ugly schmatta she was wearing does not qualify as a ball gown.  Formal Wear for a New Year's Eve at home, maybe .

And the food?  I've fed my guests better at my "come as you are" dinners.

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6 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

Ditto on the thank you.  I cannot stand Patricia.  There is nothing in her words or attitude that says old guard Southern Belle.  A real Southern woman of grace and standing wouldn't mention to everyone withing earshot that she hadn't had her ass polished by the guest she'd snotted and snubbed for five years.   

And please?  That ugly schmatta she was wearing does not qualify as a ball gown.  Formal Wear for a New Year's Eve at home, maybe .

And the food?  I've fed my guests better at my "come as you are" dinners.

Had to laugh when there was a camera shot of a waiter delivering a plate of food to the table and Shep declared in faux delight: " Oh....chicken !".

I have to believe he was being sarcastic. Good wit on that on Sheppie.

Edited by Bossa Nova
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I will give Patricia a pass on her attire.  She's pushing 80 years old, right? So, no telling what kind of thing she might be dealing with that she needs forgiving garments.  I won't speculate, but, maybe she has some medical issues. I thought the place looked festive. The food looked fine to me.(I like chicken. hee)  The mood was sort of dull, but, I suppose people were tired.  Who knows how long it takes to get the shots they need.  I guess no one knew how to dance to that music, which is odd for a bunch of blue bloods or blue blood wannabes.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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