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S20.E01: Season Premiere (Part 1)


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2 hours ago, willco said:

I don't always hate it when people give themselves "names" ( usually but not always)-- but "Swaggy C" has to be the stupidest name I've ever heard ! I hope he goes & fast. But, alas, he seems to be winning alot !

We all know that winning anything early in the game makes you an early target. You have to keep a low profile at the beginning and fly under the radar. The quietest ones who cause no issues and make no waves usually can get at least to to the half way mark. They target the most visible ones and confident ones with loud mouths first. But every year, these HGs make the same mistakes. 

6 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Obviously, Swaggy has never watched Big Brother before or he would know that winning the first competition AND being an arrogant ass after winning, will not only put a target on his back but also not make him a fan favorite. Be happy but humble, my friend. That will win you more fans and fewer in house enemies.

Just saw this.... I said the same thing. 

  • Love 2
4 minutes ago, Caseysgirl said:

Obviously, Swaggy has never watched Big Brother before

I thought that was obvious when we saw him training with his little elbow floats for swimming comps. He honestly looked pretty ridiculous. I halfway wondered if they  kept that in the edit because he's already on production's bad side. 

It's just a little thing, but I was disappointed the Chenbot skipped over her " turn and look at the person next to you...could be your new best friend or worst enemy" standard jargon.  I know, but it does set the tone.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I thought that was obvious when we saw him training with his little elbow floats for swimming comps. He honestly looked pretty ridiculous. I halfway wondered if they  kept that in the edit because he's already on production's bad side. 

I thought just the opposite. I thought they kept it because it humanized him and made him look less like an arrogant asshat. 

  • Love 10

I always have a combination of "Why am I doing this to myself again?" and "Where do they find these people/What makes anyone want to do this to themselves?" running through my head during the first few episodes... As a total addict however I'll be along for the ride again of course...

Chris not only gave himself his nickname (that I refuse to use) but also uses it in the third person and came with a suitcase full of his own 'merch' with said nickname on it. Yeah, three nice strikes there.

He's proving to be wonderfully terrible at the game however so I don't think we'll have to deal with him for long. He basically did everything wrong he could have. His self-admitted plan to smash the first comps then lay low is terminally flawed. Oh and you now have 8 people that hate you when you had an easy out that would have also involved you keeping your word. Congrats! Well played! *eye roll*

I'm sorry but we could see the reason for the yooge glasses once you saw her with them off. She is just not an attractive person. Yikes.

The cop was giving me a combo of bad vibes and Derrick flashbacks, neither of which is good.

Good call on the chakra woman looking like Nicole Ritchie. She appears to be guided/assisted by a hidden hand, so I guess she has that going for her? I guess her high power is not in the tub when it comes to assisting reality show competitors.

Kissing your Glock goodbye? I hope you and it are reunited soon.

We have a JC and a Kaycee. *sigh* Not that either could ever be mistaken for each other but still annoying. JC was on my intro-based annoyance list but wasn't as annoying as I though he would be. Kaycee should be okay unless she has to stay in, say, the bathroom for a few hours with her color wheel spinning. That could form some enemies if someone has to go and she can't leave!

Tyler makes my Frank PTSD flare up.

I loved Sam and laughed at her swearing as the robot. I hope it doesn't affect her negatively, but then I think 'Who would vote out a sassy-voiced Southern robot?' so maybe she'll be safe? I hope?

Not a good look when you run away from attractive women that want to kiss you... I can only hope the sheer magnitude of his gamer nerdiness is being exaggerated.

I like Bayleigh, especially her trying to help Chris out with how he was coming across. But now that he seems to be the most annoying person in there I am looking at her soon-to-be-unemployed self twice.

Overall I'm not dissapointed, which is better than the past few seasons already!

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11

OMG.  I don't hate anyone yet.  Weeeellllll......I've got my eye on a few.  JC needs to time it down.  It get it that it is part of his schtick, and he has to overcompensate for his height, but dude.  Chill out.  But he's not on my list.

My list is Bro-Brett, because.  Well.  Duh.  Chris of the ridiculous self-bestowed nickname.  And Chakra-Aura girl.  Vegas Rachael looks like she could get on my nerves.  We'll see.

Winston (I'm ignoring the gun thing for now, in denial) is a lovely, lovely man.  Which means, of course, that he's an enormous asshole on the live feeds.  It never fails that my initial BB crush turns out to be a big douche.  I also think Sam is adorable.  I'm about to dive into the live feed thread and get my delusions ruined.  Or not....

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think it was her more saying that she couldn't showmance with JC since he's gay. That's how I took it, anyway.

Yeah I am pretty sure you are correct because that was my take on why she said that as well.

4 hours ago, vb68 said:

It's just a little thing, but I was disappointed the Chenbot skipped over her " turn and look at the person next to you...could be your new best friend or worst enemy" standard jargon.  I know, but it does set the tone.

Same here, it is sort of her version of Probst's, "Fire is your life", speech.

I wonder where Sam is when she is playing robo-Sam.  Obviously she has to be in front of a monitor and microphone.  That has to suck being stuck doing that all day.

Not sure why, but seeing Bunky and Chicken George brought a smile to my face.

Haleigh is an amazingly beautiful woman.  

JC, Rockstar and Chris annoy me thus far, nobody else really bothers me.  Rockstar only annoys me because of her dumb nickname, if it was not for that I would not have a problem with her.  

I have to say I do like how the BB editors are making a joke out of the aura chick.  The way they put the colors on the screen reminds me of the editors on I Love Money.  There was a French chick on that show nicknamed...well Frenchy and she was very hard to understand so the editors put subtitles up and they would just put what they thought Frenchy was saying.  When they could not figure out what she was saying they would just put up questions marks.  I am not sure why I found that so funny but to this day I laugh about it every time I think about it.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Blissfool said:

Shaggy C's nickname isn't even so original. According to my son there's a Swaggy P playing for Golden State Warriors. 

And the original Swaggy P, Nick Young, is also a weird douche, so it all works! Here's the original explaining his nickname, ""God, in a dream, talked to me, and he gave me that name. I'm like, 'you know what God? That is a funny name! I might need to run with it!' And ever since then, I've been calling myself Swaggy P. It's a household name."

  • Love 3

I am really impressed with you guys & the fact that not only can you remember all of the names but know who they belong to!

I liked Chris "Swaggy C" (remember his name because he wears a shirt to remind me) at first, but, like others, I do not like it when people refer to themselves in the 3rd person.

The flight attendant who sales tickets on the side really grated on my nerves.  Started with her arrogant comment about only helping people if she felt like it, continued when she referred to herself as a VIP. What did make me laugh was when they were all sitting in the living room & I think it was the robot girl talking, they panned over to the "VIP Beauty Queen/Ticket Seller/Flight Attendant" & she had her mouth wide open, they added a sound effect like she was gargling! It was so funny,, made Mr Tostandon go back so I could laugh again!

The "Life Coach/Essential Oil" girl reminds me too much of my brother in law, who is a Life Coach who sells Essential Oils on the side, she's out for me.

I do, so far, like Robot Girl (that will always be her name to me), the Texas girl & the gaming guy from Chicago..oh yeah, the little body builder guy too.

JMO but I think this Tech stuff is going to wear thin very quickly. Mr Tostandon is not a techy person, he's been a huge BB fan since season 2, he's already saying he's out this season.

What, no HoH this season?

Edited by alegtostandon
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Swaggy C's swagger may get him booted early. Works for me. Based on this episode Sam, Scottie, and Kaycee are my early faves. Tyler maybe as he does possess some self awareness. Everyone else is meh for now.  Since Swaggy McSwagface heard Kaitlyn badmouthing him, he's probably going to try and get her targeted. Which could work for several reasons (her "aura" and/or the 'anyone but me' philosophy). But then again it could totally backfire.  Welcome back, BB, I missed you.

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

As a fan of Sam, I'm worried for her game (especially since Chris left out Sam's name when he was talking about her group, all because she's already been out of the house for hours). 

I noticed that too. Sam is my very favorite, too. I am hoping she can overcome it too. She was showing her personality even as Sambot, so hopefully she'll be able to keep involved - she did say she can see and hear everything around her.

9 hours ago, Ananayel said:

But the very best part? No sign of a bearded crapweasel.

The bearded crapweasel was in the audience though - first person the camera panned to when Julie said there were former players in the audience. When I saw him sitting there, I had a butt-puckering moment there - afraid we were going to see more of him. (And I'm not dismissing that further into the game either.) We can only hope I'm wrong.

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, August79 said:

Why would Steve pick the cover story of mechanic with those never worked on a car hands? 

I don't think it mattered, he looks like a cop regardless.


9 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I think it was her more saying that she couldn't showmance with JC since he's gay. That's how I took it, anyway.

Exactly like that, and probably scripted as well.  The producers definitely want to push some of the showmance angles.


9 hours ago, North of Eden said:

When Julie said there would be houseguests from the past 19 season I said "Cut to Paul" and they immediately cut to Paul. Allison Grodner...ya never change! And of course, she trotted out her pet ape Jesse. Now were Cody and Jess in the audience? I didn't see them. Maybe they consider themselves more Amazing Racers than Houseguests these days.

I saw the twins twice, they often seem at premieres.  I really hope Liz comes back sometime.


9 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:


Aura girl seems like she could be just as nasty and self-centered as the rest of them. I think the veneer of oils and sage will dissipate right quick.

Maybe my PC-radar was turned up too high, but I felt a little weird that the two HGs who brought out the champagne and glasses on platters also happened to be the two AA HGs. Cringe.

I still like Kaitlyn, she did say she was 90% aura and '10% screw you' anyway.

What does AA stand for?


9 hours ago, RandomWatcher said:

Based on the name alone, Swaggy C needs to go

Rockstar's name is even more annoying to me.


9 hours ago, willco said:

I think all cops can come off creepy without even trying ! To me, he sounds exactly like Billy Gardell of "Mike and Molly" ( used to be on CBS with Melissa McCarthy.) In fact, I was looking down at the laptop when he came on in his first segment & I thought it was Billy & they were having a celebrity contestant !

Cops are used to having to exude an air of authority, in how they look at people and how they walk for example.  They just never seem to be able to tone it down for these shows.


10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Robot Sam is adorable, but I'm afraid it's really going to hurt her game. She may be able to be real Sam sometimes, but I'm afraid they might milk Robot Sam to the point where, if she is nominated, her game will be hurt on the first week. As a fan of Sam, I'm worried for her game (especially since Chris left out Sam's name when he was talking about her group, all because she's already been out of the house for hours).

I've got a feeling Sam could struggle in the house anyway, though I do like her.


Good points, competitions, twist, cast and introductions ok so far.

Not so good,  Why was one winner just chosen randomly by picking a particular folder?  And the final winner of that twist was obviously about to pick their own group if they weren't automatically safe themselves and that limited the choices that could be made.

  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, Jeffurry said:

Rockstar is my favorite Toni Collette character

Yes - she looks so much like Toni Collette. There are a lot of house guests that remind me of famous people. The Chakra girl does look very much like Nicole Ritchie. And I stated upthread, I think Steve looks like a beefed-up Jimmy Smits. Tyler reminds me of the guy who played the boyfriend in the original movie "Carrie". I want to say his name is William Katt or something similar. And a few others remind me of famous people too, but it's too early and I can't remember their names yet.

  • Love 4
3 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I could only watch bits.  Is it going to be all this 'techy' special effects all the time?  It's SO annoying

Yeah, the techy special effects looks dated and it's hard to watch on tv. It doesn't translate well at all. Hopefully, they'll go back to the normal competitions in the "normal" backyard.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 7
12 hours ago, partofme said:

Winston ........... He carries guns to the movies.   Just no.


 I have no problem with guns, but in the right place and right time . IMO, on someone's hip in a movie theater is neither.  I must admit though that every time I hear the term "concealed carry" I think of somebody who's trying to keep his pants zipped up.  Over-compensating, anyone?

 But there are all kinds of stupid in the BB house so I'm not going to hold it against Winston. For now. We'll see.  After all, he does love his dog . I could never leave my pets or kids for 3 months, Not for something as flimsy is a TV show.

ETA:  I really like the hidden bedroom bit where for a while it looked like there just weren't enough beds for everybody.  That could be very unsettling. Wicked grins!

Edited by Skycatcher
  • Love 1
9 hours ago, vb68 said:

I thought that was obvious when we saw him training with his little elbow floats for swimming comps. He honestly looked pretty ridiculous. I halfway wondered if they  kept that in the edit because he's already on production's bad side.

That's about Swaggy C.  A lot of BB contestants originally apply for Survivor or TAR so I assume he applied for Survivor but got picked for BB (all three done by same CBS casting agency) but BB didn't want it to come off that they got the loser applicants so they probably had him re-do the swimming stuff video adding new audio over it to make if seem he was learning swimming for BB instead.  At least it seems that obvious to me anyway but what do I know.

I don't mind Swaggy at all right now.  Funny silly nickname and third person speech that Julius Caesar first made famous makes for a funny, over the top guy in my book.  Especially since I keep imaging him in a Roman toga because of it.  He doesn't seem mean or a bully type either.  I like him so far since he just seems to be having fun playing a role.  I'll save my dislikes for the mean peeps and/or gun nuts.


6 hours ago, August79 said:

Why would Steve pick the cover story of mechanic with those never worked on a car hands?

His intro tape showed him on his bike.  Many bikers mess around with their beloved bikes and are basically their own mechanics.  I'm sure he chose "mechanic" because he does know a lot about same.

2 hours ago, alegtostandon said:

What, no HoH this season?


Julie said several times during the show that HoH was in the next episode.

1 hour ago, amazingracefan said:

What does AA stand for?

Alcoholics Anonymous.

My takes: 

So far like a lot of you I like Sam the Wielder girl a lot.  Probably my favorite right now.  Like the colored bird, spinning wheel girl too.  (She's the female football player, right?).   Of course they both end up "punished" because we can't have good things on BB.  (The robot thing was excellent.  Corny but funny because of the way she delivered her lines.  She is a pure natural.  And I kept remembering The Big Bang Theory's episode where Sheldon made one that looked a lot like that one too).

"Surfer Dude and the Cop" sounds like a new TV series.  They should work together but probably won't because surfer dude doesn't like his soul stared at.  But if they did it would be a fun alliance since I kind of like both so far.

Aura Girl, yuk.  Really, energy fields are spirit protectors?  Even New Agers would gag at that.  She is just totally off the wall.  She is the type that gives yoga a bad name and will become the butt of many a joke on BB.  The editors and sound effects guys will have fun with her.

I like the token gay who is also the token little person and also a muscle builder guy and the token Muslim guy and the token nerd.  The "tokens" are likeable so far though token Muslim guy seems like he wants to be a "bro" on the show and that won't be cool if he goes that route.

Don't likes?  The Las Vegas mactor tops the list followed by Rockstar.  Also the athlete woman who lost to Swaggy in the challenge among the women.  Athlete woman just seems too full of herself but she could change my mind later if she takes a humble pill or two.  Texas college student girl is a wasted casting call for me so far.  Don't dislike her but she doesn't add anything either.

BTW I have no major problem with the flight attendant though she isn't on my favorites list either.  But I think all flight attendants probably secretly view passengers that way.  I know I would if I'd have to put up with some of the passengers I've seen on planes every single flight.  So it was refreshing to hear an honest one who probably doesn't care if she loses her job because she probably already quit to be on BB.  She is probably the delusional type who thinks Hollywood will "discover" her this summer, hahahaha.

Among the male dislikes?  Top of the list BY FAR is Gun Nut who names his dog after the unofficial anthem and nickname for the Confederate States of America.  If there were no guns involved just naming a dog Dixie is enough to land on my bad side asap.  At least movie patrons in his area will be safe as long as he remains on BB so he has that going for him I guess.

The computer security guy is no Elliot from Mr Robot for sure and he could be on my bad side sooner than later.  Depends on whether he takes his schist seriously or is just playing it up for laughs like Swaggy seems to be doing.  I fear he will not make my likes list at the rate he is going so far though.  Like I said above I'm liking Swaggy so far.  He is over the top funny and doesn't seem at all mean and certainly didn't save the bro crowd in his pick though his pick made no sense at all which also makes it more funny.

Finally congrats to those of you who actually know all these names already.  But I beg you for the first few episodes could you put brief descriptions by those names so I can know who the heck you are talking about.  I like reading all the posts and read them before I ever post myself but it takes away from my enjoyment when I don't know who you  are talking about.  Please help this slow learner out will you.  Thanks in advance.

Edited by green
  • Love 6

So far my favorites are Tyler the lifeguard and Kaycee the football player.

I think Rachel the Las Vegas dancer and Sam who lives in the camper are too "on" but I also get the feeling they both give good diary room so the showrunners like them and want to keep them in the game.

Kaysar. Still fine. Sigh.


I am really impressed with you guys & the fact that not only can you remember all of the names but know who they belong to!

I always use the online cast member page as a cheat sheet until I learn all their names.


Not a good look when you run away from attractive women that want to kiss you...

Also not a good look when the showrunners portray someone trying to force themselves physically on someone else as comic relief because it's the guy who's running away. That stuff is cute in elementary school between six-year olds.  Between adults it's potentially sexual assault or at least a deliberate violation of someone's boundaries. I hope they're not going to go with a storyline of one of the women trying to "break him in" as it were. (And yeah, I've watched BB before and I know that would be far from the worst thing that's ever happened on this ridiculous show.)


Alcoholics Anonymous.

Sure but in the instance referenced it probably meant African American since Swaggy C and Bayleigh were the ones who did the serving.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 8

I liked the two hour premiere, since it did help me learn who they are. I can't believe we not only have JC and Kaycee, but two Angelas (Angela and Angie/"Rockstar", and Hayleigh and Bayleigh. Cripes. I like Tyler, but I thought he was related to Frank when I first saw his picture, which would be a bad thing.

There is much potential for annoyance with most of them, but even with that, I could see something about each person I could like, at least for a little while. I feel like if they are annoying, it could be in an entertaining way, not a stabby way. 

Is it wrong that I want to somehow set up Sam and Donny?

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, green said:

I don't mind Swaggy at all right now.  Funny silly nickname and third person speech that Julius Caesar first made famous makes for a funny, over the top guy in my book.  Especially since I keep imaging him in a Roman toga because of it.  He doesn't seem mean or a bully type either.  I like him so far since he just seems to be having fun playing a role.  I'll save my dislikes for the mean peeps and/or gun nuts.

I don't actually hate Swaggy either. He doesn't give me Josh vibes or Cody vibes. Of course, that can be subject to change, but he seems alright. His DRs are obnoxious to me but I know that's production pushing him to be over the top. It's just....I'm having a hard time getting past his douchey nickname. 

6 minutes ago, green said:

The computer security guy is no Elliot from Mr Robot for sure and he could be on my bad side sooner than later.  Depends on whether he takes his schist seriously or is just playing it up for laughs like Swaggy seems to be doing.  I fear he will not make my likes list at the rate he is going so far though.

Brett seems like he's playing up all the bro talk for the cameras. I'm willing to give him a chance outside of this premiere and outside of DRs. 

I actually found myself not actively hating anyone. Maybe I'm irritated by some, but overall, I'm not getting super bad vibes from anyone. The last time that happened was BB17. 

8 minutes ago, green said:

BTW I have no major problem with the flight attendant though she isn't on my favorites list either.  But I think all flight attendants probably secretly view passengers that way.  I know I would if I'd have to put up with some of the passengers I've seen on planes every single flight.  So it was refreshing to hear an honest one who probably doesn't care if she loses her job because she probably already quit to be on BB.  She is probably the delusional type who thinks Hollywood will "discover" her this summer, hahahaha.

I DID laugh at how she said she was a flight attendant....but then they showed her working the ticket counter. I guess it's possible they couldn't get a shot of her on a plane, but it's funny that they defaulted her to the ticket counter, as if they're the same job. Otherwise, DR Bayleigh is extremely annoying and I need her to tone it down a few notches.She also seems a bit spoiled to me, with her complaining about the first competition. 

  • Love 7
18 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't actually hate Swaggy either. He doesn't give me Josh vibes or Cody vibes. Of course, that can be subject to change, but he seems alright. His DRs are obnoxious to me but I know that's production pushing him to be over the top. It's just....I'm having a hard time getting past his douchey nickname. 

Brett seems like he's playing up all the bro talk for the cameras. I'm willing to give him a chance outside of this premiere and outside of DRs. 

I actually found myself not actively hating anyone. Maybe I'm irritated by some, but overall, I'm not getting super bad vibes from anyone. The last time that happened was BB17. 

I DID laugh at how she said she was a flight attendant....but then they showed her working the ticket counter. I guess it's possible they couldn't get a shot of her on a plane, but it's funny that they defaulted her to the ticket counter, as if they're the same job. Otherwise, DR Bayleigh is extremely annoying and I need her to tone it down a few notches.She also seems a bit spoiled to me, with her complaining about the first competition. 

Yeah flight attendant woman is getting a "spoiled" edit.  Isn't she the former beauty queen too which would explain her thinking she is "all that."

I think Swaggy would make a great name for the cat in your avatar.  I'm really starting to like the name ... for someone's pet.  Cats have such a "cool" vibe they can pull off a name like Swaggy.

If you have both a cat and a dog name them Swaggy and Waggy. 

Edited by green
  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, green said:

That's about Swaggy C.  A lot of BB contestants originally apply for Survivor or TAR so I assume he applied for Survivor but got picked for BB (all three done by same CBS casting agency) but BB didn't want it to come off that they got the loser applicants so they probably had him re-do the swimming stuff video adding new audio over it to make if seem he was learning swimming for BB instead.

I didn't think of that.  I think you are on point. It still came across to me like he knew nothing about Big Brother, but they had to work with what they got.  


Not a bad premiere, but not a good one either.

I wanted to like Winston but I knew I wouldn't and I was proven right already lol. He's gonna go so far too and I will only hate him more and more with each passing day.

I also hate Brett, but I feel like I might end up enjoying him eventually.

I ended up liking all the women, even the ones I thought I might not like (Haleigh, Angela, Rachel, Angie). We'll see how it goes though lol.

Those punishments are pretty harsh, man. Sam's really sucks. 

I think Swaggy C is hilarious because I don't take him seriously at all. He might grate eventually though, but I figure he'll be evicted soon anyway.

I feel like JC is pretty hated online, but I don't mind him. The minion fucking notwithstanding.

I didn't really like Tyler and I thought I might. Honestly, and this is so mean and shallow, but I can barely stand to look at him.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 5

Minor point, but I am a bit put off by Swaggy C trying to explain to us how he got his nickname. We KNOW how you got it, dude, you just took another person's nickname and adapted it your own! Don't try to pull some bullshit with this whole "I came up with it five years ago because I have a lot of swag." Sure, buddy, and also you just took it from an NBA player who has been rocking "Swaggy P" for way longer than five years. 

  • Love 4

If you don't like the high-tech computer "theme" for this season, relax; it'll peter out by Week 3 and we'll never hear about it again (just like every single season of BB!).

I like Sam the Borg to best.  I also like Steve the cop, the Las Vegas dancer (was she the one wearing the Clemson sweatshirt in one of the DRs?), and the gamer nerd,  I don't really dislike anyone yet, although Rockstar and Aura Girl are teetering on the brink.  Swaggy C is showing off for the cameras so far; we'll see if he settles down into his "real" self soon.  The fact that he's a successful day-trader who also operates a babysitting service cracks me up for some reason.  I guess "successful day trading" ain't what it used to be.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

The never been kissed guy running away from Vegas girl just felt so force and so kindergarten lol. 

This is where I tuned in on and my immediate thought were "how scripted can you be". Do you always ask someone are you a virgin and have you ever been kissed. Being a virgin does not necessarily mean you have never been kissed. Too big a leap. It just shouts phony to me.

In fact, all the diaries were super phony.They sound so rehearsed. I hate all the shouting when Julie comes on or a door opens. Yech. This is definitely shooting for a lower demographic.

And, I do like Swaggy C . He has the ability to back up the swagger. And, I like someone who isn't afraid to show off his strengths. It may not pay well down the line but I like it. And, his diary rooms don't repeat production crap. He seems to be telling what he is thinking.

Edited by missyb
  • Love 1

I loved the bit where KayCee didn't know her group had been saved.

I think Swaggy C is entertaining enough, but he's not playing a great game so far. Angela is plainly a driven competitor, precisely the type of person you DON'T mess with on the first week. Just choose her group. No one would begrudge you for doing that! 

  • Love 2

I was hoping season 20 would be an all star year, but then realized the house guests I’d want to see was on season 10 or before. — except for Derek.   

As long as there are no returning vets, I’d be happy.  Note to CBS:  Please, no more Paul.   I never want to see that two time loser on my TV again.  

Chris needs to go.   He’s just another fame whore wanna be.  Good thing he’s doing just about everything right to get evicted early on.  

My only complaint:  Would be nice if there were more contestants over 45.  

  • Love 5

First impressions:

No psychos, which is good. But a cast full of douchebros and model and actor wanna-bes makes the cast feels very same-y. Add the fact that even the diary room comments sound entirely scripted these days kinda takes some of the fun out of it all.

I usually hate the braggarts but Swaggy C is SO over-the-top that he's kind of adorable, though I'm sure his schtick will get tired really fast. Same for New Age Barbie and Rockhead, I mean Rockstar. And the confederate-loving gun nut can get off my screen anytime. If you don't feel safe going to the movies without a gun, the problem isn't the movie or society, it's YOU. And fondling and kissing your detachable death penis on national TV? Just how deep in the closet are you, anyhow?

Liking: Sam, Kaycee, JC, Angie, Hayleigh. On the fence about: Steve the cop (how long will he last 'undercover'? I'm guess maybe 3 days), Tyler (his eyes are lot crazier than Steve's!), Scottie. Already disliking: most of the 'bros', airline attendant who hates her passengers (your job is serving people; if you hate serving people, get another job, asshat).

This summer's 'theme'? Annoying, like most BB themes. And I didn't think it was fair that one contest was sheer luck while the other involved at least a modicum of skill. But the games were fun, and Sam as a robot may be the cutest thing I've ever seen on this show. Is anyone else getting a Jordan vibe from Sam? Similar voices and personalities.

So Shaggy C ended up following Angie's advice after being all outraged by it -- i.e., he saved the other group he came into the house with -- and people got pissed anyway. He should have trusted his first instincts and saved Angie's group -- no one could have complained about that (though of course someone would).

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3 hours ago, green said:

Among the male dislikes?  Top of the list BY FAR is Gun Nut who names his dog after the unofficial anthem and nickname for the Confederate States of America.  If there were no guns involved just naming a dog Dixie is enough to land on my bad side asap.  At least movie patrons in his area will be safe as long as he remains on BB so he has that going for him I guess.

Winston and his dog were very touching after the gun stuff and he kind of won me back.  Also, I had a beloved, late dog named Dixie.   However she was named more after Dixie Cooney on All My Children then any confederate purposes.  Although my dog now is named Yankee so I guess I was aware.

I am most sorry that Winston seems like such a nice guy (despite the gun stuff), but is 38 with no wife or girlfriend. 

The cop guy gives me the creeps too and What a Jersey guy. 

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13 hours ago, Lamima said:

The 'aura' girl...does anyone else think she looks like Nicole Ritchie several years back???

Most definitely.  And I was shocked when she said she was 24, I honestly thought she was much older.

3 hours ago, Jeffurry said:

Rockstar is my favorite Toni Collette character since Muriel's Wedding and I'm hoping she's better than an ABBA song. (Better than "Dancing Queen!")

LOL! It was like Toni Collette channeling Emma Thompson as Professor Trelawney in Harry Potter.

My first impressions were that I really liked Sam and JC (and trust me, JC, those of us who talk like Sam could use a few subtitles for you sometimes too lol).  I also liked Kaycee and Faysal a lot.  And I want to like Winston because he's from my area, but really with the gun thing?? That was the main aspect of his life that they wanted to showcase? My dad carries a gun everywhere, even to church, so I get it, but still.  How about not being the typical Kentucky redneck with a gun, you know?

And let me join the chorus of those singing the praises of Kaysar and his hotness.  I will love him and Janelle forever.

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On 6/27/2018 at 8:36 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Meanwhile, Bayleigh got on my nerves the moment she said in her intro that she only helped people when she felt like helping them at her job. I was willing to maybe think that she was exaggerating....but then the rest of the episode happened and her DRs are incredibly irritating, she's squealy, and she's a bit whiny. I am not a fan of her. I'm hoping non-DR her is better than DR her.

Is she going to be like previous players and not have a job to return to because of stupid comments she makes? I could not believe she said all of that on NATIONAL TV for EVERYONE including the company she works for to hear it.

Edited by IgnoranceisBLISS
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5 hours ago, llewis823 said:

She was showing her personality even as Sambot, so hopefully she'll be able to keep involved - she did say she can see and hear everything around her.

It's an open question of how well. The thing looks like something left over from a 70's show, but if it's got a good audio setup, she could have an advantage.

1 hour ago, Gummo said:

If you don't feel safe going to the movies without a gun, the problem isn't the movie or society, it's YOU

Not necessarily. There are some pretty dangerous neighborhoods out there.

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