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S03.E07: Walking on Broken Glass

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When Adam said he lied on his resume it seems pretty obvious by his lack of culinary skills that he’s not a classically trained chef. He most likely worked as a cook, and knows the Olive Garden basics. He’s fairly unsophisticated overall. 

Why doesn’t Brooke switch rooms permanently with Conrad? Lover boy is sleeping with Hannah now, and it’s really gross that Brooke  has to listen to them go to pound town every night. 

Colin’s crush on Brooke is cute. They would make a lovely couple. 

Joao is a weird dude. He is always smiling during serious  interactions with other people like when he’s fighting with Hannah, or being grilled by Kasey. What he said to Hannah was entirely out of line, and would typically cause a person to be fired in a normal work environment. They don’t really have a typical workplace so the lines get really blurred, but man he’s an unhinged guy, and drinking enhances it.

Hannah and Adam are two very whiny adults, and both of them need to look at different careers. They are burned out with the current jobs they are in, but it hard to pity someone who  gets compensated nicely even if they weren’t getting a Bravo paycheque.  Adam would do well being a cook at a work camp, like in forestry or something similar where he could cook lots of food for a group of hungry men who don’t care if the meals are basic. I really don’t know what Hannah could do — just stay away from dealing with the public.

Edited by Barbara Please
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9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Because many of these restaurants are expensive, have long waitlists, and can be in locations that he may not have to travel to. Plus he has to work. The vast majority of the chefs in New York have never eaten a meal at a Michelin starred restaurant and New York has a lot of Michelin restaurants. I think that's too much to expect of Adam let alone any chef. And I don't even like Adam.

I agree; I've eaten in many, many excellent restaurants, and consider myself well-traveled, but I have never eaten at a Michelin starred restaurant. They are beyond my pocketbook, which is a lot bigger than Adam's.

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10 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I'm not mad at Conrad, he's seeing her with his third eye.

Good one!

9 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

More fish  dishes would be good and different kinds of meats.  He is not creative.

This is why I could never go on a yacht.  I detest fish, I am allergic to most fish, the smell makes me gag.  No one is allowed to cook fish in my house, or even bring it in.  Shrimp is ok sometimes and lobster is fine.  Not allergic to shellfish.  I should say my parents owned a pretty big boat when I was a kid but no one ate fish.  We would fish and then give it away.

I am so bored by the Bravoness of these shows.  Maybe I am growing up.  The ridiculousness of this working staff is almost too much, almost.

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I have never seen a less interesting “love triangle” than Brooke-Joao-Kasey. Not one of them seems even the tiniest bit interested in each other. Brooke is just feeling sad and lonely after her break up. Kasey seems like she just likes the attention and Joao seems like a sociopath who likes playing with people. I could not care less about who ends up with who. 

Hannah is a terrible manager and Conrad would be well served to not let himself be distracted by their romance. He is young and just starting out in his career and Sandy is already annoyed by what she perceives as him being distracted. 

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11 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Joao is an asshole. He's "defending" Brooke because she couldn't consent to a picture, but he tells Hannah to swallow nails and calls her a cock guzzling thundercunt. 

Damn he called her all that?  I couldn't make out what he said.  Damn that's some rough shit.

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I've really liked Brooke up until now but she's really playing that damsel in distress card with J Woww.  Oh he defended her from multiple cast members taking photos of her passed out, what a hero. I didn't notice him being the one to actually get her home and put her to bed. He's just the one criticizing those who did. Also, if she has such a problem with Conrad spending the night, why not just sack up and say something to Hannah? Instead she's totally encouraging of Hannah and Conrad to their faces and complaining about them behind their backs to a psychopath who squeezes wine glasses to the point that they shatter and comments that they hope a non-reciprocated cheers goes down like a bag of nails. He really is Prince Charming. Really Brooke, you can do better and his name is Colin. 

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JoeOw is a future girlfriend/wife beater.  Brooke needs to stay away from him.  She should get with Colin and let him worship her.  She needs the ego boost so bad.  Her extremely low self esteem shows with the pass out drunk fests and throwing herself at JoeOw is heart wretching.  Continuing the way she is going she is going to be another statistic - a bad one. 

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10 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

And his damn caprese salad every.single.time. How many ways can someone say mozzarella, tomato & basil?? Arg!

I don't understand why they seem to think that a salad is proper meal for their yacht guests, even if it is lunch.   It seems so cheap and lazy to me. Unless, it's specifically requested by the guests, I'd consider the salad a side dish and serve a true main course. 

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9 hours ago, hoosiermommy said:

4.  Sandy is right in that it is more effective to build people up than to tear them down, but she should probably heed her own advise when dealing with Hannah and Conrad.

She also didn't think Hannah and Conrad acted professionally.  Yes, she's right, however, how professional did Sandy act when her friends were on board?

Also Joao is very strange.  Something about him isn't right.  Hannah might be a bitch, but Joao is actually dangerous.  When he said all his ex girlfriends cheated on him, he smiled, when he's talking shit to someone, he smiles.  I bet he'd smile if he were beating the shit out of someone.  

Edited by Neurochick
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11 hours ago, Christi said:

Errmmm...I would NEVER act like this, but white gumballs DO taste weird?...I am smart enough however, to not choose the white gumball to shove in my piehole


They are so gross, I throw them away.  I would also be upset to see only white.  Red and blue are the best.


10 hours ago, njbchlover said:

And....how many friggin' gumballs can you "eat"????  They're gum, for God's sake-your not supposed to eat gum!  Does she just spit them out after they lose their flavor?  Where does this princess deposit her chewed up gum?  No wonder she looks so thin (except her overly enhanced boobs).

I "eat" gum like that - I get a pack and chew chew chew until they lose their flavor, spit it out and grab a fresh one.  All day at work.  And yes I have 2 crowns...

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Joao is a scary guy and his reactions don't really seem to sync with what I would think would be appropriate.  I agree with whoever upthread said he was a future wife-beater....it wouldn't surprise me in the least and the way he goes from 0-60 with his anger is concerning.  I  will say that I think he was absolutely right to intervene with Hannah taking a picture of a passed out Brooke.  

Hannah is so unprofessional and is a terrible manager and I don't blame Capt Sandy for being annoyed at her immature behavior.  Her sloppy relationship with Conrad (seriously poor Brooke having to listen to that all night), badmouthing Kasey to anyone who was standing still, stomping off from the tip meeting to pout and smoke smoke smoke and I will even add telling everyone that Joao is psycho (even tho she may not be wrong).  Maybe she is just over her job and if that's the case, she should move on.   I have never found her to be a great first stew every since she introduced the main salon as the saLOOOON.  Ugh.  Her behavior last season was unprofessional as well and since she's calling out "liars" maybe she should look at herself...I think that's the reason Captain Sandy is over her as well.  I'm sure she's probably a lovely person outside of work (well, actually pretty sure she's not but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt)..but she's wearing pretty thin to me in this capacity.  Lots of people are just not cut out to manage others, it's not as easy as you think!

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Anyone know what the crew's schedule is?  Like, how many months of the year do they work straight?  I wonder if we may be seeing job burnout. I would imagine living in that little cubicle on the yacht would be extremely detrimental to your mental health.  Of course, I'd do it for good money, but, after a while.......IDK.  

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3 hours ago, mytmo said:

JoeOw is a future girlfriend/wife beater.  Brooke needs to stay away from him.  She should get with Colin and let him worship her.  She needs the ego boost so bad.  Her extremely low self esteem shows with the pass out drunk fests and throwing herself at JoeOw is heart wretching.  Continuing the way she is going she is going to be another statistic - a bad one. 

Like every insult he's had for Hannah has been gendered or a threat of violence. He can't just call her a jerk or an asshole or a power mad dictator with a superiority complex. I'd even accept bitch, but it's always whore, slut, and now cock guzzling thundercunt. Let's not forget that when he spilled his drink on Kasey he said "Don't worry. I'm not going to touch your vagina." Umm was that even on the menu or a possibility? And that same night, he barges into Brooke's bunk to give a pretty inebriated Brooke a kiss. Welcome to the Below Deck: Med Misogynist Club. This is Bryan, our president. This is Bobby, our treasurer.


The thing Adam doesn't get about his food is that his flavors are pedestrian and his technique is mediocre. He's slightly better than Matt, not as good as Ben, and not as lazy as Leon (Leon seemed to have decent technique and a good palate, but was a seriously lazy chef). I found this blog post about visiting a 3 Michelin star Italian restaurant. Adam couldn't pull half this shit off even the dishes that were just a frico or prosciutto. And at the restaurant he goes "I should be curing more." Where does he have the time and space to cure anything for anything other than a quick cure in that galley? And the quality of the commercially cured products in Europe is so high, why would you bother? Just buy good products and use them inventively. He's so dumb and full of himself.

Hannah is a shitty manager, but how Sandy is dealing with it isn't sitting well with me either. I don't think Hannah's transgressions from last season were any worse than Adam's. Hannah kissed a guest. Adam deliberately fucked with guests' food, put together underwhelming breakfasts until guests yelled at him, was rude and unprofessional with Hannah, and had that fight with Wes. But Hannah is the one Sandy doesn't trust. I hate to say this, but Sandy did think Hannah was gorgeous and Hannah has been known to make out with women. It's not that I think Sandy is jealous, but that Hannah might remind her of some gay until graduation girl from back in the day. I just don't understand why Sandy came in with such an attitude towards Hannah and not Adam. Yes, she had an attitude with Adam, but it was gone in a day.

Edited by HunterHunted
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Sandy went out to Hannah and said to drop the Kasey's CV thing... which it wasn't. It should've been about "how Kasey does very little and what little she does I (Hannah) has to hand hold her and explain every little thing, but of course you (Sandy) are up in the bridge and don't see any of this, but whenever you do happen to see Kasey doing 'something', you think she's doing a great job.... well, she's not!"

But Hannah said none of this. At least, on camera.

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21 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

Sandy went out to Hannah and said to drop the Kasey's CV thing... which it wasn't. It should've been about "how Kasey does very little and what little she does I (Hannah) has to hand hold her and explain every little thing, but of course you (Sandy) are up in the bridge and don't see any of this, but whenever you do happen to see Kasey doing 'something', you think she's doing a great job.... well, she's not!"

But Hannah said none of this. At least, on camera.

This is the big problem, she should have verbalized because Sandy can only go on what she sees and Kasey is "working hard" in Sandy's presence so she assumes that's what's going on all the time. I wonder what she thinks now that she's watching the season and a) seeing Kasey's entire work history on the boat; and b) hearing Kasey talk about intentionally kissing Sandy's ass to get by. 

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40 minutes ago, 100Proof said:

Sandy went out to Hannah and said to drop the Kasey's CV thing... which it wasn't. It should've been about "how Kasey does very little and what little she does I (Hannah) has to hand hold her and explain every little thing, but of course you (Sandy) are up in the bridge and don't see any of this, but whenever you do happen to see Kasey doing 'something', you think she's doing a great job.... well, she's not!"

But Hannah said none of this. At least, on camera.

16 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

This is the big problem, she should have verbalized because Sandy can only go on what she sees and Kasey is "working hard" in Sandy's presence so she assumes that's what's going on all the time. I wonder what she thinks now that she's watching the season and a) seeing Kasey's entire work history on the boat; and b) hearing Kasey talk about intentionally kissing Sandy's ass to get by. 


Hannah has said it on camera, but just not to Sandy. Hannah has bitched these exact sentiments to Brooke, Conrad, and even Kasey. She's just never said it to Sandy and that's the problem.

Honestly, I barely trust Sandy right now.* I don't think she'll change her opinion about Kasey. Sandy's being a real asshole this season. Her behavior when her friends were guests was awful. Even when she has a salient point, she delivers it in such a passive aggressive way. Like with Conrad, she won't explain to him how it's not a great idea for two department heads to take their breaks at the same time. Or how if he has an hour break for a nap, it's better for him and the boat if he takes that nap instead of spending that hour with Hannah. She's not wrong, but she's not communicating it in the right way. Hmmm, sounds a bit like Hannah regarding Kasey and Joao.

*Captain Sandy decided to chastise Colin for calling out Joao's creepy behavior. This is really an argument she wants to make?


Edited by HunterHunted
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As bad as the crew is, these guests never cease to amaze. Let’s all be completely inconsiderate of the guy cooking our meals, f#&k around with our hair and our eyeliner and our boobs (and probably look basically the same) and then sit down and expect food to appear. If you folks want a McDonald’s drive thru don’t go on a yacht where you food is actually being cooked. I know just as a home cook how hard it is to cook for more than one person, let alone eight and time everything and ensure it tastes right. And no I don’t believe these guests have magical servants at home, I just think they turn into raging assholes because they somehow they think it’s okay because it’s a “yacht”.

Blech, I continue to weep for humanity. 

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3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

The thing Adam doesn't get about his food is that his flavors are pedestrian and his technique is mediocre.

When RHoBH started, I went to the websites of Lisa Vanderpump's restaurants, expecting something either sophisticated or Ladies Who Lunch-style fancy but simple.  Instead the homepage had a picture of the patio dining area where a fat man in jorts and a baseball hat sat eating a heaping portion of mashed potatoes and "crispy chicken" (fried chicken, honey).

This is what Adam's food is like to me-it is very unrefined, but also completely unspecial.  A lot of his stuff just looks like comfort food, which, personally, I would not want to be eating if I was spending all day in a swimsuit, even if I am on vacation.  It doesn't look worth "indulging" in.  

Edited by ninjago
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Adam has his own timing issues he said it would take him 10 minutes to serve but it was going to end up being at least 20 when he got it to the table. And I know the guests only requested but it would have been smart to do a small quickly served amuse bouche that would have at least taken a bite out of their hunger. 

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4 hours ago, nr65000 said:

  I  will say that I think he was absolutely right to intervene with Hannah taking a picture of a passed out Brooke.  

When I was 16, in 1978, we would go to parties or just hang out in large groups.  I always drove since I didn't, and still don't, drink.  Most of my friends would have a beer or two but one girl would get so drunk and pass out.  We would have to carry her to the car and tap on her sister's window to sneak her into the house.  I got sick of it so we carried her to the front door and put her between the heavy wooden door and the glass storm door and then I pressed the doorbell and we ran like hell.  I was sick of climbing over a fence.  Ha ha ha.  Thanks for making me relive the memory.  Now off to facebook to relive the story.  I only wish we had cell phones with a camera..............................

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14 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

This made me laugh so hard.  When I was 7 years old I would swallow my gum after it had lost it's flavor.  My Grampie caught me doing this and he told me that chewing gum stays in your stomach for the rest of your life and if I kept eating it the gum would sit in my belly and make a giant gumball that would make it so I would not be able to eat or drink ever again.  I would have to go to the hospital and let the doctors operated on me.  :)  Not to be out done my grandma chimed in and told me that if I did not have clean underwear on the doctor would not operate on me and I would die.  I never swallowed my gum again.  I believed my grampie's warning until I was 25 and I always put clean underwear on every single day.

OMG .. these parent - grandparent stories crack me up.  Reminds me of growing up.  My mother always told me about the underwear and hospital bit.  Hahaha.  Anybody ever get the “Ex-Lax” and told it was chocolate candy?

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Just now, Gem 10 said:

Anybody ever get the “Ex-Lax” and told it was chocolate candy?

No, quite the opposite.  I was told specifically that it was not candy, and to leave it alone.

After I consumed an uh, awkward quantity of it.

The sweet lessons of youth.

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2 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

No, quite the opposite.  I was told specifically that it was not candy, and to leave it alone.

After I consumed an uh, awkward quantity of it.

The sweet lessons of youth.

My sister and I slept in the same bed.  We would fall asleep .. the light would go on .. and there was my Mother saying “here, eat this chocolate”, and then give us a glass of water to wash it down.  God, how I miss her.

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8 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Conrad was on WWHL last night, not a very interesting guest. Kasey was in the audience and introduced with some unenthusiastic applause.

The dark hair was not flattering at all imo.  It was so thick/heavily styled that it almost looked like a wig.  He looked far older than his age, which may have been the point.  No mention of his relationship status, at least not that I saw.  I assumed Andy didn't want to spill any beans.

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I agree that Joao does seem unhinged. He's a mess. When he broke that glass, that was enough for me to say "I'm it, he doesn't exist anymore."

I agree that Hannah isn't communicating properly with captain. It's not about the resume anymore, it's about Kasey not knowing how to do laundry! Christ what an idiot! Sure, I've fudged a resume here and there but I've never straight up lied like she has. 

That one gumball guest... "i didn't put that about the colors on my preference sheet because i didn't want to look like an asshole! Teeeeheee" ASSHOLE! Oh no because you look so much better now! I hate her.  And who puts makeup on for a private yacht dinner? I sure would not! Dang, if you're that worried, why not go on hells kitchen or something. 

I really hate captain this season. I think she is letting "stardom" get to her. 

Finally, Adam... i can do a capresi salad... dang. If you are going to do a salad, make it special. That crispy fish - come on - make a nice white fish in a citrus sauce maybe?  His fish looked really dry. 

Edited by hatchetgirl
Adding info
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1 hour ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

The dark hair was not flattering at all imo.  It was so thick/heavily styled that it almost looked like a wig.  He looked far older than his age, which may have been the point.  No mention of his relationship status, at least not that I saw.  I assumed Andy didn't want to spill any beans.

He looked heavier, too. Not sure if that was the hair color, too.

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19 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

If gumballs the color of the rainbow are so damn important to you, why wouldn't you pack some in your luggage?  Gah.

Hannah continues to be an asshole.  Kasey at least is trying but Hannah just doesn't want to give her anything.  A tiny bit of appreciation or praise goes a long way.  Look how Hannah reacts if she doesn't get a pat on the back.  

Damn Hannah for making me take Joao's side with selfie-gate.  Brooke was passed out so no, you really shouldn't be taking pics of her.  And Hannah and Conrad really should go get a hotel room in between charters rather than sharing Hannah's bunk, which must be mortifying for Brooke.   

If I had to sleep underneath those two, I might get blackout drunk over and over too.

But, really, I am getting tired of seeing these twenty somethings and thirty somethings going out and drinking that much every time they have time off.  It is not entertaining to me, in fact I find it quite stupid.  Is that all you want to do with your downtime in these fabulous places?  So boring when that is all that ever happens.  Adam appreciating the good food and good presentation was a breath of fresh air.  Thank you Adam for having an interest in something else in the world around you.

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Hannah!  I am trying to like you but why are you making it so hard?  Stop being such a terrible manager.  I miss Kate's passive-aggressiveness.  Hannah is just aggressive.


At first I thought the gumballs were like the old "no green M&Ms" in someone's backstage rider -- a way to make sure the crew had paid attention to the preference sheet.  But it seemed like those ladies really, really just liked gumballs.  

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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Like every insult he's had for Hannah has been gendered or a threat of violence. He can't just call her a jerk or an asshole or a power mad dictator with a superiority complex. I'd even accept bitch, but it's always whore, slut, and now cock guzzling thundercunt.

This. I get that they don't care for one another, but the level of misogynistic vitriol he displays is frightening. Combine that with hair trigger temper and I would be afraid to be around him as well. I appreciate Conrad all the more for standing up to him.

I wonder how Captain Sandy feels watching this and realizes both Joao & Casey are only kissing up to her rather than focusing on doing their jobs.  I also wonder what she thinks of Joao's temper and actions toward women.  Why she bit back at Colin on twitter is beyond me.  

I applaud Adam wanting to elevate his cooking but I hate how he's always to critical of everyone around him yet accepts none of the blame.  He has one job, to cook.  Meanwhile, Hannah manages the entire interior: cleaning, laundry, guest services, provisioning, entertaining, decorating, , training etc.  How about you take 5 minutes to cover the menu so that the stews can accurately describe it?

Love this response!

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5 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

*Captain Sandy decided to chastise Colin for calling out Joao's creepy behavior. This is really an argument she wants to make?


Beyond the obvious, what I found pathetic juvenile amusing is that she is the only one that does @ all the bosses (NBC, Bravo, BravoPR, etc.) twitter accounts when she is calling out the crew. 

45 minutes ago, rehoboth said:

If I had to sleep underneath those two, I might get blackout drunk over and over too.

But, really, I am getting tired of seeing these twenty somethings and thirty somethings going out and drinking that much every time they have time off.  It is not entertaining to me, in fact I find it quite stupid.  Is that all you want to do with your downtime in these fabulous places?  So boring when that is all that ever happens.  Adam appreciating the good food and good presentation was a breath of fresh air.  Thank you Adam for having an interest in something else in the world around you.

I think the between charter outings are a show requirement.  I don't know about where they are but I've generally found when travelling overseas that everything closes at 5PM to 6PM outside USA and only bars, restaurants, and clubs open at night.   So I don't know what else they could do.  Its that they don't break up into small groups to leave behind people they dislike more often that has always surprised me.  But again, I think the show doesn't allow that unless they think they'll get a showmance out of it.

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1 hour ago, rehoboth said:

If I had to sleep underneath those two, I might get blackout drunk over and over too.

I'm just enough of an asshole that I wouldn't sleep under them.  I would just make my way to the salon and sleep there, hoping of course that the Captain would happen by and ask my what I was doing.  Then I would tell her.

1 hour ago, rehoboth said:

If I had to sleep underneath those two, I might get blackout drunk over and over too.

But, really, I am getting tired of seeing these twenty somethings and thirty somethings going out and drinking that much every time they have time off.  It is not entertaining to me, in fact I find it quite stupid.  Is that all you want to do with your downtime in these fabulous places?  So boring when that is all that ever happens.  Adam appreciating the good food and good presentation was a breath of fresh air.  Thank you Adam for having an interest in something else in the world around you.

I agree with you about it, I really do doubt that is all they do.  That is all Bravo films, because for Bravo, alcohol = money.

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14 hours ago, Neurochick said:

She also didn't think Hannah and Conrad acted professionally.  Yes, she's right, however, how professional did Sandy act when her friends were on board?

Also Joao is very strange.  Something about him isn't right.  Hannah might be a bitch, but Joao is actually dangerous.  When he said all his ex girlfriends cheated on him, he smiled, when he's talking shit to someone, he smiles.  I bet he'd smile if he were beating the shit out of someone.  


And it would be their fault. He's a psychopath.

Watching him, I truly believe he snapped that glass at Hannah. He was listening, he was watching her, he was sneering, then he turned his wrist to face the open side of his palm toward her so it would fly in her direction. He squeezed his fingers in and back toward him so it would travel outward towards Hannah.

Sandy is fucked up if she supports that shit by not calling it out in the here & now.

Edited to add: And the sonofabitch didn't even appologize nor ask if they were ok.

Edited by Giselle
It's the golden hour.
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10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Anyone know what the crew's schedule is?  Like, how many months of the year do they work straight?  I wonder if we may be seeing job burnout. I would imagine living in that little cubicle on the yacht would be extremely detrimental to your mental health.  Of course, I'd do it for good money, but, after a while.......IDK.  

On regular cruise lines, most work contracts are for four months on and then two months off. During those four months, you’re pretty much working all the time — you may have a couple of afternoons or evenings off but generally you are working when you’re aboard. I have no idea how this translates to the Below Deck crews though! 

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It makes me sad that apparently neither Brooke nor Kasey has enough self esteem to draw the line with JWOWW.  I don’t understand why they would allow him to flirt with both of them, in front of each other and the whole flipping crew, and not only tee-hee bat their lashes at him but seem to be vying for his attention.  Woman up!  He’s a loser.

Edited by TexasGal
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This is what I see.

Hannah is a bad manager and Sandy is a bad boss. 

Hannah  probably worked her way up to Chief Stew and Sandy is probably a great captain.  But there's a difference between being a captain and a boss and there's a difference between being a great stewardess and a manager. 

Being a manager or a boss is a skill that many never learn, though they might be in those positions.

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22 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

And his damn caprese salad every.single.time. How many ways can someone say mozzarella, tomato & basil?? Arg!

And pine nuts! He keeps putting pine nuts on the salad and they should not be there!

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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Someone in the comments of the TT recap said Joao reminded them of Joran van der Sloot. I can't unsee it.

SHIT, that's it.  It's not that he looks like him, but he carries himself like him, that same arrogance, that same "I know I'm hot" attitude.

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11 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Also Joao is very strange.  Something about him isn't right.  Hannah might be a bitch, but Joao is actually dangerous.  When he said all his ex girlfriends cheated on him, he smiled, when he's talking shit to someone, he smiles.  I bet he'd smile if he were beating the shit out of someone.  

I don't trust people who smile while they're saying something out of line or creepy or threatening. I had a crazy ex-roommate in college who smiled at me with evil joy as she stood next to her boyfriend who was yelling at me and threatening me physically, while I was crying, and that image has stayed with me all these years later. To me, she felt even more unhinged than her boyfriend. Unfortunately we still had some psych classes together (go figure). 

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he's the type of guy that's already sexually assaulted (several) women before and if they ever spoke up about it, he'd say that they were both having a good time and drinking and therefore it was okay. "So what if she just laid there, she didn't say no!". I wouldn't be surprised to see him in the news in the future, and not for anything good. I would stay more than the length of a super yacht away from him. 

He'd probably get along great with Ariana's brother on Vanderpump Rules.

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3 hours ago, snarts said:

I applaud Adam wanting to elevate his cooking but I hate how he's always to critical of everyone around him yet accepts none of the blame.  He has one job, to cook.  Meanwhile, Hannah manages the entire interior: cleaning, laundry, guest services, provisioning, entertaining, decorating, , training etc.

It seems like other than attitude/"She's not very friendly"-type comments, guests only ever complain about the food.  Like the show is the interpersonal conflicts between the crew and then the guests demanding/complaining about the food.  I've only watched the show off and on.  Do guests ever voice complaints about other elements?

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On 6/27/2018 at 6:23 PM, rehoboth said:


But, really, I am getting tired of seeing these twenty somethings and thirty somethings going out and drinking that much every time they have time off.  It is not entertaining to me, in fact I find it quite stupid.  Is that all you want to do with your downtime in these fabulous places?  So boring when that is all that ever happens.  Adam appreciating the good food and good presentation was a breath of fresh air.  Thank you Adam for having an interest in something else in the world around you.

My least favorite part of this show is when they go out drinking.  It's boring because it's all the same no matter where they are, who's flirting, who's fighting, or whatever else is going on.  Yes, go out to a nice dinner to relax.  Yes, have a drink or two.  But they get ridiculously drunk every time, and it just seems so childish and "lather rinse repeat" to me, like it's Spring Break or freshman year at college.  Just not interesting.  Hannah, especially, always looks like an immature fool.   The goal seems to be to drink as much as possible, and it just comes across as stupid.  It annoys me that they do it, but it annoys me even more that we have to see it over and over.  I completely agree - Drunken antics are not at all entertaining.   There are other ways to move the "storylines" forward, and I cringe every time a charter ends because I know what's coming.

More scenes on the boat (during charters or in between), or walking around off the boat would be so much more interesting. 

Edited by DebbieM4
edited for clarity
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1 hour ago, ninjago said:

It seems like other than attitude/"She's not very friendly"-type comments, guests only ever complain about the food.  Like the show is the interpersonal conflicts between the crew and then the guests demanding/complaining about the food.  I've only watched the show off and on.  Do guests ever voice complaints about other elements?

There's often complaints about service being shitty -- drinks not being made well, shit taking too long, etc., and about the deck crew taking too long to do things.  Basically, the entire staff is always kind of shitty at their jobs.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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 Rah Rah Sandy wants honesty from her crew but is only fishing for yes men answers. The only one who gave her an honest opinion at the crew meeting was Hannah and that wasn't good enough for Sandy. Glad Hannah stuck to her guns about how she felt.

Nice to know that Kasey wants to give "above and behind service" to the guests. That resume...man.

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15 hours ago, Neurochick said:

She also didn't think Hannah and Conrad acted professionally.  Yes, she's right, however, how professional did Sandy act when her friends were on board?

Also Joao is very strange.  Something about him isn't right.  Hannah might be a bitch, but Joao is actually dangerous.  When he said all his ex girlfriends cheated on him, he smiled, when he's talking shit to someone, he smiles.  I bet he'd smile if he were beating the shit out of someone.  

The one blessing in disguise is that we know everyone survived the season and Joao didn’t kill anybody.  I think everyone has shown up on Twitter to verify that they are, in fact, alive. 

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