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S05.E12: Gone Girl 2018.06.21

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I think Naomi wanted to call the police at one point, but Danni didn't want her to.  I think Kathryn is using the Ashley and depression story as an excuse. 

Craig has got serious issues, and his parents probably aren't even aware of it. 

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Did anyone notice the massive disappointment on Ashley's face when she realized her gift wasn't an engagement ring? 

Thomas is the absolute worst and totally agree with the above poster who thought it was nuts to have a Christmas card with your ex......also did they just show it as a snapshot of them at Saint's birthday party?  I guess that is why Katheryn was so dressed up.   

Back on team Naomi.........Craig would drive me up a wall.  I couldn't have lasted as long as she did. 

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That business deal was just way too far above Craig's head and ability and unfortunately when you're new to creating stuff that people might want, you have a hard time saying no to an offer, when you should really just say no.  Just because craig can sew does not mean he's a good designer. Patricia had never seen him create something other than from the fabric he bought so I'm not sure why she thought he would come up with some awesome animals designs.  Especially when she told him that his fabric choices don't matter, she just wanted a design.  Craig is not a designer! Patricia wanted him to do something that he wasn't even trying to do. 


I had a friend that vanished off the face of the earth like Kathryn quite a few years ago.  I wasn't worried about drug use or anything but it's very weird for a friend you communicate with pretty frequently to quick responding to texts.  My friend live almost an hour away so I couldn't check on her easily and she's a pretty private person so I wasn't TOO worried, at least not enough to call the police or anything, but after a few weeks me and one of my other friends drove over, went to see if she was at work, she wasn't.  Then drove to her house and saw her vehicle there.  Knocked on the door and thankfully she answered.  She was shocked to see us and I said if you dont want me showing up at your door like this again, don't ignore my messages!  She said she had just gotten really lazy about answering messages.  Every once in awhile she'll sometimes not answer me for a couple of days but at least now in facebook I can see that she's read the messages. 

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14 minutes ago, zenme said:

I think Naomi wanted to call the police at one point, but Danni didn't want her to.  I think Kathryn is using the Ashley and depression story as an excuse. 

An excuse for what?  She's been clean & sober for over a year and has the random drug test results to prove it.  

I'm not depressed yet I've been known to ignore my phone and shut out the world for a few days at a time.  I believe that it was an attempt at a storyline highlighting anxiety/depression and how Kathryn is coping with it.  Everyone (including Thomas) was in on it.  Either that or Kathryn underestimated how close she's become with the other women.  A few years ago, she could've done the same thing and no one would've been looking for her.

This is so refreshing to see:

Craig seems sad to me. He's not a seamstress, he just has a very nice sewing machine with a built-in embroidery tool.  He's definitely not an artist, so he's limited to clipart.  He should've been straight with Patricia when she first suggested the pillow. 

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23 minutes ago, bosawks said:

If my mom saw my house looking like that on tv she would immediately fly out and do some Jeff VanVonderen level Intervention!

Naomi was on WWHL last night (with her new nose which Andy Cohen would not shut up about). Anyway, she said she was not surprised at all at the condition of Craig's house. He must have been so much fun to live with. 

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Going cold turkey off of antidepressants can be dangerous and very uncomfortable. Katherine needs to be monitored by a qualified professional not only for her meds but for her mental health. Obviously production knew what was going on and exploited it for a storyline. 

Cam’s breast milk looked a bit thick for a newborn- the milk is thin and watery looking at first and thickens up a bit as baby gets older. (For those who may be curious: breast milk tastes a little bit like cantaloupe juice ?)

Craig’s  loser storyline is getting old. 

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2 hours ago, TeeMo said:

Was no one else horrified by everyone’s relief when they discovered Kathryn was alive because she picked up her kids? Not one of them seemed to think that it might not be safe for the kids to be in her care after she had spent several days walled up in her apartment, skipping work and ignoring calls? I appreciate that no one wanted to tell Thomas knowing that he would use it against her but no one thought they should maybe check in again? Those poor kids. 

Horrified!  Exactly, and they said that they didn't say anything to Thomas about her not having been answering or going to work - that is stuff he needs to know.  The mental state of the mother who will be caring for them is a big deal.


1 hour ago, Mountainair said:

Yes that bothered me immensely! I get wanting a break from reality for a while but unfortunately when you have kids, friends that care about you and a “job” you don’t have the luxury of disappearing for a few days. People are going to worry.  Kathryn chose the reality tv career path and cameras sort of come with the territory. The money may be good but it’s not good for her or anyone else for that matter in the long run. I’ve never taken anti depressants but even I know you don’t just stop taking them-usually there is a weaning off process. 

I finally got on board the Kathryn is trying train and then this happened. Ive always also been a Craig apologist but tonight he was a damn mess. 

I get it too, and yeah when you have a job - you can't not show or call.  I'm sure she lost that job.  I don't believe for a second she wasn't drinking.  Of course she was.  She probably stopped taking her medicine because it is not ok to mix with alcohol.  I know addict/alcoholic behavior and this is SCREAMING relapse to me.

Same and same!


1 hour ago, bosawks said:

If my mom saw my house looking like that on tv she would immediately fly out and do some Jeff VanVonderen level Intervention!

She loves you like crazy!

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In that meetup that Craig had with his law school buddy the contrast was sad. It's not that Craig needs to be on the 9-5 marriage and kids life track, it's just that it highlighted to me how the lack of structure in Craig's life (beyond showing up for filming) seems to be a lifestyle that isn't best for him. The hopping from one creative idea to another (flower arranging, pillow making, tearing down the wall in his house) that aren't brought to completion and add to that the total disorganization in his life all of it seems like symptoms of someone who needs some help that is beyond putting a vision board together. 

But compare Craig to Austen, who keeps a pretty nice living environment, manages to pack enough clean and pressed clothes for a weekend away, etc.  And even though Austen failed to provide munchies at his beer-tasting, he still got it together and did the damn thing.  Could be that Craig is ADHD and was medicated to get through school but then stopped when there was no more school to get through, not knowing that just managing adult life requires the same discipline that being a student does. I'm back on the Naomi train as she is mentally organized and living with someone like Craig had to be frustrating as heck. 

I'm remembering when she left for the party without him and was on his back when he didn't get his part of the charity work done in time. She looked like a harpy being angry with him but now I get it. 


1 hour ago, snarts said:

This is so refreshing to see:


If they are looking for storylines for next season, I'd rather see Patricia take Kathryn under her wing rather than a fake and lame Kathryn/Shep hookup. Craig could use some tough love from Patricia too. 

And how funny was the Ashley/Patricia visit? Patricia could hardly pay attention to Ashley's sob story ... her attention was all on the presentation of Michael's fabulous cocktails. 

So are Ashley and Thomas done in real life or what right now?

Austen and Victoria were not fun TV but darn I wish those cameras had been there to catch her throwing a drink in his face and him telling her to get an Uber and get out. Guess they couldn't convince Victoria to show up and reenact it, or they would have. 

I hope they do add Dani as a major cast member. Loved to see her painting her canvas plopped on the floor. Not everyone has the "space" to do art in a home studio or whatever. I have done so many projects on my floor.  

Edited by TheFinalRose
too many words in the wrong place
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2 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

Naomie and Danni didn't seem all that concerned and if it was that bad they would have called the police

They are used to her missteps. They know she has someone in the background that we don’t see on TV who takes care of the children. Something she would never let be seen on this show.

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Just now, Major Bigtime said:

They are used to her missteps. They know she has someone in the background that we don’t see on TV who takes care of the children. Something she would never let be seen on this show.

Ahhh interesting.  I think it's good that she has help though. 

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9 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

I hear thru the grapevine that he’s not as well off as he used to be. I think his family isn’t going to pick up the slack, either. Anytime you see one of these shows (think the Chrisleys) where the house looks barren, it is most likely a rental. But it was published at some point that when he sold the big house downtown he bought something smaller to accommodate the children. And likely, his budget. He spent a great deal of money on his failed senate campaign, keeping up the big house in the country and polo ponies isn’t cheap. Had he never been on this show, he’d probably be fine. People have distanced themselves from him, he’s banned from over a dozen restaurants/bars in Charleston who don’t want his kind of negative publicity.

Is it that they don't want his negative publicity, or his drunken shenanigans? After all, there was a time where he appeared regularly on the show with black eyes. Given his temper I can see him getting banned from plenty of places.

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The bracelet was not pretty. 

What was that thing?  Titanium with dead bolts in it? 


It really seems that Danni is a good person.  What is she doing on this show???

Agreed and I think this has often been questioned.  Further, I'd like to know what kind of blackmail Kathryn has on her.  Danni appears not to tolerate drama and is mature and grounded.  Why would she be so oddly loyal to such a historically unstable person?  I'll never be convinced that Kathryn is a good person or even has the understanding of what it takes to be a friend after witnessing that horrifyingly cruel conversation with Jennifer (was that her name?  The little blonde?).  Girl is telling her how her baby legitimately almost DIED and Kathryn takes it as an opportunity to verbally abuse her until she was reduced to a sobbing mess of tears.  One of the more uncomfortable/saddest things that's ever been shown on reality t.v.


I don't believe a property manager by law can confirm or deny someone is in their residence.  I've had stalkerish boyfriends before and if my property manager confirmed I was home while I was trying to keep away, we'd have a real situation.

Exactly.  Further proof that those two are absolute idiots thinking they'd just be let in or it was all staged (maybe both - ha!).  It made for some great drama, along with the Charlie's Angel's style camera work they had going on. 

Edited by Kiki620
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2 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

I'll never be convinced that Kathryn is a good person or even has the understanding of what it takes to be a friend after witnesses that horrifyingly cruel conversation with Jennifer (was that her name?  The little blonde?).  Girl is telling her how her baby legitimately almost DIED and Kathryn takes it as an opportunity to verbally abuse her until she was reduced to a sobbing mess of tears.  One of the more uncomfortable/saddest things that's ever been shown on reality t.v.

That entire scene is reason #1 why I’ll never actually *like* Kathryn. She may be a better person/parent these days and has grown up a bit since then, but she’s still a horribly selfish, cruel person at heart.

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20 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Kind of seems like an apt description of Ashley as well.....


20 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Kind of seems like an apt description of Ashley as well.....

It looks like the collar that some gangs put on their pit bull dogs.

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15 hours ago, bosawks said:

I’m kind of relieved to be free of Victoria.

I was going to type that exact thing!  She seemed like she would be a lot of work to keep happy with too many rules!  

15 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I’m calling BS on Kathryn’s disappearance.  Smells like producer manipulation to me.

Craig is such a loser.  And, he’s dirty.  Flu shots might make him walk backward? Whut?  And, the pillows?  I would think a lawyer would be concerned with stealing copyrighted pictures and other legal issues that could arise from using pictures from the internet.  Not to mention Patricia was surely expecting an original, creative product. LOSER!

When Naomi and Danni were at Kathryn’s apt., they showed one car as Kathryn, then she drove to Danni’s In a different car.

Maybe maybe not.  I actually could totally relate to her disappearing.  I struggled horribly with depression for years and there were times I disappeared (locked myself in my apt and just blocked everything out).  It isn't healthy but I can see it.  I used to be prescribed such a high dose of 2 various anti depressants that my doctor had to write a note every year to my insurance company before they would approve it saying basically yes, she is this big of a mess and needs them.  I am much better now but her story here resonated with me.

Craig is a giant loser.  I think his problem may be ADD/ADHD drugs + alcohol.  I am sure you aren't supposed to mix them.  

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8 hours ago, Sai said:

Man, Craig is dumb!  I'm not a designer by any means but why couldn't he take pictures of Gizmo and Patricia's dogs and Chelsey's dog and made original prints of them?  He could have taken pictures of the beautiful Charleston palm trees and beaches and beautiful Southern Oaks and incorporated them in with Gizmo and the other pets.  It would have been beautiful and ORIGINAL.  Not freaking clip art!  Ugh!  And I know that he would have sold at least 20 pillows of Gizmo to you very posters on this here message board because I know you guys LOVE Gizmo!!  lol  Right!!

He could then posterize it in Photoshop to give it a cool, modern feel. Threw away yet another opportunity. It’s disgusting really. So many talented, hard-working people would kill to have these chances. Such a waste. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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3 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I don't believe a property manager by law can confirm or deny someone is in their residence.  I've had stalkerish boyfriends before and if my property manager confirmed I was home while I was trying to keep away, we'd have a real situation.

This 100%. I was a property manager for many years, when we would receive a call or a visit from a friend, employer or even a family member asking to check on someone because they haven't heard from them, we would direct them to call the police and then we would meet the police at the door to let them in. Usually, it did not end well. You do not want to be the first one in a residence to find suicides or even natural deaths. I could write a book and pitch it as a reality show with the stuff I encountered as a property manager! 

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13 hours ago, absolutelyido said:

What was Thomas doing with the water in the sink at the beginning of the episode? (and why?)

Here is my theory:  It was cold water and he was trying to get the alcohol face puffiness to go away.  At least that is what I said to my husband when he asked.  

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4 hours ago, TeeMo said:

Was no one else horrified by everyone’s relief when they discovered Kathryn was alive because she picked up her kids? Not one of them seemed to think that it might not be safe for the kids to be in her care after she had spent several days walled up in her apartment, skipping work and ignoring calls? I appreciate that no one wanted to tell Thomas knowing that he would use it against her but no one thought they should maybe check in again? Those poor kids. 

I believe Katherine was on a bender. There. I said it. I don’t have faith in her. And kicking addiction is often impossible for many. I just don’t believe she turned her life around so quickly. Sad. 

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11 hours ago, biakbiak said:

I really need someone to pull up The info on whether or not Trav owns that house or if it’s just a rental for the show. There is a world of difference from his pristine historical remodel that was deemed not child friendly and these cold and not at all decorated rooms at this house. I am wondering if he isn’t as well off financially as he used to be. Paying off women for assaulting them can get expensive.

I have the documents but I need to convert them to images and redact some information. I'll post the docs in a few minutes. Here is a summary:

2014- he sold Church Street House for $3,325,000

2015- Purchased Beaufain St. for $1,737,500 with a mortgage of $1,303,125

2017 he put the property in an LLC

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3 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Cameron meeting Shep and Whitney for lunch at the BBq place- I noticed Cam and Shep ordered  huge plates of food and Whit had NO plate in front of him. He was picking french fries off their plates. I am convinced he has an eating disorder, hence his covering himself up from head to toe all of the time, even in the dead of summer.  

I don't know if he has an eating disorder, but I doubt very seriously that he shares Cam and Shep's passion for that kind of food. 

Craig is a sad hot mess and needs an intervention. I hope his parents got on the phone after seeing him on TV last night.

Maybe he's why Naomie talks too damn much now. She didn't advertise how frustrating and useless he was when they were together and everyone thought she was being a bitch to him. Now she shares too much information about what she's thinking, for example, about Kathryn. 

Couldn't figure out if Ashley was in a panic attack mode while visiting Patricia or all jittery from snorting coke. She's a mess, too. Instead of being all thirsty all day, she could volunteer at a health care center or some other place that could use her skills. Or, she could be doing whatever it is she's supposed to do to be licensed in SC. She really needs to take her ass back home to California because I will be shocked if Thomas actually marries her. 

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2 hours ago, zenme said:

Craig has got serious issues, and his parents probably aren't even aware of it. 

Craig, in my opinion has mental health issues which he masks/self-treats with alcohol and/or drugs. Having said that, I'm also shocked that he's constantly being treated by everyone like he's a kid when in fact he is a grown man who has chosen to make his living being a drunken mess and using prepared templates to amuse himself by pretending to be an artiste who just hasn't found his path. First, he lies all the time and is very open about that fact. Second, he is delusional regarding his input/output (remember when he was going to be made head of JD's bourbon business after three weeks as a gofer), he's shown no evidence of a work effort, and he parties to the exclusion of everything else in his life including his personal relationships. I wish that someone would sit him down and have a honest conversation with him. Otherwise post-reality tv life is going to be hell. 

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4 minutes ago, druzy said:

I have the documents but I need to convert them to images and redact some information. I'll post the docs in a few minutes. Here is a summary:

2014- he sold Church Street House for $3,325,000

2015- Purchased Beaufain St. for $1,737,500 with a mortgage of $1,303,125

2017 he put the property in an LLC

Thank you so since none of them are the property he is in now in he might be renting.

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Those are the streets that are easily known not the place he is in now which other people have said is in Mt.Pleasant? I legit forget.

not deleting because I didn’t mean anyone to post it.

Edited by biakbiak
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5 hours ago, druzy said:

I have the documents but I need to convert them to images and redact some information. I'll post the docs in a few minutes. Here is a summary:

2014- he sold Church Street House for $3,325,000

2015- Purchased Beaufain St. for $1,737,500 with a mortgage of $1,303,125

2017 he put the property in an LLC

For crying out loud, why would you buy a $1.7M house if you have to mortgage $1.3M of it?? Why not buy a modest $400k house and pay cash?? The F.

@druzy this wasn't directed at you :) I don't understand million dollar mortgages.  If you have the money to make a substantial down payment on a million dollar + house, why wouldn't you pay cash for something more modest.

Edited by RedDelicious
Then there's more money for ugly bracelets.
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3 hours ago, bosawks said:

If my mom saw my house looking like that on tv she would immediately fly out and do some Jeff VanVonderen level Intervention!

Your family loves you so hard and they're trying to get you back...

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4 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

For crying out loud, why would you buy a $1.7M house if you have to mortgage $1.3M of it?? Why not buy a modest $400k house and pay cash?? The F.

He sold the Beaufain house for a profit.  Never could understand why he would want to move from Church Street to Beaufain Street anyway

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1 hour ago, TheFinalRose said:

So are Ashley and Thomas done in real life or what right now?

If her Instagram is legit, there's a pic of them together from 6/13. "The best place in the world is in the arms of someone who will not only hold you at your best, but will pick you up and hug you tight in your weakest moment. Thank you for being you @thomasravenel ♥️"

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1 minute ago, Pickles said:


So, if Thomas is not on the show next season---Ashley won't be either. Right???


Let’s hope that’s the case. I can’t think of any reason for her to be on the show without Trav ... no one likes her and probably wouldn’t want to film with her. YMMV.

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The Great Disappearance of Katherine Dennis: 2018 Edition seemed fake ass fake to me. First of all, why the hell would Katherine even agree to have that shown on TV when she knows her baby daddy is a vengeful and spitful PoS and would very likely use this footage as ammo against her in any further custody battles? That alone makes ZERO sense to me.  Second, why would Katherine want to appear to be on a bender and off the wagon when she's worked so hard to get her shit together - custody battle aside - why would she want to have herself portrayed that way? Again, it makes ZERO sense to me. Annnnd, that's all the brain power I'm willing to expend on that flaming pile of BS.

Re: Craig...dude has problems and seems like he has mental health and substance abuse issues. I can't help but wonder what his parents are doing right this minute. They must watch the show, right? They must see what we see, right? They seemed like normal people who would do anything to help their son so I cannot fathom they could watch this season and NOT drive down there and pack him up and take him home to wherever it is he's from. Craig, Charleston and you need to break the fuck up already, you're not a good match.

The shitty bracelet thomas (I refuse to capitalize that disgusting bastard's name) gave Assley was priceless! She was sooooo disappointed. Can you imagine what their convo was while she watched last week's episode and saw him contemplating getting her a Ravenel family coat of arms ring? Hahahahahhahahahahaha, that alone should be cold comfort to us Assley loathers! She could have had a solid gold Ravenel family heirloom to flash about but instead she got a shitty silver or titanium bracelet that looks like a dog collar. Justice, meet Assley.

The entire scene with Assley whinging and crying to Miss Pat about her and thomas was beYOND cringe worthy. You could tell Miss Pat's thought bubble was 'Oh dear, how do I get this woman out of my house as soon as possible?!?' Clearly Ass doesn't understand the Southern way because if she did she'd realize that just because Miss Pat takes you shopping, does not mean you can cry all over her about your scammy relationship with thomas. What an idiot Ass is. I really dont know if I can watch next season if they force her on to the show. She's so awful and disgusting as a human being, with nary a redeemable characteristic to her name. Honestly? I'd rather watch dog shit melt in the hot Charleston sun than watch another season with her in it.

Good for Austen for 86ing Victoria. Dude, in the future, if a chick wants to get with you, and you've dated her friend and she knows that already, that should be a red flag that this chick aint right.  Victoria is a bitch, and has a lot of nerve bitching to Chelsea about being handsy with Austen when she knowingly went for her friend's fresh ex.

Naomi is officially redeemed with last night's episode wrt Craig and any animosity she might harbor for him. I imagine any semblance of organization and cleanliness we saw at their abode as a couple was due to her, because clearly Craig cant clean one square inch of anything by himself. His house must stank so bad. And I wonder if his life coach has quit him already...

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3 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

#justicefornaomie  Craig is the worst.

I wouldn't go that far :P 

While the bloom is most assuredly off the rose for me regarding Craig I'm still not a huge fan of Naomie. The GPS tracking and her awful behavior towards Payton (I know she apologized but still) leave a lot to be desired. 

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I agree about a substance abuse issue or mental issue with Craig. He seems obsessed with self sabotage. At first I thought Cam and Shep were kinda assholes for always picking on him but now I can kinda see how annoying it is dealing with him.

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1 hour ago, Mountainair said:

While the bloom is most assuredly off the rose for me regarding Craig I'm still not a huge fan of Naomie. The GPS tracking and her awful behavior towards Payton (I know she apo

Last season when they were together he called her stupid and a child when she was asking basic questions about what he wanted to do in life, or leaving him to get an Uber because he was taking an hour plus. She should not still not be looking at his location but it’s not an a app, she literally just shared their location based on the fact that they were in a relationship with someone who lies all the time but it’s on his on his phone and he could also turn it off any time he wants. It’s shitty but he also controls her access.

By the by Shep, Austen, and Craig were at the US Open golf tournament. And Craig kept S/A wanting for almost an hour to get the awesome golf cart service and didn’t apologize the dude is trash.

Edited by biakbiak
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That scene with Ashley coming to Patricia’s house all deferential, skittish, and profusely thanking her for her time came off like an old mobster movie with Patricia as the don. That coupled with the coming up previews of Kathryn missing made me worried that the order of “The lady will have a hot toddy” meant something nefarious. Oh, no! Ashley had Michael Hot Toddy Kathryn!!

But I can’t decide which scene of Ashley squirming I enjoyed more. Well, i’ll go with the one where she THINKS she’s getting the upper hand on Thomas by “negging” him like she’s Mystery on the old VH-1 show “The Pick-Up Artist” and acting like she’s questioning WHY she’d ever be with a loser like him. Buuut, as soon as he pulls out a jewelry box, she goes the other extreme squealing, “Baaaabe!” and batting her eyelashes. THEN she opens the box, sees the hideous bracelet instead of a ring, and her ENTIRE face just falls. BOOM! You “baaabed” him and then he pulled a reverse Mystery by giving you a hideous “piece of flare” and now you’re stuck. What a roller coaster of gold digger emotions!

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9 hours ago, gunderda said:

I had a friend that vanished off the face of the earth like Kathryn quite a few years ago. 

My handyman was missing for 10 weeks.  No response or nothing.  Just waltzed back in a couple of days ago like nothing happened.  We had a whole JOE IS MISSING campaign going on.  [insert shrug emoji]

3 hours ago, janie2002 said:

I agree about a substance abuse issue or mental issue with Craig. He seems obsessed with self sabotage. At first I thought Cam and Shep were kinda assholes for always picking on him but now I can kinda see how annoying it is dealing with him.

His parents need to do what my brother did to his kid - drive up to college, bust into the sorority, and drag her ass back home whilst stopping at a psychologist's office.

4 hours ago, AntAnn said:

Let’s hope that’s the case. I can’t think of any reason for her to be on the show without Trav ... no one likes her and probably wouldn’t want to film with her. YMMV.

I noticed on WWHL that Andy said it was the freakiest thing by any housewife standard - speaking of Ashley and the reunion.  Housewife standard people!

Naomi is no prize and has her own issues.

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I once dated someone like Craig. Drove me crazy. Procrastinates about everything go then gets pissed when time runs out. Craig saying if he only had one more night he could really pull it together was the most delusional crap I’ve seen I a long time. He’s going nowhere fast and is in for a very bad life. You could see his lawyer friend thinks he’s a loser, sad. 

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I no longer think Naomi is a bitch.  I would've murdered Craig by now.  My six year old shows more discipline and responsibility than him! He really should be ashamed of himself.   Every opportunity available him and he refuses to be an adult. 

Edited by lezlers
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20 hours ago, KLJ said:

How on earth does Cameron eat what she does and stay so damn slim?  She looks fabulous. I'm so jealous.  She also makes Whitney more tolerable and makes me even kinda like him.


Right?!  She just had a baby a month before filming that scene!!!  I was still waddling around with an extra 50+ pounds 1 month after giving birth.   And she manages to eat the crap she does, has no problem breast feeding and looks like that almost immediately after giving birth? 

I hate her.  That girl is definitely "charmed." 

20 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Prepregnancy she used to IG her workouts which were frequent. 

Pfft, I work out 6 days a week, eat much healthier than Cam and look like her in my wildest fantasies.  Some people are just blessed with good genes.

20 hours ago, missyb said:

I have to ask, is Craig a moron?  I don't get his appeal at all. Actually, I don't get Shep's either. The men on this show are not the most appealing. But Craig??? How do you go over to a potential big clients home 3 hours late and with nothing? 

AND without even apologizing for being late!   I can't with him.   

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