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Season 3 Discussion

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On 7/23/2018 at 12:21 PM, Ijustwantsomechips said:

I have a theory about Puss’ hair. 

Puss!!!  OMG, this made me spit stuff!!!

On 7/23/2018 at 1:24 PM, AussieBabe said:

 Ashley also knew that her father cheated on her mum with multiple women. 

Yeeeesh.  WHOOOOOO (absent desperation) would sleep with that nasty, disgusting toad of a man?????

  • Love 4

I'm not sure if this observation goes here or someplace else, but the episode at the end did sort of attach itself to the tell-all...

Can we talk about Elizabeth and Andreiiii's encounters with Father Elizabeth?  First of all, Elizabeth, why would you ever think it wise to provide your angry father with ammunition ** against your Andreiiii, especially anything financially-related?  Whenever someone says, "I hate to tell you so, but..." and then TELLS YOU SO, using THOSE VERY WORDS, they're a complete jerk.  Obviously Father Elizabeth couldn't wait to say it--it's what he's been living for. 

And oddly enough, that didn't even make sense.  Elizabeth and Andreiii have used most of Andeiii's savings during this transition time until he can legally work.  So what?  It was part of their plan, and for Pete's sake, they're following the law and acting responsibly!  They've got a very practical plan in place for Andreiii to make a decent living in the near future.  Instead we get Father Elizabeth saying, "Pretty soon you'll be asking me for rent money..."  He only wishes that were the case.  

Once again Andreiii proved himself quite poised and control.  I absolutely love that Andreiiii declined Father Elizabeth's offer to pay his trucking school tuition.  Father E looked so pissed by that. Clearly Andreiii had it correct that Father E wanted nothing more than to have something financial to hold over Andreiiii.  Andreiiii may be the wisest man involved with this entire show, not to mention the one with the most self-control.  

How ironic to keep hearing Father Elizabeth bleat on and on about financial responsibility when he himself has been arrested for failure to pay child support.  His mug shot gives me life.  

**Learn from Chantel what happens when you gift material to the clan.  

Edited by Fouts
  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I started getting sleepy and just DVR'd the last part of the "tell nothing" to watch on another day.  Apparently, God in His wisdom decided I didn't need to waste my time, as the recording won't play.  LOL.

The last hour was another episode of What Now, which they're airing Friday night, if you must see it.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Devar is being a complete ass - I do feel bad for Melanie trying to deal with him and a possible drinking problem and 2 kids at home, call Beth ( I think that is her sisters name) and do a beat down on Devar )  

Her name is Bev.  I only care because my name is Beth and I'm already saddled with the blonde friend of Dinyell.  :)

  • Love 4
On 7/22/2018 at 8:36 PM, ALittleShelfish said:

And what kind of con are Jorge and Anfisa pulling on us?  THAT is what I'm most interested in.  

These two are acting.  I detest Anfisa so much, wouldn't be surprised if she were a spy...no, she's not smart enough to be one, especially if she says she still loves Jorge, what an idiot.


Russian beauty Anfisa Arkhipchenko

Beauty where?  The only thing beautiful about her is her hair, and I'm not sure that's even real.   I wish Pao had smacked the shit out of her smug ass.  Who did she and her lout of a husband think they were, eating in another room?  And Anfisa still remembers what Pao said about her LAST YEAR?  Grow the fuck up chickie, if she carries grudges like that she'll never have any friends and she should never have kids either.  I hope she and the fool she's married to never breed because both of them are selfish.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 3
On 7/22/2018 at 11:27 PM, iwasish said:

Its funny that they all have such good insight into the other couples relationships, and saying so much about them, but they get all defensive when the comments are directed at them. I laughed when Mr Nice Guy Russ was making comments about Azan and his visa to Belarus (fiancé visa) but he’s blind to the crap Pao pulls on him.ex: when they were arguing and drinking he left to go outside, she bitches to the crew about him and the barks at him to “get in here” and he meekly returns, even the dog was hiding from her. 

I cant believe Chantel watched the family brawl and still maintained that Pedro instigated it. It’s ludicris to even suggest that Pedro and Nicole came with an agenda to attack River. I don’t think River even believes that.  

Too bad we can’t make somekind of poll. Asking what we would have done in that situation.

  • Love 1

I think Nicole is foolish, naïve and delusional and I've questioned Chantel's loyalty and sanity, but I admire the two of them for staying out of everyone else's business and not piling on as the others did.  Nicole occasionally reacts to the stupidity she's listening to but she's not malicious re the others. Chantel kept it classy last reunion as well.  There were no eye rolls, smirks nor stupid advice coming from these two.  Good on them.  

  • Love 11
39 minutes ago, Kareem said:

I think Nicole is foolish, naïve and delusional and I've questioned Chantel's loyalty and sanity, but I admire the two of them for staying out of everyone else's business and not piling on as the others did.  Nicole occasionally reacts to the stupidity she's listening to but she's not malicious re the others. Chantel kept it classy last reunion as well.  There were no eye rolls, smirks nor stupid advice coming from these two.  Good on them.  

Yes ! That's what I noticed as well. Nicole and Chantel persistently stick to their own relationship problems during reunion specials unless the host asks ttheir opinion, and they still never get rude or nasty to the others or in their business. Paola and Russ spent the whole reunion hating on the other couples. I never could stand Paola because she seems to be the fakest one. IIRC russ and Alexey both looked quiet and embarrassed of their wives behavior at the last reunion when Paola and Loren were screeching at Anfisa for no reason. Now Russ has joined in with his wife in hating on other couples. And I just cant with their pretend fights, the acting is so bad, and their desperation to stay relevant. 

I do not like Anfisa by any means whatsoever however I dont blame her one bit for being angry with Paola. If you are a 22 year old young woman who prides herself on her looks, and another woman calls you ugly to your husband behind your back on national TV, you could probably imagine the anger you would feel, because it is such a shallow, mean comment. And no, a quick sorry doesnt make things better. At least Anfisa doesnt hide her hhardness. So, I was totally rooting for Anfisa during the fight, even though Paola did not instigate it intentionally, I just couldn't stand Paola and Russs smugness.

By the way, I am surprised by how many people believe the Jorge love child storyline. Fake fake fake yawn. Almost as boring as Russ constantly worrying about Paolas naked photoshoots yet helplessly watching her take off her clothes on camera like a total beta male. Jorge and anfisa ran out of interesting storylines so a new one was concocted. 

  • Love 8

By the way, Molly's self righteous speech to Anfisa about Anfisa being terrible for not wanting a stepchild was ridiculous and comparing it to her own situation even more so. Molly had a baby at 22, does that make her noble ? It's not like she was married or anything and since she said she was in college and had 3 jobs it was likely an unplanned pregnancy. Being a good stepparent can require a lot of responsibility, is usually a thankless job, and not everyone desires to take that on. 

  • Love 8

And let's be honest, Molly isn't some sort of stellar parent.  She provides and says the right words and that's about it.  Her children don't come first if there's a man in the picture and she obviously doesn't have a great relationship with Olivia.  She also had support, it wasn't her ,the single mom ,all alone.  I'm sure her brother was there for the girls as well as her mother (as we have seen when grandma came over to take care of Kinsley all weekend at a moment's notice).

Edited by doyouevengohere
  • Love 10
On 7/22/2018 at 8:31 PM, SuzyLee said:

Perhaps this isn’t the point of the scene, but Azan’s phone sex game is pretty damn weak.

I think the only worse phone sex could be Russ. I can only imagine his mellow milquetoast voice with PG rated words to describe body parts and what he's gonna do to you.

6 hours ago, Kareem said:

I think Nicole is foolish, naïve and delusional and I've questioned Chantel's loyalty and sanity, but I admire the two of them for staying out of everyone else's business and not piling on as the others did.  Nicole occasionally reacts to the stupidity she's listening to but she's not malicious re the others. Chantel kept it classy last reunion as well.  There were no eye rolls, smirks nor stupid advice coming from these two.  Good on them.  

Pedro cracks me up during the scenes where everyone is fighting! He's there for that! Someone give him some popcorn!

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, Lily247 said:

By the way, Molly's self righteous speech to Anfisa about Anfisa being terrible for not wanting a stepchild was ridiculous and comparing it to her own situation even more so. Molly had a baby at 22, does that make her noble ? It's not like she was married or anything and since she said she was in college and had 3 jobs it was likely an unplanned pregnancy. Being a good stepparent can require a lot of responsibility, is usually a thankless job, and not everyone desires to take that on. 

See, Anfisa held back A LOT more than I would have:  "Good for you Molly.  Me, I had a an excellent relationship with birth control and knew I was not ready at 22, I will still in school, working part time and frankly, loved my freedom.  Are you angling for some parent of the year award?  Cause last time we checked, your daughter moved out of her own home because your bartender Vacation F*#k made her so uncomfortable.  He could not be bothered to feed and semi-entertain your younger one for two days which, really, could have consisted of playing a few board games with her then letting her watch a movie.  Not too hard.  So Molly, girl.....SHUT IT."

Anfisa, leave Jorge now just for that whopper of a lie about the kid.  He knows damn well he is the daddy.  Typical stall tactics:  "She slept around!  Who knows?"  Ugh - men like that make me ill.  The thought of sitting on that stage and saying "It is the love we share that keeps us together" while sitting next to him makes me want to vomit.

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, Lily247 said:

By the way, Molly's self righteous speech to Anfisa about Anfisa being terrible for not wanting a stepchild was ridiculous and comparing it to her own situation even more so. Molly had a baby at 22, does that make her noble ? It's not like she was married or anything and since she said she was in college and had 3 jobs it was likely an unplanned pregnancy. Being a good stepparent can require a lot of responsibility, is usually a thankless job, and not everyone desires to take that on. 

This is not surprising, though, given the fact that Molly wanted Luis to waltz right in as a substitute/step-dad to her children.  In her eyes, a new spouse equals a new partner in her family and should be expected to share parenting with her. Which further shows how obtuse and delusional she is.  First of all, Luis is barely out of adolescence himself. And most people know that entering a relationship with an individual with children (who have fathers) is not the same as being the biological parent to those children.  She immediately started ordering him around regarding "dad-duty," and although he's not really worth defending, I don't blame him for feeling a little bit WTF-y about it all.  

  • Love 13
8 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

This is not surprising, though, given the fact that Molly wanted Luis to waltz right in as a substitute/step-dad to her children.  In her eyes, a new spouse equals a new partner in her family and should be expected to share parenting with her. Which further shows how obtuse and delusional she is.  First of all, Luis is barely out of adolescence himself. And most people know that entering a relationship with an individual with children (who have fathers) is not the same as being the biological parent to those children.  She immediately started ordering him around regarding "dad-duty," and although he's not really worth defending, I don't blame him for feeling a little bit WTF-y about it all.  

I agree - not to get into my personal life too much, but I remarried last fall to a guy I had known since childhood. so no vacation f$&k I had known for a week or two.  Did not introduce him to kids (late middle school, HS age, both boys) for a full year.  The first time they saw us kiss was our wedding day after dating for YEARS.  I am not looking for a Morality Crown (trust me on that one, lol!) but dang - these people who try to force people into a role too early......how did that work for you Molly?  

The point is - I did not rush anything, did not FORCE anyone to love or heck even LIKE anyone (respect was expected and my sons are pretty respectful of adults) and guess what?  Everyone is cool with everyone.

I will get off my Stepparenting 101 Soapbox now, thanks for listening!!!

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree - not to get into my personal life too much, but I remarried last fall to a guy I had known since childhood. so no vacation f$&k I had known for a week or two.  Did not introduce him to kids (late middle school, HS age, both boys) for a full year.  The first time they saw us kiss was our wedding day after dating for YEARS.  I am not looking for a Morality Crown (trust me on that one, lol!) but dang - these people who try to force people into a role too early......how did that work for you Molly?  

The point is - I did not rush anything, did not FORCE anyone to love or heck even LIKE anyone (respect was expected and my sons are pretty respectful of adults) and guess what?  Everyone is cool with everyone.

I will get off my Stepparenting 101 Soapbox now, thanks for listening!!!

LOL I have major contrast! Husband and I have been married 13 years, have all of our children together. We have had this running joke forever that we are looking for "the new mommy" or "the new daddy". It made for interesting situations, whenever a JW or solicitor would come and knock at our door, and a little head would pop from behind me to ask "are you the new mommy/daddy?"

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Landlord said:

LOL I have major contrast! Husband and I have been married 13 years, have all of our children together. We have had this running joke forever that we are looking for "the new mommy" or "the new daddy". It made for interesting situations, whenever a JW or solicitor would come and knock at our door, and a little head would pop from behind me to ask "are you the new mommy/daddy?"

That's a new way to discourage solicitors or JW. 

  • Love 3
On 7/25/2018 at 2:37 PM, Fouts said:

I'm not sure if this observation goes here or someplace else, but the episode at the end did sort of attach itself to the tell-all...

Can we talk about Elizabeth and Andreiiii's encounters with Father Elizabeth?  First of all, Elizabeth, why would you ever think it wise to provide your angry father with ammunition ** against your Andreiiii, especially anything financially-related?  Whenever someone says, "I hate to tell you so, but..." and then TELLS YOU SO, using THOSE VERY WORDS, they're a complete jerk.  Obviously Father Elizabeth couldn't wait to say it--it's what he's been living for. 

And oddly enough, that didn't even make sense.  Elizabeth and Andreiii have used most of Andeiii's savings during this transition time until he can legally work.  So what?  It was part of their plan, and for Pete's sake, they're following the law and acting responsibly!  They've got a very practical plan in place for Andreiii to make a decent living in the near future.  Instead we get Father Elizabeth saying, "Pretty soon you'll be asking me for rent money..."  He only wishes that were the case.  

Once again Andreiii proved himself quite poised and control.  I absolutely love that Andreiiii declined Father Elizabeth's offer to pay his trucking school tuition.  Father E looked so pissed by that. Clearly Andreiii had it correct that Father E wanted nothing more than to have something financial to hold over Andreiiii.  Andreiiii may be the wisest man involved with this entire show, not to mention the one with the most self-control.  

How ironic to keep hearing Father Elizabeth bleat on and on about financial responsibility when he himself has been arrested for failure to pay child support.  His mug shot gives me life.  

**Learn from Chantel what happens when you gift material to the clan.  

How many chins does Elizabeth have?  From certain angles it looks like three or four.

  • Love 4
On 7/23/2018 at 9:05 AM, Ijustwantsomechips said:

The ex is crazy as hell. She throws a tizzy about Jorge taking a DNA test, but also said she told him to “live his life” after she had the baby.  Jorge is a doof and a bastard, but she can’t have it both ways either.  

I'm not all the way through this episode thread but my working theory is that Jorge was underage when the ex got pregnant.  She couldn't out him as the father without being accused of statutory rape.  Nothing else makes sense to me.  If he were the father and he was of legal age, why wouldn't she go after him for child support (or at least having a relationship with Jorge where both dad and daughter got to know each other)?

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, albarino said:

I'm not all the way through this episode thread but my working theory is that Jorge was underage when the ex got pregnant.  She couldn't out him as the father without being accused of statutory rape.  Nothing else makes sense to me.  If he were the father and he was of legal age, why wouldn't she go after him for child support (or at least having a relationship with Jorge where both dad and daughter got to know each other)?

Jorge was seventeen at the time, we don't know how old she was. A lot of people suspect the same thing you do.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, Lynnlynnlynn586 said:

Anfisa will cut her ??

And then she'll end up where she belongs, in jail.

I don't get folks here.  She was the one who instigated violence, ANFISA got out of her chair, why?  Because Pao called her ugly, LAST YEAR?  I hate to say it but Anfisa is even uglier this year, in fact this year, she's uglier inside and outside.

Edited by Neurochick
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Neurochick said:

And then she'll end up where she belongs, in jail.

I don't get folks here.  She was the one who instigated violence, ANFISA got out of her chair, why?  Because Pao called her ugly, LAST YEAR?  I hate to say it but Anfisa is even uglier this year, in fact this year, she's uglier inside and outside.


Pao has been trashing Anfisa on social media all year. Then she shows up with a fake "Hi Anfisa...." Nope. Pao is a bitch and I would walk away too. Even Chantel had her number. One of those petty frienemy  types. Neither are saints but I prefer Anfisa..all the folks on the tell all tearing her a new one live in glass houses. 

Edited by sainte-chapelle
  • Love 19
3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

And then she'll end up where she belongs, in jail.

I don't get folks here.  She was the one who instigated violence, ANFISA got out of her chair, why?  Because Pao called her ugly, LAST YEAR?  I hate to say it but Anfisa is even uglier this year, in fact this year, she's uglier inside and outside.

The boat is waiting to take you to Exile Island.

1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Pao has been trashing Anfisa on social media all year. Then she shows up with a fake "Hi Anfisa...." Nope. Pao is a bitch and I would walk away too. Even Chantel had her number. One of those petty frienemy  types. Neither are saints but I prefer Anfisa..all the folks on the tell all tearing her a new one live in glass houses. 

This. And more.

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

And then she'll end up where she belongs, in jail.

I don't get folks here.  She was the one who instigated violence, ANFISA got out of her chair, why?  Because Pao called her ugly, LAST YEAR?  I hate to say it but Anfisa is even uglier this year, in fact this year, she's uglier inside and outside.

Anfisa is more popular because she's intelligent and carries herself with some dignity. Whereas Pao... Ugh.

  • Love 8
On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 12:36 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Per Nicole and her documents:  I am about to start a new job which means a trip to HR.  This means I bring my SS card, my birth certificate,  my marriage license*, my teaching license, my passport, all originals plus a friggin' stool sample if they ask.  To fly VERY FAR from home with copies because "I thought they would work" shows how self centered and entitled Ms Mannatee really is.

 Seriously I was watching that with my 20 year old son and I'd like to think he wouldn't be in this position but if he had been I would have told him sorry son you're on your own.   Then again he looked at me and said are people really that dense?  Yes, son, some people are.....

*= name change 

I've been sending my husband on interviews with all of his stuff - his FBI and State background clearances, his DOT card, his CDL, his driving school diploma, etc.  Even if they don't directly request it.  I just think it makes him look more professional and organized.  David could take notes from you and him.

On ‎7‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 12:57 PM, Landlord said:

Maury wouldn<t have any of this nonsense. We would have had the results... After the break.

There was a shot of Pao walking backstage with her shoes in hand and what appeared to be sanitary pads under her feet. She was cleaning the floor, I guess.

Jerry Lawler: OMG PUPPIES! 

Jim Ross: And here comes Anfisa from the top rope with a flying dropkick, that Anfisa, Tougher than a 2$ steak...

Jerry Lawler: PUPPIES!!!


  • Love 1
1 minute ago, funky-rat said:

I've been sending my husband on interviews with all of his stuff - his FBI and State background clearances, his DOT card, his CDL, his driving school diploma, etc.  Even if they don't directly request it.  I just think it makes him look more professional and organized.  David could take notes from you and him.


Yes and I when I was told I needed to bring my teaching license, did I say, "Hey!  LOOK IT UP!"  No, I did not.  I pulled out my printer and printed it out, because they asked.  Seriously, I just changed the titles to two cars in my maiden name at the DMV to my married name.  Would my license (in new name) suffice?  Probably, but I brought it all with me anyway.  Nicole is just so clueless in this area it make me want to throttle her, but that might be construed as caring about her when I don't care about her at all.  May, yes, Mannattee, no.

  • Love 1
On 7/23/2018 at 11:36 AM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Per Nicole and her documents:  I am about to start a new job which means a trip to HR.  This means I bring my SS card, my birth certificate,  my marriage license*, my teaching license, my passport, all originals plus a friggin' stool sample if they ask. 

I have to admit, I had a very Manatee moment this week. Last year, my car insurance company finally got around to requiring that I transfer my license back to Alabama. (Long story short, renewed license in October 2015, Dec. 23rd my bosses let me go, scrambled for a job, lease ended in May 2016 so I moved home to my parents', car title was transferred with insurance, but didn't move my license because it wasn't to expire until October 2019.) Since I was coming from a STARR ID state and Alabama hasn't yet required them, I went ahead and scheduled the special appointment at the special out of the way DMV to get one since I travel a lot. I had to bring all kinds of information to that appointment to prove I was really who I said I was and that I was living where I said. The living portion was a problem as all of my bills go through my business address (as do my banking accounts) and I was living with my parents rent free. We finally had to draft up a notarized month to month I got the license in January 2017 and they set it to expire on my birthday (7/25/18). At the time, I asked about renewals and was told that all I would need to do was to go to the regular DMV office and renew it and it would stay a STARR ID. I also asked about moving and they said since it was already done, I would only have to show the regular DMV my new address proof but that the regular DMV would be able to handle it without having to return to the special DMV to keep the STARR ID. So that's what I planned on. Last month, I bought a condo in my parents' complex where I have been living so I called to ask about what paperwork I would need as the deed is still in process (Dad did the purchase, I'm buying it from them so it's again listed in their name). After 6 calls to get someone on the phone, Tuesday I was finally told I have to start all over from the beginning to keep a STARR ID. Couldn't change anything on my license and a renewal may or may not keep the STARR ID, the DMV wasn't sure. I was told to schedule an appointment and start the process all over to get the corrected information on my license.  The next available appointment is at the end of September.


So yeah, I feel like the Manatee for assuming what the stupid people told me was the truth. I'm also really annoyed that I didn't get my 4 full years on my license that I paid for. So I got to pay for a license on Tuesday and in September I'll have to take all the paperwork to the special DMV and pay yet another license fee to get the corrected info on it.

2 hours ago, MegD said:

So yeah, I feel like the Manatee for assuming what the stupid people told me was the truth. I'm also really annoyed that I didn't get my 4 full years on my license that I paid for. So I got to pay for a license on Tuesday and in September I'll have to take all the paperwork to the special DMV and pay yet another license fee to get the corrected info on it.

I had an issue with the money end of it:  I paid for tabs for my son's car on May 31st ($55 or so?) only to sell the darn thing about a week later!!!  LOL!  (But the woman who bought it was escaping a domestic situation so hey....she won't have to buy tabs for a year, right?)


4 hours ago, funky-rat said:

I've been sending my husband on interviews with all of his stuff - his FBI and State background clearances, his DOT card, his CDL, his driving school diploma, etc.  Even if they don't directly request it.  I just think it makes him look more professional and organized.  David could take notes from you and him.

Aw gee thanks - I just like to have that stuff ready to go.  I got a little miffed at my school this last year as they would not change the withholding from Single to Married until I produced a new Social Security card - I was like, "How about my certified marriage license?"  Nope......

8 hours ago, magemaud said:

Does Azan even know what the word “initiate” means? 

edited to add: For that matter, does Nicole? 

No - I am sure Nicole has to look up that word on Google.   Azan does not initiate sex as his religion forbids relations outside of marriage.  Plus would any guy WANT to initiate sex with her?  Not just because of her body - there is a lid for every pot - but dang she is just SO unappealing!!!

  • Love 2

He said he initiated it in the beginning. They made a hasty leave from the place they were first staying, when Nicole chose to make the Grand Announcement afterwards, and he created the Midnight at the Oasis moment later on, with the ring ceremony, no? He seemed understandably mortified when Nicole thought being together at his aunt's was a good idea, along with her demanding PDA in the streets. He may of been fine with moving on after that but seems he woke up the beast.  

  • Love 1
On 7/24/2018 at 7:55 PM, WineCheeseChocolat said:

My husband is Moroccan and he called BS on that right away. Workplaces there, especially in the hospitality industry (Azan/Hassan said he was working at a restaurant or hotel, the personal trainer stuff is just a pipe dream) are pretty lax about such things. Even if they weren’t, there’s a thing called “silent mode.” I’m no fan of Nicole but Azan is a lazy POS who wants to be taken care of by sugar mamas. Jobs are not plentiful in Morocco but he could train to be a driver, start a small business or even work as a laborer as he makes sure everyone knows how fit and able-bodied he is. He has options.

I don't get Azan at all. Being with Nicole all the time must be excruciating. That is a terrible way to make a living if you ask me.  I would imagine a real job would be 100x better than carrying on conversation with Nicole and getting pawed by her all day. 

  • Love 7
On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 9:09 PM, Neurochick said:

<snip> A lot of folks here don't like Paola but I get her.  See, people have different boundaries, and it's neither wrong or right, just different.  I used to date a guy like Russ, sweet but a closed person, nothing wrong with that, his boundaries were just high.  But to Pao, Russ doesn't feel anything, he doesn't care.  Someone needs to explain to her that not everybody expresses themselves the same way.  When Pao visited Columbia, she saw the difference and it made her even more dissatisfied with Russ.  She has to realize that Russ isn't like her friends and family in Columbia, Russ may be more reserved, but that doesn't make him unfeeling.  She needs to explain to him what she needs and wants, not expect him to just know because he's her husband, that's not fair. <snip> 

This is very true. Paola and Russ have different communication styles, and Russ IS more reserved. BOTH of them need to spend some time thinking about that and working together on how to effectively communicate given those differences.

On ‎7‎/‎16‎/‎2018 at 10:23 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

Does anybody else find it eerie that Nicole is so calm this time around in Morocco? Like, she can't have acquired that much self-control in such a short amount of time. Makes me wonder if Azan's family might have tuned her up when the cameras weren't around? I think Nicole would do anything to get at Azan's d*ck at this point, and that might include taking a beating or the threat of a beating. <snip>

I know the rules are different over there. It's not like men are beating their wives all the time, but behavior like Nicole's would not be tolerated.

Perhaps they are not tolerating it? (I would imagine it's the same over there as it is over here. Some guys are abusive but most of them are not.)

Maybe they had a family meeting, and then they laid down the law and told her that if she breathed a word about it to anyone she would never see Azan again? 



On ‎7‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:12 PM, gingerella said:

<snip>I don't understand why some want to assume that Nicole is under some nefarious spell with Hassan's family. It's starting a rumor that has zero foundation. We've seen nothing to indicate that his family has been anything but accommodating to that little weasel of a human. They've taken care of, and shown affection to May as if she's their own granddaughter, and they've no doubt put up with a lot of bullshit from Nicole during the last trip, and I'm sure she's embarrassed them to the nth degree with friends and neighbors.  If they had a 'come to Jesus/Mohammad' talk with her when she arrived this time, they would have every right to do so after her last visit. But seriously, putting out theories that she's somehow being physically threatened is not okay. People are making assumptions that for some reason she's being beaten or threatened...why? Do you really think that most Moroccans beat their family members willy nilly? Where does this come from?! I have some great friends who are Moroccan and live there and they would never lay a hand on anybody, let alone threaten them. In fact, they view the US as extremely violent and dangerous country, which right now it is. The US has a huge rate of domestic abuse that rages on daily basis. I live in a fairly safe area but the vast majority of police calls are for domestic violence and that's not just my area, it's nationwide I think. It would be great if we remembered our own issues here at home before assuming another country is full of abusers because that veers into very ugly territory, in my opinion.<snip>

I think part of the problem is most Americans know very little about Islam in general and/or Muslim countries except what is reported in the media, which for the most part is negative. I, too, am friends with several Moroccan families, and there is no more wife-beating or wife-threatening going on in their families than there is in the non-Muslim families with which I am acquainted. Meaning: "None".

Something to keep in mind is religious beliefs - regardless of the specific religion - can be used to justify all kinds of bad behavior. But that doesn't mean the religion is the problem; the problem is some individuals who claim to follow that religion and engage in those behaviors. In watching Nicole, Azan, and Azan's family I see nothing that would make me suspect either Azan or any of his family members have been anything but gracious and accommodating with Nicole. What I HAVE seen is Nicole screaming at and physically threatening/pushing AZAN. I certainly don't blame or suspect Nicole's religious beliefs or the fact that she's American for her behavior; I blame NICOLE.

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 1:44 AM, vimsa3 said:

Morocco is a very liberal Muslim country. Not many women are covered and it is not in the law to do so. Ether azans family is very traditional or they are doing it just for the cameras. 

The wearing of the hijab is more common in the northern part of Morocco. Agadir is in the north (if you divide the country in half horizontally). Most likely Azan's family is just more traditional.

On ‎7‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 1:01 AM, Owwwww ma leg said:

Here’s why I think there something not clean in the milk. Wouldn’t we see the Bride and Groom traipsing around Morroco looking at venues  etc with Azan sister. This is filler gold, perhaps more cultural insensitivities are rife. Hmmmmmm, why aren’t we seeing a shot or 2. They are all in on it, there are no venues and the TLC dollar is being harvested. It’s TV reality gold so why aren’t we seeing it. Smells, smells bad.

I think it's important to remember American wedding customs and the customs in other countries can be quite different. In Morocco, it's the groom's family that arranges and pays for most of the wedding, not the bride or her family. Under other circumstances, with Azan marrying an American, Azan's family *might* have tried to include his fiancee in making the arrangements. However, Nicole has shown zero interest in learning about Morocco, Moroccan/Muslim culture and traditions. So it may very well be they decided it would just be far easier to follow tradition and make all the arrangements themselves because trying to explain/teach Nicole about what is appropriate/expected would be a colossal waste of their time and only make it more difficult for them to finalize the arrangements.  

On ‎7‎/‎17‎/‎2018 at 1:37 PM, poeticlicensed said:

Pedro and Chantal didn't learn a very basic rule of marriage. It's up to each spouse to control their own family. You don't let your family members cuss out, berate or smack talk and especially not attack   your spouse, even if you have to distance yourself. Their problem is that they each agree with their family trashing their spouse. That marriage is doomed. <snip>.  


I'm no big fan of Dr. Phil, but over the years I think he did make a couple of good points, and this is one of them. Not only is each spouse responsible for controlling their own family, each spouse is responsible for controlling their own FRIENDS (I'm looking at YOU, Paola!).

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