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Season 3 Discussion

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8 minutes ago, Mothra said:


What the HELL is the relationship between David and Chris?  Chris gives him work, but only the most demeaning kind of work, then checks on him to make sure he's doing it.  Sounds sadistic to me, especially after they were business partners in Thailand and Chris was so kind to him.  I'm with Chris' wife--it's time for David to be weaned--but this just strikes me as sick.

Thanks for posting this.  It adds a whole new layer of sick.  And ick.

Check out Chris's FB page. High drama. 

  • Love 3

Am I the only one who heard Mother Nicole say “maybe he’s on a No Fly List somewhere?” That really sent the toddler who doesn’t wear diapers (that we know of) into a further tizzy! 

Also, it’s super nitpicky, I know, but May proclaiming “I is hungry” made me furious that Nicole didn’t use that moment to teach correct grammar to her daughter...who also allegedly woke up in the middle of the night in Morocco because she was hungry.  (Time difference my arse! They were there long enough to adjust, especially if Nicole/Auntie Azan had May on a schedule.)

May wanting to eat simply caught my attention because it’s not the first time it’s been on the show. 

I don’t intend to kick off an argument over toddlers/food, but maybe May is repeating things that she hears Nicole say when she’s bored? Neither Nicole nor Mother Nicole seemed to react as if it was time to feed May, so maybe they’re used to it? I know I’m totally over analyzing here. Nicole not only strikes me as an emotional eater, but as someone who eats when bored or tired. 

  • Love 10

Ok, I don't get the part where Molly daughters are upset with Luis because he left. I thought they would've been glad he left. Olivia was sitting there acting upset that he left them. So which is it? Cause when I was her age I had an asshole stepfather, not much older than I, as well. I would've been elated had he left and pissed if he came back. I'm thinking that was for show, and the way she really felt was expressed was when she moved into boyfriend's parents house. Molly needs to wait that out, by the way. Olivia is 18 so she can't make her return, but I'm sure at some point boyfriend's parents will want her to leave, or boyfriend will be tired of her being there all the time. 

  • Love 3

Finally got to watch this episode.

Pao- I dislike pao so much,Russ seemed more genuine in his feelings then she did. I could kind of relate to her (first time ever) when she made the comment “I’m just the aunt who lives in the U.S,I don’t feel apart of their lives” about her niece in nephew. It really hit me hard,I too feel that very same way with my own Nephew’s & new born niece,I see most of their lives threw photo’s online, although I live in the same country as my family,I still live on the opposite side as everyone & going home to visit isn’t always easy when you have a full time job with different schedules. 

Why didnt Pao and Russ stay with her family? You havent seen your family in 4 years & you go stay at a hotel? Why not spend as much time as you can with them??  My Twin sister came to stay for a week last month,I haven’t seen her in 2 years,and I don’t know when I’ll see her again,you better believe I made her stay at my house!

Chantal/Pedro- Over the drama of their families. 

Nicole/Azan- She’s an idiot,I get nervous everytime they show that body of water right outside her apartment,because she’s staring at her damn phone most of the time instead of her kid.

David/ Annie- She’s upset that David has to walk around with his clothes on now, why???  I don’t want to be mean but listening to her speak English is dreadful,she should use her time to improve it.

Jorge/Anfisa- Boring boring.

Molly/Luis- This is just getting sad at this point. Cynthia was really good at asking Olivia how she feels,it was sweet & genuine. I hope Olivia doesn’t make the same mistakes some young girls do by running away getting pregnant early because things at home are bad. She’s seems so smart.

  • Love 3
On 5/28/2018 at 1:59 AM, zenme said:

I feel like that's a little extreme. No one mentioned anything about that sexual assault.  Attaching that to someone's name is just a hard thing for someone to shake. 

No, but that is what Molly should actually worry about!  That's what all women should worry about before bringing strange men into their homes.  And some of the comments Luis has made already towards Olivia make my radar go up.

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Bridget said:

Am I the only one who heard Mother Nicole say “maybe he’s on a No Fly List somewhere?” That really sent the toddler who doesn’t wear diapers (that we know of) into a further tizzy! 

Also, it’s super nitpicky, I know, but May proclaiming “I is hungry” made me furious that Nicole didn’t use that moment to teach correct grammar to her daughter...who also allegedly woke up in the middle of the night in Morocco because she was hungry.  (Time difference my arse! They were there long enough to adjust, especially if Nicole/Auntie Azan had May on a schedule.)

May wanting to eat simply caught my attention because it’s not the first time it’s been on the show. 

I don’t intend to kick off an argument over toddlers/food, but maybe May is repeating things that she hears Nicole say when she’s bored? Neither Nicole nor Mother Nicole seemed to react as if it was time to feed May, so maybe they’re used to it? I know I’m totally over analyzing here. Nicole not only strikes me as an emotional eater, but as someone who eats when bored or tired. 

The most influential role model is the same sex parent so for May, that would be Nicole. And, we know that her mommy placates herself with food. I'm sure she watches her mommy stress over Azan not texting and then dive into a bag of Oreos. When May becomes distressed, instead of trying to figure out what's wrong, Nicole probably throws a few Oreo cookies into her direction.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 3
10 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Utter grossness hearing Annie talk about their sexy time and vocalizing her love making sounds.  Fat ass is right with the boom boom. I think we see her escort shining through. 


Agreed. She sounds exactly like an escort. We didn't see any spark of romance. It was all just laughing at the spectacle of it.

I think that's all it is for her.

Annie strikes me as someone who may have been introduced to sex way too young and if it was giving BJ's to old men then it's no wonder that she has zero experience with actual desire or enjoyment. The way she described it, it was like laughing over a household chore, like cleaning out the litter box. 

She likes to brag about having sex five times a week because she thinks it's helping to paint her picture of a happy marriage. And, it does make for a happy marriage... for him.  But I don't think she's ever really even stopped to ask herself what she wants or might like sexually. It's really sad.

A lot of these women are pushed into this stuff (sex with groveling sweaty men) before they are even old enough to experience their own sexual desire so those feelings get cut off at the knees before she even knows what they are. She's asexual in her own way.

Bahtless man doesn't care as long as someone is having sex with him.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 11

Family Chantel is just rotten. Pedro points out things that they did in the DR and Chantel's dad just lies about it as if he has amnesia. Fool, we have you on camera! We know what you did!

Then Pedro has his headphones on which is smart. Let him have his space.

Then they say that they're not going to make a big deal out of it, but they do just that, threatening to stop the van and everything.

Family Chantel is Family Psycho.

  • Love 12
9 hours ago, AussieBabe said:

Didn't Chris offer him a partnership in his restaurant venture and the sad sack turned him down? What is his refusal to take on a 9-5 job about? Umm, dude. You can't be kept or expect anybody to just take care of you and your wife. 

Well, he can't take a 9-5 job because he has to reserve time out of his day for plenty of sex.

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:
  9 hours ago, Bridget said:

Am I the only one who heard Mother Nicole say “maybe he’s on a No Fly List somewhere?” That really sent the toddler who doesn’t wear diapers (that we know of) into a further tizzy! 

Also, it’s super nitpicky, I know, but May proclaiming “I is hungry” made me furious that Nicole didn’t use that moment to teach correct grammar to her daughter...who also allegedly woke up in the middle of the night in Morocco because she was hungry.  (Time difference my arse! They were there long enough to adjust, especially if Nicole/Auntie Azan had May on a schedule.)

May wanting to eat simply caught my attention because it’s not the first time it’s been on the show. 

I don’t intend to kick off an argument over toddlers/food, but maybe May is repeating things that she hears Nicole say when she’s bored? Neither Nicole nor Mother Nicole seemed to react as if it was time to feed May, so maybe they’re used to it? I know I’m totally over analyzing here. Nicole not only strikes me as an emotional eater, but as someone who eats when bored or tired. 


7 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

The most influential role model is the same sex parent so for May, that would be Nicole. And, we know that her mommy placates herself with food. I'm sure she watches her mommy stress over Azan not texting and then dive into a bag of Oreos. When May becomes distressed, instead of trying to figure out what's wrong, Nicole probably throws a few Oreo cookies into her direction.

I caught Mae telling her grandmother that as well, and given how small she seems to be for her age, Nicole's sloven lethargy about any parenting responsibilities, and Nicole's complete self absorption I think Mae had not been fed and was actually hungry. After all, she did not tell Nicole she was hungry, but it was the very first thing she told her grandmother.  I think Mae was appealing to the only adult around who would help her out. 

Couple all that with Mae being wide awake and hungry at odd times in Morocco, and I think it has more to do with Nicole not keeping her on any kind of a schedule and being completely clueless/uncaring about her daughter's needs. Nicole can blame it on jet lag, but that excuse really runs dry after a week or two. 

Also, as has been touched on before, does Nicole have any kind of a kitchen in that room? Food for Mae may only be when her mom is up to a fast food run. 

  • Love 9

When Chantel does her talking heads, she looks like she's literally trying to speak through gritted teeth. I don't know if she talks like that all the time, but I really notice it in her TH's.

Also. Has anyone else noticed the intro thingies they show before they show a couple's sequence...in Chantel and Pedro's, they look like they are both trying really hard to get a modelling job. They're both "posing" and staring off dramatically into the distance. In different directions. I searched the googles and couldn't find it, but It cracks me up every time.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Chris could and probably will have to evict them to get them out of there. It'll take at least 90 days and would require some time, but it's doable. I wonder if David read the lease he was bitching about? Most don't allow for sublets unless the landlord agrees to it. Charging his son rent could be violating the lease. Leases  usually have a stipulation on how long you can have a houseguest, as well. My tenants can have them for no longer than 10 days. 

I don't think the shooting has happened yet. Poor kid was probably just trying to get away from crazy town and hang with a friend for a while. 

Next episode shows the after math of the shooting.

  • Love 1
On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 7:43 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

Anfisa looks different to me, less face fillers? Pao is an incredibly selfish human being, even towards her own family.

Anfisa does look like she toned it down....probably read comments on social media.  She definitely has a plan...how does she pay the rent for her apartment (her video job?).  I think George is taking back what he said at the Tell All as a condition of getting her back.

Pao is such a spoiled brat.  SHE decided to move to America....why blame that on Russ.  It doesn't mean she couldn't have kept in touch with her family thru face time, phone calls, email.  That is on her.  All the other "cast members" of this show do it.  She has moved on and she pretty much has moved on from Russ as well.....probably keeping him around to be on this show and get exposure for her "modeling" career.  Russ needs to find a job in his field and move on.  Despite what he thinks, Pao is not the only fish in the sea.

  • Love 9

I would think Anna Poor would be happy that Jacob is there so she doesn't have to have sex with David and doesn't have to see him walking around the house naked!  She actually seems disappointed.  And yes, why can't David find a job, for fux sake?  I mean, take anything.   Become a server.  He could use the exercise.   Meanwhile, Annie is going to be a big fat blob like her husband soon and any hopes for her landing another American when she leaves him will be shot.  She's not even that cute thin.

Family Chantal is horrible.  So is Family Pedro.  I don't see what Chantal finds so hot about Pedro.  She can't do better here?  Every time I see Pedro, I see his ugly mother and sister.

I can't help but love Anifsa.  Would rather her stay on the show and the show focuses on her finding another American sugar daddy.  

Poor Mae with that awful slob of a mom.  She'll end up as obese as her mom working some dead end job after getting pregnant in high school.  I wish her grandma could step in and take care of her. Then again, she raised Nicole...

On Chantal, I used to think she was really quite pretty but now I think she has her brother's face, just with makeup on.

  • Love 10

OMG, I am living for this trash!

Nicole - this was the first time I realized that her apartment is one room, and I'm not sure there is a kitchen. The outside looks like typical section 8 housing in FL. I would love to sit down with Robbie Lee and talk about Nicole's backstory. WE know she took off and hooked up with a rando and had May, but WTF is she doing in section 8 housing when her parents seem to do ok financially? Did she move out on her own or did they just get fed up and kick her out. I would have a hard time knowing that my granddaughter was living in a place like that. Since she is in one room, what exactly did she think was going to happen when Azan got there? Was he going to have sexy time with him 2 feet away from May's toddler bed? And I agree with the others, how can May still be 3? She has to be at least 4 now.   I doubt Azan wants to come to be with Nicole. She is feeding him money. I'm guessing there are several Nicole's, all sending him cash. 

David Poor is pissed that Chris said he had to pay rent, but he has no problem charging his 18 year old rent. I covered my ears when Annie was describing sex with David. And she was so wrong for trashing Ashley if she had any intention of having a relationship, she pretty much shot that down. As for the fucking dowry, GMAFB, it's not 1900. Dowry's are not legally binding. It's a scam, Bhatman! As for her papers, I don't think David filed them, but not because he fears that she will leave him, I think he didn't file them because his ass is too broke to afford the filing fee.  I think he would like nothing better than for Annie to go get a job, since it's obvious that he is never going to. 

Pao, I FF through. She is only interested in Pao and livin' the Miami dream. Whateves. 

Family Chantal wants what happened in the DR when they refused to get out of the van to just go away, but I suspect that a discussion of chicken feet-gate comes up regularly. If ever there was a family that needed to butt out it's family Chantal and family Pedro. And what was up with that huge vacation house? Did TLC pay for that?

Anfisa driving a Benz? How does that happen, when she legally cannot work? Even a lease requires a show of income. Of all the couples, I think Anfisa has the best case for leaving his ass and being able to stay. He is such a damn sad sack, he will never get rid of her, as long as she dangles the tiniest hope in front of him that he could maybe get in her pants one more time. 

ETA : I had to comment about Molly dressing dressing like a cat burglar to go find Olivia. WTF was up with that?!

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Palomar said:

Anfisa does look like she toned it down....probably read comments on social media.  She definitely has a plan...how does she pay the rent for her apartment (her video job?).  I think George is taking back what he said at the Tell All as a condition of getting her back.


Yup. I think Jorge realized he came across as an asshole.  Now if he could only work on the whole psychopath thing...

I go back and forth on how I feel about Anfisa - but I think while she is very deliberate in her words/actions (most of the time), she also finds herself in "fight or flight" mode but in a different country from what she knows, I'm sure it isn't difficult  to overreact or even underreact because she doesn't have the security or safety of friends/family here.  IDK, I can't quite hate her entirely.  

Basically everyone else on the show though, they can all eat an entire bag.  

  • Love 2
On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 10:10 PM, Liamsmom617 said:

    David asking his son to pay rent—I can’t even. 

Somebody's gotta put up some cash to live the life to which David and Annie have become accustomed *eyeroll*


On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 1:59 AM, zenme said:

Someone please come take me and have me evaluated. I find Molly's brother incredibly sexy! Even in his goofy outfit. And oh, when he talks! Purr!

I liked Brother Molly too. But he if he thinks he's gonna make the smarmy faced manchild see to reason then he's got another thing coming.


On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 11:44 AM, MakingBacon said:

Also, it would be great if someone brushed Mae’s hair once in awhile. 

Yes to this! Poor sweet child.


On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 12:15 PM, Bridget said:

I was so skeeved out when he kept staring at Anfisa's boobs once she sat sown on the patio. Kudos to her (cannot believe that I just typed that) for her telling Jorge her eyes "are up here." I wonder if he was staring at them and calculating how much money he's spent on her - literally!

That was incredibly repulsive. I mean its one thing to glance then move your eyes along but he was blatantly staring at them and it was so offputting. Like a man who hadn't seen a good meal in forever.


My favorite dumpster fires of reality tv are back on with this and soon Bridezillas. It's the little things ya know?

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:

Nicole’s face looks like mashed potatoes and her antics are such of a toddler’s, yet exponentially less endearing.  I knew Azan wouldn’t actually go through with the visa and marry this Schlub. He needs to cut his losses and try again.  Are employment opportunities so few in Morroco?  

You're so right.  She's just a big angry bowl of mashed potatoes.  When she got angry at Azan's phone call and her mother made some comment that made her mad, I swear to god, she was seconds away from getting physical with her.  I think the only thing that stopped her was the cameras.  She's an awful, immature asshole.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, MakingBacon said:

I think it’s possible David doesn’t want a real job because he owes back child support and/or alimony. His ex-wife may have obtained an order to garnish his wages. If I was her, I would fight until I am in my grave to get my money after the way he has behaved toward his family. 

Exactly. If he owes back child support, his paycheck is getting garnished.

As for Paola, she has a video up on Youtube of a trip she took back to Columbia to see her family dated March 2015, so unless it was seriously old when she posted it, it's been less than 4 yrs between visits (and probably less than 3, since I assume the trip to see her grandma was filmed last year).

  • Love 3
On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 1:19 AM, iwasish said:

Why do they have to even get along?

How often will his family come to the US? How often will hers go to the DR?

in many families the in-laws rarely interact except at certain holidays or special occasions. 

My parents had a big dust-up with my late In-Laws right before our wedding.  After that, they were cordial on the few occasions they saw each other, but it was a few years until my parents were willing to be in the same room with them.  They were 3 hours apart, and that was plenty.

On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 10:46 PM, Frozendiva said:

If David's kid is 18 or over and has a job, he has every right to charge him rent -$50 a week is a mere pittance. Granted, he and Annie don't have any money so the $50 a week can buy some food for all of them. No, I wouldn't want my stepson hearing me and his dad going at it when he is 10 feet away. Ugh.  The way Annie describe it was ugh, well, um. Going from 5 nights to 2 is a good idea - she certainly should not be thinking of getting knocked up when there is no money to pay for themselves, much less a child. Oh, and the dowry! And the family payments! From a husband who has nothing, and won't have much for a while. Doesn't seem to be trying very hard to find a job. Maybe we don't see that side of the show's editing. He has a wife and a young child to support, and certainly he can do something - working in a restaurant, cleaning, etc.

On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 11:20 PM, cereality said:

What was the job that David's sugar daddy offered him last season? I can't remember now, nor the sugar daddy's name. But what was it that David just wasn't willing to consider. Also do we know anything about his past life. Before the divorce, bankruptcy etc. -- what was he doing? Was he like some kind of senior exec so now he won't consider an "regular" job. Bc give me a break that you can't find work -- we're sitting at a sub 4% employment rate right now and even retail and warehouses are struggling to find and keep workers. If you're too proud to work at Target bc you're worried people will see you, I guarantee your local Amazon fulfillment warehouse or UPS/FedEx sorting warehouse is hiring -- and there are TONS of those in the middle of the country.

I'm surprised David hasn't tried to get himself named as his son's caregiver.  Then the state will pay him to take care of his son, and there are a lot of perks that come with that.  A family member of Mr. Funky had her kid shopped to doctors until they got a diagnosis that gave her "caregiver" status.  She sits at home all day and does nothing but play the "mom of a disabled kid" martyr.

RE: Unemployment.  I was of the same mind until my husband found himself there.  The job market here is great, if you can live on part time, or work for minimum wage (which is $1000/mo), or are able to stand in one spot for 8 hours a day.  My husband was 44 when he found himself kicked out of a job he'd done for 13 years (20 years total time in that industry).  And he was good at it.  He had a sadistic ruthless manager (reminds me of Luis) who came in about 6 years in to his time with that company, and was ticked that he wasn't given a brand new branch to work, and one by one, fired off the people he didn't hire and surrounded himself with a bunch of "yes men".  He stepped it up against my husband, sabotaged his work (we can prove this), and rode him hard until he had a mental breakdown and was placed on medical leave.  He was ticked when my husband returned to work, and after 60 days he just stepped it up until he convinced him to voluntarily switch positions at work, and then he promptly fired him.  He put in over 25 applications and got nothing from most of them.  Anyone who called to inquire about prior employment was told not to hire him, and that he had issues, etc (we found this out later).  People kept telling him to just go work in a factory.  A peanut factory, paying $8 an hour turned him down because he had no prior production line experience.  Warehouses here want 2-3 years experience.  Some say to be prepared to walk up to 10 miles a shift.  He has arthritis in his knees and hips, and a bad back.  So he went to the state, and was determined to be in a disabled "class", but still able to work.  They paid to send him to school to learn to drive the trucks that are one level below tractor trailer.  By the time that was all done, his unemployment ran out.  He was told no to an extension "because the job market is so good".  He got a job - two actually - but he was let go from both because the physical demands were harder for him - they claimed he wasn't moving fast enough.  We can't live on what I make alone, and we can't sit around and wait for 2-3 years to see if he could get approved for disability.  He's trying to get back in to the industry he was fired from - the competitors in the area know that boss is a jerk, but he was afraid to go back to it so soon, for fear of retaliation, but it's been almost a year, and he feels the time is better.  I would put money on it that David is likely unemployable, save for whatever Chris throws at him.  Nicole is another story entirely.  I don't feel badly for her.  I do feel a modicum of sympathy for David in that regard, even if a lot of his situation is his own fault - he's stuck..  The longer someone takes care of him, the less desire he has to work, and the longer he goes without a solid work history, and the more unemployable he becomes.  Having had a stroke, he'd be better off applying for disability.  No way he could stand at McDonald's for 8 hours, and more reputable businesses won't want to touch him.  Offer us some good vibes.  We're about 2 weeks away from financial issues.  He had an interview today, and the job pays well, but the work hours are harsh.  If it's our only option, we'll take it, and keep looking for something else.  At least the last job laid him off, and said they'd give him a good reference.


On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2018 at 1:49 PM, Bugfrey Von said:

OMG, I noticed the same thing!  I have a great job and won't make the jump to an Apple Watch because they're just too expensive.  The thought of that lummox having a 300 (400?) dollar watch while living in a hotel cesspool is really obnoxious.  Especially considering that she probably only uses it to scream "CALL HASSSSSAAAAAAAANNNNNNN" on it 3,000 times a day.  LMAO at the "couples shot" with just her.  Tickles me every time.  His visa was rejected because A.) he begged for it to be or B.) someone in Nicole's family told the consulate that she was not mentally fit enough to make this kind of decision.  Also, COMB MAY'S GODDAMN HAIR.  

I wasn't paying attention, but you can get knock-off things that look like Apple watches, but really only show you the time and play music, and stuff like that.  Maybe it's one of those.


16 hours ago, Mothra said:

Chantel's family is very smug, but when they were in the DR and refused to get out of the van at Pedro's grandmother's house, they committed a pretty much unforgivable faux pas.  They need to check themselves, to watch the video of that situation, and then confess to being the rudest, most disrespectful, horriblest people in the world.  They really can't ever apologize enough for their behavior there, and while Pedro's mother was a jerk about the chicken feet, Chantel's mother telling us wisely that "voodoo uses a lot of chicken feet" cost her the higher moral ground in that situation, too.  And yes, you *do* come across as Stupid Americans.

Every time Pedro tried to explain to Chantel or her father why he was uncomfortable around them, they brushed his concerns off, saying they wanted to put that all behind them--as if they had not done anything at all to show disrespect to Pedro and his family.  Which is only further disrespect, invalidating his feelings.  I wonder if this bunch would ever take part in group therapy together--they need a neutral facilitator to get the gripes on both sides out in the air.  The thing is, Chantel's family continue to ratchet up the drama--Chantel telling Pedro that her family thinks Pedro's mother was trying to find him someone from the USA to marry--and every "concern" like that is, well, another brick in the wall.


Her family is impossible, and so is his.  They need to move somewhere away from both of them, and live their own lives.  I think they're nouveau riche, or want to give that impression.  Their "UH-MARE-ICK-KAN" crap is just old.  Yawn.  Except I would pay money to see someone slap the perma-pooping expression off of River's face.

  • Love 10

I hate myself sometimes for loving this show so much.

I could definitely see that  Pao had extensions when they were at the hospital.  And that hair... OMG.  It’s just a mess.  HE’S a mess too!  I HATE Roos’s Hair these days.  Someone called it deflated, and YES, exactly.  It’s like his hair is reflecting his life in general.  Just sort of flat and lost.  (And if Pao doesn’t quit with the harsh color, she’s going to be lucky to have even deflated hair after awhile).  

I love to hate David so much.  I’m not even sure I hate him for being FOS; I think I hate him for opening his mouth and letting it all roll out.  Annie... is not innocent at all.  She definitely has brought a suitcase full of Thaislut with her.   

Ok, someone needs to bottom line me (please).  Tell me like I’m slow:  what exactly is the webcam thing that Anfisa does, and how does she make money from this?

I'm probably the least observant person within 200 miles, and even I noticed her lips aren’t balloons any more.  

  • Love 9
20 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

My husband was 44 when he found himself kicked out of a job he'd done for 13 years (20 years total time in that industry). 

I feel so bad for your situation. Mr Poetic lost his job as age 56 after 17 years with the same company. What a damn nightmare. Luckily, he was able to find another job in his industry with only a small pay cut and shitty hours, but it took a year. He worked for minimum for  the year he after he lost his job and drained most of our savings. He got tons of interviews, but as soon as he walked in the door, gray hair and all, the interviews went nowhere. Good news is that it took a couple years and we were able to recover financially. As a matter of fact, Mr. Poetic is retiring this week.

Anyway, the difference between your husband, my husband and David Poor is that he brought this on himself. Someone in their 40's who willingly leaves a job or their career runs to Thailand for several years is basically committing career suicide. Of course he isn't going to be able to explain that in an interview. But there are things he can do resume wise to make himself look employable. Clipping coupons doesn't pay the bills. 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Ok, someone needs to bottom line me (please).  Tell me like I’m slow:  what exactly is the webcam thing that Anfisa does, and how does she make money from this?


It varies a bit, but basically you join a camgirl site, then sit around half naked and video chat with dudes until one of them buys private time, private shows usually being masturbation. The site takes a percentage, and you're paid whatever is left after that.

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, lu1535 said:

Hey David and Nicole:


I don't think David or Nicole could work at Chick-Fil-A. AT least where I live they hire only very positive always friendly sweet people. All summer it is over 100 where I live and the poor Chick-Fil-A girl that stands in the direct sun taking orders, is always so nice and says she loves being outside in the heat with a smile. I can't see Nicole or David giving happy customer service everyday to every person. If Nicole can work part time at starbucks, she should consider working at a grocery store that gives regular raises and just stick with it. David need to find some sort of online customer service job or to sell life insurance or real estate. I can't see him doing a 8 hour work day standing or moving around. While a stroke 4 years ago should have motivated a 45 year old to get in shape , it has not motivated David. I do think he hopes to move back to Asia at some point. I think they are only in the states for Annie to get her full green card or whatever is needed for her to travel back and forth to Asia. David and Chris had talked about starting some business in Asia and I think that still is the plan even though TLC is showing drama.

3 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

OMG, I am living for this trash!

Nicole - this was the first time I realized that her apartment is one room, and I'm not sure there is a kitchen. The outside looks like typical section 8 housing in FL. I would love to sit down with Robbie Lee and talk about Nicole's backstory. WE know she took off and hooked up with a rando and had May, but WTF is she doing in section 8 housing when her parents seem to do ok financially? Did she move out on her own or did they just get fed up and kick her out. I would have a hard time knowing that my granddaughter was living in a place like that. Since she is in one room, what exactly did she think was going to happen when Azan got there? Was he going to have sexy time with him 2 feet away from May's toddler bed? And I agree with the others, how can May still be 3? She has to be at least 4 now.   I doubt Azan wants to come to be with Nicole. She is feeding him money. I'm guessing there are several Nicole's, all sending him cash. 


When Nicole's apartment was first shown, someone had commented it was a complex for single moms struggling. Section 8 is the first thing that comes to mind or some sort of reduced rent. It has been since proven the apartment is on a church property that her family has ties with. The church lets struggling people stay there.  Last week we saw Nicole and Mae behind her apartment at some sort of lake with a beach. I looked at the property she lives on and it has so much to do. Her place might be dumpy but there is NO excuse not to get into shape or at least have so much to do while waiting for "My Love" Azan to call. It has indoor and outdoor activties, like basketball, volleyball, canoeing, tennis, multiple pools , trails, all right outside her door. I wonder if that is her real apartment or just where they are filming? Maybe they are not able to film certain parts of the property that have much nicer units? Many reality shows are having problems filming in neighborhoods , churches , and hospitals. I know one of the realtors on MDL spent over 30k renting an apartment to film in because his apartment would not allow filming. Sister Wives moved to the overpriced cul-de-sac with a gate so that TLC had places to park trucks and put eqipment behind the gates so it would not bother others. 

I wonder about other 90 day couples, Chantel, Anfisia, and Paloa all drive nice cars, have the clothes and makeup and lifestyle  and have been seen living in hotels (now Chantel is in that small studio apartment?) , maybe it is because it is a place to film? 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Ewwwww.  That’s all I got to say about that.

@Sienna:  I am old.  (Not THAT old, but over the speed limit).  I actually made a FACE reading that.  The grandma nasty face. 


I had a roommate who did it when we were in our 20s. As I was posting, I realized that was almost 15 years ago, and felt ancient LOL

Anyway, it may have changed a bit since then, but that was the jist of it back in the day.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Palomar said:

Anfisa does look like she toned it down....probably read comments on social media.  She definitely has a plan...how does she pay the rent for her apartment (her video job?).  I think George is taking back what he said at the Tell All as a condition of getting her back.


I suspect Anfisa has already found someone else. She came to the US to marry a rich man.  I bet she’s found a real one.  

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, iwasish said:

If David can mount up and ride Annie nearly every night of the week, he can get himself a job somewhere.  With that kind of stamina maybe they should film a few sessions and go viral. People will pay good money should for the sound of ass cheeks slapping. 

I will need brain bleach at the thought of that.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Sienna said:

It varies a bit, but basically you join a camgirl site, then sit around half naked and video chat with dudes until one of them buys private time, private shows usually being masturbation. The site takes a percentage, and you're paid whatever is left after that.

And it doesn't hurt that Anfisa is a sort of celebrity so she probably has more of a following.  I have no doubt Anfisa is doing something along those lines, Anfisa has to pay the rent, buy knock of bandage dresses and kick boxing lessons some how that is until some rich guy comes around.

  • Love 2

David & Annie are gross together so they are perfect. In season 1 I was routing for her to leave him, but now I see her as a skanky ho and both can slide down the fire pole and get metal burns for all I care. 

Anfisa & Jorge - he is just a loser and I do hope Anfisa find herself a dude that makes her happy and doesnt lie.

Luis & Molly - just give it up already, truly nobody is happy and the kids deserve better

Chantel & Pedro - parents need to step out of this equation, both were disrespectful to each other - Can Chantel learn to move her teeth when she talks ?

Oh and my favorite little donut eater... you stupid

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

I must have missed it, but is there a reason that Hassan is not used for his name?

Several of the cast members use different names. Supposedly Jorge's real name is Andrew and Chantel is CeAir (or SeaAir not sure I've seen it both ways). Not sure exactly why since they have made their lives so public? 

  • Love 1

Do you pronounce CeAir/SeaAir like I'm assuming you do (SEE-Ayr)? 'Cause if so, um...

Speaking of Chantel, her, "I'm putting my foot down" routine was appalling. "No, Pedro, I insist that you go on a vacation and spend four days in a cabin with people who clearly loathe you!" If she and/or Pedro's family really want to clear the air, why not try an actual APOLOGY? You know, how when you make a mistake and are rude to someone, you then admit the mistake to said wronged party? All this blathering about starting fresh without any attempts to actually FIX the situation?

Jorge is all, "Anfisa was really mean to me, but I miiiiiiiissss her!" His lack of self-respect knows no bounds.

And I could happily have gone the rest of my life without seeing/hearing Annie's simulation of David's sexual habits. If I were her, I'd have a houseguest there every damn night of the week.

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

I suspect Anfisa has already found someone else. She came to the US to marry a rich man.  I bet she’s found a real one.  

I hope she has. She was brutally honest about what she expected and Jorge is just a nasty, lying liar who lies. I bet if she was with a guy who was able to keep her in ridiculously overpriced clothing, handbags and shoes and lived the lifestyle she wants, she could be quite the charming and likeable companion.

  • Love 10

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