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2 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Simple search: Jobs Louisville KY Thai speaking.

Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator - Louisville


A company that offers translation services is in need of a Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator. Individual must be able to fulfill the following responsibilities: Translating subtitles according to guidelines Editing and proofreading your work Researching unfamiliar terms or concepts as needed Qualifications Include: Must possess the relevant education, training, and experience Must have demonstrated experience and subtitling software Must be detail-oriented and able to follow complex instructions

We will assume Annie speaks Thai.  Does she have computer skills?   Editing, researching, proofreading?  Experience?   ...and the rest of it....

6 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Simple search: Jobs Louisville KY Thai speaking.

Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator - Louisville


A company that offers translation services is in need of a Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator. Individual must be able to fulfill the following responsibilities: Translating subtitles according to guidelines Editing and proofreading your work Researching unfamiliar terms or concepts as needed Qualifications Include: Must possess the relevant education, training, and experience Must have demonstrated experience and subtitling software Must be detail-oriented and able to follow complex instructions


One simple search.  Took me less than 30 seconds.


3 hours ago, Former Nun said:

We will assume Annie speaks Thai.  Does she have computer skills?   Editing, researching, proofreading?  Experience?   ...and the rest of it....

@bethster2000, were you thinking of David with this job listing, or Annie?

I don't think either would qualify for this job currently, according to what we know about them. While David may speak Thai, it's likely he can't read/write Thai. I don't think that skill would have been required for him teaching English in Thailand. I also doubt either David or Annie has "experience [in this field] and [with] subtitling software."

Of the two, though, I think Annie is the one most likely to be capable of performing this work in the future, if she were able to go to school to learn the additional skills she'd need.

  • Useful 1
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Have we ever heard David speak in Thai? 

How did he get along in Thailand on his own?  He does not seem clever enough to live in a foreign city.

Does he have computer skills?  If he is actively looking for employment he will need some computer skills, being in the older age range he should have something that could give him a leg up in the job search but so far we have not seen anything that would make him stand out in an interview except sadness.

He should play up his life experience in Thailand but skip the part about his knowledge of ping pong.

  • Love 5

My guess is that David speaks a bit of “Tourist Thai,” just enough to say hello, get around town and of course order food and drinks from a menu, but heavily relied on the locals in the tourist industry speaking English. Directional signs and menus were probably already translated for him. I doubt if he needed to be at all fluent, since I’m confident that those in the sex trade spoke enough English to help him find his desired forms of entertainment. 

  • Love 6

My god, does family Chantel ever *not* hang around together?  No wonder they're so up in Chantel's marriage--these guys are connected by invisible umbilical cords to Mother Chantel.  And I hate to be unkind, but it's not a good look for the Ugly Sister to jump in with sassy remarks.  Nothing makes a person uglier than ugly speech, and she doesn't have much not-ugly to spend.  I'm beginning to reconsider: now I think the unworthy siblings are in on the scripting, too, although River's relish in trash-talking Pedro is a little real for cue cards.

If they really do break up what might otherwise be a successful marriage for TLC$ shame on them.

  • Love 4

I think David may have made it seem like a reversal was no big deal - like getting a tooth filled.  If I remember correctly (and I may not), didn't Annie express shock that any man would want to have that done and have no more kids? 

That might be a cultural thing. There was a couple on another season of this show with the same problem. The Asian fiance/wife expressed disgust that her new husband would have destroyed his manhood or something by getting neutered. I also worked with a woman once whose fiance wouldn't neuter their dog because of the whole "manhood" thing. 

I also remember on that other season that the doctor they saw said a reversal was not easy, and the odds of success would go way down if the vasectomy was more than 5 years old. I'm guessing that David told Annie it was no big deal as long as they can come up with the money. But I'm also starting to hate Annie too. She is selfish and immature, and doesn't listen when Ashley and Nancy are trying to warn her about David. 

  • Love 5
13 hours ago, zenme said:

Annie, if you're gonna accept or ask for  money from friends and family, then you're gonna have to hear the lectures. Sorry. Those are the unspoken rules. (I keep telling my brother that!)

Annie wasn't asking for the $$, it was Bhatman. And I think she is freaking embarrassed that he is asking instead of getting a freaking job.

12 hours ago, nlkm9 said:

So why didn’t sister poor stay in the firehouse? They showed it when his son was there and there were plenty of rooms- i wonder if they were trying to set up to make it look like David’s sister is wealthy and so rented a house instead of staying with them.

A few posters already commented the same thing. Bhatman didn't want his sister hearing the ass slapping sex.  Annie's comment about the ping pong and the beer made me remember two films that mentioned the same stereo type (Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert and Ali G Indahouse).  What makes me sad is that she is using this crude stereotype of Thai women.  

I am glad Robalee is in Morocco. She's probably going to take May back. So that explains that.  Even Robalee is happier to see May than Nicole.

Jorge the putz is emotionally stunted. Molly is emotionally and intellectually stunted.  Chantel and Pedro just need to cut out their families.  Mother Chantel is just stupider (her words not mine).  Does she actually think she is a likable person on teevee?  Family Chatel - I cannot.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

"With everything that is going on, it feels good to talk to my family."  Why?  To throw gas on a fire?

Chantel you are 26 not 16.  Grow up!!!

EXACTLY THIS.  She is miserable with her family and Pedro in the same room, and rightfully so- they are constantly grilling him, questioning him, saying stupid things, smirking and telling her of their grand plans to take him down- while she is caught in the middle and sits there trying to hold her heavily-lashed eyes open, NOT defending him and then later complains that Pedro doesn't defend HER.  I get exhausted and frustrated just watching them on TV.  

So what about all this makes you feel better to talk to them, Chantal?

  • Love 8

1)  David and Annie:  I loved the moment when Nancy's face said "You know, this girl is no dope.  I like her."  I think Nancy has a sense that Annie is someone who will do whatever she has to do in order to make a living.  Whether she buys the sex worker thing, I don't know, but you could see her sympathies switch over from her brother to her brother's "25-year-old wife".  By the way, I get angry every time he says that, because it's clear that Annie isn't even a person to him, she's nothing but a young p***y on legs that he can use to make him seem less of a total, utter loser  And he is a loser in every sense of the word -- he's physically repulsive, he's lazy, he's a freeloader, and a lousy family man.  He has NO redeeming qualities other than that  what's between his legs seems to work (if you even regard that as redeeming).  Next to the word "repulsive" in the dictionary?  Photo of David.  Also too:  The food Annie made looked delicious.  I wonder if she actually made it or if they hired a chef.

2)  Russ and Pao:  Another example of a seemingly sane man thinking with the little head instead of the big one.  He seems like a solid guy who would make some nice girl a solid husband (if not an exciting one) and quite possibly a decent father.  She's a black hole into which adoration must be poured 24 x 7.  Her sassy gay friends give her that.  Russ doesn't.  I will avoid the obvious comparison to someone else in public life who seems to need constant adulation.

3)  La Famille Chantel:  "They thought they met some stupid Americans.  But things are about to get a little bit more stupider.” <-- this remark is the best comedy gold in the history of this series.  

4)  Nicole/Azan:  That Azan's hijab-wearing mother and (sister?) seem to be thrilled about the clearly non-Muslim Nicole indicates that either a) they are in on the scam; b) they are secular women who only wear the hijab because the producers want them to; or c) Azan is such a lousy catch that they are just happy any female is willing to take him off their hands.

  • Love 21

Does Chantel have any friends? Shouldn’t she be trashing Pedro to her TV BFF like Pao and Molly? Chantel and Pedro are basically the same person. Neither will put their marriage/spouse first and neither will defend their spouse when their own family is attacking them. It is a blind spot for both of them. I don’t get how Chantel was ever a cheerleader because I have yet to see her personality be anything other than bland. Even when she is angry her voice is practically monotone. 

I loved how excited Mae was to see her grandma.  She practically jumped out of Azan’s arms. She sure loves her grandma. She has never appeared as happy with anyone as she was in that moment. I still think Mae likely spends the majority of her time with her grandma and aunt until Nicole needs Mae for the show. I refuse to believe Azan’s family Like Nicole. She hasn’t been likable for one minute on the show. My guess is that they are the type of people who may dislike you, but will always be gracious and kind because that is just in their nature. 

I don’t believe David had applied for any job. I am sure he is waiting for Chris to come around and start financially supporting him again. My guess is that, in the past, David was the guy who worked for awhile, then screwed something up, family bailed him out and the process repeated. Something is wrong when you just walk away from your family for a new life.

I think in 10 years we will see Russ married to a woman from the Midwest and have kids and a golden retriever. I think overall he is a nice guy, who will be a good family man, but doesn’t know that you can change a woman like Pao into something she is not, like a family oriented woman who doesn’t use her dying grandmother for a storyline. 

If Olivia has been living with her boyfriend and his parents for a month, it makes you wonder what happened that his parents would allow her to stay so long. I get the idea something else happened in that house to drive her out and to make Molly realize she made a mistake. How long was Olivia gone before she realized Luis, not Olivia was the problem? 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

Whether she buys the sex worker thing, I don't know, but you could see her sympathies switch over from her brother to her brother's "25-year-old wife".  By the way, I get angry every time he says that, because it's clear that Annie isn't even a person to him, she's nothing but a young p***y on legs that he can use to make him seem less of a total, utter loser 

Yes.  I was trying to figure out why his presentation of Annie to others (such as the guy who interviewed him for a job) irked me so much.  He made it sound as if he's having a hard time keeping her "happy," in such a mopey, apologetic tone as if she was massively demanding.  He actually was bragging in a passive way that he snagged a hot, horny woman.  He is so self-delusional that he can't see or admit that her demands (a place to stay, food on the table, all paid for BY HIM and not via begging from others) are just for what everyone needs and deserves- especially a woman who was lured to the US from an impoverished country where an unfortunate number of young women are forced to sell their bodies to keep their families from starving.

As for the comments about May and her limited talking/interaction: I was watching the scene of them riding in the car to Azan's parents' house (does he not drive?  Does he uber everywhere or have a driver? They're always squished into the backseat of a driven car)- there the poor little thing was, glued to her iPad.  I remember driving with my toddlers and talking constantly: "look, there's a doggie!  Look at all the cars!", as well as singing.  Nicole is severely limited in her parenting skills as she is so immature herself, and right now she can't see beyond the fact that she wants to get into Azan's jeans.  Sad that he is having thoughts of anything but that.  She stares at him leeringly and he can't even look her in the eye.  And of course, she is oblivious to the body language.

Edited by KateHearts
  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

That hairdo of Azan's looks like the worse relaxer in the world. I'm just fascinated by it. It's like he's concocted a home made Dark & Lovely no lye relaxer but is not using a neutralizing shampoo, so the relaxed hair is just dry unmanageable straw. 

But Nicole can’t wait to run her fingers thru it!! On the wedding night and every night after. I bet he just can’t wait.

6 hours ago, Former Nun said:

We will assume Annie speaks Thai.  Does she have computer skills?   Editing, researching, proofreading?  Experience?   ...and the rest of it....

No but she MIGHT be able to open beer bottles with her vagina.

  • Love 4

As for the comments about May and her limited talking/interaction: I was watching the scene of them riding in the car to Azan's parents' house (does he not drive?  Does he uber everywhere or have a driver? They're always squished into the backseat of a driven car)- there the poor little thing was, glued to her iPad.  I remember driving with my toddlers and talking constantly: "look, there's a doggie!  Look at all the cars!", as well as singing.  Nicole is severely limited in her parenting skills as she is so immature herself, and right now she can't see beyond the fact that she wants to get into Azan's jeans.  Sad that he is having thoughts of anything but that.  She stares at him leeringly and he can't even look him in the eye.  And of course, she is oblivious to the body language.

I noticed that almost everywhere they go, Azan is carrying May. And when they are in a car, its Azan who is sitting next to May. And despite being together for 2 years, Nicole and Azan have no chemistry, and Azan always looks very uncomfortable with Nicole. 

And if Azan couldn't find a single job in 2 years, how is he just now going to find all these temporary jobs to bring in money??

  • Love 6
On ‎7‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 4:56 AM, CafeAuLait said:

No need to take off any jewelry; all bug eyed Sister Pedro need to do is stand up to the Madd Hatter.  Ol girl ain't going to do shit; she's just posturing for he camera.

Azan is a pile of dung with flies buzzing around.  He's just trying to get some foreigner, any foreigner to marry him so he can leave Morocco; gender is not a disqualifier either.  Homie definitely has some sugar in his tank.  The family is crazy about Nicole because she's May's mother, mostly.  The thought of having a potential pipeline to America has to be appealing as well.

I don't think Azan even wants to leave Morocco, he seems to be very happy there with his family.  I think he just wants a sugar mama he doesn't actually have to sleep with.  Multiple sugar mamas would be preferable.  

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, lezlers said:

I don't think Azan even wants to leave Morocco, he seems to be very happy there with his family.  I think he just wants a sugar mama he doesn't actually have to sleep with.  Multiple sugar mamas would be preferable.  

I agree.  His "work" is preying on women online and getting whatever money he can from them. Nicole and her mom being there must be really difficult for him, good,  serves him right.

Like other people have said I think Azan/Hassan's family are just friendly gracious people , they make everyone feel welcome in their home not just Nicole.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, Iguessnot said:

That hairdo of Azan's looks like the worse relaxer in the world. I'm just fascinated by it. It's like he's concocted a home made Dark & Lovely no lye relaxer but is not using a neutralizing shampoo, so the relaxed hair is just dry unmanageable straw. 

Yes!  Followed by shampooing with Mane & Tail.  Everyone knows you don't relax hair you can’t maintain.

Edited by Ijustwantsomechips
No coffee yet!
  • Love 3
51 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:


3)  La Famille Chantel:  "They thought they met some stupid Americans.  But things are about to get a little bit more stupider.” <-- this remark is the best comedy gold in the history of this series.  


Totally agree and I said the same thing. I vote the show gets renamed to "90 Day Fiancé: A Little Bit More Stupider." Totally describes how the show has gradually declined into increasing levels of stupidity. I mean they used to show some couples with redeeming qualities and that has changed to catering to the lowest common denominator at all times. Only the negatives, the fights, the drama is shown and it makes most of the characters look like complete nightmares all the time. 

  • Love 8
10 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

Simple search: Jobs Louisville KY Thai speaking.

Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator - Louisville


A company that offers translation services is in need of a Telecommuting Thai to English Subtitle Translator. Individual must be able to fulfill the following responsibilities: Translating subtitles according to guidelines Editing and proofreading your work Researching unfamiliar terms or concepts as needed Qualifications Include: Must possess the relevant education, training, and experience Must have demonstrated experience and subtitling software Must be detail-oriented and able to follow complex instructions


Respond to: The firehouse on the corner. Annie's family is coming to town for the big ping-pong-popping shrimp-melting hoo hah finale!

  • Love 3

In the Chantel/Pedro thread on the first page, someone rewatched the first episode with them and posted a picture of their house in that episode.  It's totally different from what was in this episode.  Either they are both rentals because family Chantel is scared of people finding where they live and coming to harvest them, or cheer camp isn't doing so well because everyone sees how awful and fake they are so they had to downsize.

  • Love 6
14 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Who is Mitzi and where on earth are you hanging out? LOL

Why did Annie act all innocent about the cock sucking bars and fetish clubs, she worked in clubs as well as her friends, surely she knows about the variety of nightlife options.

Annie acts like she is pure as the driven snow like that time David took her in to the adult toy stores in Hollywood and she was flabbergasted about the merchandise.  She cannot pull off the pearl clutching.

She performed several times in Bars in my home town. It became the things to do and a group would go see her after downing a few libations.

It all stopped when she was arrested and charged-

"The charge was laid Wednesday after RCMP officers watched what patrons have called an 'incredible' act at the Bar-K tavern.

Bar-K owner Ronald Thompson hired the stripper two week ago to boost business during the slack daytime hours. She certainly did that.

Patrons packed the house daily to see Ms. Pradia -- utilizing parts of her anatomy other than her mouth or hands -- perform stunts such as play the flute, smoke a cigarette and pop ping pong balls into the audience."


Annie doesnt want anyone knowing what she used to do. Coming to America was a way out and a new start. 

1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

And if Azan couldn't find a single job in 2 years, how is he just now going to find all these temporary jobs to bring in money??

There are so many things he could do and tons of hotels he could work at. I dont think he ever had a job and getting money from women is how he lives.

Once the money stops from Nicole- he will find ways to get rid of her.


Cars and gas is very expensive in Morrocco and it is cheaper to get a cab.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, MakingBacon said:

If Olivia has been living with her boyfriend and his parents for a month, it makes you wonder what happened that his parents would allow her to stay so long. I get the idea something else happened in that house to drive her out and to make Molly realize she made a mistake. How long was Olivia gone before she realized Luis, not Olivia was the problem? 

Did you notice when she called her to come home that she told Olivia she loved her that there was no response? Olivia has had enough of her crap.

  • Love 6

I am now of the mind that David running to Thailand was about more than a stroke and a divorce. And I think that's part of the reason he won't get a job. He must have done something super terrible at work that makes him unemployable, so he ran. Now he's back and figures why bother applying, the bad thing will turn up as soon as they start going over my work history, etc. I used to think he was just super lazy and I still think that, but I also think he's hiding something.  

  • Useful 1
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I don't think it's uncommon for anyone to send money to their homeland but how much can Pedro really be pulling in at a warehouse?? Didn't Chantal say he sends his sister $300 a month?? How much is he sending the mother?? The whole situation is a mess. As much as I believe they truly love each other - I think because of their family dynamics this marriage will never truly work unless Chantal sucks it up and somehow overlooks what he does. He will never support her the way she wants in her mind.

I never thought I would feel something for Anfisa but sadly, I think the show edited her poorly for years! I'm glad to see this side of her which I believe to be truthful. I think Jorge is the kind of guy that would kill her saying "if I can't have you, no one can." Clearly, not on a murdering level so his next best strike of attack is creating lies and demeaning her character. I 100% believe she's terrified because he's threatened to ruin her. He just looks like that kind of spiteful m*therf*cker.

Nicole having to talk Azan down from flipping out on the phone because he didn't get his full allowance meanwhile she's going on a journey with a toddler across the world was such a pathetic moment. Nicole - I don't think you had to travel that far to find someone to use you like that. 

I still scratch my head when I see Pao and Russ. Those 2 are the most mismatched couple I've ever saw. This guy wanted a spicy Latina but had no clue what he was in for.

  • Love 5
19 hours ago, zenme said:

Yes. This kinda bothered me. What kind of animals do they think Pedro and sister Pedro are, that they can't stay in the same hotel room without something dirty going on? I think Family Chantel are a family of kooks who think the worst of people. Negative. Very negative!

That kinda bothered me too, as I just gone on with a trip with my two sons (19 and 20) and we all stayed in the same room, with different beds, of course!!  My older one and I are going to DC in a few weeks and again, one room, two beds.  It is NOT that weird.  


16 hours ago, Kangatush said:

Yes.  Like I said, she has no excuse, he was totally honest back in Thailand.

Thank you Kangatush - I missed this.  I do believe with another poster that he made it out to be like having a tooth filled to have it reversed and declined at telling her the cost was $7000 and up.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 5
11 hours ago, magemaud said:

I agree because they were only shown in a corner of the living room and a suspiciously neat kitchen and there were no personal decorative items or photos like it had been “staged” for real estate showings. 

Also, I took this screenshot of Chantel speaking. When she unclenches her jaw, she thrusts it forward so her bottom teeth jut out beyond her top teeth. At the same time, she closes her eyes with the ridiculous eyelashes 



I am fascinated by her makeup (and not in a good way) as I got married last fall and wore less makeup on that day than Booby wears every damn day!!!

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, magemaud said:

I forget if her makeup was so overdone at either of her two televised WEDDINGS (but I guess it would have been.) She seems to have two different eyelash looks this season, this solid curtain look and the other spidery kind like in her "more stupider" reaction photo

Those eyelashes look so heavy, too.  When I was talking to a stylist about makeup for my wedding day she asks me:  "Do you want false eyelashes?  We have regular and MINK."  I was like, hells no.....lolol!

One more thing about the "Anyone who has a passcode on their phone MUST BE CRIMINAL!" coming from Weird Family:  I have a passcode on my phone, Google pays demands it, I want to take it off as it is a pain.  My hubby knows it, my kids know it it is not a secret.  My husband's phone is not password protected, I don't care if it is - it is a security measure, that is all.  If I lost it or left it somewhere no one else could access it, that is all.  (I have a Tracphone for all my nefarious drug dealing, shoplifting rings I run and all the rampant cheating I do.  C'mon, do I look like a rookie here???)


6 hours ago, poeticlicensed said:

I am now of the mind that David running to Thailand was about more than a stroke and a divorce. And I think that's part of the reason he won't get a job. He must have done something super terrible at work that makes him unemployable, so he ran. Now he's back and figures why bother applying, the bad thing will turn up as soon as they start going over my work history, etc. I used to think he was just super lazy and I still think that, but I also think he's hiding something.  

Did he have a drinking problem?  That would not show up, per say, but if he had DWI's or DUI's those WOULD show up.  My memories of David and his drinking are kinda fuzzy.....was he a drinker?  More specifically, a problem drinker?

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • LOL 1
  • Love 4

If Pedro is sending 300 bucks a month home, it kinda of says something nice about him. He could easily have come over here and then cut off communications with his family and sent them nothing. 300 bucks a month would buy him a lot of games and equipment for his hobby and a much nicer apartment. He doesn’t seem greedy in terms of wanting stuff for himself, he isn’t out drinking and hanging with his buddies. I do think he was truly baffled by Chantel and her family resenting the fact that he wants to help his mother and sister. I think over time he has just gotten angry about it and the constant accusations against his mother and him.  And Chantels wishy washy defense of him  doesn’t help.  The other issue is his sister, her attitude doesn’t help Pedro. She and her mother just come across as greedy and entitled. 

If Pedro is putting his fair share towards rent and other household expenses, and the money comes from his paycheck and Chantel does the same, using her excess $$ to buy clothing and do her hair, nails and eyelashes, then if he wants to send money home to the DR, so be it. Had family Chantel stayed out of their business ( if Chantel had kept her marriage business to herself)  perhaps Pedro and Chantel could have worked this out, but with the entire Chantel Clan chiming in their two cents, it’s hopeless.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 7
On 6/26/2018 at 9:56 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

I wish I could remember Pedro's exact words when he missed his first flight to the U.S. He seemed to be lying about something, and then he kind of pretended not to understand her Spanish. Am I getting that right? Does anyone else remember that? Anyway, that made me think he was sketchy, initially. Then, he won me over with his personality. So many times in life I've had a negative visceral reaction to someone. Then, I am charmed away by the mask of kindness or whatever. Then they do something and I realize my initial reaction was right.  You'd think I would learn from that.

And now I'm applying that to people I see on TV. smh

I think he is a bit of a grifter and a liar, but he did love Chantal. However, her family has treated him like pond scum so perhaps he's decided to take the money and run. Her family is so weird that I can't blame him for disliking them.

Yes!  I remember that!  She showed up at the airport SO excited, and then when everyone had cleared customs from "his" flight, and he wasn't there, she called him.  His response was something like, "No, I no on that fligh."  No explanation, no apology, no previous attempt to notify her.  Just NO.

  • Love 2
18 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Those eyelashes look so heavy, too.  When I was talking to a stylist about makeup for my wedding day she asks me:  "Do you want false eyelashes?  We have regular and MINK."  I was like, hells no.....lolol!


Did he have a drinking problem?  That would not show up, per say, but if he had DWI's or DUI's those WOULD show up.  My memories of David and his drinking are kinda fuzzy.....was he a drinker?  More specifically, a problem drinker?

Didn’t he embezzle money or misuse funds while working for a politician? I read somewhere that there was some kind of financial shenanigans that got him in trouble.

  • Love 5

Maybe I dreamed this, but I thought at one point (either early this season or one of the other seasons) it was said that Pedro was working two jobs?  He's not asking Chantel for her money, he's not asking her to ask her family for money, he's out there working.  While I don't agree with him sending a ton of money back home while he and Chantel live in poverty (which isn't happening), I do understand it and I don't think $300 is excessive.  He's still buying his gaming equipment and Chantel has some new girls and drag queen eyelashes.  It sounds like he spend his money on the $1000 couch too.  When you are young and newly married (and especially if people are still in school) you are sometimes going to be making sacrifices.  In a year, when Chantel has a nursing degree and can get a better paying job, and Pedro can start looking for something better; then will be in a better position.  Live in the one bedroom apt. NOW and then later you can get something better.  These two need a plan, they need to go to legit counseling and learn to communicate and to LEAVE and CLEAVE.  They need to come up with relationship goals and financial goals together and leave the family Chantel OUT OF IT.

  • Love 3

I feel bad for Olivia.  If she didn't know what kind of person her mom was; she knows now.  Her mom will choose a man over her and Kinsley anyday of the week.  I don't blame her at all for moving out.  Her boyfriend's parents might feel sorry for her I guess that's why she was allowed to stay there.  I really hope Olivia learns from this: that she is aware of what Molly's problems are and that she knows that she doesn't have to turn out that way.  She can CHOOSE to be different from her mother.  I hope she makes better choices and doesn't get knocked up and repeating the cycle of the example she has been shown.  Or if she does get pregnant, she chooses to be a much better mother that isn't hungry for any man that comes her way.  Get a degree, Olivia and make a better future for yourself- one that doesn't involve being easily led and conned by a man.  Get educated and develop your critical thinking skills so that no matter what you do, your outcome will be better than your mothers.

Edited by doyouevengohere
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, tumamita said:

I never thought I would feel something for Anfisa but sadly, I think the show edited her poorly for years! I'm glad to see this side of her which I believe to be truthful. I think Jorge is the kind of guy that would kill her saying "if I can't have you, no one can." Clearly, not on a murdering level so his next best strike of attack is creating lies and demeaning her character. I 100% believe she's terrified because he's threatened to ruin her. He just looks like that kind of spiteful m*therf*cker.

I'm beginning to see that.  When he use to smirk at her freak-outs, I thought It was because he had some type of sado-masochistic thing where he enjoyed people berating him or something, but now that we've seen some shady stuff from him, I wonder how much of it was him messing with her until she'd blow up, and then thinking it was funny, and starting all over again.  The constant "She's crazy" reminds me of Luis, and his gaslighting Molly.  Jorge has a creepy "Investigation Discovery Channel" vibe to him.

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Does he have computer skills?  If he is actively looking for employment he will need some computer skills, being in the older age range he should have something that could give him a leg up in the job search

My sons are 50 and 52, went to public schools in Arizona, and started using computers in junior high.   Sounds like David has been a lost cause all his life--never taking advantage of life lessons he was offered--only taking advantage of family and friends for cash handouts.  And now, look at you, David!   Get home any way you can, Annie...pronto!    (P.S.  When my younger son was working as a production assistant at Hanna Barbera, some guy walked by him and said, "Stop messing around!"  My son said, "I'm not messing around; I'm typing a report."  The jerk said, "No guy types that fast.")

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1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

If I was Annie would rather shoot ping pong balls out of my cooter than to be bumping slapping uglies with David.  

COSIGN!!    For those who suffered the vapors learning there were bars in Thailand where these scandalous performances occur, don't go too far from home.  Those bars are right here in the U.S. of A.   Personally, I've always wanted to see how  it's done...and I'd much rather read/imagine that than any bodily function having to do with David.

Sign me, No Spring Chicken (definitely)

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