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Season 3 Discussion

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6 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I don't think Pedro is a calculating scammer like Luis, Azan, and Mohamed (from previous seasons).  The guy just strikes me as dumb.  I think he is the product of his upbringing.  He thinks it's no big deal to live out here with Chantel and send money back to his mom and sister.  That's what he's supposed to do, his mom has drilled that into him.  He owes it to his family to help support them.  They then take advantage of this because they're a couple of parasites.

that might be the case. My mom is from DR but she never sent money back to her family. 

Interestingly, when she married my dad, who is German, that side of the family did not like her and didn't trust her. 

Edited by libgirl2
  • Love 1
18 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Chantel and Pedro's family are both equally awful for different reasons. However, I rate Family Chantel worse because they are pulling all this shit on their home turf and have a significant financial advantage over Family Pedro. I always gotta side with the underdog. It's just one of my things. Pedro paying for his sister to come and stay in the STUDIO without telling Chantel is not passive aggressive. It is decidedly, patently, obviously aggressive.  In the game of tit for tat, it's just a giant FUCK YOU. If I were Chantel I would just go stay with my parents or go to a hotel. 


I think they're both awful, but to me Family Chantel are far worse. Family Pedro are greedy and crude. Family Chantel are creepy. their obsession with digging up some dirt on Pedro. They'd be the first to be pointing fingers in Salem in 1692. Its over the top. what do they expect to find out? 

I don't blame Pedro one bit. I'm sure the whole "have your sister stay with you in your tiny apartment" is a setup by production. I can't be exercised about it. 

  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I think they're both awful, but to me Family Chantel are far worse. Family Pedro are greedy and crude. Family Chantel are creepy. their obsession with digging up some dirt on Pedro. They'd be the first to be pointing fingers in Salem in 1692. Its over the top. what do they expect to find out? 

I don't blame Pedro one bit. I'm sure the whole "have your sister stay with you in your tiny apartment" is a setup by production. I can't be exercised about it. 

Perhaps I should have added that that giant Fuck You was well-deserved on Chantel's part.  She earned it. ;-) 

I don't get too upset about these two anymore. They are both slaves to their families and monumentally immature. It's only a matter of time before they wear each other down. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ChiMama said:

Annie was rude and sullen on that zoo trip -- gave zero effort. Her phone obsession is nuts. A pet peeve of mine is people on their phones when out to dinner or on 'fun excursions.' Pay attention and talk to the people you're with. She was like a pouty, unsociable teenager, didn't engage at all and then was like all "poor me, I don't feel included in the family, I don't feel comfortable with the family." Grown up and act like an adult - they tried to meet you halfway and you sulked and froze them out.

She's probably checking her messages on dating sites, looking for Husband #2.

  • LOL 1
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nicole...at least nothing wrong IF SHE WAS A TWO YEAR OLD!!

Seriously her actions are normal for a toddler; she pouts or turns red with anger if she doesn't immediately get her wants met, she puts immediate gratification before long term goals, she can't connect actions to consequences.

She doesn't pick up on social cues.  

She seems to be barely self sufficient.  

When her step fatber said "she's a smart girl" all i could think is...well.. naw, that's not true at all.  But she's functioning at least.  She does not seem mentally challenged to the point of being legally disabled anyway.

But emotionally?  Yeah, she's got some serious deficients.  And they seem serious enough to put her in danger.  She doesn't have the emotional skills of an adult.

I cannot see her upbringing (no matter how lenient) explaining this level of immaturity (anymore than i can see parenting being the root of a mental deficit).

She's a rude and difficult person, but i worry about her and her daughter.  And i have a lot of sympathy for her mother.

Edited by ezzy4
  • Love 11

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Nicole...at least nothing wrong IF SHE WAS A TWO YEAR OLD!!

Seriously her actions are normal for a toddler; she pouts or turns red with anger if she doesn't immediately get her wants met, she puts immediate gratification against long term goals, she can't connect actions to consequences.

She doesn't pick up on social cues.  

She seems to be barely self sufficient.  

When her step fatber said "she's a smart girl" all i could think is...well.. naw, that's not true at all.  But she's functioning at least.  She does not seem mentally challenged to the point of being legally disabled anyway.

Nicole is immature but clever. I know someone like this in real life. Nicole figures things out when she wants to. She figured out how to get to Morocco, and she figured out how to blackmail her parents into paying for things and sponsoring. Azan. She's not stupid, just impulsive and selfish. If the Azan thing doesn't work out, she knows Mommy and Daddy will clean it up. I'm reasonably sure they are giving her money on a regular basis, and have continued to do so despite her sending thousands to Azan. Its Nicole's parents who are stupid. 

  • Love 19
48 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Does anyone ever get the feeling that Nicole's mom is afraid of her? Nicole uses just a forceful, dismissive tone when her mother upsets her, and her mom always looks a little jumpy around her. We saw Nicole slam Azan into a van  ON CAMERA.  I'm just wondering if she might have tried the same thing with her mom. 

I wouldn't be surprised. We saw her slam Azan into the van and grab him by his jacket when they were going up/down the stairs. Is it that much of a stretch to believe that she's put her hands on other people in her life? She sounded like the typical abuser with her whole, "YOU freakin' bring it out of me. YOU do this," or whatever the remark was after she had slammed into the van. At the very least, I suspect that she's a bully and uses her size/stature to bully others. Otherwise, it makes no sense why her mum continues to loan her money to give to a man she's so suspicious of.

  • Love 14
5 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

Nicole is immature but clever. I know someone like this in real life. Nicole figures things out when she wants to. She figured out how to get to Morocco, and she figured out how to blackmail her parents into paying for things and sponsoring. Azan. She's not stupid, just impulsive and selfish. If the Azan thing doesn't work out, she knows Mommy and Daddy will clean it up. I'm reasonably sure they are giving her money on a regular basis, and have continued to do so despite her sending thousands to Azan. Its Nicole's parents who are stupid. 

I'm not sure.  I do see your point though.  I just can't see that step father giving Nicole money...but the if Mom really paid for that wildly inappropriate dress (that Nicole though was so PREE TEEE) that's odd as hell.

  • Love 2

At some point, Nicole is going to have a million people telling her "I told you so." Eventually she is going to have to face reality, and it may not come until/if Azan marries her, then bolts once his green card arrives, a la' Mohammed.

I think Azan saw how Danielle  stalked Mo, and has had second thoughts about coming to the US with Baby Huey.

Nicole's prior trips to Morocco went badly, so I can't imagine this one went any better.

Robbalee reminds me of friends of mine who have stupid, stubborn adult kids. They act foolishly and  just expect their parents to bail them out over and over. When there is a child/ren (grandbabies) involved, the emotional blackmail is in full force. Thus the parents are basically held hostage. Robbalee is trapped in a situation that may never get better.

I fear Nicole is someone who will never learn. Her level of stubbornness is astounding. Plus, she has seen how she looks on tv for three years now, and not only has done nothing to improve herself, but has now added greasy, unwashed hair and a pig sty of an apartment to the mix. Could she be any less self aware?

Edited by RedBagWithMakeup
  • LOL 1
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6 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:
13 minutes ago, Toaster Strudel said:

Juan is bi and he sexts with Pao all the time.

I believe this is true. Juan and Pao have played more than one round of hide the salami. She'll never cop to it but he will, eventually. 

I fully expected it to come out at the nightclub. You could tell he was struggling to keep his mouth shut about that. I think he's going to unveil it at a Tell All, after Pao drops him, to weasel a trip out of TLC (and more hide the salami with Pao). She'll blow it off as just something that happened when they were drunk and it didn't mean anything. Which Russ will forgive. Because he's a doormat.


42 minutes ago, Dobian said:

I don't think Pedro is a calculating scammer like Luis, Azan, and Mohamed (from previous seasons).  The guy just strikes me as dumb.  I think he is the product of his upbringing.  He thinks it's no big deal to live out here with Chantel and send money back to his mom and sister.  That's what he's supposed to do, his mom has drilled that into him.  He owes it to his family to help support them.  They then take advantage of this because they're a couple of parasites.

As part of my job, I was in contact with my client's wives who he brought over on K1 visas from South America. He is the reason I know that you can only bring over 2 spouses on K1s. He'd marry one, wait a few years until the bloom was off the rose and then get divorced and marry someone younger and "hotter" but his exes made sure that their green cards were protected. The business also brought employees over as well, who seemed to be very well educated on exactly how they could get green cards and get off the visa system.

At one point, there was a cook/maid who was being brought over on an H2B visa, claiming specialized work in preparation of food. This was at her suggestion, as she knew she didn't qualify for any other visa program. I was stunned to learn that she knew that much about the US immigration system, but had dropped out of school in the 5th grade and spoke very little English. It was her intention, I later learned, that she would find a US husband here while on the H2B since that was what she had been doing in Haiti prior to the earthquake. At the time, I was coordinating my client's work in the Caribbean with lawyers in Haiti and the Dominican Republic, who had made the introductions to my client's employees. I also learned, while doing this, just how frequently bribery occurs in the Caribbean and Central America. I was routinely asked for bribes, even by my fellow attorneys and learned that they were taking bribes from their clients. Lawyers do well there. I fully suspect that a lot of what we see of the Family Pedro is an act. They probably do very well for themselves but see an easy mark. Pedro's in on the scam and I suspect that he knows that he'll get a cut if the system collapses. Plus, if he does well, then it's a positive story to up his mom's value to other clients and he'll get a cut of that.

The Family Chantel are assholes and really need to back off, but I think they are on to a nugget of truth. She needs to be careful. He's still doing the yours and mine and not the ours. With them living in a studio apartment, his first concern needs to be providing for the roof over his head, not mailing a TV to his mother. I have to wonder if Chantel's parents are chipping in on her educational bills and that's why they are so in his business.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Dobian said:

I don't think Pedro is a calculating scammer like Luis, Azan, and Mohamed (from previous seasons).  The guy just strikes me as dumb.  I think he is the product of his upbringing.  He thinks it's no big deal to live out here with Chantel and send money back to his mom and sister.  That's what he's supposed to do, his mom has drilled that into him.  He owes it to his family to help support them.  They then take advantage of this because they're a couple of parasites.

I wish they would start every episode with Pedro and Father Chantel getting throat punched...and Pao too.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, ChiMama said:

I think Pedro is the one who said 'financials' -- as in "My financials are nobody's business."

Nicole used the word, too. Interesting, when she made up the word "undescribably" (Spell Check trying to correct me) my close captioning showed it as the closest real word, indescribably. 

Nicole's dress mess: I guess adding the corSET top just involved taking out the zipper and replacing it with a big ol' panel of satin and lace up loops. I thought they would borrow some extra fabric from somewhere in the dress and at least re-do the bra cups. Her breasts looked like they were squashed into the top in a zig zag

Maybe Pedro and his sister have a similar creepy relationship as River and Chantel. 

Annie missed a prime opportunity to have fun at the zoo with those kids with her lame (IMO) excuse that being with children makes her sad because she wants her own so badly. Meanwhile, get your motherhood "fix" by doing things with your instant grandchildren! 

Jorge seems to be perpetually stoned, so could he have forgotten he went to the divorce lawyer? 

Edited by magemaud
  • Love 9

The Pao/Russ/Juan thing was the silliest non-fight, BUT I will say that both mr. shockermolar and I agreed that Russ kinda started it. The whole overdramatic EVERYTHING with Juan turned into a whole ordeal, but the thing that got him going was the "entiendes? ENTIENDES?" that Russ threw at him after saying "no drama because tonight's for Pao."  I can't speak to Colombia, but when you hear that in Texas that's like an order, the way you'd take a mobster saying "capisce" in a Scorsese flick.  We both immediately were like, "REALLY?"  But yeah, after that it was all Juan and Pao being little bitches.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Real Eyes said:

Chantel said they don’t see her family often because of the tension. 

I really don't put much stock in what Chantel says about anything regarding her family as she has shown to say one thing about her family while doing the exact opposite.  Case in point: "I need to stand up to my family."  But *crickets* every time they start in on him.

Regardless, the point still stands.  He had just spent four long days being harassed by him, but it doesn't click to her that he might want to be around people who are supportive of him.  He certainly isn't getting any support from her so why not invite his sister to come and visit.  

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

They clearly demostrate  "groupspeak" which is common in dysfunctional closed family systems

Yes - so much this. The insularity is astonishing, the inability to have or voice your own thoughts is bizarre, and the complete lack of respect when someone is flat out telling you to stop talking about something is horrific.  I don't WANT to be besties with my parents, or siblings or my kids.  People that don't have friends outside of their families are creepy. And I should know,  I married into one of these and eventually just noped myself out of it, but it took 5 years to woman-up and do it. I've never stopped him or kids from doing his family stuff - I just don't go to it myself. I can't IMAGINE a worse vacation than going with mr. shockermolar's family to an isolated cabin for 4 days. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, OrchidThief said:

I got the distinct idea that Nicole hadn't told Azan she was coming.

Now THERE'S a twist!

Nicole shows up, poofy décolletage dress in hand, demanding a wedding from the man who groused about buying a $9 ring.

That's absolutely consistent with behavior we've seen from her to date.

I think you're right.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 11

When Chantel and Pedro were furniture shopping I couldn't help but think that their apartment was like Bender's in Futurama.  The apartment is closet sized, but the closet is apartment sized.  How else will they have space for a couch when it's a studio with the bed next to the kitchen?  And does that mean Sister Pedro will be sleeping feet from her brother and his wife for two weeks?  No thank you.

I'm putting Thomas on my fantasy team along with Jhon, Anfisa's cat, Mother Chantel's tiny hats, and the mother of that dude that went to France.  He's so brilliant at making fun of Nicole where she doesn't even realize it.  I loved when he laughed after May said she wasn't looking forward to going, not once, but twice.

I'm still shocked that Anfisa is turning out to be the most mature and rational cast member.  She even said that she totally understood why Jorge would have gone to a lawyer and he had no need to lie about it.

I have zero sympathy for Annie.  They dated for almost a year, in the same country, before coming over.  She knew he was broke, drunk, lazy, and neutered.  She still picked him.  Her bad.

I just can't with the other couples.  But Luis is awesome at gaslightling Molly.  He looks calm, she looks ever increasing levels of bat shit.

P.S. I'd almost bet money that the gloves Pedro was wearing at the gym were Ove Gloves with the fingers cut off.

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Annie is not the innocent she tries to portray, and the cracks are showing. If it’s your dream to have kids, why pick an old, broke, neutered drunk?

Well said!

I wouldn't be surprised if it comes out later that he got snipped and chose not to tell her about it. He's a lying liar just like Jorge.

BTW, Annie has definitely put on some weight, slowly but surely. Good luck finding Sugardaddy #2 if that continues.  I'm sure it has to do with the fact that she is eating the same types of food that David favors. How could she not gain weight? Also, I'm sure she's discovered the joys of stress eating. He's given her plenty to stress about. Just open the fridge and dig into those cheap carbs...

The fact that this show is aired all over the world and these are some of the people representing the United States! Ambassador Nicole.  Not to mention The Family Chantel and their Groupthink standing there with their noses held high because they really think they come off looking right and looking good. smh. 

  • Love 11

I don't mean to slut-shame or attempt to police Chantel's clothing, but does she have any clothing that doesn't involve spandex and plunging cleavage?  I am a nurse and I hope she realizes that she can't wear stiletto nails, giraffe eyelashes, and skin tight scrubs with plunging neckline.  The closest I've ever seen is a co-worker who wore snug white dresses with her thong proudly outlined.

Can anyone fill me in on the red makeup bag?  It's not ringing a bell.

14 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

If I see that "Dr. Pimple Popper" commercial one more time, I'll scream. Where does TLC find this crap?

She has millions of viewers on YouTube.  I only know this because my cousin and her mother have forced me to watch some of the most disgusting footage.

7 hours ago, CafeAuLait said:

"So, Pedro, did you have a good time?"  What the hell?   Papa Chantel actually asked that dumb ass question

Pao truly gets on my last nerve.   What there to choose between?  If she says "my best friend" one more time I am going to scream.  Your husband should be your best friend, and he has to come before Juan.  Get a clue girl, looking like Woody Woodpecker's long lost sister.

There is something I find so deeply disturbing by this gaslighting.  It's very similar to people who mentally or physically abuse a person, then love up on them a few minutes later.  You know I just slapped/yelled/threatened to have your mother investigated because you made me, baby.

I don't believe a woman's best friend "should" be her husband.   But Pao looks like a fool for refusing to choose her husband over a man who lives in another country, whom she sees maybe twice a year.

  • Love 9

I too, get pretty annoyed by all the grammar mistakes adopted as if they are now correct, but then I remind myself who I’m dealing with on this show and don’t even bother anymore. 

If Chantal thinks Pedro’s sister is leaving after 4 weeks, she’s deceiving herself. I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes back to her parents and those two get her apartment as squatters. 

Of course, Nicole isn’t going to take pastor’s advice to test the authenticity of Azan’s feeling by not sending him money because she knows good and well he’d ditch her faster than she can say, there’s a bad connection. 

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, SevenCostanza said:

Me too. I think they're the worst of the bunch.  Both horrible actors too.  I think Russ wears his hair that way because he is starting to thin on top so he's combing the back hair forward to cover it up, someone should tell him it's not a good look.

The first time I saw Russ on the first episode of this season, I thought I was looking at Adam Young (Owl City) and wondered why he would be on 90 Day.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Dobian said:

Chantel, Pedro never bought you a plane ticket because Pedro has no money.  Pedro bought his sister a plane ticket because TLC covered it.

TLC did a nice job strategically positioning Juan with the cameraman for a confrontation with Russ.

The TLC producer also did a nice job bringing up Jorge's divorce lawyer meeting knowing it would cause a blowup with Anfisa.

TLC gets an A+ this episode for manipulating conflict.


Let’s not for get the recording from Azan to another woman.   Nichole’s “friend” just happened to call her and tell about some recording while TLC film crew just happened to be there.  I’m side eyeing the whole thing. 

Nichole has a personality disorder.  I can spot it a mile away.  I really don’t care what happens to her.  She is hell bent on marrying Azan.  Until she hits rock bottom, she will never change.   I feel sorry for everyone around her having to deal with the aftermath including her daughter who is the real loser in all of this.  

Group think is a good description of Family Chantel.  Both Chantel and Pedro need to grow up.  Counseling would benefit both of them.  

So it seems Annie has got David’s number.  Yeah.  Girl.  You were sold a bill of goods.  Get your green card and leave his sorry ass.  

Maybe it was just me but Molly and her mother sounded like two teenagers talking about their lastest boyfriends when talking about Luis.  If having Luis there is so bad then Molly needs to get a lawyer to advise her how to get him out.  

Ross needs to exit.  Go home to Oklahoma and find a nice girl.  

Jorge lied.  Shocker.  He’s such an idiot.   Anfisa needs an restraining order.  

Edited by LGGirl
  • Love 6
5 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

The whole situation is stomach turning. 

The pastor could have done a little better in being real with Nicole, she could have requested Nicole take more time to decide, to stop sending money and see how Azan reacts to that if for no other reason to see if Azan wants her or her money.  My guess is that Nicole will not have money once she is in Morocco so what would keep Azan wanting to marry her?

Every phone call Nicole has with Azan seems like Azan just wants to end that call as fast as possible and she is too daft to realize that.

She wouldn’t listen to her pastor. She hasn’t listened to anyone else. She’s going to have to learn the hard way, but she won’t really learn anything, and sadly, her family will have to help her get her life back on track. When the next guy comes along, it’ll be lather, rinse, repeat. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

I'm not sure.  I do see your point though.  I just can't see that step father giving Nicole money...but the if Mom really paid for that wildly inappropriate dress (that Nicole though was so PREE TEEE) that's odd as hell.

My guess is that there are times when Nicole can't pay her electric bill or whatever because she's sent all her money to Azan so mom steps in because she doesn't want Mae sitting in the dark. So, it's kind of a manipulative tactic on Nicole's part. It's okay for her to go broke because someone will pick up the pieces because of her tiny hostage, Mae.

She's been so mean to her parents. And, she almost beat up Azan for not loving her. 

That's why I didn't feel sorry for her when she heard Azan's "sexy voice" messages. (Hey, are they available online anyplace? "I like your kiss." Who says that? Azan.) She should already know better. That was the biggest red flag that there ever was.

But when you wave a red flag in front of a bull, it charges.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 18
5 hours ago, LilaFowler said:

The whole Russ-Pao-Juan story line is fake and those "fights" were not even remotely real. Russ needs to work on his acting if they want it to be believable. I watch these shows knowing that a lot of stuff is producer-driven but I really hate it when I go to the puppet show and can see ALL of the strings. If Russ and Pao are having this much trouble conjuring up a believable and interesting story line for themselves, then they need to leave the show. Their segments dragged down the episode for me.

Thank you, they are horrible actors. Not surprised a reality show isn’t real, but they can’t even give the element of “maybe it’s real”. Go pose nude somewhere Pao and get off my tv. 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Kangatush said:

When Chantel and Pedro were furniture shopping I couldn't help but think that their apartment was like Bender's in Futurama.  The apartment is closet sized, but the closet is apartment sized.  How else will they have space for a couch when it's a studio with the bed next to the kitchen?  And does that mean Sister Pedro will be sleeping feet from her brother and his wife for two weeks?  No thank you.


They were no more going to buy a couch than I am going to fly to the moon. The producers needed to set up the "Pedro's sister will be visiting" scene. Did you notice Chantel saying "it doesn't have to be comfortable, it just has to look good. its not like you're going to SLEEP on it" wink wink. Who the hell doesn't care if a couch is comfortable? Who thinks no one is ever going to nap on a couch? They were just tired of filming scenes in empty coffee shops. 

  • Love 16
51 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

My guess is that there are times when Nicole can't pay her electric bill or whatever because she's sent all her money to Azan so mom steps in because she doesn't want Mae sitting in the dark. So, it's kind of a manipulative tactic on Nicole's part. It's okay for her to go broke because someone will pick up the pieces because of her tiny hostage, Mae.

She's been so mean to her parents. And, she almost beat up Azan for not loving her. 

That's why I didn't feel sorry for her when she heard Azan's "sexy voice" messages. (Hey, are they available online anyplace? "I like your kiss." Who says that? Azan.) She should already know better. That was the biggest red flag that there ever was.

But when you wave a red flag in front of a bull, it charges.

And that would be my cue to step in and get Mae. Maybe not legally, but I’d tell that nasty POS “if you’re going to send money to your boyfriend instead of paying your utilities and providing basic things for your child, then she can come live with us until you get on your feet.”  Grandchild or not, i wouldn’t allow her to use and abuse my generosity by holding the kid over my head.   That might would even work in court. I’d at least try. 

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

They were no more going to buy a couch than I am going to fly to the moon. The producers needed to set up the "Pedro's sister will be visiting" scene. Did you notice Chantel saying "it doesn't have to be comfortable, it just has to look good. its not like you're going to SLEEP on it" wink wink. Who the hell doesn't care if a couch is comfortable? Who thinks no one is ever going to nap on a couch? They were just tired of filming scenes in empty coffee shops. 

And IF it was real, I for sure wouldn’t be getting a brand new sofa for skanky Nicole to sleep on for 2+ weeks. She’d get the old crappy one and after she left, then I’d get a new one. But yeah, I want my sofas to be comfy AF bc I do spend lots of time napping on them. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Annie is not the innocent she tries to portray, and the cracks are showing. If it’s your dream to have kids, why pick an old, broke, neutered drunk?

His vasectomy will end up being her lifesaver and she has no idea. She will be so lucky not to be tethered to that for the rest of her life. She is still young enough to find someone to knock her up that will be a million times better of a choice.

  • Love 7
21 hours ago, Lucky Santangelo said:

I am so sick of Chantel’s family. I don’t understand Chantel, She needs to tell them to stfu.

Oh wow, the penguin is visiting the zoo.

Chantel has the nerve to complain when he doesnt defend her....If she wants him to defend her, she needs to do the same. 

Also, I am so tired of her mothers sloooowwww, drawn out way of speaking. 

  • Love 8

Annie is totally setting up her narrative of "poor pitiful me..." which is not going to work due to the footage of her sitting off by herself when the rest of the family was having fun at the zoo and especially when they were talking to Jacob.  Her go-to position of how Ashley is so mean to her just won't work anymore as it really seemed like they tried to include Annie and she's the one who refused to join in.  She is also trying to create sympathy for herself with her whole "I want children so badly..."  That is on her if David told her about his vasectomy.  And, from her reaction when he brought it up in conversation, it does appear that he had previously spoken to her about it.

Molly is ranting about how Luis has changed and is not the same as he was in the Dominican Republic, but she doesn't examine herself to see that she isn't the same as she was there.  She was on vacay without children and with maid service in the hotel so she didn't need Luis to babysit or clean while she was there.  And, no, I do not have to love everything about someone in order to love them.  I don't have to love their decor and all the other things she mentioned.  She created a fantasy and wants to force everyone into the roles that she created for them in the fantasy.  During this episode it hit me that Molly and Nicole are really similar.  They want what they want when they want it and won't listen to other opinions about it.

Oh and Nicole... When they intercut video of her interviews with trying on the wedding dress, it was obvious that she looks so much better with sleeves (well, in my opinion...).  I wish someone had tried to point that out to her.  And Jessie is so not a real friend.  A real friend would have offered comfort when Nicole was clearly getting close to a panic attack.  Two panic attacks within a week?  Yeah, that's a red flag.  I would venture to say that the recordings of Azan speaking with another woman were most likely from a conversation with another woman he is scamming.  I do not put any responsibility for Mae's situation on Azan.  Nicole is her mother and all of the responsibility is on her.  

Pao so obviously loves the drama and being the center of it.  Therefore, I will not add to her drama by writing anything else about her.

Family Chantal is horrible.  All the comments about the great trip and then needlessly needling Pedro about whether or not he had a good time just feeds into their egos about how smart they are to figure out something is up.  Just hire an investigator and quit talking about it.  Pedro and Chantal are kind of boring on their own which is probably why the producers wanted his sister to come now that the four month trip to the cabin is over (yes, I know it was only four days but even as a viewer it felt like four months).

I really did not like how Jorge would not let Anfisa leave after she found out about yet another lie.  Once she meets her timeline for getting a green card I hope she is out of there without a forwarding address.  She is the only K-1 visa holder on this show that I hope is able to stay and make a better life for herself.  

  • Love 11
2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:
17 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

If I see that "Dr. Pimple Popper" commercial one more time, I'll scream. Where does TLC find this crap?

She has millions of viewers on YouTube.  I only know this because my cousin and her mother have forced me to watch some of the most disgusting footage.

Her followers are called "Popaholics" 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, NinaH said:

And that would be my cue to step in and get Mae. Maybe not legally, but I’d tell that nasty POS “if you’re going to send money to your boyfriend instead of paying your utilities and providing basic things for your child, then she can come live with us until you get on your feet.”  Grandchild or not, i wouldn’t allow her to use and abuse my generosity by holding the kid over my head.   That might would even work in court. I’d at least try. 

That might be considered kidnapping.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I don't mean to slut-shame or attempt to police Chantel's clothing, but does she have any clothing that doesn't involve spandex and plunging cleavage?  I am a nurse and I hope she realizes that she can't wear stiletto nails, giraffe eyelashes, and skin tight scrubs with plunging neckline.  The closest I've ever seen is a co-worker who wore snug white dresses with her thong proudly outlined.

Can anyone fill me in on the red makeup bag?  It's not ringing a bell.

She has millions of viewers on YouTube.  I only know this because my cousin and her mother have forced me to watch some of the most disgusting footage.

There is something I find so deeply disturbing by this gaslighting.  It's very similar to people who mentally or physically abuse a person, then love up on them a few minutes later.  You know I just slapped/yelled/threatened to have your mother investigated because you made me, baby.

I don't believe a woman's best friend "should" be her husband.   But Pao looks like a fool for refusing to choose her husband over a man who lives in another country, whom she sees maybe twice a year.

  • Love 5

Pao is insane . She gaslights her husband over and over. Juan needs to go, she defends Juan until she is blue in the face even when Juan disses her husband. Dump her ass. I haven’t watched them all season I only watched tonight to see if there was a real fistfight .

The family Chantel is impossible. Chantel will never stand up to them. 

I think the key word with Azan is he wasn’t kissing a GIRL. I think he is gay and trying desperately to get to a non Muslim country to be out and proud and I hope he gets there. But not thru this heifer. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Kiss my mutt said:

I’d feel more sorry for Annie but she knew David’s finances were in the toilet and I’m assuming she knew he had a vasectomy before she tied herself to this guy.  It’s a little late to cry now. 

Yes.  I watched last season and he was pretty open about everything.  And why would you want to procreate with a guy who doesn't have a great relationship with his own children, has no money, can't pay rent on a firehouse, and is probably a walking heart-attack-waiting-to happen unless he starts to drop some weight. 

I think both Chantel's family and Pedro's family are pretty pathetic, and clearly Pedro and Chantel are too immature for marriage.  But Chantel's family is the worst for trying to sweet talk him into coming on a family vacation and then using every moment to badmouth him and his family.  That's pretty low.

  • Love 9

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