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Season 3 Discussion

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7 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Molly seems to have a tendency to surround herself with paid lackeys who tell her what she wants to hear. I suppose Cynthia is her business partner "50/50" but still may have a vested interest in catering to her narcissism and b.s. just the way that her hairdresser and makeup artist do. Not sure what other "friends" she has. Oh, and Molly's mom is a snake.

Uh? Maybe it's just me, but the old lady seemed allright enough? I remember the bit about Molly's dad being all "you can't marry the help" or something, but that's about it.

  • Love 1

I doubt it really has anything to do with insurance. It’s likely that he has to wait a bit before he can have surgery which gives him time to go stay with his mom in Texas. She is a nurse and will be better equipped to take care of him. Plus, it will likely be a healthier environment than staying with David, Annie and their delusions Chris will start supporting them again.  Although, even if he stayed in Kentucky, my guess is that it would be his sister taking care of him. 

  • Love 5

I am not a violent person, but why does Nicole want to make me want to throat punch her ?? Probably because of May - if she was just this dumb and stupid on her own, I probably would not care. She is sending money to Asshan when she should be banking it for her kid or buying at least a f*cking hoover.  The eye rolls and whining voice are too much.  I bet David is trying to figure out a way to sue whomever shot his son and pocket any settlement or move into their house rent free.  

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I am not a violent person, but why does Nicole want to make me want to throat punch her ?? Probably because of May - if she was just this dumb and stupid on her own, I probably would not care. She is sending money to Asshan when she should be banking it for her kid or buying at least a f*cking hoover.  The eye rolls and whining voice are too much.  I bet David is trying to figure out a way to sue whomever shot his son and pocket any settlement or move into their house rent free.  

I feel the same way. Especially when she sits with that stupid, smug smile basically telling her folks “ fuck you, I’m doing what I want“

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I absolutely and without reservation loathe and detest Molly's buttinski friend. First she helps Molly stalk her teenage daughter to the place where she has fled for refuge. Then she butts in to Molly's conversation with Olivia several times. (I should have put conversation in quotes, because it was not a conversation. Every time Olivia opened her mouth Molly or her dipshit friend interrupted her). Then she says "give your mother a hug--she could use one!", all sweetness and light. Girl. Stop. Then that "Molly deserves love" monologue. Serioulsy? Of course she does. Everyone does. But not at the expense of the well being and happiness of her kids. Olivia is on the edge of a nervous breakdown and tiny Kensley is being shoved aside. It breaks my heart. Go on vacation and bang the bartender or the pool boy or whoever. Do not bring them home and inflict your boy toys on your kids. Sheesh.

I'm not a parent, so someone who is... help me out...

If my gorgeous, teenage daughter abruptly left home with no intention of coming home because of my young husband, who has already made inappropriate comments to her that pissed me off... shouldn't my first course of action be to ask my daughter WHY?  And to question all parties until I get to the bottom of it instead of just assuming my daughter doesn't want me to be happy?

  • Love 18
On 6/4/2018 at 8:14 PM, LadyBugKAnn said:

Bolding mine.

My plan was just to lurk and enjoy all the wonderful snarking on this thread, but as a paralegal who has worked for an immigration attorney (EB-5, not K-1) , I just felt the need to speak out on this.

No government agency, ESPECIALLY the USCIS (which is  is a component of the United States Department of Homeland Security) would EVER send ANY kind of correspondence via email.  It doesn't happen.  And you cannot email them.  They love paper.  As in even when submitting documents, it's all paper.  Not even on a thumb drive or CD or DVD.  I have literally spent weekends in the office printing 2,000+ pages for one application on foreigners who were spending at least $500,000+ on  green card investing in US projects.  Even people trying to come here on a O-1 Visa (which is for Individuals with Extraordinary Ability or Achievement) cannot send a DVD showing their dance skill, for example (true story).  USCIS demands a written description of said dance by that individual.  WRITTEN DESCRIPTION OF A DANCE.  The ONLY electronic updates you can get on your file are through their website and they take a good 3-6 months to update that (my personal observation...)  Everything is sent by USPS.  Even getting a fax from these people requires begging and offering your first, second and third child plus spending one wild weekend with you every month.  And sometimes that doesn't work.

I say all this to say... I am convinced Hassan/Azan wrote that email.  Seriously.  

As someone who married a foreigner and did the whole immigration process, you are 100% correct when you say they love paperwork. I believe I documented my entire life and that of my family from birth til the present. I still have the files and it is literally a mound of paper.

You are also correct that never once was anything emailed to me in regards to the case. Everything is mailed through normal mail. And they would never address anything as Dear Nicole ?

Idk if Azan/Hassan himself sent the email but it is definitely not real.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, magemaud said:

They keep saying May is 3, but she’s been 3 for three seasons 

I think Mae was 2 in the first season , we did not see much of Mae because she was left behind in the US that season. By looking at Nicole's social media Mae was born in Late 2013 or early 2014, so she is about 4.5 years right now. Of course who knows when TLC filmed these segments. Chantel has said it has been 11 months since the DR 2nd wedding which was the end of last season. Molly/Luis and David/Annie seem like we picked up about 6 weeks after the last season ended. Nicole , I have a funny feeling was not going to be taped until the K1 was approved or now the K3 visa started so I think her taping timeline and edit is off for sure.

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6 hours ago, Deafening Roar said:

As someone who married a foreigner and did the whole immigration process, you are 100% correct when you say they love paperwork. I believe I documented my entire life and that of my family from birth til the present. I still have the files and it is literally a mound of paper.

You are also correct that never once was anything emailed to me in regards to the case. Everything is mailed through normal mail. And they would never address anything as Dear Nicole ?

Idk if Azan/Hassan himself sent the email but it is definitely not real.

Interesting.  Now I wonder if the attorney was fake too because surely she knows all of this about how the government handles correspondence!  Wasn't she introduced as specializing in this kind of law.

Also Mae is 4,1/2 and still wearing diapers?   Doesn't anybody in that family know how to potty train?

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Interesting.  Now I wonder if the attorney was fake too because surely she knows all of this about how the government handles correspondence!  Wasn't she introduced as specializing in this kind of law.

Also Mae is 4,1/2 and still wearing diapers?   Doesn't anybody in that family know how to potty train?

When Mommy can't look away from her phone nothing gets done, like cleaning your apartment or potty training your child or even cooking a healthy meal.  How many hours a day could she be on her phone trying to connect with "My World?"

May or Mae will have to grow up in spite of her mother and be the voice of reason just like Molly's oldest daughter.  

  • Love 10
15 hours ago, Landlord said:

Uh? Maybe it's just me, but the old lady seemed allright enough? I remember the bit about Molly's dad being all "you can't marry the help" or something, but that's about it.

She was all in for Molly's marriage to Luis, encouraging her to to it every step of the way. Either Molly is supporting her financially or she was doing it because she knew that she was hearing the opposite from her father.  Why would she encourage her daughter to marry this guy? Why wouldn't she at least tell her to wait?

She just seemed manipulative to me. I could be wrong, but I sensed an older, carbon copy of Molly.

Upon second reflection, I may have been giving her credit for having far too much wherewithal. I just couldn't understand what kind of mother would encourage a woman like Molly to take an unknown like Luis into her household with her grandchildren there? I attributed her sugary sweetness to an attempt to undermine her husband's counsel. But a woman with no wherewithal might have just been thinking, "Oh, a wedding! Lovely!"

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 2
10 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

She was all in for Molly's marriage to Luis, encouraging her to to it every step of the way. Either Molly is supporting her financially or she was doing it because she knew that she was hearing the opposite from her father.  Why would she encourage her daughter to marry this guy? Why wouldn't she at least tell her to wait?

She just seemed manipulative to me. I could be wrong, but I sensed an older, carbon copy of Molly.

Upon second reflection, I may have been giving her credit for having far too much wherewithal. I just couldn't understand what kind of mother would encourage a woman like Molly to take an unknown like Luis into her household with her grandchildren there? I attributed her sugary sweetness to an attempt to undermine her husband's counsel. But a woman with no wherewithal might have just been thinking, "Oh, a wedding! Lovely!"

I didn't follow much during those segments on the first season, so thanks for letting me know. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I think Mae was 2 in the first season , we did not see much of Mae because she was left behind in the US that season. By looking at Nicole's social media Mae was born in Late 2013 or early 2014, so she is about 4.5 years right now. Of course who knows when TLC filmed these segments. Chantel has said it has been 11 months since the DR 2nd wedding which was the end of last season. Molly/Luis and David/Annie seem like we picked up about 6 weeks after the last season ended. Nicole , I have a funny feeling was not going to be taped until the K1 was approved or now the K3 visa started so I think her taping timeline and edit is off for sure.

And Nicole said it had been 10 months since she had seen Azan. I've been trying to get a grasp on when this was filmed. It's definitely winter. I know it snowed in Georgia and that part of the States around January. I'm sure some of our resident social media sleuths can figure out when Chantel/Pedro had their DR wedding. I know Molly married Luis in July. The reunion/tell all was filmed in late October/November-ish if I remember right from Nikki's IG posts on the set. Her posts were like from the first week of November, so unless they were late posts, they were filmed then.

Once again, why is Nicole on here? Those two haven't even been approved for the K1, and they aren't even married yet so why is she on the life after marriage part of the series!

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, AussieBabe said:

Once again, why is Nicole on here? Those two haven't even been approved for the K1, and they aren't even married yet so why is she on the life after marriage part of the series!

Because she is such a snarkable trainwreck, and tptb know she brings in the viewers, and so they fudge the "rules."

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 16
6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Interesting.  Now I wonder if the attorney was fake too because surely she knows all of this about how the government handles correspondence!  Wasn't she introduced as specializing in this kind of law.

Also Mae is 4,1/2 and still wearing diapers?   Doesn't anybody in that family know how to potty train?

I did look up the immigration attorney and she looks legit, the name and the pictures of her office including the big paper sign hanging on the porch. For an immigration specialist though, I thought her answers to Nicole were kind of vague. I was surprised she didn’t comment on the unusual communication method of email vs letter. We don’t know if Nicole found her on her own or if TLC vetted her and she received compensation, or how heavily the meeting was edited to fit TLCs agenda for this storyline. Has Nicole ever actually shown anyone this correspondence other than emailing it to the lawyer? We didn’t even get a screenshot of it. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, iwasish said:

I did look up the immigration attorney and she looks legit, the name and the pictures of her office including the big paper sign hanging on the porch. For an immigration specialist though, I thought her answers to Nicole were kind of vague. I was surprised she didn’t comment on the unusual communication method of email vs letter. We don’t know if Nicole found her on her own or if TLC vetted her and she received compensation, or how heavily the meeting was edited to fit TLCs agenda for this storyline. Has Nicole ever actually shown anyone this correspondence other than emailing it to the lawyer? We didn’t even get a screenshot of it. 

We didn't see the whole interview with the lawyer. It's quite possible that other issues were discussed.

  • Love 6

Heck maybe TLC sponsored him.  He's making a great story line with his fighting and the war between his wife and his mother and sister. 

I don't really blame Chantel's family for being suspecious.  Isn't his mother an attorney?  I don't know what or if the sister does anything.  I suspect those two could be up to anything and weather he's involved or not I don't know.

Actually I don't know what kind of education and job Pedro does here.  Anybody happen to know?

  • Love 3
29 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

What I am trying to understand is Nicole needed a sponser for Azan because she didn't make enough money, Chris had to sponser Annie - how is Pedro here ? Certainly family de Chantel didn't fund that, and Chantel is a student and maybe works part time -

I've thought this before and honestly, the bar for sponsoring someone must be low for Danielle to have been approved. She had a criminal background and had been evicted from several homes. She couldn't even take care of her kids. It's so bizarre.

  • Love 7
23 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

What I am trying to understand is Nicole needed a sponser for Azan because she didn't make enough money, Chris had to sponser Annie - how is Pedro here ? Certainly family de Chantel didn't fund that, and Chantel is a student and maybe works part time -

The number that has been tossed around by Danielle , Nicole and David is $10k. In order to sponsor someone it costs or you have to have 10k available and then a certain income for the household, which for Chantel would be lower then David, Danielle and Nicole since they all have children to support. 

Chantel has some gaps in her life, so is it possible that after her college time in the DR, she worked , saved 10k and had enough income to support a 2 person household? Likely. Her apartment seems very modest , she has driven the same car so she could have saved it herself.  I think the lawyer told Nicole a 2 person household needed 24k a year? Chantel with 1 normal job and her side jobs of eyelashes and cheerleading instruction could easily bring in 40-50k+. 

I do not think TLC would give any money to sponsor anyone. They are very cheap the first season (of almost all their shows). If someone gets very popular after a few season TLC will offer more but the first season is crazy low. TLC has filmed in my area several shows and most people say it is the perks, free food, travel, that are better incentives the first season then the actual money (which is usually less then 10k). 

  • Useful 1

Yes, I would not think that TLC would sponsor anyone- not only because of the cost, but the liability and the 10 year limitation. 

I feel like I am beating a dead horse here by my detest of Nicole,  I think when Mae is asleep and probably at her granny's - I could picture Nicole playing with her Barbie dolls and pretending Ken is Asan.  Even Helen Keller could see she is being played by him

  • LOL 1
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19 hours ago, LadyBugKAnn said:

I'm not a parent, so someone who is... help me out...

If my gorgeous, teenage daughter abruptly left home with no intention of coming home because of my young husband, who has already made inappropriate comments to her that pissed me off... shouldn't my first course of action be to ask my daughter WHY?  And to question all parties until I get to the bottom of it instead of just assuming my daughter doesn't want me to be happy?

Yeah, but that's Regular People Logic, and Regular People don't get on reality tv, especially not on TLC. Regular People do not bring a 26 year old vacation fling home to try to turn him into Mike Brady and vacation sex into a marriage.  And I don't get the "Olivia doesn't want me to be happy" mindset. It may be the editing, but Molly doesn't seem particularly happy around Luis. At the very least, accusations of owl-related witchcraft would make most Regular People doubt that this person is The One who will make them happy.

Look at Annie and David. Regular People try to explain gaps on their resume in semi-productive or logical ways (ex. "I spent four years abroad as a language teacher and businessman"), yet David decided to go with "I have to feed my 25 year old wife."

Not to get too judgmental,  but look at Pao. When one is miserable and homesick in a new country, most Regular People would call home. I get that depression can be isolating, but four years is a long time to be out of touch. Most Regular People would at least call or send cards for birthdays, anniversaries, or I'm-not-dead days. Those are all things Regular People do without sharing "bad news."

Edited by Vanderboom
  • Love 15
21 hours ago, LadyBugKAnn said:

I'm not a parent, so someone who is... help me out...

If my gorgeous, teenage daughter abruptly left home with no intention of coming home because of my young husband, who has already made inappropriate comments to her that pissed me off... shouldn't my first course of action be to ask my daughter WHY?  And to question all parties until I get to the bottom of it instead of just assuming my daughter doesn't want me to be happy?

Logic like this is why you are a poster on this board and not a participant on a reality show. Sadly I think there are soooo many Molly’s and Nicole’s out there, who will blithly sacrifice their children’s future and  happiness in order to have a man in their bed. Any man. It seems Molly has had a string of failed relationships that Olivia has been exposed to and expected to adjust to over her short lifetime and now it looks like Kinsley will be dealing with the same and without her big sister to look out for her. And what do they learn but that having a man trumps all else, maternal love only goes so far when the dick is too good to give up. 

  • Love 9
On 6/4/2018 at 2:30 PM, SleepyAndClumsy said:

If I were Nicole’s family, I would say this: Hey, we’ll give you $10,000 and a one-way ticket to Morocco if you give us legal custody of May/e. She uses that poor baby as a bargaining chip all the time ... they need to turn that around on her. And then honestly they should just wash their hands of Nicole. She’s a terrible person.

I agree, and if Jabba cried fowl on that behavior I would straight up say:  "YOU are using your own daughter as a toy, so you are no better.  Just heading down to your level."  Why oh why does Azan just not come out and say "I WANT OUT!!!!"  Mae will be heading to kindergarten soon so some decisions better get made, Jabba.  Oh wait.....Jabba does not put her Mae's needs in front of her own.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Vanderboom said:

Yeah, but that's Regular People Logic, and Regular People don't get on reality tv, especially not on TLC. Regular People do not bring a 26 year old vacation fling home to try to turn him into Mike Brady and vacation sex into a marriage.  And I don't get the "Olivia doesn't want me to be happy" mindset. It may be the editing, but Molly doesn't seem particularly happy around Luis. At the very least, accusations of owl-related witchcraft would make most Regular People doubt that this person is The One who will make them happy.

Look at Annie and David. Regular People try to explain gaps on their resume in semi-productive or logical ways (ex. "I spent four years abroad as a language teacher and businessman"), yet David decided to go with "I have to feed my 25 year old wife."

Not to get too judgmental,  but look at Pao. When one is miserable and homesick in a new country, most Regular People would call home. I get that depression can be isolating, but four years is a long time to be out of touch. Most Regular People would at least call or send cards for birthdays, anniversaries, or I'm-not-dead days. Those are all things Regular People do without sharing "bad news."

I don't know is she was truly clinically depressed, but some of us DO isolate, even for years, from our families when suffering from it.

1 hour ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree, and if Jabba cried fowl on that behavior I would straight up say:  "YOU are using your own daughter as a toy, so you are no better.  Just heading down to your level."  Why oh why does Azan just not come out and say "I WANT OUT!!!!"  Mae will be heading to kindergarten soon so some decisions better get made, Jabba.  Oh wait.....Jabba does not put her Mae's needs in front of her own.

Because Azan is the one who bought her the engagement ring and proposed? Nothing stopping him from breaking off the engagement.

  • Love 4

Buys her an engagement ring probably with  money she sent hm. And did we hear him propose or did she just say he proposed? I haven’t watched every episode so I don’t know. He certainly didn’t  jump for joy when he heard about the K-3 visa. if he truly wanted to marry her I would think would have been a bit more enthusiastic. Previews show her wearing a wedding dress, so he’s agreed to thevK-3 or is she just pigheadedly moving forward? It will be interesting to see.  

  • Useful 1
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No way Baby Huey will make it in a Muslim country. She'll have to abide by their laws and respect their religion, Ramadan, and anything else. She can't be pawing him in public and demanding that he show her off like a prized pig at a 4-H contest at the local fair. There are so many red flags and calling your parents stupid for expressing concerns and stating the obvious just shows how pigheaded she truly is. He doesn't seem enthusiastic about marrying her at all. The way she was staring off into the clouds after he said eff it...I'll figure something out was like...seriously! Why are you daydreaming and fantasizing about a big Moroccan wedding. I'm willing to bet she's going to use whatever her income tax was on this wedding and the trip over there. He doesn't have a job, so obviously he can't help fund it.

ETA: And while we're at it, let's keep it 100. hASSan is just that. An ass. What kind of man of is OK with being bankrolled by a single mother living in a one room litter box? Even if she offers, he should've declined. Like Boosie said, "Get it out the mud like a MAN," If anything, he shouldn't be taking money from her or her child. I question how much he cares about May when the money she's funneling to him could easily be used  on her child. She's obviously simple minded and being taken for a ride, but his character must be flawed. Surely he's seen where she lives and knows she only works part-time. Does she even still work? I'd imagine that her obsession with him probably requires round the clock effort.

Nicole, girl I'm going to need you to accept that hASSan isn't down with marrying you, and honestly, it doesn't seem like he's even interested in a green card. Let's fbe real. He doesn't have to work because she's probably paying for his mobile bills, giving him spending money, and funding his lifestyle since he just can't find a job. I bet he's just fine staying in Morocco with a "girlfriend" he only has to see once annually and doesn't have to smash because of religious reasons.

Let's see:

  • Income/expendable cash to spend on his real girlfriend/wife--if he has one
  • Visits once a year with Baby Huey--always in his Muslim country/around family so no sexy times
  • Bills paid

hASSan isn't going to lose this gig. It's too easy, so he'll keep stringing her along. Marrying Nicole would mean having to live with her, becoming a daddy, being subjected to physical abuse, having to consummate unless he can wiggle out of it, and that whiny voice. I'd bet money he (or one his friends) wrote that e-mail. The Australian government doesn't email anything, so I'd imagine the one in the States is the same. My friend said they sent six pages just to tell her that her information from the IRS was accessed through electronic retrieval tool when her daughter did her FAFSA. And that was just an acknowledgement and letting her know that she/her daughter had used the tool to pull the information! Six pages to let somebody know that? Yeah, that e-mail was bogus.

Edited by AussieBabe
  • Love 15
6 hours ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

What I am trying to understand is Nicole needed a sponser for Azan because she didn't make enough money, Chris had to sponser Annie - how is Pedro here ? Certainly family de Chantel didn't fund that, and Chantel is a student and maybe works part time -

Pedro came here on a student visa I think...must be different rules.

  • Useful 1
1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Buys her an engagement ring probably with  money she sent hm. And did we hear him propose or did she just say he proposed? I haven’t watched every episode so I don’t know. He certainly didn’t  jump for joy when he heard about the K-3 visa. if he truly wanted to marry her I would think would have been a bit more enthusiastic. Previews show her wearing a wedding dress, so he’s agreed to thevK-3 or is she just pigheadedly moving forward? It will be interesting to see.  

He did formally propose, in a tent in the desert one night when they stayed there in Morocco.  But all along I've thought it was totally a ploy on his and his family's part.

Again I'll say this: there is NO WAY Nicole can afford to make the move to Morocco with May and support herself.  Her family will likely bankroll it; it's likely they are stupid enough to do so rather than tell her that the money tree has shriveled up and died, and if she really thinks this is going to work out she will have to sling a lot more venti sugar-free mocha lattes to start saving for such a venture.  She acts as if magically she's going to teleport herself there and continue to "support" a guy with no job where she can barely get around, much less speak the language or get herself meaningful employment.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, Granny58 said:

Pedro came here on a student visa I think...must be different rules.

I think it's been established that Chantel admitted to lying to the family Chantel that Pedro came on a student visa. I think that's a deception that really made it look like Pedro was the one responsible for the lie. It was Chantel all along, and I don't think they've ever quite gotten over it. Did they not watch season 1?

  • Love 9
58 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

He did formally propose, in a tent in the desert one night when they stayed there in Morocco.  But all along I've thought it was totally a ploy on his and his family's part.

Again I'll say this: there is NO WAY Nicole can afford to make the move to Morocco with May and support herself.  Her family will likely bankroll it; it's likely they are stupid enough to do so rather than tell her that the money tree has shriveled up and died, and if she really thinks this is going to work out she will have to sling a lot more venti sugar-free mocha lattes to start saving for such a venture.  She acts as if magically she's going to teleport herself there and continue to "support" a guy with no job where she can barely get around, much less speak the language or get herself meaningful employment.

Was it sincere, or was it a farewell gesture figuring he’d keep her happy and happily sending money while the K-1 process ground along? 

He could have gotten a copy of a k-1 refusal/denial letter from someone who either works at the department orhad applied and been denied. Turn that into an email and send it on to Nicole. 

Has Nicole had any sort of interview of the kind Hassan was required  to undergo?


It’s been ten months since she saw him. So unless she’s stepping out on him here, it’s been 10 months since she’s gotten laid. I pity him when she next arrives in Morocco, he won’t see the sky for days. 

She had a hissy last time when  he refused to hold her hand or kiss her in public. She was actually grabbing at him in public, so she has no clue what living under those restrictions for a year or so will be like.  

I’m looking forward to seeing how she bulldozes her way towards a wedding and if she is successful.

Edited by iwasish
  • Love 2
38 minutes ago, iwasish said:

It’s been ten months since she saw him. So unless she’s stepping out on him here, it’s been 10 months since she’s gotten laid. I pity him when she next arrives in Morocco, he won’t see the sky for days. 

She had a hissy last time when  he refused to hold her or kiss her in public. She was actually grabbing at him in public, so she has no clue what living under those restrictions for a year or so will be like.  

I’m looking forward to seeing how she bulldozes her way towards a wedding and if she is successful.

She will bulldoze alright although she may not find Azan's family as compliant as hers. They will have a game plan. He may just be in it for one last round of money from TLC in which case once he says no more it will mean no more and sorry about your luck, Nicole.

If they do marry, I'm picturing Nicole sweating it out in a sleeveless wedding dress... something as offensive to the Moroccan people as humanly possible. And, one way or another Azan is NOT going to have sex with her on a regular basis. He will do the deed once to seal the deal. Then, it will be Ramadan every single day, Mohamed Jbali style.

Imagine her disappointment. Well, we won't have to because I'm sure TLC will have the camera in her face to film it as it drops from smug to disappointed.

Danielle went through the same frustration and lived. Seriously, I thought she was going to start dry humping the furniture if Mo didn't toss her a bone, but it never happened.

Nicole does seem like she has a personality disorder or a legion of them. And, when she broke the news to her parents and saw how heartbroken they each looked individually, she looked so happy and smug, jokey even. And not joking to cheer them up, either. I don't get that kind of insensitivity.

7 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

Would you say Nicole's parent's are terrible enablers or just following the scripted show and pocketing the TLC paycheck?

Terrible enablers because the monster that is Nicole was created. 

At the same time, they can only do so much. Nicole's her own person and she turned out how she turned out. 

Still, if they played hardball they could have custody of May instead of being at Nicole's mercy.  Also, no more money from Mom and Dad. When she runs out of money at the end of the month because she's given it all to Azan, tough luck. They can take May or call social services and tell them there's a kid who has no food.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
  • Love 10
29 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

She will bulldoze alright although she may not find Azan's family as compliant as hers. They will have a game plan. He may just be in it for one last round of money from TLC in which case once he says no more it will mean no more and sorry about your luck, Nicole.

If they do marry, I'm picturing Nicole sweating it out in a sleeveless wedding dress... something as offensive to the Moroccan people as humanly possible. And, one way or another Azan is NOT going to have sex with her on a regular basis. He will do the deed once to seal the deal. Then, it will be Ramadan every single day, Mohamed Jbali style.

Imagine her disappointment. Well, we won't have to because I'm sure TLC will have the camera in her face to film it as it drops from smug to disappointed.

Danielle went through the same frustration and lived. Seriously, I thought she was going to start dry humping the furniture if Mo didn't toss her a bone, but it never happened.

Nicole does seem like she has a personality disorder or a legion of them. And, when she broke the news to her parents and saw how heartbroken they each looked individually, she looked so happy and smug, jokey even. And not joking to cheer them up, either. I don't get that kind of insensitivity.

Terrible enablers because the monster that is Nicole was created. 

At the same time, they can only do so much. Nicole's her own person and she turned out how she turned out. 

Still, if they played hardball they could have custody of May instead of being at Nicole's mercy.  Also, no more money from Mom and Dad. When she runs out of money at the end of the month because she's given it all to Azan, tough luck. They can take May or call social services and tell them there's a kid who has no food.

They can still cut Nicole off financially. And when things get tough enough, she’ll come back to them for help. Then if they’re smart enough or if they CARE enough, they’ll get Nicole to sign over custody of May and let her run off and fulfill her little fantasy in Morocco or where ever while May attends kindergarten here in the USA. 

But I don’t know that they will.  The mother just sits and listens to Nicole blather on about this idiotic fantasy while May plays on a filthy floor with uncombed hair and is ignored by both of them. Nicole has been playing this game for a long time. I understand that Mays father was one of her previous attempts at internet romance,  so she’s been doing this for years. I can see her folks tolerating it if she were still 18-ish. But at 24 with a 4 yr old? No......... unacceptable . 

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On 6/6/2018 at 5:54 AM, RedheadZombie said:

Pao sounds like she pronounces Russ as "Rose".

Yes, they need to unleash some tough love with this girl.  Since the father offered to sponsor Azan to keep Nicole in the US, he needs to flat out tell Nicole that he now rescinds that offer.  If I were Nicole's mother, I'd also encourage her to leave Mae in the US.  Lastly, I'd drive her to the OB/GYN and witness the five year birth control implant being injected into her arm.  Mae seems to be Nicole's weapon to manipulate her family, so I'd work very hard to prevent her attaining a second weapon.

I wonder if Nicole will also need her dad to reapply to sponsor Azan under the K-3?  I wouldn't think you can just convert a K-1 to a K-3, and I would think you would have to prove the same level of financial ability for the K-3, but I don't know for sure. I don't know anything about a K-3, but I really doubt it was intended for situations such as this, as a kind of workaround for the K-1 denial...It would make more sense if it was intended for US Citizens traveling abroad, in the military, etc.

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On 6/6/2018 at 12:07 AM, LilaFowler said:

I remember that at one point during a reunion, Loren screeched that Alexei had been denied for his visa not once but twice. I find it fascinating who gets denied and who gets approved easily.

Totally a guess, but I wonder if it has anything to do with military service in the spouse's home country? I'm just assuming Alexei served since I think it's compulsory for almost every Israeli citizen (with some religious exemptions).  Even though Israel is an ally of the U.S., maybe the visa applications are scrutinized more if the applicant served in a foreign army.

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It's only a matter of time until Azan ghosts Baby Huey completely.  Although I wouldn't put it past her to lumber over to Morocco anyway, to look for Her World, so she can have her Hallmark Channel ending where "true love" prevails.

I can't imagine the amount of processed crap sweet little May (Mae?) eats.  Someone needs to show that kid that there are so many delicious ways to make potatoes other than french fries.

Edited by bethster2000
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