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S03.E18: Shelter From the Storm

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How many more episodes are there? It's just that Flash and Arrow are wrapping up, and we haven't hit twenty with this series.

Like the Kara/Mon/Imra thing, I can't hate either Kara or Lena. Kara was somewhat right that Lena would create the biggest thing that could kill her (ahead of red sunlight, magic, and embarrassment), but Lena didn't even think of making Kryptonite until Sam's situation. Once again, I'm hoping we don't get Lena-as-Lex-level-villain next season, but I'm not having much faith. It's harder to handwave Lena not knowing that Kara is Supergirl. She has to know. Or maybe she does know, and she's acting like she's pissed at Supergirl in front of her alter ego for . . . reasons. *sigh* Lena is going total dark side next season. And Alex will adopt Ruby, because it just feels that obvious.

Still sucky that Papa J'onzz is on the mental decline. Bright side: Brainy being pissy in general. I can't find the exact source . . . in the "threeboot" continuity (don't ask), the twelfth-level intellect rated Earth a 5. He didn't mean the average human was Level 5. The entire planet was Level 5. Of course, he usually means well . ..  thus bugging the DEO, which gave us Mon turning around and helping Kara. I'll take it. Also, we found out Chameleon (aka Chameleon Boy) was one of the Legionnaires in stasis. Anybody want to guess the others?

The girl at the very end . . . .huh? Did I miss something??

  • Love 2

I think I say this every week but it bears repeating - where the hell is Superman?  At least say he's off world, because this refusal to call him is idiotic.  Of course at the beginning of the episode Kara was 100% certain she could beat Reign even though in their previous one on one battle Reign wiped the floor with her.  Cape-fu doesn't make you invincible.

  • Love 10

So, Lena goes dark because Supergirl/Kara wont trust her because she expects her to go dark? Oh the irony!

I can get why Kara hates Kryptonite, and they certainly should be leaving that crap lying around the place, but her freaking out all over Lena when she was just trying to help was really jerky behavior, especially as she was trying to help. As Lena said, there are millions of things that could kill humans, but they manage to deal with sharing a planet with them, why cant Kara do the same? I hope Lena doesn't turn evil, but I would be fine if she took on a more morally ambiguous role later on. Or maybe Kara realizes how she was acting like a dick to Lena and tries to make things better. 

Sad that Brainy and Imra are leaving. I like Brainy, and his weird friendship with Winn is really fun. Especially loved acknowledging that Winn was a teeny bit smarter than he thought he was, and when he tried to awkwardly initiate a hug. 

I wish they had just made Ruby a few years younger in the script, because Ruby still acts younger than 12, in my option. She comes across as a few years younger, and Alex talks to her like she`s an 8 year old. I guess they want to make her act younger so Alex can be all maternal, but why not just make her a younger character, or cast a younger looking actress? 

Lena...just look at Kara. Now look at Supergirl. You've been in very close proximity to both of them...DO YOU SEE ANY SIMILARITIES?!

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Lena totally knows about Kara. She was fucking with her in the elevator.

Totally.  Well played, Lena.

I can't remember who it was but someone on this board said that Kara is rather immature and this episode really showed that. Lena was right that humans have thousands of things that could kill them but they still get in the car every day and d what they must.

I knew Ruby was going to contact her mother as soon as Alex failed to tell her the truth.

J'onn and his father continue to be the best dementia story on TV. It was nice that J'onn found a way his father could help defeat Reign, even better the last scene where he accepted his father's failing memory and accepted the cococoffee.

I guess Karamel is on again.

It's not a ton of chemistry but I really like the maturity and honesty of Lena and James' relationship.  She needs someone who believes in her goodness.

  • Love 3

Mon-el needs to go back to the future. This is getting ridiculous now.

Lena was the MVP this episode. Dropping truth bombs all over the place. She was right, Supergirl literally has exactly one lethal weakness and it makes her sound like an asshole being outraged over this one thing when she's surrounded by humans that can be killed by millions of things. Supergirl (and Superman) really do have god-complexes. 

And so...Alex insists on visiting Ruby...and her visit not only helps Reign find Ruby, but also lets Ruby in on the fact that Reign is her mother. The very thing Alex has been lying to her about the entire time? 

I think I might really be done after this season.

  • Love 3

Please. I  haven't really watched in a while, but the overacting when Reign was searching for Ruby in the house just made me give upon the whole episode...down to her curling her "deadly nails" around the door.   Has this show always been this bad?


So after all this time they have not developed earplugs for these screams?  This lazy writing is too much. 

Yes, let's keep the lead's boyfriend employed even though he brings nothing to the show. 

Edited by catrice2
  • Love 4

So good to see Lena shine the light right back at Supergirl's overrighteousness. About time. I thought maybe that was going to lead the writers to actually finally lay the secret identity issue to rest and get the two as permanent allies, moving away from building a Lex/Clark rivalry.

But then Kara doesn't take the opportunity to actually come clean and confess to Lena, when it might have actually done some good. Argh!

Kind of surprised they didn't kill off Reign, as they'd been telegraphing all season. I suspect that the popularity of Sam may have led them to change their minds, and hence all this weird "parallel dimension" stuff they've been feeding us the last couple of weeks. Either way, I'd rather have Sam than Reign. Although if they can appeal to Reign's mission, maybe they can eventually have both?

Cool homage to Superman: The Motion Picture. Including deleted "cold ray" sequence.

So far, Alex's magnetic glove hasn't been at all useful. Hopefully that won't always be the case going forward. 

And, to no one's surprise. Mon-El ends up staying in the past. Very likely to inevitably resume the Kara/Mon-El romance and cheat on his wife. I kind of wish they were just more open-minded a thousand years in the future, and Imra had just been all "yeah, I'm fine with a polygamous relationship. Go ahead and stay with your ex for a bit." I'm sure it was SOP on Daxam, after all.

  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Kind of surprised they didn't kill off Reign, as they'd been telegraphing all season. I suspect that the popularity of Sam may have led them to change their minds, and hence all this weird "parallel dimension" stuff they've been feeding us the last couple of weeks. Either way, I'd rather have Sam than Reign. Although if they can appeal to Reign's mission, maybe they can eventually have both?

They're not wrapping up the story this early.  Reign will escape.

1 hour ago, Writing Wrongs said:

Lena totally knows about Kara. She was fucking with her in the elevator.

I'd love for this to be the case.

Kara, dejectedly pursing her lips. "Look, Lena, I have to tell you something."

Lena raises an eyebrow. "Yes, Kara? You can tell me anything, I completely trust you." Kara lightens up a little. "Not like that self-righteous Supergirl."

Kara shrinks in on herself a little. "Lena... I... I am Supergirl."

Lena laughs. "I know. I was just screwing with you. It doesn't feel so great when your friend treats you like you're insignificant and untrustworthy, does it?"

"No," Kara frowns. "No, it doesn't."

"Well, let's not do that again." Lena pulls out Kara's favorite flavor of ice cream. "Silly girl, this wasn't for Ruby. It's for you!"

The two of them begin to laugh. Freeze frame.

End credits.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I can't remember who it was but someone on this board said that Kara is rather immature and this episode really showed that.

That would have been me.  She's only getting worse, becoming a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou asshole supreme.  Not particularly a thoughtful one either.  Does ordering Lena to turn over all the artificial Kryptonite and formula to the DEO guarantee that she doesn't have back-up stashes of the stuff and the formula encrypted in her PDA? Yeesh.

Ironically enough it was the manufactured Green K that won the day, since Kara and her modern-day Squad of Washington Generals can't lick an Ice Cream cone.  Seriously, they should start every single fight flat on their asses, save everybody a whole lot of time.  By the way Kara, the cape tricks are interesting, but relying on the heat vision in every fight is getting a bit stale.  We haven't seen an original fighting tactic from you since the Thunderclap in this year's Crossover Event.

  • Love 8
4 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

By the way Kara, the cape tricks are interesting, but relying on the heat vision in every fight is getting a bit stale.  We haven't seen an original fighting tactic from you since the Thunderclap in this year's Crossover Event.

This x1000. When is the last time Kara used her freezing breath, or x-ray vision for that matter? How about many of the other tricks that the Superman and Supergirl characters in the comics have developed in the past? Heck, Reign showed more range with the same power suite than Kara has in a while.

  • Love 3

Yes, that has always been my problem with this show and The Flash...how immature the characters are when they are supposed to be grown  well educated professionals in professional workplaces. Their relationships always play out like something from Sweet Valley high....in the meantime we have people on Riverdale...about high school kids, going on vacations to a cabin in woods together (like adults),  having sophisticated dinners and political conversations....

  • Love 4

The dumbest thing is that they actually DO have sonic-blocking tech Winn made for them when they fought Purity in episode 13, and they're just not using it! I understand that they didn't realize Reign had absorbed the other Worldkillers' powers (because they're all idiots who didn't grasp what was happening when the colorful energy from Purity and Pestilence literally flowed into Reign), but they weren't using the devices any of the other times they went out looking for the Worldkillers before this, either.

Half the characters keep saying "Pestulence" and it bugs me every time.

I'm 100% Team Lena in the Kryptonite debate. Like she said, there are so many ways humans could die and we don't ban all of them. Kara's an idiot to initially want to destroy the one weapon that can actually stop Reign. I also really hope that Lena was fucking with Kara in the elevator, because I can't believe that the smartest person on this whole show has no idea Kara is Supergirl.

  • Love 11
21 minutes ago, Cranberry said:

Half the characters keep saying "Pestulence" and it bugs me every time.

I'm 100% Team Lena in the Kryptonite debate. Like she said, there are so many ways humans could die and we don't ban all of them. Kara's an idiot to initially want to destroy the one weapon that can actually stop Reign. I also really hope that Lena was fucking with Kara in the elevator, because I can't believe that the smartest person on this whole show has no idea Kara is Supergirl.

1) I thought I was mishearing it at first, but the "Pestulence" thing was really grating to me, too. Glad I'm not the only one.

2) Re: Kryptonite vs. Reign- not to mention all the other evil Kryptonians that have turned up over the last couple seasons. There are still several of them out there from Zod's troupe, IIRC, that could return and cause havoc. I can't really blame Lena for wanting some kind of instrument to use against them if need be. Supergirl might not always be around to save the day. Kind of like Superman is never around on this show.

Edited by Cthulhudrew
  • Love 1

So we’re totally supposed to be siding with Lena over Kara, right?

This show has some really strong episodes when they first came back from their break, but this and the previous one were full of way too much dumb for my tastes. Do better, show.

The final scene between Jonn and his father was well done, though. David Harewood is such a talented actor, i’m Always happy when they let him show it off.

So is that it for Brainy? I was hoping he’d stick around next season.

Edited by Maelstrom
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, cambridgeguy said:

 Cape-fu doesn't make you invincible.

Yeah, about those cape tricks, despite all that practice they're pretty worthless.

And the DEO quartermaster should zip down to Home Depot and pick up some industrial strength $2 earplugs, and make sure that everyone wears them into battle in case they are attacked by yet another screamer/shrieker/pseudo-Black Canary.

Or build noise-canceling into the comms units, or something.  The DEO team continues to be caught off guard by this, and it is just to painfully stupid.

  • Love 2

I'm completely on Team Lena here honestly. 

She a woman who's involved in all kinds of charitable/humanitarian endeavors, who builds hospitals for kids, has risked her own life to help out repeatedly before, and who was even willing to go through with Rhea's sham marriage last season just to save a bunch of kid's lives.

There's literally NOTHING given so far that points to her being evil. Willing to go further than the other hero's, sure, but that's not the same thing. And if they STILL cannot trust her even now, then some friends they are.

Also when the people who are affected by Kryptonite can rip buildings apart like tissue paper, and there have been MULTIPLE evil ones running around in the recent past, AND Superman himself was mind-controlled to attack Kara last season AND this is the only stuff known to hurt them consistently, having some of it around "just in case" is not at all inappropriate.

Also Superman got angry when the DEO had Kryptonite and was only pacified when they gave it up. So it's not even a "well Lena's a private citizen," ignoring the fact that there's been nothing stated in-show about Kryptonite being a banned substance that only the government can possess, it's having Kryptonite AT ALL that seems to upset the Super-family.

Heck in the comics Superman even gave Batman a piece of kryptonite just in case because he trusted the latter.

  • Love 11

I hope Reign sticks around for awhile.  It doesn't hurt she looks very...nice...in that costume of hers.  (ok, enough of my shallow end of the pool comments)

I am tired of Martian Manhunter getting his butt kicked almost all the time.  And not only was hit butt kicked once again, he was still feeling the after effects pretty much through the entire episode.  And if they needed one more person to help turn the tables on Reign, why not Supes?  Or MM with earplugs?  Don't see why it had to be Cape Choreographer Mon-EL to the rescue.

And you knew 12 year old (going on 8) Ruby was going to mess things up by trying to contact mommy.  Ugh.

Once again Kara gets on her high horse and then later on does her half-assed apology at the end of the episode.  Like most of you, totally with Lena here.  Not only are those world killers affected by Krytonite, but also other supervillian invaders as well.  And if she wanted to, Lena could have already used that stuff on Supergirl long before this.  This being said, I hope they don't turn Lena EEEEEEEVILLLLL.  That would be most disappointing.

I also hope that Lena was messing with her in the elevator.  I bet she was -- I think she definitely knows Kara is Supergirl.

  • Love 3

As soon as Reign showed up at her mother's house, I was wondering what she was going to do to Martian Manhunter so that he wouldn't be able to help Kara fight.

2 hours ago, Cthulhudrew said:

Lena laughs. "I know. I was just screwing with you. It doesn't feel so great when your friend treats you like you're insignificant and untrustworthy, does it?"

"No," Kara frowns. "No, it doesn't."

"Well, let's not do that again." Lena pulls out Kara's favorite flavor of ice cream. "Silly girl, this wasn't for Ruby. It's for you!"

Kryptonite Krunch (pops open the lid)

Die MotherF**ker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Love 1

I am also on Lena's side.

And, uh, Lex's saferoom had totally crappy defenses, especially for someone who would be most likely to hunt him down in this universe is Superman. The door was taken down in three punches - even if Reign is stronger than Superman, she isn't *that* much stronger. I imagine Lex would've also had some kind of Kryptonite based defense - even if it was just like a camera flash or something to cover the person in Kryptonite light or something.

Also, shouldn't it have been a lead door? 

  • Love 6

Yeah, I have to believe that Lena was trolling Kara in the elevator.  Katie McGrath really played that scene like Lena knows Kara is Supergirl, and has finally gotten tired of Kara's high and mighty about everything.  Either way, I loved every second of that scene.

I honestly don't know what the show wants to make me feel about this conflict between Lena and Kara, but for me, not only am I on Team Lena, but these past two episodes have really soured me on Kara, sadly.  I get why Kara isn't a fan of Kryptonite, but it's not like Lena is planning on mass producing it and putting out at every Wal-Mart or Walgreens in the city.  She just wants to have some ready for threats like Reign and others, who I'm pretty sure are out there.  And from what has been shown on screen, Lena has never given any indication otherwise.  But for whatever reason, Kara just seems to assume the worst of her.  Oh, wait.  Again, I do know the reason: because of her last name.  Because while Kara likes to think of herself as some enlightened and open-minded individual, she just automatically assumes the worst of Lena for daring to be a Luthor.  And it sucks, because it's taking one of the more interesting relationships in this show and kind of ruin it, since I'm really questioning Kara's actual feelings towards Lena as a friend.

Anyway, at least they've stopped Reign for now, but I'm sure she'll be back closer to the end of the season.  The question will be if they'll find a way to actually cure her or will they be forced to put her down?

Oh, yippie, Ruby's back and she's still obnoxious as always.  And we even got the added bonus of Alex suddenly losing half of her brain cells, whenever she gets near her.

David Harewood and Carl Lumbly continue to make J'onn/M'yrnn's storyline one of the better ones this season.

Brainy and Irma head back to the future, but Mon-El will remain in the present, after Irma finally has enough of his blatant doe-eyes at Kara, and is basically like "Go help her, and figure your shit out, dude" about it.  Again, you deserve way better, Irma.  Irma (and Brainy) to Legends of Tomorrow, please! 

I got a minor kick out of Reign actually opening her mother's door like normal, instead of just knocking it down or something.  Considering all of her grand and destructive entrances, it was just funny seeing her enter through the front door like a normal person! 

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 7

Five things:

1. Given the ubiquitousness with which popculture refers to a person's weakness as "their kryptonite", I was kinda disappointed that Kara didn't get a chance to say: "kryptonite is my... *vague look of confusion* kryptonite."

2. What's the point of a security keypad that turns a invisible mansion visible if simply destroying said keypad deactivates the whole thing?

3. It irritates me to no end that the writers think the question is: "who will Mon-El chose: Imra or Kara?" instead of: "is there really a possibility that our heroine is going to hook up with a married man?"

Look if Imra/Mon-El were boyfriend/girlfriend, or even engaged - fine. But they're MARRIED. That's a whole other level of commitment. Mon-El HAS to return to the future or else both he and Kara look like jerks, regardless of whether or not Imra gallantly gets out of the way. 

4. When J'onn's dad coined his word for a coffee/chocolate blend, I honestly thought he'd said: "covfefe". 



So, Lena goes dark because Supergirl/Kara wont trust her because she expects her to go dark? Oh the irony!

Oh, it's even more ironic if you survived five years of Merlin, since this is the EXACT thing that went down between Merlin and Morgana (also played by Katie). Girl must be getting serious dejavu when she reads these scripts.

Edited by Ravenya003
  • Love 8
8 hours ago, Jediknight said:

Man, Supergirl was a bit of a jerk to Lena in this episode.  They better not be thinking we should have sided with Supergirl during that, because we haven't seen Lena do nothing to deserve that and make us question if she's trustworthy.

Supergirl also lost her argument badly. Lena was right that there are many things that can kill humans... doesn't mean we all throw a fit if they exist. What about Supergirl herself... she is quite a threat.   I feel like season one Kara wouldn't be this immature. 

I am so ready for this plot to be over. I am so sick of Reign and Ruby. 

I don't know what they bothered to bring brainy in for. He and Winn are sort of the same character. But both need to take a back seat to Melissa's boyfriend, Mon-el. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, BooBear said:

Supergirl also lost her argument badly. Lena was right that there are many things that can kill humans... doesn't mean we all throw a fit if they exist. What about Supergirl herself... she is quite a threat.   I feel like season one Kara wouldn't be this immature.

And it could have been such an easy argument for Kara to make that wouldn't have made her sound so bad.  Just say "I trust you Lena.  I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me or my cousin, but what happens if somebody loyal to your brother or mom got access to your vault?  That's what I'm afraid of."

  • Love 5

Ruby is the gift that keeps on giving me headaches. I was hoping either she or Mon El was going to die this episode.

I loved Lena's line to Supergirl about having a God Complex. Every time Lena is with Kara, I feel she knows her true identity (she probably figured it out when Mon El returned earlier this season).

Surprised Lex didn't have Kryptonite as one of his defenses in the mansion.

Edited by mxc90
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Ruby is the gift that keeps on giving me headaches. I was hoping either she or Mon El was going to die this episode.

Ruby just drags down this show.  She's the Poochie of Supergirl, since nobody likes her but everyone is constantly talking about her.
And have they ever really explained why Reign wants Ruby -- to kill her because she also has undeveloped world-killing powers ?  Or just because Sam remembers Ruby ?

I'm still trying to figure out how Reign heard Ruby's voicemail she left -- does Sam still have one of those old school voicemail machines which virtually no one has anymore (voicemail is nearly always virtual these days) ?

8 minutes ago, mxc90 said:

Surprised Lex didn't have Kryptonite as one of his defenses in the mansion.

Is a house with those kinds of defenses in the hallway really the place you want a child running around ? 

I'm not sure why Reign just sat there and took the various assaults -- machine guns, flame, freezing -- when she could have just hopped over that section, or ran through it quickly (a la Supergirl, she is Kryptonian after all).

Smell ya later Betty Buckley -- you were a shitty mom to Sam.  Oh damn, she's not dead yet.

I also REALLY hate this "blood defines you" message that the show seems to be sending.  Now if they avoid the urge to turn Lena heel at some point then fair enough.  But this attitude that "we must assume the worst, simply because of who her family is, no matter what she does on her own or for how long" is a really toxic message to send to the audience.

  • Love 5

"And you knew 12 year old (going on 8) Ruby was going to mess things up by trying to contact mommy. Ugh."

Problem with the writing on CW's Supergirl is that I couldn't even be annoyed with Ruby. Alex annoyed me the most in that scenario. She just had to see Ruby, even tho Lena was (rightfully) hesitant to let her do so. Then she just leaves her (unpassword protected) phone out for anyone to thumb through it? Like....Brainy is right. There are no level 1 intellects in DEO. A true brain trust, they are

Edited by Gwen-Stacys
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, mxc90 said:

Ruby is the gift that keeps on giving me headaches. I was hoping either she or Mon El was going to die this episode.

If Mon-El dies then we'll know CW and MB broke up - otherwise he stays until the end.  I do admit that bearded Mon-El is better than clean shaven Mon-El, so I guess he's like the Will Riker of the show. 

That kryptonite pepper spray would have been far more useful than the rock they used at the end so where was it?

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, BooBear said:

I am so ready for this plot to be over. I am so sick of Reign and Ruby. 

I don't know what they bothered to bring brainy in for. He and Winn are sort of the same character. But both need to take a back seat to Melissa's boyfriend, Mon-el. 

Totally agree about R&R.  Unfortunately, ever since the writers pulled something right out of their asses and had Alex blubbering all of a sudden about wanting to be a Mom, I don't think it's too hard to figure out Ruby will feature prominently next year.  Already over it.

Uh, excuse me about Winn & Brainy taking a backseat to Mon-El.  Whether Chris is Melissa's boyfriend or not, he does a great job with what he's stuck with (and he's really easy on the eyes).  Except for less than a minute in the first episode of the season, he didn't reappear until episode 7.  And it's only been since after the break that he's gotten more than a few minutes per episode.  The writers had all that time to give Winn some good material, and J'onn, and James.  But instead they've devoted every spare minute they aren't featuring Kara AND Alex to building up every guest star and glorified extra (talking about you, M'yrnn).  I mean, think about how many new characters they have introduced this year.  That's where all the air time is going.

  • Love 2

I agree with the masses... Team Lena 1000% I was just as pissed with her as I was with superman when he came on the show and threw a tantrum at J'onn for the Deo having kryptonite... The argument that it shouldn't exist is laughable and Kara going bonkers and ordering Lena to hand it all over almost made me spit my juice out... I could have watched Lena tear into sanctimonious Susan for another 20 minutes after that... I do hope that after that elevator scene the show will tone done Kara's self-righteous attitude and have her try to make it up to Lena... And I hope we don't get another Kara talks down to James like we got last season ( in their only real interaction of  the show) 


Imra was being way too kind to Mon-el unless standards in the 31st have changed he was nowhere near honorable at almost every instance he was eye banging Kara and finding any reason to be near her all within the eyeline  of his wife... Who he says he loved.. Ive generally liked Mon-el the character... Not so much what was done to the rest of the show to feature him... But the guy himself was never that bad to me... And  tho he's more mature now.. This whole thing with Kara has been a bad look... And worse super predictable 


Looking Fwd to the James epi next week.. We'll also get some context as to who that girl was who stole the book from the colville ppl

  • Love 4

I feel positive that we're not supposed to see Kara as in the right. Sure, her apology to Lena sucked ass (NEVER go with a variation of 'I'm sorry....BUT....'), but the show also made sure that Lena didn't apologize for her actions. If she was in the wrong, she would have thrown in an apology as well. Plus, Lena's Kryptonite did help catch Reign, AND wasn't used against Supergirl. Plus, Kara got a dose of her own medicine with Lena telling her that she basically hated Supergirl because of her actions. I'd say that it could be a reality check for Kara, who has had a God complex all series, but not as bad as it's been this season. I like that they're actively portraying Kara as wrong instead of the wronged (looking at you, The Flash). I do think they've been setting up for Kara's downfall. Last episode, now that I think about it, had Kara complaining about being human in Sam's alt world, which is another hint that she does feel superior and like a God, and that being human really terrifies her.

Lena and James worked better for me in this episode. Now that we're getting scenes with them that's not mooning over the other, their relationship works ok for me. 

Mon-El and Kara restarting their romance? Eh, as long as it doesn't go in the direction of last season, then I may be able to tolerate it. It's annoying that they only started resetting them up in the last few episodes and it's a complete 180 from Mon-El being all about the 31st century, but whatever. Imra deserves better, I guess. I'm sad about her and Brainy leaving. I'd much rather they stayed. 

I really don't give a shit about Ruby. I don't like kids on superhero shows, and this is part of the reason why. They make dumb decisions, endanger their lives as well as everyone else's lives, and it's a weakness against the main characters to use by the villains. 

As much as I'd love to believe that Lena knows that Kara is Supergirl, I'm expecting the reveal that she doesn't, just because it's stupid and lazy writing, despite the fact that everything should point Lena in the Kara is Supergirl direction. This type of thing has happened before in the Arrowverse (HELLO Quentin). 

  • Love 4
4 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

Ive generally liked Mon-el the character... Not so much what was done to the rest of the show to feature him... But the guy himself was never that bad to me... And  tho he's more mature now.. This whole thing with Kara has been a bad look... And worse super predictable 

I've always liked the Mon-El character.  I thought he was a breath of fresh air last season and Chris Woods was really adept at the comedy.  But this season the writers, in trying to appease the Mon-El haters, have just ruined him.  Coming back married?  C'mon, show.  Having to apologize over and over for every stinking thing he did which really wasn't out of character for the way he was written?  Just lazy writing.  It's great he's more mature and heads up the Legion.  How about seeing more of that than pining away for Kara.  This won't end well.  And speaking of that, if they brought him back just to send him away again permanently, I'll probably stop watching the show.  Cause I ain't watching it to see Miss Oh So Super Perfect, that's for sure.  I watch it for Mon-El, Winn, Lena, and sometimes Alex and James.  

  • Love 3

Lena...just look at Kara. Now look at Supergirl. You've been in very close proximity to both of them...DO YOU SEE ANY SIMILARITIES?!

This is really ridiculous. I know we all joke around that Lena totally knows and is just messing with her but clearly that's not the intention here. I guess this is just one of those things we're supposed to go along with because it's a staple of all comic book heroes and their secret identities but jeez  - they've got this whole DEO thing going on so they could at least throw us a bone and say that Kara has some sort of gizmo in her glasses that makes her unrecognizable to humans.


So after all this time they have not developed earplugs for these screams?  This lazy writing is too much. 

It was one thing when they didn't know Reign had absorbed those other powers but the second time they faced her they knew. And still they didn't bring any protection. Winn can whip up a whole new suit for Alex and a new super weapon but earplugs are beyond their technology??


And, uh, Lex's saferoom had totally crappy defenses, especially for someone who would be most likely to hunt him down in this universe is Superman.

I know! There's just this metal box outside and all you have to do is punch it to make the house visible again! Great defense there.

How are Imra and Brainey getting back to the future? And how do they expect Mon El to eventually get back to the future without them? Or do they? I wasn't clear on that.

  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

How are Imra and Brainey getting back to the future? And how do they expect Mon El to eventually get back to the future without them? Or do they? I wasn't clear on that.

I think they're flying through an anomaly like the one that sent Mon-El to the future in the first place. Presumably now that have they it charted, Mon-El is supposed to be able t get back to it somehow.  (I'm not sure how he got back to Earth for that matter.  Did they turn around and drop him off or is there some kind of shuttle on their ship?)

  • Love 1

So we lose Brainy but keep Mon-el?  That's not fair.  Could we even keep Imra over Mon-el?  She's very easy on the eyes (yes, I'm shallow). But I also assume the whole Legion will show up for the big finale.

I know they have come up with excuses why Martian Manhunter stays out of the action, so he doesn't fix the problem in 5 minutes, and sometimes they do all right and sometimes they don't.  This was one of the latter.  I also agree with everyone else, why don't they call in Superman?  Reign wants to kill everyone on Earth (or just the bad people, they're somewhat nebulous) and last I checked, Metropolis is on Earth, dipshit (sorry, couldn't resist)

And Guardian takes off his helmet in the middle of his break-in?  I give them points for putting a bit of a twist on it.  I like that Alex finally gets a super-suit, (other than when she was mind-controlled a few seasons ago and was sent to fight Supergirl in the Kryptonite suit.  Speaking of which, does she still have that?  It might be useful right now)

And that scene in the elevator, the way Lena kept looking at Kara, she has to know.  Listen to her voice if nothing else.  Unless Supergirl deepens her voice like Starlord did in Infinity War, it's kind of a giveaway.  I'm also siding with Lena on this, Supergirl's kind of a hypocrite.

Lena: "It's best not to meet your idols, I can never trust Supergirl."

Kara: (thinking) What's this biting feeling on my ass?


Brainy: He actually thought he was a 1.42

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, Lugal said:

Unless Supergirl deepens her voice like Starlord did in Infinity War, it's kind of a giveaway. 

Starlord: "I'm not deepening my voice, that's the way I normally sound."  Rocket Racoon: "There, he did it again!!!!!"  Thor: "Are you mocking me???"

Man, it would be nice to get that kind of slapstick in SG every once in a while.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, Cranberry said:

The dumbest thing is that they actually DO have sonic-blocking tech Winn made for them when they fought Purity in episode 13, and they're just not using it! I understand that they didn't realize Reign had absorbed the other Worldkillers' powers (because they're all idiots who didn't grasp what was happening when the colorful energy from Purity and Pestilence literally flowed into Reign), but they weren't using the devices any of the other times they went out looking for the Worldkillers before this, either.

Half the characters keep saying "Pestulence" and it bugs me every time.

I'm 100% Team Lena in the Kryptonite debate. Like she said, there are so many ways humans could die and we don't ban all of them. Kara's an idiot to initially want to destroy the one weapon that can actually stop Reign. I also really hope that Lena was fucking with Kara in the elevator, because I can't believe that the smartest person on this whole show has no idea Kara is Supergirl.

But the writers will expect us to buy it. Even though Lena should clearly know Kara is Supergirl 

1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Last episode, now that I think about it, had Kara complaining about being human in Sam's alt world, which is another hint that she does feel superior and like a God, and that being human really terrifies her.

And then we had Clark from Smallville, who WISHED he were human, and on a regular basis hated his powers, because his powers always prevented him from being with the Pink Pestilence.

46 minutes ago, Lugal said:

I know they have come up with excuses why Martian Manhunter stays out of the action, so he doesn't fix the problem in 5 minutes, and sometimes they do all right and sometimes they don't.  This was one of the latter.

And this is just ridiculous. Not what you stated, but that Martian Manhunter can't fight alongside Kara; Hell, the DCAU, Justice League managed to have him fight along with his mates and it was a team effort. If these idiots can't figure out how to have Kara and J'onn fight together, then they need to watch episodes of DCAU's Justice League.

47 minutes ago, Lugal said:

and last I checked, Metropolis is on Earth, dipshit (sorry, couldn't resist)

I saw what you did there! And totally agree.

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I don't generally like kids, period, and am rarely if ever interested in watching them on my shows, especially action shows. But if you need to have a kid, for the love of all that's holy. either cast an actor the age they are supposed to be or else write them their actual age. The actress is fourteen and I think it basically shows, but I swear they write her half the time like she's eight or ten.


Given how much of a non-entity he is in most fights, either not showing up to help at all or being immediately incapacitated (Reign even made a point of going after him and initially ignored Kara) I sometimes wonder why they even bothered having J'onn on the show. Most of the time it's like they don't know what to with him or are afraid he will overshadow Kara. Which, frankly, he would if given half the chance. On the other hand, DH is such a great actor he tends to make the most out of what he is given, and he's great in the scenes with Carl Lumbly.


My TV signal was glitched all to hell a couple of weeks to go, which made seeing what was  happening a bit of a chore, and even I noticed all the power flowing out of Purity and Pestilence and into Reign when they died. How did Kara and Alex and Lena not?


I know a lot of people are hoping for a big 'shocking swerve' reveal but I'm pretty sure Lena does NOT know Kara is Supergirl. Given how pissed she was at the end there would be no reason for her to keep up the pretense. I do agree though that Lena was pretty much a hundred percent right and Kara (and Kal) come off as "I'm more important than you" when they declare kryptonite should not exist, period. I get it's the only substance in the world that can hurt you and you are right to be afraid of it, but you don't really have the right to tell other people what to do when they're not breaking the law or hurting anyone. If you don't want to associate with Lena because she has kryptonite fine, but sometimes I do think Lillian is like 10% right. Kryptonians are Earth do tend to think of themselves as better than everyone else on some level, it kind of comes with being a demigod, it's just that the two most prominent ones (Kara and Kal) are not, contrary to what she believes out to actually rule the world. You don't have to obey their will. unless of course you have kryptonite.

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