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S10.E04: War and P.O.S

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Dorinda: Mean drunk...yes, she is a pot stirrer...just for shits and giggles...who does this????

Sonja: Needs a therapist...stat. Maybe she should go back on anti- depressants or at least some mood stabilizers...yikes! And if you have so many friends in the Hamptons, why are you hanging out with these women?

Carol: So typical of people that run the marathon...brag, brag, brag..."look at what I did!" Enough!

Ramona: Wacky Ramona always boasting about how much money she has and that she's a self made woman. We get it...

Bethenny: She had some good one liners last night...I'll give her that.

Tinsley:  Good line to witch Sonja about shutting her legs...

LuAnn: Still has the knives out for Bethenny...not that Bethenny doesn't' deserve it. The braids were awful BTW.

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1 hour ago, film noire said:

Maybe she was endorsing a coupon to Sonja ; )




I dunno -- I don't think you have to hate Carole to hate how she handled that night.

She was greeted at the door by guests asking about her marathon win, and congratulating her for it, then sat at the head of the table (dressed like a victim of a Metallica tat-napping) scarfing back a meal prepared by professionals -- while also being toasted by her hostess and given a cake in her honour -  and then acted like she was eating human flesh at the Donner party.

The Princess Radziwill is a selfish & badly behaved guest.

HAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't see what her problem was either. The one time all the women are being supportive of her and saying well done and she's nitpicking all over the place.

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3 hours ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

But it's not on the highway! 

Montauk Highway or not, I thought Beth's investment property was lovely.  I hope we'll get to see the finished product.  What a life---being able to plop down 2M & renovations without batting an eye.  

I thought it looked really nice as well. It seems to sit far back from the road, so hopefully that will make it seem less like it's on the highway. Either way, I want an update. 


2 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

From what I remember of Dorinda's first season on the show - both she and Ramona talked about Richard's passing. Dorinda couldn't get out of bed, she cried 24/7 and wouldn't even leave her apartment. John was allegedly friends of Dorinda & Richard. She cried on his shoulders all the time. I always saw it as John made his move really quick with Dorinda - 6 months after his death. If she is still grieving to this day - and there are times she is really weepy - can you imagine what she was like 6 months after his death?

John is an opportunistic pig that took advantage of a grieving woman. He knew then she lost the love of her life.

This is how I've always seen it as well. I think he absolutely took advantage and swooped in for the kill. Maybe he always had a thing for her? I think Dorinda fell for the COMFORT her was given her. And I think she is STILL grieving; but now that the pain has abated some, she is not so much enamored with John-the-person. 


20 minutes ago, film noire said:

I dunno -- I don't think you have to hate Carole to hate how she handled that night.

She was greeted at the door by guests asking about her marathon win, and congratulating her for it, then sat at the head of the table (dressed like a victim of a Metallica tat-napping) scarfing back a meal prepared by professionals -- while also being toasted by her hostess and given a cake in her honour -  and then acted like she was eating human flesh at the Donner party.

The Princess Radziwill is a selfish & badly behaved guest -- she could (oh the shame of it! ;) learn a thing or two from the Countess, who (if not graciously, at least fairly quickly)  ate every last bite of her crow a la francaise.

I've always been back-and-forth on Carole, so I definitely don't hate her. But I agree that she came off really ungrateful in this instance. And I just had to quote your entire post because it was beautifully written. =)

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12 hours ago, phoenix780 said:

I'm one who thought this was fun, and I also credit Bethenny for helping with that. There are two things, though, that bug me. 

Tinsley tried really hard in that fight with Sonja, but I couldn't stop wondering where she pulled a check from. I haven't written a check in years, it's hard for me to imagine her just having one with her. So, I couldn't get into the scene. 

Also, Ramona. When they panned I caught a glimpse of a TV mounted to a wall, cables everywhere, cable box on a table. That's not the opulence I expect from the show, and I'm highly disappointed. 

The rest was amazing, exactly the kind of fun drama I need after a long day. My favorite moment was Luann pulling at her collar as she realized who she was chatting with. I love her when the character slips a bit (or a lot). Ramona's pact at brunch being immediately slaughtered was also a great scene. 

I still write checks for my rent lol I think she kept hearing how Sonja kept saying she never paid rent so brought the check with her to shut her up 

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14 hours ago, ryebread said:

His story about how he shaved his hair off on a bet and it never grew back?!  I don't think hair 'works' like that, Charlie Brown.

Happened exactly like that to my hubby

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Beth chastising Ramona for giving her two cents about something she hasn't seen/witnessed - pot, meet kettle.

Rocco was with Sonja at Dorinda's party, as Sonja's date. Rocco and Sonja date. So, what the hell was Otis yelling about? 


Dorinda is one mean, nasty drunk, I'm glad I don't know her.

She's also a liar and a shit-stirring bitch. I'm sure Richard would be proud. 

Dorinda shut down right quick when Sonja mentioned how they both lost the fathers of their daughters. The!Widow was obviously too busy stroking her hate boner to ever take that into any consideration.


It's just a cheap shot to call her a slut...especially when that's not the stuff that's making her annoying.

Exactly. It says far more about Dorinda, Tinsley (and Beth) that that's the road they choose to go down.


She was calling Tins a whore the whole time and then saying well if it wasnt a man keeping her it was her mother.....

Sonja never called Tinsley a whore; she just simply didn't. Carole - just as Dorinda did - took a conversation that she wasn't even present for, and spun it into something else for no other reason than to cause trouble.

I thought Dennis was Beth's soulmate? She acted like he was some stray that followed her into the party. Did she even introduce him to anybody? 

On WWHL, Carole called Beth a liar, full stop. It seems the crack in The Plastics is real.

Edited by jaync
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13 hours ago, Linderville said:

I'm sorry if I'm not posting this correctly. I'm kind of new at posting.

My husband left me a year ago on Christmas. We had been together 25 years. I had no clue anything was wrong. I thought we had a good marriage; friends told me they were envious. I loved my husband with all my heart and I would have died for him without hesitation. Thru our marriage, I had great anxiety about him dying and couldn't bear to think about losing my best friend. Now I realize, It would have been so much easier if he had died. I would not be suffering the rejection, that at 58, after cancer, I was no longer desirable to him. I get to live knowing he is now with somebody quite a bit younger. Worried I am going to see them together. It's really difficult not to picture all the things my husband said and did to me, he is now saying and doing to someone else. I am just as alone as if he had died.

Carole said you just go into court and sign a paper. Not exactly. My heart is truly broken. It's excruciating to know the person who was always on your side is now working against you. I lost my health insurance. He got half of my inheritance from my parents, half of the house I had paid off, before we were married. If he had died, I would be financially stable. I spent my whole life making sure I would be financially set in my older years, and now I'm not. At all. He is still fighting for more and I'm afraid to even open my email or listen to my phone messages. My best friend is now cold and heartless to me. I have spent a year in therapy, I've tried many antidepressants, I have been suicidal for the first time in my life. I can't even express to you the darkness this last year has been for me. I have lost his family, and I wouldn't have if he had died. I am just as alone as any widow, but I have to deal with a whole lot more. And I can't look at photographs for comfort, or think about sweet memories. They're all tainted and I'm not sure what was ever real now. I do not wish ill upon my husband, but no one is going to convince me that it wouldn't have been easier for me if he had died.

I'm editing this to say, I forgot the most important thing: if he had died, rather than left me, our love would still be intact.

I can totally empathize. 3 years into my marriage to my best friend she was diagnosed with cancer. Thankfully she is in remission, but it "changed" her. She had an affair and we split 3 years ago. While the financial stuff didn't happen to me and your marriage was much longer, I agree- it was a death to me. I am still not over her, or over it. And I can't move on. It would have been easier to had she died. 

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23 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

When Sonja was rambling, did she say that intern Connor waited on Tinsley hand and foot? 

Nope! She said Connor waited on her head and foot, which is completely different!

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15 minutes ago, jaync said:

Sonja never called Tinsley a whore; she just simply didn't. Carole - just as Dorinda did - took a conversation that she wasn't even present for, and spun it into something else for no other reason than to cause trouble.



Rewatch that party scene sorry Sonja was str8 up implying Tins was a whore and was being bankrolled for it by her ex. It wasn’t second hand gossip she was sitting at the table talking mad smack about her then says well if he wasn’t payin for things then her mother was. Sonja is so beyond jealous of tins it’s not even funny. Why attack her about anyone paying for anything she does what does that have anything to do with Sonja nothing she’s just pissed she’s not a trust fund girl point blank period so she slanders tinsley to make her self feel better 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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16 hours ago, chewycandy said:

Luann’s “ohhhh” after Bethenny said yeah THIS is the guy made the episode for me.


Me, too! I also LOL'd at Dorinda's TH of this scene!  I honestly thought Lu did not know this was "the guy" that she spoke of during the reunion. 

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2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I also think that Sonja is coming to the realization that Quincy is 17/18 yo and maybe her alimony/support stops soon and will truly have to be on her own.  

That WOULD be scary.  

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Rewatch that party scene sorry Sonja was str8 up implying Tins was a whore and was being bankrolled for it by her ex.

A kept woman and whore aren't mutually exclusive, and the implication that they are is subjective. Sonja never called Tinsley a whore.

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32 minutes ago, cheewhiz said:

Happened exactly like that to my hubby

I worked with a guy when I was a hairdresser who had been in Vietnam and wore a toupe.  He told me that when they shaved his head the clippers were too hot (I think its been 30 years since he told me this) and it never grew back.  I always kinda um ok but I do believe it now.

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"Where's the memorabilia?"  My favorite line of the night.

And, yeah, as others have said, Dorinda includes Richard in her conversations because he was beloved, she created years of memories with him, and he was a family member.  We don't even know the first name of old man Morgan.

Sonja is in trouble because she signed a seven million contract and spent a whole lot more money  trying to fight it.  On Radio Andy, Jeff Lewis said that Sonja is desperate for money.  I agree that her behavior is at least partially to make sure she keeps her apple.  Sonja has tried so many ways to make money.  Girl, pull yourself together and go husband hunting.  It could be your only hope.

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30 minutes ago, jaync said:

A kept woman and whore aren't mutually exclusive, and the implication that they are is subjective. Sonja never called Tinsley a whore.

Sonja was doing the whore jab everyone at that table knew she was basically calling tinsley a whore why do you think it got her so upset?  the way Sonja was talkin was implying she can’t take care of herself and she slept with him for the money aka she was whoring. These are the little jabs that people keep letting her get away with ...oh she really didn’t mean it THAT way. No she meant it that way and everyone at that party knew it 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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53 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

I wonder if Quincy carries the heavy burden of knowing she will be supporting her mother all of her life.  I'm sure Sonja is living vicariously through her.

I hope Quincy is wise enough to see that her mother needs medical attention, and I also hope there is family support (father, aunts, uncles, etc.) who could help Quincy figure it all out, since she is still so young.

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I do not believe Dennis shaved his hair and never grew back. If you're shaving it it just cuts it off to it's shortest level, you have to lose the root for it to not grow back. I know there's more to it but just shaving, uh, no. Think of how many men who came back from basic training would be permanently bald. Women wouldn't have to shave their underarms/legs if this were true and men wouldn't have to shave their beards...?  I mean c'mon....

Some men just can't admit they went bald. I knew two men who told gf's of mine about these ridiculous "accidents" they were in and that's why they were bald and had to wear toupees/weaves.

Edited by Ki-in
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1 minute ago, Ki-in said:

I do not believe Dennis shaved his hair and never grew back. If you're shaving it it just cuts it off to it's shortest level, you have to lose the root for it to not grow back. I know there's more to it but just shaving, uh, no.

Some men just can't admit they went bald. I knew two men who told gf's of mine about these ridiculous "accidents" they were in and that's why they were bald and had to wear toupees/weaves.

I agree.  I also give the side eye to women who say they shaved their eyebrows once and they never grew back.  I've been plucking the same chin hairs for decades.

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10 minutes ago, Pattycake2 said:

I agree.  I also give the side eye to women who say they shaved their eyebrows once and they never grew back.  I've been plucking the same chin hairs for decades.

That did happen to a cousin of mine.  I have no idea how it works but she is hairless where they are supposed to be.  

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18 minutes ago, Pattycake2 said:

I agree.  I also give the side eye to women who say they shaved their eyebrows once and they never grew back.  I've been plucking the same chin hairs for decades.


7 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

That did happen to a cousin of mine.  I have no idea how it works but she is hairless where they are supposed to be.  

Same here, with my aunt.  For the rest of her life, she penciled in her eyebrows, taking a cue from Wilma Flintstone's half-circles over her eyes.  

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8 hours ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Right! There should have been a folding table with cups of water at the front door and when guests arrive they grab a cup, take a swig, throw the rest of the floor, and keep it moving.

Hello!  The finish line tape!  Where was the finish line tape!?!  ?

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4 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

Dorinda needs  to take her own advice. She constantly lives in the past with Richard. She continues to talk about him even though she's been with John for a long time. She reminds me of my Mom's friend. The first time I met her she talked in length about her dead husband. Even though she has remarried for a long time now. The way she spoke about  her deceased husband's death it sounded recent even though he had died over 35 years ago.  

Losing a spouse to death is difficult but to diminish Sonja's experience of losing a spouse over divorce is short-sighted. Divorce is extremely stressful. Take a look at what Bethenny went through, or even Ramona, who had a very public scandal with dirty dog Mario screwing his mistress in their Hampton's home. That shit can take a long time to get over especially if the ex is vindictive. 

However, I think Sonja misses the lifestyle, the parties, the endless amounts of cash rather than being with old man Morgan. She misses flouncing about saying she's Lady Morgan. She unwisely spent her money on stupid deals, and dumb ideas (toaster oven) and now her only asset is a home that is falling apart. The delusion is strong in that one.  She has been using unpaid interns  so she can mask this illusion of believing she's still somebody although she has the help using magic marker to hide the scuff marks out on her old designer bags and shoes. 


A couple of funny quotes:

Ramona: "You need to move on!"

Sonja: "You need to move on from that dress, that's for sure."


Dorinda:  "Liar Liar, ho on fire."


Bethenny: "We'd have to go back to the fucking 70's to find this glass" 

Dorinda does talk about Richard/their marriage a lot but his death was only 6 years before this was filmed, whereas Sonja had been divorced 11 years when this was filmed. Dorinda talks about Richard (the man/person), Sonja, on the other hand talks about the lifestyle she had, not her ex husband.

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8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

He is bland

Jason The First was bland, Jason The Ex was bland, Dennis is bland.  I cannot even imagine a man with more personality than the three of ^them, being able to even grab oxygen with Bethenny.  At least she is self aware enough to know what kind of man to collect.

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17 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Why does Sonja remind me of Lola from Barry Manilow's song "Copacabana"?  I can totally picture her, sitting in the corner, "in the dress she used to wear, faded feathers in her hair, and drinks herself half-blind".

OMG! I was just recently playing this song on repeat and just when I finally get it out of my head, here you come with the comment!  Lol!  True though!  

?? . . . She not only lost her 'Morgan', but she lost her Mind! At the 'Casa', 'Casa de Morgan'  ??

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8 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Luanne looked like she borrowed her pink sweater from an ostrich Muppet.

I beg your pardon.  Ostrich Schmostrich.

miss piggy.jpg

8 hours ago, OFDgal said:

I think it's creepy of Sonja to be going through people's closets and then wearing their clothes/slippers.  I would be pissed if my houseguest came down wearing anything of mine.  Talk about no boundaries.

Yeah, Bravo would have to cough up significant hazard pay for me to be host to her twice.

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1 hour ago, coops said:

HAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't see what her problem was either. The one time all the women are being supportive of her and saying well done and she's nitpicking all over the place.

Carole Raz is what you call a snob and a half.

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1 hour ago, jaync said:

Dorinda shut down right quick when Sonja mentioned how they both lost the fathers of their daughters. The!Widow was obviously too busy stroking her hate boner to ever take that into any consideration.

Except Quincy still very much has her father in her life, and Sonja's daughter will never see Richard again. 


1 hour ago, WhoaWhoKnew said:

Nope! She said Connor waited on her head and foot, which is completely different!

Well, weren't they hats? The items Tinsley had delivered that day?

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15 hours ago, film noire said:

I'm so sorry you're living through such a brutal & unexpected reversal in your life, Linderville -- hope the light finds you soon.

I second this, Linderville.  I truly hope you find peace very soon.  

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2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Except Quincy still very much has her father in her life, and Sonja's daughter will never see Richard again. 


Well, weren't they hats? The items Tinsley had delivered that day?

Yes, Quincy's dad is very much alive but so is Hannah's dad, Ralph Lynch (he lives in London), Richard was Hannah's step father. 

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2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

can someone please tell us (in order), the best area/town/neighborhood, to live in the Hamptons?  Maybe a top 5 or 6.  with all these shows I watch, you'd like I'd know by now.  :) 

Ramona could have used today's Google image for her marathon themed party.....

I can only mention one, and I’d take it in a heartbeat: next-door to Ina & Jeffrey Garten!

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1 hour ago, coops said:

She was greeted at the door by guests asking about her marathon win, and congratulating her for it, then sat at the head of the table (dressed like a victim of a Metallica tat-napping) scarfing back a meal prepared by professionals -- while also being toasted by her hostess and given a cake in her honour -  and then acted like she was eating human flesh at the Donner party.

She still felt the need to complain that it was a buffet.  What a piece of work!

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27 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Dorinda does talk about Richard/their marriage a lot but his death was only 6 years before this was filmed, whereas Sonja had been divorced 11 years when this was filmed. Dorinda talks about Richard (the man/person), Sonja, on the other hand talks about the lifestyle she had, not her ex husband.

Yeah, but she can't go off on Sonja living in the past when that is what Dorinda is essentially doing as well every time speaks of her life with Richard.  Tit for tat and all that!

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5 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Yes, Quincy's dad is very much alive but so is Hannah's dad, Ralph Lynch (he lives in London), Richard was Hannah's step father. 

Richard is the one that raised Hanna tho she knows him has her father just because he was her step father doesn’t take away that’s the father Hanna bonded with and knows 

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18 hours ago, TomGirl said:

With all their (many!) faults, these are attractive, wealthy and mostly successful women.  I’m amazed they can’t find any men better than the likes of Tom, Dennis, John, etc.  Not one man on this show is attractive or otherwise appealing (except boy toy Adam).  I don’t get it.

Welcome to the real world lol. Dating at any age sucks. There's no alot to choose from. I think it's normal for Dorinda to talk about Richard. It's traumatic when  your spouse dies. It is very different than divorce even if the divorce wasn't ur choice. Carole still talks about Anthony. Sonya talking about her divorce like it just happened recently is creepy. I'm all for no time limit on grief but Sonya actually seems to believe it just happened. She wants to play the victim and that's the best she can come up with. All these women have suffered turmoil and loss. Bethany went thru a horrible divorce. Ramona who thought she had the perfect husband had a messy embarrassing divorce and has to start all over while Mario frolics with women a few years older than Avery. 

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18 hours ago, TomGirl said:

With all their (many!) faults, these are attractive, wealthy and mostly successful women.  I’m amazed they can’t find any men better than the likes of Tom, Dennis, John, etc.  Not one man on this show is attractive or otherwise appealing (except boy toy Adam).  I don’t get it. 

Edited by kira28
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2 hours ago, coops said:

HAHAHAHAHA! I couldn't see what her problem was either. The one time all the women are being supportive of her and saying well done and she's nitpicking all over the place.

Miss Razz mentioned it was a buffet ..  Didn't she just run a marathon?  She couldn't get up and make herself a plate or was the walk too far to the table?  LOL.

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13 minutes ago, Barbara Please said:

Yeah, but she can't go off on Sonja living in the past when that is what Dorinda is essentially doing as well every time speaks of her life with Richard.  Tit for tat and all that!

Dorinda isn't "living" in the past, she reminisces about Richard. Sonja still acts like she still owns a yacht and will be on it next week. 

10 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said:

Richard is the one that raised Hanna tho she knows him has her father just because he was her step father doesn’t take away that’s the father Hanna bonded with and knows 

Dorinda and Richard were married for 6 years, Hannah was 10 when they married and 16 when he died and she spent time with her dad during those years as well. I am not saying that she/Richard weren't close but that her dad is still alive and that they spend time together.

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2 hours ago, film noire said:

...from the Countess, who (if not graciously, at least fairly quickly)  ate every last bite of her crow a la francaise.

HA! I so love this line - well done!

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I'm laughing with y'all about what theme decorations Carole expected at her celebratory dinner.  Water and gatorade cups have been mentioned on a side table.  I think I would add a port potty on the front lawn and gu or hammer gels for dessert.  And I would not mention it until I saw Carole act so poorly but an almost 7 hour marathon run is nothing to be proud of.  Sorry.

It has been mentioned ad infinitum (oops, wrong franchise) and I am one who also thinks there is something quite off about Sonja.  I'm not a mental health professional but she needs some professional help.  

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I agree that Sonja seems to have something seriously wrong with her. I don't think she's putting this on. I can feel flashes of sympathy, but there is a history of mental illness and personality disorder in my family and I don't want to see it on TV as "entertainment."

I also don't have a whole lot of sympathy for people who have access to help, but refuse to get it. If it is a mental illness, she's been made aware of it,  clearly,  that's what the pills she was addressing were supposed to help and the retreat,  but as she said,  she didn't like gaining weight. So she stopped taking her meds. My other issue is that not only does she seem to have the cognitive dissonance thing,  or such extreme narcissism that it may as well be,  but she is deliberately cruel. I can't forgive that or explain it away. I just don't want to see her anymore. 

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13 minutes ago, albarino said:

And I would not mention it until I saw Carole act so poorly but an almost 7 hour marathon run is nothing to be proud of.  Sorry.

She ran. I know ladies who have suffered more and longer in childbirth. Now that’s a real prize...brining home a baby. She needs this accomplishment because she’s making up for other experiences she will never have. 

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29 minutes ago, TV Diva Queen said:

Where did Dorinda get all her money, I thought Richard was a professor?  Or maybe I made that up.....I tend to do that sometimes.

He started as a legislative aide and speechwriter. He formed a consulting company and a finance magazine. He worked for some hedge funds and George Soros. He might have been an adjunct somewhere. He did have a Ph.D.

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