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S08.E19: Reunion Part 1

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9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Then why all the hate from Rinna directed at Lisa, nothing else makes sense. Rinna got an enormous amount of backlash after Munchausengate and she tried to blame MG on Lisa during the second half of the season, which is when the viewers turned against her. 

She is now doing to Erika what she does to Lisa, but not as much or as bad. Kyle thinks that if you don't stand up and tell whoever she is ticked off at off, you aren't defending her. 

No, Rinna/Lisa got along fine Rinna's first season, then came Munchausengate and Eileen convincing her that Lisa was to blame for Rinna bringing it to the show. Yolanda somewhat forgave Rinna because Eileen convinced her that this was all Lisa's fault and that she was an innocent victim of Lisa's manipulating ways, which put her on better terms with Yolanda and therefore Erika, who was Yolanda's biggest defender. Also, Erika needs a sidekick now that sycophant Eileen is gone and Rinna fits the bill.

Your memory is so wonderful!!! Thank you for clarifying, Wirewrap! (and if you feel like explaining your username, feel free!)

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

I liked Kyle’s new teeth, and her hair. The dress she wore didn’t do much for me, but it was low key and comfortable so I approve. (Just once I’d like to see a housewife show up for a reunion in jeans and a sweater with minimal makeup). Not sure, but is Kyle letting some gray in her hair- au natural style? 

I have read through every post to see if anyone noticed Kyle's teeth!  What exactly did she have done to them?  Also did she have colored contacts? I don't remember her eyes being green.

Erika has the most beautiful skin and face to me.    

I know this isn't the reason Dorit didn't name a bathing suit after Teddi but 'Teddi' and 'Mellencamp' would be odd names for one.

I think Yolanda is the reason Lisa R's children have had any problems getting jobs, not Lisa V.

Hated all the glittery dresses...ugh.

  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, Boofish said:

But she did herself no favors last night.  Not sure why of all her personalities she chose Bitchasaurus Rex for the reunion. 

Meagan McCain saying Teddi got a job because of her last name. If I had stitches I would have busted them laughing. SHUT UP MEG

Great post.  Bitchasaurus Rex. I'm dying! 

  • Love 15
20 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

OMG, I just want to be mean and say something about her lips resembling a rectum, her how too BJ book and the rumors that HH is gay but...............Oh, I guess I just did!  Off to the corner I go!  LOL

lol i kinda wish lisav would have made a snarky comment about how Cedric is a liar that hurt her family, it would be like  all those rumors about HH hurting their family years ago. Just to see rinnas head explode.

  • Love 7
50 minutes ago, SweetieDarling said:

How many times does Erika have to tell Kyle that she doesn't have any issues with her before Kyle will believe her and STFU about Dorit causing issues between them? Maybe Kyle really doesn't listen, I mean, she's actually arguing with Erika about it.

In this case, I think it's Erika not listening. Or understanding. I never thought that Kyle thought Erika really had a problem with her, or needed reassurance in that area. I thought what Kyle wanted was for Erika to back her up so that DORIT would realize there was no issue. I do agree that Kyle should just let it go, because she knows Erika was never mad at her about that. And Dorit is so delusional, you can't get through to her. But Dorit was the one who brought up panty-gate and re-implicated Kyle in it. So I think that while Kyle was defending herself, she was hoping Erika would jump in and say, "Kyle's right, Dorit. That was all on you." I think Erika missed that, though. 


47 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I couldn’t remember much about Cedric, so I googled him. There’s an article from early 2017 in which he claims some pretty embarrassing things about her.

Did Rinna hate LVP before Munchausen?

Why are Rinna and Erika friends if Rinna implied that Yolanda suffered from Munchausen? I thought Erika was TeamYolanda.  

I resent needing to remember 8 seasons of this silly show in order to understand these women’s grudges.

Girl, I feel like I need Cliff's Notes every year. My memory is practically non-existent. If it weren't for this forum, I'd give up all hope of understanding. 


30 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think it was shade to Teddi. Teddi would not be on this show without the famous last name. I wonder if that is how her agent pitched her to be on the show - the possibility of a John cameo.

Hmmm, I didn't think of that. I just thought it was typical Rinna - who has no shame about hustling, asking for freebies, etc. I thought she just really wanted to meet him! 


24 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Then why all the hate from Rinna directed at Lisa, nothing else makes sense. Rinna got an enormous amount of backlash after Munchausengate and she tried to blame MG on Lisa during the second half of the season, which is when the viewers turned against her. 

Right, but that was ages ago, comparatively speaking. And they've shown her daughters getting plenty of work THIS season. Again, I know little and less about these allegations of the Hadidn'ts missing jobs, and the truthfulness of these claims. But it sounded to me like it was something more recent. So I'm not sure what Rinna would have to blame LVP on in regards to that. And she hasn't said that, as far as I'm concerned. *shrug* I just don't see it. 

Those two have been sniping at each other for years. I think, in regards to what we've seen this season, Rinna probably didn't like LVP trying to shame her into acting "naughty" again when she has been behaving so well. 

  • Love 10
11 minutes ago, AnnieHeights said:

I have read through every post to see if anyone noticed Kyle's teeth!  What exactly did she have done to them?  Also did she have colored contacts? I don't remember her eyes being green.

Erika has the most beautiful skin and face to me.    

I know this isn't the reason Dorit didn't name a bathing suit after Teddi but 'Teddi' and 'Mellencamp' would be odd names for one.

I think Yolanda is the reason Lisa R's children have had any problems getting jobs, not Lisa V.

Hated all the glittery dresses...ugh.

I also suspect Yolanda is the reason as well but Rinna blames Munchausengate on Lisa, never mind she was the one to bring it to the show not Lisa, therefore Lisa is the reason Yolanda may have said something to hurt her daughters modeling careers. 

  • Love 5

Back in the day when the likes of Brandi and Kim were around, it was very obvious what the arguments were about.  Things were actually thrown across the table in fury.  But after watching this season and part 1 of the reunion I still don't get what Kyle is so upset about.  I do believe Dorit (of the crazy eyes) likes to shit stir and then plead ignorance.  I wouldn't miss her if she left.

I was surprised to learn that the swimsuit line is apparently doing well.  They probably cost a fortune, but they didn't seem anything special or particularly attractive.

I'm hoping the BH ladies take a leaf from the NY housewives book and lighten up with the heavy makeup and silly ugly costumes to sit down to a meal they never eat.  And that they actually have FUN for once instead of being on high alert for some slight or other.   

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

When it was brought up that Dorit had not named one of her swimsuits after Teddi, Teddi should not have been offended in the slightest.  I would have been offended it Dorit had named one of those ill-fitting and poorly designed "creations" after me.  THAT would have been the insult.

I would have loved if Teddi said it's okay I can pay the same people to make me a bathing suit like Dorit did, and name it "the petty" lol  or she could have said it didn't bother me a bikini is a bikini is a bikini.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, Jel said:

Well that makes us even, Duke2801, because I'm confused by your question.

Because you seem to be implying - with your comment - that it is somehow Teddi's "fault" that she has a famous father.  Or that she's been bragging about him to inflate her own importance, or acting as if she is more important or interesting that the other housewives because of his well-known musical status. 

But it's possible I inferred your comment incorrectly.   

5 hours ago, WireWrap said:

The one that only Lisa, Kyle and Dorit went too right after the lawsuit against Lisa/Ken was thrown out of court. Lisa walked out when Kyle decided to make it all about her and not talk about how worried Lisa/Ken were about the lawsuit and how happy they were when it was over. 


4 hours ago, dosodog said:

What wirewrap said!  Hee!

At the Pally?  I'm a bit confused about the name of the restaurant.


Ahhh OK there were so many dang dinners this season that I can't keep them all straight! 

For some reason I was thinking you meant that dinner in NYC where Dorit did a lot of shit-talking about LisaV. And I was like--wait Kyle wasn't even there!  LOL 

Edited by Duke2801
wrong Lisa!
  • Love 11
2 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

In this case, I think it's Erika not listening. Or understanding. I never thought that Kyle thought Erika really had a problem with her, or needed reassurance in that area. I thought what Kyle wanted was for Erika to back her up so that DORIT would realize there was no issue. I do agree that Kyle should just let it go, because she knows Erika was never mad at her about that. And Dorit is so delusional, you can't get through to her. But Dorit was the one who brought up panty-gate and re-implicated Kyle in it. So I think that while Kyle was defending herself, she was hoping Erika would jump in and say, "Kyle's right, Dorit. That was all on you." I think Erika missed that, though. 


Girl, I feel like I need Cliff's Notes every year. My memory is practically non-existent. If it weren't for this forum, I'd give up all hope of understanding. 


Hmmm, I didn't think of that. I just thought it was typical Rinna - who has no shame about hustling, asking for freebies, etc. I thought she just really wanted to meet him! 


Right, but that was ages ago, comparatively speaking. And they've shown her daughters getting plenty of work THIS season. Again, I know little and less about these allegations of the Hadidn'ts missing jobs, and the truthfulness of these claims. But it sounded to me like it was something more recent. So I'm not sure what Rinna would have to blame LVP on in regards to that. And she hasn't said that, as far as I'm concerned. *shrug* I just don't see it. 

Those two have been sniping at each other for years. I think, in regards to what we've seen this season, Rinna probably didn't like LVP trying to shame her into acting "naughty" again when she has been behaving so well. 

No, Rinna said that the reason she changed her attitude on the show was because her daughters lost modeling work because of this show, which would mean that she made that decision before filming for this season began based on things that happened, at the very least, last season. Rinna's level of hate toward Lisa is at an all time high IMO.

6 minutes ago, Duke2801 said:

Because you seem to be implying - with your comment - that it is somehow Teddi's "fault" that she has a famous father.  Or that she's been bragging about him to inflate her own importance, or acting as if she is more important or interesting that the other housewives because of his well-known musical status. 

But it's possible I inferred your comment incorrectly.   



Ahhh OK there were so many dang dinners this season that I can't keep them all straight! 

For some reason I was thinking you meant that dinner in NYC where Dorit did a lot of shit-talking about LisaR. And I was like--wait Kyle wasn't even there!  LOL 

I understand completely, these lunches/dinners tend to blur together at the end of the season! LOL

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Agree to disagree. I don't think either are playing games. I think they are both just flawed human beings. I think Kyle can definitely be jealous and insecure. And I think LVP can be guarded and hold grudges. She can be a bit spiteful at times. I think Kyle listens, but she's ditzy. I have a HORRIBLE memory so I'm not going to lambaste her for that. I now recall LVP mentioning that before, but I do think this season she acted in a way that belied she was closer with Dorit than she really was. 


I agree that her tone was bad. I thought her intention actually was gracious. I thought she was basically trying to say "John Mellencamp is way too high of a caliber to come romp around the stage with me and my latex and backup dancers." And I agree with that. But yea, she had an edge to her comments all night. I got the feeling something else was wrong and it was affecting her entire mood. 

I sensed respect for John Mellencamp in her comment, but disdain that she had to respond to something positive in relation to Teddie...if that makes any sense,

  • Love 23
9 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Hmmm, I didn't think of that. I just thought it was typical Rinna - who has no shame about hustling, asking for freebies, etc. I thought she just really wanted to meet him!

I'm sure Rinna would like to meet him.

I also think back to the way Teddi was introduced to this show. Play dates for her kids and Dorit as the tie-in.

Teddi had no true connections to the franchise. I don't see Bravo scouting her to offer her a diamond. I see more of Teddi getting an agent and sending in an audition tape. What is the pitch? I'm an accountability coach, my husband has a security firm, I have 2 kids, I love horses, I hate clothes, I hate any kind of shopping, I'm frugal, I hate fashion. I don't think that would have gotten her foot in the door without the by the way my dad is John Mellancamp. Other wives hired for the spot have had some sort of celebrity tie-in and the crazy factor.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Then why all the hate from Rinna directed at Lisa, nothing else makes sense. Rinna got an enormous amount of backlash after Munchausengate and she tried to blame MG on Lisa during the second half of the season, which is when the viewers turned against her. 

She is now doing to Erika what she does to Lisa, but not as much or as bad. Kyle thinks that if you don't stand up and tell whoever she is ticked off at off, you aren't defending her. 

No, Rinna/Lisa got along fine Rinna's first season, then came Munchausengate and Eileen convincing her that Lisa was to blame for Rinna bringing it to the show. Yolanda somewhat forgave Rinna because Eileen convinced her that this was all Lisa's fault and that she was an innocent victim of Lisa's manipulating ways, which put her on better terms with Yolanda and therefore Erika, who was Yolanda's biggest defender. Also, Erika needs a sidekick now that sycophant Eileen is gone and Rinna fits the bill.

I think Rinna was referring to last season when she got "hammered" by the fans.  Rinna's behavior was horrific and she never owned it-she put equal blame on PK and Dorit.  Rinna makes herself the center of a controversy and this season no one cares.  Teddi tried stirring it up but deep down Rinna has to realize she went way to far with the way she treated the Kemsleys and making up the cocaine allegations.  

After Rinna screwed up and mentioned Munchausen's on air, when she could not deflect, she then decided to pit Kyle against LVP.  Kyle wanted the Munchausen allegation out there as much as anyone and it was all over Yolanda getting paid to do pretty much nothing.  LVP and Yolanda had been at odds for years.  

Erika cold not be any clearer to Kyle she supports her.  Supporting a person does not necessarily mean deriding another.  Kyle has an awfully guilty conscience to me, as she constantly has to affirm her love of Erika.  Kyle insists that Erika consider Kyle her number one friend.  Just as she is doing with Teddi this year-Teddi is Kyle's mini-me, except she can't ride horses.  So she is allowed to see LVP.  

Erika is being the adult in the situation-she can be friends with both Rinna and Yolanda.  Yolanda doesn't even live on the same coast any longer.  It is not as if these women spends tons of time with each other in the off season.  Even the Kyle/LVP situation has been overblown.  LVP gets honors and you don't see her good friend Kyle in attendance, just like good friend Kyle couldn't make time in her busy schedule to see Erika on DWTS.  These women treat a semi-annual off camera dinner together or attending Coachella as if it is proof of some eternal bond.  LVP doesn't attend Kyle's birthday parties (Camille does).  In mid-season, when Teddi was being interviewed it was all about how wonderful LVP is and that she and Kyle text everyday.  Seems Teddi has cooled a little on LVP-until she needs an on camera horse riding buddy.

For years I questioned people when they called Kyle a high school mean girl antics, any doubts I had were removed and exacerbated this season.

  • Love 6
41 minutes ago, Boofish said:

Oh my .. you ride hard for her and I'm always here for that

But she did herself no favors last night.  Not sure why of all her personalities she chose Bitchasaurus Rex for the reunion. 

Meagan McCain saying Teddi got a job because of her last name. If I had stitches I would have busted them laughing. SHUT UP MEG

Oh my God!  Seriously!   Talk about a total lack of self awareness Meg!

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Who knew LVP wielded that kind of power? How did she manage to manipulate the general public into not buying RInna's clothes, and photographers and magazines into not hiring the Hadidn'ts?

I can get Rinna's style of clothes at effing WalMart for half the price and I don't have to look at her in the bargain.  

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, janie2002 said:

She went after Dorit, after LVP after Yolanda. 

And it's No. 3 on that list who probably has MORE influence over the Hamlin Boredom Duo's (lack of) career than anything else.  Gigi and Bella Hadid were plenty pissed about what Rinna said about their mother.  And I imagine they have enough clout in the business to say "I don't want to work with the Hamlin duds" and that will be that.  

  • Love 7

Seating is important in Andy Cohen's world. Why did Lisa Rinna and Erika get assigned to the last seat on the couch? I expected Teddi to be on the end.  I think that we can expect Kyle and LVP to be seated next to Andy unless something extraordinary happens. Andy loves VP Rules. 

Teddi doesn't really seem to fit on this show. RHoOC is a better fit for her. I can easily see her sparing with Tamra Judge or Vicki. Teddi looks petrified whenever Erika comes for her. Teddi is out of her league with these BH women. 

Unfortunately, Dorit will be back next season. I am already dreading it. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Wow, Angela Bassett looked awful in that pic.  Hope that is just a bad pic and not an indication of horrible plastic surgery, cause that's kind of what it looks like. She has always been such a  gorgeous woman.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, mwell345 said:

Finally, the line of the night was Andy's "Vogue" comment.  I know he's the devil incarnate most of the time, but  I do love when he gets bitchy.  I can hear Dorit now crying to PK:  "How dare Andy insult me like that? This was supposed to be MY night where I found MY voice, and got to sit  on the Cool Girls couch, and he ruined it for me."

Maybe she'll summon Andy to the bathroom with her and PK and read him the riot act for not sticking up for her a la Kim The Wig Zolziak.  

I'm going to go ahead and admit I didn't hate Dorit's hair (the only thing I don't hate about her).  I've seen that look before and I myself own a few blinged out bobbypins, but I definitely think it would have looked better had she had 3-4 of them rather than 25. 

That whole exchange Andy had with Erika about her book was hella weird.  I really want to know what the story is there.

  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, Showthyme said:

Seating is important in Andy Cohen's world. Why did Lisa Rinna and Erika get assigned to the last seat on the couch? I expected Teddi to be on the end.  I think that we can expect Kyle and LVP to be seated next to Andy unless something extraordinary happens. Andy loves VP Rules. 

Teddi doesn't really seem to fit on this show. RHoOC is a better fit for her. I can easily see her sparing with Tamra Judge or Vicki. Teddi looks petrified whenever Erika comes for her. Teddi is out of her league with these BH women. 

Unfortunately, Dorit will be back next season. I am already dreading it. 

If being out of her league with the BH women is based on Teddi looking petrified whenever Erika comes for her, I think most of us would be out of that league!  Erika is one scary mo fo when she's "losing her temper",

  • Love 7
10 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

If being out of her league with the BH women is based on Teddi looking petrified whenever Erika comes for her, I think most of us would be out of that league!  Erika is one scary mo fo when she's "losing her temper",

It was interresting to hear about Teddi’s Professional background, EVERYTHING starts at that mailroom.

I doubt that she is really scared of Erika after working for agents. Lol

  • Love 10
4 hours ago, WireWrap said:

Without a doubt, they can be nasty to the HWs on SM. That still doesn't excuse her from blaming Lisa for how viewers reacted to her behavior and, IMO, she is.


Blaming? Maybe. She's angry at LVP for her ongoing bitchy provocative behaviors and commentary. LVP pushes and pushes and then, when people finally have had enough and react, she retreats into wounded reserve, claiming British humor -- sorry, humour -- and misunderstanding. Yes, LVP saves dogs and we all applaud her for that and yes, Rinna doesn't have to react to LVP's poking but, hey, she's human and she does.

Edited by SCS
  • Love 7
2 hours ago, AnnieHeights said:

I have read through every post to see if anyone noticed Kyle's teeth!  What exactly did she have done to them?  Also did she have colored contacts? I don't remember her eyes being green.


Kyle went to a famous cosmetic dentist in NYC and got all new veneers. Her natural teeth were a bit small and she was apparently self conscious about them- smiling with her mouth closed. She’s flashing a megawatt mouth of shiny new teeth now! 

I am super jealous, as I need a full mouth reconstruction but am putting it off for as long as possible. 

I thought Kyle’s eyes were always hazel ish green, but wouldn’t doubt her using colored contacts. 

Edited by Juliegirlj
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, SCS said:


Blaming? Maybe. She's angry at LVP for her ongoing bitchy provocative behaviors and commentary. LVP pushes and pushes and then, when people finally have had enough and react, she retreats into wounded reserve, claiming British humor -- sorry, humour -- and misunderstanding. Yes, LVP saves dogs and we all applaud her for that and yes, Rinna doesn't have to react to LVP's poking but, hey, she's human and she does.

I thought Rinna was hilarious on her Instagram.

Comments about LVP talking about having sex with Ken once a year started a long time ago. I too..wish LVP would stop. Yes, you hate having sex with Ken, you're dry AF down yonder - please shutty up already.

LVP doesn't seem to get her own comments have a meanness to them - but of course she cries British humor

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

Kyle went to a famous cosmetic dentist in NYC and got all new veneers. Her natural teeth were a bit small and she was apparently self conscious about them- smiling with her mouth closed. She’s flashing a megawatt mouth of shiny new teeth now! 

I am super jealous, as I need a full mouth reconstruction but am putting it off for as long as possible. 

I thought Kyle’s eyes were always hazel ish green, but wouldn’t doubt her using colored contacts. 

If they're hazel ish green and she's wearing purple ish eye makeup it'll make them look more green.  I can't remember who was wearing what, but I know there was a lot of purple going on.  I do the purple eye makeup a lot because green contacts look super fake in my opinion.  

  • Love 1
On 4/24/2018 at 4:29 AM, mwell345 said:

So this is about Dorit "finding a voice"?

She hasn't shut up all season. 

As I was watching Dorit speak and her circular talking I realized why she and PK, of questionable finances, are perfect for each other.  She has the gift for grifter speak.  With her wide eyed "confused" look to her over the top declarations of love for castmates to her never making sense its easy to confuse your target.  She knows exactly what she is doing and it involves a giant shit stirring spoon.  A good grifter needs there to be a lack of cohesion among the group regarding issues which there was.  Unless there is a lot in the vault about Teddi and her being two faced and a huge shit stirrer, Dorit has chosen her to be the focus of angst between Kyle and Erika and Lisa.  She really can't have the moneyed cast members liking Teddi more than they like her.  

  • Love 21
3 hours ago, bosawks said:

"I didn’t say that thing that you said I said and even if I did say what you said I said, which I didn’t, what I said was misrepresented and I didn’t mean what you said I meant and even if I did mean what you said I meant, which I didn’t, I meant something else than what I said I said and what you said I meant when I said that I meant something else……"

I think I have decent comprehension skills and a serviceable vocabulary but then I watch a Real Housewife episode and it all spirals down the drain........

Perfect recap of Part 1!

  • Love 8

T-Bear's boobs and Rinna's wig got mentions, but not Kyle's chiclets?

Dorit's look might be one of my favorites of any reunion ever - beautiful color, with a thoughtful silhouette for a sitting pose. She got it right last reunion, too.


Why did she have 3584 bobby pins in her greasy hair??? What was the point of that?

I'm guessing to keep her hair away from her face, and to highlight her featured profile. Another smart styling choice, imo.


Erika acts like she has popsicle up her ass. Why is she acting so cunty toward Andy?


As to the latter, cunty is as cunty does.

  • Love 9

According to an interview on Heather MacDonald's podcast, Teddi and Dorit have a mutual friend and Dorit mentioned to the producers that her friend knows this girl named Teddi. No doubt the fact that her last name is Mellencamp is probably what made the producers contact her, but it does sound like she was recommended.  She also said that the filmed scene with her and Dorit meeting at the play date was the first time they actually met.  

  • Love 10

It's entirely possible that the Hamlin girls stank ass personalities are the reason that they're losing modeling jobs.  Not to mention the fact that maybe Vogue and Gucci don't want to knock on the door of the girl who boasts learning to give great a head from her mom.  I suppose Rinna's performance on the junk boat last year could also have something to do with it since this is the first we are hearing about them losing work and Munchausen Gate happened long before that.  Regardless, I thought the Hadids portrayed themselves very well during their time on the show and maybe should have been role models for Amelia and Delilah. 

  • Love 15
26 minutes ago, jaync said:

T-Bear's boobs and Rinna's wig got mentions, but not Kyle's chiclets?

Dorit's look might be one of my favorites of any reunion ever - beautiful color, with a thoughtful silhouette for a sitting pose. She got it right last reunion, too.

I'm guessing to keep her hair away from her face, and to highlight her featured profile. Another smart styling choice, imo.


As to the latter, cunty is as cunty does.

This made me laugh!  She does seem more willing to smile.  Guess she needs to show those expensive suckers off!  I had an awful landlord once who had lost a tooth.  My husband told him my suggested fix which was stick a chiclet in there.  He didn't find it as funny as I did. 

  • Love 4

Some superficial notes:

Teddi looked good but she’d look even better with shorter hair. Her parents obviously did a lot right when they raised her. She’s a down to earth, kind hearted person who isn’t afraid to admit when she’s wrong. 

Kyle was wearing green coloured contacts. Nobody’s ever fooled thinking it’s the real thing. It’s was distracting because it makes her look alien-like. Like the shorter hair though. 

Hate Dorit’s dress but love the eye makeup. I desperately wanted to yank out the bobby pins. She’s such a bitch to Teddi and probably anyone else she deems below herself on the superficial ladder rung of life. LVP would not associate with her if she wasn’t married to Porky.

LVP: Sequin dresses on older gals highlights everything wrinkle and crepey fold. 

Erika: massive fail on the outfit, and the attitude. She’s so snotty, if it were for Daddy Warbucks she’d still be serving up waffles or appearing in low budget porn. 

Rinna was delightful fun this season. I’d prefer the goofball side of her rather than the villainess.

  • Love 18
28 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

It's entirely possible that the Hamlin girls stank ass personalities are the reason that they're losing modeling jobs.  Not to mention the fact that maybe Vogue and Gucci don't want to knock on the door of the girl who boasts learning to give great a head from her mom.  I suppose Rinna's performance on the junk boat last year could also have something to do with it since this is the first we are hearing about them losing work and Munchausen Gate happened long before that.  Regardless, I thought the Hadids portrayed themselves very well during their time on the show and maybe should have been role models for Amelia and Delilah. 

Gigi is on this month Bazaar’s cover and in the same issue, Bella is in a Dior ad. Those two girls are doing great.

  • Love 6

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