iMonrey April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 Color me shocked the producers would allow the entertainment gold of Chris vs. Dom to end. Especially after the sketchy way they basically threw a HI at Chris - the clue just happened to turn up in HIS buff, huh? Sure, that's a coincidence. And I've got some swampland in Florida I'd like to sell you too. It wouldn't surprise me if the producers actually pulled Chris aside before TC and outright warned him to play his HI and he was simply too dumb to listen. Not that I'm sorry to see the end of Chris vs. Dom but at this point I still don't have a dog in this hunt. And I find it impossible to root for Donathan - I think because every time I look at him I think of Kate McKinnon playing Jeff Sessions. 5 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 Mic drop. 12 Link to comment
MBJ April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 (edited) CBS is your best bet. I always tell people to never Google when it comes to reality shows because in doing that, I've had the winner spoiled before. (But those were Bachelor seasons still airing not Survivor - but still.) Don't do too much deep research! Edited April 12, 2018 by Ms Blue Jay 1 Link to comment
meep.meep April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 4:43 AM, eskimo said: I maintain that this is actually the worst immunity necklace ever! I think production forgot to make one so they ran a bunch of sand through a screen, kept whatever was in the screen, added a compass and a few twigs, and gave it to someone's child to put together while the big people worked on something else. It really has a -'what do we do with this piece? Oh, just stick it anywhere. ALL of it, stick everything on there somehow'-vibe to it. I still think about this monstrosity once in a while. It bothers me more than it should. Lol This season's necklace is second worst in my book. Expand But it has a compass! It looks itchy. Don't you usually try to get smooth pieces of sea glass? Maybe they should have gone for a Ghost Island immunity hood? Make the person sit through tribal council in a pillowcase with eye holes. On 4/12/2018 at 1:09 PM, ProfCrash said: I was worried that the sentence made no sense and was poorly structured but after re-reading it a couple of times I went, what the heck. Expand We know that you know that we know that you are right! And Wendell's speech was gold! I haven't literally LOL'd in a while. 6 Link to comment
RedbirdNelly April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 5:46 PM, iMonrey said: Not that I'm sorry to see the end of Chris vs. Dom but at this point I still don't have a dog in this hunt. And I find it impossible to root for Donathan - I think because every time I look at him I think of Kate McKinnon playing Jeff Sessions. Expand this 100 times on the Kate McKinnon part. I've also been thinking how awesome it would be if we discovered at the reunion he's her brother and has been faking the accent 100% of the time. :) 1 Link to comment
Oscirus April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 If there was anyway of saving Chris for Libby, they would've. Dude was too far gone and confident in his abilities for the producers for doing anything about him. Funniest part about Wendell's speech is that he was trying not to be a prick. Normally when people are that snarky with the vote, they're playing to the cameras. This dude was just at the end of his rope with Chris's rapping. So 12 people left and so many people not playing. We have Jenna "make sure I have no bitch face", Libby " please don't vote me out cuz Im in the minority" . Sebastian" party man" Angela " just tell me what to do" to name a few. It really is crazy how many people are just standing around waiting to be led to the slaughter. 4 Link to comment
ghoulina April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 3:01 PM, ellie2205 said: I was surprised that Donathan went straight to Dom after the 11-person communion at the well. They had shown that scene of Donathan and Chris "bonding" over taking care of their mothers, to suggest that Donathan might have some loyalty to Chris -- but apparently not. Expand Maybe, after some reflection, Don saw through Chris's attempts to work him....just as the rest of us did. On 4/12/2018 at 3:24 PM, fishcakes said: She's the one who's not Libby, but beyond that? No idea. When they were talking at the beach, I genuinely couldn't remember which one was which. Expand I remember them because Libby always has those ridiculous white, lacy shorts on....and Jenna has resting pout face. Link to comment
jbrecken April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 Does production supply the women with toenail polish? 8 Link to comment
Brookside April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 3:13 PM, ByaNose said: Personally, I think Kellyn or Wendell have the winner edit. I could see Dom in the finals but not necessarily winning. Michael only real story is that he is 18. He has found idols and survived the Mololo curse but in the end I think he's more of a jury person. That said, I could be totally wrong. It could be Libby, Chelsea & Jenna in the finals for all I know. LOL!!! Great episode last nights and it's why I will always continue to watch Survivor. Expand I'm guessing the final three will be nameless blonde women we've never seen before. 1 Link to comment
Brookside April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 8:04 PM, Winston9-DT3 said: I noticed the nicely painted toes, too! Though a professional pedicure lasts like a month on me and they've been out there around 3 weeks. Painting them was a good idea. It helps hide the dirt! I noticed Libby didn't get her armpit hair lasered off, also. Good for her. Not that I mind either decision. Expand I'm guessing that you don't spend your time doing physical challenges and roughing it barefoot on a sandy/rocky beach. Or maybe I underestimate you ;-) 1 Link to comment
HurricaneVal April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 Where is Sebastian getting his pakalolo? Dude looked stoned at Tribal Council! I do not believe Donathon "bonded" with Chris during Chris's whole "I'm a caretaker too!" scene with Donathon. I believe I saw Donathon roll his eyes at Chris during that conversation. Remember back to the first episode this season when we thought Donathon was a sure goner? The kid is learning.... Or he's internalized a lifetime of watching Survivor and is now letting his strategery free. Wow. That eleven person well walk lecture worked out spectacularly for Chris, didn't it? Not one single vote for Dom. Not one. Methinks Chris wasn't nearly as popular as he fancied himself to be. Methinks only Bradley was more hated than Chris. I thought Libby was getting the "out tonight" edit, particularly since Chris made his midnight foray to Ghost Island and gained an immunity idol. I figured there was no way he wouldn't play the idol at TC. Especially after conversation turned to him being a target. Doubly especially after Dom whipped out what Chris thinks is an immunity idol and wore it through the rest of TC. Triply especially knowing he had no vote at that TC. Quadruply especially after Dom shouted his name from the voting booth. Quintuply especially after Dom used his other advantage for immunity. That's an especial kind of arrogant stupid that Chris has. OMG. o_O I will say, however, that look on Chris's face when Jeff announced the third vote for him was deliciously pure schadenfreude for me. I may go home tonight, play this episode again, and freeze frame on that one moment so I can relish it some more... Buh-Bye pathetic sportsball rapper dude. You can have all the chocolate croissants back at Ponderosa. 15 Link to comment
MVFrostsMyPie April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 Chris looks like an ex-boyfriend of mine, except older and uglier, so for that reason alone, I needed him to bounce. I think my ex-boyfriend might be a tad bit smarter and more self-aware, but he used to have the same cocky swagger. LOL. I can't believe he didn't use his idol though especially since it was either use it now or at the next tribal. He had to know he was going to get some votes thrown his way... right? Also, haha at Des and Angela (is that her name?) for their failed Libby vote. Link to comment
MBJ April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 7:19 PM, Oscirus said: Funniest part about Wendell's speech is that he was trying not to be a prick. Normally when people are that snarky with the vote, they're playing to the cameras. This dude was just at the end of his rope with Chris's rapping. Expand I totally agree. I think he was actually trying to be polite but honestly the frustration was mounting and he could not handle it anymore. He was far far more polite than I. 6 Link to comment
kikaha April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 It's ironic that Chris, by extending the power of the GI idol, cost himself the game. Otherwise he would have been forced to play it this episode... none of the votes against him would have counted... and Libby (?) would have gotten the boot. That extra power he thought he got ended up cutting his own throat. Prediction/hunch: since Dom out-alphaed Chris, Chris now admires him as a Survivor player. No idea who makes finals, but if Dom does, he gets Chris' vote to win. 11 Link to comment
loki567 April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 (edited) On 4/12/2018 at 7:57 PM, Brookside said: I'm guessing the final three will be nameless blonde women we've never seen before. Expand Considering the rate at which this season drops the people who have the most camera time, I wouldn't be shocked if the F5 was like Sebastian, Chelsea, Jenna, Libby, and Kellyn. I always find it funny when the editors try to convince us the player who never got a confessional before the final episodes is suddenly an UNSTOPPABLE JUGGERNAUT! GROVEL IN TERROR OF SEA BASS! Edited April 12, 2018 by loki567 1 Link to comment
MissEwa April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 This was a great merge episode. I didn't mind all the tribe swaps as much as some people seemed to and I feel like they've mixed up all the original alliances enough so that - fingers crossed - we're not going to end up with Original-Naviti pagonging Original-Malolo. I know the girls were still pushing for it but I don't even feel like they were pushing very hard. I'm curious to see what happens next, and I'm very pleased that my favourites are mostly still in. And I'm glad it's mostly people I like with all the idols, but the fact that before tonights vote there were four hidden immunity idols in play, AND a legacy advantage, is... a bit much. That's too many, for my tastes. Now we're down to three and no legacy advantage, but even assuming no more get hidden and the ghost island advantages are shorter-term, if those three are good to F5 you could still end up with a Cirie situation. Chris. Chris... that he didn't play his idol is so ridiculous. It wasn't a blindside. He was clearly getting votes. It was only good for one more tribal. His nemesis played an idol. That idol get was so unlikely that if you believe in producer shenanigans at all (I'm on the fence), it has to be suspicious, and it was for nothing. I can just see the producers watching tribal yelling at the monitors about how much effort they'd gone to for him - "WE GOT YOU A BOAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! COME ON, DUDE!" - and there he was, throwing it all away. Wendell's vote was great. I loved the 'you're garbage.... at rapping. You're trash at rapping.' I've seen the odd winner-edit comment about him and it does seem interesting that we got so much of him this episode despite it not being about him. I like Libby, and I'm glad she's still there. She hasn't done a lot but I do feel like she's watching and thinking and has game. I am also glad that we seem to have moved on enough as a fandom that her having a hint of armpit hair is nowhere like the huge! drama! it has been for female players in seasons past. All up, still a good season. Somehow. 2 Link to comment
GalvDuck April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 5:24 PM, tvfanatic13 said: Seriously, can someone post pictures of Chelsea and Jenna. I really have no idea who they are. Expand Jenna in the red top/yellow bottoms and Chelsea in the blue 2 Link to comment
Matty April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 (edited) Once again another fool gets booted off Survivor with an immunity idol burning a hole in their pocket. This time the fool was Chris. Chris was so arrogant he didn't think anyone was voting for him after his trip to the well. This was worse than James who had two immunity idols when he was voted off. Chris knew he was a target and still didn't play his idol. Thank you, Dom and Wendell, for orchestrating this glorious boot. At least Chris is on the jury so we'll be entertained at final tribal council with another clueless, useless monologue about the amazing brilliance of Chris. A legend in his own mind. Edited April 13, 2018 by Matty 3 Link to comment
SandyToes April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 9:32 PM, MissEwa said: Chris. Chris... that he didn't play his idol is so ridiculous. It wasn't a blindside. He was clearly getting votes. It was only good for one more tribal. His nemesis played an idol. That idol get was so unlikely that if you believe in producer shenanigans at all (I'm on the fence), it has to be suspicious, and it was for nothing. I can just see the producers watching tribal yelling at the monitors about how much effort they'd gone to for him - "WE GOT YOU A BOAT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! COME ON, DUDE!" - and there he was, throwing it all away. Expand I wonder if he'd have played it if Wendell had played his? I was panicked that Wendell didn't! My guess is Chris felt certain Wendell (le sigh!) was toast, since he did not play an idol. So why waste it? As for the girls, is there ANY chance they voted Libby, in case Chris, Dom and Wendell all played idols? That would be pretty deep thinking and strategizing. So I guess that answers my own question. Love all the discussions as to whether Chris would have made a good goat or not. Excellent points on both sides! I thought tonight in the opening merge scenes how thin and gaunt all the men looked. Almost as if it had been 3 weeks since the last time we'd seen them. I'm late to the Survivor franchise, and am really loving this season. Is it real? Is it fake? Did it used to be real? Will it be fake soon? And on and on and on! As for Dom's "fake" idol, it kept him pretty safe from being voted off! Great episode, great season. Rarely watch anything twice, but I often watch these eps again after reading all the comments. Can't wait for next ep! 2 Link to comment
meep.meep April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 With every idol they "find" at Ghost Island, I keep wondering where is the one that JT gave to Russell? 1 Link to comment
MBJ April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 (edited) On 4/12/2018 at 9:53 PM, GalvDuck said: Jenna in the red top/yellow bottoms and Chelsea in the blue Expand Thanks! I made a legend for us: Voted out from L-R: Stephanie, Bradley, and Brendan (Sorry for mistakes) Edited April 12, 2018 by Ms Blue Jay 10 Link to comment
shelley1234 April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 While I will miss gazing at Chris' abs, I won't miss him thinking he's the best thing since sliced bread and the stupid things he says. He had an idol for only two weeks and he knew it was a show down between himself and Dom and he didn't play it. He's dumb. Stupid dumb. Wendell's speech makes me a fan and now I want him to win it all. Can't stand Dom though. The ladies should band together and send him packing. 1 Link to comment
Mystery April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 9:30 PM, loki567 said: Considering the rate at which this season drops the people who have the most camera time Expand Maybe it's the other way around, and they show a lot of footage of the people who won't be around at the end? I'm picturing myself watching the final few episodes and muttering "Who is that?" Link to comment
LanceM April 12, 2018 Share April 12, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 3:07 PM, Winston9-DT3 said: I don't like Kellyn but I think she's smart enough to have minimized any visible reaction to Bradley getting voted out. And I'm not even sure the casual viewer knew they were that close. But I kind of wanted to see her get that game slap in the face, too. Though Bradley in his exit interviews never mentioned her as his end-game alliance so I wonder if they even were that close out there. Expand It has nothing to do with her intelligence. She is an emotional person. Pretty much everyone who has been voted off have said she gives everything away just by looking at her face. 2 Link to comment
Oscirus April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 If Kellyn did have a reaction and nothing came of it, they wouldn't show it. Too much other stuff to film. On 4/12/2018 at 10:51 PM, Ms Blue Jay said: Thanks! I made a legend for us: Voted out from L-R: Stephanie, Bradley, and Brendan (Sorry for mistakes) Expand Now have have to find the picture of the other tribe and legend that one and their non descripts :p 1 Link to comment
MBJ April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 (edited) On 4/13/2018 at 12:02 AM, Oscirus said: Now have have to find the picture of the other tribe and legend that one and their non descripts :p Expand I'm learning a lot. I guess loyal tribemates are Laurel & Donathan Dom & Wendell Desiree & Kellyn I deleted some unknowns on Malolo, LOL Edited April 13, 2018 by Ms Blue Jay 1 Link to comment
LanceM April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 12:14 AM, Ms Blue Jay said: I'm learning a lot. None of these people seem to have any tribal loyalty to each other except Des and Kellyn, and I guess, Dom and Wendell. I didn't realize all four of them were from the same tribe. I cut out some unknowns on Malolo, LOL. Expand I don't know about that. I think the 4 Naviti women are going to stick together. I have agreed with what others have said that two votes that were thrown at Libby were made just in case Chris had an idol Link to comment
Oscirus April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 12:14 AM, Ms Blue Jay said: I'm learning a lot. I guess loyal tribemates are Laurel & Donathan Dom & Wendell Desiree & Kellyn Expand Nice, thanks. I believe Chelsea and Dom are aligned as well. 1 Link to comment
MissEwa April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 12:14 AM, Ms Blue Jay said: I'm learning a lot. I guess loyal tribemates are Laurel & Donathan Dom & Wendell Desiree & Kellyn Expand Wow. The men in these photos look the same but most of the women look completely different. 2 Link to comment
KimberStormer April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 3:01 PM, ellie2205 said: Kellyn is kind of like Chrissy last season. I should like her well enough - she's a woman, with a good head on her shoulders (I know, not amazing reasons, but I do root for the women on Survivor since it seems so skewed towards males so much of the time). But I disliked Chrissy heartily, and dislike Kellyn as well. Expand I liked Chrissy well enough, but I dislike Kellyn. I think the reason is that Chrissy was arrogant, sure, and always going on about how great she was, but, like, openly. "I'm Chrissy and I am the best, so there, fuck you." (with a huge self-satisfied smile.) Whereas with Kellyn, it's like she's pretending that she doesn't think she's just the most amazing special person to ever walk down the beach. "WOW! It's so exciting that I guess I have triumphed again over the incredible trials that have beset my life at every turn, who would have thought that sweet innocent little Miss Kellyn, the girl everyone loves, could have done such a thing!" Also I mean Chrissy actually did something, dictated the vote for like 80% of the game, even if not who went home because of the 1 million idols in packages labeled "FOR MARINE CORPS USE ONLY" lying around on the beach. On 4/12/2018 at 4:46 PM, Winston9-DT3 said: From here, it does seem like Chris would be a good goat, but Libby didn't even mention he's dumb, just loyal and honest, which are not good goat qualities. Those are winner qualities, especially when it's a challenge beast to boot. I don't know if Chris could've won, it doesn't seem likely given his edit. But Mike Holloway had the dumb-ass edit at first, and even Dom kind of had it this season and he doesn't seem unlikely to win now. So I think Chris wasn't a bad choice to get rid of. The challenge prowess alone was reason enough. Even if you don't care if he makes it all the way (as a goat), if he wins immunity all the time YOU can't win it when you need it and he's going to be someone else's goat. Expand Now personally I am not talking or thinking about who is a goat at this point. Dragging goats is really hard and you've made a category error IMO if your goat thinks he's the fox. Sure, this supposedly worked out for Sophie, if you believe all that Sophie has to say about what a genius she is (strangely I am not fond of Sophie, either, though she is more in the Chrissy mold than the Kellyn.) But it's otherwise never worked that I can think of. I don't think they should have kept Chris because he's a good goat. I think they should have kept him because he's a good ally. Loyal and honest are extremely good qualities in an ally. I don't think it's worth it to be afraid of challenge threats; there's going to be a puzzle or two, and he already dropped out early on this endurance/balance challenge. Keep a good ally, even if he's ridiculous and annoying. Dom is not a good ally, in any way shape or form. He is not loyal, and he is not predictable, and he is not honest. You need to be on your toes every minute with Dom around. Eliminate the wild card, that's what I say! On 4/12/2018 at 5:24 PM, Hera said: I remember the conversation. However, it doesn't explain why only two of them decided to vote for Libby while the other two voted with the majority for Chris. @Haleth suggested that it was in case of idol bounce-back, which is as good a guess as any, but I'm surprised that we didn't see a confessional with Kellyn explaining this. Expand Well, they don't like to give us information which spoils the ending. If Kellyn (or, for example, one of the two women who actually did the split-vote) said the plan was split vote for Chris and Libby then there wouldn't be suspense at the end. On 4/12/2018 at 7:19 PM, Oscirus said: So 12 people left and so many people not playing. Expand Careful, you're not allowed to say that, or suddenly everyone will start on some disgustingly classist things about Ciera, because apparently nobody has ever said "x isn't playing" before Cambodia. They're just not playing the game FOR YOU, Oscirus!!!! Personally I think Libby is playing just fine, out of the people you mentioned, and it's hard to say about people who never get any screen time. On another note, I wish Sebastian would get voted out. It's not nice of me to say, but he just sort of grosses me out, it makes me weirdly physically uncomfortable when he's on screen. 8 Link to comment
Paws April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 10:53 PM, shelley1234 said: While I will miss gazing at Chris' abs, I won't miss him thinking he's the best thing since sliced bread and the stupid things he says. He had an idol for only two weeks and he knew it was a show down between himself and Dom and he didn't play it. He's dumb. Stupid dumb. Expand On “Rob has a Podcast “ Stephen said that Chris had the opposite of the crippling Insecurity many people have. Rather, he had crippling security. He just couldn’t fathom how anyone would vote him out. 1 12 Link to comment
Souris April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 1:03 PM, TaraS1 said: Nice try, those of you insisting someone named Jenna is on this season! (Are you sure you aren't thinking of Chelsea? I believe there's a Chelsea.) Expand I legit said out loud at one point in the ep, "There's a Chelsea???" On 4/12/2018 at 8:23 PM, HurricaneVal said: Where is Sebastian getting his pakalolo? Dude looked stoned at Tribal Council! Expand I wondered the exact same thing myself! Wendell's vote speech dissing Chris's rapping was the most classic vote speech ever! Hysterical! He just kept having more to say. LOL! Chris really did have no clue what he was doing socially. 3 Link to comment
LanceM April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 (edited) On 4/13/2018 at 3:01 AM, KimberStormer said: Careful, you're not allowed to say that, or suddenly everyone will start on some disgustingly classist things about Ciera, because apparently nobody has ever said "x isn't playing" before Cambodia. They're just not playing the game FOR YOU, Oscirus!!!! Personally I think Libby is playing just fine, out of the people you mentioned, and it's hard to say about people who never get any screen time. On another note, I wish Sebastian would get voted out. It's not nice of me to say, but he just sort of grosses me out, it makes me weirdly physically uncomfortable when he's on screen. Expand This is true and the best example I can think of this is Chelsea who has the fewest confessionals this season but I think is actually playing a very good game. When she is shown on screen it is almost always about strategy on who to vote out that night. She was the one shown to come up with the strategy that sent Brendan home. Last week she was very much involved with the decision to vote out Bradley. I would even argue it was more her move than Dom's based on her secret scene last week but that is just speculation on my part. Even this past episode when the 4 Naviti women were talking about voting out Libby the edit gave her the last word on the subject by saying that they had to make sure they "vote smart". It is just an all around odd edit she is getting like they don't want us to really know who she is but keep showing her as being one of the players who decides who gets voted out. Weird. Edited April 13, 2018 by LanceM 4 Link to comment
Guest April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 I have no doubt everyone out there is playing. Whether it’s visible to others (there or here) is variable. And whether it’s entertaining. I’m enjoying this season so I’m fine with whatever game the invisible people are playing. But I must’ve been bored Ciera’s season because I agreed with her then. Link to comment
SVNBob April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 12:28 AM, MissEwa said: Wow. The men in these photos look the same but most of the women look completely different. Expand Two points. First, the names with question marks are correct. The top one is Jenna, and the bottom one is Angela. Which leads to point 2; makeup does wonders. 1 Link to comment
Guest April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 If that’s Angela it must be ten years ago. Link to comment
MissEwa April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 6:29 AM, Winston9-DT3 said: If that’s Angela it must be ten years ago. Expand I can't remember exactly but wasn't it Angela who was going to go in lying about her age - saying she was a lot younger than she was? Link to comment
violet and green April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 Fabulous episode. I will stop sulking about this season now. That was such fun. I had a depressed moment when Chris was boated over to GI for special treats; but what a funny tribal and excellent outcome, and so pleased to see Donathon speaking such good sense to Dom and Wendell. Now I just need Lil Miss Kellyn to pack her gummy teethed ain't I quirky smile and get gorn, golly gosh, gee whiz (head tilt). Unpopular opinion: I quite like the new individual immunity necklace. The big disc with the GI logo on it did look initially like a paper dinner plate - but then as it moved I saw it seemed to be a giant shell with mother of pearl. Nice. 1 Link to comment
ProfCrash April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 Quote I don't think they should have kept Chris because he's a good goat. I think they should have kept him because he's a good ally. Loyal and honest are extremely good qualities in an ally. I don't think it's worth it to be afraid of challenge threats; there's going to be a puzzle or two, and he already dropped out early on this endurance/balance challenge. Keep a good ally, even if he's ridiculous and annoying. Dom is not a good ally, in any way shape or form. He is not loyal, and he is not predictable, and he is not honest. You need to be on your toes every minute with Dom around. Eliminate the wild card, that's what I say! Expand The problem with Chris is that he was a good ally as long as you did what he wanted you to do. Chris was a dictator, that is why Wendell emphasized that Chris needs to stop using the word I and learn to listen to people. So you would have someone who is loyal, can't lie, a challenge beast and who has to make all the decisions. And then there is the bad rapping... Quote I can't remember exactly but wasn't it Angela who was going to go in lying about her age - saying she was a lot younger than she was? Expand I know Michael said he was lying about his age, I don't remember Angela saying that she was lying but I could have missed that statement. 6 Link to comment
survivinmt April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 What was up with the weird photo op on the beach, where they ? toasted their season and the sunset? Do they have to do cheesy crap like that all the time for tv purposes? That is super lame. Chris, oh you sad, lonely man. Good thing you love yourself, because getting someone else to love you even half as much is going to be a challenge. (Your mom doesn't count.) The rapping on Ponderosa - I had to stop as I felt my brain slipping away. Dom needs to go pretty quick as he is way too untrustworthy. Otherwise, I like a lot of these people. Libby, Chelsea, Donathan, Michael, Laurel, Wendall. But still some good satisfying boots ahead -- Kellyn, Des. 3 Link to comment
peachmangosteen April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 (edited) On 4/13/2018 at 3:01 AM, KimberStormer said: I don't think they should have kept Chris because he's a good goat. I think they should have kept him because he's a good ally. Loyal and honest are extremely good qualities in an ally. I don't think it's worth it to be afraid of challenge threats; there's going to be a puzzle or two, and he already dropped out early on this endurance/balance challenge. Keep a good ally, even if he's ridiculous and annoying. Dom is not a good ally, in any way shape or form. He is not loyal, and he is not predictable, and he is not honest. You need to be on your toes every minute with Dom around. Eliminate the wild card, that's what I say! Expand Yea, this. My argument for keeping Chris over Dom was just that Chris is a stupid fool and Dom is not, but these are even better reasons. Quote On another note, I wish Sebastian would get voted out. It's not nice of me to say, but he just sort of grosses me out, it makes me weirdly physically uncomfortable when he's on screen. Expand Seriously. This is horrible and shallow but he is just off looking. Also, he truly seems medicated in some way and it makes me feel weird. It's like half funny and half unsettling. On 4/13/2018 at 11:09 AM, ProfCrash said: The problem with Chris is that he was a good ally as long as you did what he wanted you to do. Chris was a dictator, that is why Wendell emphasized that Chris needs to stop using the word I and learn to listen to people. So you would have someone who is loyal, can't lie, a challenge beast and who has to make all the decisions. Expand Honestly, Dom is also a bit of a dictator, he's just better at hiding it than Chris. Which is another reason why he's a much bigger threat. Edited April 13, 2018 by peachmangosteen 3 Link to comment
Special K April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 9:39 AM, violet and green said: Unpopular opinion: I quite like the new individual immunity necklace. The big disc with the GI logo on it did look initially like a paper dinner plate - but then as it moved I saw it seemed to be a giant shell with mother of pearl. Nice. Expand I normally don't care about what the immunity necklace looks like, but I think, given the episode's theme, thy missed a cool opportunity. How great would it have been to use the same immunity necklace that was part of someone's record-breaking immunity run? Would that be Mike Holloway? (asking the Survivor Archivists on this board :-) 2 Link to comment
AncientSand April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 This episode should have been called Zoolander. "What is this, an immunity idol for ants?" 4 Link to comment
himela April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/12/2018 at 1:07 AM, Bryce Lynch said: This episode had an exspecially satisfying ending! Expand Is there a reason some people pronounce this word that way? I have heard it from Jessica Lewis on the podcast of RHAP and she's never corrected so I guess there is some reason to say it that way? I didn't appreciate the super much screen time of Dom and Chris. I understand it was part of a storyline but there are people who have been voted out and didn't even have half of this screen time. And I hate it that we'll spend at least 4-5 minutes on the reunion talking about this where both Dom and Chris will be like "yeah we've talked things through and we are ok now, not a problem" and Probst will insist "come on, give me something here" but they won't and we'll hear nothing from half the cast. So annoying. I hate both Chris and Dom and I don't care about their feud. They threw their game in the garbage just cause they feel they are more manly that the other. Grow up, it's a game for one millions dollars for god's sake! So irritating. Link to comment
Charlesman April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 Per his EW interview, Chris's strategy with the idols wasn't completely stupid: If Dom and Wendell both played idols, he would have played his. If neither Dom or Wendell played idols, he also would have played his, because that would mean something was up. If only one did, he was going to gamble that the other was going home. 5 Link to comment
Oscirus April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 3:01 AM, KimberStormer said: Careful, you're not allowed to say that, or suddenly everyone will start on some disgustingly classist things about Ciera, because apparently nobody has ever said "x isn't playing" before Cambodia. They're just not playing the game FOR YOU, Oscirus!!!! Personally I think Libby is playing just fine, out of the people you mentioned, and it's hard to say about people who never get any screen time. Expand Fair point.( Ironically enough, I was never a ciera fan lol). However from what I've seen due to the editing, a lot of these people are just playing to not get voted out. Which while a viable strategy, is not one that I appreciate. Though I will admit that Libby is probably damned if she does, damned if she doesn't because she seems to be getting an unconventional amount of hate from both men and women this season. 3 Link to comment
Special K April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 5:47 PM, Oscirus said: Fair point.( Ironically enough, I was never a ciera fan lol). However from what I've seen due to the editing, a lot of these people are just playing to not get voted out. Which while a viable strategy, is not one that I appreciate. Though I will admit that Libby is probably damned if she does, damned if she doesn't because she seems to be getting an unconventional amount of hate from both men and women this season. Expand I think a lot of managing to get far in Survivor is timing -- knowing when to lay low and when to make a move. Most people will agree that standing out the first few days (either as a "leader" or as an annoyance) is a bad thing and usually gets you voted right out. There's also the "playing too hard too soon" criticism. I think mostly contestants think others aren't playing if they're not playing in their preferred style (strategically, in challenges, socially). I personally get really excited when someone has a quieter, more subterranean game, because it takes much more discipline, skill, and care. I prefer to see people fleeced than guillotined. 5 Link to comment
iMonrey April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 Quote While I will miss gazing at Chris' abs, I won't miss him thinking he's the best thing since sliced bread and the stupid things he says. Expand There are always people who find players like Chris "entertaining" because of the stupid stuff he says in confessionals. I get that. I didn't even mind him all that much. The problem was the whole Dom vs. Chris thing was tedious as hell, and I believe the show had every motive to keep it going because, let's face it, there's not much else going on this season. I'm surprised the producers allowed him to be voted out. On Day 1 I fully expected Dom to be the sort of smug, self-satisfied player I always hate but he's turned out to be pretty reasonable overall. But I agree he's more dangerous than Chris. It probably would have been smarter to target him but I get the feeling that won't be far off. Quote Per his EW interview, Chris's strategy with the idols wasn't completely stupid: Expand So, just mostly stupid then. 7 Link to comment
shelley1234 April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 On 4/13/2018 at 6:13 PM, iMonrey said: There are always people who find players like Chris "entertaining" because of the stupid stuff he says in confessionals. I get that. I didn't even mind him all that much. The problem was the whole Dom vs. Chris thing was tedious as hell, and I believe the show had every motive to keep it going because, let's face it, there's not much else going on this season. I'm surprised the producers allowed him to be voted out. On Day 1 I fully expected Dom to be the sort of smug, self-satisfied player I always hate but he's turned out to be pretty reasonable overall. But I agree he's more dangerous than Chris. It probably would have been smarter to target him but I get the feeling that won't be far off. So, just mostly stupid then. Expand Well putting the directions to the immunity idol on Ghost Island was at least their attempt. If the rest of the folks don't band together and send Dom packing then they deserve to be beaten by him. 4 Link to comment
green April 13, 2018 Share April 13, 2018 Who were the two Chris loyalists that dutifully voted for Wendell? I'm with many of you not being able to tell any of the Coven of the Blondes apart. There must be some male casting agent fixated on always casting these endless stream of blonde 20-something young women every year. This season he went even further overboard and is now totally out of control. The only woman who has my attention is Laurel who I think has a good chance to make it to the finals at least. I hear in show that Libby is a player but I don't know who she is. Or Kellyn who seems to annoy everyone here on the forum. They are just part of that Coven of the Nondescript Blondes to me. I couldn't pick either one out of a line-up for a million dollars. I'd have liked to find out how people like Michael and any Blonde Voters that ended up siding with the Dom-Wendell-Donathan-Laurel alliance. I wonder if Laurel and Donathan were the silent movers and shakers in this vote. Great episode though Chris did provide a lot of laughs along the way so I will miss that part. Kudos to Wendell of course at tribal. And all around great win for my four favorites and their alliance. 3 Link to comment
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