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S06.E14: Jennifer & Marissa's Story

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4 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

And don't forget: obese person must constantly repeat how "nervous" and "scared" they are before, during, and after all routine and mundane tasks like walking into a doctor's office or stepping onto a scale.

As we snicker, and say "you should have thought of that 10 pizzas and 100 Big Macs ago."

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Random question: do we all think the producers tell these people NOT to try the diet on their own prior to getting to see Dr Now. I'm always amazed at the meals, pre Dr visit, as well as the sheer portions. And they finish it ALL. No one has ever said, "hey, I'm going to this Dr, perhaps I should try to lose a couple of pounds before I get there?" I think sometimes it's producer-driven, like we MUST see the shower scene, we MUST see the drive thru/huge breakfast/grocery store visit. I doubt the producers would want them to start eating chicken salad and drinking huge bottles of water.

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4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This might seem odd, but, do people routinely order pizza with extra cheese?  Just curious. 

We always do.  Always a thin crust veggie with extra cheese.  But we only get pizza once every 2 or 3 months. And, frankly, I’m not sure that they really put much extra cheese on it. But it makes us feel like we are really splurging.

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1 minute ago, cpcathy said:

Random question: do we all think the producers tell these people NOT to try the diet on their own prior to getting to see Dr Now. I'm always amazed at the meals, pre Dr visit, as well as the sheer portions. And they finish it ALL. No one has ever said, "hey, I'm going to this Dr, perhaps I should try to lose a couple of pounds before I get there?" I think sometimes it's producer-driven, like we MUST see the shower scene, we MUST see the drive thru/huge breakfast/grocery store visit. I doubt the producers would want them to start eating chicken salad and drinking huge bottles of water.

I think it’s more like an episode of “Intervention” where the subject wants to shoot up one last time before going into rehab. These people are major food addicts. They would probably never on their own decide to limit or moderate their drug of choice.

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11 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

Random question: do we all think the producers tell these people NOT to try the diet on their own prior to getting to see Dr Now. I'm always amazed at the meals, pre Dr visit, as well as the sheer portions. And they finish it ALL. No one has ever said, "hey, I'm going to this Dr, perhaps I should try to lose a couple of pounds before I get there?" I think sometimes it's producer-driven, like we MUST see the shower scene, we MUST see the drive thru/huge breakfast/grocery store visit. I doubt the producers would want them to start eating chicken salad and drinking huge bottles of water.

It's pretty common, even for regular dieters going on a new diet, to have "last meal" type behavior. I can't imagine anyone that large who felt that out of control to realistically stop, or try to stop, before they knew for sure Dr Now would at least consider them as a patient. 

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Please say "sexual abuse survivors" not "victims".  Anyone who was sexually, phyically or emotionally abused is a Warrior who has survived the worst experience to ever happen to a child.

What I would change about the show is, for gawd sake get rid of the snoozefest introduction with the voice over.  Does the show always have to begin the exact same way?  I zip through the bushes and scenery while they chat about virtually nothing. Don't any of these producers have the imagination or thought that viewers are becoming bored?  As previous posters have commented, the shower scenes or body wash/baby powder routine we can definitely do without.  We get the picture, it's profoundly difficult to clean oneself when one weighs over 600 lbs, and we don't have to be shown someone's ass to prove it!

I suppose they include the surgery to show Dr. Now's ability to perform delicate and complicated surgery, however, each week viewing the stomach removal is so zip through-ish. 

Please do more on the psychotherapy side.  I loathe when they show the person sitting there for five minutes and then the therapist never says "how are you feeling now" or "can we meet again" or "did you want to make another appointment" or "please get back to me if you have any questions or just want to talk".  Dr. Now should suggest this when they first begin the weight loss.

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55 minutes ago, Hellohappylife said:

Another episode where the out of control weight is someone else’s “fault” because of childhood abuse. It’s sad that these people let the same cycle continue on to their own children instead of protecting them from all of the bad. 

Sexual abuse runs in my family sadly,my grandma,her mother,my mother. I’m 25 years old,I’ve never been sexually abused or suffered any other kind of abuse. I had a good childhood,which this show makes me thankful for. My mother,my father, made damn sure of that to break the cycle.  My mother & her 3 sisters spent years being sexually abused by their mothers many boyfriends after the parents divorced and their dad’s brother was one of the guys doing it. Long story short. The brother set a trap basically. Before the dad found out he a planned camping trip for them, To keep from getting in trouble the brother murdered their dad & made them watch him die. After he killed him he raped them all one more time before turning the gun on himself. The sisters had to run for help covered in their dad’s blood in the dark & luckily found an elderly sweet couple. It’s a fucked up story my mother was 14 her sisters,12,9 & 7 at the time,I tried to keep it short. 

But my point is my parents did everything to protect me so the cycle finally broke. 

 Even threw the trauma my mother & her sisters didn’t let that ruin them,they are not drug addicts,they are not 700 pounds.  

I want to see the people on this show do the same,that’s why I keep watching. Even if it’s easy to snark on them and sadly aomethings fun,I’m still human and have hope for people. 

This is such a horrible story Hellohappylife.  My sympathies go out to you and your family. My 20 year old niece was abducted, beaten and raped by a gang member while leaving her college apartment complex last year and it has killed us to see the pain and anguish she has endured. She sees a therapist but she constantly has to relive the 12 hours or horror every single day. We have no idea when his criminal trial will be but we do know she will testify against him. She is a very tough individual. He also did the same to another complete stranger, across town, 24 hours before he raped my niece so this guy will go away for a loooooong time.

Back on topic. I could be on the show, "The Worst Cooks in America" and even I know how to cook the basics. OMG that was the worst looking steak I have ever seen. It looked like human flesh! Vomit!

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4 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

It's a long road to travel, but you have to take the first step in the journey. 

Cue: obese person laying in bed saying: When I wake up in the morning I am in so much pain. I feel like I  am suffocating under all this fat. I often am surprised I am alive and didnt die in my sleep.

I have to rely on so-and so to wipe my ass, wash me and do everything for me. I hate that. 

Cue: shower scene


Cue 14 eggs, some kind of fatty meat and a loaf of bread/biscuits/rolls piled on the plate enough for 6 people which is consumed in bed while lying down

Cue childhood story:

I was not a fat child but then I was molested/abused by my stepdad/mothers boyfriend so I turned to food for comfort- I just wanted to eat

When I was 8 I weighed 200 pounds then my dad/mom was doing drugs/drinking so they divorced and

This caused me to eat even more so by the time I was in High School I was 350. Right after high school I got raped again/got involved with drugs. This made me turn to food EVEN MORE AND i GOT EVEN BIGGER!

I then met my partner so and so and he didn't mind that I was 500 pounds because I was jolly. Cue partner: I didn't mind he/she was big he/she just have a loving spirit'

Then we got married and I miscarried/my dad died/my grandmother died. This was so traumatic that I had to eat EVEN MORE and I got EVEN BIGGER

you all know the rest eventually this person is in DR Nows office and he says 


LOL. How yall doing. to funny. the breakfast--also funny.

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14 hours ago, auntjess said:

They rushed through all the post-op bits, first time getting out of bed, etc.

That's what happens when the trip to Houston takes most of the show, and the surgery and the last six months of the "journey" don't happen until the last five minutes of the show.  :)

Edited by Miss Ruth
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4 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

My mother hid or locked up the cookies because my brother and I would have ate them. But some of these low income people keep tons and tons of snacks in the house. Just chips and crap every where. My mother doled out 2 cookies to each of us and then locked them back up. Of course this made me crave them so now I have a weight problem and I blame her. My lower income friend whose house was filled with junk food, never touched it she was thin as a rail. At her house was boxes of chocolates on the counters, cake, cookies, chips and all sort of shit just out on the counters. I was in heaven when I went over there I was around 13 when I was hanging out with this girl. She was not interested in any of it. I think hiding treats from kids could backfire like it did in my case.

anyway it IS a good question, someone had to notcie them eating and gaining!

My mother never locked up sweets, but 2 cookies was considered a "serving" when I was growing up. Usually, my mother baked cookies (the only exceptions I remember were the occasional purchase of Oreos or Fig Newtons). She packed me a lunch every day, and for dessert I'd get my 2 cookies (or a piece of fruit). For dessert after dinner, 2 cookies or 1 thin slice of pie or cake, a single serving of pudding or Jell-O, or 1 scoop of ice cream. My parents ate the same size serving. There were no sweets between meals. And, I don't recall either of my parents buying me a candy bar OR me buying one myself - ever - as a child. Candy - when it was purchased at all - was for Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, and Christmas.

So, I grew up thinking sweets were to be eaten in moderation, after a healthy meal. Candy was for "special" holidays. My parents never had to limit my eating of the Halloween candy I'd collected (or the candy I received for Valentine's Day or Easter) - I could easily limit *myself* to one or two small pieces a day.

I realize I am very, very lucky in my relationship with food in general. I am very grateful I was raised in a family that had good eating habits - a family that valued home cooking, well-balanced meals, and eating in moderation. Consequently, I've never had a weight issue. I feel for those who were raised in an environment in which fast food and junk foods were considered "normal nutrition". It must be very difficult to completely change how you perceive food (and what constitutes "good" food) when that was never modeled for you growing up.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
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8 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This might seem odd, but, do people routinely order pizza with extra cheese?  Just curious. 

We started ordering extra cheese after about the third time a pizza arrived missing cheese on half of it (I am talking about you, Pizza Hut).  Extra cheese = cheese over the entire pizza, like the days of yore!

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I didn’t mind Jessica and Marissa. If they stay in therapy I think they both can have lasting success. 


If Marissa chooses to have children she will be doing it from a far healthier place than her Mom and the next generation will be better off. 

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7 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

It's a long road to travel, but you have to take the first step in the journey. 

Cue: obese person laying in bed saying: When I wake up in the morning I am in so much pain. I feel like I  am suffocating under all this fat. I often am surprised I am alive and didnt die in my sleep.

I have to rely on so-and so to wipe my ass, wash me and do everything for me. I hate that. 

Cue: shower scene


Cue 14 eggs, some kind of fatty meat and a loaf of bread/biscuits/rolls piled on the plate enough for 6 people which is consumed in bed while lying down

Cue childhood story:

I was not a fat child but then I was molested/abused by my stepdad/mothers boyfriend so I turned to food for comfort- I just wanted to eat

When I was 8 I weighed 200 pounds then my dad/mom was doing drugs/drinking so they divorced and

This caused me to eat even more so by the time I was in High School I was 350. Right after high school I got raped again/got involved with drugs. This made me turn to food EVEN MORE AND i GOT EVEN BIGGER!

I then met my partner so and so and he didn't mind that I was 500 pounds because I was jolly. Cue partner: I didn't mind he/she was big he/she just have a loving spirit'

Then we got married and I miscarried/my dad died/my grandmother died. This was so traumatic that I had to eat EVEN MORE and I got EVEN BIGGER

you all know the rest eventually this person is in DR Nows office and he says 


Don't forget the obligatory grocery store scene!  I don't do ANYTHING at all, but I will muster up enough energy to leave the house for one thing....Grocery shopping, because if I don't go, they won't buy what I want! 

Cue: horrible stares, rude comments, bumping into displays.  Then:  "I am so HUMILIATED" and tears...so many tears....but I will see you to do this all over again next week.


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5 hours ago, AZChristian said:

That's got to be the mentality of "I cheated a little."  

Cheating "a little" for most people is an extra slice; for them it's an extra pizza.

When I'm really craving pizza I treat myself to a local (somewhat overpriced but oh-so-yummy) place that makes super-thin crust pies which are smaller in diameter than most (their large would be a medium anywhere else; possibly a small at some places). I can easily eat half of a pie, but that's probably the equivalent of 2 slices at a regular pizza-by-the-slice type place. If I get any toppings on it, it's peppers and onions. (And while I don't normally like reheated pizza that much, theirs reheats nicely on the stove in a non-stick pan.) I might get it once every few months and it lasts me 2-3 meals (usually with a salad or at least some cut-up veggies). (Sometimes I add a lasagna and have dinner for the better part of a week.) I have on rare occasions been known to eat the whole thing in one night, but I have always regretted it. I can't imagine doing that (or the equivalent and then some) on a daily basis.


5 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I would love it if they slipped in some Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey into the intro...

"The first thing I learned was to forgive myself. I told myself, go ahead, do whatever you want. It's okay by me."


Given their penchant for having little dogs on this show:

"I hope if dogs take over the world, and they choose a king, they don't just go by size, because I bet there are some Chihuahuas with some good ideas."

Maybe the Chihuahuas can give them some dieting tips.

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4 hours ago, auntjess said:

This is my time to turn the tv to "guide" and check the movies for the next day.
Of course if it's skin removal surgery, I do watch the weighing scene.

You just described what I do exactly. I can't stand watching the surgery scenes.

However, I can't look away when they weigh whatever gross stuff he's taken off of them.

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I’m really happy that they finally got it together.  I normally would be really hard on Jennifer for not being the greatest Mom but, she had a bad role model in her own Mom.  Her childhood was horrific and didn’t have a mother that protected her.  She was being sexually abused at 5 and her mother knew about it but looked the other way.  Breaks my heart. It was really nice seeing them getting out and shopping together in the end! 

54 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I didn’t mind Jessica and Marissa. If they stay in therapy I think they both can have lasting success. 


If Marissa chooses to have children she will be doing it from a far healthier place than her Mom and the next generation will be better off. 

I totally agree.  They both seem like nice people that had trauma that they didn’t know how to deal with so they ate. I’m happy for them! 

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5 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I haven't tried the waddle walk but I do a similar pose to hers sometimes in yoga. If she could lean forward and try to touch her toes, she would really have something going on even if she could get nowhere near her toes. Just to try to make that stretch would do her so much good.

It reminds me of a baby that is just learning to sit up. And it would be very uncomfortable to sustain that position day in and day out and yet these very unfit people do just that. It's a reminder of what the human body can do, I guess.

To see someone sitting like an infant and then throwing a food tantrum like one... well, that's good TV. 

Bread and circuses.

I suppose I could strap some pillows to my legs and attempt the waddle walk. It would be a glimpse inside that world. ("What did you do when I was at work today, honey?")

That made me laugh out loud. As I was baby waddle walking down the hallway my husband threw a pillow at me....I said that's it! It's perfect! He was less amused than I was. He also seems to not love that I sing *badly* Copa cabana everytime Lola appears. Just keeping it fresh! 

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I don't understand why they don't work with a local bariatric doctor until they get their weight down, then travel to Houston for the surgery.  I'm assuming it's super high risk and no other doctor will touch them.  Stay in Houston for a few weeks of recovery then return home and allow their local bariatric doctor to do the followup weigh in, support meeting etc.  I live in a mid-sized city outside of Dallas and have a friend who was referred to Dallas for surgery but does her support and follow up locally.  She has COPD along with other health issues that were better managed during surgery in Dallas.  

This having to travel to Houston to be told stop eating and make the goal weight loss seems unproductive. They could do all that from wherever they are living.  Once they met the goal weight, travel to Houston for surgery.  EKG's upper and lower GI's, psych visits can be done from their hometown.  Financially I couldn't do it.  I would just have to take the travel money and by the pine box (the Mega XXL size) to bury me in. 

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I can't believe I didn't catch this before the thread closed - it's "Murderers and their Mothers," not "Murders and their Mothers."  In case you all were looking for some fascinating leisure time viewing.  

OMGoodness. What was wrong with me last night? Marinara   not marina.  Yes, I had a bunch of boats with my zucchini. 

Edited by aliya
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5 hours ago, JJ1 said:

We always do.  Always a thin crust veggie with extra cheese.  But we only get pizza once every 2 or 3 months. And, frankly, I’m not sure that they really put much extra cheese on it. But it makes us feel like we are really splurging.

I'm glad that I don't really care for pizza.  I don't share it with many people though, because they treat you like you're crazy.  I mean, it's like they are angry that you don't care for pizza.  lol  I can eat it, but, not my first choice.  I DO LIKE white pie with pesto, pine nuts, gorgonzola cheese, tomatoes, garlic and spinach....I ordered extra spinach and you couldn't even tell.  Who's stingy with spinach? lol

Didn't the pizza they ordered come in individual boxes?  And the mother pulled something out of a bag that she already had with her in the bed. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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30 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm glad that I don't really care for pizza.  I don't share it with many people though, because they treat you like you're crazy.  I mean, it's like they are angry that you don't care for pizza.  lol  I can eat it, but, not my first choice.  I DO LIKE white pie with pesto, pine nuts, gorgonzola cheese, tomatoes, garlic and spinach....I ordered extra spinach and you couldn't even tell.  Who's stingy with spinach? lol

Didn't the pizza they ordered come in individual boxes?  And the mother pulled something out of a bag that she already had with her in the bed. 

I love pizza but I won't eat it any more. Not after seeing so much of it eaten by so many morbidly obese people on this show. Especially Steven Assanti.

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11 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This might seem odd, but, do people routinely order pizza with extra cheese?  Just curious. 

Who’s got two thumbs and always wants extra cheese on pizza? This gal!

Thankfully, Little Judgey doesn’t like any cheese on her pizza so guess who gets the extra cheese from her piece.  It’s a win-win. You almost can’t put too much cheese on pizza in my opinion.  

But I’m running 5-6 miles per day right now so I’m not too worried about my cheese intake.  

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I always feel bad when sexual assault is involved, I knew a girl who was raped in university....it was like the light went out of her eyes. She ended up dropping out and we lost touch but I will never forget how altered she was, it was like speaking to a completely different person.

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35 minutes ago, JudgeyMcJudgyPants said:

Who’s got two thumbs and always wants extra cheese on pizza? This gal!

Thankfully, Little Judgey doesn’t like any cheese on her pizza so guess who gets the extra cheese from her piece.  It’s a win-win. You almost can’t put too much cheese on pizza in my opinion.  

But I’m running 5-6 miles per day right now so I’m not too worried about my cheese intake.  

I am such a whimp, I run 30 min on the treadmill 3 or 4 times a week but at a speed of 5.2 on the treadmill.....I struggle as a am I whimp but I my goal is 37 min to hit the 5 k mark.  Good for you on running 5 or 6 miles a day!  I recently watched a show where  the 90 plus run a 10 min mile for 4 miles, I am embarrassed. Good for them though, I am not even 40 ha!

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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A series of posts about Penny have been moved to the All You Can Eat Buffet, er, All Episodes Thread .  We're talking Jennifer and Marissa in here.  You know them, mother and daughter, daughter has grown out blue hair and looks older than the mother because mom has never had to care for herself.  Both wear actual clothing, including underwear (and a really cute floral top on mom near the end of the show.)  Somewhere along the way they lost "dad" to his gambling addiction.  Yes, that's who we're talking about.

So let's keep the chatter in here to this episode of the show please.  

Also, as always, Small Talk is the place for personal anecdotes that don't directly relate to the show.  Go there and chat away!  Bond with your fellow Pounders!  Make new non-calorie friends!


Your kitty Mod, @PrincessPurrsALot and your breakfast treat Mod, @frenchtoast

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8 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I would really like to see this as well because you know they're telling themselves some pretty f'd up stuff. There's just no other way to say it.

And, they need to get that stuff into the light so to speak, have it evaluated by an objective outside party who can explain to them, "No, you won't die if you don't have wontons." Or, whatever it is they're thinking. I'd really like to know!

Nobody eats to the point where their child is wiping their a$$, and then continues to eat without being f'd in the head. And, they all throw temper tantrums like gigantic babies when they don't get their food. It's messed up.

I almost thought we were going to get that Schenectady (autocorrect; I’m keeping it), when she was utterly convinced she had to eat more because she was so large. But we know how well that went lol.

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This is what would have happened to the Gilmore Girls if they didn’t have a fast metabolism.


But on a more serious note, the level of abuse they both suffered was heartbreaking. The therapy was long overdue. Jen needs to gain independence and stay single until she can learn to love herself.  Marissa needs freedom and finally get to  be a 26 year old.  

Edited by Barbara Please
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11 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I realize I am very, very lucky in my relationship with food in general.

Addictions and other acts of self-destruction are funny things.  For me, 1 cookie is too many and 20 are never enough.  I struggle every day to be satisfied with my nutritional meals and I am constantly thinking about chips, cake, ice cream, fried chicken, etc.  However,  I detest the taste/effects of alcohol and could count on one hand the number of alcoholic drinks I've consumed in my life.  On the other hand, my brother has never said no to a drink or 12,  and yet he eats like a bird and acts like food is a minor annoyance he must consume to stay alive.  There was no sexual abuse in our childhoods, no beatings, no starvation, our parents weren't divorced and they did not drink or use drugs.  That's not to say our parents were June and Ward Cleaver.  Both of our parents were cold, distant and set almost impossible standards for us and very few for themselves.  But such is life, and I refuse to blame them for my eating issues.  Neither I nor my brother can understand the behavior of the other, and we have little or no tolerance for each other's problem.  In other words, I fully understand the issues that face the 600 pounders, but I cannot relate to the people on shows like "Intervention"  or "Celebrity Rehab."  I find myself saying to them, the same thing I hear some people saying to Dr. Now's patients--"Just put the damn drink/needle/pill (or cupcake, pizza, fried potatoes) down, and walk away."   It's very difficult to understand the other person's demons. 

Edited by JDAlexander
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2 hours ago, Barbara Please said:

This is what would have happened to the Gilmore Girls if they didn’t have a fast metabolism.

HA. But no, I think episode was instructive. I know a ton of mom's who want to have an unusually close relationship with their daughters but don't realize the harm it can do.

Saw the end last night on the rerun.  I don't see how anyone could snark on these two. They seemed like two nice people and it was nice to see them do really well at the end.  I wish them well. 

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Greetings everyone. I am new to this forum. I usually hang my hat in the Teen Mom, Judge Judy, 16&P and the Commercials forum. Funny thing, last night I was watching the Yankees/Boston game and an irritating commercial came on so I flipped down one channel on my remote and it just happened to be TLC. I saw Jennifer and Marissa and could not turn it off. My first thought was that Jennifer would be a very pretty lady at an ideal weight for her. She made me nuts though with her whining and total dependency on Marissa. No wonder Marissa cheated on the diet when out of the house. I can't say I'd be happy to be coming home every day to a mom who was essentially a dependent child.

I was SHOCKED at the first weigh in when I saw the daughter's weight. She looked like she was half the weight of the mom but I think maybe about 100 pounds separated them. Also, every time they went to the weigh in, I never really saw a difference in their appearances. Maybe with that much weight, it does not get noticeable for a while.

I was enraged that that low life Dwayne who was a total dick "You want a sausage, babe?" That's like offering booze to an alcoholic. What a disgusting pig he was.

Their apartment in Houston looked really sketchy. A broken window? Yikes. 

I was glad for Jennifer but my takeaway is that she won't be able to maintain. I got the feeling that she thought the surgery would be the cure all but she definitely has many other issues that need dealing with. I am not sure but is bariatric surgery the one in which they make your stomach small so you can only eat small portions of food? If that is the case, maybe she will be able to keep a good bit of the weight off but she really has to grow up and stop being a 5 year old. I try to be sympathetic with people who have had issues in the past, but some people cling onto those and use them as an excuse to be a layabout and do nothing to help themselves. That makes me crazy. 

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13 hours ago, JunkFoodTV said:

That made me laugh out loud. As I was baby waddle walking down the hallway my husband threw a pillow at me....I said that's it! It's perfect! He was less amused than I was. He also seems to not love that I sing *badly* Copa cabana everytime Lola appears. Just keeping it fresh! 

"His name was Rico, he wore a diamond..." 

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19 hours ago, Showthyme said:

What makes the Poundticipants decide that today is the day to call Dr. Now? Apparently, it is not having someone turn them over, bathe them or wipe their ass. For most of us, our pants don't zip up, we go beyond that certain size, or a child makes an innocent comment that makes us cringe. 

Jennifer wasn't the worst person that we have seen on this show but she definitely is in the running for the most helpless. She didn't know how to do basic things. Her helplessness and that crying is quite manipulative. 

Why didn't the friend lose any weight? Most of the poundticipants show up with obese enablers/drivers. It is odd that they don't start dieting too. 

People are prompted to grow up when they start caring, but for Jennifer that caring  doesn't extend further than weeping a lot. For whatever reason, I'm sure she watched her children suffer quite a bit and her responses and feelings toward them were blunted.

I could see her gaining back the weight and getting into some kind of co-dependent relationship with one very frustrated caregiver. The caregiver would be drawn to her monthly check, and yet frustrated at not being in a relationship with an adult. Jennifer would cry over the mistreatment and her baby tears and toddler-like manipulations would only frustrate her caregiver more leading to more verbal abuse or even worse. I'm sure there was already some of that going on with her daughter. She needs to want to grow up.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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These two looked more like sisters than mom/daughter, & depending on Jennifer's makeup, Marissa tended to look more like the older sister (the blue hair probably wasn't helping). Interesting in that their roles were reversed as well; the younger taking care of the older instead of the other way around, although they both needed to be independent at this point.

I suspect that given Jennifer was never cared for as a child she was reverting to a childlike state to be taken care of as an adult, even if it meant having her own child do so.

I think their weight loss was showing more up top, particularly in Jennifer. I noticed more skin hanging off her arm toward the end, with no real changes anywhere else. Given she was bottom heavy, she'll probably lose more up top first.

I thought it was encouraging that Jennifer ditched the messed up boyfriend, & hope she doesn't find a user caregiver someday as was mentioned above.

Also interesting is when the mother/daughter team are overeating & feeding their addictions they are codependent, but if they work on recovering, together, Dr. Now explained they can become a support system for one another. Problem is, if one backslides, the other has to be independent enough to not go down with her, so the codependent relationship has to be broken. Hopefully the therapy can help them with that.

I hope for a good follow up for these too someday.

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23 hours ago, calpurnia99 said:

It's a long road to travel, but you have to take the first step in the journey. 

Cue: obese person laying in bed saying: When I wake up in the morning I am in so much pain. I feel like I  am suffocating under all this fat. I often am surprised I am alive and didnt die in my sleep.

I have to rely on so-and so to wipe my ass, wash me and do everything for me. I hate that. 

Cue: shower scene


Cue 14 eggs, some kind of fatty meat and a loaf of bread/biscuits/rolls piled on the plate enough for 6 people which is consumed in bed while lying down

Cue childhood story:

I was not a fat child but then I was molested/abused by my stepdad/mothers boyfriend so I turned to food for comfort- I just wanted to eat

When I was 8 I weighed 200 pounds then my dad/mom was doing drugs/drinking so they divorced and

This caused me to eat even more so by the time I was in High School I was 350. Right after high school I got raped again/got involved with drugs. This made me turn to food EVEN MORE AND i GOT EVEN BIGGER!

I then met my partner so and so and he didn't mind that I was 500 pounds because I was jolly. Cue partner: I didn't mind he/she was big he/she just have a loving spirit'

Then we got married and I miscarried/my dad died/my grandmother died. This was so traumatic that I had to eat EVEN MORE and I got EVEN BIGGER

you all know the rest eventually this person is in DR Nows office and he says 


I joined the forum just to favourite this!


How y’all doing? (Excuse my pronunciation I’m Australian).

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I skimmed through Supersized last night and one thing had me yelling, "WHAT??!?!?"  They had a bonus scene where Marissa broke down ranting about wanting to get away from Jennifer.  She screamed, "Why can't one of the other kids take care of you instead of me!?!"

That's one of the things that's enraging about the producers of this show.  They throw some few facts at the viewer:

  • Jennifer gave birth to 2 children, who eventually got taken away from her due to drug abuse.
  • Marissa went back to Jen when she turned 18.
  • Jennifer gave birth to a 3rd child but kept her pregnancy secret.  She gave up the baby to adoption.

So what the heck?  "One of the other kids!"?  How irresponsible those writers and producers are to not provide a consistent storyline.  They tell us one thing about Jennifer's offspring, but throw in this random line in a bonus scene that puts it all into question.

"One of the other kids!?"  Where is that kid she gave up for adoption?  Did her son reconcile with her too like Marissa did?  If so, where is he?  Did she have other kids too, that they never told us about?


My other thought while watching this show is how much better it would be if they entirely eliminated the word "Because".  Every single sentence that contains it is followed by a phrase that is delivered in a whine, and is meant to sound profound, but it's just the same obvious line that's repeated by every single patient. 

Because: this is my last chance, I could die if I don't, they need me, I am scared, they are depending on me.

2 hours ago, JunkFoodTV said:

Does anyone know what was on Duh Wayne's head? I've never seen anything like it.

I wondered that too.  We only saw it once in that shot where he was loading all that chicken into the oven.  Looked like a gigantic tumor.

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3 hours ago, configdotsys said:

I was glad for Jennifer but my takeaway is that she won't be able to maintain. I got the feeling that she thought the surgery would be the cure all but she definitely has many other issues that need dealing with.

They all think that, no matter how many times he tells them it's just a tool.
It's always " getting to Houston and Dr. Now, is my last chance to live," 'cause I couldn't possibly eat less in here in Oregon or wherever.

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1 hour ago, Trees said:


I wondered that too.  We only saw it once in that shot where he was loading all that chicken into the oven.  Looked like a gigantic tumor.

See that's where instead of giving us weather reports from Houston or whatever, Supersized could give us a little blurb with information. The producers have been doing this long enough to realize people would be wondering about stuff like that.

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1 hour ago, QuinnInND said:

I thought it was a man bun on his head. 

It was nice and rounded, so unless there's a perfectly circular hole in his skull, it must be something sitting on the outside of his skull.  But are tumors so perfectly shaped?  Maybe it's fluid he's retaining.

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28 minutes ago, Mothra said:

It was nice and rounded, so unless there's a perfectly circular hole in his skull, it must be something sitting on the outside of his skull.  But are tumors so perfectly shaped?  Maybe it's fluid he's retaining.

Darn, I missed that! 

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