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3 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

It's a joke. After the studio edited it without Lynch's consent or input, he had his name removed from the credits. Any film without a named director is known as an "Alan Smithee film".

Oh...i just googled Alan Smithee and found out about the use of the pseudonym.  I had no idea that it even existed or that Lynch used it for Dune.

Learn something new everyday.

Edited by Morrigan2575
On 4/18/2017 at 10:34 AM, Bastet said:

Since no one actually suggested that solution, I'd say it's not.

Well, no one ever suggests it explicitly. But it does seem to come up quite a lot that men doing X Whatever Thing is seen as allowable while women don't have as much freedom to...be assholes, I guess. I'm aware that few people will agree with me, but that's why I'm in the UO thread.

Yeah, I do not like Julia Roberts, but I must admit she's a hell of an actress. She gave the most moving performance in that Valentine's Day anthology movie, which featured a lot of talented actors I love (Hector Elizondo, Shirley MacLaine, Anne Hathaway, Queen Latifah).

On 4/18/2017 at 0:34 PM, partofme said:

I've never seen the animated B&TB so I have nothing to compare it to, but Gaston was my favorite part of the live action B&TB.  I hated the Beast.  He was such an a$$hole as the prince in the beginning that I found it impossible to root for him and the actor wasn't even attractive.

Luke Evans is another actor I'm less than fond of for offscreen reasons, but I thought he was clearly the best singer in the live action B&B (only Audra McDonald came close), despite my liking practically every other singer better. I think the casting people knew their stuff when they picked him.

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I posted in the "La La Land" thread, but I'll say it here: I saw the movie last night and thought it suuuuucked: pretentious, self-indulgent, and overrated. 

In light of the discussion about Julia Roberts, I must say I hate her. I liked her in "Steel Magnolias," but that's because she dies at the end.

It's her mouth that freaks me out -- it reminds me of the evil clown doll's in "Poltergeist." (I may have a bit of a clown phobia.)

  • Love 7

So...yeah. I think Harrison Ford was the acting weak-link in The Force Awakens. I enjoyed seeing him as Han Solo again and I loved "THAT'S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS!" but overall it felt half-assed and it took me out of his scenes (especially because the new kiddos were so game and committed). (I also think there's a 50/50 chance he's the OG SW cast member that James Marsters said shit-talked BtVS for being "stupid" because Buffy is a woman and "no woman could defend herself like that".) It's weird though because even though he utilizes the same mannerisms in about 75% of his roles I've liked him in almost everything he's done. He seems to know his limits. I have no idea why revisiting Han didn't work and it has me a little worried for the new Blade Runner.

Edited by slf
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I've never seen the Star Wars movies, and while I have seen two of the Indiana Jones movies, I really like Harrison Ford best in Witness. It's cool to see him in a movie where he's just playing a real person and not some action hero. (I mean, he's had plenty of movies like that, of course, but Witness was early enough in his fame that I could see how that role could have been a startling contrast for many people.) 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, UYI said:

I've never seen the Star Wars movies, and while I have seen two of the Indian Jones movies, I really like Harrison Ford best in Witness. It's cool to see him in a movie where he's just playing a real person and not some action hero. (I mean, he's had plenty of movies like that, of course, but Witness was early enough in his fame that I could how that role could have been a startling contrast for many people.) 

ITA. I think Witness and Working Girl are my favourite Ford roles. I like when he doesn't play the action star. Even though he was more action in Witness, he had a lot more range in that role.

  • Love 6
On 4/30/2017 at 2:20 PM, slf said:

So...yeah. I think Harrison Ford was the acting weak-link in The Force Awakens. I enjoyed seeing him as Han Solo again and I loved "THAT'S NOT HOW THE FORCE WORKS!" but overall it felt half-assed and it took me out of his scenes (especially because the new kiddos were so game and committed). (I also think there's a 50/50 chance he's the OG SW cast member that James Marsters said shit-talked BtVS for being "stupid" because Buffy is a woman and "no woman could defend herself like that".) It's weird though because even though he utilizes the same mannerisms in about 75% of his roles I've liked him in almost everything he's done. He seems to know his limits. I have no idea why revisiting Han didn't work and it has me a little worried for the new Blade Runner

Well I liked him in The Force Awakens I thought his reaction to seeing Kylo Ren during the battle at Maz Kanatta's and his conversations with Leia had a genuine sadness and regret.  I did note that while he was Han again he wasn't the way Han was in the old movies. The guy who was originally in it for himself and didn't believe in the Force. Han was no longer that, which is fine. That's a natural progression of his arc through the movies. He had become the mentor figure like Obi-Wan. However TFA was missing was the role Han played in the first movie which was the cynical rogue. Everyone is so earnestly heroic in TFA.

Edited by VCRTracking
  • Love 4
On 5/2/2017 at 1:55 PM, VCRTracking said:

Well I liked him in The Force Awakens I thought his reaction to seeing Kylo Ren during the battle at Maz Kanatta's and his conversations with Leia had a genuine sadness and regret.  I did note that while he was Han again he wasn't the way Han was in the old movies. The guy who was originally in it for himself and didn't believe in the Force. Han was no longer that, which is fine. That's a natural progression of his arc through the movies. He had become the mentor figure like Obi-Wan. However TFA was missing was the role Han played in the first movie which was the cynical rogue. Everyone is so earnestly heroic in TFA.

For me it wasn't that he wasn't the same ol' Han, I wouldn't expect him to be, it was that most of Ford's acting choices seemed hammy and a couple of beats off. There were moments that were good, like when he gave the blaster to Rey and told her Chewie likes her or when he was talking to Maz at the cantina. But the rest ("What was the other time?" "I like this thing!") just didn't work.

For me, Harrison Ford was never a very good actor, so his work in TFA was, as always, adequate but nothing to write home about. He, Chris Pratt, and Ryan Gosling are in the same vein for me. Bland, adequate, with the charm of Wonder bread. They are the kind of actors I sometimes have to look up because they are so bland I forget their names.

There are a few more that have that effect on me but I can't remember them at the moment.

So, yeah, I can't explain Chris Pratt. Or Guardians of the Galaxy. I went from annoyed to bored to turning it off.

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, supposebly said:

He, Chris Pratt, and Ryan Gosling are in the same vein for me. Bland, adequate, with the charm of Wonder bread. They are the kind of actors I sometimes have to look up because they are so bland I forget their names.

There are a few more that have that effect on me but I can't remember them at the moment.

@Wiendish Fitch wrote:


Similarly, I wish someone could explain in writing what's so wonderful about Chris Pratt.

@ribboninthesky1 wrote:


When you get that explanation, please forward to @ribboninthesky1, so I may also be enlightened.  Thank you in advance. 

Hmm.....it's harder to explain why it is that you like someone than why you don't like someone, but I'll try.    I find all three of these men very charming because, not only do I find them attractive, but I think they have great comic timing.  And whether someone is gorgeous or simply cute (or even just "ok"), funny is going to charm me and win me over every time.  From Harrison Ford as smart alec Han Solo/Indiana Jones, Ryan Gosling in The Nice Guys and Chris Pratt in almost everything, I simply enjoy most of their roles as much as just looking at them.

Edited by Shannon L.
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Guardians of the Galaxy did absolutely nothing for me. Sorry. Similarly, I wish someone could explain in writing what's so wonderful about Chris Pratt.

I wholeheartedly agree. I really wanted to like Guardians of the Galaxy because I'd heard such amazing things about the movie. I not only found it hard to truly engage the movie, but I had an intense dislike for Chris Pratt's portrayal...of...well...every character I've ever seen him portray.  I'm also not a big fan of Zoe Saldana, so that movie was a huge "no!" for me.


My even bigger unpopular opinion is that I'm not a fan of Robert Downey Jr.'s Iron Man. The character is not likable to me, at all.

  • Love 5

Maybe it's because I'm not a guy, and I'm not white (not that this is the race thread), but I don't understand the love for Fight Club. Brad Pitt is not as hell in that film, but it's not on my top 10 list of favorite movies. And I have heard movie reviewers gush about its deep social commentary and iconic place in film history. I guess I just missed those takeaway messages. I feel similarly about Trainspotting, though I know that it appeals to more than just men. But heroin addiction is symbolic of rejecting middle-class consumerism? Since when????

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, topanga said:

Maybe it's because I'm not a guy, and I'm not white (not that this is the race thread), but I don't understand the love for Fight Club. Brad Pitt is not as hell in that film, but it's not on my top 10 list of favorite movies. And I have heard movie reviewers gush about its deep social commentary and iconic place in film history. I guess I just missed those takeaway messages.

I'm with you on Fight Club. I think it's horribly misogynist, with its "women have made men effeminate" premise. You know a movie is messed up when Helena Bonham Carter plays a junkie and is the voice of reason!

  • Love 4

I am both white and male, although I am not straight, so I cannot speak to it with 100% accuracy, but since I was in college when the movie came out, I have a few theories.  I think it was grunge music for my cohort (born '77-'81), and just like that was for our older brothers, I think this gave us an expression of our feelings about how angry and hurt and put-upon we were.

It is a young man's movie, that's for sure.

  • Love 4
On 5/6/2017 at 8:27 AM, Wiendish Fitch said:

Similarly, I wish someone could explain in writing what's so wonderful about Chris Pratt.


On 5/6/2017 at 9:19 AM, ribboninthesky1 said:

When you get that explanation, please forward to @ribboninthesky1, so I may also be enlightened.  Thank you in advance. 

SMH. I feel like I'm a native of Pawnee, Chris is 'Lil Sebastian' and all of you are Ben Wyatt!

  • Love 4
On 5/8/2017 at 3:30 PM, topanga said:

Maybe it's because I'm not a guy, and I'm not white (not that this is the race thread), but I don't understand the love for Fight Club. Brad Pitt is not as hell in that film, but it's not on my top 10 list of favorite movies. And I have heard movie reviewers gush about its deep social commentary and iconic place in film history. 

And...it's not. It's satire, which so many men missed. David Fincher's daughter told him that her friend Max said Fight Club is his favorite movie; he told her to never talk to Max again, lol.

  • Love 6
On 5/8/2017 at 4:30 PM, topanga said:

Maybe it's because I'm not a guy, and I'm not white (not that this is the race thread), but I don't understand the love for Fight Club. Brad Pitt is not as hell in that film, but it's not on my top 10 list of favorite movies. And I have heard movie reviewers gush about its deep social commentary and iconic place in film history. I guess I just missed those takeaway messages. I feel similarly about Trainspotting, though I know that it appeals to more than just men. But heroin addiction is symbolic of rejecting middle-class consumerism? Since when????

I'm not a guy either, but I read the book first and I loved the book, I thought the movie was a good adaptation of the book.

  • Love 2
On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 4:09 PM, ribboninthesky1 said:

Switching to an opinion more DC-related: Jason Mamoa does nothing for me. I've never understood the attraction.  

I think he's a douche.

On ‎4‎/‎13‎/‎2017 at 4:02 AM, Wiendish Fitch said:

My cousin, an otherwise lovely and sensible woman, dressed her 2-year-old son as Heath Ledger's Joker last Halloween.

Okay, parents, a little advice: if you're going for a DC themed Halloween, do not dress your toddler son up as Heath Ledger's Joker (or Jared Leto, or Jack Nicholson)! It's just creepy and horrible! If you must go with the Joker, dress him up instead as Caesar Romero's paunchy, unthreatening Joker from the goofy 1960s TV series! 

In the same note, dressing your seven-year-old daughter as Harley from Suicide Squad is creepy and gross.

On ‎5‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 3:30 PM, topanga said:

Maybe it's because I'm not a guy, and I'm not white (not that this is the race thread), but I don't understand the love for Fight Club. Brad Pitt is not as hell in that film, but it's not on my top 10 list of favorite movies. And I have heard movie reviewers gush about its deep social commentary and iconic place in film history. I guess I just missed those takeaway messages. I feel similarly about Trainspotting, though I know that it appeals to more than just men. But heroin addiction is symbolic of rejecting middle-class consumerism? Since when????

Have room for another? That was some pretentious shit in that movie!

  • Love 6
On 5/10/2017 at 1:40 PM, proserpina65 said:

I'll add that I don't think Brad Pitt is hot, ever.

Not even in Thelma & Louise? I thought Brad was hot when he was younger, and he had a spark in that film. He's pretty to look at, but he needs charm or something. I've been thinking of Roger Moore since he passed, and Roger always had that mischievous twinkle in his eye. Brad lacks that.

  • Love 3
17 hours ago, ennui said:

Not even in Thelma & Louise? I thought Brad was hot when he was younger, and he had a spark in that film. He's pretty to look at, but he needs charm or something. I've been thinking of Roger Moore since he passed, and Roger always had that mischievous twinkle in his eye. Brad lacks that.

Nope.  I have never found Brad Pitt hot, or even more than vaguely attractive.

  • Love 3
10 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:

Nope.  I have never found Brad Pitt hot, or even more than vaguely attractive.

Same here. In Legends of the Fall, I was like, "you can keep that flaky man-whore Tristan, give me Alfred! That's a man!"

I love Aidan Quinn, if only for his deep, deep voice, and those deep, deep, deep blue eyes...

Sorry, what were we talking about? :)

  • Love 8
20 minutes ago, proserpina65 said:
18 hours ago, ennui said:

Not even in Thelma & Louise? I thought Brad was hot when he was younger, and he had a spark in that film. He's pretty to look at, but he needs charm or something. I've been thinking of Roger Moore since he passed, and Roger always had that mischievous twinkle in his eye. Brad lacks that.

Nope.  I have never found Brad Pitt hot, or even more than vaguely attractive.

Not even in Se7en, Fight Club, Ocean's 11, or Mr. & Mrs. Smith? (Don't mind me. Just wanted an excuse to list more "Hot Brad Pitt" movies). 




Brad Pitt is the human manifestation of mayonnaise: perfectly fine in the right combination, but on its own? Blander than bland. (No offense to mayo lovers)

I agree that his acting leaves a lot to be desired. I don't even like all of the movies I listed (e.g. Fight Club). But I still think he's pretty. 

Edited by topanga
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, topanga said:

I agree that his acting leaves a lot to be desired. I don't even like all of the movies I listed (e.g. Fight Club). But I still think he's pretty. 

He is good at the crying scenes, though.  I do find him very attractive, btw.   

Funny Brad story:  When a friend and I went to see Legends of the Fall, when Brad's first character finally showed up and jumped off the horse, the second he took off his hat, there was an audible sigh in the theater.  I'm not kidding either.  I didn't disagree with the sentiment, but it was still loud enough for me to giggle. 

Since we're talking about attractive actors, I'm going to throw this hear in regards to something I saw in another thread about Tom Cruise not being hot anymore:  He's another actor who I think has gotten better looking with age.  While he might be very slowly on the decline now looks-wise, I think he's much better looking over the last decade or so than in the beginning of his career.  He honestly did nothing for me in Risky Business (I also didn't get what was so great about that movie, either). 

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:


Brad Pitt is the human manifestation of mayonnaise: perfectly fine in the right combination, but on its own? Blander than bland. (No offense to mayo lovers)

Yeah, I love mayonnaise--especially on hot dogs!--so I take some offense seeing Brad Pitt being compared to it. ;)

But then again, I think Kevin Costner is hot, no matter how wooden others find him, so what do I know? 

  • Love 3

I thought Pitt was awful in Se7en.  I'll always remember laughing out loud when he asked Morgan Freeman what was in the box.  I like him in the Ocean films, as he and Clooney are quite funny together.    

1 hour ago, Shannon L. said:

Since we're talking about attractive actors, I'm going to throw this hear in regards to something I saw in another thread about Tom Cruise not being hot anymore:  He's another actor who I think has gotten better looking with age. 

Agreed. *whispers* I've never seen Risky Business. And I'm okay with that. */whispers* I watched some of Top Gun several weeks ago, and Rick Rossovich was the eye candy, hands down.  

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