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S10.E01: Gouls Just Wanna Have Fun

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10 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yay! My girls are back! I don't know what it is about this franchise, but I just get such a kick out of NY. And we're already off to a great start. 


This is the season of the breakups, eh? Bye, Tom....and Scott....and Adam....and Frenchie. Too bad it wasn't bye, John. When he asked Tinsley if she was s virgin I almost threw up. 


Carole's costume was my favorite. I loved that she didn't do the obvious and pick a "sexy" costume. I also kind of love that she smoked because Amelia did? So random, but hilarious. Especially because she's about to run a marathon (which, good on her, but she runs like Phoebe Buffy). That's commitment to character!

Sonja's was my least favorite. I did not see Lucy. I saw Wilma Flintstone gets a job at Downton Abbey. 

So she's really with Rocco now? Full on? I feel bad, because it always seems like she's using him. 

And what was with her weird ads summer story? "I went on anti-depressants, went to France, and ate a bunch of crossaints. Then I got too fat, so it was off to Costa Rica to cleanse it all out!" Is that why she was out of touch with everyone until filming? Just weird. 


Also weird, is something going on with Carole and Bethenny? Carole wasn't at her charity dinner. Does that mean she didn't donate? It's just odd. I wonder if Carole's closeness with Tinsley has anything to do with it.

Bethenny's charity work was astounding. I have nothing negative to say about that. 


Ramona is still a snob. Those digs just fly out of her mouth before she can think. 


I'm not here for a season of Luann moaning about Tom. I'm with Carole - maybe LU should have called and apologized to everyone. That marriage was a joke from day one. I'm over it. 

And I'm not sure where Sonja's camel analogy fits in, but I'm eternally grateful for the flashback. 


Best part of the episode was drunk Dorinda planning a chicken and Ghost Hunters sleepover with Carole. Oh, NY, I just can't quit you!

I saw Ernestine Telephone Operator gets a job in a diner

Is Sonja losing her mind more than usual? Isn't she having problems with Tipsy Girl creepy Peter as well as being sued by her bankruptcy lawyers?

Flashback re-boot:


  • Love 16

...and Ramona wore red latex this week, and Erika (RHBH) will wear red latex next week. hmmmm...

I'm thinking a bit more along the lines of events. Like when both Atlanta and Beverly Hills had escape room events last year...

If the OC ends up having a Murder Mystery dinner in it's upcoming seaosn, that would make me go hmmmm... ;)

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 4
10 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Mine too. It was very sweet, and John appeared to recognize (and Dorinda too since she wanted to leave) that she had had enough and needed to go before she said something she might regret. 

I laughed out loud when Luann told Carole that she should have phoned her when "the shit hit the fan". Honey, the shit hit the fan when TomCat was caught kissing an ex a few days before your engagement party. In fact, it never stopped hitting the fan.  I also thought it was interesting when Carole asked Luann why she didn't phone her when Carole and Adam broke up. After all, Carole and Adam lasted longer than Luann and TomCat's courtship, engagment, and marriage combined. By a couple of years. I think.

I am looking forward to this season. It will be interesting to see how Luann is leading up to when she ends up in jail. And after of course. On this franchise there is no one  that I detest, like there is on RHOBH (Dorito) and RHOOC (Peggy and Lydia, though at least they won't be back). Welcome back, ladies! 

I think Luann is angry at Carole - not for not phoning her when she got a divorce but because of the micced conversation coming from Barbara Kavovit.

What Barbara said about what Luann said - knowing about Tom, having doubts but would walk down the aisle and divorce later. It sure makes sense that Luann actually confided those things to several people.

Luann is mad because it contradicts the narrative she's going to shove down our throats this season.

  • Love 20
10 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

I have missed Ramona and her clueless delusions!

I almost fell off the couch onto the floor laughing at her speaking into Lu's fake costume microphone at the party like she was being interviewed for some real news show or that the audio was off for some reason during filming.

I absolutely LOVE Ramona, My Crazy Noodle!

I also like the Bethenny/Ramona dynamic. Ramona is the only one that can get under Bethenny's skin and stun her speechless. You can just see her blood pressure going off the charts and all Ramona has to say is one sentence. And then Ramona blinks and tries to play coy...Bwahahahaha

  • Love 21

Dorinda is positioning herself very nicely to be the drunk den mother for the Vanderpump Rules chucklefucks.  It's one thing to have a social drink but girl can't drink anything, apparently, without getting shitfaced drunk.  She was funny, at first, but now it's just pathetic.  Sonja clearly should have taken Dorinda with her to Costa Rica for the cleanse.

Was the filming out of sequence?  Because Carole's hair looked like her own when she was dressed as Amelia Earhart.  I like her haircut but I'm not sure about the blonde color.   And to the poster who said she resembled Phoebe Buffay running - - KADOOZ!  I gave that scene a side eye myself because clearly no one has told Carole that running a marathon isn't the 50 yard dash.  Run, Carole!  Run like Satan is after you!  Ha ha! 

I admire Beth's charitable endeavors and I am saddened by the loss of Cookie.  

Regarding Lu - - clearly Carole should have brought over a casserole.  Vicki Gunvalson needs to ring up this group to explain proper manners.

  • Love 19

I love me some drunk Dorinda, but what was the deal with lecturing the women on the etiquette of greeting the host(ess) when arriving at the party, and then leaving her own party early because she got too sloshed?  


I would so love to be invited to the chicken and Ghost Hunters sleep over at Blue Stone Manor. 

  • Love 14

At every party we watch Dorinda melt like a crayon on a radiator, thank goodness John ushered her out before it became a scene out of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf".

Luann has a lot of nerve demanding sympathy from Bethenny or from any of the women for that matter. Luann should have to re watch all last season and listen to the Greek chorus of I told you so on an endless loop. 

Ramona is a unreal, she cannot be happy for anyone.  Jealous and passive aggressive as the day is long.  I am not excited to watch her this season.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, Higgins said:

How was Ramona cheap?

I'm assuming it is a reference to the $3k donation vs. Tinsley's $10k donation.  Ramona then saying "I did what I could", or something to that effect.  FTR, any donation is a good donation imo, and shouldn't be judged against another person's donation.  For all we know, Ramona donates a lot of $$ to other charities (though she doesn't ooze a philanthropic mindset).  Bethenny was clearly shading Ramona with the comparison comment.  

2 hours ago, mwell345 said:

trying to show everyone how hip, cool and aware she is. 


  • Love 10
40 minutes ago, esco1822 said:

I love you for this. One of my favorite episodes of all time. I of course thought of this:


This. is. Everything. 

As ridiculous as Jan's wig is, I think Lu's was TWICE as big.  WTH was she thinking??? 

2 hours ago, ChitChat said:

LuAnn's costume reminded me of this scene from Designing Women:  
Designing Women as The Supremes

OMG YES!  I knew there was a show where somebody had dressed in blackface (and her friends/family were horrified) but I could NOT think of what it was.  That is one of my FAVORITE Designing Women episodes (I always cried at the end when the cousin decides to leave the abusive husband). 

  • Love 10

Afro Love in the 70’s

Diana Ross may be singlehandedly responsible for the sales of more afro wigs than any other person alive. When she rocked her 70’s fro, it was large, in charge, glorious and glamorous.   https://www.essence.com/galleries/super-natural-afrobella-her-fave-diana-ross-hair-moments#534346

Maybe Luann was channeling 70's Diana Ross.  I didn't think Luann was trying to mock Diana Ross, anymore than Dorinda was mocking Lady Gaga or Ramona mocking Sritney spears.  To me accusing Luann of "blackface" is not within the traditional meaning.   It looked to me like Luann wanted a big headdress, a tight dress and an even bigger entrance.

Why is Carole so unhappy?  For some who is so down on others for being judgmental it does not stop with her.  Lighten up Carole.

  • Love 23

Bethenny seemed as appreciative of Ramona’s donation as she was of Tinsley’s, and Beth isn’t that good an actor.  She’s more likely to shade the women who didn’t donate anything to her.  (I wonder if that’s part of her tiff with Carole.  I can’t imagine Carole not doing anything,  but I can see her choosing to give to an established organization, instead of Bethenny’s.). 

Didn’t Ramona previously insult one of the other women for living in the wrong part of the Hamptons?  

  • Love 7
8 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I'm assuming it is a reference to the $3k donation vs. Tinsley's $10k donation.  Ramona then saying "I did what I could", or something to that effect.  FTR, any donation is a good donation imo, and shouldn't be judged against another person's donation.  For all we know, Ramona donates a lot of $$ to other charities (though she doesn't ooze a philanthropic mindset).  Bethenny was clearly shading Ramona with the comparison comment.  


I'm sure many of her friends have causes. $3000 is a lot of money. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, noveltylibrary said:

I think the term blackface is misused a lot.  Blackface is ugly and exaggerated with clown white lips, like what Ted Danson did when he was dating Whoopi Goldberg.  Using a darker bronzer in a flattering way is not blackface imo.

It didn't bother me either. Honestly I thought her face was bronzed like her chest was earlier at Dorinda's apt (I am still not sure if that was a shirt or just bronzer) and I didn't see blackface whatsoever. I just saw wig which was funny because it made her as tall as big bird. JMHO. 

She said in WWHL she wasn't even going for blackface and never would go for a blackface look ever.

The WWHL guest Jackie called Ramona's costume like a red Ludens cough drop shining in the sun. Hahaha

  • Love 19

So Luan is supposed to reach out to Carole over her "break up" with Adam even though Carole had declared previously there was no break up but rather a step back? She plays it cool in the relationship and acts like its nothing but when people don't take the relationship seriously she gets offended.

Lu, that costume was so wrong.

Sonja looks horrible in her TH's, she has such nice skin and looks so much better with less make up.

Bethenny is still as abrasive as ever even when she's doing good deeds.

  • Love 12
4 minutes ago, ancslove said:

Bethenny seemed as appreciative of Ramona’s donation as she was of Tinsley’s, and Beth isn’t that good an actor.  She’s more likely to shade the women who didn’t donate anything to her.  (I wonder if that’s part of her tiff with Carole.  I can’t imagine Carole not doing anything,  but I can see her choosing to give to an established organization, instead of Bethenny’s.). 

Didn’t Ramona previously insult one of the other women for living in the wrong part of the Hamptons?  

Carole gave to different charity, an animal charity. It was Bethenny/Carole that made fun at Jule's house in the Hamptons, that it wasn't in the right location.

  • Love 14
3 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:


Carole and Adam's relationship is sad to me. I think she really loved him but would never admit how deeply she felt because she knew the age difference was too much and he would eventually grow tired of her, it was just a matter of time, so she puts on this brave liberated woman schtick of liking her cake, too. Meanwhile, she's really hurting.


I agree 100%. She tries to play it off but no wants to be a jump off no matter how cool she thinks it makes her seem.

Edited by Ki-in
  • Love 10

Even though I think that being offended has become a sport for some, with all of the choices that were available to Luann, that she selected to portray a woman of color just shows a little about her not being able to look beyond the end of her nose.  To walk into a party with that 2-foot high wig was more about look at me!! than it was about honoring Diana Ross.  Ditto with Ramona's Britney get-up.  She chose the most bodycon option she could have, in all its shiny redness, because Ramona believes she is all that and a truckload of chips.  She looks really good for a 60+ woman, right up to the point where she opens her mouth.  Plus, that gut was not cute.  At all.

  • Love 12

No way in Hell can Carol run 20 miles, let alone, a marathon. When they showed her running with her trainer it looked like her shoes were tied together or something because she ran like a demented clown. 

Whichever housewife that first came up with the idea of filming with their household staff should be spanked- Bethenny’s driver seems nice and all, but, jeez, doesn’t she have ANY real friends in her life?! 

Sonja’s shtick has grown boring and predictable. 

Luann looked the best I’ve ever seen her on WWHL- apparently she quit drinking and smoking, and at least for now, dating. 

Love me some Dorinda~ drunk and sober. She fascinated me! 

  • Love 12
Just now, Juliegirlj said:

No way in Hell can Carol run 20 miles, let alone, a marathon. When they showed her running with her trainer it looked like her shoes were tied together or something because she ran like a demented clown. 

Whichever housewife that first came up with the idea of filming with their household staff should be spanked- Bethenny’s driver seems nice and all, but, jeez, doesn’t she have ANY real friends in her life?! 

Sonja’s shtick has grown boring and predictable. 

Luann looked the best I’ve ever seen her on WWHL- apparently she quit drinking and smoking, and at least for now, dating. 

Love me some Dorinda~ drunk and sober. She fascinated me! 

She had 2, and as we saw in this episode, one has died.  The other lives in Florida, a very comfortable 1000 miles away.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, Juliegirlj said:

Whichever housewife that first came up with the idea of filming with their household staff should be spanked- Bethenny’s driver seems nice and all, but, jeez, doesn’t she have ANY real friends in her life?! 


All evidence points to no.  Only paid people to fawn over her.

I have one photo of my beloved pupper who passed a year ago taken on the day he died, I was trying to keep him happy until the vet arrived and gave him some peanut butter which got on his nose and he tried to lick it off.  Every now and then I pass that photo in my stream and start crying.  Sigh.

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

If Dorinda was a Super Hero, her Super Power would be SLURRING.

Once she starts, it's magnetic and hypnotic and sucks you into her vortex


It's from the SNL skit with Adam Samberg. The NSL slit with Shombur. Sha booby bubba.

I was rolling my eyes with her constant referral to the costume as a "dress".  Gurl...

Many seasons ago and in Ramona's divorce settlement I recall Sonja saying Ramona was a smart cookie as she bought a condo prior to her marriage with Mario.  When they divorced a condo was mentioned as part of their real estate holdings.  Earlier this year Ramona mentioned getting her real estate license.  I thought Bethenny sounded like a fool talking about the five properties she has.  FFS she didn't even own a property until she was 40 years old.  According to Bethenny she spent $2 million in attorneys fees to get sole title to that property.

I agreed with Ramona-a house on the highway cannot be south of the highway.  I guess I am not the only one, Brian Moylan from Vulture: 

But the worst at the Halloween party is Bethenny. I’m not talking about her Boob-Popping Barbie look, I’m talking about her behavior. Now, it’s clear that Dorinda wasn’t the only one who was drunker than a recent parolee at bottomless brunch. Bethenny got wasted too and she and Ramona get into a fight about if her house on Montauk Highway in the Hamptons is “south of the highway” or not. I mean, come on. This is the stupidest, whitest fight since the Spanish American War or at least the West Palm Beach versus Palm Beach kerfuffle of last season. (Also, I’m with Ramona on this. If your shit is on a highway, it cannot be south of that highway.)  

Ramona may have been coasting with her businesses the last few years but she did enjoy success long before Bethenny.  Bethenny was arrogant and a pot calling the kettle black moment when she mentioned Ramona showing her tits.  Does Bethenny have a mirror?

  • Love 18

It is ironic to me that Sonja's tag line contains the line "I'm more than a last name", or something like that.  I think she brings very little to the table.  Drunken antics are not in short supply here, so hers really aren't needed.  I suspect she will get herself involved in some serious shadiness this season, if she has any awarenes at all about how contracts are awarded.  Right now, she got nuthin' imo.

  • Love 7
25 minutes ago, ancslove said:

Bethenny seemed as appreciative of Ramona’s donation as she was of Tinsley’s, and Beth isn’t that good an actor.  She’s more likely to shade the women who didn’t donate anything to her.  (I wonder if that’s part of her tiff with Carole.  I can’t imagine Carole not doing anything,  but I can see her choosing to give to an established organization, instead of Bethenny’s.). 

Didn’t Ramona previously insult one of the other women for living in the wrong part of the Hamptons?  

Yes, it was the forgettable Cindy Barshop & her home in Quogue


  • Love 11
12 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

I agreed with Ramona-a house on the highway cannot be south of the highway. 

I thought the issue was more that Ramona was shaming her for having a house on Montauk Highway because nobody who is anybody would ever choose to live on a "highway." Montauk Highway is a local highway and not like a crazy busy interstate.  South of Montauk Highway is just closer to the ocean which is presumably more exclusive. Ramona was throwing shade. 

  • Love 19
34 minutes ago, ancslove said:

Bethenny seemed as appreciative of Ramona’s donation as she was of Tinsley’s, and Beth isn’t that good an actor.  She’s more likely to shade the women who didn’t donate anything to her.  (I wonder if that’s part of her tiff with Carole.  I can’t imagine Carole not doing anything,  but I can see her choosing to give to an established organization, instead of Bethenny’s.). 

Didn’t Ramona previously insult one of the other women for living in the wrong part of the Hamptons?  

Isn't that the reason why Bethenny only invited those who donated --Ramona and Tinsley-- to her awards reception, instead of the whole group?

Everyone dissed Quogue. LOL. Someone (maybe Luann?) refused to go there for Cindy's shindig.

  • Love 5
10 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

I have missed Ramona and her clueless delusions!

I almost fell off the couch onto the floor laughing at her speaking into Lu's fake costume microphone at the party like she was being interviewed for some real news show or that the audio was off for some reason during filming.

That was one of my favorite moments too! I often think “what is it that I *like* about Ramona?” And it’s stuff like that. 

7 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I'm so sorry for your loss, @gatopretoNYC.  

I know everyone's bagging on Beth's very public grief over Cookie, but I have to say I almost understand it.  She feels the need to convey everything on social media; that's who she is.  The loss of a long time pet companion who has seen you through the many phases of your life is devastating, and can make you pretty fucking crazy.  I've been there, and done that, too many times to count in recent years, and my only social media outlet is these forums.  I'm fairly certain I've become totally unraveled and posted unconscionable things in my fugue stages of grief (which continue to arise to this day).  I still ugly cry on a regular basis - there's just no way a camera would ever capture an image of it, or me (unless it's the dreaded DMV pic).

Aww, Walnutqueen. I’d never blame you for any of that :( I just find Bethenny’s choices macabre. “Look at my dying dog! Watch me sob into the camera!” People grieve; it’s normal. We just don’t usually see the dying loved one (fur or human) die.


6 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Or that she could go as any number of caucasian female singers, many of whom oddly enough, are still living.  It was such a bad costume, that I had no idea who she was trying to portray.  For an instant, I thought Jackie Brown.  Certainly not Miss Diana Ross.  As if.

I thought Cher. She could’ve been a great Cher. 

3 hours ago, Sai said:

Ok, so what was up with Luann saying she suffered for 2 years?   Wasn't she only married for 6 months?  Prior to her getting married she was telling everyone how happy she was and how in love she was, that's why she got married.  If she was suffering the whole time then she should NOT have ever walked down that aisle.  Somewhere, somehow she got screwed up in the head and made some really bad choices.  I hope she can snap out of it.

She’s like Scheana on Vanderpump Rules, who claimed she loved her current boyfriend for the past 11 years—Lisa Vanderpump had to remind her: uh, you were dating and married to “the love of your life” for six (or whatever it was) of those years. Selective blackout memory. Denying reality in the moment (by effusing about how great things were) and then rewriting history by denying they’d initially ignored any problems. 

2 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Dont know what the original poster meant but its documented that she stole/borrowed the BS outfit from LSB.

Not sure what LSB is—Lip Sync Battle?

  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Afro Love in the 70’s

Diana Ross may be singlehandedly responsible for the sales of more afro wigs than any other person alive. When she rocked her 70’s fro, it was large, in charge, glorious and glamorous.   https://www.essence.com/galleries/super-natural-afrobella-her-fave-diana-ross-hair-moments#534346

Maybe Luann was channeling 70's Diana Ross.  I didn't think Luann was trying to mock Diana Ross, anymore than Dorinda was mocking Lady Gaga or Ramona mocking Sritney spears.  To me accusing Luann of "blackface" is not within the traditional meaning.   It looked to me like Luann wanted a big headdress, a tight dress and an even bigger entrance.

Why is Carole so unhappy?  For some who is so down on others for being judgmental it does not stop with her.  Lighten up Carole.

In that gallery of looks that you linked to, only one is an afro. If you go through archives of Miss Ross, you'll see she rarely wore her hair in an afro. Even in the 70s.


Diana was far too mainstream to wear an afro constantly. It was a political statement. It's why it's more commonly associated with Angela Davis, blaxploitation films (Pam Grier), and the Black Panthers.

if Lu wanted to be Diana, she would have worn a big flowy wig, big lashes, and a red dress with a red boa. Miss Ross loves red.

  • Love 12
27 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Carole gave to different charity, an animal charity. It was Bethenny/Carole that made fun at Jule's house in the Hamptons, that it wasn't in the right location.

Yes, and lest we forget how utterly aghast that Ramona (and many of the others) were that they had to travel to .... QUOGUE for Cindy's party in season 4.  I mean, Quogue!?? How dreadful.  

23 minutes ago, Juliegirlj said:

No way in Hell can Carol run 20 miles, let alone, a marathon. When they showed her running with her trainer it looked like her shoes were tied together or something because she ran like a demented clown. 

Whichever housewife that first came up with the idea of filming with their household staff should be spanked- Bethenny’s driver seems nice and all, but, jeez, doesn’t she have ANY real friends in her life?! 

Sonja’s shtick has grown boring and predictable. 

Luann looked the best I’ve ever seen her on WWHL- apparently she quit drinking and smoking, and at least for now, dating. 

Love me some Dorinda~ drunk and sober. She fascinated me! 

She did, indeed, complete the marathon.

I agree that Lu looks great.  

  • Love 4
41 minutes ago, ancslove said:

Bethenny seemed as appreciative of Ramona’s donation as she was of Tinsley’s, and Beth isn’t that good an actor.  She’s more likely to shade the women who didn’t donate anything to her.  (I wonder if that’s part of her tiff with Carole.  I can’t imagine Carole not doing anything,  but I can see her choosing to give to an established organization, instead of Bethenny’s.). 

Didn’t Ramona previously insult one of the other women for living in the wrong part of the Hamptons?  

yeah - didn't she not want to attend one of the HW's parties because it was in the wrong section.  I remember Kelly was there.... but that's about it.  

15 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

In that gallery of looks that you linked to, only one is an afro. If you go through archives of Miss Ross, you'll see she rarely wore her hair in an afro. Even in the 70s.


Diana was far too mainstream to wear an afro constantly. It was a political statement. It's why it's more commonly associated with Angela Davis, blaxploitation films (Pam Grier), and the Black Panthers.

if Lu wanted to be Diana, she would have worn a big flowy wig, big lashes, and a red dress with a red boa. Miss Ross loves red.

Great post!

For a lot of folks who grew up in the 60's-70's and beyond, Diana and the Supremes were actually famous for their elaborate wigs and sequined gowns.  For the hit "Love Child" she decided to go natural to portray the woman she was singing about. It was very well publicized and a big deal to go from the wigs to a natural look. I still can visualize the photos during that time. 

The next time she chose to wear an afro was for 'Mahogany" her movie after 'Lady Sings the Blues". The oversized fro was for the movie.   

  • Love 3

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