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BB In The Media: Outside the Fishbowl

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I'm not vegan, but I haven't eaten red meat or poultry in years. I just don't like it. But I would have a hard time quitting dairy, though I personally suspect I would feel better without it. Sigh.

I swear I don't remember Angela being a huge cook in the house though (or even that she was vegan, so there goes my lousy post-BB memory again) but there is such a glut of those types of cookbooks, that I wonder if she's really covering any new ground. A recipe for hummus is not that exciting.

But some of the tastiest and most interesting recipes I do have are from some decent vegan cookbooks that are all about fresh vegetables and spices. I get that it's not for everyone though. 

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I also heard....correct me if I'm wrong....that she sells some kind of....jewelry, maybe?    🤣🤣🤣🤣



According to the live feed thread, apparently Tyler only mentions this about every ten minutes.  Approximately the same frequency as Christmas mentions her foot.


Edited by HurricaneVal
To add a spoiler, because, why not.
  • LOL 5
17 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

I also heard....correct me if I'm wrong....that she sells some kind of....jewelry, maybe?    🤣🤣🤣🤣


  Reveal spoiler

According to the live feed thread, apparently Tyler only mentions this about every ten minutes.  Approximately the same frequency as Christmas mentions her foot.


They’ve got some nice stuff.


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On 8/10/2020 at 4:43 PM, tracyscott76 said:

Britney H. took over the CBS Big Brother instagram last night. She has made puppets of all the houseguests and Julie (basically cut-outs of their promo shots on sticks) and acted out various moments of that past week. Pretty amusing, with the usual current Britney mix of low-key, deadpan snark and even deaderpan (not a word, I know) self-deprecation.

Probably an UO here I know, but I purely loved Britney H; not the best BB player strategy-wise, but definitely one of the most entertaining.

  • Love 5
11 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Probably an UO here I know, but I purely loved Britney H; not the best BB player strategy-wise, but definitely one of the most entertaining.

Not unpopular with me. She's my favorite ever. Though I will say, even though all her "greatest hits" videos on YouTube seem to focus on BB12, I much prefer BB14 Britney (and beyond). Still snarky with a bite, but much less vicious and more varied in her material. More mature snark, if you will.

Edited by tracyscott76

This is a little off topic but it does tie into BB in a way.  I brought this us in the spoiler thread and I thought I would expand upon the post here.  Russell Hantz from Survivor has a YouTube show and last week he had Boo (who was a contestant on Survivor during Earl's winning season) on as a guest.  Boo told a story about how he was cast to be on Survivor. 

Boo was good friends (might have been dating, I cannot recall what he said) with Krista from season two of Big Brother.  She wanted to go to the original All-Stars season finale but she was blacklisted because she was suing CBS (Over the Justin thing I assume, he did not say why.).  The two of them sneaked into the finale and somehow they ended up with seats directly behind Julie.   All throughout the night a woman sitting directly across from Boo was staring at him.  Later that night Boo and Krista sneaked into the All-Stars after party and the woman who had been staring at Boo all night was part of the casting team for Survivor.  She told Boo that they did not have anyone cast to fit his character type for the upcoming season and so she invited him to go before casting.

He ended up getting on the show and through him, he was able to get his high school friend Russell Hantz onto Survivor.  He was also friends with James Clement who he got on Survivor.  Obviously because of Russell, Willie was cast on Big Brother and  Brandon was cast on Survivor.  Boo also was the reason why Colton, or as he refered to him as "that gay dude", on Survivor.  He also said he got someone named Shannon cast on Survivor as well, though I am not sure who he is talking about.  I think it was the guy who asked Sash if he was gay, but I am not sure.

Because Boo and Krista decided to sneak into the season finale of the original Big Brother All-Stars all of these people ended up on Survivor and in Willie's case Big Brother.  I thought it was an interesting story.  Obviously I just gave the cliff notes here, he went into further detail.



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On 8/21/2020 at 3:41 AM, BK1978 said:

This is a little off topic but it does tie into BB in a way.  I brought this us in the spoiler thread and I thought I would expand upon the post here.  Russell Hantz from Survivor has a YouTube show and last week he had Boo (who was a contestant on Survivor during Earl's winning season) on as a guest.  Boo told a story about how he was cast to be on Survivor. 

Boo was good friends (might have been dating, I cannot recall what he said) with Krista from season two of Big Brother.  She wanted to go to the original All-Stars season finale but she was blacklisted because she was suing CBS (Over the Justin thing I assume, he did not say why.).  The two of them sneaked into the finale and somehow they ended up with seats directly behind Julie.   All throughout the night a woman sitting directly across from Boo was staring at him.  Later that night Boo and Krista sneaked into the All-Stars after party and the woman who had been staring at Boo all night was part of the casting team for Survivor.  She told Boo that they did not have anyone cast to fit his character type for the upcoming season and so she invited him to go before casting.

He ended up getting on the show and through him, he was able to get his high school friend Russell Hantz onto Survivor.  He was also friends with James Clement who he got on Survivor.  Obviously because of Russell, Willie was cast on Big Brother and  Brandon was cast on Survivor.  Boo also was the reason why Colton, or as he refered to him as "that gay dude", on Survivor.  He also said he got someone named Shannon cast on Survivor as well, though I am not sure who he is talking about.  I think it was the guy who asked Sash if he was gay, but I am not sure.

Because Boo and Krista decided to sneak into the season finale of the original Big Brother All-Stars all of these people ended up on Survivor and in Willie's case Big Brother.  I thought it was an interesting story.  Obviously I just gave the cliff notes here, he went into further detail.



Reality TV casting sometimes looks like the family tree of 18th-19th century European royalty.

32 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

TV Guide gets it.

Wow! It's a long time since I read such a thoughtful, well-written article about BB. Thanks! 

Am I the only one who thought that TV Guide in any form disappeared years ago? I remember way back in the mists of time when I would go through the little book every week and underline the shows I wanted to watch. Since we only got 3 or 4 channels, it didn't take long! 😁

  • Love 7
58 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

TV Guide gets it.


[Spoiler FYI: May have some mentions of things mostly shown on the feeds. I'm kind of half paying attention to the show and feeds this week.]

It's been several years since I watched a BB, but I sort of both agree and disagree with that article at the same time.

I do sense the cast is weak, but since I don't watch every year, I certainly don't know all of these people and know that for sure.  I also know the editing vastly misleads you over how smart or dumb people may be as gameplayers.  

However I really DON'T understand the point in the article that it was bad strategy to go after Janelle.  I mean I get that she was totally toothless in this game. If you go by the editing at least, her idea of an "alliance" this time around was 1 solid person, 2 semi-solid people, and assumptions about a few others.  Just lame (if true--who can believe ANY editing on this show?)

But she's also the perfect patsy as a result.  Yes, people who actually WON this game are certainly more legit targets, but that makes the big assumption that the job of an HoH is to take out the biggest threat, vs. just protecting their own ass.

Is it lame and bad TV to watch someone protect their own ass?  You betcha.  So I agree with the article in that sense.  But it's certainly not automatically bad gameplay.

Going after Kaysar AFTER that was quite arguably much lamer.  While he still (in fact even better) at that point fits the perfect patsy angle, you do have to sit down and think at that point if it's more of a numbers game and taking out the possibility of an opposing alliance than being safe. Then again, if you think about the style of play a lot of people seem to have where they'll have multiple alliances, even if not are highlighted as much on TV, perhaps that still explains using another patsy.  If the actual HoH (and / or POV holder) constantly has the notion of possibly eventually flipping the board and changing alliances, maybe that's behind emphasizing patsys. So to their alliance they emphasize what a threat these people are (even if we can see for sure they're not), and basically hope that someone ELSE in their alliance will be the one, at a different time, to go after the other power block in the house. 

It's arguably a game of cowardice, and DEFINITELY bad TV, but again, that doesn't mean it's ultimately not good gameplay. 

  • Love 2
On 9/2/2020 at 5:35 PM, TimWil said:

It confirms what I’ve been feeling for weeks. They really fucked this up. If they let America vote HGs out this wouldn’t be happening.

America is the reason why Evel Dick won and the reason the first season was a disaster. They also voted in Erika over Danielle Reyes in the original All-Stars. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Ananayel said:

Andy Dehnart of Reality Blurred has thoughts. 

Wow.! Fantastic article! Even better than the TV Guide one. Andy really nails why BB has become so stale. With so many pointed articles this season, and so much fan criticism, I'll be surprised if next season doesn't have at least a few changes. 

  • Love 3

Yes, and I like the idea of everyone voting HG's for eviction also.  I've seen that in international versions, and it works well.  Who voted for who is not revealed; just the #'s.  Highest 2 or 3 (or more if there are ties) vote 'getters' are up for eviction, then everyone votes again voting 1 person out.  Occasionally a twist is thrown in where someone can win the opportunity to 'block' someones vote; or to win the ability to double your personal votes.  I also definitely think they should bring back the Food competitions!  They really, really need to seriously change up the format of this show.

Edited by LuvizBlind
  • Love 3

I don't see anything changing if everyone votes individually for the nominees. The big group will again control these votes and the person evicted. For instance, who would NOT vote for Janelle to be a nominee and be evicted? Ok lets say that 3-4 people would vote to make Cody a nominee, the big group would still control the vote and vote Janelle out.

I don't think it's the game's fault that it's become predictable rather than that the players just broke the code of it. Become a member of a big alliance from day one is the goal now. This means that people will gravitate towards people who feel they have things in common with, so if you put 4 white male "bros" in the game, it's more natural than not that they will become a group. Then the white female "cheerleader" type of players will follow them. There you have the big group. The rest of the players are people who don't have much in common with the rest, there may be an older man or woman who is the "mom" or "dad", the introverted girl who finds it hard to be the center of attention, the gay man or woman who feels they have to prove something about gay people, the weird person who is there only because they are considered entertainment, one or two people of color who can't really infiltrate themselves with the big white people group. It's only normal this group of people will create a boring, racist game of voting out all the "outsiders" and battling it out in the end. The competitions also having become way more physical in the last years help the big group win again and again and again. They should change the rate of young white males and young white girls that they cast, in my opinion. Mix it up more. Only a couple bros, a couple beautiful cheerleaders, more minority people, more older people, more fans. Then we will truly see people getting together because of how well they feel with each other and not only based on the same insterests (sports and instagram). This is how simple I think it is.

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On Labor Day, a conversation between Tyler, Da'Vonne, and Bayleigh led to some controversy online. It has not yet aired in an episode and will not until Sept 9 or 10 at the earliest, so if you choose to read the link, you will be spoiled a bit Maybe, I have no idea what, if anything, will actually air. There is also a lot more that happened then what is posted in the link.

The controversy, or at least part of it, was picked up by Oprah Magazine. In a few places you will see that you have to click on the tweet to read it completely, but almost everything can be read directly without clicking over. I'm posting it now, before the episodes air, because I won't be around to do it later and will forget about it.

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Okay, don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the silliness of fans trying to get info to players. However, I had zero idea that the LAPD was involved in part of the security force. It seems like they are just staying close by and not camped out in the area, but the LAPD is stretched very thin right now with people kind of losing their minds: setting fires, brandishing weapons from knives to guns to hatchets(!), tons of car crashes and tons of crowd control. We don't need officers pulled away to deal with folks who are trying to manipulate a game.


  • Love 1
51 minutes ago, grandmabegum said:

Okay, don't get me wrong, I really enjoy the silliness of fans trying to get info to players. However, I had zero idea that the LAPD was involved in part of the security force. It seems like they are just staying close by and not camped out in the area, but the LAPD is stretched very thin right now with people kind of losing their minds: setting fires, brandishing weapons from knives to guns to hatchets(!), tons of car crashes and tons of crowd control. We don't need officers pulled away to deal with folks who are trying to manipulate a game.


LAPD???  Just more TMZ bullshit, I expect.  Last I heard, spoiling a reality show had yet to reach the level of being classified as criminal activity.  What’s the worst with which they could hit an offender, trespassing?

  • Love 1
13 minutes ago, Nashville said:

LAPD???  Just more TMZ bullshit, I expect.  Last I heard, spoiling a reality show had yet to reach the level of being classified as criminal activity.  What’s the worst with which they could hit an offender, trespassing?

I would assume. I think it's less of the actual offense and more of the location which is pushed up against the LA "River" which attracts not the best of folks. Like I said, I don't think that they are camping out there. It just seems that they are patrolling that area -- which actually for some reason has had an uptick in crime. I shall check it out when I go to TJ's this week.

But as you said TMZ is not a great source. It also came out at 1:00 so have to see if it pops up later in the day.


...& TMZ has picked up the houseguests mocking Ian's rocking. These assholes are in for a rude awakening when they get out into the real world. The comments are not in their favor, obviously. Plus, Memphis, Nicole, & Arbor Day, have jobs which require public support/patronage. They really should have probably canned this season, considering that the caliber of "all-stars" isn't so high. 

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Regardless of what someone does in the house, it really bothers me that they could face severe internet backlash once they leave.

A certain amount of bad consequences for genuinely bad behaviour I understand, maybe even job loss, but to unleash the wrath of the worst, most vengeful people on the internet because some immature people made some cruel or stupid jokes? This gives me the willies. 

The houseguests are a motley crew for sure, but if half of the cast of this season leave with lives ruined and reputations destroyed because of some stupid or unkind things they did in this pressure cooker, I don't know if I can keep watching. The stakes for participants in a silly reality show shouldn't be this high. 


  • Love 8
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Maybe people should stop and think about saying racist and ableist things on a publicly viewable live feed if they wanna keep their jobs lol.

Totally agree. Scheme and strategize, even lie within the confines of game strategy, but racism, ableism and and other form of discrimination is outside the boundaries and they deserve whatever blowback they get.  


  • Love 5

And TMZ has updated the story to add that Nicole has now lost her sponsorship/social media promoter/whatever-it-was gig with Olay Skin Care. IIRC, there was a BB a number of years ago where a contestant who was a Special Ed teacher referred to her students as "retards" and it was caught on the live feeds. She was fired immediately, but of course didn't find out until she was eliminated several weeks later. She came out of the house and was basically told "FYI, you were canned last month."

Yes, no one forced them to act like assholes on a live stream. They aren't definitely not committing the worst offenses that have been seen on BB, or reality TV in general, but they can't expect to demean, mock and belittle someone and not get some critical feedback. They aren't immune from criticism. I don't wish them any active ill will, but they won't be the first HGs to walk about into a shitstorm. Or it will all blow over by the time they leave the house.

Plus, people have a choice as to who and what businesses they patronize. A lot of younger people especially seem to be more inclined to support businesses whose values align with their own. And businesses do listen. 

That being said, the news is FULL of other items, and crappy people, and I doubt any of the BB HGs will experience long-term ill will. I'm sure Cody will still sell plenty of houses, Nic will surround herself with her fanbase that will reassure her that's she amazing and incredible, and Memphis won't give a crap. Who knows with Dani - I assume she'll go on the offensive, and rail about "haters"

I feel bad for Ian who's going to walk out of the house and see all of this attention that I'm sure he doesn't want. Not like this.

  • Love 9
7 minutes ago, CrazyDog said:

That being said, the news is FULL of other items, and crappy people, and I doubt any of the BB HGs will experience long-term ill will. I'm sure Cody will still sell plenty of houses, Nic will surround herself with her fanbase that will reassure her that's she amazing and incredible, and Memphis won't give a crap. Who knows with Dani - I assume she'll go on the offensive, and rail about "haters"

I feel bad for Ian who's going to walk out of the house and see all of this attention that I'm sure he doesn't want. Not like this.

Will they experience long-term ill will? No. Memphis and Nicole and the rest will still have people walking up and asking for autographs or selfies, and nobody will be throwing rotten fruit at them or whatever. But will they be getting the social media promoter deals they thought they'd be in line for? No as well.

As for Ian, he comes out of this smelling like a rose.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
  • Love 2
28 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

And TMZ has updated the story to add that Nicole has now lost her sponsorship/social media promoter/whatever-it-was gig with Olay Skin Care. IIRC, there was a BB a number of years ago where a contestant who was a Special Ed teacher referred to her students as "retards" and it was caught on the live feeds. She was fired immediately, but of course didn't find out until she was eliminated several weeks later. She came out of the house and was basically told "FYI, you were canned last month."

Adam from BB9? He used his prize money to start a drug ring.

  • LOL 1
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I mean, Aaryn Gries (aka Aryan aka "I'm from Texas, y'all, it's just how we talk!") of BB15 (aka The Summer of Racism) lost her modeling jobs and representation, hid for a bit, and now makes a bundle as a Mommy blogger using her married name. If the Anti-Christ can swing it, this year's crop of douchey assholes will be fine.

See also: Stassi Schroeder, formerly from Vanderpump Rules. Huh. Maybe the trick is pregnancy/babies. I wonder if Franzel's future sprog will cry in nasal victim noises.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Adam from BB9? He used his prize money to start a drug ring.

Didn't Spencer from BB15 work with an autism children's charity or something when he wasn't working for the railroad? A good percentage of that season got shitcanned or their representation dropped them. 

"YOU get a pink slip and you get a pink slip. EVERYBODY GETS PINK SLIPS!"

  • Love 2
2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Maybe people should stop and think about saying racist and ableist things on a publicly viewable live feed if they wanna keep their jobs lol.

Seriously! The fact that this group is people who have been on the show before, know what has happened to other house guests in the past and they STILL don't have enough sense and awareness to understand that anything they say CAN and WILL LIKELY be held against them is on them. Newbies to the show, I can see them maybe getting too comfortable and forgetting the cameras but not these old folks. In 2020 when cancel culture is running rampant. I would be extra mindful of what I said and didn't say in that house.

  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Didn't Spencer from BB15 work with an autism children's charity or something when he wasn't working for the railroad? A good percentage of that season got shitcanned or their representation dropped them. 

"YOU get a pink slip and you get a pink slip. EVERYBODY GETS PINK SLIPS!"

I don't have any memory of Spencer employment outside of the railroad. My favorite was Andy yeah I wasn't fired, I wouldn't have come back anyway. Suuuuree.

  • LOL 1

I'm catching up cause my internet has been down since 5 am. I know, poor me.

Anyway, here's my 34 cents. I do agree that we all make mistakes and say things that are stupid. I know when I was much younger I used to say "gay" and "retarded" in the way that teenagers do. Eventually, I learned, like, "hey, those words have actual meaning and if you use them in a derogatory way you are really just a jerk."

These people are all of an age that they should know that what they say has an impact on their lives and where you can spout off about things in private, they are not in private.

And, where I do not defend anything that anyone said about Ian I think there is a BIG difference between someone that maybe doesn't understand Autism and ways it manifests and people like Nicole and Dani who should/claim to get it and still react in a negative fashion. And yes, I know that Nicole is no longer a nurse, but I think her comments are a direct reflection of how she views those she could help and would reflect upon her employer. Not that it makes comments from say, Memphis, any better, but he's not working in an industry that requires he treat people regardless of their condition.

Hope everyone is having a good day aside from all this business.

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