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S36.E03: Trust Your Gut


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Well, Domenick took the blindside well. I like it when people take it well when things don't go their way.  I wondered who Morgan was going to will the legacy advantage to - and it's Domineck! I wonder if someone told him to look in his bag and feel all the way to the bottom. Otherwise, how did he think of it?

So there's Chelsea! Maybe I'll remember who she is now. There's someone called Bradley I haven't figured out yet. I wonder how Laurel will do in the reward challenge. She is an athlete. Look at her go! Yes! Laurel and Angela won their round. Go Michael Costello! I mean, Domenick! Sebastian looks like Malcolm with makeup on. Go, Laurel!  (I have to cheer for someone who works in the same city as me.)

So Kellyn drew the rock. I wish she would have gone for the advantage, why play Survivor if you don't go for it with the advantages? Good, Laurel and Donathon are going to save Wendell. It's nice to see some focus on Laurel.

All right, Wendell! Way to get that door open! I bet Laurel could get those balls up there. Good, Naviti wins! Finally Laurel and the other Malolo (except Donathan) don't have to go to tribal council. (Donathan missed one when he was on Ghost Island.)

Bradley, you will never be a Boston Rob or Kim Spradlin. Stephanie, getting voted out on Survivor does not mean you failed your kids. But Bradley is a jerk. I bet he's going to be one of those divorce lawyers who like rip off wives and children . Now there's 4 old Malolo sitting on the beach and there is a blonde woman I do not recognize. She is not Kellyn.  I thought I'd figured out who everyone is. This unknown woman is wearing an orange jacket at tribal. Some of Chelsea's expressions at tribal - she looks like Shirin when she's frowning like she's thinking hard. Michael was pretty persuasive at tribal but he just wasted in idol. Bradley looked like he was ready to cry while Jeff read the votes.

  • Love 10

Wasn't a huge Brendan fan but man I wanted Bradley's smug, toolish self gone. It's amazing that with the focus on Chris and Dominik's battle, we didn't realize that the truly annoying original Naviti was really Bradley. I cannot wait for his boot. Stephanie may be annoying herself but I 100 hundred percent believed her in her voting confessional about never meeting a grown man who whined as much as Bradley. I mean let's never forget that this fool was crying about dirt on him last week. 

I gained respect for Michael. He tried, just completely miscalculated on playing the idol. And that's the thing about idols. Yes, they can save a person but if played the wrong way, it can all end up being for nothing. Still, I hope he lit something in the original Naviti five because damn is Bradley and the one who went to Ghost Island annoying. I haven't really gotten a read on Chelsea and Sebastian just seems confused most of the time to be honest. Also, while it didn't work in the end, man did I enjoy seeing the panic in his eyes and the smug momentarily wiped off Bradley's face. 

Meanwhile, the Survivor editors need to do a better job with the previews sometimes. The minute I saw the Immunity Challenge coming up and I noticed I hadn't seen the scene of Stephanie crying and writing hope and Michael showing her and the other girl (what is her name) his idol, I knew they were going to lose. Granted, I had moments of doubt with how badly Naviti was sucking in that challenge but sure enough, Malolo lost. So yeah, I would have been more amazed by the come from behind win if the preview last week hadn't all but spoiled it. 

It will be interesting to see what happens if Naviti goes to tribal council because while I believe Donathan and the other girl really do like Wendell and would prefer to side with him and Dominik over Chris, I wonder if Chris' performance in the IC may sway them. Because annoying as he may be, he really was like a one man fighting machine, especially at times when his tribe was useless. Like seriously, Jeff had to tell these idiots that Chris and Wendell alone couldn't pull the track?

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 21

I'm just not caring. How did Bradley become despised? I'm not paying attention. Lucky for him that Michael messed up. All that was missing was Probst looking at the idol and drawling, "You have chosen . . . poorly."

Speaking of Probst, I have a question, and I'll understand if you think I'm reading too much into it. A tribe is lagging behind, as their opponents are on the final part. Only two guys are pulling the rope to get the track on the rail. About a second after the lead guy (really don't know names, really don't care) yells for help, Probst hollers, “You can’t do this with two guys!” So the other pitch in, and they get to the final part, and they win in a surprising manner. Does that mean Probst interfered with the game? Once again, I'm not caring, and I'm sure there's eye candy for Probst on both sides . . . but the idea that he'd nudge a tribe forward -- even for the sake of drama -- is a little disconcerting.

Whasherface doesn't go for the Ghost Island idol. Boooooooooo. I know, she probably made the right play with a vote at risk, but I know the producers are itching to rub mistakes in the faces of past contestants. Sadly, I don't think they can work in the letter JT slipped to Russell along with the idol.

  • Love 7

I was sure Naviti was going home tonight. SO much focus on them at camp. And last week too. Consequently, I feel like I barely know what's going on over at Malolo....then, BOOM! They're at Tribal. 

Honestly. I didn't even really know who Bradley was! Now he's supposedly this ring leader and a big whiner? Okay then. 

I think it was smart of Old Naviti to stick together; but, damn, was i hoping Michael's plan would work! Just for the sheer fun of it. It was pretty clever, but I think he over sold it a bit. It might have been better to keep mum about the Idol, but that's definitely one of those hindsight things. 


What a comeback Naviti made! Wow. But, again, I was kind of hoping they'd lose. I just really want to see Chris sent packing. I just can't stand the way he interacts with people; he talks at them, not to them. He just assumes people will be so grateful for his great strategies. Bah. 

"I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you, I like you. And I like me." No shut. 

Laurel is one to watch! At this point I'm kind of rooting for her and Domenick. 

  • Love 12

Is that what this season is going to be -- all Dr. Mike-type big spectacles that ultimately end up amounting to nothing? Because those speeches do mean nothing if everyone "sticks to the plan." Seriously, there was very little difference between Michael's speech and Dr. Mike's "give me liberty or give me airtime and throw off the tyrant yadda yadda yadda" last season.

Interesting that for a "reverse the curse" season, the cursed items have ostensibly been involved with three of five of the first vote-outs of the season.

  • Love 5

Dom and Wendell.  Blech.  I hope Angela becomes your worst nightmare. 

Then he gets the cursed Legacy.  I hope it bites him in his obnoxious ass.

The water ring reward fight and the Ghoster is not safe.  Hmm.  

Laurel and Libby kicked it!  Nice to see Dom lose his round.  He annoys me more with every word out of his mouth.  No Laurel, stay away from the dark side.

Rock draw outcome was interesting.  (twilight zone music) Good move on the winning side.  Make no enemies/show no favoritism.

Kellyn the extrovert.  Not happy unless she has somebody to yammer at.  Ugh.  I avoid those people.  Won't risk her vote for an advantage.  I can't say whether her strategy of "Trusting your gut" is a bad idea, but without any real info to back it up, it's impossible to really know.  It worked out for her. 

Had she not had a vote, there would have been a tie at tribal.

I'm assuming had she lost her vote that she wouldn't have had to inform the old Malolos.

IC looks super physical with a lot of finesse at the end.

Wow.  That was an amazing comeback.  I guess we don't get to see the great Chris - Dom showdown just yet.

This Bradley lawyer dude is very annoying.  I see his point, but something about him makes we want to see him blindsided.

Michael seems very well versed in the strategy of this game, especially being only 18.  The dude's speech was good, but he picked wrong.  

These Navitis are very annoying.

  • Love 4

DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!  Brendan was one of the few players I actually knew and cared about, and even though I only "met" Bradley this episode, I freaking hate him!!!!!

I was like , please god, not the hot one.  The hot one is Michael right, who screwed up the Idol thing?  No shade.... I still like him of course.  And I like Stephanie and the blonde woman on his "side".

@Rachel RSL so awesome that you actually referred to Sebastian as "Gremlin Ozzy" after the big Doppelganger discussion.  HAHAHAAAAAAAAAA

I have this crazy thing about words, in the sense that if two words are written similarly, I can barely observe a difference between what I'm reading about.  The Dom / Donathan thing and the Bradley / Brendan thing are KILLING.  ME.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 19

Michael is playing HARD and I can’t believe he’s eighteen freaking years old! I thought that was pretty brilliant to say the idol has double power since James was voted out with two idols. Granted the jig was up five minutes later when he played it for one person but still... very smart. I hate that he’s probably next on the chopping block because he’s definitely playing the game and not sitting back and riding on coattails. 

I fear Kellyn (holy crap... autocorrect does not like her name and corrected it five times) is getting a strong edit to at least make it to F3. We’ve heard about her journey twice in 3 episodes. (At least I think we did. I watched the 60 second interviews on EW and that really helps put names to faces in these early episodes.) But I’ve definitely heard the divorce/career change story twice from her. 

I’m bummed because both of my players drafted for the survivor fantasy game are out now. I really recommend playing because it gives you someone to root for in these first few episodes before you know who anyone is. Morgan and Brendan defeated in back-to-back episodes. Ughhh. 

Last thought: loving all of these underwater challenges this season!

Edited by UGAmp
He’s 18. Not 19. Even more ridiculous!
  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Damn it.  Well I hope Mr. 5 Star That doesn’t like to sleep in dirt got a solid scare.  So close!  This is going to make oldNaviti that much more arrogant.  But seriously, were the editors who did last weeks show on strike this week?

I think Michael is the smartest one out there now, along with Dom.  Pretty good strategy to try and flip votes.  I really hope this doesn’t come back to bite him.  If only he hasn’t changed his mind on who to use the idol for.

If he was one of the smartest he would've used his idol for Brendan. He got played lol

  • Love 5
1 minute ago, dizzyd said:

Ive had to look up the cast pics on every episode so far because I still don't know most of them and the forgettable ones are clearly not making an impact because it's still not sticking. I'm glad I'm not the only one, I was concerned about dementia. 

I was so confused,  that other tribe has not had much screen time.  I had no idea who they were.  I only wanted that idol to work because I don't like people being picked off because of numbers.  

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

Ive had to look up the cast pics on every episode so far because I still don't know most of them and the forgettable ones are clearly not making an impact because it's still not sticking. I'm glad I'm not the only one, I was concerned about dementia. 

The two or three people they introduced today.  Come on.  97% of us had no idea of their existence.  One of them was a redhead.  That's all I've got.

I think Sebastian / Ozzy Gremlin WAS considering switching.  It's not like I'm amazing at reading people but he seems very transparent.  What you see is what you get.  He voted and then said "I have no idea what just happened."  I know he didn't actually flip, but..........  he had zero poker face at Tribal and I don't really get what the benefit would be to tell Michael et al that he likes the story they're pitching, if he was lying.

Bradley DID look scared.  He was terrified.  At least we got that.  Boston Rob Kim Spradlin my ass LOOOOOOOOOOLL

The editors are doing a weird job this time around.  I appreciate that they didn't want to spoil which team goes to Tribal, but....... honestly who cares who goes to Tribal if we still have no attachments to the players?  Does anyone know if it's a different group of editors each season?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 20
18 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Is that what this season is going to be -- all Dr. Mike-type big spectacles that ultimately end up amounting to nothing? Because those speeches do mean nothing if everyone "sticks to the plan." Seriously, there was very little difference between Michael's speech and Dr. Mike's "give me liberty or give me airtime and throw off the tyrant yadda yadda yadda" last season.


I think Michael's speech actually had some smart strategy behind it though. He was actively trying to get one of the other side to flip and actually presented a well-articulated case. Dr. Mike's speech was just one big WTF.

37 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Now you’re trying to tell me there’s a Jenna? 


There's a Jenna?? 

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 16

I thought Michael gave a great case, and agree the idol had to be played the way he played it, giving opportunities for the other tribe to flip before the vote. If they got someone to bite it could have kept everyone safe AND re-captured the numbers. Otherwise the only person safe is just the person he chose to play the idol for. So he played the percentages properly imo.

  • Love 10

That was masterfully played...I was so sad when it didn't work out. Now I don't see where that subgroup can go from there since they now know that he outright lied about it being able to save two people.  Now as for Bradly during the whole episode I didn't know if the editors were geniuses at their job for painting him in the worst light possible or if he was some kind of a CBS plant meant to act as douchey as possible because it's hard to believe someone could be that massive  of a tool.

I had to laugh when suddenly there was a Chelsea on the show. Was she helicoptered in just for this episode because I surely haven't seen her in any of the prior episodes this new season.

Cheered when purple won...for two reasons. Laurel is now my favorite and she stays safe and I was not ready for the Chris/Dom feud to be wrapped up tonight.

  • Love 15
54 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:


Speaking of Probst, I have a question, and I'll understand if you think I'm reading too much into it. A tribe is lagging behind, as their opponents are on the final part. Only two guys are pulling the rope to get the track on the rail. About a second after the lead guy (really don't know names, really don't care) yells for help, Probst hollers, “You can’t do this with two guys!” So the other pitch in, and they get to the final part, and they win in a surprising manner. Does that mean Probst interfered with the game? Once again, I'm not caring, and I'm sure there's eye candy for Probst on both sides . . . but the idea that he'd nudge a tribe forward -- even for the sake of drama -- is a little disconcerting.


He does it all the time, and pretty much always has. He constantly gives away strategies out loud. I hate it, especially when we get down to individual immunity. If someone is playing smarter, they shouldn't be outed. 

I'm sure it's to keep the challenges closer, and thus more exciting to watch, but it still seems pretty crappy to me. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

NuMalolo must either be one hell of a boring tribe or one hell of a whiny tribe to not get any airtime until after losing the challenge.

And where the hell did this Chelsea come from?!

I wondered the very same thing.  And then it was particularly confusing when I finally tagged her as the dark haired girl who wears her hair down, then she later appeared with red hair.  Tonight finally cemented everyone's name.  Although I may have known there was a Jenna, I finally know who she is.  As for the rest of the realizations:

  • Yoga Pippi Longstocking - Stephanie
  • Ken - James
  • Alpha bros - Michael and Brendan
  • Stork - Laurel
  • Baby doll - Libby
  • Needs a better bra - Desiree
  • Yoga bros - Sebastian and Chris
  • (small voice) Ugly Girl - Jenna

I'm sure Sebastian thinks he's the new Ozzie - not even close.

I'm rooting for purple as I know their team better.  I'm sure it may change.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, ihartcoffee said:

Pretty boy doesn't realize he could just surprise them with the idol  after the vote,  no show and tell needed.  

I dislike that people are allowed to lie about their idols/advantages, but at least Jeff allows this across the board.  Which is unlike Big Brother, who let Paul lie himself into an extra week of safety, but forced Jessica to reveal her lie in attempting an extra week's safety.

1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Damn it.  Well I hope Mr. 5 Star That doesn’t like to sleep in dirt got a solid scare.  So close!  This is going to make oldNaviti that much more arrogant.  But seriously, were the editors who did last weeks show on strike this week?

I think Michael is the smartest one out there now, along with Dom.  Pretty good strategy to try and flip votes.  I really hope this doesn’t come back to bite him.  If only he hasn’t changed his mind on who to use the idol for.

Michael seemed promising but he can't read people (guessed the votes were for Steph), and didn't listen to his main ally (Brendan pegged immediately that he was the target).  Probably youthful arrogance.  We'll see if he improves.

  • Love 6

Random thoughts on Episode 3 "We Meet the Rest of the Cast ... Probably"

  • So, we've got a Bradley and a Chelsea, now we just need an Archie, a Peyton, and an Eli to have all the Mannings.
  • The kid's got game.  Michael's master plan didn't work, but it was well thought out and well played.  He maximized his odds.
  • I'm partial to the scuttling crab shots, but I had to admire the lovely shot of a blue tit in this ep.
  • Ghost Island, where everyone's greatest fear of running into the sad Survivor version of Let's Make a Deal can be found.
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Honestly. I didn't even really know who Bradley was! Now he's supposedly this ring leader and a big whiner? Okay then. 

He was the one last week who wouldn't shut up after the tribal swap about how bad the new camp he went to was compared to his original.  No living room, dirt instead of sand, waaa waaa waaa.  Several people were irritated with him last week.  Now all we got to see of him this week was him comparing himself to BRob/Kim S, and him telling Jeff in front of everyone that he had to babysit his tribe.  I wonder what obnoxious comments we didn't see.  And he has a little mouth - I don't like it.

  • Love 17
10 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Michael seemed promising but he can't read people (guessed the votes were for Steph), and didn't listen to his main ally (Brendan pegged immediately that he was the target).

This is why I'm having such a hard time thinking what he did was so brilliant. It didn't work. It was a nice speech. A clever lie. But it didn't work. Maybe it gets Sebastian thinking, but maybe not. It's like giving a quarterback credit for a hail mary that was almost caught. He still lost the match, regardless of how good he made it sound.

I'm willing to revisit my opinion of him if he gets someone to jump, but for tonight, ultimately, this felt like a lot of noise that failed to change people's minds.

  • Love 4

Oh boy, I'm terrible with names, and since as so many of you have said, seems like the first time we've seen a lot of these people on this episode, I hope I get things right.  

So, the one gal says to the majority , on the losers of IC, that they should vote for a guy, because they wont' be expecting that.  So that if they have an idol and play it, they won't play it correctly.  Ok -- I followed that. But then Michael says to Brenden, that he thinks they will vote out one of them.    Then he brings up the idol.  Ok, I don't think I would have played it like he did, but he had a plan and he pulled it off pretty well, but I am confused why he played the idol for Stephanie, rather than himself or Brenden, since he previously thought they would be gunning for one of them.  

Is it because of his plan, that he thought they'd change their minds about who they would go after?  There wasn't any whispering, so I don't really understand why he played it for Stephanie.  Just a gut feeling?  

Well, too bad it didn't work.  I always root for the blind side.  It just makes it more fun to watch.  

  • Love 2
30 minutes ago, princelina said:

He was the one last week who wouldn't shut up after the tribal swap about how bad the new camp he went to was compared to his original.  No living room, dirt instead of sand, waaa waaa waaa.  Several people were irritated with him last week.  Now all we got to see of him this week was him comparing himself to BRob/Kim S, and him telling Jeff in front of everyone that he had to babysit his tribe.  I wonder what obnoxious comments we didn't see.  And he has a little mouth - I don't like it.

I was waiting to see if someone else would comment on his deformed baby mouth. Not only is it too small, it’s also pushed to the side of his face. What a freak. Matches his personality, though. 

  • Love 8

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