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S06.E09: Posen on the Red Carpet

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5 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I liked Anthony's dress, but tbh, I didn't love any of them.  Again.  When Fabio's came down the runway, a ? literally popped up above my head.  That was the strangest, least red carpety garment I could have imagined.  Maybe for Mrs. Yoda or Mrs. Obi-Wan.  But I'm in a fly-over state, so there you go.

I couldn't figure out Fabio's either - it was unique, that's for sure - and, as said upthread and here - very "Star Wars-y"....my thoughts were that if any one wore that dress on any red carpet, the media would have a field day with naming that person the worst dressed of the evening.  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 4

For the first time this season, I really liked all of the runway outfits, well, except Joshua's, but I don't know why he is even there.  He should be designing exclusively for the Kartrashians, imo.  They might love those adorable (not) shoes he tried to wear too.

Loved Anthony's except for all the wingy flaps, a little too much maybe.

Do they now get assigned the same model week to week or how does that work?  Stanley had this same gal last week, right?  She is very pretty and elegant in her demeanor, but way too skinny and, to me, it detracts from the appeal of the garment to have her non-boobs totally flattened out.

BTW, what color was Fabio's outfit?  Looks gray to me, my friend says my tv color is off and it was a deep blue.  How did it look to

  • Love 2

I think Alyssa is cute as a button, but her fashion taste (or that of her stylist) SUCKS.  Since Day One, she’s always worn WTF outfits.

I believe that her stylist is sleeping with Alyssa's husband (who is Bradley Cooper's agent) and the husband refuses to leave Alyssa, despite the pillow conflict.  The stylist MUST be signaling to him, "See?  See the cow you married!"  

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

For me, it was Stanley for the win. I loved loved loved that dress. Don't yell at me ya'll. So glad Josh is gone though. What a twit. 

Stanley's offering was stunning, but I've seen it a hundred times already! There was nothing that made it stand out besides the color! As much as they liked Fabio's design, again, it's been done! ;-)

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:


It was beyond stupid.  Johnny Weir he ain't.

Thank god, we don't need another one of those.  But Santino Rice could wear heels that high and walk a runway!

I love Anthony and liked the front of his dress, but how in hell would anyone sit down in that?  It's like a dinosaur costume in the back.  Fabio's was OK but not flattering in the least, and I'm a big fan of the loose clothing.  Stanley's dress on anyone but that one model would not have looked so chic.  So not that great a top 3.

Edmond really is circling the drain.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, atlantaloves said:

For me, it was Stanley for the win. I loved loved loved that dress. Don't yell at me ya'll. So glad Josh is gone though. What a twit. 

I won't hate you. 

But I'm definitely giving you Anthony side eye with a tiny, verbal "mmph".

Kidding aside, I thought every design had something pretty to it.

What I liked about Josh was the individual elements, but not the total package.  I did like the curve between the colors and I also liked the colors. 

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I couldn't figure out Fabio's either - it was unique, that's for sure - and, as said upthread and here - very "Star Wars-y"....my thoughts were that if any one wore that dress on any red carpet, the media would have a field day with naming that person the worst dressed of the evening.  

Angela Jolie had a phase a few years back dressing in similar kaftans for the red carpet. She didn't get any worst dressed throwback but it may have been close to the time she had breast surgery. Anyway, I rather like a non body con option for the red carpet.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:


Edmond's giant rose, on the other hand, was definitely the kind of red carpet dress that would be photographed. People might love it or hate it, but they would remember it (unlike Helen's snooze of a dress). When he said he wanted to do a ruffly rose, all I could think was that the judges told Angela to stop doing her rosettes/fleurchons and Ven to stop making his origami roses. Roses do not go over well with the judges! I agreed with Georgina that the brocade didn't go with the satin rose.

I thought his dress was eye-catching and most definitely could be seen at the Oscars!  Red is one of my favorite colors so maybe I'm a little biased, but I'm a little surprised at the lack of love by the judges.  Disclaimer: back in the dark ages when I went to the prom, the trend was those ruffly, pastel Gunne Sax dresses. "Ugh!" I said. I non-conformistly wore a red disco-ish gown and I'm still glad I did. :) :)

  • Love 5

Since when did Helen ever have a "signature" look that included a corset?  That was Candice Cuoco's baby all the way.   What Helen produced here was pitiful, as usual. 

The only design element I ever associate with Helen was the dishwater-dull beige-ish chiffon dresses with shredded edges.  She produced a bunch of those in past seasons.  

  • Love 6
9 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

One of my shorter friends says that she looks up to (no pun intended) the Olsen twins for what they wear.  I'm not short but even I've looked up to what they've been wearing since like 2004.  They've always been far ahead of fashion trends.  Reese Witherspoon is another good one.  MK can be really out there -- too creative for me; but I think Ashley and Reese are extremely chic.  A lot of women seem to like Rachel Bilson as well.  A lot of actors are short and I'm not even talking about designer stuff that's impossible to emulate - they just do well pairing different items and putting outfits together.  Reese's wardrobe on "Big Little Lies" was adorable.

I have to disagree with your last sentence - I don't have anything against Alyssa but I don't think she knows anything about chicness, style, fashion.  Someone suggests a random outfit to her and she agrees.  She's probably never prioritized thinking about this stuff for herself.

I wonder if Alyssa is dressing for the body she used to have vs. the body she currently has. When younger, she had an enviable figure and could wear almost anything and look adorable. She's not the only one in this situation, but she is the one who's on tv where everyone can see her mistakes. She needs to hire new stylists, or a stylist if she's choosing her own outfits.

  • Love 8

Ugh, with Helen being the only/last woman, we're probably stuck with her 'til the finale.  Crud.  I find myself going "lalalalalala" every time she gives a talking head.  I cannot STAND her!  Why couldn't Kelly be the last woman standing???

Yay for Anthony!  Yay that Josh is gone!  Yay that we didn't have to have Helen on the runway for the judges critique!  This was almost a perfect episode.  <g>

The suggestion above for a petite/short runway would be good.  We've had plenty of "real" women runways.  I'd also love a big breasted runway.  SO many women in America these days have huge breasts and it's really hard to find clothes that fit without going tent-like

  • Love 11

I want to spend a cozy rainy afternoon with Professor Stanley and Fabio in a bistro. They will talk fashion, tell stories, and throw the occasional arch shade. I will listen and laugh. Anthony can come if he doesn't squeal.

I'm not thrilled that so many men are in the finals, especially Josh, Edmund and Ken who are only moderately talented. Josh is clearly the Pissy Drama Ringer.

That said, I like the turn the series has taken. Much less bitchy fighting and nasty drama. We're seeing some pretty clothes. Seeing Mizrahi's and Posen's archives was a treat.

I really liked Fabio's design. Lush smoky blue fabric. Different than everyone else's designs.

Laughed at Anthony and Fabio's big eyes tracking the action between Stanley and Helen.

  • Love 6

Josh was completely fine this season until last episode. Then he inexplicably regressed back to his former bitchy self. Maybe he's been biting his tongue all season and couldn't take it anymore. I don't know, but it sucks because I find him entertaining and funny when he isn't acting like a petulant child. Oh well. And what was that no hugging nonsense at the end? 

Helen's also been fine this season except for that one episode. Interesting that Josh gave her words of encouragement as he was leaving. I would love for her to make it to the finale. I often find myself rooting for the underdogs and the ones everyone else seems to hate.

  • Love 3
18 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

She's wearing further proof that there is no full length mirror on the set of PR.

It was beyond stupid.  Johnny Weir he ain't.

Maybe Josh is transitioning like Ari and he's just not spilling it on camera! If he isn't I don't understand this need to go fem so late in life! A number of us did it in our 20's, but that was years ago! Too strange! Aaron in a dress last season looks more normal than Joshua these days! Is he losing it? ;-)

  • Love 3
On 3/8/2018 at 6:23 PM, notcreative enough said:

I just realized Helen is the last woman.

16 hours ago, tobeannounced said:

I'm not missing any of the women with the housewives or sister wives or whatever they call themselves still there. They're a hoot.

I was going to say that these three refer to themselves as "girls", etc.

19 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

When Fabio's came down the runway, a ? literally popped up above my head.  That was the strangest, least red carpety garment I could have imagined.  Maybe for Mrs. Yoda or Mrs. Obi-Wan.  But I'm in a fly-over state, so there you go.

I'm from "liberal AF Los Angeles" and I thought it sucked.  It looked like a serape!


12 hours ago, DeeReynolds said:

I think Maya Rudolph would wear the heck out of Fabio's gown based on her Oscars look. I think there is definitely a celebrity market for his style.



4 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

That look is abhorrent.  It's truly as if she set out to look as neutral and homely as possible.

She looks like she's auditioning for The Handmaid's Tale!


53 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

What did Rosie Perez mean by two donuts vs. one donut?

Actresses usually try to lose weight before big gala events.

  • Love 8
On 3/8/2018 at 10:22 PM, Ms Blue Jay said:

I didn't *love* Fabio's.  I guess my tastes run pretty contemporary.  The colour was just soooooooooo dull for me (think: an old carseat) so it was hard for me to care what was going on.  When the judges raved about it I was like, okay, I guess it's kinda Star-Warsy?  I dunno.

I say this every week.  As a person, I like Edmund.  But omg.  He has gotten so many "second" chances.  His taste is just not good (to me.)

When I saw the color of Fabio’s fabric, I immediately thought, “interior of a car from the 70s-80s.”

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, laprin said:

I was worried too. This show needs Anthony for levity alone, especially when the designs are farely lackluster. 

When someone is frequently shown it's either a win or goodbye.   I was just sweating. 

And then we finally saw the completed dress and I knew he would be back next week, dispensing love, witty remarks, delicious mm hmms and squeals of delight.

Whatever happens this season, it will always be the Season of Anthony for me.  

Big thank to Tara and Sara for providing the Anthony and Ken gif.  I have saved it and will use it as a go to when I need a smile. 

Or.  Someone I love is about to have a "hold my beer" moment.  Just show them the video. No words necessary! 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, Fiero425 said:

Maybe Josh is transitioning like Ari and he's just not spilling it on camera! If he isn't I don't understand this need to go fem so late in life! A number of us did it in our 20's, but that was years ago! Too strange! Aaron in a dress last season looks more normal than Joshua these days! Is he losing it? ;-)

IMO, it would have been one thing had he been able to walk in them like a boss, to use a tired phrase.  But he was clearly unable to pull it off, and therefore looked like he was playing dress up.  Sort of the definition of trying too hard.  For me, the facial hair (which was more pronounced in the IG video) would belie any transitioning happening, wouldn't it?

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

IMO, it would have been one thing had he been able to walk in them like a boss, to use a tired phrase.  But he was clearly unable to pull it off, and therefore looked like he was playing dress up.  Sort of the definition of trying too hard.  For me, the facial hair (which was more pronounced in the IG video) would belie any transitioning happening, wouldn't it?

Honey, even Renee Richards let it go sometime before finally doing the electrolysis! lol! My stepdad's family were close to the Raskinds way back when in Forest Hills! ;-)

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, dosodog said:

And then we finally saw the completed dress and I knew he would be back next week, dispensing love, witty remarks, delicious mm hmms and squeals of delight.


That Anthony squeal will NEVER get old to me.

Josh spent so much time on that pintucking and the final result just looked sloppy on top of the sleek bottom of that gown.  And his muslin sample reminded me of the technique Maragrita used on her winning shirt-dress.  Not a great choice for a gown and definitely not a signature look for him.

Ken dodged a bullet this week.  That gown was rather tragic.

  • Love 5
9 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I want to spend a cozy rainy afternoon with Professor Stanley and Fabio in a bistro. They will talk fashion, tell stories, and throw the occasional arch shade. I will listen and laugh. Anthony can come if he doesn't squeal.

I'm not thrilled that so many men are in the finals, especially Josh, Edmund and Ken who are only moderately talented. Josh is clearly the Pissy Drama Ringer.

That said, I like the turn the series has taken. Much less bitchy fighting and nasty drama. We're seeing some pretty clothes. Seeing Mizrahi's and Posen's archives was a treat.

I really liked Fabio's design. Lush smoky blue fabric. Different than everyone else's designs.

Laughed at Anthony and Fabio's big eyes tracking the action between Stanley and Helen.

I agree, I would love to hang out with Fabio and Stanley. Fabio has such a lovely speaking voice, so calming and mellifluous. He could probably have a nice side gig doing voiceover work. 

And I concur on Fabio's design. I thought it was lovely--the flow, the movement, the charcoal blue color, the deep V in the back. Its not for everyone but some women could really rock it. 

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, njbchlover said:

I couldn't figure out Fabio's either - it was unique, that's for sure - and, as said upthread and here - very "Star Wars-y"....my thoughts were that if any one wore that dress on any red carpet, the media would have a field day with naming that person the worst dressed of the evening.  

Fabio's dress was definitely polarizing (I wasn't sure what the judges would think), but I loved it. It's not a dress anyone could, or would want to, wear, but I think it has a cool, easy, minimalist vibe and would have a lot of impact, especially on the right wearer and with the right styling. (I do agree though that the color was a bit meh.) Also, for a challenge that was all about a signature technique, I would have rewarded him since it was so clearly Fabio.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I agree, I would love to hang out with Fabio and Stanley. Fabio has such a lovely speaking voice, so calming and mellifluous

In my mind, the next stage for both Fabio and Stanley is straight out of a late 30's early 40s very high end women's clothing store, where women with real money (if you have to ask how much, you can't afford it money) come, sit, have tea and order their clothes from Mr. Fabio and Mr. Stanley.  The Mr.'s will come out, impeccably dressed (I'd like to see a tux on each of them, especially Fabio) and consult with their clients as to what will make each woman look best.

And both those men would be totally believable in their suggestions and their clients would be delighted.

  • Love 11

Not only could Josh not walk in those shoes, he couldn't even stand correctly in them. He looked like he was going to tip over. If he set out to make himself look ridiculous then he did a bang-up job. 

Now if only Helen would get eliminated so I don't have to look at her ugly tattoos I'd be a happy camper. Speaking of Helen, I was surprised when she said she was making a fit and flare dress. To me fit and flare means fit at the top and flared at the waist. Wasn't her dress a mermaid style? Maybe she changed her design or maybe I don't know one dress from another which very well could be. 

Edited by Jolie
  • Love 6

Very ironic that Helen told the camera that she considered taking shortcuts but just couldn't as she always made sure her garments were perfect.  Then the big reveal with puckered seams all over the dress.  I thought the second shade of red she placed in the middle of the front made it look like some type of accident happened to the model-whether someone spilled something down the middle of her gown, or something more personal.  I think that Helen, like others, over rates her own talent.  However, in someone's previous post they stated that she worked for Zac Posen after her season, so all I know is that I don't really know anything at all about how to interpret design talent.

  • Love 7
22 hours ago, Brookside said:

I love Maya Rudolph for her acting and her looks, but I thought her dress and makeup/hair at the Oscars were very unflattering.

I thought she looked terrible. Fabio's dress (which I liked, though I thought the color was a little drab) would have been an improvement over what she wore.

Speaking of looking terrible, whoever picked out Alyssa's outfit needs to be shot. Her head looked great (TM Fug Girls) but every line on that outfit hit in exactly the wrong place on her and the super-wide-legged cropped pants were a terrible choice for someone short and curvy.

Bye Joshua! Good riddance. I've said it every time he has been on this show: he just has bad taste. And he looked a fool in those boots - he was clearly uncomfortable in them. He was walking bent-kneed.

I'm happy to see Anthony win because I just think he's such a delight. And I liked his dress; it WOULD be good on someone with breasts (like me!) and the structure and back detailing gave it a dose of glam.

  • Love 5

I just have to think the way Alyssa dresses has to be deliberate.  She is always wearing clothing that is the exact opposite of flattering.She and everyone involved in the show can obviously see that.  She dresses cutely when not on the show. So it is a conscious decision on someone's part. But whyyyyy? Perhaps it's avant garde! Perhaps that's the real meaning of avant garde!

  • Love 1

Fabio's dress looked a little like a washed out denim muumuu. Not a fan.

There's still a few people who are dead weight. I kind of want to fast forward through their eliminations to the final collections. Not sorry to see Joshua go but I would have liked to see his rock star outfit. Edmond should have been eliminated. That dress was an affront to flowers.

Speaking of next weeks challenge, I'm so glad it's something different. I'm so tired of all these red carpet challenges. Every week it's a gown. Gowns are fine but after prom and wedding, almost no one ever wears one again. I like sportswear challenges or the weird ones like the time they re-imagined the USPS uniform, which was mostly a disaster but at least it was different.

  • Love 4
On 3/8/2018 at 9:26 PM, Jordan Baker said:

I loved the way the other contestants stopped what they were doing to watch Helen's critique of Stanley. I especially liked the way Ken and Anthony were shaking their heads in response to Helen's recommendations.


On 3/8/2018 at 10:50 PM, njbchlover said:

I just realized that tonight, as well.  Well, I guess since Merline only got eliminated last week, that makes sense, LOL!!  

I loved seeing the two of them in the background...they cracked me up!!  Especially since Helen was giving bogus advice - didn't someone get a major call-out from Georgina last week about being able to see shoes under a floor length gown?  Then, Helen's talking head comment - she almost admitted to intentionally giving Stanley bad suggestions during the critique - "because, after all, it IS a competition".  Seriously, I cannot stand her and her greasy hair!  


I freaking love Stanley!!  The way he just shut down Josh and his dickishness while the designers were waiting backstage was just masterful.  I wish I had a personality like that.  And, of course, Helen was stirring things up as usual.  She can go next.

My God, did you see how Helen was egging stupid Josh on by saying that Stanley's gentleman like the comment about being in good company at the top was insulting?  I think Helen is a person that gets away with a lot in real life because everyone thinks she is so cute, in a dirty never takes a shower type of way.  Helen is probably jealous as hell of Stanley, because he conducts himself with quiet dignity and is very talented.

On 3/8/2018 at 11:43 PM, farmgal4 said:

I think Alyssa is cute as a button, but her fashion taste (or that of her stylist) SUCKS.  Since Day One, she’s always worn WTF outfits.


On 3/9/2018 at 12:20 AM, Brookside said:

During the intro I was hoping they were limiting Alyssa to waist-up shots only.  My imagination was enough for a head-to-toe shot.  But no, towards the end of the section, we got the full hideous frontal,  Even my imagination hadn't gone that far. 


On 3/9/2018 at 1:22 AM, dwarmed said:

Alyssa really doubled down on her signature style for the runway: UNFLATTERING. That outfit had all the elements to make her look shorter and wider than she actually is. Boatneck and extra-wide culottes? I question her taste level. Also, what was that silhouette pose? Is she supposed to be the fashion version of a scary clown?


On 3/9/2018 at 1:30 AM, GaT said:

I'm never upset to see Josh eliminated

Is Alyssa the only woman in the world that looks bad in a boat neckline? Standing with her legs apart so that everyone could see she was wearing culottes didn't help the look either.


On 3/9/2018 at 8:30 AM, Mindthinkr said:

As a short woman I will say that getting good fitting petite clothes is a challenge. Not impossible but you have to know what looks good on your body image. I think what goes wrong is that the most stylish outfits are made for a taller lithe person and that never translates well to a smaller person. We smaller people want to look chic too and sometimes people give up and choose style rather than what fits their body type. I’ve always wanted them to do a runway for petite ladies. Even a challenge where the models are 5’ 2” and under. I think Alyssa chooses style or fashion rather than dressing for her size. Wrong choice. 


On 3/9/2018 at 8:42 AM, Caseysgirl said:

I love Allyssa Milano, but I agree with everyone else that she is being done no favors by the stylists who are working with her. She has a beautiful face and can carry off that short hair but I wish she'd try something a little longer.  I'm no expert on what looks good but this is a show about designers, why don't they have a challenge to design for Allyssa?  She's not a model but she isn't fat or out of shape. Surely, they could make some flattering outfits for her.


21 hours ago, Snappy said:

I wonder if Alyssa is dressing for the body she used to have vs. the body she currently has. When younger, she had an enviable figure and could wear almost anything and look adorable. She's not the only one in this situation, but she is the one who's on tv where everyone can see her mistakes. She needs to hire new stylists, or a stylist if she's choosing her own outfits.


I am a short woman myself and would like to give my two cents.  I was watching this with a cousin who does not watch Project Runway.  During the commercials, Lifetime promotes this series called "Little Women of something something", which I guess is like Real Housewives, but centered around little people.  My cousin actually asked if Alyssa was from one of those "LIttle People Shows" when Alyssa came out in the culottes.  My cousin is also pretty young and has no idea who Alyssa Milano is in the first place.

I think the issue is not height but weight.  The fashion industry has no idea how to handle curvier women and if you cut off a curvy petite gal at the wrong angle, she is going to look stubby as hell. If Alyssa was still a size 0-2, she would not be having issues.

  • Love 7
8 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I agree, I would love to hang out with Fabio and Stanley. Fabio has such a lovely speaking voice, so calming and mellifluous. He could probably have a nice side gig doing voiceover work. 

I think Fabio would be interesting to hang out with. Good, intelligent conversation.

Perhaps so with Stanley as well but...zzzzzzzz. Does he ever change his facial expression or voice intonation?

  • Love 1

I agree with both observations upthread that the center, slightly darker, probably lighter weight panel of Helen's dress pulled into creases that make it look like it was not sewn properly, and that the fact is was slightly darker than the rest made it look like she spilled water all the way down her front.  I don't know that I'd have sent it home over Josh's, but certainly to me it was worse than either of the other two bottom placers, though I did see the judges' points on those.  

  • Love 2

When I was a little kid and drawing I remember using an upside-down triangle for the top of women's dresses all the time.  All my drawings looked like Stanley's dress.  I don't get the love for it at all because I thought aside from the color, it looked horrible.  I thought Edmond's flower was hideous.  Did Anthony put a slit in the bottom back of his gown?  The model looked like she was having trouble walking because it was so slim. I can't say there was one dress in the bunch that I really liked.  Did not like Helen's at all.  It ruched badly and there was something about the colors that was off-putting.  Fabio's was just too much fabric and reminded me of something someone would wear around the house to be comfortable or hide some unwanted pounds.  Particularly the back.  Joshua's might have looked a lot better in a different color and if he had additional time to work out where he was going with the top.  As it was there was too much going on and unfinished at the same time.  

Oh, Josh! I could be wrong but I get the feeling he's really not thick-skinned at all.  He strikes me as someone who puts on the sassy and bitchy as a defense.  Nothing jives with him, hair, clothes, make-up.  It's like he has his own personal button bag of concepts that he pulls from randomly.  I have no idea what he was going for with those damn shoes! I don't care who you are.  If you can't walk properly in heels, change to a different style footwear.

Edited by ichbin
  • Love 3

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