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S08.E11: Thank You, Thuck You!

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51 minutes ago, Rahul said:

I think Erika likes to play dress up because she is a bored trophy wife married to a very wealthy man. This woman has domestic help and a grown son with a career of his own. She is free from the onus of cooking, cleaning and providing for her family. Erika has no  actual job to speak of save for the vanity projects her husband so kindly agrees to finance. Mrs. Girardi has more money than she knows what to do with, so she spends it on (the ugliest) designer clothes, makeup, jewelry, wigs and a her glam squad--an entourage of gay sycophants whom she considers her close inner circle. 

In this very episode Erika declares "You have to have depth" but ironically that statement is not about being a person of substance or supporting worthy charitable causes but rather constantly changing up her look to keep people guessing and interested. Make of that what you will.

This is why I'm surprised she got a book deal. Erika admittedly plays it close to the vest and is very guarded. All we ever see of Erika Jayne is a facade inspired by what's worked for others. Every once in a while she has a good one liner and her performances seem like decent fun, but she's neither revolutionary nor candid. I can't fathom that her book could be any more engaging than what's already been done before.

Honestly, the only thing it has going for it is a stellar ghostwriter in Brian Moylan. But again, is her book any more entertaining than reading his recaps (which I can get for free)?

  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Do y'all think Rinna wears wigs?

Sometimes she does but I was under the impression that she wears her own hair most of the time. Maybe not. Hmm, now you've got me thinking.

I would love for Rinna to grow out her hair just a little. I think she looks better in the THs where her hair is slicked down and a little less poufy. Maybe chin length. I think it looks better darker too.

  • Love 2

For better or worse modeling is based off physical appearance no matter what age someone is. And even though people can and should have different standards of beauty, everyone is entitled to voice their own. Completely agree with the opinion that Camille shouldn't have put her out there so young. Yolanda had many faults but I do respect that she made GiGi and Bella wait to model until they turned 18.

Someone else finally nailed it as to why I feel LVP looks so aged. Her hair needs more highlighting. I am completely grey at 44 but go to my colorist religiously every two months. Hell no do I want to have grey hair. But, LVP needs some lightening around her face because they constant dark tones make her look too severe.

  • Love 4

I don't care much for Kyle but I'll give her a pass for weeping over nothing and trying to guilt her friends into liking her the most. Like Dorit matters. Her mother was a piece of work and dear god dealing with Kim.  But, Kyle should've been going to Al-anon for lots of years to learn how to deal with the likes of Kim.  Then we wouldn't have to see her weeping over it all so many times. God I pray we don't see Kim this season!

What I won't give Kyle a pass on is that she chews like a freaking hamster! Have you noticed how she sits there chewing 100 miles an hour? I imagine little hamster paws at her mouth holding its little seeds up.  I've noticed this for years and finally had to get it off my chest. 

  • Love 7
4 minutes ago, Jel said:

When they zoomed in I thought I saw a tiny station and li'l conductor.


It was awful the day they were preparing her for Kyle's store and the night they went for drinks at Andaz. I think the hair person told her not to touch her hair because she wasn't sure how secure the track/extension/clip in was. How humiliating would it be to walk in to a club and then walk out leaving a chunk o hair on your seat

  • Love 6

Me either. For all her talk about how busy she is, Erica must have a hella lotta time on her hands to be able to dress in character every day. 

I'm torn about this. On one hand, my Halloween-loving, clothing-hoarding, "alternative kid in a middle-aged woman's body" self thinks it would be a blast! But then the lazier, 9-to-5, "bad at makeup and hair" side thinks who the hell has the time and energy for that?

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 9

I would love for Rinna to grow out her hair just a little. I think she looks better in the THs where her hair is slicked down and a little less poufy. Maybe chin length. I think it looks better darker too.

She has done that, and overall, I think it's a nice change for her.



I'm torn about this. On one hand, my Halloween-loving, clothing-hoarding, "alternative kid in a middle-aged woman's body" self thinks it would be a blast! But then the lazier, 9-to-5, "bad at makeup and hair" side thinks who the hell has time for that?

A woman with a rich husband, lol Good for her for having fun with her looks.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:


It was awful the day they were preparing her for Kyle's store and the night they went for drinks at Andaz. I think the hair person told her not to touch her hair because she wasn't sure how secure the track/extension/clip in was. How humiliating would it be to walk in to a club and then walk out leaving a chunk o hair on your seat

I think Teddi is beautiful, and for a first season-er she's actually doing really well (tracks notwithstanding) with hair and make-up. So often when I look at first season people it's all frosty eye shadow and shiny skin. Teddi always looks very pretty I think.

  • Love 19

To me, I've learned from watching these shows that I could be party friends with them...meaning go out and have fun with them spcially...but I wouldn't ever call them true friends..just social friends.

With that said, id be exhausted being Kyle's friend...shes too needy and overly sensitive.  L VP, on the other hand, would be difficult as well because she's too aloof and never forgives truly.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I really don't get what you're doing right now, or how to reply; are you looking for a "Well, that does it--you have convinced me that I was incorrect about my own opinion?" If it means that much to you, then OK: I truly apologize for finding her attractive. 

Lol really! Like no pretty girl or woman has a not—so—flattering picture (or dozens if you’re famous) floating around in the internet. One not-great picture of a child/tween does not “prove” anything. 

And, as always, looks are so subjective. Personally, I do think Mason is attractive. Not in a conventional way though, like her mom. Moreso in a “oh she’s really INTERESTING looking” way. Now, do I think she’s gonna go the distance as a runway supermodel like a Kendall Jenner or a Bella Hadid? My gut says probably not (her gait was admittedly not great). But I could maybe see her as a print model or something. 

25 minutes ago, gundysgirl said:

It's interesting, because I think Kyle is more beautiful now that she ever was. Much more so than she was in her 20's, but even more so than when the show started. She is one of the only HW's that I see in flashback from years earlier and can honestly say, "wow, she looks just as good". Usually in flashbacks I am shocked to see what they have done to themselves in such a small number of years.  I don't know what she does, but it sure does work for her. 

I do agree. Kyle is truly appearing to age backwards. She’s so much prettier now than she was as a teen or 20-something hung. 

  • Love 8
34 minutes ago, BluBrd47 said:

For better or worse modeling is based off physical appearance no matter what age someone is. And even though people can and should have different standards of beauty, everyone is entitled to voice their own. Completely agree with the opinion that Camille shouldn't have put her out there so young. Yolanda had many faults but I do respect that she made GiGi and Bella wait to model until they turned 18.

Someone else finally nailed it as to why I feel LVP looks so aged. Her hair needs more highlighting. I am completely grey at 44 but go to my colorist religiously every two months. Hell no do I want to have grey hair. But, LVP needs some lightening around her face because they constant dark tones make her look too severe.

I think they were 16 or 17, but they were also attractive.

I’m not entirely convinced Malan Breton isn’t a Paul Reubens character. 

Cindy Crawford’s 16 year old daughter recently started modeling. She doesn’t look like Frasier, plus she’s insanely skinny.


She gets certain big shows, mainly French, that Gigi will never get because she’s too big.

This sounds harsh, but I doubt the modeling industry will be nicer to Mason. 
Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 5

It's just a matter of opinion; while I have no stake in Mason's successes and failures, I've seen lots of models (usually runway) who can look downright "off" to me, but be a big thing in the eyes of the designers who use them. 

As for Rinna's hair, now I am curious too. I am not sure why one would commit to that particular style of wig (or wigs, plural, because I assume she's had several) but whatever. If it is her real hair though, I am kind of impressed that she manages to keep the shape so consistently the same from day to day, year to year.


 I am completely grey at 44 but go to my colorist religiously every two months. Hell no do I want to have grey hair. 

I'm not completely gray (and usually a fake gold-blond) but it was coming in at the roots fast and furious, man. I just went ahead and bleached the hell out of it, and colored it a silver-lavender! Haha, take that nature and genetics; I will hide my gray in plain sight!

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, JAYJAY1979 said:

To me, I've learned from watching these shows that I could be party friends with them...meaning go out and have fun with them spcially...but I wouldn't ever call them true friends..just social friends.

With that said, id be exhausted being Kyle's friend...shes too needy and overly sensitive.  L VP, on the other hand, would be difficult as well because she's too aloof and never forgives truly.

I agree that Kyle is needy/overly sensitive but Lisa isn't unforgiving IMO. Lisa is like me, when you betray/really hurt me, it takes a long time to get back to the closeness we once had, if ever. It's the difference between being friendly and being close friends. I can have fun with a friend but it takes a close friend for me to really open up to.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Silo said:

I think Kyle’s hair and Teddy’s dress are an example of women wanting to hold onto looks they had when they were the most attractive (ie 20 years ago).

I think Erica’s wall is reflective in the costumes she wears. She’s so guarded that she won’t even show us what her true style is. You can usually read someone based on their clothing choices. Not Erica! Because she’s going to dress like an evil Disney queen, or a sci Fi geisha, or a member of St. Pepper’s Band lol

I think with Teddy it is more a case of she's thin now so she's going to wear all the tiny, tight, and short crap she couldn't before.

  • Love 10
30 minutes ago, Silo said:

I have been wondering that myself.

She wore a long wig to WWHL and I thought she looked good.

...but I’ve been wondering about her normal hair.

Rinna has a lot of hair and one time she dyed it back to quite dark as her hair is also coarse and dry and there are times it gets a little fried looking from the highlights.  All in all I think she is just comfortable with the cut.  I do not think this season's talking head flatters her at all.  I figure if Rinna were given to wearing wigs she would be more like Erika or Dorit and keep us guessing.

  • Love 6
5 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

I like Kyle.  She isn't perfect, she can be as petty as any of these women.  Kyle isn't necessarily "right" or "wrong" in this stupid BFF tug-of-war "plot".  It's so stupid and everyone involved in it is stupid for carrying on over it for this amount of time.  Putting on my arm chair psychologist's hat, I think Kyle is just hyper-sensitive about her friendship w/ LVP and threats (perceived or real) to bust it up.  Kyle is an emotionally needy person and probably has her whack-a-do stage mother to thank/blame.  She craves praise and doesn't want to disappoint people IMO.  Now she & her family have wealth, success, fame and relatively scandal free lives. Her sister Kathy is holding a grudge about the real estate split w/ Mauricio.  Kim was  emotionally &financially dependent on Kyle for years.  Now both sisters have distanced themselves from her and are pissed off at her for various reasons.  I think Kyle feels alone and abandoned by her sisters who were supposedly brought up to look out for each other and support each other in a "us against the world" mentality imposed by their mother.  If Kathy & Kim aren't there for Kyle, I think she is doubly insecure about "losing" her close friendship w/ LVP.   And LVP is completely aware of Kyle's situation.  I think LVP likes to hold her friendships over people's heads like a diamond & rose filled pinata.  She enjoys sitting back & watching these women "prove" their love and fidelity by battling each other to bust open the big "prize".

This is not a fair assessment of Lisa. If the bold were truly the case, she'll be pitting Kyle and Dorit against each other and watch them fight for her friendship. She is doing the exact opposite. She doesn't want to engage in a Dorit v Kyle, a fight they started all on their own.

In addition to her wanting to stay out of it, when Kyle acted in all her insecure neediness glory, Lisa extended an olive branch when she didn't have to. She was within her rights to refuse to offer Kyle an apology, but did it anyway. 

Why? Maybe she apologize to Kyle because as you said, she knows what Kyle is going through and as would any good friend, she is soaking up all the insecurity and neediness. 

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 9
4 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

alright Ann Wintor .......the Designer wanted her in his show so thats all that should matter. this isnt a democracy where everyday people get to deiced who walks and who doesn't...i mean point blank period it was his choice.

Well, did he want HER in the show, or was putting her in the show a way of getting on TV?  I

don't want to slam a child's looks, and won't.  But I too wonder about this trend of the children of famous people suddenly becoming models. 

I have already forgotten the actual reason for the dispute between Lisa and Kyle (and Dorit), but I think what Teddi was getting at was, if you value the friendship, apologize even if you're not sure why, because it will make the friend happy.  Not a good thing to do repeatedly, but once won't kill anyone.

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

Hmmmmnnn, “90 with long ass hair”.......? ( haha, just kidding)

Not 90, but Linda Rodin (below) is turning 70 soon, and her hair looks fantastic, imo. Long hair (or long enough hair) also gives an older/any woman flexibility (which is something LVP should play around with more often.  I liked LVP's hair up in the promo shown last night for next week; very German Baroness, but not fussy. And every time she wears it up -- even in a simple pony -- she gains a neck and chin and a nice long line that's very flattering to her. Those two Tara-like curtains hanging down on either side of LVP's head erase her upper silhouette - head, neck and chest -- and she ends up looking truncated, her breasts matronly and spilling into her lap -- for me, it's not so much the hair length, it's how the hair is worn -- and whether it's flattering to your face, whatever your age. JMO.)

linda rodin 2.jpg

rodin 3.jpg

rodin 4.jpg

Edited by film noire
  • Love 14
1 hour ago, BluBrd47 said:

For better or worse modeling is based off physical appearance no matter what age someone is. And even though people can and should have different standards of beauty, everyone is entitled to voice their own. Completely agree with the opinion that Camille shouldn't have put her out there so young. Yolanda had many faults but I do respect that she made GiGi and Bella wait to model until they turned 18.

Someone else finally nailed it as to why I feel LVP looks so aged. Her hair needs more highlighting. I am completely grey at 44 but go to my colorist religiously every two months. Hell no do I want to have grey hair. But, LVP needs some lightening around her face because they constant dark tones make her look too severe.

Gigi was doing jobs before she graduated from high school. By definition, her career didn't explode until she relocated to New York but she was definitely doing pretty major local projects like Guess shoots. To my recollection, there were also forays into child modeling. 

From my perspective, the fact that Bella didn't actually commence modeling until she was comparably older had more to do with her interest in and time commitment to equestrianism. 

Also, I think any brakes put on Gigi's takeoff were probably more attributable to Mohammed than Yo. He seemed to value the prospect of college for the girls more than her. 

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 6
3 hours ago, Rahul said:

I think Erika likes to play dress up because she is a bored trophy wife married to a very wealthy man. This woman has domestic help and a grown son with a career of his own. She is free from the onus of cooking, cleaning and providing for her family. Erika has no  actual job to speak of save for the vanity projects her husband so kindly agrees to finance. Mrs. Girardi has more money than she knows what to do with, so she spends it on (the ugliest) designer clothes, makeup, jewelry, wigs and a her glam squad--an entourage of gay sycophants whom she considers her close inner circle. 

In this very episode Erika declares "You have to have depth" but ironically that statement is not about being a person of substance or supporting worthy charitable causes but rather constantly changing up her look to keep people guessing and interested. Make of that what you will.


2 hours ago, Silo said:


I think Erica’s wall is reflective in the costumes she wears. She’s so guarded that she won’t even show us what her true style is. You can usually read someone based on their clothing choices. Not Erica! Because she’s going to dress like an evil Disney queen, or a sci Fi geisha, or a member of St. Pepper’s Band lol

I just don't understand Erika's whole idea of dressing....I've yet to hear any grown woman wake up in the morning and decide what "costume" or "personality" they want to convey, rather than what they are going to wear, based on the events of her day.

I think that someone must have taken away Erika's Barbie dolls when she was little, because she is now using herself to constantly play dress-up.

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, GreenlinetoHarlem said:

I believe she genuinely got sucked in to being poor Kyle's champion and aggressively laid out a one-lane course of action for LVP, to give a simplified blanket apology for something way more nuanced than Teddi seems to be able to grasp. I felt for LVP and even for unfortunate, emotionally stunted Kyle in that situation. I don't know if Teddi is a nice person or not, but I  can tell she sure thinks she is. I will sit here on my island and proclaim that she is a boring drip every week until I see something that shows me different. I have a feeling some of you might be joining me before the end of this season.

I'm joining you off and on.  Sometimes I like Teddi and sometimes I just want her to shut up.  I love her blogs--very self aware.

2 hours ago, missyb said:

Does it all really matter?? If you can't give an apology to a good friend who claims to have had her feelings hurt, whether you understand it or not, are you a not a friend? Is it phony to apologize just because your friend needs it but you don't understand if you have injured  them or how ? No. Kyle needed it, Teddi showed why she needed it, and Lisa found a way to do it with sincerity. Case closed. For now LOL

I agree with this.  Just this week i apologized because I had no idea that i was responsible for a friend's happiness and social calendar. I was invited to a party, where she didn’t know the hostess, but still thought I was selfish for not thinking to invite her.


But.  Sometimes for your own selfish reasons, you suck it up.

1 hour ago, WireWrap said:

I agree that Kyle is needy/overly sensitive but Lisa isn't unforgiving IMO. Lisa is like me, when you betray/really hurt me, it takes a long time to get back to the closeness we once had, if ever. It's the difference between being friendly and being close friends. I can have fun with a friend but it takes a close friend for me to really open up to.

I get you 100% wirewrap.  I am the same way.  I have friends that I like and have fun with, but keep the deep thoughts to myself.  There have been very few people I will confide to in my life.  I hold them near and dear, with an unwavering loyalty. 

But if you cross THAT line?  Done. I can be civil.  I don't wish either bad or good for that person.  I don't wish anything for them.

  • Love 4
45 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

Well, did he want HER in the show, or was putting her in the show a way of getting on TV?  I

don't want to slam a child's looks, and won't.  But I too wonder about this trend of the children of famous people suddenly becoming models. 

I have already forgotten the actual reason for the dispute between Lisa and Kyle (and Dorit), but I think what Teddi was getting at was, if you value the friendship, apologize even if you're not sure why, because it will make the friend happy.  Not a good thing to do repeatedly, but once won't kill anyone.

It is the new Instagram fad.  I look at it this way the celebutantes walking these shows probably don't get paid but get a bunch of clothes for themselves and famous parents.  Their parents can afford to fly to Milan and watch their kids bounce down a runway.

Once again I think it is easy for Teddi to dispense such shallow advice.  She obviously has not watched the two seasons of Eileen demanding apology after apology from LVP.  Kyle had just said days before she was demanding an apology from LVP for leaving the restaurant early.  That is all LVP did.  Leave early.  Then LVP said she wanted an apology for Kyle saying Dorit and LVP were plotting against her.  LVP apologized.   Kyle apologized.

On to NYC, Kyle was burned up because Dorit, at Camille's and Erika's invitation recited what happened at the Teddi's beach house.  Camille and Teddi then told Kyle and Kyle approached LVP with a plot to take Dorit down on her special night.  LVP declined citing it was Dorit's night.  Kyle powered ahead and then was upset, beside herself and darn near rabid over LVP not joining Kyle's attack on Dorit-even though Erika had asked Kyle to stop.  Then it became about LVP not saying the right thing, not apologizing the right way and the horrors of it all offering to ride back to the hotel with Dorit so she would not be alone.  That was Kyle's main issue.

The following day Kyle was upset because Dorit wasn't speaking on the bus.  I just can't imagine why.

So we are back to a former story line where LVP not only has to apologize but in a way that meets group expectation.  

Unfortunately, Kyle is all about team play and won't be happy until she has more people on her team than anyone else.  Last night on WWHL Rinna was carrying Erika's torch of disdain for LVP and regaling in tales about how poor little Rinna fell victim to the spell of LVP.  

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, rho said:

This is why I'm surprised she got a book deal. Erika admittedly plays it close to the vest and is very guarded. All we ever see of Erika Jayne is a facade inspired by what's worked for others. Every once in a while she has a good one liner and her performances seem like decent fun, but she's neither revolutionary nor candid. I can't fathom that her book could be any more engaging than what's already been done before.

Honestly, the only thing it has going for it is a stellar ghostwriter in Brian Moylan. But again, is her book any more entertaining than reading his recaps (which I can get for free)?

Erika is not candid, but the rare glimpses of her life she's given viewers have been mostly too boring for words. The two most interesting things she's told viewers is that she left her child in the New York area to pursue her dream and that she didn't meet her dad until she was an adult. Now a Brian Moylan penned memoir of Kyle, Kim Richards, Luann de Lesseps, or Tinsley Mortimer would do really well because they've given us enough to let us know that their pre-Housewives lives were bonkers.

I don't buy housewives shit unless it's booze. I bought Skinnygirl swill once. It was terrible. I bought LVP's sangria once. It was okay. I haven't purchased any of their songs because it turns out there isn't a shortage of talented non-housewives singers. However, I would line the fuck up for a Richards sister memoir that actually gave us the deets about Big Kathy, or more info on Luann's crazy wanderlust life including Silvio Berlusconi, or inside gossip from Tins about real high society. Hell, I might even buy the kindle version of LeeAnne Locken's crazy carny childhood. But warmed over bullshit about how Erika's mom made her walk to the corner store and working as a waitress are not doing it for me. 

55 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Little Edie begs to differ!


Also actually delusional.

  • Love 11
12 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I didn’t see Teddi frantically running after anybody in this episode. Did I miss a scene?  

As far as her conversation with Lisa at Villa Rosa this episode (loved her hair/braids in that scene), Lisa actually seemed to appreciate her advice - and took it to heart, according to that last scene between her and Kyle! So I think the lane she’s in is perfectly fine. 


Doris and PK only married in 2015. I think they lived mostly in New York before then, right? That might explain why. 

Or maybe she heard through her British grapevine what a twit the new Mrs PK was and wisely kept her distance until she was forced to interact with her via filming! That explanation seems equally plausible to me.


Kyle did look great with the shoulder length hair. And I agree that when some women refuse to cut their hair (Lisa VP....) or wear really ridiculous extensions (Ramona I’m looking at you now) as a way to hold onto their fleeting youth, it ends up backfiring in them. I.e. they end up looking older. 

I don’t think that’s  necessarily the case with Kyle though, personally. Her hair is still lovely when it’s long. Mostly because it’s thick, shiny, healthy, and all hers. 

Ramona just chopped her hair off!   As much as I loathe Ramoner, she looks so much better. 

4 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

I respectfully disagree . . .  I completely see what you are saying though.  Kyle has been really pushing this "BFF" thing with Dorit.  But I see that as a calculated move (at least at first.  It may have morphed into something else later . . . something meant to poke at LVP armor).  I suspect Kyle was willing to help LVP bring Dorit into the fold and secure her the housewives gig for the longterm (so she didn't just become a "one and done" girl).  But it was Dorit who worked at undermining Kyle's and LVP connection.  Dorit is just too hungry and couldn't leave well enough alone. When LVP stormed out of the luncheon, Dorit was quick let Kyle know how many ways Dorit was closer to LVP than Kyle was.  "Oh youuuuuuu didn't knowwwwww about LVP's jewelry lineeeeeeee and I diddddddddd???" with undertones of how humiliating it would be to be in the dark.  Then Dorit twists the LVP backstory of her typically British unemotional upbringing (a backstory LVP alludes to often - without giving any real personal information) as LVP opening up with her deep emotions to Dorit and once again leaving Kyle in the dark.   Kyle looked stunned, hurt, confused during this conversation.  I read that as her thinking "wait, I thought LVP and I were on the same page. WTF?"

So I think it was Dorit pushing the Dorit/LVP BFF storyline.  And Kyle looked to take back some power from Dorit by pushing LVP to take a stand against Dorit.  When LVP didn't, Kyle really felt hurt.  

Dorit is such an idiot.  I mean, she really SHOULD be closer to LVP than the rest of the castmates.  Her husband has been friends with LVP forever apparently.  Again, she's just so thirsty.  She sees something and tries to bulldoze her way to it.  She sees her husband's relationship with LVP as a stepping stone to fame (and money).  She's just so clueless.  She has no finesse.  She has no tact. 

Well, shoot.  I forget what I wanted to say about your post, but I do agree with it.  

1 hour ago, Mrs peel said:

Well, did he want HER in the show, or was putting her in the show a way of getting on TV?  I

don't want to slam a child's looks, and won't.  But I too wonder about this trend of the children of famous people suddenly becoming models. 

I have already forgotten the actual reason for the dispute between Lisa and Kyle (and Dorit), but I think what Teddi was getting at was, if you value the friendship, apologize even if you're not sure why, because it will make the friend happy.  Not a good thing to do repeatedly, but once won't kill anyone.

I think Camille and Mason were a way to get his show on tv.  Period. 

  • Love 5
14 hours ago, jennylauren123 said:

Has anyone else noticed the unfortunate habit  Dorit has of moving her tongue up between her upper lip and teeth and then down? Very unattractive, and it reminds me of some kind of animal, though I can't figure out which!

That's typically the way you ensure you don't have food between your teeth or lipstick on them. Or she's a cokehead.

Kyle needs to make friends with Dorit just so she can borrow her wig person. Short hair would be nice on her but that wig was terrible--badly styled and not the right type of hair.

Wigs are great if you're trying to decide on a new style or color.  

Vanderpump has a great ass! Wow, she really looked great in those jeans.


I've yet to hear any grown woman wake up in the morning and decide what "costume" or "personality" they want to convey, rather than what they are going to wear, based on the events of her day.


Erika expresses herself like an entertainer so she talks about putting on costumes vs dressing for what the day entails. If I'm trying to convey powerful, knowledgeable business person when I have a meeting, I dress in that "costume" and attitude.

Reading through some of the comments here I'm reminded of something Kelly Rippa said years ago. She told a story of being in the supermarket and a woman recognizing her and saying "wow you're prettier on TV" Kelly said she responded "Thanks, can I critique your look now?" I've been a fan of hers since I heard that story. I get why people think it's okay to comment on someone's looks, it's just funny the people that choose to do it.

I want to be friends with Teddi.

Edited by Drumpf1737
  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Lady of nod said:

This all day long. I've said it before. You spot it you got it. Kyle is one needy insecure woman. She also played this BF game with Taylor trying to make LVP jealous.  It's so middle school. Maybe she doesn't see this since she had a highly dysfunctional childhood, and maybe didn't go to school? IDK but really she needs to get over this her or me mentality.She has not had Lisa's back on many occasions. Remember magazinegate? I think they are fun to watch when they're being silly and having a good time. But Kyle does indeed hold Lisa to a higher standard, constantly needing her to prove her loyalty. She's exhausting!

I’ve always felt like Kyle is really bad about keeping score. She’s been generous and loving and sweet, but she expects you to pay her back in very specific ways. She strikes me as the type that has an itemized list of everything she ever did for you ready to go for the day you upset her. And she would much rather get into these hostage negotiations then walk away. She’s been singing this “Lisa is a bad friend” song for seasons now. Fine, good chance it’s true. So don’t be her friend or at least don’t invest so much energy into a friendship with her. But she won’t just let people be who they are. She always has to be trying to make them into who she thinks they should be. How much time is Lisa V supposed to invest in convincing Kyle to be friends with her? I just don’t think that’s who Lisa is. I think she feels like if someone doesn’t want to be her friend that’s fine. This is who Lisa is. If you don’t like her then find people you do like.

i don’t know, Kyle exhausts me. She needs so much attention and it never stops. That was what my eyes roll a few episodes ago was when Mauricio order for her. It wasn't that I was offended or disturbed, it was the attention again. My (probably over) reaction was “Really? You can’t even just order? You need Mauricio to participate in a cutesy-wootsey ordering game? Why are you such an baby adult? Why is it always like this?” She makes me tired. 

  • Love 6

It seemed like LVP was the only HW to purchase something at the store opening. Why didn't Kryle get pissy about that?


Here’s Ericka with the indoor sunglasses again.

She was giving Slutty Helen Keller realness, dontcha know. Too bad she never wanted to dress as the Mother of Toddler character.

Did Malan have that accent when he was on Project Runway?


If Mason wants to be in a protected bubble where she only hears positive comments then the modeling world is the last place she should be.

Considering what non-celebrity spawn have to do/put up with in order to get modeling jobs, Mason should be grateful if the worst thing for her is some criticism from Bravo viewers.

Rinna's face looks like it's made of Play-Doh. The camera crew seriously needs to pull back when shooting her Mr. Bill mug.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, Kokapetl said:

I’m not entirely convinced Malan Breton isn’t a Paul Reubens character. 


Bwahaha! I knew Malan reminded me of someone absurd, and now I know whom!

33 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

For those who follow Erika's co author Brian Moylan-very funny story about the designer from this episode's recap on Vulture:


What you really might not realize is that Malan Breton, a man who looks like a cartoon child that is possessed by a devil and might eat the head off the family pet at any moment, is essentially my archnemesis.

Brian Moylan has some nerve criticizing Malan Breton's aesthetic considering Moylan is a strange looking man himself with a very questionable sartorial sense. That ugly furry caterpillar he sports under his nose and those inane capri pants he insists on wearing every time he's on screen certainly do not help.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 11

If you're a New York Housewives fan, I don't know how you could forget Malan after that party for him that Ray and Ramona seperately crashed. Ramona was uninvited after claiming that John was coked up and revealed that he likes to take a lot of Viagra (pronounced vee-agra by Ramona) and nail Dorinda. Ray showed up to drunkenly slur about Luann. Dorinda kicked them out and left her own party upset.

  • Love 5

I don’t remember who said it maybe Rinna, that 3’s don’t work and I agree.  Someone is always left out of the conversation or doesn’t get an inside joke.  I had 2 long time friends who didn’t know each other & I thought they would get along so I invited both out to lunch and they hit it off like I knew they would.  Next thing I know they are going out places together & not asking or telling me.  I ran into them shopping one day and they made me feel like I was intruding.  So never again will I do 3’s (nor introduce new people in my group).

  • Love 3

I adored Bethenny's questioning what Dorit's accent was.

I thought the faux fur coats looked like the designer skinned Elmo and friends.

HD TV does not always agree with the RH's skin, I saw some rough terrain on some of their faces.  

Dorit was wearing a Rocky Horror Picture Show tee shirt and a bio hazzard red trash bag, oh so chic.

I really thought that designer that Mason walked in his fashion was a Mike Meyers character he was trying out on us.

  • Love 5

I like Bethenny with the BH crowd.  She doesn’t put up with their obviously fake shit and they aren’t afraid of her.  She might keep things moving on Beverly Hills by cutting through the circular bullshit, and I can keep watching Erika be hilariously blasé about Bethenny’s existance. 

I especially liked LVP's banter with Bethenny.  They both gave as good as they got!  I think there was some mutual respect between the two.  If Bethenny doesn't like you, she won't hold back, but I noticed when LVP was going back and forth with her, Bethenny smiled.  You don't see that very often!  Good for LVP!  I wouldn't want to get into a pissing contest with either of them.  ;)

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, beaker73 said:

Ramona just chopped her hair off!   As much as I loathe Ramoner, she looks so much better. 


Yes! I saw her new 'do on Instagram soon after I wrote that post.  She looks great!  


I thought the faux fur coats looked like the designer skinned Elmo and friends.

LOL. Too right. I was like, they're "fighting" over that?  Really?  

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 5

I don't have much to say about this episode, mostly because everyone else hats already said everything I'd have said. :)

A couple of random bits:

Re: Hair - I am 70 years old, and my hair is currently halfway down my back (in July, I cut it to just below my shoulders from sit-on-it length because of some damage that had occurred). It's mostly silver because I had to give up colouring it a dozen or so years ago. And I get compliments from strangers in the mall quite often, so I figure it still looks good. I know I look like a turnip when I cut my hair short.

Re: Mason - She needs to learn the runway walk. I think she's attractive enough to be a runway model, though. And I just LOVED the final gown she wore. I was so embarrassed for her, though, when the HoWives stood up and whooped during the final walk. Good grief.

Re: Dorit - Wow. I didn't start with her this week! That tee-shirt and skirt with the bow on the hip outfit is one of the ugliest costumes she's worn this season, and that's saying a lot. Her TH cat-like hissing was stupid. Her refusal to accept responsibility for her own actions -- any responsibility at all -- continues to annoy me. 

Re: Teddi - I still like her and like her straight talk to LVP about how Kyle just needed to hear a flat, "I'm sorry." And I liked the way LVP, despite her face-making, really listened and then followed that advice. Seriously, a heckuva lot of trouble in interpersonal relationships can be eased by a judicious application of "I'm sorry."

Re: Ericka - Bless her heart, does she really think changing your hair (and wearing costumes, often silly-looking ones) gives you depth? I have no civil comeback for that. None.

Re: Kyle's trunk show - I loved those fake fur coats. The one I liked best didn't get the airplay of the red and multicoloured one. I liked that leopard print coat. Y'all, if I could fit that size, I'd absolutely buy one of those. Don't think for a second I haven't checked out Matt Sarafa's website. I have. :)

That's all I have this week. *looks at the list* Okay, so I had more than I thought. :)

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, BBHN said:

Meghan needs to learn what irony means before she tells Andy who he should or should not hire.

To be fair, Meghan McCain acknowledged this as she stated her opinion on WWHL. 

I thought Kyle's makeup and jewelry at her lunch with Lisa VP was beautiful! Where did she get those earrings and necklace? 
I know it goes back to last week's episode but Kyle's makeup at Dorit's magazine cover celebration was atrocious! Soooo bad! I was worried for the same problem as she was getting made up for her trunk show, that she was going to look ridiculous again. Thankfully the lighting (or whatever) flattered her makeup. I thought she looked beautiful at her trunk show. The shorter hair was very flattering. 

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, Lisin said:

The children who appear on this show are fair game. People can call them ugly and that's ok. People can call them beautiful and that's ok too. What you all are not allowed to do is be rude to each other. 

Posts have been removed. 

It's a sad day when it's ok for people to go around calling children ugly.  That should never be ok.

I thought she looked beautiful.

I'm glad Kyle and Lisa made up.  I love watching their antics together.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, FozzyBear said:

i don’t know, Kyle exhausts me. She needs so much attention and it never stops. That was what my eyes roll a few episodes ago was when Mauricio order for her. It wasn't that I was offended or disturbed, it was the attention again. My (probably over) reaction was “Really? You can’t even just order? You need Mauricio to participate in a cutesy-wootsey ordering game? Why are you such an baby adult? Why is it always like this?” She makes me tired. 

At least she didn't do those drop splits and twirl her hair around this season. Yet.

  • Love 6

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