lunastartron February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 Despite Teddi's penchant for deriding the behavior of others as "weird," I find Teddi herself downright bizarre. As well as intensely unself-aware - for all her (not entirely inaccurate) criticism that Erika wears a "cool girl" persona, Teddi seems much more invested - like the point of a mild personality disorder - in her mythology of the self and both viewing as well as presenting that self in a particular manner. She's low maintenance, not glamorous, down to earth, and don't care! Except when she's "challenging" coworkers she just met to meet standards and values that she prescribes; buying multimillion real estate with a trust; and is invested enough in what's going on to tear up over it. Likewise, Dorit shouldn't be talking about their interactions and inane disputes with Kyle and Lisa but Teddi is free to do exactly that. I also find her disingenuous - in her talking heads, she's chirping "if you don't want to be called weird, don't do weird shit" and yet, face to face with Erika, is all butthurt weeping. The last line of her blog is also pretty peculiar from my perspective - who automatically approaches their social and/or professional relationships from the vantage that the people in those relationships are going to need to be held accountable? None of these women are her clients. 11 Link to comment
renatae February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) Like Andy said on WWHL,, Dorit must have a huge arm problem from all the stirring she has been doing. Talk about high school! I almost wish pantygate was back, because at least there was a legitimate complaint. But all these brouhahas over wine glasses and a sick person wanting some privacy are just too childish and boring. Not buying anyone IRL would care about these things except preteens.. Dorit really needs to get rid of that sloppy yarn hair look. Edited February 14, 2018 by renatae 14 Link to comment
Beachdreamer February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 As for Dorit, I think her producer/handler/storyline writer or whatever told her- divide and conquer. Go after Kyle and Lisa, the co-queens of the show, but make sure you split them up from each other, as well. I really like Kyle and Lisa together, so I hope they catch on quickly and don't allow her to control the narrative or their friendship. 10 Link to comment
rehoboth February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:07 AM, nexxie said: Love Kyle’s white hat and white blouse outfit at the store! Expand Don't forget the shoes - they were beautiful! For the most part, I wear flats but a girl can dream... Back to the show, Kyle's outfits often do not look good on her body type and very often are way too trendy for a woman her age. But every once and a while she hits it out of the park. 11 Link to comment
Popular Post Chit Chat February 14, 2018 Popular Post Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 11:20 AM, lunastartron said: Despite Teddi's penchant for deriding the behavior of others as "weird," I find Teddi herself downright bizarre. Expand I think that all of the ladies chimed in on the "it's weird" conversation of Erika leaving. Thing is, it didn't seem to be that big of a deal to them. They talked about it, then proceeded to get wasted and had a great time! There was no reason at all for Dorit to sing like a canary to Erika about it. It's not like they sat up all night discussing it. LVP was too busy giving Kyle a wedgie! I hated that Dorit felt the need to bring up all of the dirty laundry to Lisa Rinna. I was so hoping that either Teddi or Camille would've gotten up and said "enough," and walked away from the table. It was so juvenile, IMO. After reading Teddi's blog in which she said Erika left without saying anything, I can see why they thought that was weird. 36 Link to comment
gundysgirl February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 8:00 AM, Avaleigh said: Also, regarding Erika being supposedly being uncomfortable about the focus of the conversation being about her period, she was the one who chose to bring it up. Expand JMO, but I think there is a difference in bringing it up, and in realizing it is now going to be a storyline. And actual plot line that will be analyzed and debated. Last season she laughingly responds to a question that she is not wearing underwear and it becomes this whole big thing. Now she mentions she is having a heavy and painful period and finds she has to defend her actions as it takes on a life of itself. In both cases these were issues that other women can largely relate to and one might expect understanding. Instead she has to explain, explain, explain something that she would really rather just pretend is not happening. 14 Link to comment
ghoulina February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 Once again, I can see many different sides to Double-Tree gate. I don't think it was a huge deal that Erika left. I'm not sure what exactly was wrong. She mentioned stomach cramps, which could be her period. Or it could be a gastrointestinal issue. Either way, if she was feeling really awful, I can understand not wanting to be up all night partying with the girls. And it would be hard to sleep through that. Plus, when you feel badly, you want some privacy. To moan and groan as much as you need to, run for the bathroom, dress like a bum, binge on TV. I don't see the issue. But I'm not sure what she made clear to the girls. It didn't seem they all knew she felt bad or how bad it was. I don't think it's horrible that they talked about it a bit. It's only natural. The real problem here is Dorit. There was really no need to bring that. Especially with everyone there. She acted like she was doing some noble thing, being honest with Erika. But it only served to call attention to the issue and embarrass Erika. And it was ridiculous how she was putting it all on Kyle. I wish more people would have spoken up, insisted it was more of a group situation. Teddi needed to stop with the "weird" shit. Yea, it seemed a bit odd at first to come and claim a room then decide not to stay. But when it became clear why, she should have let it go. It's like she was trying to "own" that she said it a bit too hard. She could have been more gracious to Erika, made her feel that it was okay. And Erika being embarrassed that her situation was made so public was NOT the same as Teddi feeling slighted when she reached for Erika. Come on. I did relate to Teddi calling her husband before I big purchase. I hate spending money too and my husband is always, "get whatever you want!" Definitely helps me feel less guilty. Rest of the episode was a bit ho hum. 23 Link to comment
gundysgirl February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 1:01 PM, ChitChat said: I think that all of the ladies chimed in on the "it's weird" conversation of Erika leaving. Thing is, it didn't seem to be that big of a deal to them. They talked about it, then proceeded to get wasted and had a great time! There was no reason at all for Dorit to sing like a canary to Erika about it. It's not like they sat up all night discussing it. LVP was too busy giving Kyle a wedgie! I hated that Dorit felt the need to bring up all of the dirty laundry to Lisa Rinna. I was so hoping that either Teddi or Camille would've gotten up and said "enough," and walked away from the table. It was so juvenile, IMO. After reading Teddi's blog in which she said Erika left without saying anything, I can see why they thought that was weird. Expand I love Erika, but yes, I can see some thinking it weird. That is about it. They thought it weird. Like I think the fact that my vegetable hating son has become a Vegan is weird. No one was mad that we could see from the footage they showed to us. But Dorit has to go and make it this big thing to Erika, and of course throw everyone under the bus. There was no need to bring it up to Erika, but I guess maybe Dorit thought they might show the clip of the entire conversation and wanted to get in front of it? Either way, Dorit brought all of this drama. Again. 20 Link to comment
suzeecat February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) I enjoy RHOBH the most of all the HW franchise because the home/travel/car/shopping porn is the best. What's not to love about their lives? They have it all! Then, the petty bickering starts and I think that there is NO WAY these ladies actually get upset to TEARS over this crazy minutiae. I like to believe that these ladies are really as happy as they should be given their lifestyle. But, in order to be a part of a successful show, they are directed/scripted to bicker about stupid stuff, because apparently that's what makes a successful reality show. After all, this is a reality show, which means that it's all FAKE, LOL! Edited February 14, 2018 by suzeecat 3 Link to comment
soccermom17 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 I am in now way an Erica fan, but I don't understand why it was "weird" of her to leave. I know as I get older, periods get worse and worse, and yes, sometimes you have, shall we say, intestinal issues that flare up at that time as well. I would not want to be at a friends house dealing with that when there are other options available. I think she was being considerate, not weird. And yes, she looked so much better in the morning without all the makeup she usually wears and her hair kind of natural. As for Teddi, if my houseguest/friend did the same thing and I thought it was weird no way would I tell that to their face. I would hope they were ok, ask if I could do anything for them, etc. I may possibly think it was odd, but never say it to their face. Good hostess and all that. 12 Link to comment
poeticlicensed February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 What's up with Rinna this season? Most of her filming is with her spawn. I get that she has obligations outside the show, but if you barely show up to film with the others, why be on the show? 7 Link to comment
SweetieDarling February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:33 AM, Jel said: I see it more as she was making an effort, being optimistic and then things just got much worse. I believe she intended to stay, but, in the end, she just wasn't feeling up to it. I mean she had to stay in a DOUBLETREE for chrissakes! I am expecting some people to bust out the good hostess talk for Teddi -- dissing your guest because she isn't feeling well? Faux to the pas! Expand That's how I interpreted it too. Why are these women such poor communicators?! They made it seem like Erika left with no explanation as to why she changed her mind, if that's the case, then, yes, I agree it would seem odd. And Teddi kept telling Erika she thought it was weird, but never explained why, immediately putting Erika on the defensive. 9 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 10:44 AM, RedheadZombie said: Or endometriosis. Expand Given Erika's age, 46 (correct?) fibroids are likely, we have a history in our family of women in the 46-48 year old range start with fibroids and the pain during your period is crippling and you wonder how there is any blood left in your body. Today is the 9th anniversary of the best Valentines gift I ever got...a partial hysterectomy! Seriously it was on Valentines day. Erika not wanting to discuss in detail with everyone on camera is understandable, she may have an inkling that surgery is in her future and does not want to think about it, maybe? Also, Dorit needs to shut it. What a difference between Gigi's first NYC apartment experience and Rinna's daughter's experience but the fact that Rinna's daughter has more than one room and does not have 3 roommates is impressive. 7 Link to comment
SweetieDarling February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:35 AM, WireWrap said: Erika walked into Teddy's house telling everyone that she was not feeling well/about her bad period, so she could have told Teddy that she wouldn't be sleeping there or at the least, that she might not stay the night. Instead, she picked a room and put her luggage in it and acted like she was there until morning. She should have been more upfront with her hostess. Expand I assume she had hired a car service to take her to Teddi's, she'd have to take her luggage into the house or at least out of the car. I think maybe she was being optimistic about her situation (maybe it wont be so bad), but her body had its own agenda ;) 7 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 2:19 PM, poeticlicensed said: What's up with Rinna this season? Most of her filming is with her spawn. I get that she has obligations outside the show, but if you barely show up to film with the others, why be on the show? Expand Maybe RHOBH is how Rinna stay's relevant, staying on the radar may garner more viewers in what ever she is cast in. 2 Link to comment
SerenityNow721 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 2:10 PM, soccermom17 said: As for Teddi, if my houseguest/friend did the same thing and I thought it was weird no way would I tell that to their face. I would hope they were ok, ask if I could do anything for them, etc. I may possibly think it was odd, but never say it to their face. Good hostess and all that. Expand I think Teddi had to tell Erika exactly what she had said to clarify and explain it since Dorit had said some of the girls were "mad". We don't know if she would have said that to Erika without Dorit's (totally wrong) interpretation of the conversation that took place after Erika left. 15 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 Erika checking in to the local Hampton Inn was testament that she can be a normal person, she never complained about the accomodations (on camera at least), Dorit would have been going out of her way to be demanding services and specific types of wine glasses not offered at that hotel, lol. 10 Link to comment
Duke2801 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 11:20 AM, lunastartron said: Despite Teddi's penchant for deriding the behavior of others as "weird," I find Teddi herself downright bizarre. As well as intensely unself-aware - for all her (not entirely inaccurate) criticism that Erika wears a "cool girl" persona, Teddi seems much more invested - like the point of a mild personality disorder - in her mythology of the self and both viewing as well as presenting that self in a particular manner. She's low maintenance, not glamorous, down to earth, and don't care! Except when she's "challenging" coworkers she just met to meet standards and values that she prescribes; buying multimillion real estate with a trust; and is invested enough in what's going on to tear up over it. Likewise, Dorit shouldn't be talking about their interactions and inane disputes with Kyle and Lisa but Teddi is free to do exactly that. I also find her disingenuous - in her talking heads, she's chirping "if you don't want to be called weird, don't do weird shit" and yet, face to face with Erika, is all butthurt weeping. The last line of her blog is also pretty peculiar from my perspective - who automatically approaches their social and/or professional relationships from the vantage that the people in those relationships are going to need to be held accountable? None of these women are her clients. Expand She's hardly "unself-aware." In fact, she pokes fun at herself in her blogs all the time. In fact, I think that's exactly what she's doing when she mentions the accountability thing. And butthurt weeping? Hardly. Having tears in ones ones does not equal weeping. Not even going to touch on the "personality disorder" because.... yeah. 16 Link to comment
rho February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 10:18 AM, AttackTurtle said: But Dorit sucks and none of this should be an issue. Kyle was exactly right about why this issue was one of those things that didn’t need to be repeated to Erika. Expand I'm also not convinced Kyle was too bothered since she was quick to swoop up the bedroom Erika left unoccupied. Methinks Dorit is pb&jelly (TM Kyle) because she had to take a twin bed. On 2/14/2018 at 12:31 PM, Beachdreamer said: As for Dorit, I think her producer/handler/storyline writer or whatever told her- divide and conquer. Go after Kyle and Lisa, the co-queens of the show, but make sure you split them up from each other, as well. I really like Kyle and Lisa together, so I hope they catch on quickly and don't allow her to control the narrative or their friendship. Expand I think they already have. The first thing Kyle did in the car was confront Dorit for snitching and stirring shit up. Thanks to Camille "you're being a tattle-tale" Grammer for the assist! It was pretty telling that they made Dorit sit in the bump seat all the way back to LA too. And then in New York, Kyle and Lisa were off shopping while she's foot-in-mouthing it all over again with the other girls. If it weren't for Dorit, I think this group would have no problem getting along and simply having fun. But Dorito is really working overtime to stir this shit and it's only a matter of time before it backfires on her. She's delusional if she thinks she can waltz right in and breakup Kyle & Lisa. On 2/14/2018 at 1:25 PM, ghoulina said: Teddi needed to stop with the "weird" shit. Yea, it seemed a bit odd at first to come and claim a room then decide not to stay. But when it became clear why, she should have let it go. It's like she was trying to "own" that she said it a bit too hard. She could have been more gracious to Erika, made her feel that it was okay. And Erika being embarrassed that her situation was made so public was NOT the same as Teddi feeling slighted when she reached for Erika. Come on. Expand And talking in third person! That was super weird and seemed to come out of nowhere to deflect the whole situation. But I still maintain, if Erika felt so shitty and had already left the party, why come back in the morning just to sulk and mug around for the camera. It was weird and it could have been explained if she simply told them she was staying at a hotel from the beginning like Teddi had initially suggested. But it really didn't have to be weird and all of that is on Dorit for opening her big mouth. Her behavior was the most weird. She was literally shaking to tell Erika what the girls had said after she left. 5 Link to comment
Carolina Girl February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 7:02 AM, CrinkleCutCat said: Better be good film noire or I will be a dibber dobber like Dorit and will tell Siggy that you referred to HIM! Expand OMG - that is the FIRST thing I thought of.....cue SIGGY!! Once again, we see Dorit (and I pronounce her fakey name DOR-it, like the Dickens novel, just to be bitchy) working overtime to get ahead of the narrative. Like the whole NON-issue with being late with Teddi (which Teddi didn't care about once it was over), she wanted to get in front of the story. "Oh, I was going to mention this with all the girls, but since you and I are here alone" - oh bullshit, you fraud. You had no intention of a group discussion, since you conveniently omitted YOUR part in the discussion and in a group setting, there'd be plenty of fingers pointing at you. No one was angry with Ericka - they thought the situation weird. That was all. Just like lategate - Teddi wasn't planning to mention it., but it was very very VERY important that DOR-it get her story out first, creating an issue where none existed. And frankly, listening to DOR-it retell the restaurant incident at dinner - would have been nice if she'd depicted it accurately. Lisa sounded like I do when I'm exasperated. "Okay I'm out of here." It wasn't all that dramatic (of course, YMMV). And excuse me - what's this with the "told me privately...." business. No cameras? So it'll be a "I said / she said" type of thing? But from the previews, it looks like the bloom is definitely off the rose for DOR-it vis-a-vis Lisa and Kyle. Hey DOR-it. Ask Brandi Glanville. If Kyle and Lisa will no longer film with you, you're done. On 2/14/2018 at 2:29 PM, Baltimore Betty said: Maybe RHOBH is how Rinna stay's relevant, staying on the radar may garner more viewers in what ever she is cast in. Expand Maybe she's hoping that Bravo will think to give HER a "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" type spin-off. She IS starting to resemble Kris Jenner in some of those talking heads. Give it up Rinna. NO ONE cares about your Haddidnots (t/m to whoever said that upthread) except as an aide to sleep. 11 Link to comment
zoeysmom February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 A couple of seasons ago Kyle and Eileen checked into rooms in The Hamptons had been provided by Bella Magazine to celebrate LVP's cover and the party for the cover. Kyle and Eileen had taken a red eye and decided the rooms were too noisy and checked out and moved to a private residence extending the invitation to Rinna who was en route. Erika arrived and stayed at the noisy hotel Eileen left a note with the front desk stating their change in plans. LVP was mad because she would have liked to discuss the situation-all the while crowing how she and Ken got the top suite at the establishment. As to Erika's decision to check out of Teddi's place, she was in a limo with LVP, RInna called and they began talking about Dorit and Kyle. Kyle arrives and LVP starts in with their situation. I can see where Erika, discreetly just decided to move and why should any of them care? Erika was back the next morning and ready to film. Why do they have to have an intervention over someone going to a hotel? Especially since Teddi mentioned staying at a hotel in the original invite. I have an issue with Teddi using the word weird. Or we are just different people and whoever used odd. What Erika did was show up to work (although she did forget her Jello salad) participates in the evening filming and then slip away for a night of rest. Producers want all these women under one roof because it makes filming easier. Next day when Erika returns, I am wondering if Kyle or LVP would have pulled Erika aside if it would have been that big a deal? So when Rinna asked for the rundown-was there anything factually incorrect about what Dorit said? Rinna was slightly aware of the LVP, Kyle and Dorit dinner. Kyle thought it important to ask LVP if it had been Dorit crying if she would have left. Maybe Camille should show up on time and the she could give her narrative. Season 1 Camille is back-with her talking behind people's back and wanting to punish them. Too bad she doesn't have an original story line. 2 Link to comment
Pondlass1 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 The Beverly Hills housewives don't seem to have nearly as much fun as the Housewives in New York. We see their drunken midnight shenanigans, falling into bushes, etc. But only a glimpse of the 2am wedgie party, lol. I think we need to see more of the fun times and not just the endless mountains out of molehills drama Otherwise why are they even friends if all they do is argue? 19 Link to comment
Popular Post hoodooznoodooz February 14, 2018 Popular Post Share February 14, 2018 So just to confirm, pretty much all of them were surprised that Erika left Teddi's beach house. On a scale of 0-10, 10 being, "That f---ing c--- left? What a piece of sh--." They reacted with something more along the lines of, "Oh. Erika went to a hotel. I'm surprised and confused, since she chose one of the rooms. Also, I wanted to hang out with her." Which sounds more like a 1, 1.5. So then Dorit tells Erika, but never admits that she herself was reacting the same way? Is that correct? 44 Link to comment
bravofan27 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 12:31 PM, Beachdreamer said: As for Dorit, I think her producer/handler/storyline writer or whatever told her- divide and conquer. Go after Kyle and Lisa, the co-queens of the show, but make sure you split them up from each other, as well. I really like Kyle and Lisa together, so I hope they catch on quickly and don't allow her to control the narrative or their friendship. Expand It seems to me that everything Dorit does and says is 100% to create drama for the cameras. Nothing is authentic, it's well planned out, and I think everyone knows exactly what she is doing, and are fine with it, since it takes the pressure off them and ensures a good drama. On 2/14/2018 at 2:52 PM, zoeysmom said: A couple of seasons ago Kyle and Eileen checked into rooms in The Hamptons had been provided by Bella Magazine to celebrate LVP's cover and the party for the cover. Kyle and Eileen had taken a red eye and decided the rooms were too noisy and checked out and moved to a private residence extending the invitation to Rinna who was en route. Erika arrived and stayed at the noisy hotel Eileen left a note with the front desk stating their change in plans. LVP was mad because she would have liked to discuss the situation-all the while crowing how she and Ken got the top suite at the establishment. Expand Ericka was with her glam squad at a hotel so she was fine. She just needs a private place to be for hair and make-up before she appears on camera. I don't think she had the privacy she wanted/needed at Teddi's so she made plans to bail out. It wasn't cuz Teddi's place wasn't good enough. 5 Link to comment
Jel February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 I like lots of things about Teddi, but I don't buy that she doesn't care. If I had to slip on my analyst glasses, I'd say Teddi has some unresolved feelings of inferiority from being with the horsey set (chubby girl, NOCD parents, etc). She's older now, so she covers it with "I don't care", self-deprication, but also thinly veiled criticisms of others who do care -- and when you put others down, no matter what the reason, reverse snobbery or otherwise, it's still putting people down. If you want to be the devil-may-care girl who doesn't care, then be that, laugh along at your faux pas, and don;t spend so much time pointing out that you don't care and then proceed to show us how much you do care by never missing an opportunity to take a shot. She can be a fun person, has a good sense of humor and I wish she'd just roll with that instead. As for Dorit, she most definitely did stir the pot. I'm for that since I do enjoy the drama, but side issue. But I think she did actually have a point about "people discussing things and the person being discussed doesn't know" because , iirc, one of Erika's main objections during pantygate was that she was being discussed by others without her knowledge. She appreciated it when Eileen or Rinna (or whoever it was) told her about it. Perhaps Dorit remembered that and was doing what she thought was the right thing given her history with Erika. 5 Link to comment
noveltylibrary February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 So now Teddi wants us to know she hates spending money....yeah, okay! ps ugh I was annoyed this site was down during the show...was it just me? 6 Link to comment
twilightzone February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 4:41 AM, WireWrap said: IMO, both Erika and Rinna still want to take Lisa down and as long as Dorit isn't spilling their conversations to the others, she is an asset to Erika/Rinna. Expand There has been NO evidence of them wanting to take LVP down this season - or last. It was Dorit who try to put a wedge between Erika and the others - with her lying about how they were angry at her leaving, etc. And it was Dorit and PK who continued to trash talk Rinna behind her back even though they had agree to move on. 10 Link to comment
Popular Post noveltylibrary February 14, 2018 Popular Post Share February 14, 2018 On 2/11/2018 at 9:02 PM, Juliegirlj said: I cannot stand it when people refer to themselves by name. Erika is so full of herself. A small part of me is happy when I realize that underneath all her showy facade is a lonely insecure woman... ( I’m terrible) Expand she is such a bitch. "i don't need to be petted" fuck you! 29 Link to comment
Jezebel97 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) On 2/14/2018 at 10:18 AM, AttackTurtle said: I think Erika genuinely likes Kyle, but as to the rest I think she could take them or leave them. She doesn’t seem like the type to want to have a slumber party with anyone (other than her glam squad) regardless of their friendship status. This whole issue was easily avoidable. Teddi clearly indicated in her invite that she was fine with them staying at a hotel. Erika could’ve easily said she was staying in a hotel and further that she wanted to be with her glam squad. It’s not like the woman don’t understand that has to have her squad. Or she could’ve made a gracious exit to her hostess and privately told her why she was leaving. It seems that she told everyone, but Teddi why she was leaving. But Dorit sucks and none of this should be an issue. Kyle was exactly right about why this issue was one of those things that didn’t need to be repeated to Erika. Expand Exactly! I've had those heavy crime scene periods & I never wore white during it, can't be just me. According to Teddi's blog, it was weird. And even if the reason was what Ericka says it was, why be so defensive then? Ericka "Zero Fucks Given" Jayne gives plenty all the time And that "natural" look she was sporting takes a lot of make-up & hair products/extensions & technique to achieve & , trust me, it's my profession Kyle & LVP were fun to watch The Ha-didn'ts were not, please go away, take you fake ass momager with you Dorit sucks Edited February 16, 2018 by Jezebel97 removed the tight pants part since it was a white flowy skirt 24 Link to comment
A-Lo February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 I really wish we'd been given the opportunity to view for ourselves the actual Erika leaving Teddi's house scene. If she did indeed just leave without a word, I can understand why the ladies would find that behavior strange. But if she took even one of them aside and told them why she was leaving it would've alleviated all the nonsense that followed. Why didn't Bravo show us that? 13 Link to comment
TexasGal February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) On 2/14/2018 at 3:09 PM, hoodooznoodooz said: So just to confirm, pretty much all of them were surprised that Erika left Teddi's beach house. On a scale of 0-10, 10 being, "That f---ing c--- left? What a piece of sh--." They reacted with something more along the lines of, "Oh. Erika went to a hotel. I'm surprised and confused, since she chose one of the rooms. Also, I wanted to hang out with her." Which sounds more like a 1, 1.5. So then Dorit tells Erika, but never admits that she herself was reacting the same way? Is that correct? Expand Seems to be. I don't think it's big deal she left. From what we saw, no one's reaction to her leaving was a big deal. It was just little bewigged Dorit stirring the pot that made it all into huge deal. Everyone went on the defensive and got overly sensitive and the whole thing was just stupid because, again, you are at a BEACH HOUSE ENJOY IT G-DAMNIT!!! Edited February 14, 2018 by TexasGal 11 Link to comment
Juliegirlj February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 I paused the show to get a glass of water and my husband asked who the woman was with the giant FUPA cameltoe ~ it was none other than Lisa Vanderpump!! When they were working out in the morning, the camera caught her lower half in the frame and it was pretty bad. LVP will not be happy when she sees it!!!! I understand why Erika left, but the way she did it was a bit odd. If she hadn’t shown up in the morning all freshly made up ala glam squad, it wouldn’t have ruffled so many feathers. However, in the clip of the women clowning around that night it was obvious that Erika had already left, so it seems the whole thing is producer influenced. Erika and Tom are SO awkward around each other. They live in a huge mansion which surely has better places to work from home than a kitchen table. When Erika offered Tom coffee I LOL’d at the styrofoam cup, and the way Erika walked all around the kitchen looking like she forgot where the damned coffee pot was ( bet production made a Starbucks run and dumped it in a coffee pot). 8 Link to comment
noveltylibrary February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:28 PM, A-Lo said: I really wish we'd been given the opportunity to view for ourselves the actual Erika leaving Teddi's house scene. If she did indeed just leave without a word, I can understand why the ladies would find that behavior strange. But if she took even one of them aside and told them why she was leaving it would've alleviated all the nonsense that followed. Why didn't Bravo show us that? Expand I didn't get the idea that she left without a word. But I wouldn't put it past her. 1 Link to comment
Carolina Girl February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 BTW, was it DOR-it that said "Tattletale? Are we twelve?" after Camille called her out for snitching to Ericka? Because when it was said, I assumed it was and answered to the screen "Not WE, honey, YOU." 7 Link to comment
Adira February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:28 PM, A-Lo said: I really wish we'd been given the opportunity to view for ourselves the actual Erika leaving Teddi's house scene. If she did indeed just leave without a word, I can understand why the ladies would find that behavior strange. But if she took even one of them aside and told them why she was leaving it would've alleviated all the nonsense that followed. Why didn't Bravo show us that? Expand Bravo didn't show us because, according to Teddi's blog, Erika left after the camera crew left! So there probably wasn't any footage of her leaving abruptly. I'm not sure if they leave other cameras behind or something that captured some of the conversation about it as well as the late-night partying. I don't know how that part works if the camera crew has left. 7 Link to comment
Duke2801 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:09 PM, hoodooznoodooz said: So just to confirm, pretty much all of them were surprised that Erika left Teddi's beach house. On a scale of 0-10, 10 being, "That f---ing c--- left? What a piece of sh--." They reacted with something more along the lines of, "Oh. Erika went to a hotel. I'm surprised and confused, since she chose one of the rooms. Also, I wanted to hang out with her." Which sounds more like a 1, 1.5. So then Dorit tells Erika, but never admits that she herself was reacting the same way? Is that correct? Expand Perfect summary. 10/10. Would recommend. 9 Link to comment
BBHN February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) Quote BTW, was it DOR-it that said "Tattletale? Are we twelve?" after Camille called her out for snitching to Ericka? Because when it was said, I assumed it was and answered to the screen "Not WE, honey, YOU." Expand Camille brought up the word first, but yeah. Doh-rit made the twelve comment. C'mon, Camille, get that diamond! Edited February 14, 2018 by BBHN 5 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) On 2/14/2018 at 3:45 PM, Adira said: Bravo didn't show us because, according to Teddi's blog, Erika left after the camera crew left! So there probably wasn't any footage of her leaving abruptly. I'm not sure if they leave other cameras behind or something that captured some of the conversation about it as well as the late-night partying. I don't know how that part works if the camera crew has left. Expand the camera crew was there at 2:30 am to catch the parting so when exactly did ERIKA leave? because all the girls were sitting around the table gabbing so who was working the camera if not the crew? Edited February 14, 2018 by Keywestclubkid 6 Link to comment
Juliegirlj February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 After reading Teddi’s Blog, I agree with her that the way Erika handled the situation was weird. I think Erika planned on leaving the whole time but thought maybe she could sneak out late and come back early. Has she ever been filmed au natural with no hair and makeup done? One of the things I dislike the most about Erika is how vain she is and how she seems to put herself on a pedestal above others. Too cool for school. 15 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 4:14 PM, Juliegirlj said: After reading Teddi’s Blog, I agree with her that the way Erika handled the situation was weird. I think Erika planned on leaving the whole time but thought maybe she could sneak out late and come back early. Has she ever been filmed au natural with no hair and makeup done? One of the things I dislike the most about Erika is how vain she is and how she seems to put herself on a pedestal above others. Too cool for school. Expand what she wasnt wearing makeup the next morning when she walked in go back and look 2 Link to comment
annewithaneee February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:42 AM, KungFuBunny said: Agree. When my period starts - it's the worst on day 1 and 2. I have no energy. I just want quiet. I used to spread towels on the top sheet and then my friend told me to buy mattress/chair liners from a surgical supply store. This works to protect the mattress, I've had many a day where I pull back the covers and it looks like a crime scene. Expand I just wanted to add that I think last night's episode somehow actually affected my cycle lol. A week a head of schedule, like an hour after the episode ended, had to grab a couple towels for insurance and go to bed. Erika is a stronger pull than the moon/tides, I guess?? And I'm gonna have to look into that whole mattress liner situation. 5 Link to comment
Avaleigh February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) From Teddi's blog: Quote Quote Now—the beach house and the mysterious disappearance of Erika Jayne. It was weird; I stand by that. I completely empathize with Erika as I’m sure women everywhere watching do; I can see why she’d prefer to not stay up until 2AM getting tipsy and humping my picnic table. What we later discovered that night— and what you didn’t see—was that her assistant had already driven to Dana Point separately and got a hotel room for her. Again, I didn’t have a problem with her leaving to stay in a hotel—I offered that option when I invited everyone. The issue is why spend the day pretending you’re going to stay over, but as soon as the camera crew leaves you have your assistant come pick you up? It’s not like Erika came to us at the end of the night to say she wasn’t feeling well and thought she’d feel better sleeping in a hotel. No. She asked me to call in a pass for her assistant who then arrived at my security gate. Erika then left so abruptly—and without explanation—that it was clear she had planned to stay at the hotel all along. I don’t think you can use the “I was embarrassed” excuse when the previous day you were explaining your situation in great detail to everyone but me apparently. Wanting to be the best host possible, I try and console her, and her reaction is not something I was expecting, brushing me off like I’m worthless. So now I’m crying out of frustration—and I’m kicking these ladies out. And, really, I’m not even mad about Dorit telling Erika; she’s like that Kristen Wiig character from SNL who just can’t help herself. It was just, as you saw, we had a blast the night before and things got tense the moment Erika arrived back, before Dorit even mentioned our conversation. I’m not being insecure, I’m just not into hanging out with this group anymore in the moment. It was time to go. Expand Expand I hadn't even read Teddi's blog when I posted last night, but it seems to be plain as day to me and the other ladies that Erika wasn't just trying to tough it out only to change her mind and leave at the last minute. She planned to be with her glam squad all along. She didn't want to miss camera time and she needed them so that she'd look the way that she wants to look in the morning for filming. Erika planned it all along and yes, it was handled in a weird way. Just tell them upfront that you'd rather stay in a hotel. There was no reason for her to bring up her period at all if she didn't want it discussed. Edited February 14, 2018 by Avaleigh The quote feature is being wonktastic right now! 18 Link to comment
zoeysmom February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) Dp Edited February 14, 2018 by zoeysmom Link to comment
CaughtOnTape February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 Dorit is a disgusting, vile human being and I hope she gets fired because watching how she operates is disturbing. She's one of those people who knows exactly what she's doing and she doesn't care and I'm glad Kyle goes apeshit on her in the next episode. I sympathized with her last season because of the way Rinna went after her for seemingly innocent things, but she's just scary to watch now. And while Erika hasn't done anything to make me wish her off the show....yet....I really hate that she never apologizes for how she makes other people feel. The "I don't need anymore petting" comment was really rude and uncalled for and she seems like she justified it because of some perceived slight from Teddi. Teddi seems fairly harmless and innocent with good intentions and the fact that Erika could so brashly dust her off when she was trying to sympathize really irritated me. Like yeah, if Dorit had been offering sympathy? Tell her to knock it off. But Teddi doesn't strike me as fake or that she offers fake sympathy. Which makes Erika look like she's beating up on someone because she can. It made her look like a bully. 16 Link to comment
Mindthinkr February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 4:24 PM, zoeysmom said: Dp Expand ??? Link to comment
Boofish February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 (edited) On 2/14/2018 at 2:24 AM, Jel said: I don't find it at all weird that someone who wasn't feeling well didn't feel like staying in a house with a bunch of partying people. Expand I have a friend who came to visit from out of town and she has really heavy periods. All my linens and towels are white. She was so concerned and a little embarrassed. After night one I went and purchased new sheets and towels to make her more comfortable. Honestly I think if she was in a financial position, she would have stayed at a hotel. Edited February 14, 2018 by Boofish 6 Link to comment
Duke2801 February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 3:54 PM, Keywestclubkid said: the camera crew was there at 2:30 am to catch the parting so when exactly did ERIKA leave? because all the girls were sitting around the table gabbing so who was working the camera if not the crew? Expand That wasn't footage from the camera crew. That was video that the housewives took themselves. 6 Link to comment
KungFuBunny February 14, 2018 Author Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 4:17 PM, annewithaneee said: I just wanted to add that I think last night's episode somehow actually affected my cycle lol. A week a head of schedule, like an hour after the episode ended, had to grab a couple towels for insurance and go to bed. Erika is a stronger pull than the moon/tides, I guess?? And I'm gonna have to look into that whole mattress liner situation. Expand Sorry Aunt Flo decided to come around for an earlier visit. The mattress liners saved me a ton of money Google Reusable Bedpad - they come in different sizes. Usually it's a soft cotton on one side and a PVC coating on the other - making it impermeable. They are machine washable - Hallelujah Price range from $3.00 to $20.00. I bought 4. I take em out that time of the month and will use on a chair or sofa - just in case. Possible TMI: I hate when the blood trickles up your ass crack and somehow completely misses the pad and the blood drop makes a spot at the top back of your underwear. GAH!!!! Erika might have sent her assistant to the local pharmacy to pick up pads, Motrin, and a pack of granny panties. 12 Link to comment
zoeysmom February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 4:32 PM, Mindthinkr said: ??? Expand Duplicate Post 1 Link to comment
Jel February 14, 2018 Share February 14, 2018 On 2/14/2018 at 4:32 PM, Boofish said: I have a friend who came to visit from out of town and she has really heavy periods. All my linens and towels are white. She was so concerned and a little embarrassed. After night one I went and purchased new sheets and towels to make her more comfortable. Honestly I think if was in a financial position, she would have stayed at a hotel. Expand I'm impressed by your kindness and thoughtfulness, Boofish :) 12 Link to comment
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