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S03.E13: Both Sides Now

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1. OMG. NOT ANOTHER SONIC SCREAMER.  I think this one is slightly better at acting out the sonic scream, but it still looks ridiculous no matter who is doing it.

2. Brainy is still off screen? That sucks.

3. Loved that Wynn could find any hope in the ongoing stubborn refusal of the U.S. to use metric.

4. It's maybe a bit overdone given that Alex and Maggie weren't together all that long - but I do like that Supergirl is showing that the post-breakup process isn't always that simple.

5. Also liked Lena reassuring not-Reign that Ruby had done the right thing by calling an adult - proving that yes, Ruby can be trusted.

6. Though, Reign left ice skating? And just when they were having so much fun, too.

7. Lena has figured out Reign's split personality issues on her own, right?

8. And Imra is about to REVEAL A SECRET to Mon-El. Dun-dun- YAWN. 

9.  Seriously - the saddest thing about Kara and Mon-El this episode is that I found myself wanting more of Kara and Alex this episode, and Kara and Lena, and Kara and New Person Whose Name I Can't Remember Even Though They Kept Repeating It, and Kara and Wynn.....there's a theme here. 

Oh well. I will endure more Kara and Mon-El if I can have Cat Grant back for May sweeps, Supergirl.

10. J'onn keeps bottles of Martian stuff around. Heh.  And look, for once Martian Manhunter showed up to help save the day!

11. Is Mechad Brooks still in the credits for this show?

  • Love 6

How long until the series comes back? I mean, Legends of Tomorrow is far more awesome, but we got a good episode to go out on, even if everybody needed to chill. Also, I had a thought: "Can you spell 'pestilence' without 'Lena'?" Yes, you can. There's no "A" involved. Seriously, though, how fucked up would it be if she was the third Destroyer of Worlds Worldkiller?

I thought Purity's cries was affecting humans, making them more aggro. Nope, turns out that's just Alex getting way too annoyed . . . and that was before Purity opened up the Maggie wound and pour shaker after shaker full of salt in there. At least Alex chilled out a little. Still thinking she'll be adopting Ruby after Sam inevitably gets killed. Once again, speculation on my part.

And damn, Sam is so sad. Even as a Big Bad, she's sympathetic. That is pure panic over the "blackouts." At least she's got an awesome boss like Lena who would never ever ever EVERY turn evil. I mean, that would break Kara's heart.And James'. Speaking of whom, I guess he was hung up at CatCo this week.

Fun bonding between the secondary males. And Mon continues to show personal growth. Well, he had to go upwards after last season.

17 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

How long until the series comes back? I mean, Legends of Tomorrow is far more awesome, but we got a good episode to go out on, even if everybody needed to chill. Also, I had a thought: "Can you spell 'pestilence' without 'Lena'?" Yes, you can. There's no "A" involved. Seriously, though, how fucked up would it be if she was the third Destroyer of Worlds Worldkiller?

9 weeks.


It's maybe a bit overdone given that Alex and Maggie weren't together all that long - but I do like that Supergirl is showing that the post-breakup process isn't always that simple.

Well they were engaged and together significantly longer than Kara and Mon-el. 


Seriously - the saddest thing about Kara and Mon-El this episode is that I found myself wanting more of Kara and Alex this episode, and Kara and Lena, and Kara and New Person Whose Name I Can't Remember Even Though They Kept Repeating It, and Kara and Wynn.....there's a theme here

Me too. I would rather Kara interact with anyone else. He's not bad on his own but she really is less interesting when she is with him.

I quite liked Purity and the actress who played her. Though her main power is a bit overdone given that this show already had Silver Banshee, plus Black Siren and Black Canary on Arrow. 

Edited by Oreo2234
  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I was dumbfounded that they managed to turn Mon-El/Irma into a "fake" marriage just to keep the peace. 

Eh. I think we all knew they had to have something to lay the groundwork for the inevitable breakup allowing the show to return to Mon-El and Kara - and something that wouldn't make any of the three look too bad.  It was either going to be a fake marriage, an arranged marriage, or a mental compulsion marriage. 

  • Love 2

I'm a bit upset that this whole Mon-El/Imra marriage is somewhat of a sham in order to keep the Kara/Mon-El hope alive. I actually like Imra and thought, despite Mon-El's blandness this season, that they really loved each other. I like the growth in Mon-El, and I even chuckled at his own assessment of himself last season (probably a meta way to address his issues last season with the audience), but I was really hoping for this story to go a different way. What a shame; at least we're not getting Mon-El/Kara moments every episode, and they're treating the whole relationship a lot better than last season. I think I'll need more time in order to be ok with them possibly restarting a relationship. 

It was nice to see J'onn get to chat with Mon-El about his life before with his wife. I also liked seeing him get to actually use his powers.

Hey! Winn got some more to do again! Maybe not all that much like last season, but still more than multiple episodes this season. 

I actually enjoyed the Alex/Kara stuff. Maybe a little heavy handed at times, but it really was engaging to watch. I enjoyed Purity/Julia quite a bit. Sure, I thought Alex's "bad cop" routine was overdramatic at times, mostly because it felt like there had to be some shifting with Alex in order for her to fit into this episode in terms of her anger and continued depression over Maggie, but it wasn't completely out of character. 

I thought that it was a good way of leading up to the inevitable Save Sam arc that has to be coming up soon. 

Speaking of that, some actually good moments with Ruby. I like that she called Lena and admitted that she knew something was wrong. Although I do not buy that Lena knows what's wrong with Sam. She definitely doesn't connect Sam to Reign, so I wonder what her theory is that she thinks can be fixed by her. 

It's sad that James still doesn't fit with this show, even with them forcing a romance arc with Lena because they have no idea what to do with him. I didn't miss him once. I really, really feel bad for Mehcad Brooks.

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In the beginning of the episode, Supergirl couldn't use her x ray vision to case Julia's house? I guess they needed to have Winn do something.

Alex was talking/acting so tough with Julia, and the first mention of her relationship with Maggie she was brought to tears. 

I don't understand Supergirl's idea of "I can save these world killers, there's good in them". She can keep thinking that while they are kicking her in the ribs. 

1 minute ago, mxc90 said:


Edited by mxc90
  • Love 1
19 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I'm a bit upset that this whole Mon-El/Imra marriage is somewhat of a sham in order to keep the Kara/Mon-El hope alive. I actually like Imra and thought, despite Mon-El's blandness this season, that they really loved each other.

I feel like they do love each other, but it's more of a friends-with-benefits kind of thing? There was always going to be some reason that Mon-El and Imra weren't going to work out and I actually don't mind it this way because then no one ends up being the bad guy when they inevitably split.

There were a lot of subplots flying around in this episode, almost hard to keep track. I mean, one shot was literally a 10-second scene of Sam and Ruby at the ice rink before it cut away to something else.

Yo I’m really happy for Wynn and J’onn and Monel getting to like, dude-bond over a car or whatever. But to me it just showed again that all the guys on this show could easily be cut out of the plot and you could still have good episodes. More Psy, more Imra, more Worldkillers, more of the women getting to be badass and struggle and connect with each other!

Edited by shantown
Autocorrect misspelled Imra’s name
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I honestly thought for a while that Purity's sonic boom or whatever somehow effected Alex, because even I was surprised over how aggressive she was during the majority of this.  And then it all just mainly boiling down to her still not over Maggie was kind of whatever.

Whelp, they did it!  They've planted the seed for the eventual Mon-El/Kara reunion, by revealing that his marriage to Irma was actually arranged, in order for their to be peace between two worlds.  Sure, he does claim that he has grown to love her on some levels, but I suspect it will still be revealed that what they have just can't compare to what he had/has with Kara.  I also wouldn't be surprised if her big secret will cause most friction.  When it does happen, hopefully they won't just off Irma and at least let her and Amy Jackson go elsewhere (the Legends always seem to be recruiting!)

Winn's doing stuff, again!  Yay!!

I kind of love that while Purity was just wrecking the DOJ's shit, J'onn a.k.a. their boss, was just too busy drinking and reminiscing with Mon-El.  I get taking a hands-off approach to managing and building trust with your employees, but maybe be a bit more vigilant when you have one of the World Killers in your lair.

So, Lena is Ruby's emergency contact?  And now Sam just lost it for a second in front of Lena.  It has to be only a matter of time before everyone figures this all out, right?

James is back off twiddling his thumbs or whatever off-screen.  Just pull the plug, guys.  Let Mehcad Brooks find a show that might actually use him.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Primal Slayer said:

9 weeks.

The CW is essentially forcing us to give Supergirl up for Lent.


12 minutes ago, thuganomics85 said:

James is back off twiddling his thumbs or whatever off-screen.  Just pull the plug, guys.  Let Mehcad Brooks find a show that might actually use him.

Hey, that massive couch in his office needs to be used to justify the deduction!

  • Love 5

Seriously, they couldn't come up with a different power than yet another screamer ?  Not anything else.  Geez, the writers really are tapped out of ideas.

Just what this show needed -- more quality Ruby screen time.

So when the 3 Worldkillers are finally together, are they going to go activate 5 or 6 more Worldkillers popping up out of the woodwork ?
Did the person who designed Reign et al really plan this far ahead ?   How many worldkillers does one world need ?  I would think only one.

Finally some quality Imra screen time.  It's about time.
Lena always looks superb.

I'm also disappointed that there was no Brainy this episode.

I just hope Lena doesn't think that Sam is infested by a Goa'uld  -- whoops, wrong show, and wrong glowing eyes.  :)

  • Love 2

So... you see that the adversary has a sonic scream and you don't develop anything to combat that but bring her to your headquarters?   I guess there is going to be a hiatus for me to forget the little that I've paid attention this season? 

So we are to believe that Kara has access to Superman as well as several other Superhereos (not to mention the magical Cisco) but she reaches out to no one and continues to get beaten every week?  This is the problem with the cross overs....it then does not make sense when they do not reach out for help.  

So are we to believe that all of the little WorldKillers are really just nice people underneath?   

Maggie is gone and we are still watching Alex drown her sorrows?  Was this the same Alex telling Kara to pick herself up over her lost love?   Have they ever addressed her drinking problem? I am concerned about her having a gun and so much aggression.  

And to think I had hope for this show the first season....I miss Max or whatever his name was.  Peter F. 

So, looks like we get our excuse to get Mon-El and Kara back together. Even though he and Imra have acted like a couple this whole time, it looks like they were a "get married for the greater good" match, even if Mon-El says that he loves her now. Sounds like an easy way for a hook up without anyone having to die or be the bad guy. I guess at least this means Imra probably wont die or turn evil to get out of the way. I've grown to like her quite a bit. 

Good episode this week, and while I am thrilled that Legends comes back soon, I will miss Supergirl. This whole show swapping thing is stupid, and I hope it goes away soon. Figure something else out, CW! I liked the new Worldkiller (even if her powers were way too Black Canary) and it seems like the truth about Sam will come out soon. Maybe. Lena seemed to think she knew what was going on, but since she didn't say it, she probably doesn't have the full idea. The Sam stuff is interesting, and I like her enough to want her to be alright, but I feel like this has been going on forever!

J'onn and Mon-El bonding was nice, even if I did question why he wasn't doing more to help out with the current mess. He did get to use his powers though! 

Winn got a few good lines, but I wish he and Brainy had another subplot. Or he had any major subplot. Or Brainy got something to do. Maybe they can bond over being the non evil member of a villain family? Maybe Lena could join? 

On the one hand, I like that Alex and Maggies break-up is a long process that Maggie is still dealing with. Its a big deal (they were engaged and all) and it should be treated as such. On the other hand, it seems like thats all Alex and Kara talk about, and Alex always seems to be sad or talking about how sad she is about Maggie. Kara has finally stopped talking about her breakup all the time, so now Alex does!

  • Love 2

Another Sonic Scream. Sigh, I suppose it's one of the easier and cheaper superpowers to show.

Not sure what I think of the news that Mon El/Imra was originally an arranged but not forced marriage but now they do love each other. Clearly this is meant to pave the way for more Karamel with any cheating or Imra being evil or dying since CW will most likely be staying and she won't. That's good because I like her and the writers are hopefully and possibly avoiding these frustrating and sexist tropes. OTOH they have seemed like a genuine couple so far so... I would be interested in more Brainy and Kara friends or flirts though having no ship in the game here beyond "please remember it's Kara's story" certainly helps.

It makes sense that Alex isn't over Maggie, though I had hoped she and Sara's later interaction in the X over had helped her gain some more perspective. It's very hard but life does move on. This might be a way of not having any Alex love interest until next season or to see if FL is willing do do a few more eps I guess.

Good episode.. Everybody did a lil somn... Save James who the cw has never wanted on the show it seems... Liked the new WK... Maybe if she gets saved she can be a help in the future... Liked Mon El and J'onn real adult stuff from Mon with his convos.. But still kinda weak... It's been 7 years.. Did like his talk with Imra who I'm continually impressed with... She's been so great so of course there is a secret she's been holding that will probably give some kind of pretext for Mon El to be mad and run to Kara... Hopefully the show isn't dumb enuff to let her go to him while he's married... That would look bad no matter the circumstances... Lena was kinda intense at the end if the episode.. Add that to her renewed interest in being at least partly a luthor has me worried she may do something... I can envision her going to the dark side trying to help Sam and I dunno somehow killing James before the season is over.. Propelling her into a real villian.. And of course freeing poir mechad brooks from whatever is going on at the CW

You know, I've had a few times when I fell behind on the show for a while, and then caught up when I caught up, but this is the first one I could just not sit through. I made it about halfway in before accepting the fact that, if the most interesting thing that's happened is fucking Mon-El borrowing J'onn's car battery, it is a very boring episode. Whatever I missed in the second part I'll catch up on when they do the "Previoously, on Supergirl" schtick next time.

Edited by CletusMusashi
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"I'll take 'Questions for Mon-El' for $2000, Alex!"

Yeah, this episode showed that Kara's support team (except for J'onn) is hopelessly outmatched by the world killers. 

I sincerely hope they aren't keeping Mon-El around just because MB and CW are dating in real life.  It does both characters a disservice to have them pining for each other and there's plenty of melodrama without adding an additional source solely to give an actor something to do. 

  • Love 2

Awwww. Poor little Mon-El has it so hard, being married to a beautiful princess or WTFever Imra is supposed to be. I just feel soooooooooo badly for him and GOSH! That just is going to make it so much better when she inevitably cuts him loose to return to the future, and lets him stay with Kara to eat the show once again!

Chris Wood is not worth this destroying this show just because Melissa has fallen for another co-star.

  • Love 5

Sometimes I wish the show were "Alex" so that she could be right instead of Kara being right all the time. Sorry, but hope is not always the answer.

Did I miss an explanation for why Brainy wasn't helping repair the ship?

I wish that Team Supergirl had decided to press their advantage with Winn's sonic-proof thingy instead of just stand their smugly for no apparent reason and then let Purity direct it elsewhere. There being a layer underneath a subway makes not much sense, but oh well. 

A theory was being floated that Mon-El had lost his powers. I think this episode established that he has them -- he helped J'onn hold up the column for a while and was able to trade blows with Purity.

I will pray to Rao that after this season is over, Ruby goes away forever and is not adopted by Alex. But I'm very afraid that prayer will go unanswered. 

  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, Bats27 said:

This episode was really bad. It seemed like every character in that show did a complete personality shift out of nowhere and for no reason.  Alex got it the worst in this regard.

Thank you. I was surprised to see the good reviews. Purity was a trainwreck.  First what a monologue queen.  Second, they have made the World Killers too powerful if Supergirl can't even handle one. But no matter because I can see the way this show is going to resolve this. The innate good of the inner person trapped within the world killers will save the day and defeat them.  This of course will be brought out by Spunky Kara and her magic ability to talk to anyone to make them good - especially women. Ok sure fine, I get it, that is this show's thing but it is getting old and frankly unbelievable. A snow called "Supergirl" should have some good fights. Perhaps they don't have the effects budget.  Kara, there are some bad people / things in this world. You just can't "talk" to everyone. Next year that should be Kara's challenge. A truly horrible person "thing" that she does have to kill. 

Ugh Mon-el. He is just terrible. I was hoping Kara would move on with Brainy but apparently not, or, at least not until a full 1/2 season of puppy dog eyes goes by. Spare me. 

It annoyed me that it seemed Wynn was standing in for Brainy on what should have been his stuff.  

Alex was completely out of character. 

Still not even one reference to what Superman is doing? I mean there are three "world killers" -- world being the word there. 

Poor Jon reduced to being Mon-els wingman.

Poor James reduced to not even being in the episode. 

Poor Lena... CEO of Luthercorp and Catco and still has to babysit Ruby. 

  • Love 5

Count me in to the severe personality shifts and plot lines in this ep.  Alex was so out of line and aggressive suddenly I honestly thought they were going to reveal that Purity was behind it somehow, that she was somehow amplifying everyone’s emotions. Turns out Alex is still whinny over Maggie even though that was dealt with and was supposedly swept away weeks if not months ago. 

As for Kara, sigh...girl needs some cynicism when dealing with these villains and others. No I don’t want her as a hard ass all the time or like she was at the beginning of the season but this whole “ Stop or I will hug them and kiss them and make all the bad dreams go away” didn’t work out for the Abonminal snowman and it won’t work with the WK. 

Hmmmm once again Bland El is worming his way back to taking everyone’s and everything’s s ideas and such for himself. The guy is still lying and stepping into things he shouldn’t and now a oh so convenient marriage escape has come up which you just know the writers will exploit and he and Kara will be married by the end of the season. Irma will either die conviently, kick his sorry ass to the curb for being a douche bag tool, or from the sounds of it make Irma insufferable to be with becoming the B from hell. This being the CW I expect all of that and more before this is resolved. May I point you to Reign the show.

Oh Lena, please tell me she saw the red eye flicker? She did right? I mean she was looking right at Sam and even though she kinda blinked she could not have missed that. I’m just worried she will cause more harm with good intentions than she would just telling Supergirl or even Kara about it. At least she was fabulously dressed while distressed,lol.

  • Love 3

OK I know this is endemic of all superhero villains, but it's absurd for Purity to simply leave Supergirl unmolested after having knocked her across the room into unconsciousness. Especially as she had just in the prior scene been promising to eviscerate her and tear out her innards, or something. Supergirl is knocked out cold and you just leave her there so she can come after you again? Whatevs. 

I'm also a little unclear about how much Sam and Julia are aware they are Reign and Purity. It seems like Sam is entirely unaware of her alternate identity (otherwise, why admit to her friends she's having these blackouts?) but once Kara talked Julia into reasserting her own personality in the subway station, it seemed like Julia was aware of what had happened to her. In other words, she wasn't freaking out going "Where am I? What happened? What am I doing here?" So it was like she knew she had just been Purity and what Purity had done. 


Chris Wood is not worth this destroying this show just because Melissa has fallen for another co-star.

Wow. People really hate Mon El. 

Edited by iMonrey
  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I'm also a little unclear about how much Sam and Kara are aware they are Reign and Purity

I think you mean, Julia?

I just don't see what was so good about this episode. Kara just can't get a win. It seems she's always getting her ass handed to her. And I don't recall that from the first season, or even last season.

As for Sam, maybe anger is the "trigger" to turn her into Reign, but before that happened, I was all "guuurrrl, please!" when she was attacking Lena for talking to Ruby. Who was the one that left her child alone at the Ice Rink. Or other times she turned into Reign? Or, since she doesn't know she's Reign, when she blacked out? And then throwing out the "You're just my boss!" card. Oh really? When a few episodes ago, you were all mooshy because both Lena and Kara were your "bestest fwiends!" Do the writers even review or go over what was written before?

And I'm not sure if that facial hair on Mon-El is Chris's real hair or fake--because at one angle, it looked like it was fake and the glue was coming off or something.

Oh Gee! So Mon-El didn't marry Imra because he loved her but to unite the peoples? Maybe Lightening Lad can show up when it's time for Imra to leave and she'll realize that what she felt for Mon-El was just infatuation.

  • Love 2

Mon-El is SO bland and boring. He was annoying last year but using the time gap to make him this perfectly responsible, mature new guy just makes him even more dull.

I wish they would try Brainy and Kara. At least he's not another boring, white bread CW love interest. Having her be romantically interested in a character like him would be different.

Are they playing the long game with Lena, intending for her to go bad eventually, like the Clark/Lex storyline from Smallville? I hope so. I don't see another reason they've kept SG's identity a secret from her for so long and also the way they constantly keep going back to her flirting with her Luther dark side. It's very similar. Also, is it me or are they starting to dress her like a villainess? The fur coat in this one reminded me of Cruella DeVille or something.

  • Love 1

Purity's cool. I like Julia more, but still. And I was going crazy trying to figure out what song she was singing before they said Lisa Loeb. Such a great, non-worldkiller song that makes me like Julia more. I like how they're making the worldkillers somewhat sympathetic, but I still think it's ridiculous they haven't figured Sam out, especially after seeing Julia not knowing about Purity. Lena better tell Kara about what she's figured out. 

I like Chris Wood. He was so fun to love/hate on Vampire Diaries and I think the character has potential. Like I believe Mon-El has matured and started being much more of a do-gooder and stopped being an asshole and such. I don't hate how the character has suddenly developed because of the time gap because I believe he was trying to become that type of person at the end of last season, so it feels like a natural extension of that progress to me. But the potential Kara/Mon-El romance is not doing anyone any favors right now, and I think they shouldn't have complicated the issue more by making his marriage a political one, which makes it seem much more likely he's going to cheat, which considering he said he does love Imra is an asshole move no matter what. One thing I thought was odd though, in his conversation with J'onn, Mon-El called himself a former misogynist, which struck me as odd, because he didn't actually seem to be one last season. He was an spoiled, idiotic, selfish frat boy who didn't understand earth boundaries and behaviors, but he was pretty equal opportunity about the whole thing.

1 hour ago, ruby24 said:

Are they playing the long game with Lena, intending for her to go bad eventually, like the Clark/Lex storyline from Smallville? I hope so. I don't see another reason they've kept SG's identity a secret from her for so long and also the way they constantly keep going back to her flirting with her Luther dark side. It's very similar. Also, is it me or are they starting to dress her like a villainess? The fur coat in this one reminded me of Cruella DeVille or something.

It wouldn't be the first time Katie McGrath played a good girl gone bad.

  • Love 3

So the main thing I got out of this is "here's us opening the door to Kara/Mon-El getting back together!"

Obviously, they were going for a contrast between Kara's and Alex's methods, but they ended up making Alex a bit too out-of-character.

I did like Purity; and I kinda hope she stays a 'full' villain. (We have Sam for the struggle against evil story.)

Male-bonding (on this show that's about female bonding) was nice, even though decidedly unconnected to the A-plot. Missed James and Brainy, though. I honestly thought they'd be doing more with Brainy since they introduced him.

What does Lena think she's figured out about Sam??


19 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

So there are subways where the station is below the tracks?

I bet you could probably find at least one example of that in the NYC Subway system, but generally no.


3 hours ago, ruby24 said:

I wish they would try Brainy and Kara. At least he's not another boring, white bread CW love interest. Having her be romantically interested in a character like him would be different.

Even though I thought they would have by now, I think they will try it -- right when they ready to get Kara/Mon-El back together. For extra drama.

  • Love 1

I'm trying to come up with a reason why Purity and Reign and Pestilence would bother to come over to a completely different world and destroy is just because the people had different values, and I thought... colonization.  Especially from the more extreme religious groups.

They're spending more time dealing with the Alex/Maggie relationship than they did when Maggie was actually on the

On 2/5/2018 at 9:24 PM, quarks said:

9.  Seriously - the saddest thing about Kara and Mon-El this episode is that I found myself wanting more of Kara and Alex this episode, and Kara and Lena, and Kara and New Person Whose Name I Can't Remember Even Though They Kept Repeating It, and Kara and Wynn.....there's a theme here.


On 2/6/2018 at 12:11 AM, tennisgurl said:

So, looks like we get our excuse to get Mon-El and Kara back together. Even though he and Imra have acted like a couple this whole time, it looks like they were a "get married for the greater good" match, even if Mon-El says that he loves her now. Sounds like an easy way for a hook up without anyone having to die or be the bad guy. I guess at least this means Imra probably wont die or turn evil to get out of the way. I've grown to like her quite a bit.

I liked Mon-El's scenes with J'onn and Winn.  While I appreciate that this show is primarily about women, I appreciate the male bonding when I can get it.

And because I like Mon-El so much more this year than last, I'm going to hold on to hope that he realizes that his relationship with Imra is more adult and deep and outweighs his infatuation with Kara last season.  Imra makes Mon-El better.

23 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

I wish that Team Supergirl had decided to press their advantage with Winn's sonic-proof thingy instead of just stand their smugly for no apparent reason and then let Purity direct it elsewhere. There being a layer underneath a subway makes not much sense, but oh well. 

They saw the damage she could do to property back at her house. They needed to get a muzzle on her, not stand around showing off their ear tech.

Why doesn't Kara return the favor and try the sonic clap that worked so well in the crossover?  Is Purity automatically immune to all sonar attacks?

Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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On 2/6/2018 at 3:23 PM, rtms77 said:

Count me in to the severe personality shifts and plot lines in this ep.  Alex was so out of line and aggressive suddenly I honestly thought they were going to reveal that Purity was behind it somehow, that she was somehow amplifying everyone’s emotions. 

Yeah, me too. In fact, I though that revelation was so obvious that I didn't even sit through the second half.

So... she was just honestly acting like that? What the hell? Hasn't she heard any of Mon-El's inspirational hero speeches? 

  • Love 1

Hmm, I don't really think that Lena does know what is wrong with Sam (it would be too easy). I'm guessing that in the next episode she will say something along the lines as "I think you are suffering from some fort of form of schizophrenia, and I know a doctor, who specialises in its treatment".

On the episode topic, I liked that everyone is still worried about Sam's condition (it feels natural), but what I don't like is that all it takes for Supergirl is to speak bitter-sweetly to her enemies (in this case Purity) and her enemies are all mushy and gooey. I mean, I know that this is supposed to be some sort of a family show (among other things), but just com'on, it just feels silly and unrealistic.

P.S. I actually like Ruby screen-time. It actually keeps the show grounded in the real world somewhat, because when the show is all about superheroic stuff, it goes down the highway of cheesiness (albeit, either I became accustomed to it, or they toned it down a bit)

Edited by Rushmoras
On 2/5/2018 at 10:29 PM, ottoDbusdriver said:

I just hope Lena doesn't think that Sam is infested by a Goa'uld  -- whoops, wrong show, and wrong glowing eyes.  :)

Now we just need the Daxamites to come back and have Reign turn them into their minions and we'd have the whole set!

On 2/6/2018 at 4:26 PM, ruby24 said:

Are they playing the long game with Lena, intending for her to go bad eventually, like the Clark/Lex storyline from Smallville? I hope so. I don't see another reason they've kept SG's identity a secret from her for so long and also the way they constantly keep going back to her flirting with her Luther dark side. It's very similar. Also, is it me or are they starting to dress her like a villainess? The fur coat in this one reminded me of Cruella DeVille or something.

If they actually do that I for one would be royally pissed. The writers have gone way way out of their way to show that Lena is a genuinely good person nor will she ever be turned evil in every arc she's ever had on this show, and it would be really cheap to turn her into a villain in the future, even the far future.

People keep saying that what Alex did this episode was really out of character, but I don't think so. Alex has always very cynical and the idea that she would think that "Julia" was a total front and that Purity was just screwing with them fits her perfectly, especially given that she (or anyone else for that matter) had no reason to think otherwise until the events at the subway. The fact that they tied this to more Maggie Wangst that she really should have gotten over a long time ago is my issue with this whole thing.

I'm guessing the Worldkillers will do something to bring the Earth on a countdown to destruction and Supergirl will bring them all back to their senses at the last second, only for them to sacrifice themselves to save the planet. Having them all actually saved and survive would just result in compounding the same issue we have with J'onn and Superman where they could show up and save the day, but don't the vast majority of the time because then Supergirl would have nothing to do every episode.

Edited by immortalfrieza

Yeah Lena going bad after all of this would be a horrible move imo:


1.  It'd just be a rehash of Lex's arc from Smallville.

2. It'd just be a rehash of Morgan (Katie's character's) arc from Merlin.

3. It'd just be boring and predictable in-general, especially if her motivation is "you lied to me Kara, so I hate you now."

4. The show has gone out of it's way to show that Lena is a genuinely good person who wants to make up for the damage that her family has done and will even put her own life/well-being on the line to help other people if needed.  And the show has pushed this idea that you don't have to be like your family, you don't have to be defined by them or make the same mistakes that they did.  You can be your own person and make your own choices.  Winn, Mon-el, Kara, and even Maggie kind of all had this.  So to then turn around and go "nope, Lena's a Luthor, so she must be evil" would just undermine all of that for no good reason.


And as for Alex, the issue for me is less that she got super-emotional and aggressive, I can see her doing that under the right circumstances.  No the issue is that they tied into her being sad that her GF left, and that's just not interesting.  Plus we've had a bunch of episodes, and the crossover, supposedly dedicated to her moving past that, and yet we're back to her wallowing in it here for some reason, ugh. 

Now if Alex had been acting this way because her sister had gotten beaten half to death by another WK not too long ago, and they're just a threat in-general, THAT would have been a far more believable motivation for her behavior here imo.

Edited by Bats27
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Yeah they took the least interesting and logical route in explaining Alex's behavior. Alex being cynical and aggressive towards suspects and villains is far from unprecedented but the way it was executed was forced and over the top. They showed that she was still sad over Maggie a couple of episodes ago but she seemed to be stable and dealing with it.  

On 2/8/2018 at 5:19 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Henry. His name was Henry.

Me: Riiiiiiiiiiiight.

That still makes me smile at what hacks the SV writers were :)

I need to take a moment and point out how over the top ridiculous Samantha's character is--I can handle a certain level but this character's back story is just too damn much.  She has a baby at seventeen and manages to somehow take care of Ruby, graduate college, start a company that's so successful that Lena Luthor wants to acquire it and she does this all on her own without a single person ever helping her but now she has best friends to lean on?  What idiocy is this?

Edited by kitmerlot1213
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On 2/15/2018 at 3:09 PM, kitmerlot1213 said:

That still makes me smile at what hacks the SV writers were :)

I need to take a moment and point out how over the top ridiculous Samantha's character is--I can handle a certain level but this character's back story is just too damn much.  She has baby at seventeen and manages to somehow take care of Ruby, graduate college, start a company that's so successful that Lena Luthor wants to acquire it and she does this all on her own without a single person ever helping her but now she has best friends to lean on?  What idiocy is this?

I think they want us to assume it's some kind of tech startup - so something Hollywood thinks a young person can just start up and get successful super quickly.

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