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S09.E03: I Will Survive

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Hmmm......I didn't see the show any less or more than what it normally is, but, I like singing skits and all. lol  I do wonder why they picked that song.  Another song would have made more sense to me, like "You're The One That I Want, Going To The Chapel, My Guy, etc.  You know a love song, not a break up song.  Still, it was amusing and funny.  I think that allowing others to laugh at you, is a good trait. 

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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This is the first that I heard about Meri's clothing line.  How's that coming along?  lol  Does she wear the clothes she sales? 

Meri is a salesperson (not sure of the proper term) for the Lula Roe clothing that they hock on facebook and in "set up stock in a hotel and get on social media and invite people to come and buy that one day" kind of thing.  The usual MLM that the family gets involved with.  You can read more in the Meri thread. Most likely no filming will be done in Meri's house because it is filled to the brim with clothing racks of her stock and yes, she is wearing lots of her own clothes on camera, but they have never acknowledged her "business" before now.

16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

This is the first that I heard about Meri's clothing line.  How's that coming along?  lol  Does she wear the clothes she sales?  

She's just another Lularoe schlep. It's nothing she designed herself.  And yes, she wears the god-awful clothing. 


16 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Does anyone have an opinion as to why the family is so intent on showing their love for Tony.  I mean, there's normal behavior of how you welcome a person into the family and then there's BROWN style.  I think it's really odd. 

Evidently they feel guilty about not being more welcoming. I wouldn't. The entire thing was very rushed, and neither of those kids seem to have their shit together. 

I don't follow any of the Browns on SM, but I wonder if they got a lot of flak for their treatment of Tony, and if there were any insinuations of racism? That might have caused them to bend over backwards and show how welcoming they could be. 

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Meri is so checked out. She really didn't give a rat's ass about not being there for Maddy and Caleb's big birthday baby announcement or not being included in Garrisons homecoming even though she was home and nobody knew she was. She was just like, Oh well, it would have been nice but no big deal. This is not the crying Meri who never feels included and would have been so hurt. I kind of like this Meri ! Go make your life, girl!

17 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

She's just another Lularoe schlep. It's nothing she designed herself.  And yes, she wears the god-awful clothing. 


Evidently they feel guilty about not being more welcoming. I wouldn't. The entire thing was very rushed, and neither of those kids seem to have their shit together. 

I don't follow any of the Browns on SM, but I wonder if they got a lot of flak for their treatment of Tony, and if there were any insinuations of racism? That might have caused them to bend over backwards and show how welcoming they could be. 

The "powers that be" over this message board don't want me to say this so it will probably be removed (and that's ok!!  :::waving::::) but I've GOT to say it - I'm sorry, but I honestly believe it's been the OTHER way around and TONY is racist.  The white people comments, CONSTANTLY mentioning cultural things even when other people on this board have said they are Mexican American and his statements aren't even true, etc. etc.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

The "powers that be" over this message board don't want me to say this so it will probably be removed (and that's ok!!  :::waving::::) but I've GOT to say it - I'm sorry, but I honestly believe it's been the OTHER way around and TONY is racist.  The white people comments, CONSTANTLY mentioning cultural things even when other people on this board have said they are Mexican American and his statements aren't even true, etc. etc.

I think you may be right, and I don't think the Browns have said or done anything racist towards Tony. I was just wondering if they may have gotten backlash about it. Caleb was accepted so quickly and Tony was not. *I* understand the reasons for that, but other people may have perceived it differently and that caused the Browns to feel the need to prove just how much they do accept Tony. It could also just be that they felt they really hurt Mykelti's feelings. Who knows? But they definitely are working OT right now. 

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12 minutes ago, Kyanight said:

The "powers that be" over this message board don't want me to say this so it will probably be removed (and that's ok!!  :::waving::::) but I've GOT to say it - I'm sorry, but I honestly believe it's been the OTHER way around and TONY is racist.  The white people comments, CONSTANTLY mentioning cultural things even when other people on this board have said they are Mexican American and his statements aren't even true, etc. etc.

I dunno, I think both Kody and Tony are pretty racist. 

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For some reason while watching,  I had the Maddie birthday as the same night Garrison came home.  So at first it didn't dawn on me that Meri wasnt' there and it was two separate nights.

But her "I was home and missed it" - How TF do you miss your entire family gathering at Janelles for a BBQ???

The noise level must have been so  loud.

  • Love 2
59 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Hmmm......I didn't see the show any less or more than what it normally is, but, I like singing skits and all. lol  I do wonder why they picked that song.  Another song would have made more sense to me, like "You're The One That I Want, Going To The Chapel, My Guy, etc.  You know a love song, not a break up song.  Still, it was amusing and funny.  I think that allowing others to laugh at you, is a good trait. 

I really hate to admit this, but in high school, we sang Wedding Bell Blues to one of our coaches at a pep rally. SANG IT. Not Lip Synced it.  We had enough Awesome Nerd Choir Chicks on the team to pull it off. 

Looking back, that's kinda creepy.  We were teenagers. He wasn't. (It was 1979).  Eww. 



CONSTANTLY mentioning cultural things even when other people on this board have said they are Mexican American and his statements aren't even true, etc. etc.

Twitter has been loaded with comments from people of Mexican heritage, contradicting FT's supposed "traditions."  My favorites are the ones who think that he's planning his own quinceinera, rather than his wedding. The visual of FT in a poofy ball gown disturbs me more than the Wedding Bell Blues incident. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

OMG, Christine running around between the tables and screaming in the kitchen was more than I could handle. What is wrong with that woman? She's trying really hard to show us the carefree, fun loving, happy mom and sister wife this season instead of the depressed, neglected sister wife of season's past. Not buying it. Did anybody else hear her emphatically say she will not move back to Utah when they were having the Utah couch discussion. She actually said it twice and the last time she was dead serious. Interesting. 

I don't understand why Christine chose that song to dance to at the shower. The song is about a woman that got dumped and will survive regardless of being left alone. WTF?

Oh, and Kody, there is no such word as "irregardless". It's "regardless", you asshat. 

Haha, I noticed Doofus' mistake too.  Dope.

I really think Kody, being an attention whore, doesn't like being upstaged by someone just as histrionic as he is, and that would be Christine.  Interesting that he married her, when she's apparently been that way forever.  Aren't they third cousins or did I misread that?  Anyway, they do seem closer since Meri's defection.

Her dress really was a sad sack.  One of Annie's more unfortunate creations, maybe?  Cut that puppy up, and burn the rest, like another poster said.

Meri is as full of shit as can be.  Lying is second nature to her. 

Robyn isn't as annoying to me anymore.

Garrison's homecoming was nice to watch.  The kids do seem pretty tight, and it is very telling that none of them are going to go the poly route.

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10 hours ago, Ravenna said:

I find it hilarious that four frumpy women get to pearl clutching about a book of erotic fiction or some tasteful lingerie given at a bridal shower yet have no problem sleeping with the same man.

I wish I could "heart" this comment 4643985673986792 times.


1 hour ago, Granny58 said:

or it was a "test" by Meri to see if they wanted to include her.  Depressed people do depressive things.  

Unless she is completely holed up in her manse for days on end, there's no way she would've missed her family discussing Garrison's homecoming.  NO WAY.  There would've been excitement from nearly everyone.  There would've been preparations - getting his room ready, buying food, etc.  I absolutely think that this was another passive-aggressive test by Mean Meri...as in, how bad do they want me there?  I ain't going unless someone asks me straight up to go, and if I don't go, how long will it take for someone to run over to my house and let me know that Garrison is home?  I didn't see the show but it sounds like Meri and the rest of the fam have quite the showdown going on.  Meri won't cross the street unless invited, and no one is going to invite her to something she surely already had to have known about.  Meri is full of crap.

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5 hours ago, jacksgirl said:

Love Janelle giving Kody the side eye about doing a house reno in 6 weeks. So he was going to wall off an area and build another bathroom? No way 

I think he was just going to wall off the are with the one bedroom and bathroom so the other boys would have to stay out of it.  I get both sides of it but tend to lean that Kody was trying to be a little too into making sure Maddy and Caleb were comfortable.  At least Janelle seems more realistic that if those two want to move home and live rent free then they need to deal with the situation they're given. And Maddy can't walk down the short hallway to the other bathroom?? Not that I'm against telling the boys to use the other one from now on.  That can't be that hard. 

2 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

But wait ... I thought if they moved back to Utah the family would be torn apart, persecuted,  and Kody would be put in jail forever. Isn’t that why they moved in the middle of the night with no plan and had the kids freaking out every time they saw a crossing guard ?

During this episode Kody said they sued the state of Utah (i think) and won but it's being held up in the court of appeals.  So I think that means they can move back if they wanted. 

1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Please help me recall, but, didn't Christine say last week that Mykelti ASKED her to sing at the wedding?  IF SO, that's pretty mean, but, I think that Mykelti has a mean streak anyway, for some reason.   Unless, multiple people have told you many times over the years that you are an outstanding singer, you don't need to sing solos in public.  But, I don't blame others for keeping quiet about Christine's solo.  There is no way for that to not hurt Christine's feelings and who wants to have that riff between you and a family member for now and eternity.  I'd let it go too.  In the scheme of life, I suppose it's not such a big deal.

I don't think it's mean at all.... I just think Christine and Mykelti are super delusional about their abilities.  Do we not remember Mykelti thinking she was some world class fashion designer? I mean it's great that she thinks that her mom has a really nice voice and it's not horrible... but with that song it's kinda horrible.  My uncle has sang for my two grandparents funerals and while his voice has potential... each time I kinda sat their and cringed because it wasn't super awesome but I'm sure my aunt (his wife) thinks it's amazing. 


I am loving Christine this season.  And I think it's great she was able to lose weight, it seemed to have helped her mood.  I forgot she was heavier when she got married to Kody.  I'm a little perplexed as to why she was so sad about cutting up her dress when she admitted that she hated the dress. That thing was awful...... and I'm kinda glad that Kody was honest about it!


Another delusion of Mykelti.... she said Tony's mom and sisters/family members had never heard the song "i will survive".  Do any of us believe that?? That just seemed very ignorant of her to say. It's not like they JUST moved to the  US. The kids were raised here and the parents were pretty young. 

Meri saying she must have missed the memo for Garrison's home coming was very odd.  Kody said the dinner was going to be late.  So when was Garrison originally suppose to be home?  Maybe the next day?? 

I do kind of wonder if Meri was suppose to be gone longer that day and they didn't know she was home already and just decided to not bother her with it. But I also fail to believe that NO ONE saw her come home.  

There's some shenanigans going on there..... 

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7 minutes ago, lma said:

I don’t know. He is annoying, regardless of his race or his feelings on race, that is for sure. But I do believe the Browns backpedaling has something to do with race. I think they were very concerned about Tony being Mexican. Let’s not forget they are from the AUB. 


But it in fairness, it probably was mostly their (Tony/Mykelti) immaturity. Tony being Mexican didn’t help.

I don't think they were concerned at all about him being Mexican.  After all he IS mormon.  They were concerned because their super immature daughter went off to college and instantly had a fiance that none of them had met.  They were all ok with Maddy and Caleb because they had known Caleb for many many years and were aware of Maddy and him dating.  

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I'm getting a little sick of Christine kissing Maria's (FT's mom) ass so heavily. She's "just sooooooo beautiful," "oh, we need to include Maria," The sexy lingerie was more appropriate for a personal shower, but was "SOOOO gorgeous." It's not that she shouldn't be nice to FT's mom, but she seems to be tripping all over herself to compliment the woman, probably out of guilt for not totally embracing FT at first.  Just like the act she puts on for the cameras about how much she looooooooooves FT.  Total overcompensation. 

Hazmat wedding dress? LMAO.  God, that was atrocious. 

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12 hours ago, toodles said:

I know this is the question with no answer, but what is with kody's hair?  On that couch it looked teased and flammable.  I mean seriously, it was so dry I thought for sure it would burst in to flames  when Kody was grilling.

Aging, thinning, going gray - gray hair gets dry, thin, and frizzy - it loses it's luster. He's still trying to wear it in the same way as when it was blonde and thicker. I think he looks much better when he pulls it back. Just cut the hair Kody and call it a day!

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So Mykelti wants to save money by having her mother make 7,000 flowers?  That is literally insane.  What were they for?  Why did there need to be so many?  How many did Mykelti help with?  Wait, we know the answer to that one!  I cannot imagine imposing on someone (especially my mother) like that.  Holy sh*t that girl is entitled.

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13 minutes ago, Gothish520 said:

Aging, thinning, going gray - gray hair gets dry, thin, and frizzy - it loses it's luster. He's still trying to wear it in the same way as when it was blonde and thicker. I think he looks much better when he pulls it back. Just cut the hair Kody and call it a day!

He does look better with it back, more polished. The surfer dude look he cannot get away with any more. 

1 hour ago, MV713 said:

For some reason while watching,  I had the Maddie birthday as the same night Garrison came home.  So at first it didn't dawn on me that Meri wasnt' there and it was two separate nights.

But her "I was home and missed it" - How TF do you miss your entire family gathering at Janelles for a BBQ???

The noise level must have been so  loud.

I'm confused. Did Meri miss the ENTIRE night? I thought she was saying she just missed his actual arrival? I don't recall seeing her in the living room. 

Speaking of which, Mykelti seemed less than thrilled for Madison's baby announcement and it looked like she never got up to hug Madison as many other sisters did. I think, Mykelti was rushing her engagement/wedding because she wanted some of the spotlight Madison was getting and she might be feeling her Madison is stealing her thunder with this. 

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How much notice did they have that Garrison was coming home? Aren't leaves scheduled pretty far in advance? Seems like Meri would have known he was coming. 

Was she saying he showed up a bit early and nobody bothered to tell her? Is that her defense explanation? Hmph. You mean all those people, all those mouths, all those cell phones (Meri's car presumably sitting there in her driveway) and nobody called, texted, or went and knocked on her door?  Even though Meri was within sight, sound (and smell!) of the gathering, she had no clue it was happening?

I can see everyone learning Garrison was arriving early, moving up the barbecue, and not contacting Meri because they thought she was out of town so there was no point (I disagree there was no point - She might have been able to rearrange her schedule so she could be home to see Garrison. Which obviously turned out to be totally doable since Meri was actually home when Garrison arrived!). It says a lot, though, that with all those people around who had the means to reach out to Meri, no one did. 

I'm not sure where to lay the blame for the fact that Meri obviously has no regular contact with anyone else in the family - not Kody not Christine not Janelle not Robin - to let them know she's hitting the road home from Parrowan or wherever, that she is coming home early or gonna be late. She could easily have learned about the change in plans while just touching base with someone back home. Apparently that doesn't happen, perhaps because Meri doesn't want to check in and/or the family is not receptive, which is lousy on both their parts.

What strikes me as unbelievable is that Meri seriously had no idea every single member of the family was assembling right next door to her - she didn't see anybody, she didn't hear anything, she didn't smell the barbecue cooking - and she just had absolutely no idea what was happening. I realize some homes can be very cut off from each other but that seems like a lot of activity to miss.

I have the feeling that Meri may have very well known something was up next door but sat on her wide fanny awaiting an engraved invitation. My former mother in law  Passive aggressive martyrs who are angry and filled with self pity love to do things like that. I could see her being furious and insulted (and genuinely hurt) that no one contacted her and opting to show her anger by punishing everyone with the guilt she imagines they will feel later after realizing they hurt her and denied Garrison her presence. And it was all their fault, too (footstomp!), not hers.  They should have told her /whiny voice. Plus (although I don't doubt Meri loves Garrison and wanted to see him) staying home also spared her from having to attend a huge family gathering. Not only does Meri dislike the other adults in general, but being around the grown kids may still be embarrassing for her.  You know everyone of them has listened to the messages, read the texts, and seen all those pictures. I would think it would be a never ending source of mortification for her and a huge obstacle to truly being integrated back into the family. 

 It also just occurred to me that what with an already disengaged Meri traveling for Lularoe and being off in Parrown busy with her bed-and-breakfast, the family was maybe trying to send her the message that she's gonna have to take responsibility for staying plugged into what is going on.  Let her see what it feels like to be truly left out, and show her that they are not going to chase after her begging.  Which I must say is not necessarily a bad approach. 

Basically, I think these people are all playing games which each other. I don't believe Meri didn't know that 50 people were gathered next door, nor do I believe that not one of those 50 people realized she had returned home. They knew she was home. Meri knew about the party. Everybody knew everything!

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, MV713 said:

For some reason while watching,  I had the Maddie birthday as the same night Garrison came home.  So at first it didn't dawn on me that Meri wasnt' there and it was two separate nights.

But her "I was home and missed it" - How TF do you miss your entire family gathering at Janelles for a BBQ???

The noise level must have been so  loud.

Maybe she found a new online "friend".

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Roslyn said:

Meri is a salesperson (not sure of the proper term) for the Lula Roe clothing that they hock on facebook and in "set up stock in a hotel and get on social media and invite people to come and buy that one day" kind of thing.  The usual MLM that the family gets involved with.  You can read more in the Meri thread. Most likely no filming will be done in Meri's house because it is filled to the brim with clothing racks of her stock and yes, she is wearing lots of her own clothes on camera, but they have never acknowledged her "business" before now.

LLR is known for its ugly prints right?  I think Meri used one of her LLR dresses and altered it like Christine described, for the lipsynching skit! 

9 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

How much notice did they have that Garrison was coming home? Aren't leaves scheduled pretty far in advance? Seems like Meri would have known he was coming. 

Was she saying he showed up a bit early and nobody bothered to tell her? Is that her defense explanation? Hmph. You mean all those people, all those mouths, all those cell phones (Meri's car presumably sitting there in her driveway) and nobody called, texted, or went and knocked on her door?  Even though Meri was within sight, sound (and smell!) of the gathering, she had no clue it was happening?

I can see everyone learning Garrison was arriving early, moving up the barbecue, and not contacting Meri because they thought she was out of town so there was no point (I disagree there was no point - She might have been able to rearrange her schedule so she could be home to see Garrison. Which obviously turned out to be totally doable since Meri was actually home when Garrison arrived!). It says a lot, though, that with all those people around who had the means to reach out to Meri, no one did. 

I'm not sure where to lay the blame for the fact that Meri obviously has no regular contact with anyone else in the family - not Kody not Christine not Janelle not Robin - to let them know she's hitting the road home from Parrowan or wherever, that she is coming home early or gonna be late. She could easily have learned about the change in plans while just touching base with someone back home. Apparently that doesn't happen, perhaps because Meri doesn't want to check in and/or the family is not receptive, which is lousy on both their parts.

What strikes me as unbelievable is that Meri seriously had no idea every single member of the family was assembling right next door to her - she didn't see anybody, she didn't hear anything, she didn't smell the barbecue cooking - and she just had absolutely no idea what was happening. I realize some homes can be very cut off from each other but that seems like a lot of activity to miss.

I have the feeling that Meri may have very well known something was up next door but sat on her wide fanny awaiting an engraved invitation. My former mother in law  Passive aggressive martyrs who are angry and filled with self pity love to do things like that. I could see her being furious and insulted (and genuinely hurt) that no one contacted her and opting to show her anger by punishing everyone with the guilt she imagines they will feel later after realizing they hurt her and denied Garrison her presence. And it was all their fault, too (footstomp!), not hers.  They should have told her /whiny voice. Plus (although I don't doubt Meri loves Garrison and wanted to see him) staying home also spared her from having to attend a huge family gathering. Not only does Meri dislike the other adults in general, but being around the grown kids may still be embarrassing for her.  You know everyone of them has listened to the messages, read the texts, and seen all those pictures. I would think it would be a never ending source of mortification for her and a huge obstacle to truly being integrated back into the family. 

 It also just occurred to me that what with an already disengaged Meri traveling for Lularoe and being off in Parrown busy with her bed-and-breakfast, the family was maybe trying to send her the message that she's gonna have to take responsibility for staying plugged into what is going on.  Let her see what it feels like to be truly left out, and show her that they are not going to chase after her begging.  Which I must say is not necessarily a bad approach. 

Basically, I think these people are all playing games which each other. I don't believe Meri didn't know that 50 people were gathered next door, nor do I believe that not one of those 50 people realized she had returned home. They knew she was home. Meri knew about the party. Everybody knew everything!

Allllll of this! Multiple fails on multiple fronts.

She knew he was coming home, and she could hear and see the party next door. Was she not going to go over unless Garrison was actually there? Even if I buy the excuse he got home earlier than expected, why didn't she wander over at some point? I agree she was waiting for the engraved invitation as a test.

Janelle has mentioned they have a group text. Surely Meri was on a group text letting everyone know when Garrison was coming and when the celebration was going to be.

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6 minutes ago, Marshmallow Mollie said:

Allllll of this! Multiple fails on multiple fronts.

She knew he was coming home, and she could hear and see the party next door. Was she not going to go over unless Garrison was actually there? Even if I buy the excuse he got home earlier than expected, why didn't she wander over at some point? I agree she was waiting for the engraved invitation as a test.

Janelle has mentioned they have a group text. Surely Meri was on a group text letting everyone know when Garrison was coming and when the celebration was going to be.

Also, the production crew was there filming— not one of the producers called or texted Meri to say they were filming Garrison’s homecoming? Weird.

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2 hours of this show is 1.5 hours too long. Seriously didn't this show used to be an hour or less? I actually only made it about half way through. I will try to catch up on the last hour tonight.

I think what is more telling about the Meri 'being left off the memo' is not necessarily the failure to include her but Meri Kayne shoulder shrug over it. 


She really seems to not give a fuck whereas a season or two ago I could definitely see her bawling over this. Meri is reminding me of my 'play aunt' who left her husband a little bit at a time. It started with financially disentangling herself from him - getting her own bank accounts, credit cards. Getting a job further away from home but closer to her mom's place. Than it escalated into longer hours so it made more sense to stay at her mom's during the week. Meanwhile, the whole time she was siphoning off joint accts and funneling them into her own. Next thing you know, she never came home again. 


1 hour ago, Kyanight said:

The "powers that be" over this message board don't want me to say this so it will probably be removed (and that's ok!!  :::waving::::) but I've GOT to say it - I'm sorry, but I honestly believe it's been the OTHER way around and TONY is racist.  The white people comments, CONSTANTLY mentioning cultural things even when other people on this board have said they are Mexican American and his statements aren't even true, etc. etc.

Seriously, I'm glad someone finally said it. It is always 'white' people this or that and he implies a negative connotation (e.g. feel like he implies white people food or whatever has no flavor or soul) . If he has got a problem with white people don't marry a white girl with a super white family. 

I am not Mexican but I refuse to believe that all Mexican people can't or won't understand the concept of only bring a +1 to a wedding. 

  • Love 2

Does anyone else find it strange, that when Kody saw Christine in her wedding dress, he made comments about how much she use to weigh? Yes, I know he was trying to be complimentary now, saying how much weight she has lost, but I never understood how Kody points out how Christine use to be heavier when they were married, and how she ate nachos, but then he never addresses Janelle and her weight throughout their marriage.

I mean lets be honest, Janelle was heavier then Christine on their wedding days, but Christine's weight is the only one he really addresses in the book, or on the show, about being heavy.

31 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Does anyone else find it strange, that when Kody saw Christine in her wedding dress, he made comments about how much she use to weigh? Yes, I know he was trying to be complimentary now, saying how much weight she has lost, but I never understood how Kody points out how Christine use to be heavier when they were married, and how she ate nachos, but then he never addresses Janelle and her weight throughout their marriage.

I mean lets be honest, Janelle was heavier then Christine on their wedding days, but Christine's weight is the only one he really addresses in the book, or on the show, about being heavy.

Yassssss. I cringed when he said that.

33 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Does anyone else find it strange, that when Kody saw Christine in her wedding dress, he made comments about how much she use to weigh? Yes, I know he was trying to be complimentary now, saying how much weight she has lost, but I never understood how Kody points out how Christine use to be heavier when they were married, and how she ate nachos, but then he never addresses Janelle and her weight throughout their marriage.

I mean lets be honest, Janelle was heavier then Christine on their wedding days, but Christine's weight is the only one he really addresses in the book, or on the show, about being heavy.

I know it is wrong but I can't help but LOL every time I think about how Kody was supposedly repulsed by Christine's nacho eating. 

Yes, Janelle has always been a much heavier person when compared to Christine, but I think it comes down to Kody never being remotely attracted to Christine and in fact probably didn't like her that much as a person. He likely only married her because she came from plig "royalty" and had cache but she seemed to have been sheltered and he probably found her infantile and annoying. Christine, although heavy, is incredibly pragmatic, not dumb and a bit of a cool chick. She was never Bo Derek but they seemed like they could talk and have a decent time together. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Basically, I think these people are all playing games which each other. I don't believe Meri didn't know that 50 people were gathered next door, nor do I believe that not one of those 50 people realized she had returned home. They knew she was home. Meri knew about the party. Everybody knew everything!

Your whole post was spot-on but especially this.  Meri outed herself with her own stupid tweets, saying at first that she "wasn't home."  Someone calls her out on that and then she says, "oh, I meant - miscommunication."  So she's a lying liar who lies, and she's taking her passive-aggressive crap out on the kids - in this case Garrison, for whom she was, at one point, an actual "mom."

She's a piece of work.  She wants to isolate herself, but she also wants the fam'ly to come pounding down her door and tell her that nothing is the same without her.  Actually, what I think she wants is for Kody to be the one begging her to join the fam'ly, but I don't see that happening anymore, ever.  Gahhhh...how do these people even function with all of the multi-layered mind games they play with each other all day long??


48 minutes ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Does anyone else find it strange, that when Kody saw Christine in her wedding dress, he made comments about how much she use to weigh? Yes, I know he was trying to be complimentary now, saying how much weight she has lost, but I never understood how Kody points out how Christine use to be heavier when they were married, and how she ate nachos, but then he never addresses Janelle and her weight throughout their marriage.

If only Christine had the guts to point out the big fat spare tire Kody sports nowadays, as well as the fact that what's left of his shiny blond hair is a frazzled mess held together with mousse and a prayer.

Edited by laurakaye
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1 hour ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Does anyone else find it strange, that when Kody saw Christine in her wedding dress, he made comments about how much she use to weigh? Yes, I know he was trying to be complimentary now, saying how much weight she has lost, but I never understood how Kody points out how Christine use to be heavier when they were married, and how she ate nachos, but then he never addresses Janelle and her weight throughout their marriage.

I mean lets be honest, Janelle was heavier then Christine on their wedding days, but Christine's weight is the only one he really addresses in the book, or on the show, about being heavy.

I've often thought how sad it is Joe Kody describes their courtship and wedding . He acts like he did her a favor by taking her on. And don't get me started on Nachogate. I guess it's no wonder Mykelti married Loser FT. She witnessed her mom being treated like crap and probably thinks she deserves the same.

Just how boring was this episode for me ? I watched the whole thing last night and have no recollection of seeing Aspyn's fiancee.  I only learned he was on the show last night, by reading this board today. Lol

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10 minutes ago, littlemommy said:

I agree with all of the snark here. Every single bit. But I, personally, haven’t been able to move on emotionally since I saw Christine pillowcase-sized bag of chocolate chips last night in the “hot chocolate” scene. What SIZE is that? 5 pounds? What’s the next size up, a barrel of chocolate chips?



It's most likely the size bought at Costco/Sams Club/BJs.  I bought packs that size when I ran my home baking business. 

1 hour ago, NotinKansasanymore said:

Does anyone else find it strange, that when Kody saw Christine in her wedding dress, he made comments about how much she use to weigh? Yes, I know he was trying to be complimentary now, saying how much weight she has lost, but I never understood how Kody points out how Christine use to be heavier when they were married, and how she ate nachos, but then he never addresses Janelle and her weight throughout their marriage.

I mean lets be honest, Janelle was heavier then Christine on their wedding days, but Christine's weight is the only one he really addresses in the book, or on the show, about being heavy.


I do agree with you on how he always brings up Christine's weight (even though he was trying to be sweet) when Janelle is clearly the heaviest and has probably always been. That clip someone posted about the nachos when he was discussing how he was not attracted to Christine eating nachos and not attracted to her at all and how she was chubby....and he is saying all this sitting next to his fat wife Janelle.  If I was Janelle listening I would be thinking wow-I guess he's never been attracted to me either.  


Also--why did he marry Christine? He wasn't attracted to her....lived in different states....practically no courtship. Just seems strange. 

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