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S07.09: Let's Try Again

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I wonder what the producers were really thinking when Amber told them she was pregnant. She is so dumb. Why would you go off your meds and birth control and get pregnant by a guy you just met? Once the baby is born I bet you that creepy new matt is out... and then Amber will whine in bed saying she's depressed while neglecting her baby. It's sad that the only way she feels fulfilled and happy is by having a man in her life.

I think Maci should have waited before announcing her miscarriage on camera until they at least told their parents, you could tell how uncomfortable Taylor was.

Tyler should be seeing a therapist and not try to figure out what's wrong with him by talking to a producer and his mom. I agree if not for Teen Mom fame he probably would have split with Catelynn a while ago.

Edited by Lusterleaf
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Am I the only one that thought that Tyler was setting up his case for SSI once this show meets it's maker? The way he was running down ALL of his issues just made it sound like he was at the Dr trying to get a check. From everything that we have seen about Cate we can already bet she will be getting a check to sit on her couch and eat her nails once the show is over. 

I had the hardest time watching all of Amber's scenes. There was something off with her and I can't figure out what it is. It was almost like she a had a weird nervous laugh at the end of every sentence. I HATE the way she calls New Matt babe all of the time. It just sounds so not genuine. I see NO chemistry between them and they both act like they are walking on eggshells around each other. New Matt has no idea what he has signed up for with this one. 

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21 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

I will definitely have to zoom in on texts. Maybe someone else who is super talented can do it, though. :)

This reminded me that when Taylor and Maci were talking about Amber's pregnancy, I totally got the feeling that they were going to have THE REAL conversation about it after the cameras left. That's the one I wanted to hear. 

TOTALLY. There is no way Maci was that happy for Amber.  Once the cameras were off she was probably saying what the rest of us were saying. 

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23 hours ago, leighroda said:

Does Tyler realize your brain produces melatonin on its own, the pills are just supplements, meaning it’s probably one of the safer routes to go? 

And I know they didn’t have the best therapist to judge the profession by (rip kinko Kathy... I feel like I should clarify she didn’t die she just isn’t on the show) but they don’t even try anything else before jumping to inpatient therapy. There are lots of steps that could/should be taken before inpatient, inpatient is really just for when you are actually not safe ( I mean in terms of depression, not across the board inpatient treatment is best for other conditions). I get it, it’s hard to deal with Cates current crisis, whatever that might be, I think him needing a break is completely valid, but when your a grownup sometimes life isn’t fair.

I was kind of laughing at this too during the show. I don't know how one jumps from "I won't take any pills, not even melatonin" to "I need to go to an inpatient rehab center for depression."  Whaaaa???  I know a LOT of people (including myself) that have gone to therapy and have taken medication for depression and anxiety.  I know very, very few people who have actually gone to inpatient facilities.  Those people were DEEPLY in need of immediate help because they were a danger to themselves and/or others.   Inpatient psych facilities aren't for people who just want a vacation from their lives, which is what Tyler and Cate seem to believe they're there for.

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During that couple's massage, this looks like a look of panic to me. And that was the most awkward hayride ever. 


1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

and Oooooh, I hadn't thought about Cate's friend having the keys. That's trouble, right here in River City! With a capital T and that rhymes with P and that stands for the TEMPTRESS best friend. 

God, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who does this. I do it with my cats all the time. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with C and that stands for Cat!

(My cats enjoy it anyway. The rest of the household doesn't get it.)

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But I was also disturbed to see how intently Taylor was and wanted to drink.  That is not a man that is happy or as together as I thought.  When you put that much importance in drinking, literally, then there is an issue.  It was clear he was trying to "escape", and over time the drinking between both of them is going to be a major issue.

I am so glad someone else noticed that scene the same way I did. I thought at first I was just reading too much into it.

Normally, when my husband and I go out to eat, I am eager to enjoy a great meal being prepared by someone else. I usually have a water with one drink, but it is not a necessity or a need to have alcohol. Taylor needing to drink is an issue. Especially when you think about how often they drink AT HOME. 


I wonder what the producers were really thinking when Amber told them she was pregnant.

That one producer with the major under bite, was standing behind the one who received the pregnancy news, seemed to act as if she already knew about the pregnancy. There wasn't any reaction from her other than that stupid grin. Amber never looked at her when she was talking. She was only telling the lady in the front. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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23 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:


I am so glad someone else noticed that scene the same way I did. I thought at first I was just reading too much into it.

Normally, when my husband and I go out to eat, I am eager to enjoying a great meal being prepared by someone else. I usually have a water with one drink, but it is not a necessity or a need to have alcohol. Taylor needing to drink is an issue. Especially when you think about how often they drink AT HOME. 


I definitely noticed the urgency he had.... he seemed so intense about it--from the moment they got in the limo to asking for a specific type of alcohol at the restaurant in addition to what they had.  And he didn't seem to be having fun....it seemed like "I need a drink now, and a lot of it".  I have never seen him like that before in their scenes so it surprised me quite a bit.  Even Maci was like, you are going to have that as well?  

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52 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

That one producer with the major under bite, was standing behind the one who received the pregnancy news was, seemed to act as if she already knew about the pregnancy. There wasn't any reaction from her other than that stupid grin. Amber never looked at her when she was talking. She was only telling the lady in the front. 

Yeah, that's her regular producer. She was in a few scenes from the previous (same?) episode asking about how she was doing, what was going on with her meds. Dia, the new producer, isn't usually on the show.

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Ambers vacation literally consists of going from the bed, to the couch to a beach chair. Matt's new role is to run around and serve her wherever she parks her ass. This wont last long and I feel awful for their child.

I tried laying around for a day and it's really hard work to be that lazy.

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

God, I'm glad that I'm not the only one who does this. I do it with my cats all the time. Trouble with a capital T and that rhymes with C and that stands for Cat!

LOL!  I don't do the letters, but I am known to say, "Oh, we got trouble my friends, right here in River City" when something bad happens or something goes wrong!

Is Amber still on meds?  Did she stop taking them (I think that she has)?  

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Ugh Amber. I am in fear for that new baby. Gary, Kristina and Leah in the car war very cute.

I did shed a tiny tear during Michael's proposal, I thought it was very sweet.

In Roxanne's voice, I just caaaaaaaannnn't with Tyler. He acts like his clothing line/book/other shows/passions are the most important thing in the universe and nobody understands how stressfull it is to be him. I have a friend like that. Your stress does not compare to her stress. There are some nights I can't sleep, mostly because I worry about bills or my job or my marriage. You know, normal things adults worry about. I know growing up with Butch could not have been easy but I just can't muster any sympathy for Tyler. That photoshoot was something else, they all look so trashy. 

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2 hours ago, alexa said:

I am so glad someone else noticed that scene the same way I did. I thought at first I was just reading too much into it.

Normally, when my husband and I go out to eat, I am eager to enjoying a great meal being prepared by someone else. I usually have a water with one drink, but it is not a necessity or a need to have alcohol. Taylor needing to drink is an issue. Especially when you think about how often they drink AT HOME. 

Raising my hand here, I love to have a glass or two of wine when I go out to dinner. I love trying the different wines on the menu and I like when they offer to bring me a drink right away. That said, he ordered what again, some kind of whiskey and sprite?? Yuck, how gross. 

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Just now, poeticlicensed said:

Raising my hand here, I love to have a glass or two of wine when I go out to dinner. I love trying the different wines on the menu and I like when they offer to bring me a drink right away. That said, he ordered what again, some kind of whiskey and sprite?? Yuck, how gross. 

Same. I think he order a crown royale and sprite. I gagged.

I also was thinking during the dinner scene how weird it would be to always have to eat by yourselves in some dark corner of the restaurant away from all of the other customers....

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4 hours ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

Am I the only one that thought that Tyler was setting up his case for SSI once this show meets it's maker? The way he was running down ALL of his issues just made it sound like he was at the Dr trying to get a check. From everything that we have seen about Cate we can already bet she will be getting a check to sit on her couch and eat her nails once the show is over. 

I had the hardest time watching all of Amber's scenes. There was something off with her and I can't figure out what it is. It was almost like she a had a weird nervous laugh at the end of every sentence. I HATE the way she calls New Matt babe all of the time. It just sounds so not genuine. I see NO chemistry between them and they both act like they are walking on eggshells around each other. New Matt has no idea what he has signed up for with this one. 

It's the same way her fake ass calls Leah Bew Bew all the time. Trying to convince us she has such a great relationship going.  You don't know your daughter and you don't know this man.  We can see right thru your fake names and poser love.

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21 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Tyler - Mom, I’m feeling stressed and can’t sleep. I need to start making more time for myself to heal and start worrying about my own wellbeing before it gets worst 

Kim - Was it my parenting? Oh know, Tyler, I was such a bad mom waaaaaa waaaaa please comfort me and tell me I was a good mom my wellbeing will suffer

Tyler - Thanks for listening you awesome mother you. ?


Tyler officially made me feel bad for him. He’s surrounded by life suckers that all need Tyler’s attention ...his dad thinks of Tyler more of his dad than he is to Tyler. FFS. 

I know the drive to the photo shoot wasn’t the right time to vent your feelings but goddamn When is Cate able to comfort her husband? He drops everything for her feelings. Even at the park when she lost her shit over the keys and succumbed to the ground after two minutes of looking people were trying to coddle her “You had a lot going on today, don’t beat yourself up over it!” Geez!

YES to all of this. Kim is just an older version of Cate when it comes to making it all about her. And I have literally never heard Catelynn comfort Tyler. You'd think with how insecure she's been about losing him over the years she might try harder to be a nicer wife. 


15 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Am I the only one who thought that the rediscovered BFF had the keys all along? Maybe I've seen too many Lifetime movies...

LOL, no. I've read two psychological thrillers back-to-back, where the main character has a female in her life who is fucking with her and trying to make her look crazy. And I swear, I thought the same thing! (But then I reminded myself that Cate really is that hopeless in life.)

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5 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

Well, if that Heather story isn't the most believable, most quintessential Amber/Matt thing I've ever heard...Matt fucks up, he scapegoats someone to Amber, she falls for it hook, line, and sinker...

Matt is a master of triangulation. And Amber is a willing puppet.

Wait a minute............What?

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Just now, Lm2162 said:

Not sure what you're asking! 

I have been trying to find out why Heather was fired and all I could find out is that she was staying over at Farrah's house - which is against the rules.  So Matt/Amber did have something to do with it?  Do tell.

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You'd think with how insecure she's been about losing him over the years she might try harder to be a nicer wife. 

She’s setting herself up for a pity party. I have seen people do this. They expect it to happen so they participate.

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Maci is such a know-it-all sad sack.  I can't stand how she was just ho-hum about the limo and doesn't even attempt to look nice for dinner.  Is it me or does she not bond at all with her kids?  She wants a bunch but she doesn't seem to have any connection with them.

I literally can't wait for the day that this shit show ends and bitches like Amber, Jenelle and Tyler have to actually work for a living to survive.  

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2 hours ago, usernameG said:

Ambers vacation literally consists of going from the bed, to the couch to a beach chair. Matt's new role is to run around and serve her wherever she parks her ass. This wont last long and I feel awful for their child.

I tried laying around for a day and it's really hard work to be that lazy.

Thank you! It has to be a special day for me to just be able to lie around at home. It usually happens because I am sick

When my kids were babies, my husband would say, "Take a nap when the baby is sleeping. You need to rest." lol Yeah, like that was going to happen. I told him when the babies are sleeping, that is my time to shower, clean the kitchen, wash, dry, and fold the clothes, figure out what I will make for dinner and likely get it started. So much can be done during that time.

My kids are grown now. The other day my husband said to me, "You will be home all alone today. What will you do? Watch Netflix or Firestick?" Yeah right. I have to go visit one of our tenants because they are having plumbing issues. I have to go to the grocery store. I have a shitload of wash to do. Silly man. 

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23 hours ago, Tatum said:

I know that the MTV crews have gone record as saying they are treated not very well and it's regularly emphasized that they are extremely replaceable, but still, they really should have called Amber's bluff. She'd never quit this show and Matt would never let her quit this show.


As far as #2, I got the impression Taylor did not want to tell his family *at all* and now he had to do so. Yes, he could beat the airing, but he still had to do something he wasn't planning on doing thanks to Maci's big mouth.


The whole "Baby Dandelion" is so weird. Now, I know if you do chromosomal testing you can discover the sex of the baby pretty early, like 9-10 weeks, but there is no reason to do that unless you think there might be a problem. Insurance won't cover it for people who are just curious and don't want to wait until anatomy scans. Maci could have paid out of pocket for it, but these are probably several thousands of dollars and they are somewhat invasive, again, medical staff probably wouldn't do it just because. An ultrasound probably wouldn't show anything until 14-15 weeks at the earliest, and if Maci had a miscarriage that late, we are talking a surgical removal of the fetus and that is a pretty big deal. My coworker lost her pregnancy at 16 weeks and she had to actually go through with the delivery at the hospital. It is not something your body will get rid of on its own like an early miscarriage. If she was that far along (like 2nd trimester) that is closer to a stillbirth (although miscarriage is the appropriate terminology for under 20 weeks, but the procedures for 2nd trimester miscarriages are like that of stillbirths), and that is something I'd think most people would consider pretty traumatic. Not telling people how to grieve but nonchalantly bringing it up to producers while being filmed for a reality show seems like kind of an unusual reaction.

The test isn't invasive at all, it's a blood test and it's given at 11 weeks.  It's routine for any mother over the age of 35 (yes, both of my pregnancies were "geriatric.")  It's also just a few hundred dollars out of pocket, it's not thousands.  I think, however, that they're just using the female pronoun as they didn't know what it was.  Lots of people pick one pronoun or the other in lieu of saying "it" before they know.

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20 minutes ago, lezlers said:

The test isn't invasive at all, it's a blood test and it's given at 11 weeks.  It's routine for any mother over the age of 35 (yes, both of my pregnancies were "geriatric.")  It's also just a few hundred dollars out of pocket, it's not thousands.  I think, however, that they're just using the female pronoun as they didn't know what it was.  Lots of people pick one pronoun or the other in lieu of saying "it" before they know.

I was thinking they might be projecting the gender too, but I didn't want to seem harsh about how they dealt with a miscarriage. I also hope that "Dandelion" or whatever weird-ass spelling they came up with wasn't an actual name--kinda like the Duggars and baby Jubilee.  

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23 minutes ago, Birdee said:

I was thinking they might be projecting the gender too, but I didn't want to seem harsh about how they dealt with a miscarriage. I also hope that "Dandelion" or whatever weird-ass spelling they came up with wasn't an actual name--kinda like the Duggars and baby Jubilee.  

Sometimes people just have a feeling as well. I had one pregnancy that didn't make it to term, back when I was 19. To this day, I'm convinced it was a girl. I can't explain why, but I always think about the baby in terms of a girl - "my daughter would be 18 this year". So that could be it. Maybe it felt more like a Jayde pregnancy than the other two? 

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2 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I have been trying to find out why Heather was fired and all I could find out is that she was staying over at Farrah's house - which is against the rules.  So Matt/Amber did have something to do with it?  Do tell.

It's a couple of pages back in this thread! Read the whole thread and you'll see it. I'm on my phone or I'd get it for you. 

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2 hours ago, lezlers said:

The test isn't invasive at all, it's a blood test and it's given at 11 weeks.  It's routine for any mother over the age of 35 (yes, both of my pregnancies were "geriatric.")  It's also just a few hundred dollars out of pocket, it's not thousands.  I think, however, that they're just using the female pronoun as they didn't know what it was.  Lots of people pick one pronoun or the other in lieu of saying "it" before they know.

Ah, after some googling I was thinking of Amniocentesis, which is invasive and they generally don't like to do it unless they have a reason to. I stand corrected on the cost and level of risk of the procedure Maci could potentially have had, but I still stand by my original thought that this was an unlikely procedure for her to undertake in the first place. You are probably right that she just assigned a sex to the pregnancy and had picked a girl's name and not a boy's. While I don't think Dandelion is a great name under any circumstances, it would be particularly cruel to saddle a boy with this name, in my opinion.


Also, totally off topic, but I find the medical terminology of "geriatric pregnancy" totally ridiculous. Even as far back as 20 YEARS ago it was not that uncommon for women to have babies in their mid 30s. In my freshman year of high school plenty of my classmates' mothers were in their late 40s/early 50s which would have put them at mid 30s when their 14-15 year olds were born, and this was in 1997.

Edited by Tatum
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On 1/23/2018 at 1:04 PM, CofCinci said:

There are so many Amber/Matt articles that I can’t find it on my phone right now.

Heather was also Amber’s producer. Heather became aware that Matt was cheating with Jeff’s tattooed girlfriend.  She told Amber. Sociopath Matt twisted it into Heather/Farrah/Simon are trying to tear our love apart.  Amber/Matt threatened to leave the series if Heather wasn’t fired.  MJ fired Heather and she runs that TLC TM clone now. 

“But I wouldn’t really want her fired.”


@Lm2162 Found it!  Found this article too.

Edited by jumper sage
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5 hours ago, usernameG said:

Ambers vacation literally consists of going from the bed, to the couch to a beach chair. Matt's new role is to run around and serve her wherever she parks her ass. This wont last long and I feel awful for their child.

I tried laying around for a day and it's really hard work to be that lazy.

I'm actually surprised she's as thin as she is, considering she literally does nothing all day every day but lay around and be a sloth. 

5 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Ugh Amber. I am in fear for that new baby. Gary, Kristina and Leah in the car war very cute.

I did shed a tiny tear during Michael's proposal, I thought it was very sweet.

In Roxanne's voice, I just caaaaaaaannnn't with Tyler. He acts like his clothing line/book/other shows/passions are the most important thing in the universe and nobody understands how stressfull it is to be him. I have a friend like that. Your stress does not compare to her stress. There are some nights I can't sleep, mostly because I worry about bills or my job or my marriage. You know, normal things adults worry about. I know growing up with Butch could not have been easy but I just can't muster any sympathy for Tyler. That photoshoot was something else, they all look so trashy. 

My husband is kind of like that.  I can't complain about ANYTHING without him making it about himself or throwing in a "welcome to my world" (yes darling, because no one has ever had gastrointestinal issues other than you.)  I kind of felt for Cate a little in the car, actually, because Tyler sounded EXACTLY like my husband, right down to losing his shit when Nova started to pitch a hissy.  Sometimes, you listen to someone bitch and moan so much you begin to just tune them out.   Especially when they won't actually DO anything about what they're bitching about except, you know, bitch incessantly.

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4 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Wait a minute............What?

I think the poster was talking about how Amber and Matt got producer Heather fired after Heather told Amber Matt was cheating on her.

3 hours ago, ShaNaeNae said:

Maci is such a know-it-all sad sack.  I can't stand how she was just ho-hum about the limo and doesn't even attempt to look nice for dinner.  Is it me or does she not bond at all with her kids?  She wants a bunch but she doesn't seem to have any connection with them.

I literally can't wait for the day that this shit show ends and bitches like Amber, Jenelle and Tyler have to actually work for a living to survive.  

I don't think that's fair.  You can say a lot about Maci but she definitely loves her kids and bonds with them.  I've seen her playing with her kids in countless scenes on this show. 

45 minutes ago, Tatum said:

Ah, after some googling I was thinking of Amniocentesis, which is invasive and they generally don't like to do it unless they have a reason to. I stand corrected on the cost and level of risk of the procedure Maci could potentially have had, but I still stand by my original thought that this was an unlikely procedure for her to undertake in the first place. You are probably right that she just assigned a sex to the pregnancy and had picked a girl's name and not a boy's. While I don't think Dandelion is a great name under any circumstances, it would be particularly cruel to saddle a boy with this name, in my opinion.


Also, totally off topic, but I find the medical terminology of "geriatric pregnancy" totally ridiculous. Even as far back as 20 YEARS ago it was not that uncommon for women to have babies in their mid 30s. In my freshman year of high school plenty of my classmates' mothers were in their late 40s/early 50s which would have put them at mid 30s when their 14-15 year olds were born, and this was in 1997.

omg THANK YOU.   Only one doctor over the course of both my pregnancies actually had the nerve to utter that phrase.  It was on all my charts though.  Such assholes.  They couldn't come up with ANY better term?  The fact that we can still get and ARE pregnant kind of by definition excludes us from being "geriatric," dicks.

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Dane Cook has a comedy bit where he talks about how every group of friends has a "Karen". She means well & all, but you only keep her around to take the group photo, and if you're saying to yourself "we don't have a Karen?!?", then YOU'RE the Karen! Anyway, while they are all ass kissers, producer Kerthy is so the Karen of Teen Mom. 

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On 1/23/2018 at 9:53 AM, suzeecat said:

All of these people have this distorted belief that they are Teen Idols when in reality their fame comes from being perceived as completely messed up trash.  Anybody who would want to be like them needs to check their soul at the gates of hell just like all of the cast has. 

It’s not hard to see why when they have producers kissing their asses and people like Kim being so amazed by their “success.” 

On 1/23/2018 at 10:12 AM, Lm2162 said:

Kim has rubbed me the wrong way for a while now. In her eyes Tyler can do absolutely no wrong.

It’s sickening. I think she sees Tyler as a major extension of herself.

On 1/23/2018 at 11:32 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

Kim won the prize of person I most want to push off a cliff this week. "It makes me feel bad! I'm a terrible mother!" "No-uh, Mom! You're an awesome mom-uh!" Way to make it all about yourself, Kim. Par for the course with this crowd though, right? 

Yeah, that actually made me feel some sympathy for Tyler but then I can see him doing that to Nova in the future. Every single person in Catelynn and Tyler’s family has major self-absorption and narcissism issues.

On 1/23/2018 at 0:51 PM, GreatKazu said:

MTV is covering their ass. I never believed that reason. 

I seriously don't get what the hold up is with telling their families. Either tell them or don't.

I had a miscarriage and I didn't tell my family. I didn't even tell them I was pregnant because I had just barely found out and it happened that quickly. To me, what was the point? 

You wouldn’t make a very good attention whore. ? 

On 1/23/2018 at 2:58 PM, CaliforniaLove said:

Eh, I think I'd still take Dandelion over Lux, but only because it's at least a flower, whereas Lux is....what exactly (oh yeah, old school soap)? 

The dictionary says that a lux is: “the SI unit of illuminance, equal to one lumen per square meter.” Obviously our vocabulary isn’t as advanced as Kailyn’s. lol

23 hours ago, jumper sage said:

I was born in 1962 and had to be named after a song, sigh, my original name was Tangerine.  Apparently my mom came down off the meds and crossed it out and named me a normal name after a song.  

 I was born in the 80s and my name was going to be.... Starleigh. My dad saw a gameshow contestant with that name. Yikes. My mom decided on a more traditional name in the end.

23 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

No shit is that his name??? I'm freaking out because when I was young and dumb I unknowingly hooked up with a guy named Darl Lynn who went to prison for interstate drug trafficking. MI too actually. Fuck. * Shudders* 

That’s crazy! Also, do these parents intentionally give their sons names that sound like “Darlin’” when the first and middle names are used? Or is “Darl” some misspelling of Daryl?

6 hours ago, usernameG said:

I also was thinking during the dinner scene how weird it would be to always have to eat by yourselves in some dark corner of the restaurant away from all of the other customers....

I’d be down for that, personally. But I wouldn’t be there with cameras either.

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11 minutes ago, Rebecca said:


You wouldn’t make a very good attention whore. ? 


 That’s crazy! Also, do these parents intentionally give their sons names that sound like “Darlin’” when the first and middle names are used? Or is “Darl” some misspelling of Daryl?

I’d be down for that, personally. But I wouldn’t be there with cameras either.

Reads like you and I wouldn't make good attention whores. lol 

I can't imagine life with cameras following me. 

Darl is apparently his first name, not a misspelling. I will guess "Lynn" is his mother's maiden name. He has aliases, too: http://mdocweb.state.mi.us/otis2/otis2profile.aspx?mdocNumber=262573

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3 hours ago, lezlers said:


I don't think that's fair.  You can say a lot about Maci but she definitely loves her kids and bonds with them.  I've seen her playing with her kids in countless scenes on this show. 


*shrug* That’s just my impression. Maybe it’s the monotone voice or the always on the cellphone but I tend to see not much interaction outside of the usual cooking, diapering, etc. Never said she doesn’t love them, but I see Taylor more involved in the playing, etc. 

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On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 10:31 AM, guilfoyleatpp said:

wondering now if the somber looks from Taylor and Maci were manufactured drama...because really

1) Dandylion is a REALLY stupid name.

2) Even if she DID tell the producers first, they still have a couple months before it airs and they could easily tell their families in that time. 

I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a similar thought.  Not exactly that she was lying but maybe that she really seems focused on having something to film?

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On 1/23/2018 at 11:07 AM, Claire85 said:

When Taylor was talking about getting Maci pregnant and Maci said basically, maybe not and you know why and then took a big slug of her drink, silly me thought, “of course, they’d have to stop drinking to try and get pregnant.” 

Not the reason? Oh how naive I was. ?

Naive; party of 2.

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As some who struggled to get pregnant and was not able to stay pregnant, it kills me to see how easily these chicks conceive and how nonchalant they are about pregnancy.  I don't want to wish a miscarriage on anyone and I don't want to treat it lightly, but do they realize how common miscarriages are?   It's painful and heartbreaking and it happens more often than we know.   That's why they call childbirth a miracle.

Amber better think about that as she tells the world about her "love" child with NuMatt!  And Maci can zip it when she thinks she is providing some public service by talking about it on TV.  Show some respect for your husband, and keep this one very private matter private.  And Catelynn, if she did miscarry, I'm sorry for her.  But she should really examine whether or not another child is right for her at this time in her life.  

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1 hour ago, GreatKazu said:

Maci should adopt Nova. 

Sometimes these boards cross over...do you mean Brianna DeJesus's daughter, or the heiress to the #tierrareign fortune?

And speaking of the heiress, they really need to put in more of an effort, other than to treat her like a parrot. They still interact with her as if she is an infant. 

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1 hour ago, ShaNaeNae said:

*shrug* That’s just my impression. Maybe it’s the monotone voice or the always on the cellphone but I tend to see not much interaction outside of the usual cooking, diapering, etc. Never said she doesn’t love them, but I see Taylor more involved in the playing, etc. 

I totally get what you mean. I don't think Maci is on the level of Jenelle, but she doesn't seem particularly into her kids (considering that she's their mom). I believe that she loves them, but she's more "Snarky Mom" than "Adoring, Engaged Mom" and she's pretty self-involved. She never seems to feel the slightest pang of... anything being away from her kids to party or whatever and she talks about them very matter-of-factly. Based on my perception of her from the show, I can't see why she would want to adopt a kid, apart from how doing so would make her look good. She really doesn't seem particularly into kids. (Which is ok, even for some people who are good parents in spite of it.)

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52 minutes ago, CaliforniaLove said:

Sometimes these boards cross over...do you mean Brianna DeJesus's daughter, or the heiress to the #tierrareign fortune?

And speaking of the heiress, they really need to put in more of an effort, other than to treat her like a parrot. They still interact with her as if she is an infant. 

April Baltierra's child. lol 

I wonder if Maci imagines adopting a child and expecting that child to be like Carly. She is looking at adoption through rose-colored glasses while under the influence. 

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I just don’t buy the Maci adoption storyline. These asshats (all cast members) always talk about how they’re going to do good deeds for the world to gain praise but it doesn’t make it to the next season. The bitch has said on video how having three kids has changed her life with all of the stress and that her and Taylor have awful drunken fights about their stressful lives.

I swear to you, these people sit around behind the cameras writing a list of possible storylines and what will cause more attention, whether that’s positive attention or negative to help keep this show running. Maci is too sanctimonious to choose a plot that shows her in a bad light show she went with adoption with a sidekick of miscarriage thrown in since she saw how well people responded to Kailyn TM2 miscarriage. I don’t doubt the miscarriage happened or DID IT?? 

You see, a part of me feels like the miscarriage thing was just for a storyline and that Taylor was AGAINST it (maybe in fear of jinxing himself lol) and told Maci “that’s not morally good to pretend to have had a miscarriage for a storyline and I don’t want to use it - our families will think less of us to make up a story like that for attention” and Maci goes “but people believe we’re the boring couple and they fast forward our scenes this story will save our spot on the show!” Taylor says “don’t do it Maci!” Then Maci did it anyway at the restaurant.

What??? It could happen. ?

Edited by Calm81
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