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S14.E09: 1-800-799-7233

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That was about what I expected. So glad that there was no question about Meredith believing Jo and standing by her. Watching her freeze that abusive bastard out in the OR and the later bluff call to security was a thing of beauty. And that Arizona jumped in to help without a question even though she had been fangirling over Paul earlier. Also glad to see Maggie walking away from getting involved with Jackson. At least at this point. Loved Bailey taking the pragmatic route to getting her hospital back once she realized there were other options available.

Alex being supportive was of course never a question. Was delighted that even though he was in surgery he was doing his best to find Jo, make sure she was okay and at the same time respect her privacy. I'm sure he could have told Amelia what was going on and she would have understood but I was glad to see him keep it to himself. That's Jo's story to share.

Edited by anna0852
  • Love 16

Good episode.  Camilla did a good job selling the fear and anxiety.  Meredith was a damned MVP in the "I have you back" dept..  I loved how she rolled her eyes so hard she broke a cornea when Psycho Mr. Shue was trying to gaslight her about Jo.

I still hope they aren't going there with Maggie and Jackson.  On a shallow note, her post shower hair was gorgeous!

  • Love 15

So, I wasn't sure if I was going to end up watching, but I did. And it was actually really solid; a better episode than I was thinking it would be. 

Oh, Mr. Schue. You finally snapped, even for the wrong reasons. Ok, jokes aside, Matthew Morrison was more intimidating than I thought he'd be. I'm very impressed how he was charming and menacing. 

I like all the people supporting Jo, even the ones who didn't know all the details. It was nice to have the episode give Jo the power. Everyone else was doing what she wanted, and not them doing things they thought was best. It was nice to see Alex immediately ask the intern to go find Jo and stay with her, because he couldn't be there for her. Meredith was very supportive in keeping things calm and protecting Jo when she needed it. And it was nice to see Arizona even help out, despite her fangirling over Paul. 

Yawn on Maggie/Jackson. 

I did enjoy Bailey and the intern.

Now, for the end scene. My first initial feeling is that Paul's current fiancee did it. 

  • Love 18

I loved everything that was Jo. I’ve always really liked her, and I’m glad everyone was supportive.

I did want to see a scene of someone telling Bailey about Jo’s ex. I wanted it to be Jo.

I dont know which scene I liked better. Alex trying to find Jo and his relief when she said she was safe in Mere’s gallery. Mere telling Jo she believed her story. Jo talking to the fiancé and her body language saying everything Jo was saying was true.


I’m kinda frustrated about the hit and run. Alex is screwed, I really hope they have a story proving their innocence than we went straight home. They should have gone to Mere’s after that shift. They should have gotten drunk at Joe’s after that shift.

  • Love 4

This was a really good episode. I would have  preferred they cut out everything Jackson and Maggie, but the rest of the episode was solid. I wonder if anything will happen in regards to Bailey and the intern. 

I was expecting it to be the fiancé in the hospital bed at the end, so the ex husband was a bit of a surprise. I agree with everyone else that the fiancé is guilty and that she’s framing Jo. I wish Bailey and Webber had been more involved in Jo’s story. I hope he survives just to get a scene of Bailey (or one of the Avery’s) telling him he better not ever set foot in their hospital ever again. Meredith was good, but I think we would have seen season 1 Bailey go off on Paul had she been involved in the story. 

  • Love 7

Matthew Morrison does a good job playing a psychotic creep. 

Richard granting Paul privileges was a big WTF for me.  I mean I know he'll always be The People's Chief, but I didn't think he had the authority to do that now. It's not like Derek and Co. doled out privileges under his watch back in the day. 

Very cool that there's a trans character (played by a trans actor) on the show.  

Andrew and his intern girlfriend are like the poor man's poor man's broke cousin's Meredith and Derek. 

I love Alex.

Paul's fiancee totally did it. 

  • Love 9
18 minutes ago, Stacey1014 said:

I wish Bailey and Webber had been more involved in Jo’s story. I hope he survives just to get a scene of Bailey (or one of the Avery’s) telling him he better not ever set foot in their hospital ever again. Meredith was good, but I think we would have seen season 1 Bailey go off on Paul had she been involved in the story. 


I hope Asshole Ex actually got hit by someone totally random and it was just karma.

It looked to me like Alex an Jo hadn't left the hospital yet and were on thier way out when he was brought in. Hospital security cameras should put them in the clear.

Although Arizona wasn't around and she knows what he is. That would be pretty OOC for her though.

  • Love 1

Anyway.. Loved the epi.. I was always ambivalent to jo.. But damn I felt for her this epi kudos to Meredith and Alex and the intern for sticking with her.

Maybe I’m bugging but I feel like I saw some sparks tween Miranda and Dr. Carter.. Maybe it was the heat.. But ima keep an eye out… I know with been abt to be on the spin-off and the fact she’s pissed abt it… This is greys…

And to the Maggie/Jackson haters please get over it.. They’ve been hinting for the entire season… I thought the locker room scene was fun... MALLORCA had me dying.. And why not two incredibly attractive and capable ppl who are in each others orbit are gonna at least kick the tires to see if something is there.. Or do you want Jackson to crawl back to the woman who vanished after their son died and put herself in a war zone while he grieved alone… The woman who blamed him for taking her virginity and shut him out of her life for a while after that… The woman who made him feel less than for not growing up/ being religious… Or constantly threw the fact he grew up rich in his face…. Yeah he’s much better off with kepner…

And to the Maggie/Jackson haters please get over it.. They’ve been hinting for the entire season… I thought the locker room scene was fun... MALLORCA had me dying.. And why not two incredibly attractive and capable ppl who are in each others orbit are gonna at least kick the tires to see if something is there.. Or do you want Jackson to crawl back to the woman who vanished after their son died and put herself in a war zone while he grieved alone… The woman who blamed him for taking her virginity and shut him out of her life for a while after that… The woman who made him feel less than for not growing up/ being religious… Or constantly threw the fact he grew up rich in his face…. Yeah he’s much better off with kepner…

  • Love 4

I knew Jo's ex was physically abusive, but I didn't know he'd also been Girl-On-The-Train-ing her. It makes more sense now that she's been paralyzed with fear of him for so long. Mere was an absolute champ in her support of Jo. My favorite was when Paul was trying to get her out of the room, and she was like "yeah, no, I'm staying."

The scene with Maggie and Jackson lounging around in towels was all kinds of wrong. Do hospitals really have unisex staff showers?

  • Love 4

Just wait until Maggie gets knocked up with an inbred cyclops that has twelve fingers and toes.

"Wait, how is my grandbaby inrbed?" Catherine shrieks.

"Uh, I seem to remember a time. Roughly forty years ago, there was a gala."

Catherine/Richard (and Ellis) shenanigans circa 1981.

That's your incest dose of the day, folks. I will get around to this ep with a proper opinion when I can.

ETA: I know just one generation of inbreeding won't necessarily produce a cyclopic fetus with twelve fingers and toes.

Edited by kinnej5
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, dshgr said:

As a former victim of domestic violence (30+ years ago) I had all kind of anxiety watching that episode.  I thought it was well done.

My DH hopes Alex did it.  He said the A$$hole deserves it.

I have experience with something as a kid (strangled), and also someone attacking me as an adult, and telling everyone how abusive I am. A female member of my family. It's awful to have people turn on you like that, and I wonder why they would even believe it. So I loved it when Meredith told Jo that she knows who she is, and they hugged. 

I rolled my eyes when they got Jackson and Maggie showering, and only wearing towels, in the same room. It felt like a teenage girl wrote it. Maggie looked beautiful, but I don't want them to go there. 

  • Love 5

Kudos to Maggie giving Jackson the most mature and responsible response. Just because they're not blood related is not a free card to do it. And she has a point, there might be a possibility that they break up, and then what? They can't walk away as long as their parents are married to each other. My fear though is they'll hook up spontaneously for sweeps.

Matthew Morrison tapped into a psychotic gaslighting asshole way too well. He was definitely giving me the creeps. God, I hope Alex/Jo were not involved with the hit and run.

That hacker intern was sweet trying not to violate his "probation" even when Bailey was dragging him into it. I was worried for a sec that Bailey got him in trouble with the Feds and they might suddenly appear to arrest him.

Loved how Meredith gave Jo's ex the stink-eye and immediately smelled the BS he was trying to spew.

  • Love 5

Is it really bad that I'm envisioning Jackson explaining to Paul how he has now pissed off the Avery Foundation by harassing one of their doctors and just how that's going to impact his professional prestige for the rest of his life? Or even better yet, Catherine delivering that lecture? While Jo watches impassively and clearly surrounded by supporters.

  • Love 6

I agree with all - Camilla did a tremendous job of displaying the fear and anxiety and paralyzing mental grip Paul had on her. The direction and camera work was also superb - by the time they cut to the first commercial I had dug my nails into my palms! I echo the kudos to Mere for her unwavering support for Jo. I love love love that, without question, she and Alex are each other’s person, and that loyalty extends to full-on ride-or-die for the significant other.  When Meredith realized who Paul was, the disdain rolled off her in waves.

Jo’s face when she realized that Alex had sent the intern to find her - and that she was safe - was so beautiful. She finally had someone taking care of her. Or, rather, looking out for her. And Alex’s face was just as beautiful when he learned she was safe. The relief was palpable. 

Not sure how April can judge/administer a grant award for a program funded by her ex husband.  But everything on Greys is incestuous and stretches the imagination, so I can roll with it. 

Count me as surprised by the new trans intern - didn’t read that in any spoilers! It’s nice to still be surprised!

My shallow self thanks you for the extended view of JW’s six pack. Rowr. 

DeLuca, DeLuca sex intern, Arizona - blah blah fishcakes. God bless Kurt. 

A moment of silence for the Mr. Schue we knew and loved. He doesn’t live here anymore. Terri made him a bad, bad man. 

  • Love 4

I knew Jo's ex would be back, he knew she had spoken with his next victim.. His menacing phony face! Didn't you love the way Alex protected her, and Mer had her back. 

Excellent episode, although it brought back some terrible memories...

I loved the intern that fixed the computer, being transgender, and changed his licence! Good for him

Jackson in a towel, lovely..yummy! 

Previews,I was thrilled to see Paul laying in the bed, not so keen on his girlfriend saying,  she never told them it was Jo!

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, dshgr said:

As a former victim of domestic violence (30+ years ago) I had all kind of anxiety watching that episode.  I thought it was well done.

My DH hopes Alex did it.  He said the A$$hole deserves it.

Seconded. I'm a survivor of two abusive relationships (including the one I had to flee across the country from to save my life...), and several instances of non-relationship violence. I was nauseated for much of the episode, and crying. Frighteningly well-done, and the depiction of gaslighting was heartbreaking, infuriating and terrifying, all at once. I had those fantasies of killing my abuser, once upon a time. The one I fled died a few years after I left (car accident), and only then did I begin feeling safe again. Even on the level of fictional wish-fulfillment, though, I hope Alex & Jo didn't do it--I want them, most of all Jo, free and safe, not in prison. I'd prefer it be the fiancee, even if that's narratively a bit neat. I, too, was expecting to see her either desperately injured or dead. I do hope he dies of his injuries, though.  Also, having spent a lifetime mostly not believed or my experiences minimized, it was such a profound thing to see the unconditional support Jo got from not just Alex, but Mer and Arizona as well; such an important part of combating the psychological aspects of abuse. 

I had just enough emotional energy to cheer the fabulous hacker doc (Carter? not quite remembering his name-- ETA: Parker! Dr. Parker! Thank you, shantown), and was crazy happy with the low-key and lovely trans reveal. A trans man, played by a trans man! The world shifts just a touch to the better...

Edited by cuppasun
  • Love 15

I've never, ever liked Jo, but I did a complete 180 tonight.  For as long as that monster is around, I will be Team Jo.

Meredith was a total hero tonight: seeing through Fuckface's bullshit immediately, supporting Jo with such empathy immediately, bluffing the security call perfectly, and basically taking care of everything like the total boss she is.  Loved her tonight.

Arizona's immediate, no-questions-asked assist was fantastic, too.

DeLuca's chippy continues to be The Worst.

Chandra Wilson's delivery of "Those aren't our colors.  Go change" was perfection.

  • Love 13

Well, that was fantastic.  I binge-watched every season last year, and this was the first episode I was really excited about in a while.  I loved the performances, the pace, even the touch of humor with hacker intern using the defib paddles on the blood bank door.  I actually laughed out loud at that.  It took me a minute (and a google search) to get the title - that was a particularly nice touch.

Overall, I am excited to see what happens with the rest of this season.  Still "meh/ew no" on Jackson and Maggie, but it was a treat to see him in nothing but a towel for a scene (shallow, yes, but...)

  • Love 2

I too enjoyed this episode, and no doubt this is a topic that needs more attention, but I hope this doesn't turn in to another weeks-long saga about Alex and whether or not he's going to jail.  Can we just put this one to bed quickly with a satisfactory ending for everyone except Mr. Schue?

(Spinoff potential:  was I the only one thinking this could turn in to an amazing revival of Jail House Rock??  Schue in Stripes??)

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, NUguy514 said:

Chandra Wilson's delivery of "Those aren't our colors.  Go change" was perfection.

Agreed, that was a great little touch!

Please, what is the hacker intern's name? 

I can't stand DeLuca's love/former love interest story line. Please, make it stop!!! When she said, "You penetrate me..." I almost threw up. And I wasn't exactly thrilled that DeLuca's sister is hanging around Arizona again - just NO. 

The post-shower clad-in-towels scene was a delight, visually. The two of them looked like an ad for body lotion - such smooth, perfect skin!  Maggie is always saying how crappy her childhood was, but I don't know - it's not like she was living in poverty, being abused, starving. I mean, she adored her mother beyond belief, they were besties, right?  I know she was socially miserable, what with being a prodigy and all, but...was her child hood really that horrible? Or is she just saying that to off-set Jackson's lavish upbringing? I have friends who grew up in the lap of luxury (one of them was presented with ownership of a Ralph Lauren clothing store upon his 18th birthday), yet that didn't make me belittle my own child hood when in his presence. I wish Maggie was secure enough to just say,  "Jackson, that must've been nice," and leave it at that. Or say nothing. True, our child hoods shape us and the memories and experiences are carried throughout one's life, but I'm tired of Maggie making her upbringing out to be miserable, or trying to make Jackson feel guilty about his.

As for a romance between Jackson and Maggie - as off-putting as it is, I suspect they will go there, even if only briefly, perhaps as a device to launch some other related story line. 

  • Love 6

After 9 episodes I can safely say that this is easily the best season so far since the first half of the series’ run. This is the type of episode you get when no one is just going through the motions – Krista Vernoff of is a phenomenal writer and show-runner, and everything she does is so purposeful. The direction, acting, and script tonight was all top-notch. I love how even April and Owen got something cool to do when they weren't the focus of the episode, and other stories continue to slowly develop in the background rather than being totally stagnant (DeLuca and his sex-friend being put on Amelia's service, Arizona helping Jo and Meredith, April taking over the competition). 

As others pointed out, the way they played on Jo’s anxiety was incredible. I loved the attention to detail: the way she pulled her hand away when he reached for the pen on the table to sign the divorce papers, the way she flinched when he so much as raised a finger to her face in the residents’ lounge, etc. Camilla knocked it out of the park, and having Alex and Meredith support her was great. Alex’s face when he first saw Paul gave me chills.

I was also already really enjoying the scenes of Bailey with the intern, and that final, subtle reveal was incredible. I love that they made sure to build the intern, Casey, as a fully-formed character before the reveal that he is a trans man. Often when we see trans characters on TV, we get stories either focused on coming out or a transition – here, it was simply a small aside that added to this already-interesting new character.

Krista and the actor, Alex Blue Davis, speak about developing the storyline here

Was that the end of Jaggie? Regardless, it was nice to see Maggie acknowledge how the audience seems them (ie. weird).

Edited by BaseOps
  • Love 5

I’m just wondering how busy mom Meredith had time to put her hair in a fancy braid in the middle of a major crisis. 


9 hours ago, anna0852 said:

Is it really bad that I'm envisioning Jackson explaining to Paul how he has now pissed off the Avery Foundation by harassing one of their doctors and just how that's going to impact his professional prestige for the rest of his life? Or even better yet, Catherine delivering that lecture? While Jo watches impassively and clearly surrounded by supporters.

I really want Catherine to give that speech. Jackson would be fine, but I think Paul really needs to hear it from a woman. 

  • Love 8

I still can’t really believe Mr. Schue As abuser, the worst thing he ever did was sing Blurred Lines with high school kids and that’s a thing that should be a federal crime.

good line, but I appreciate that they used a milquetoast looking guy as an abuser. It's not limited to middle linebackers. For a few minutes, I thought Jo exaggerated it or that the behavior was not as bad as she thought, but it became pretty clear from her acting and his shift that she had not exaggerated.

Hacker was awesome and I do appreciate that they are using a trans actor to play a trans character. I loved the interaction with Bailey-"ummmm, what else can you do"

And, yes, Meredith was a rock freakin star.....and somehow I was not surprised in the least.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

Just wait until Maggie gets knocked up with an inbred cyclops that has twelve fingers and toes.

"Wait, how is my grandbaby inrbed?" Catherine shrieks.

"Uh, I seem to remember a time. Roughly forty years ago, there was a gala."

Catherine/Richard (and Ellis) shenanigans circa 1981.

That's your incest dose of the day, folks. I will get around to this ep with a proper opinion when I can.

ETA: I know just one generation of inbreeding won't necessarily produce a cyclopic fetus with twelve fingers and toes.

What are you talking about? Why do people keep talking as if Maggie and Jackson are actually blood related or that this is incest. It's not. At all. They are two grown adults related by marriage. They share nothing else than that.

I don't want it because it feels forced, I don't see the chemistry and it's too complicated for someone to even want to go down this road but let's actually address the facts if the plotline.

It's sad how much of a non cliffhanger this is. The new woman totally did the hit and run. Every shot in the previews she even looked low-key menacing to me. That may be projection but I see this going no other way.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, kinnej5 said:

Just wait until Maggie gets knocked up with an inbred cyclops that has twelve fingers and toes.

"Wait, how is my grandbaby inrbed?" Catherine shrieks.

"Uh, I seem to remember a time. Roughly forty years ago, there was a gala."

Catherine/Richard (and Ellis) shenanigans circa 1981.

That's your incest dose of the day, folks. I will get around to this ep with a proper opinion when I can.

ETA: I know just one generation of inbreeding won't necessarily produce a cyclopic fetus with twelve fingers and toes.

I can't figure if this is a weird joke or you don't know what incest is. 

  • Love 14

I don't love Jo, but that was a great episode for her character and portrayer.  My one nitpick was how she seemed so freaked out that Paul had her card and could "find her."  Umm, hasn't he already done that? And I assume the card would have the hospital, not her home address, on it and she could change her cell phone.  [Also, the lawyer in my always laughs at tv divorces.  There are some mysterious divorce papers that one has drawn up, the other spouse signs (without even any witnesses signing) and Voila! They're divorced.  No court filings, hearings or court appearance, judge's signature, etc. needed, lol]

Enough with the DeLuca intern and DeLuca's sister.  All the intern does is have inappropriate verbal explosions or screw Deluca in hospital closets. Gross.  And his sister isn't much better.  It's like her character has one defining description "horny," and that's it.  Her interactions with men, women, and her job are all about sex.  That's all she seems to do. 

I really don't like Jackson and Maggie together.  I'm not saying he should be with April (I wasn't a fan of that pairing), but I just don't get any chemistry from J/M.... and M's Tinder date was cute, she should jump on that! Am I the only one that felt like there was something going on with Owen and April?  They do have a lot in common, wonder if they'll go that route... 


Also, I looked up Washington prohibition on incest and it seems to criminalize sexual conduct with a brother/sister of the whole or half blood.  Since J/M are step siblings, a relationship between them would not seem to violate the statute.

Edited by AzraeltheCat
  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, AzraeltheCat said:

I don't love Jo, but that was a great episode for her character and portrayer.  My one nitpick was how she seemed so freaked out that Paul had her card and could "find her."  Umm, hasn't he already done that? And I assume the card would have the hospital, not her home address, on it and she could change her cell phone.  [Also, the lawyer in my always laughs at tv divorces.  There are some mysterious divorce papers that one has drawn up, the other spouse signs (without even any witnesses signing) and Voila! They're divorced.  No court filings, hearings or court appearance, judge's signature, etc. needed, lol]

Enough with the DeLuca intern and DeLuca's sister.  All the intern does is have inappropriate verbal explosions or screw Deluca in hospital closets. Gross.  And his sister isn't much better.  It's like her character has one defining description "horny," and that's it.  Her interactions with men, women, and her job are all about sex.  That's all she seems to do. 

I really don't like Jackson and Maggie together.  I'm not saying he should be with April (I wasn't a fan of that pairing), but I just don't get any chemistry from J/M.... and M's Tinder date was cute, she should jump on that! Am I the only one that felt like there was something going on with Owen and April?  They do have a lot in common, wonder if they'll go that route... 

Nah between April and Owen. April is his guy sort to speak. Like how George was Burke's guy. April is the one who took trauma and works the way Owen does. Of course, it's tv. They could always go there. But, I don't think his look of admiration meant more than being like a proud pop.

  • Love 3

I loved the new hacker intern! It was great to have someone introduced individually, and as part of a story. I'm sick of them throwing a big "new intern class" at the wall and hoping some stick. Not only that, Dr. Parker is memorable and has a useful skill besides medicine. That's so rare (and the exact opposite of DeLuca's hookup who is grating and unnecessary).

  • Love 20
18 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Nah between April and Owen. April is his guy sort to speak. Like how George was Burke's guy. April is the one who took trauma and works the way Owen does. Of course, it's tv. They could always go there. But, I don't think his look of admiration meant more than being like a proud pop.

I agree, but at this point I wouldn’t have been surprised if the two had ended up in bed at the end of the episode. 

I’m surprised by how few people knew about Jo’s background. Nobody with the exception of Alex and Meredith flinched when they heard Paul’s name. 

  • Love 1

That was an impressive episode.  I really liked how it played out.  Loved Alex's sense of relief when he got the text from Jo.

Gotta admit though, at first I thought it would get all cheesy (but in a powerful way) when Mer said that Jo wouldn't be alone when she signed the papers.  I imagined Paul being led by someone else to a room to meet with Jo and then walking in to see an entire lecture hall filled with attendings, residents, nurses, maintenance workers, some FBI, and even ambulatory patients and their family members in a solid huge powerful (but like I said, kinda cheesy) display of support.  Kinda glad to see it was just Mer and Jo.  Besides, that would have been difficult to pull off with the hacking.  But somewhere, some cheesy sitcom with "a very special episode..." would probably go there.

  • Love 2
58 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

What are you talking about? Why do people keep talking as if Maggie and Jackson are actually blood related or that this is incest. It's not. At all. They are two grown adults related by marriage. They share nothing else than that.


They are not even legally related in any way, since (as far as I understand) Maggie is not legally Richard's daughter. I agree it's not incest in whichever sense of the world. They just have really bad chemistry.

  • Love 5

I just don't see where these lack of "chemistry" arguments come from... I don't see what's so bad abt Jackson and maggie.. I mean what's so great abt jo and alex I never see complaints abt their chemistry.. But I also dobt see any posts abt how great they are together... Not saying they aren't.. Just wondering what abt Jackson and Maggie is so wrong (not incest related which is bs.. And not folks who want April and Jackson back together) 

  • Love 1

Very solid episode that nicely tied together from the midseason finale. 

This whole season has been incredibly refreshing minus the Maggie/Jackson stuff, but it’s a nitpick amongst a whole lot of great things that this season has accomplished so far.

I also have to say I appreciated that the writer of the episode tweeted that when they were breaking the episode, he originally had Alex as Jo’s knight in shining armor, but was told by a woman in the writers room that women had to be the ones to help Jo. 

  • Love 17

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