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Season 24 Discussion

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3 hours ago, ForReal said:

My daughter and I were watching and had a discussion on what bullying really is. I think everyone has had their feelings hurt and felt put down in their lifetime, but is that really what bullying means? If so, it's become a huge umbrella term for any time someone does or says something unkind. I'm not saying that particular action *isn't* bullying, but I thought this whole PSA thing was a stretch and encouraged the girls to dwell on negative feelings.

This exactly. I might sound cynical but I'm having a hard time believing that 8 out of 8 girls here (plus all the ones who already went home) were abused, bullied, came from broken families, unhappy childhoods or anyway suffered some sort of huge trauma in their life. It's possible, I'm not denying it, but I feel that here as well (as it is with other major issues of our times), by calling things by the wrong name (a boy calls you Freckles once in third grade and suddenly you've been bullied all your life), we take away attention from people who have REALLY been through these terrible things and need real support.

Other than that, like I've already said, I feel Tyra(nt) really does what she pleases on this show, regardless of the models' talent or the way the pictures came out. When she told Erin her photo was bad because of that inexplicable cloud of hair she had on her face I couldn't believe it. Who chose that picture out of the probably 50 she took? Also, I don't like Christina's attitude in general, but it was kind of rude of Tyra to tell her her age showed in the picture. She just wanted to taunt her and that's not nice. I'm glad Erin got to stay though, I really like her, although I'm sure she'll go home soon. 

Edited by stormy weather
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This show has made me feel bad about Christina. She does have a wack attitude, but I get why she's so defensive considering how everyone keeps attacking her. Her tone of voice and the fact that she doesn't let people in right away can be a turn off to some, but the extend that the judges go after her and the other girls in the house. While some is warranted, sometimes it feels like they're going after her because she's Christina.

Tyra's message to her at the end made me feel especially bad.

I hope she does well, only to show that Law, Brendi and Shanice that she has the chops to model.

I really liked Sandra's photo, it was her best one yet. It's too bad that it looks like she's leaving in the next episode.

3 hours ago, ForReal said:

My daughter and I were watching and had a discussion on what bullying really is. I think everyone has had their feelings hurt and felt put down in their lifetime, but is that really what bullying means? If so, it's become a huge umbrella term for any time someone does or says something unkind. I'm not saying that particular action *isn't* bullying, but I thought this whole PSA thing was a stretch and encouraged the girls to dwell on negative feelings.

Having your feelings hurt or being teased sucks, but bullying is on another level. Unfortunately, bullying has become a sort of an umbrella term that means, harassment, teasing, insults, fighting, etc... If someone doesn't like you and shows it (by not talking to you or avoiding you), then I don't know if you can call it bullying in the traditional sense, but it does seem that some would call that bullying. Then again, everything affects people differently. As long as you can cry over it, then Tyra is happy.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
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I feel that of all the sob stories we got, only Khrystianna experienced real trauma. Not only was she molested, it sounded like her father set her up to be molested. It's a good thing he left the family soon after.

Erin's story - I have no words. "Cancer turned him into a different person" - you think??? That's what terminal cancer does to everyone who has it. I've lost all respect for her.

I hate that there's so much focus on sob stories this season. The fashion industry has zero fucks to give about anything other than a model's look, measurements, and reliability.

1 hour ago, Token said:

We've raised a generation of young people who can't cope with anything in the real world because they've been raised in this vacuum of positivity where everyone is perfect and everything they do is right.  It's kind of sad.

True story, one of my subordinates at the last place I worked told HR I was "bullying" her because I asked her to limit her lunch breaks to one hour after I noticed that she regularly took 2-3 hour breaks and never made up the time.

Edited by chocolatine
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10 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I feel that of all the sob stories we got, only Khrystianna experienced real trauma. Not only was she molested, it sounded like her father set her up to be molested. It's a good thing he left the family soon after.

Erin's story - I have no words. "Cancer turned him into a different person" - you think??? That's what terminal cancer does to everyone who has it. I've lost all respect for her.

I hate that there's so much focus on sob stories this season. The fashion industry has zero fucks to give about anything other than a model's look, measurements, and reliability.

True story, one of my subordinates at the last place I worked told HR I was "bullying" her because I asked her to limit her lunch breaks to one hour after I noticed that she regularly took 2-3 hour breaks and never made up the time.

Wow, I didn't even consider that aspect of Khrystiana's story, that her dad actually deliberately put her into the situation.  But makes sense now that you said it.  That poor girl.

Your 'bullying' story doesn't surprise me.  One of my colleagues had the same accusation levelled against her because she stopped a young colleague from doing something which could actually have killed a patient.  And, instead of being grateful and learning from the experience, the young staff member filed a complaint against my colleague for bullying.  It's ridiculous.

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18 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

True story, one of my subordinates at the last place I worked told HR I was "bullying" her because I asked her to limit her lunch breaks to one hour after I noticed that she regularly took 2-3 hour breaks and never made up the time.


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1 hour ago, Token said:

It's not just being called Freckles that people cry bullying about these days.  Giving people legitimate feedback is also called bullying, or microagression (the latest buzzword).  The HR department where I work actually has to, during orientation, point out to new hires that your supervisor giving you legitimate negative feedback on your work performance is not bullying because they get so many complaints from young people starting out in the workplace.  We've raised a generation of young people who can't cope with anything in the real world because they've been raised in this vacuum of positivity where everyone is perfect and everything they do is right.  It's kind of sad.

I think it's not that they've been raised in a vacuum of positivity, it's more that they are afraid to be wrong or different or less than. My daughter pointed out that many of the girls she knows who would claim to have been bullied were certainly guilty of bullying behavior themselves, but don't/won't cop to it. I think young people have been raised to sway people to their point of view ("I was wronged -- she was mean to me!") instead of standing firm and saying "I don't care what you think, I believe in what I"m doing" -- and then accepting the consequences as they come. 

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Knowing that Liz left because she was afraid of Brendi, I can't believe Tyra didn't jump on the chance to send Brendi home instead of Liberty the week before.

We could get a repeat of the All-Star cycle, where Tyra has to re-film the finale because Brendi was arrested before the show airs. Although maybe VH1 isn't as  uptight about their public image as the CW was back then.

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I had the opposite reaction to Erin. She was honest, didn’t try to sugarcoat what she did and has regrets. We also don’t know all the circumstances, or whether it would have had worse repercussions had she been able to force herself to stay. (On a personal note, I’m watching a loved one disintegrate after the illness and subsequent death of a family member)


Krystyana’s revelations made the constant play of Brendi and Christina’s whining seem obscene. I’m not disregarding that what Brendi and Christina feel is valid and true for them, but I’m hoping now we’ll no longer be subjected to Brendi crying over her lack of self confidence every single gorram episode (cough, editors, cough). I also have a sour taste in my mouth about Kyla since the Pride episode, and roll my eyes every time she brags about being an activist. I did think the PSA she did about stuttering was super-effective.


That video was clearly the best of the three—testimonials and an uplifting message that everyone can relate to.


Tyra’s photoshoot was pretty cool. I agree with everyone upthread who called shenanigans on Erin’s photo. It clearly made a difference to have Tyra give them actual feedback during the shoot, as opposed to the usual vague screeching of “MORE HIGH FASHION!” or the like.


Rooting for a final two of Krystyana and Jeana, but I’m sure that they will both be successful regardless of who actually takes the title. Coincidentally they’re also the ones who seem to handle their personal shit…personally, and yet still extend themselves to lending support to others.

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4 minutes ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Tyra’s photoshoot was pretty cool.

I agree, but I was a bit disturbed (I know I'm a fuddy duddy) by the touching of breasts that seemed pretty prevalent. I mean, if they were guys, this would be a "no go" right? Shouldn't that be in the category of "don't touch without permission"?

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On 2/16/2018 at 11:08 AM, Ravenna said:

I did not think Liberty had a bad photo. And furthermore, I'm kind of tired of the "are you a model, or just a beautiful girl" Isn't the whole point of modelling about being beautiful and photogenic?

I thought it was really bad photo though I'm also over the usual are you a model or a beautiful girl nonsense.

On 2/16/2018 at 11:08 AM, Ravenna said:

Liberty may have had different views but she wasn't obnoxious about it. I didn't find her closed off, and she took critiques very well.

Liberty wasn't particularly obnoxious, but how low is the bar?

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On 2/20/2018 at 9:11 PM, Mabinogia said:

Also, Krystyana broke me cold, dead heart. Damn. 

THIS.  And Drew too!  When he told that story about being called a fag--and he did that little pause and added that it was while he was walking with his father---SOB!  My heart really broke for him in that moment.  I'm not used to ANTM being so real.  I need more swinging pendulum runways to pick up my spirits.

So glad Christina is gone.  I know she gave off a vibe like she was SO much better than everyone else and Rio chalked up her bougie attitude to where she was raised but y'all---Jenkintown is NOT bougie!  It's 5 minutes outside of Philly and very diverse and working class.  Bitch was just a nasty piece of arrogance disguised as confidence.  I loved that Tyra called her out and she should've let Law loose on her too.  

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34 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

THIS.  And Drew too!  When he told that story about being called a fag--and he did that little pause and added that it was while he was walking with his father---SOB!

Yes, that was so horrible. Kids can be real assholes.


34 minutes ago, SuburbanHangSuite said:

I'm not used to ANTM being so real.  I need more swinging pendulum runways to pick up my spirits.

Amen to that. This shitshow isn't supposed to make me feel things other than snark and a deep despair at the decline of civilization.

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Well damn, I cried ugly tears when Krystyanna was telling her story at panel. I'm definitely rooting for her to win. I also would not mind of Jeana won. 

On 2/18/2018 at 10:06 AM, butterbody said:

Oh great. Another "trigger" for Brendi. Domestic violence, pregnancy, the gay community, yadda yadda yadda everything reminds Brendi of her tragic past and I am Sick. Of. It. 


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8 hours ago, CheezyXpressed said:

I think it's the hair. I saw on reddit a picture of her with shorter hair and she looks amazing. Much better than how she looks on the show.

Well now I feel kinda bad.  Maybe she's just styled really badly on the show.  With faces like Jeana and Coura etc. I just thought she came across as just kinda cute with nice skin.  

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On 21/02/2018 at 3:42 PM, Token said:

It's not just being called Freckles that people cry bullying about these days.  Giving people legitimate feedback is also called bullying, or microagression (the latest buzzword).  The HR department where I work actually has to, during orientation, point out to new hires that your supervisor giving you legitimate negative feedback on your work performance is not bullying because they get so many complaints from young people starting out in the workplace.  We've raised a generation of young people who can't cope with anything in the real world because they've been raised in this vacuum of positivity where everyone is perfect and everything they do is right.  It's kind of sad.

OMG - such good points.  Vacuum of positivity - I may use that!  lol

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The top seven models transform into media mavens in order to compete in a digital campaign for super model Jourdan Dunn's clothing line, Londunn; the models attempt to break the Internet as they pose alongside male models.


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Well, Sandra hadn't really done much, so it is no surprise she went home.


Looks like Kyla has finally arrived. Rio used the word stupid several times in her talking heads, was criticizing larger people. I guess she gets to be the new Christina now that Christina is gone.


Classic dropping Khrystyana to the bottom two because she has been dominating the competition. Did you see Jeana's eye roll when she got called 2nd? She has been runner up three times and she is really pissed about it.


I guess if I had to do power rankings, I could make some slight adjustments...








It is hard to see the winner coming from anyone but those three at this point. Still think Khrys has it in the bag.

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I skipped last week's because I couldn't deal with the stories. And I tried this week but had to stop when Tyra started giving selfie lessons. There's something off about the tone of the show for me, I think because it looks better, the way it's filmed,  but Tyra's antics are still the same so they feel out of place. I dunno. 

There seem to be some good contestants, it sucks that it's...weird and boring (I to me). 

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2 hours ago, Stardancer Supreme said:

I found it quite funny that the Kim Kardashian look-a-like failed at the selfie challenge.

Didn't Jourdan say that Sandra's picture was her favorite though? And Jeana still had her phone in the picture. The brief was to CIAO - crop it all out - and it looks like Sandra was the only one who followed that. She must have already been earmarked to go home this week, so Tyra wasn't about to let her win a challenge.

I liked Sandra well enough but wasn't a fan of how she seemingly picks and chooses her "values" whenever it's convenient. She said Muslim women aren't supposed to "make themselves attractive" yet there she is posing in a sexy bikini on her IG. I wold respect her more if she admitted that some of the Muslim customs/traditions don't jibe with her personal values so she chooses not to follow them.

When Rio had her unprovoked rant at Sandra a few weeks ago I thought she might still get a redemption edit, but apparently that's not in the cards. She needs a filter, and I don't mean an IG one.

Erin needs to stop using her age as an excuse for everything. You don't need to be active on social media to understand how it works, and people much older than her have figured it out. Then she was a bitch about Khrystianna trying to help her. I won't miss her when she goes home.

Edited by chocolatine
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Rio is cancelled.

I didn't like any of the photos. None of the models really modeled with the males, they all looked so awkward. If they weren't burly men, would they have modeled any differently? Hmm....

Very little Brendi this episode, kinda refreshing.

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Lol at the show trying to peg Khrys down for narrative.  Even that, I assume, worst possible photo of the reel is still not b2 material. Stop trying to make “fetch” happen. 

There was a story in the photo. And emotion. 

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2 hours ago, chocolatine said:

Erin needs to stop using her age as an excuse for everything. You don't need to be active on social media to understand how it works, and people much older than her have figured it out. Then she was a bitch about Khrystianna trying to help her. I won't miss her when she goes home.

I loved it when Tyra told her, "You're 40, not 80!" 

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10 hours ago, MKL122788 said:

Well, Sandra hadn't really done much, so it is no surprise she went home.


Looks like Kyla has finally arrived. Rio used the word stupid several times in her talking heads, was criticizing larger people. I guess she gets to be the new Christina now that Christina is gone.


Classic dropping Khrystyana to the bottom two because she has been dominating the competition. Did you see Jeana's eye roll when she got called 2nd? She has been runner up three times and she is really pissed about it.


I guess if I had to do power rankings, I could make some slight adjustments...








It is hard to see the winner coming from anyone but those three at this point. Still think Khrys has it in the bag.

Agree with everything but the bolded word.  I HOPE Khrys has it in the bag.  She's kind (even if Erin has been in mom-mode so long she can't/won't accept help) and never has anything bad to say about anyone.  And, for once, Tyra got it bang on with the make over.  Love the white/blonde hair on her.  

So disappointed in Rio.  She also got a great makeover and took some great photos, but she'd turned into such a condescending mean girl.

And while I don't like Brendi K that much, I thought Drew's comment last week was so unfair (the one about other girls with her look that do it better) after I saw the intro this week and realized just how long her hair was and how different she looked.  Tyra gave her that look.  

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Rio is an evil lying mean-girl wench. I was so rooting for her to go home.

I think they usually like to bring down the obvious front runner down a peg or two for one episode, so this was that for Khrystyana, I hope. She's so adorable, and even tho she wasn't feeling this challenge, I still thought she looked gorgeous in her photos.

Kyla's pic was FIERCE.

I never noticed just how very....huge...Erin's forehead is. It's a five-head. Maybe a seven-head. Is her hair receding? I was also annoyed by her 'i'm too old to know about social media' schtick.

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I knew there would have to be a bump in the road to Khrystyana's journey, and this was an acceptable one for me, if there has to be one (and this is ANTM, so there does). She said she was still rattled by last week's revelations and felt uncomfortable posing with men who might touch her inappropriately -- very valid, in my humble opinion. Of course, she'll have to get over that if she wants to keep modeling, but it did seem a lot to ask of these girls, to bare their souls and pour out trauma, then toss it aside and model in slippery bikinis with men.

I thought Sandra made a comment about not being sure if she could model with men because it might be disrespectful to her fiancé? Gonna have to get over that if she want to continue in modeling. I do think she would be perfect for a make-up ad or skincare ad.

Rio...is just so mean. That little quirk in her eyebrow makes her look devilish, and she's certainly playing the part. She seemed so grounded and cool in the beginning.

Kyla looked gorgeous, but it feels like she kinda gets lucky now and then. It will be interesting to see if she can pull it together for the long haul.

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In the time of the #meetoo movement, I was more than uncomfortable with a panel of (mostly) young women hooting and hollering and exhorting  guys looking for a job to take their shirts off. I know it's modeling but still.

On the other hand, I was so pleased that for once Tyra got it right and instructed the person whose name she did not call to pack up and book. It drives me around the bend when she says "and the name I do not call must return to the apartment, pack her things and go home". The name ain't doing the packing, babe.

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Rio would never call anyone stupid, except the multiple times she called Kyla stupid multiple times during this episode. And unlike the time when Sandra won and Rio took out her frustrations out on her, Kyla had legit trauma over being called stupid due to her brain injury. Sandra does nothing, but Rio feels justified to hate on her. Rio calls Kyla stupid, but Rio feels like Kyla is being insecure about that. Then she makes fun of the male models for being plus size.

What's wrong with this girl? Why is she such a hater and for no apparent reason? I suppose one could say it's due to editing, but editing doesn't put words in your mouth. She was one of my favourites in the beginning, but wow I can't wait for her to go home. She's a gorgeous girl with an ugly personality.

Sandra was bound to go home, so I'm not sad about that. She was boring on the show, but that just means she has a nice personality and didn't go out of her way to be mean or rude. She should go into commercial stuff since she'll get more money that way.

I thought putting Khrystiana in the bottom two for looking scared in her photo was an iffy thing for the show. After we learned about her past, what did the show expect by putting her in this position. Tyra wants the girls to cry and bare it all of her, then traumatize them again for a shoot. She still had a gorgeous face in the shoot. She was a lot better than Rio. Compared to all of the girls here, she's clearly the best model, but I hope she doesn't win because the show doesn't deserve her.


Edit: When Tyra first introduced to male model, I thought she said he was the first Brony model and I was ready for some info on My Little Pony. I then realized she meant brawny and it didn't seem as fun as before.

Edited by CheezyXpressed
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1 hour ago, CheezyXpressed said:

but I hope she doesn't win because the show doesn't deserve her.

I kind of love that. No, this show does not deserve her and doesn't deserve to take any credit for Khrystiana's success. She will succeed. She is stunning both in person (when in front of the panel with hardly any make up on she is breathtaking) and in photos with the heavy makeup and weird clothes. She is affable, and hard working, so people would actually want to work with her. She has a strong sense of self and is a great role model. Technically she is everything this show claims to be looking for but this show no longer deserves to find what it's looking for. You make me so torn. I want Khris to win because she's the best, but I don't want the show to win by actually picking a model who could be successful.

Then there is Rio. She has the look to make it in the biz but OMG who would want to work with her? She's just horrible. And it's been pointed out that she's horrible and she makes excuses and continues to be horrible. As tough as Christina was, I do think she was attempting to make amends. She didn't do it well, but at least she tried. But she was dealing with a psycho (Brendi) would was more on Rio's "it's everyone else who needs to change, not me" train, so it wasn't going to happen.

Rio could have said "I'm sorry, I'll be more careful, I didn't realize it came out that way". Instead she accused her target of being too sensitive and went after another target, the non-buff male models.

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What is it with young people and having to give fancy names to everything these days?  Kyla, you got a concussion.  I know 'brain injury' sounds so much bigger and scarier, and gets you lots more attention, but you got a concussion.  You're not special.

So, in Sandra's brand of Islam, taking hundreds of pics with your tits hanging out and posting them online is okay, as long as you don't have a man in the picture.  Because THAT would make it wrong/bad?

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1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

No, this show does not deserve her and doesn't deserve to take any credit for Khrystiana's success. She will succeed. She is stunning both in person (when in front of the panel with hardly any make up on she is breathtaking) and in photos with the heavy makeup and weird clothes. She is affable, and hard working, so people would actually want to work with her. She has a strong sense of self and is a great role model. Technically she is everything this show claims to be looking for but this show no longer deserves to find what it's looking for.


THIS! YES. I hate that the show will take credit for her success, even if she doesn't win. Because she would succeed anyway.

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35 minutes ago, Token said:

What is it with young people and having to give fancy names to everything these days?  Kyla, you got a concussion.  I know 'brain injury' sounds so much bigger and scarier, and gets you lots more attention, but you got a concussion.  You're not special.

This. I think she even went further and called it a “traumatic brain injury”, when Rio is walking around with a literal scar running up the back of her head. My eyeroll was more pronounced than Jeana’s at that. I definitely agree that Rio is a hating hater who hates, but I’m sure there’s more to Kyla’s penchant for self-importance through OTT drama (which Rio also pointed out in a TH).


We've been shown that Kyla has a major button about being called stupid—in the anti-bullying video she talked about her stuttering, and how people thought she was stupid because of it. And this episode it’s now her concussion (good call, @Token!) that’s led to her being thought of as “stupid”.  She also strikes me as being extremely judgmental herself, but in a self-righteous way in that it props up her claiming to be an activist, or whatever makes her feel important. For example, her badgering Liberty, knowing that the majority of the house were cheering her on.


Count me in as one of the people who see Kyla as resembling Sandra Bernhard, minus the wit and presence.


Liking Krystyana more and more, and would be thrilled it she and Jeana were the final two. Not a fan of Kyla’s (in case it wasn’t obvious, lol) but based on strength of overall portfolio, possibly Rio with a redemption arc or Brendi could come in third. They're the ones who, like Kim, have the potential for active modeling careers.


I’m also ok with ANTM launching Krystyana, since they also brought the deliciousness that is Nyle DeMarco onto my screen.

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58 minutes ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

Count me in as one of the people who see Kyla as resembling Sandra Bernhard, minus the wit and presence.

OMG I see it, totally.


58 minutes ago, Kaiju Ballet said:

She also strikes me as being extremely judgmental herself, but in a self-righteous way in that it props up her claiming to be an activist, or whatever makes her feel important. For example, her badgering Liberty, knowing that the majority of the house were cheering her on.

Oh, yes. I think Kyla is quite full of herself. She loves to feel important. She is an activist...why exactly? Like, what has she done that makes her an activist? I'm really asking. Has it been mentioned? I mean, I've heard her say repeatedly that she is an activist, but has she explained what that means, what she has done in her life to make her an activist? I will admit I didn't pay much attention to her when there were a lot of them all yelling over each other so I may have missed something. And she had a traumatic brain injury that ended her illustrious sports career. *eye roll*. She's very young.

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Kyla thinks she's an activist because she has opinions on things and she forces those opinions on to others.  If others don't agree, she badgers them or calls them bullies.  Pretty much the definition of an activist.

I missed her calling her injury a traumatic brain injury.  Or maybe I was hoping she wasn't that ridiculous.  I've met people with real TBIs and Kyla should be incredibly thankful that she's not in their situation.

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2 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

She's very young.

I keep this in mind. She's like a typical 17-year-old high school student who is out of place in the real world with these other women. I know they have had young girls on the show before (and certainly other reality tv shows have), but I can't help but think Kyla will improve a lot over the next five years. I can hope.

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10 hours ago, DEL901 said:

And while I don't like Brendi K that much, I thought Drew's comment last week was so unfair (the one about other girls with her look that do it better) after I saw the intro this week and realized just how long her hair was and how different she looked.  Tyra gave her that look.  

So weird, I noticed the exact same thing this week. I had already said it in the makeover episode's discussion, but I feel Tyra really ruined Brendi with that haircut, way more so than the other girls with theirs. Also, if, from what we've seen from next week's preview, this "trailer park girl" label bothers her so much, and she stated several times already that she doesn't feel feminine enough, maybe a buzzcut wasn't exactly the best thing for her self-esteem? 

8 hours ago, ForReal said:

I thought Sandra made a comment about not being sure if she could model with men because it might be disrespectful to her fiancé? Gonna have to get over that if she want to continue in modeling. I do think she would be perfect for a make-up ad or skincare ad.

Yeah, I actually liked it when Tyra at the end was honest about telling her she might get other kinds of modeling gigs but maybe not editorials, because that's true. Sandra has a perfect face but sometimes I felt there was no story behind it and this made it very hard for her to convey any feelings.

Edited by stormy weather
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