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S12.E21: Reunion Part 2

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6 minutes ago, IKnowRight said:

I may have missed it if another poster has already pointed this out, when Andy asked Vicki if she & Shannon could ever be friends again, did you notice how she answered?!  "I mean, if Shannon wants to hang out in OUR circle, I would hope that we could move on..." 

Our circle?  What circle?  What is she talking about?

You know,.. the circle of friends that refuses to film with her or interact with her when mandated to film with her.

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, SCS said:


The significant politics and emotions tied up with the Armenian genocide (on both sides) might have influenced Bravo to not air the footage -- the producers may have felt it is too incendiary an issue, preferring to get mileage from GayEddieGate, AvoidVickiForCancerGate, PsychicGate and ShannonHasAMeltdownGate. 

Yeah, huuuuge politics and bad feelings because of denials and revisionist history. Bravo just didnt want to deal with the phone calls and emails -- after all the BS and manufactured drama, the show runners probably figured let's keep it lighter in tone.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

That's a possibility, but this is Evolution Media. They had no issues showing Kim Richards' addiction issues, the events leading up to and after Russell's suicide, Lauri and Lynn's terrible parenting, and all of Vicki and Brooks' cancer shenanigans. Those were all controversial topics.


I'd say its a probability not a possibility. Those things you mention are specifically tied to  the show and small in scale compared to the global significance of the Armenian genocide.

3 minutes ago, SuzWhat said:

The look on Vicki’s face when Tamra said “I need you to be my Ethel again”.  I could see Vicki clearly thinking “wait..I’m Lucy”.   No bitch, ain’t none of ya’ll Lucy and Ethel.  Know that. 

Tamra the Good Christian was digging at Vicki because Lucy was younger and thinner than Ethel and had a decent husband.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, IKnowRight said:

I may have missed it if another poster has already pointed this out, when Andy asked Vicki if she & Shannon could ever be friends again, did you notice how she answered?!  "I mean, if Shannon wants to hang out in OUR circle, I would hope that we could move on..." 

Our circle?  What circle?  What is she talking about?

Shannon started out as a huge fan favorite (she is who got me to come back to the show)  but she sure took a nose dive this season.  A downer who rags incessantly on others.  I can't help but wonder if Bravo had to choose - for ratings purposes only, who they would pick to stay - Vicki or Shannon.  Shannon has become such a downer that maybe they'd go with Vicki.   I recall one of the retrospectives about OC and a producer saying something like "there is a reason why Vicki has been on the show for as long as she has been".  She must drive ratings.

Me thinks both Shannon and Vicki were "talked to".  And maybe, just maybe, Vicki has more power on the show than one would think to make such a comment about Shannon.

2 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Hanging with Vicki 's circle would be Dante's 8th Circle of Hell.

This is hysterical....even though I find Vicki generally entertaining - post-Brooks (that was some dark shit).  

Edited by Jextella
  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Hanging with Vicki 's circle would be Dante's 8th Circle of Hell.

aka Tamra Judge

As much flak as Vicki gets, I find Tamra more horrible. Tamra has a viciousness to her that Vicki does not. Vicki is the dumber one that gets caught in her lies and Tamra is the total snake.

Vicki genuinely wants only Tamra to be her BFF and will dump everyone else to the wayside.

Tamra will pretend to be Vickis friend as it serves her purpose of a story line for the show.

They are both guilty of "friending" the others enemy when they are at odds. Tamra/Gretchen and Vicki/Alexis.

They are both guilty of expecting the other to choose them over their men. Simon and Brooks.

  • Love 15
11 hours ago, ghoulina said:

I really hate that make-up with the three girls. I never really had much for Tamra, but I lost a lot of respect for Shannon in that moment. How dare you let Vicki win??? Let her get what she wants??? This isn't just toxic Vicki who is sometimes an asshole. This is a woman who has spread lies/rumors about BOTH of your husbands and helped HER man fake cancer. I will never, not for one second, believe that Vicki was totally in the dark in regards to Brooks's schemes. I would NEVER EVER tolerate her ass again. So I don't know what those two are thinking. I'm trying to give Shannon the benefit of the doubt. Maybe in the emotional place she's in due to her separation she just can't handle another feud, but dang.....I was hoping she'd hold out. 

I love how they all laughed about Vicki's off label usage of Xanax and NyQuil in a foreign country. 


So Megan's pregnant again. Big surprise. I wish her a healthy pregnancy. 


I hope Peggy is done. This woman does not know how to reality TV. I feel for her, with the loss of her father and going through such serious surgeries. But she never once expressed that any of that was the reason behind her behavior. And she never apologized, to my knowledge. Many of these women were issuing apologies (some more sincere than others), but Peggy couldn't tell Megan sorry for pinching her lips or insulting her parenting? 


Not much else to say. Kind of boring stuff here. Interesting that there were only two parts. OC is circling the drain. They need to make major changes next season. 

Cancer or not Peggy is an asshole.  Humorless, circle talking, stank face asshole.  Lydia seems way to quick to call people names, cast aspersions about their sanity, and seems like she is trying to be the  Regina George of the group.  She is just a bitch who I never want to see cross my screen again.  She can take that fake rainbow Christianity and shove it wherever she stored Doug's balls.

Single Kelly and Shannon could be a fun thing to watch.  I hate Kelly a little bit less than I did last season.  Vicki is still horrible and  if they insist on keeping her I want them to bring someone on who can take her down and NOT grovel and kiss her ass.  Or maybe whoever Brooks or Donn is dating now.  She is like a dead rodent  that has died somewhere in your house.  The smell has permeated everything and it just needs to go ASAP before you vomit. I was yelling 'for fucks sake' a lot last night.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, eclectcmoi said:

You must've been watching a different show than I watched.  

Meghan had every right in the world to call Peggy out for grabbing her mouth. It was condescending and rude and no one should be putting their hands on anyone like that, especially by someone you barely even know.  Can you imagine if anyone had done that to Peggy? I think I heard Meghan say Peggy had done it three times too.  After the first time, Peggy would've gotten her hand slapped if she came near me again.  You just do not do that! 

I'm a very feeling person, crying at stupid commercials (don't even get me started when Sarah Mclachlan and the ASPCA ads are on TV!), but Peggy's pity party elicited no sympathy from me.  Sorry, but if you are dealing with so much personal tragedy and drama, DON'T GO ON A REALITY SHOW and expect people who you won't clearly communicate with to understand what you're going through.  Peggy and her bitchy face need to be a one and done.

The hug was the fakest of the fake and did not happen organically.  If Andy hadn't pushed Tamara and Vicki into it, it wouldn't have happened.  It was pretty obvious too that Shannon wanted no part of it either.  Afterwards, Vicki moving over to the other couch and sitting between Tamara and Shannon... Vicki was smug and in her glory.  It made me want to gag.  

Lydia didn't get a raw deal.  She created a story line out of attacking Shannon.  Lydia came out swinging, knowing Shannon (as Shannon correctly assessed) would react.  Lydia isn't a Friendship Whisperer. She's a shit stirrer and a Christian when it's convenient for her. 

Did anyone else hear how much farther Vicki was prepared to go with the Eddie is gay accusation?  She questioned Tamara, asking if Eddie had ever told her he'd dated men in the past, before Tamara, but the question was lost when Tamara started her wailing about Vicki attacking her family.  Vicki is a disgusting human being and a waste of oxygen.

LOVE your post. EVERYTHING you stated is 100% accurate!!!

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Considering Vicki looked like this in Iceland


I think the wardrobe/makeup department did an excellent job for Vicki


Kelly and ICKI with their MAJOR fake boobs showing- TOTALLY classless and TRASHY.

No matter how much make up SHE has on, ICKI is still REALLY homely. Her neck needs a LOT of work. She looks like a hag.

Edited by ITALIA
  • Love 2
16 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

I don't know why, but Peggy saying she wasn't in an arranged marriage made me think that was the case.

My eyes about rolled out of my head when she said no, it wasn’t an arranged marriage; we were introduced and then he fell in love with me.  Nice.  Congrats on your happy non-arranged marriage Diko.

  • Love 19
31 minutes ago, Jextella said:

Shannon started out as a huge fan favorite (she is who got me to come back to the show)  but she sure took a nose dive this season.  A downer who rags incessantly on others.  I can't help but wonder if Bravo had to choose - for ratings purposes only, who they would pick to stay - Vicki or Shannon.  Shannon has become such a downer that maybe they'd go with Vicki.   I recall one of the retrospectives about OC and a producer saying something like "there is a reason why Vicki has been on the show for as long as she has been".  She must drive ratings.

Me thinks both Shannon and Vicki were "talked" to.  And maybe, just maybe, Vicki has more power on the show than one would think to make such a comment about Shannon.

I don't think Vicki drives ratings. If you've watched enough of these behind the scenes specials or interviews with casting directors and producers, you'll know that what they are talking about the personality types and behaviors that make someone a good cast member. Vicki is a good cast member because she's an asshole and narcissist. She cannot admit when she's wrong. She doesn't learn lessons and she continues to hurt people who care about her. Ramona is a great cast member for similar reasons. Shannon is a great cast member because she's got no protective walls. She's all emotion and very reactive. Jax from Vanderpump Rules is a fantastic cast member because his personal compass is really selfish, but he has enough in his personality that makes him a people pleaser that he ends up this dervish of contradictory  destructive decisions. Kristen wants to be a better person, but can't curb her awful instincts. It's less that any of them drive ratings per se and more that you often need these individuals to be the "asshole engine" that powers the season. Season 9 of RHoA had Phaedra and Porsha be the "asshole engine." It made for a compelling, but an entirely unpleasant season. They kept Porsha, but replaced Phaedra with Nene and Kim. Both are assholes, but not truly interested enough in the other women to be the "asshole engine."

  • Love 15
12 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That was the most real moment of the show. Then she took it back!!!


I'm not sure how Lydia got a raw deal. She came in and immediately started meddling in personal and complicated relationships, that had nothing to do with her. And I'll never not believe that she didn't intend for Kelly to show up at the Quiet Woman, knowing that Shannon had beef with her. She stirs shit with a smile, and deserves every repercussion that comes her way. 


I immediately thought she was still trying to continue the "gay" shtick with Eddie when she said that. When have we ever seen him drink tea???

I thought the same thing about the Quiet Woman segment, and then I read Kelly's comments and I thought her story was plausible:


And I had the same feeling that Vicki was taking another jab at Eddie with her "tea" comment.  Never give a narcissist an opening to think their manipulation worked, because it just reinforces their feelings of teflon grandeur.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, IKnowRight said:

I may have missed it if another poster has already pointed this out, when Andy asked Vicki if she & Shannon could ever be friends again, did you notice how she answered?!  "I mean, if Shannon wants to hang out in OUR circle, I would hope that we could move on..." 

Our circle?  What circle?  What is she talking about?

That was hilarious. The only circle Vicki had this season was with Brianna and her kids. Now Ragey Ryan has abscond with his family, leaving Vicki with no one other than poor put upon Steve. 

As much as I dislike Vicki, I am OK with her returning as long as Lydiot and Pegdi are gone. That is how much I dislike those three. (I have no opinion on Doug - he is like a Ken doll and basically is just a prop). I also wonder how Vicki will survive without her grandsons to film with. And how long Steve will stick around. He always seemed much fonder of the grandkids than Vicki. 

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, sarivon said:

I'd say its a probability not a possibility. Those things you mention are specifically tied to  the show and small in scale compared to the global significance of the Armenian genocide.

Tamra the Good Christian was digging at Vicki because Lucy was younger and thinner than Ethel and had a decent husband.

FAT ass Vicki will NEVER be as thin as Tamra. Saw ICKI when she threw a tantrum and walked out. Poor thing - she has such a BIG ass.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I've always thought that the ultimate punishment for Vicki and her delusional brand of narcissism is to make her a "friend," but at the Jeana or Gretchen level. She shows up once maybe twice a year and that's it. Certainly less than a Shamea or Marlo on Atlanta or Kim, Brandi, Taylor, Camille, or Adrienne on Beverly Hills who could be each reasonably relied upon to show up at least 3 times a year when they were friends. Vicki needs to be a single scene bitch lurking at the margins begging for scraps like Jill Zarin is now. There's none of this "these ladies are being mean girls by refusing to film with me." It needs to be Bravo unequivocally telling her that she is superfluous at best and unnecessary or damaging at worst.

I agree with you... the ultimate ‘punishment’ for our narcissistic Vicki, but don’t hold your breathe! If Bravo haven’t demoted or fired her already, they won’t in the foreseeable future.

Edited by CrinkleCutCat
  • Love 5
20 hours ago, DrivingSideways said:

Tamra has been coy on her Instagram for a few weeks about Vicki, so it makes me think they're in a good place.  I was surprised at how desperate for Vicki's friendship Tamra is.

I was too. Tamra looked pathetic. She did everything but kiss Vicki's ring. It disgusted me. Vicki clearly has the upper hand in that relationship. 

  • Love 8

From watching the back and forth with Peggy and all the ladies, I think this is what happened with her cancer story. First, I think she did the double mastectomy because she wanted to take precautions when they found a lump. Most women wouldn't go that route, but I think she made a quick decision and made up her mind to do it. She does not seem to think it matters about the quality of the decision, but it's more important to stand behind it. When the women were confused about that, she changed the story a little bit, because I think she was insecure about explaining her double mastectomy with no genetic reason or cancer. I think in her culture the "I lost my mom to breast cancer" would immediately shut people up, and they would pour on the sympathy and never dare question her decision. That didn't work with the American ladies. Then her stories didn't make sense because she made it up. She did say, and this I believe, that they found a lump, but there wasn't cancer, but they did the double mastectomy anyway. Then when people were questioning her story that now suddenly that lump did have cancer cells, she and Diko became defensive and they shut down a bit.

I do think that most of the problems with Peggy relating to the women is cultural. It seems that she and Diko are very traditional Armenians, and they have a different world view. Armenian culture is very patriarchal and the men do make the majority of the decisions, and do most of the talking. I think also that is why Peggy doesn't really know how to express herself or explain things, because she defers all that to Diko and just doesn't know how. It really irritates her when Meghan talks, like she shouldn't be talking, and I do really believe that Peggy believes women should concern themselves with being a mother and not worry about anything else.  I do not think any of the women are jealous of her. 

Also, I used the internet to look up Armenian culture in CA, where the majority in this country live. Armenians are the least assimilated of all white immigrant populations, and over 60% speak Armenian, which is a big clue how important their traditional culture is. I don't think Peggy really wants to hang out with people that aren't her family and share her culture, and Diko made the decision for her to be on the show. 

Shannon did not want to be in on the hug. Vicki also seems to have some major resentment toward Tamra. The only one that really seemed to want that hug was Tamra. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 10
50 minutes ago, remmybrat said:

Wouldn't it be funny if all the embryos Lydia's husband saved were boys?

But I see see her being obnoxious enough to make Douggar reverse the vasectomy so they can get more sperm and then have him undergo the procedure again once she has viable female embryos.

A better scenario is they tell her she was implanted with girl embryos but at six months the sonogram shows a penis

Edited by KungFuBunny
  • Love 12
On ‎11‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 9:08 PM, Cupcake04 said:

Meghans face during that hug was hilarious and said what I was thinking.....what a crock of shit and whats the angle?. lol

Meghan's expressions are one of the things I love about her!  I hope she stays on the show.

And I've gone to loving Kelly this season!!  She's hilarious.  I hope so much she'll stay,too.  Shannon's going to need someone to play with now that Vicki and Tamara are back together...

Peggy and the Troll doll can GO.

  • Love 13

I don't find Peggy's decision to film amid her grief and health problems any odder than Shannon launching her reality career at a point in her marriage during which she said she was struggling through some of "the hardest night"s of her life and then continuing to provide four years of footage and secondhand accounts documenting her unraveling mental health, alcohol-fueled physical attacks on her husband, and the ugly deterioration of a family dynamic that hasn't been healthy - by her own account - for a long time.

Shannon certainly expects and receives sympathy, though, for that context after lobbing physical objects at coworkers, screaming, cursing, and presenting straight- up delusions as fact. 

So, too, does Tamra when blaming her own outbursts, poor choices, and mental anguish on her feud with Simon and emotional fracture with Sidney. 

1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

From watching the back and forth with Peggy and all the ladies, I think this is what happened with her cancer story. First, I think she did the double mastectomy because she wanted to take precautions when they found a lump. Most women wouldn't go that route, but I think she made a quick decision and made up her mind to do it. She does not seem to think it matters about the quality of the decision, but it's more important to stand behind it. When the women were confused about that, she changed the story a little bit, because I think she was insecure about explaining her double mastectomy with no genetic reason or cancer. I think in her culture the "I lost my mom to breast cancer" would immediately shut people up, and they would pour on the sympathy and never dare question her decision. That didn't work with the American ladies. Then her stories didn't make sense because she made it up. She did say, and this I believe, that they found a lump, but there wasn't cancer, but they did the double mastectomy anyway. Then when people were questioning her story that now suddenly that lump did have cancer cells, she and Diko became defensive and they shut down a bit.

I do think that most of the problems with Peggy relating to the women is cultural. It seems that she and Diko are very traditional Armenians, and they have a different world view. Armenian culture is very patriarchal and the men do make the majority of the decisions, and do most of the talking. I think also that is why Peggy doesn't really know how to express herself or explain things, because she defers all that to Diko and just doesn't know how. It really irritates her when Meghan talks, like she shouldn't be talking, and I do really believe that Peggy believes women should concern themselves with being a mother and not worry about anything else.  I do not think any of the women are jealous of her. 

Also, I used the internet to look up Armenian culture in CA, where the majority in this country live. Armenians are the least assimilated of all white immigrant populations, and over 60% speak Armenian, which is a big clue how important their traditional culture is. I don't think Peggy really wants to hang out with people that aren't her family and share her culture, and Diko made the decision for her to be on the show. 

Shannon did not want to be in on the hug. Vicki also seems to have some major resentment toward Tamra. The only one that really seemed to want that hug was Tamra. 

I think Peggy recounted different chapters of an extended narrative and initially omitted  the penultimate part of that story. 

She tests negative for BRCA ----> she has a routine MRI that detects a mass ---> she undergoes a biopsy -----> the biopsy reveals pre-cancerous cells -----> she undergoes a lumpectomy and the doctor discovers that 3mm of the 25mm pre-cancerous mass has already turned into fully cancerous cells ----> so, instead of just removing the breast with the precancerous/cancerous mass, she opts to undergo a bilateral mastectomy given her family history. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

I'd like this 100 times more if I could. 

Peggy basically blamed all of her behaviour on her cancer and the death of her father. Peggy is an asshole, healthy issues or not. She more than once brought up the fact that she's dealt with bigger things in life therefore the challenges and feelings of other people are petty and beneath her. She used the reunion to weep about none of the women knowing what she was going through but she never shared personal information with them. She admitted that she wanted to keep a mask on and it's unfair to ask people who you just met to ask such personal details about something so serious as cancer. She got the double mastectomy, no one was doubting her situation but the fact that she was biting their heads off just because they were trying to understand the conflicting information SHE gave them was probably enough for everyone to back off. And Lydia saying that no one knew because no one asked...bitch shut the fuck up. Having something traumatic happen in your life doesn't give you the permission to expect everyone else to know your thoughts and feelings without you ever bothering to share that with others. 

Shannon definitely came off strong with Lydia at first but it soon became apparent that Lydia went out of her way to interact with Shannon in a provoking way - Shannon was probably right that Lydia probably realized that Shannon was a quick way to incite drama and get her screen time. Her stupid face every time Shannon spoke or even when Tamra vouched for Shannon showing her support should she want to rekindle her friendship with Vicki - Lydia would not bother me so much if this idiot didn't talk about the Bible and hold hands and pray and then turn around and act so ridiculously judgmental toward others. Lydia showed compassion for Peggy because of her cancer situation and she showed no compassion toward Shannon at any point knowing that Shannon was dealing with superficial insecurities and issues within her marriage - the only difference is that one person raised their voice at Lydia while the other did not. Real person of God you are Lydia...maybe she needs to hold a prayer circle and pray for herself because you can't promote your faith and have that be the root of your identity and then turn around behave so shitty toward someone who didn't really do anything to you. 

I"m not even going to break down that stupid hug and Tamra's tears. Cry me a river...same shit, different day with those two. 

The other difference between Peggy and Shannon in regards to Lydia is that Lydia had a business relationship with Peggy.  Call me cynical, but I think that had more to do with it than Peggy not yelling.

  • Love 7
10 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

why did they just drop the whole Peggy recording them thing because she started crying? I was like what she is totally trying to worm her way out of this and she did and no one really went after her .... I thought it was precancerous so she never had cancer (her story keeps changing)

They didn't bring up the fact that Peggy and Diko got divorced and never remarried.  When Megan was later talking, Peggy was telling Andy that Meghan needed her lips clipped and he laughed when she should have been called out.  They let her wiggle out of everything.   I think they let it go because that's what a non-factor she is.  I would take back Carleton, Brandi, the hugger from BH, LuAnn's ex Ray, and the twins on NJ rather than have Peggy back next season.

  • Love 9
6 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The other difference between Peggy and Shannon in regards to Lydia is that Lydia had a business relationship with Peggy.  Call me cynical, but I think that had more to do with it than Peggy not yelling.

This is very true...I totally forgot about that, lol. Lydia must have really wanted this show to promote her new business venture because unlike her first go around, she tried really hard to get involved and mix it up with the drama and I feel like she came out looking horrible for it. Aside from her preachy-ness that I think her actions are contrary to, I'm bothered by the fact that her involvement in the drama all season long wasn't at all organic, less so that she kept poking someone in the cast that she didn't have a history with so it just seems irrational how much she went out of her way to have an opinion all of the time on a situation that she wasn't involved in.

  • Love 8


I may have missed it if another poster has already pointed this out, when Andy asked Vicki if she & Shannon could ever be friends again, did you notice how she answered?!  "I mean, if Shannon wants to hang out in OUR circle, I would hope that we could move on..." 

Our circle?  What circle?  What is she talking about?


The "Circle" is the Show, she is talking about the show.  Translation  - if Shannon still wants to be on OUR show, she will need to move on and get along with us.  Vicki still thinking it's her show!  She has learned nothing, still thinks she did nothing wrong.  Why Tamra needs this woman as a friend and desires so badly to be validated in this way, I cannot understand.

  • Love 17
40 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

They didn't bring up the fact that Peggy and Diko got divorced and never remarried.  When Megan was later talking, Peggy was telling Andy that Meghan needed her lips clipped and he laughed when she should have been called out.  They let her wiggle out of everything.   I think they let it go because that's what a non-factor she is.  I would take back Carleton, Brandi, the hugger from BH, LuAnn's ex Ray, and the twins on NJ rather than have Peggy back next season.

There was a moment when Peggy was discussing her marriage where it looked like Shannon was going to out that fact, but she didn't.  If Peggy comes back, I take comfort in knowing that at some point Tamra will go all pointy finger accusing at her over it, a la Gretchen going to Bass Lake.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, AttackTurtle said:

Peggy's doctor's caught her breast cancer before it became invasive.  She elected to undergo a double mastectomy.  She wanted a pity party when she should've been celebrating the fact that she had the good fortune of catching the cancer before it went beyond Stage 0.  

I totally agree with Meghan that she would pull the cancer card to deflect her own bad behavior and as a cheap way to win an argument.


Peggy's claim that she was upset that Shannon didn't ask her how she was doing was once again her attempting to pull out the cancer card....only at the reunion.

And I'm sorry, I'm still receiving treatment for Stage 2 breast cancer and if I moped around demanding pity, my husband and family would set me straight damn quick.

I think you're spot on with this!  I fortunately have limited exposure to breast cancer and am so thankful for that, however I also believe Peggy should also be very grateful that she has the funds to do reconstructive surgery that would be impossible for most women out there.  I think anyone going through serious health issues deserves empathy and support, but Peggy just keeps moving the goal posts.  She's a jerk and no amount of medical intervention will ever change that.

All my best wishes to you for good health in the future.  You seem like a very brave person!  Keep up the good fight!!

  • Love 12

Way too much thick makeup and layers of false eyelashes.  Poor Tamra could hardly keep her eyes open.  And before these ladies squeeze like sausages into fancy gowns they should check themselves out sitting down.  Shannon's black dress especially did her no favours.

Both reunion segments were fairly boring.  I agree Lydia and Peggy should be replaced.

And let's see the housewives having some fun next season.  Not just fights and hissy fits all the time.

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, TexasGal said:

My eyes about rolled out of my head when she said no, it wasn’t an arranged marriage; we were introduced and then he fell in love with me.  Nice.  Congrats on your happy non-arranged marriage Diko.

So it's not just me.


8 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

The other difference between Peggy and Shannon in regards to Lydia is that Lydia had a business relationship with Peggy.  Call me cynical, but I think that had more to do with it than Peggy not yelling.

I had totally forgotten about Peggy and Dicko being photographed for Noballman Magazine.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, lunastartron said:

I don't find Peggy's decision to film amid her grief and health problems any odder than Shannon launching her reality career at a point in her marriage during which she said she was struggling through some of "the hardest night"s of her life and then continuing to provide four years of footage and secondhand accounts documenting her unraveling mental health, alcohol-fueled physical attacks on her husband, and the ugly deterioration of a family dynamic that hasn't been healthy - by her own account - for a long time.

Shannon certainly expects and receives sympathy, though, for that context after lobbing physical objects at coworkers, screaming, cursing, and presenting straight- up delusions as fact. 

So, too, does Tamra when blaming her own outbursts, poor choices, and mental anguish on her feud with Simon and emotional fracture with Sidney. 

I think Peggy recounted different chapters of an extended narrative and initially omitted  the penultimate part of that story. 

She tests negative for BRCA ----> she has a routine MRI that detects a mass ---> she undergoes a biopsy -----> the biopsy reveals pre-cancerous cells -----> she undergoes a lumpectomy and the doctor discovers that 3mm of the 25mm pre-cancerous mass has already turned into fully cancerous cells ----> so, instead of just removing the breast with the precancerous/cancerous mass, she opts to undergo a bilateral mastectomy given her family history. 

Shannon was honest she said she went on the show to try and boost her marriage.  She was unaware David would strike up an affair with one of the daughters' teammate mom at the beginning of filming.  I always saw it as Shannon getting a job.  In the early days on the show David complained about Shannon's spending.  She landed a six figure position.  Jeana, Vicki, Tammy all came on with shaky relationships  and marriages and no six figure salary.  I am unaware of alcohol fueled physical attacks on David-I believe there was an incident where Shannon tried to get to David through a locked door.   SHe attacked the door-not David. Nor do I see her claiming delusions as fact.  I do believe Shannon needs to find a way to deal with false accounts or accusations at a much lower volume.  Like she did when Lydia claimed she had a rehearsed diatribe going into Meghan's dinner.  

At no time did Peggy ever layout what happened to her in a cohesive fashion to the women.  I am still curious why her physician would call it pre-cancerous some six weeks after surgery if in fact it was cancerous.  I am not saying Peggy didn't have cancer and I hope she lives a long life cancer free.  I supported her decision and the other women did as well.  If for nothing else it freed her from having constant screenings.  Her only options weren't unilateral mastectomy or bilateral mastectomy she had the mass removed and there has never been any indication there was more pre cancerous or cancerous cells.  Even Peggy's miscue to Shannon about not having cancer has been explained away by Peggy saying she was in denial.  That of course turned into Shannon being a bad guy for asking about Peggy's situation.  I blame the producers for trying to create a full blown Brooks type situation with Peggy.  Dicko the producers' sycophant was more than willing to fill the bill with his ridiculous assertion that David was interrogating him about Peggy's cancer.  The problem with the direction the story was going is no one wanted to take a run with it-except Peggy and Dicko.  I believe it was presented as intentional vague and ambiguous for purposes of the show.  

I am still waiting to see the receipts on Peggy's jet.  I do not believe she has a jet- nor was it in Iceland fueled up and ready to go.  It is a 13 hour flight and it would not have been possible to summon her jet after dinner and leave a few hours later.  I am sure she will chalk up to another misunderstanding, or the drugs she was on or her cancer denial.  

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Shannon was honest she said she went on the show to try and boost her marriage.  She was unaware David would strike up an affair with one of the daughters' teammate mom at the beginning of filming.  I always saw it as Shannon getting a job.  In the early days on the show David complained about Shannon's spending.  She landed a six figure position.  Jeana, Vicki, Tammy all came on with shaky relationships  and marriages and no six figure salary.  I am unaware of alcohol fueled physical attacks on David-I believe there was an incident where Shannon tried to get to David through a locked door.   SHe attacked the door-not David. Nor do I see her claiming delusions as fact.  I do believe Shannon needs to find a way to deal with false accounts or accusations at a much lower volume.  Like she did when Lydia claimed she had a rehearsed diatribe going into Meghan's dinner.  

At no time did Peggy ever layout what happened to her in a cohesive fashion to the women.  I am still curious why her physician would call it pre-cancerous some six weeks after surgery if in fact it was cancerous.  I am not saying Peggy didn't have cancer and I hope she lives a long life cancer free.  I supported her decision and the other women did as well.  If for nothing else it freed her from having constant screenings.  Her only options weren't unilateral mastectomy or bilateral mastectomy she had the mass removed and there has never been any indication there was more pre cancerous or cancerous cells.  Even Peggy's miscue to Shannon about not having cancer has been explained away by Peggy saying she was in denial.  That of course turned into Shannon being a bad guy for asking about Peggy's situation.  I blame the producers for trying to create a full blown Brooks type situation with Peggy.  Dicko the producers' sycophant was more than willing to fill the bill with his ridiculous assertion that David was interrogating him about Peggy's cancer.  The problem with the direction the story was going is no one wanted to take a run with it-except Peggy and Dicko.  I believe it was presented as intentional vague and ambiguous for purposes of the show.  

I am still waiting to see the receipts on Peggy's jet.  I do not believe she has a jet- nor was it in Iceland fueled up and ready to go.  It is a 13 hour flight and it would not have been possible to summon her jet after dinner and leave a few hours later.  I am sure she will chalk up to another misunderstanding, or the drugs she was on or her cancer denial.  

I personally think she and Diko NEED the income from this show and could afford a private international flight as easily as I could. Which means not at all.  As Dorinda from NY says, real wealth whispers.  They were WAY too showy with their supposed spending.

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Having had a sister that had to get a double mastectomy due to cancer in both breasts and lymph nodes - no cancer gene in BRCA test and a good friend facing the same with cancer in both breasts no lymph nodes no cancer gene in BRCA test I can't understand Peggy's "story".  They both told me if cancer is found in breasts or cancer shows up in gene test then the Mastectomy is performed.  It would of done some good if someone watching that is facing this could see someone else dealing with it and could help with removing the fear of the unknown or see someone they can relate.  I can't help but believe that she dangled this story line like a carrot over the Bravo Execs but believed she had enough of an interesting story for viewers to be interested in her non-replies and wacky Armenian self instead of sharing her ordeal.  It was lightening in a bottle that schtick worked for the Kardashians - won't work for her and Diko.

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