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S02.E10: Number Three

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The actor who plays young William breaks my heart into a million pieces every time he's on screen. Even when he's not saying a word. Such soulful eyes. 

I love that song by Jose Gonzalez they played during Deja's goodbye scene. As soon as I heard the opening notes I knew I was going to cry.

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12 hours ago, Chewy101 said:

Definitely frustrating and disheartening, but my friends in the foster care business seem to think it is par for the course. It isn't all rainbows, too much pain and agenda going on at all times. Heck, these days a bus driver can't yell at a kid to sit down and stay safe, and a teacher can't fail a student without some parent ripping them a new one. It's annoying watching Randall do that, but in this self entitled society, it is common, and realistic. My teacher friends cry all the time, just trying to do their job. Lots of rocks and hard places. The show depicted the reality of an idealistic couple very well. And they backed down and corrected themselves, so that is good. 

Sorry, but “par for the course” is NOT the same as “it’s her job.” I also deal with Dejas and their parents, guardian ad litem, and legal guardians. Yes, sometimes people get upset and raise their voices. I don’t remember the mom’s criminal history or if it was even mentioned. She’s on the tamer end of the scale, sad to say. 

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27 minutes ago, desertflower said:

The actor who plays young William breaks my heart into a million pieces every time he's on screen. Even when he's not saying a word. Such soulful eyes.

I saw his name in the credits and began to get teary eyed. I knew he'd break my heart (he did!). What an actor! Especially when you see him in the aftershow and he is this happy light-hearted guy. Jermel N and Ron C-J mesh perfectly as the two Williams, I don't even see them as two actors. Amazing acting and casting.

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So many things...feeling off balance.  Happens to me all the time in life.  I could so relate.  As a woman in a predominantly male profession, as a step-parent, so often off balance, trying to do the right thing, be the right thing.  This ep brought a lot into focus.  Then there was Kevin.  And vodka.  As soon as Randall started searching for Tess, I was panicked.  When she popped up in the back seat, I was terrified.  And I had another "moment" at the exact same time, thinking about the fuse box/electrical panel and how that's probably what causes the house fire.  But now I have to wait a month to see how the rest plays out.  The story weavers here are simply masterful.

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I loved this episode.

That said, one thing is bugging me and I'm hoping you social workers can tell me: would the foster care system allow the birth parent to pick up her child at the home of the family she's been living with? I thought they'd keep such things as Deja's location confidential. Any thoughts?

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Sorry- I have a couple other things I wanted to address:


I didn’t think the girls looked at all frightened by Deja’s mom. Yet Randall whined about that to the shiny-faced social worker (obvious Botox).  

I’m not happy with Kevin for the way he was driving but lots of celebrities drink and drive instead of hiring cars. Obviously he has some deep issues he has never dealt with. 


Also, I think Deja wrote her Mom? So maybe that’s how she got the address. It wasn’t a domestic battery situation so I don’t think their address would be kept from her. It depends on the situation but I didn’t feel her picking up Deja at their house was completely unrealistic. 

Edited by Runningwild
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2 hours ago, ShadowFacts said:

In another thread I questioned how Tess got into Kevin's car without him knowing.  Yes, he's impaired, but they were just in the same room when he told the kids to tell Randall he had to leave.  How did he not know that she was leaving the house, how did he not hear the back car door slam?  I suppose he could have gone to the bathroom first, but it was kind of hard to buy.  Also, Annie not telling. 


1 hour ago, Blakeston said:

Didn't Kevin say, before he left, that he needed to look for something? I seem to recall him having to go to the basement - but that could just be my imagination.

Yes, he said he had to find his bag. 

Last week I was at the exact bench in DC that Randall and his dad were. That was kind of neat.

For the record, I worked hard and have a big house and a fancy car. Don’t hate me. 

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I couldn't figure out why Kevin left in the first place. He just got there and presumably came to ask Randall for help. Yes he walked into an unexpected scene, but why leave?

Re his rental car, I figure he got that when he flew in from LA for the high school award. 

Edited by Jillybean
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9 hours ago, Dreamboat Annie said:

I was not worried about Tess.  Didn't need to cover my eyes. That brat had NO business being in Kevin's car without Kevin's knowledge.

Not to mention how she got in the car without Kevin seeing her.  Unless he took a bathroom break before he left, she wouldn't have beat him to the car. 

This is the only S2 episode that I've seen.  The one part I appreciated was what Randall took away from what William said.  William -- the bio dad -- was telling Randall that he had no right to intrude in the Pearsons' lives -- he might have been a bad influence.  Randall could have interpreted this as Shawna -- Deja's bio mom -- being bad for Deja, and reinforcing his plan to make things difficult.  Instead, he remembered how much he missed by not having William in his life.  

At least that's the way I interpreted Randall's decision.  I could be wrong.

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2 hours ago, kili said:

What's even more bizarre is that Kevin  would have had to go out and rent a car. What idiot rented drunk, strung-out Kevin a car in the middle of the night? One would think that car rental places might frown on their employees doing that. The Kevin driving up to Randall's was already a mess.

I feel sorry for Tess. She lost her grandpa earlier in the year and now she's lost her foster sister. If it is upsetting for Randall and Beth, why don't they realize it is upsetting for their daughters as well? 

I had assumed that Kevin had gotten an Uber or a car service to get from Pittsburgh to NJ, not that he drove himself. How the hell did he drive 5-6 hours in the state he was in without wrecking?

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I felt indifferent for this episode. Was it the finale of season 2? Still we don't know how Jack died but I don't think anyone cares anymore.

Maybe Randall and Beth should really stop bringing kids into their house who their kids will feel attached to and then lose once again. Kids' psychology is a weird thing.

I wish I had a father who would tell me I was outstanding when I was Randall's age. :/

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That last scene of Jack standing in the doorway, looking at his family, smiling at his wife, feeling satisfied at the moment. Then POW! Game over. It slayed me. Milo is the only one on this show that can do that to me. Maybe it's because I know what the inevitable is going to be. 

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46 minutes ago, SongbirdHollow said:

For the record, I worked hard and have a big house and a fancy car. Don’t hate me. 

My mother would say similar, except she'd say many houses, and no cars ; )

I've personally always wanted a big house especially when I was a kid.  It's probably a common dream.  It's not necessarily all about the superficial.  People and/or children maybe associate having a big house with a good and stable/rich family/home life.  Of course it's not always true but it's just something people idealize.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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6 minutes ago, Jillybean said:

I couldn't figure out why Kevin left in the first place. He just got there and presumably came to ask Randall for help. Yes he walked into an unexpected scene, but why leave?

Re his rental car, I figure he got that when he flew in from LA for the high school award. 

I'm not entirely sure, but my thought is that he simply couldn't pull it together enough to be there for Randall and Kate, and especially not in front of Tess and Annie. So, instead of burdening his brother and his family with his problems, his plan was to go out to try to pull himself together. I mean, his plan was to go there and tell Randall that he needed help because he was addicted to drugs. What didn't end up happening was exactly that and it's possible he thought that being so messed up would turn the attention from them onto him. He even told Randall that he couldn't talk to Kate until he was in a better frame of mind, so I think he was also heading to find a hotel to stay at, so he could try to go through withdrawal alone. 

I mean, all things said about Kevin, it really did seem like the moment the girls walked in to the kitchen, he realized he couldn't be around them in his drunken state. 

For his rental car, it did sound like he drove from Pittsburgh to NJ from what he told either Randall or Tess/Annie about driving all night to get to Randall's home. How he got a rental car to drive all the way there, who knows. I think it was more of a mistake in the writing, but it did affect Kevin's scenes a little bit. I will have to go back to rewatch.

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Did Randall quit playing football for his high school?  I remember an episode from last season where he played against Kevin and showed him up in front of the college scouts. Then they all went home angry.   That's why I found his " Kevin always had a game" puzzling because didn't he also?

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I think Kevin just couldn't handle all the emotion - finding out about Kate, Deja, etc.  So he fled.  He just didn't think Tess would sneak into the car.

Randall and Beth made a rash decision to foster and it seems like one of the many things they didn't really discuss is how it would affect their daughters.  

I refuse to see Rebecca as the bad guy in the William/Rebecca/Randall storyline.  Rebecca didn't abandon her child at a firestation; that was William.  She's far from perfect, but she didn't know that William wouldn't fight for custody, would stay sober, etc.  She made a call.

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14 hours ago, ChromaKelly said:

I was really hating Randall and Beth. I'm glad they came around. They were acting awfully arrogant. I would think Randall out of anyone would recognize that Deja needs to be with her mother.

I don't get the arrogance, I don't get it.  Why does Deja need to be with her mother?  So she can care for her, so she can talk her down?

They did not want Deja to be a statistic.  Deja has a great chance of becoming a statistic with a mother who SHE, Deja had to talk down.  Deja is almost a mother to her own mother.  I mean just because a woman gives birth, doesn't make her a mother.  Plenty of women adopt children and are better mothers than their biomoms were.  Just like a man can be a sperm donor, a woman can be a womb donor. 

I felt bad for Deja having to go back to her mother, hopefully she'll have a chance in life.  

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Re his rental car, I figure he got that when he flew in from LA for the high school award. 

He was driven to the high school for his award (and seemed to be carrying his luggage). The driver was giving him the harry eye-ball for being drunk and joking about getting him some more pain medication.


I had assumed that Kevin had gotten an Uber or a car service to get from Pittsburgh to NJ, not that he drove himself. How the hell did he drive 5-6 hours in the state he was in without wrecking?

But why take an uber all that way and then rent a car? He was shown driving to Randall's house. He called from the road (which is also against the law in most jurisdictions these days). Even if he did uber to New Jersey and then rent a car, they still shouldn't rent one to a messed up drunk.


I couldn't figure out why Kevin left in the first place. He just got there and presumably came to ask Randall for help. Yes he walked into an unexpected scene, but why leave?

The good old Pearson-men-aren't-allowed-to-feel-pain policy Jack taught him? Randall just lost his foster daughter and Kate her baby, Kevin figured he shouldn't burden them with his problems?  Plus he realized Tess and Annie were there and he didn't want to bring such an adult problem into Randall's house?

Jack also tried hiding away when he realized he had a problem. Like father like son. Jack had somebody who noticed him, though, so he got help.

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Another great episode.

I loved Randall taking William's advice, no matter how painful, and doing the most loving thing he could for Deja - letting her go. But man, that was heart-wrenching as was William's fantasy sequence of what might have been.

This was the moment when I felt the first hint of tears:


For William...missing out on his son's graduation never knowing until years later, so did Jack.

Beth and Randall have such an amazing relationship. It's a joy to watch, even those moments where Beth (who has the patience of Job) puts up with Randall's antics. When she scoffed at him calling her beautiful because he had on "rose-colored glasses" and then this happened:



I LOL'd at teenage Randall confessing to hesitating when introducing Jack to his Howard buddies, not because he's white, but because he's "old." Hee!

Deja excelling with her science project and giving a shout-out to "foster dad" Randall.

The little side trek to the Vietnam Wall and why do I have the sense Jack confided in Randall the most about his time there and his little brother.

George Harrison's "All Things Must Pass" was such a fitting song.

Deja's goodbye and her choosing to hug Randall...his tearing up and her seeing him tear up for her. Just beautiful.

It still irks that no one can see Kevin is spiraling down - I mean, just LOOK at him! When Randall's Spidey senses didn't  go off when Kevin declined to talk to Kate about her miscarriage, I called BS. Contrast that when a spiraling Randall called Kevin right before he was about to go on stage for his play to say he wouldn't make it. Kevin immediately picked up on the fact that Randall didn't sound like Randall and he literally dropped everything to be at his brother's side. 

The end - I was yelling at the TV and when I saw Tess pop up in the backseat - I visibly cringed and covered my eyes. I've never been so happy to see someone pulled over and arrested. Because I was equal parts wanting to strangle Kevin for putting innocent people at risk and grateful that hopefully, he'll finally get some help.

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11 hours ago, Kira53 said:

 I thought that was a fantasy scene where William imagined that Randall’s mom ever offered him a chance to see Randall as a visitor. William saw his chance to follow up her and learn where they lived with his precious $20 and a cab.  When he got there, he realized there was so much that he didn’t know about his son that he just walked away because he didn’t want to hurt or harm Randall for his selfish need to meet his son. This paralleled Randall‘s insight that Deja did not belong to him and his selfish needs to “save” her perhaps did not meet her needs.  Deja wanted to stay but the only mother she never knew needed her.  But I did not believe Deja’s mom wanted to share any part of her child  and will selfishly keep Deja away from learning more about another type of life and about math and science from random for her own selfish needs.  I fear she has no idea how to evaluate or except the changes and benefits that Deja has experienced. If she did except that she would have a great fear that Deja would be lost to her. This is somewhat perhaps parallel to Jack saying random enter and almost Black world where he could just disappear into. But Jack being Jack put himself in Randall’s place and something somehow found a way to understand some of the feelings that Randall must’ve been having and gave Randall enough space.  The actors are really Terrific, including Deja.

You are correct Kira53, that sequence of William being reintroduced into Randall’s life at age 9 was all in William’s mind. After he reached the Pearson house by taxi, he was stopped in his tracks by the bicycles...the realization that not knowing which one was Randall’s was indicative of a bigger struggle within. 

After bolting out of William’s apartment that fateful day that he followed her home, Rebecca  made no effort to reconnect with him again, nor did William return to the Pearson family home. They only met again through Randall at that fateful family gathering many years later. 

Edited by timesywimesy
clarification stuff
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12 hours ago, NUguy514 said:

Well, Randall and Beth certainly started out this episode insufferably, but at least they came around.

However, if Randall had just allowed Kevin to speak instead of assuming he knew (he really is a goddamn know-it-all in ways that are often not cute) what Kevin was going to say, the DUI would not have happened.  It's such an annoying soap-opera convention to have a character say to another character, "I need to talk to you" and have the other character respond quickly with "Yes, I know what you're going to tell me: it's this unrelated thing that will prevent you from telling me what you actually and really need to tell me, even though we both know this is not how people actually talk to each other, because the writers are morons."  I guess I'm madder at the writers than I am at Randall, but it's a fucking joke that NO ONE has been like, "Kevin is a fucking drug addict.  We should get him help."

And, they actually could have had the same thing happen by having Randall's phone ring, him asking Kevin to hold on a minute and then he finds out about the miscarriage.  That would have been much more understandable for Randall to then ask Kevin if he knew about that, since he was just getting hit with the news himself.

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I have an unpopular opinion it seems. I really thought Kevin’s episode was the best of the three. This one being a close second of course but Randall/SKB never does a poor job, he always brings it and gets a good story. I’m still meh on Kate. Except for the moment with her and Rebecca in that episode, it didn’t do much for me. I just really enjoyed Kevin’s episode, maybe because we’ve never go that deep into him.

Its going to be interesting to see where the show goes from here. I’m also a little sad given that it’s obvious Kevin and Randall weren’t close growing up and have only started to become so as adults and now that’s onviously going to be torn apart and probably taking Kevin’s relationships with his sister and mother as well. I wonder if Miguel will help out here. I feel like maybe he has some insights given he was Jacks friend and knows what it’s like to struggle. 

Also wondering if Sophie will return? I’m assuming she will and that the show is giving her time off because the actress is pregnant. 

I’m just curious to where we go from here. I don’t really want to see everyone ignoring Kevin and black sheeping him but I don’t think his siblings and himself really know how to deal with this? Sure when they were 16/17, jack was struggling and they saw it but it seems like it didn’t affect them. They got bits and pieces of it. Like Randall now has that information about wat and probably is smart enough to file it away, but Kate I don’t think ever reconciled that her dad had a problem even now probably, I think Kevin might be the only one who was upset by the whole thing with his “I have to say sorry now because you do okay all the time now?” And he noticed his dad calling his sponsor and praying that night. So he’s the only one who I think saw the actual struggle. Even then I don’t think he’s equipped to handle it on his own. 

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1 hour ago, ChromaKelly said:

I had assumed that Kevin had gotten an Uber or a car service to get from Pittsburgh to NJ, not that he drove himself. How the hell did he drive 5-6 hours in the state he was in without wrecking?

So, do you think he keeps a car at Randall's? 

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3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I don't get the arrogance, I don't get it.  Why does Deja need to be with her mother?  So she can care for her, so she can talk her down?

They did not want Deja to be a statistic.  Deja has a great chance of becoming a statistic with a mother who SHE, Deja had to talk down.  Deja is almost a mother to her own mother.  I mean just because a woman gives birth, doesn't make her a mother.  Plenty of women adopt children and are better mothers than their biomoms were.  Just like a man can be a sperm donor, a woman can be a womb donor. 

I felt bad for Deja having to go back to her mother, hopefully she'll have a chance in life.  

To paraphrase the social worker, that’s what they signed up for. In foster care, reunification is always the goal. Every foster parent should know that. It was arrogant to think they could overrule that by bullying the social worker. Deja’s mom being calmed down by Deja is nowhere near enough to have her parental rights terminated. She clearly has a relationship with Deja. She is not a “womb donor.”

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12 hours ago, Kira53 said:

 I thought that was a fantasy scene where William imagined that Randall’s mom ever offered him a chance to see Randall as a visitor. William saw his chance to follow up her and learn where they lived with his precious $20 and a cab.  When he got there, he realized there was so much that he didn’t know about his son that he just walked away because he didn’t want to hurt or harm Randall for his selfish need to meet his son. This paralleled Randall‘s insight that Deja did not belong to him and his selfish needs to “save” her perhaps did not meet her needs.  Deja wanted to stay but the only mother she never knew needed her.  But I did not believe Deja’s mom wanted to share any part of her child  and will selfishly keep Deja away from learning more about another type of life and about math and science from random for her own selfish needs.  I fear she has no idea how to evaluate or except the changes and benefits that Deja has experienced. If she did except that she would have a great fear that Deja would be lost to her. This is somewhat perhaps parallel to Jack saying random enter and almost Black world where he could just disappear into. But Jack being Jack put himself in Randall’s place and something somehow found a way to understand some of the feelings that Randall must’ve been having and gave Randall enough space.  The actors are really Terrific, including Deja.

And that's why I detest Deja's mother.  I can see her wanting to keep HER daughter close to her.  

Was Randall any more selfish than Deja's mother.  Deja's mother needed Deja?  WTF?  What about Deja's needs?

Sorry, but this burns me up.  I have known women whose mothers didn't want them to do things like go to college and get jobs.  One girl was evicted from her apartment because when he mother died, the checks stopped coming and she had no way to pay the rent, since her mom wanted her "tater tot" to be with HER and never wanted her to branch out.  

I am grateful that my mother wasn't like that and had no problem with me going to college, getting a job and going out on my own.  Deja's mother is SELFISH, more so than Randall IMO.


She clearly has a relationship with Deja. She is not a “womb donor.”

What relationship?  It seems that she's been in and out of jail since Deja was small.   Just my two cents.  

Edited by Neurochick
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I don't think Randall was oblivious to Kevin having a problem the way that Sophie and Charlotte were.

Randall recognized that Kevin was inebriated, and pointed out how terrible he looked. And he didn't seem to think it was healthy for Kevin to be drinking that early in the day.

I think Randall would have probed what was going on with Kevin if Kevin hadn't disappeared within a few minutes of showing up. I can understand why Randall didn't immediately bring it up, considering how much craziness was going on.

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56 minutes ago, kili said:

He was driven to the high school for his award (and seemed to be carrying his luggage). The driver was giving him the harry eye-ball for being drunk and joking about getting him some more pain medication.

But why take an uber all that way and then rent a car? He was shown driving to Randall's house. He called from the road (which is also against the law in most jurisdictions these days). Even if he did uber to New Jersey and then rent a car, they still shouldn't rent one to a messed up drunk.

The good old Pearson-men-aren't-allowed-to-feel-pain policy Jack taught him? Randall just lost his foster daughter and Kate her baby, Kevin figured he shouldn't burden them with his problems?  Plus he realized Tess and Annie were there and he didn't want to bring such an adult problem into Randall's house?

Jack also tried hiding away when he realized he had a problem. Like father like son. Jack had somebody who noticed him, though, so he got help.

I meant, just based on the previous episode, I thought he had gotten an Uber, when all they showed was him showing up on the doorstep. This episode, I saw that he had driven himself and wondered how he got there without crashing.

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Does anyone foresee an unknown adult  Amerasian  man/woman showing up looking for "Jack" as the result of his stint in Vietnam? This show will most likely be on for ages, and I can see this happening...

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5 hours ago, Blakeston said:

I hate the whole concept of referring to your kids as "Number One," "Number Two," and "Number Three." They sound like rankings.

And it's an especially terrible idea when "Number Three" is the kid who's adopted, and is a different race from the rest of the family.

The funny thing is that "Number One" is, in so many ways, really Number Three.  Randall was/is reaaaaallllllly obviously Rebecca's favorite, and Kate was Jack's favorite (although not quite as obviously).  Kevin has always kind of been the Other One, the one who was sort of ignored by his parents because he didn't seem to have anything obvious for them to fret over, the one who could be depended on to be steady.  In fact, most of the interactions his parents have had with Kevin (aside from Jack's scene with him in the hospital) have been to scold him for acting like a dick in some way, which he deserved.  Kevin basically learned to push everything down and ignore it because his feelings never mattered, and here we are.

51 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

It still irks that no one can see Kevin is spiraling down - I mean, just LOOK at him! When Randall's Spidey senses didn't  go off when Kevin declined to talk to Kate about her miscarriage, I called BS. Contrast that when a spiraling Randall called Kevin right before he was about to go on stage for his play to say he wouldn't make it. Kevin immediately picked up on the fact that Randall didn't sound like Randall and he literally dropped everything to be at his brother's side.

That's an interesting point and makes a lot of sense to me.  Because Kevin felt his feelings never mattered, he became more attuned to the feelings of those closest to him, likely as a coping mechanism.  In a way, it makes total sense that Kevin would know just from Randall's voice alone that he was in a dire place and would race to be by his side; whereas, Randall, whose feelings were seemingly never discounted as a child, might not have the intuition to read Kevin, whose feelings were never really on display, the same way.

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I question Randall's stressing "Big house, nice car" to Deja when IMO the important things in life are not material. I also wonder why Deja has been bumped around in foster care her whole life when her mom is articulate, has a NICE CAR! and apartment and obviously a job or other income to buy Deja new clothes (while I shop at Goodwill). Maybe the show didn't want to stereotype drug-addicted street people? Deja is smart, articulate as well, and was not a "normal" teen in that she communicated like an adult. Or not a normal teen in that she communicated period. We were shown no reason why Deja shouldn't go back to her mom. I'm guessing the tuition at Howard is less than Harvard. I'd think Milo would be pleased Randall wants to go there. He still ends up with "Big House, Nice Car."

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6 hours ago, luvbadtv said:
13 hours ago, voiceover said:

The little boy who was longing to be adopted seems destined to be Randall & Beth’s “Number 2”.  But this show loves a good head-fake.  So who knows.  Add it to the list of pointless spec I’ll be doing during the off-month.

I think he'll end up with Kate & Toby.

I thought of that too especially with this show throwing twists at us.  And it would be an interesting story for them.      But one clue (at least I think it was a clue) to him going to Randall and Beth was "Essex" on the door to the room the kid was in.  That's a county in New Jersey, among the cities in that county is Newark which is where they said Deja was going to live.  So it seems like they're hinting at this boy being the next foster for Randall and Beth.

Edited by sigmaforce86
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4 hours ago, NeverLate said:

I just hope, Kevin tells Randall, that he came to his house that day, seeking help.To tell his addiction was out of control.

I keep seeing nurses and doctors, now Randall , see what condition Kevin is in, and just to seem to slough it off. Very annoying! 

In fairness, he commented on the drinking and grabbed the bottle, and told him to sleep.  He noticed but didn't react in a big way.  He was in his own bubble, about to call Kate, and Deja had just happened. 

1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

I don't get the arrogance, I don't get it.  Why does Deja need to be with her mother?  So she can care for her, so she can talk her down?

They did not want Deja to be a statistic.  Deja has a great chance of becoming a statistic with a mother who SHE, Deja had to talk down.  Deja is almost a mother to her own mother.  I mean just because a woman gives birth, doesn't make her a mother.  Plenty of women adopt children and are better mothers than their biomoms were.  Just like a man can be a sperm donor, a woman can be a womb donor. 

I felt bad for Deja having to go back to her mother, hopefully she'll have a chance in life.  

Deja's mother hasn't been abusive, or let anyone else abuse her, that we've been told/shown.  She's not drugged out, she's responsible enough to pass social worker inspection, etc.  Whatever brushes with the law she's had aren't enough to disqualify her from being a custodial parent.  If everyone who's ever had misdemeanor convictions, or had charges pled down, was to lose their parental rights forever, there'd be tons of kids up for adoption or in foster homes forever.  The two clearly loved each other.  The mom made mistakes.  I don't have a totally dim view of people who have made mistakes.  There's not a guarantee that everything will be rosy, but neither is it guaranteed that some horrible fate awaits Deja. 

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9 hours ago, kili said:

I can't believe that Rebecca and Jack thought it was a good idea to have their daughter ride around on a bike with plaque saying  "Number 2" just below the seat.

Bullies always find a way, but you don't have to make it easy for them.

Perhaps it will be revealed that that is the source of all of Kate's troubles, overweight, generally not happy, no singing career...

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I hope the DUI wakes the family up to Kevin's substance abuse and depression, instead of further isolating himself and getting worse. 

I sure hope it does.  Poor Kevin.  As a kid he got a lot of the attention but as an adult now, he can't even get the time of day from his family.  I think his addiction far outweighs the loss of a very new pregnancy and the loss of a foster child.  Yes, each of those are sad and can take time to heal but addiction can affect so many people and can devastate entire families.  I've had a miscarriage and I've also lost a living child.  I have also been a leader of an addiction recovery group so I understand all of the losses being portrayed on the show.

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15 minutes ago, ShadowFacts said:

Deja's mother hasn't been abusive, or let anyone else abuse her, that we've been told/shown

I think we were to infer that Deja has been abused by a man, due to her reactions to Randall when she first moved in.  Though that could have been in foster care.

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8 hours ago, Aileen said:

What? No she didn't...she snuck out of his apartment when he had his back turned and he had to follow her in a cab to figure out where she lived. Rebecca didn't owe William anything, but she certainly didn't do anything that was gracious towards him.

I already acknowledged upthread that I didn't realize William in the Pearsons' house was his fantasy in a flashback of what really happened.  I don't need any more corrections.  Thank you.

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12 minutes ago, NeverLate said:

Kevin saw the girls, and he put the bottle away, not Randall.

You are probably right and Randall was grabbing his own water bottle, but I'm pretty sure he said 'it's pretty early for vodka and you look like hell.'  He noticed.

7 minutes ago, deaja said:

I think we were to infer that Deja has been abused by a man, due to her reactions to Randall when she first moved in.  Though that could have been in foster care.

Could be.  In this episode when the goodbyes were being said and Randall hesitated to hug her, she said something like, 'just not by surprise.' 

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Although he's not the strongest actor in this talented ensemble, Justin Hartley made me feel like Kevin was a real person, feeling real emotional pain. The others seemed to be acting emotions, contrived by the writers. When Kevin sees Tess in the car, that's real panic, not acted panic. Kevin is really the only one who has my worried attention in the present time.

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You are probably right and Randall was grabbing his own water bottle, but I'm pretty sure he said 'it's pretty early for vodka and you look like hell.'  He notice

He did, as others have noticed. Then Kevin takes off in Randall's car??

1 minute ago, Cardie said:

Although he's not the strongest actor in this talented ensemble, Justin Hartley made me feel like Kevin was a real person, feeling real emotional pain. The others seemed to be acting emotions, contrived by the writers. When Kevin sees Tess in the car, that's real panic, not acted panic. Kevin is really the only one who has my worried attention in the present time.

Yes, me too! I do love JH though..

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5 hours ago, Missbones said:


I think what Chocolatine said--albeit rather insensitive--was in response to someone upthread stating that Kevin may end up having an overdose OR making a suicide attempt. 

I didn't take chocolatine's post as being insensitive.  I can barely remember what I think and have posted, let alone what other people's thoughts and posts are in the past.

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I think we were to infer that Deja has been abused by a man, due to her reactions to Randall when she first moved in.  Though that could have been in foster care.

We were told Deja was abused and it was by a boyfriend of a foster mother. She told the story when she went to the gala and was hiding in the bathroom. The foster father would beat her with a rolled up fashion magazine.


Then Kevin takes off in Randall's car??

I recall a scene where we are shown Kevin driving a car as he approaches Randall's house. He calls to say that he is coming, but that is when Dejja is leaving so Randall doesn't have much time to talk. It must be Kevin's rental car. It's unrealistic for him to have snuck up to Randall's house, stolen his car, phone Randall and then drove back to the house, had a drink and then drove off with his car again.

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