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Meghan McCain: "Both Sides" Wannabe Tough Chick

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10 hours ago, ginger90 said:


This reminds me of Kate Gosselin when her ratings were high. She basically said she didn't care if you loved her or hated her as long as you watched. She and Meggie are narcissists. 

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So I'm pretty sure Meghan just straight up hates Ana at this point.

She's been liking all the tweets shitting on Ana for this tweet:


The whole thing seems blown out of proportion, but then again, what isn't with Meghan? I hope TPTB at The View for once forces the two of them to be on the show together tomorrow, for the pure schadenfreude of seeing Meghan be irritated and Ana remain completely unbothered.

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Holy crap, if you do a deep dive into all of that, it is clear that MeAgain straight-on wants to pulverize Ana.

Also, waa waa, MeAgain will never be able to buy a crib or baby clothes.  Oh wait, yes, she will. Just not in a store.  Such a hardship for an heiress.

And most of her friends are jobless?  Yeah, right.


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Seriously, Meghan?  Maybe that's why she has been so cranky lately.  She doesn't know that she can buy things over the internet.  Like hair dye.  That's what everyone else has been doing for the past 2 months. 

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2 hours ago, bannana said:

Also, waa waa, MeAgain will never be able to buy a crib or baby clothes.  Oh wait, yes, she will. Just not in a store.  Such a hardship for an heiress.

Does anyone really believe Meghan would go to a store to buy stuff? Even before the pandemic I'm sure Meghan had everything delivered.


2 hours ago, bannana said:

And most of her friends are jobless?  Yeah, right.

And who exactly are these friends? The only friends she ever mentions are people at Fox News. Or that spokeswoman for the NRA.  And even if they aren't currently working I'm sure they have money in the bank.  She can save her concern for people who were struggling to make ends meet before all this who are now having to go to food banks.

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10 hours ago, blondiec0332 said:

And who exactly are these friends? 

The only one I can think of is Clay Aiken, and he probably had to cancel the two concerts at the Mary Kay conferences he had on his calendar for this year. 

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On 5/18/2020 at 11:50 PM, jungki said:

I remember a couple of months ago Meghan was calling Trump's racist rhetoric "effective" and now she's blaming Obama for a culture war that 1) far predates him, and 2) was undeniably linked to his status as the first black president. 

So I guess today made it clear she does not have an issue with appeals to racism for political purposes as long as it's in support of her political identity.  



Brought over from the weekly thread. I still remember her smiling after saying effective. So proud of herself.


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23 hours ago, jungki said:

So I'm pretty sure Meghan just straight up hates Ana at this point.

She's been liking all the tweets shitting on Ana for this tweet:


The whole thing seems blown out of proportion, but then again, what isn't with Meghan? I hope TPTB at The View for once forces the two of them to be on the show together tomorrow, for the pure schadenfreude of seeing Meghan be irritated and Ana remain completely unbothered.

She's so jealous of Ana. She's everything Meghan wants to be. An intelligent, strong, respected, and well-liked Republican woman. 

20 hours ago, bannana said:

Holy crap, if you do a deep dive into all of that, it is clear that MeAgain straight-on wants to pulverize Ana.

Also, waa waa, MeAgain will never be able to buy a crib or baby clothes.  Oh wait, yes, she will. Just not in a store.  Such a hardship for an heiress.

And most of her friends are jobless?  Yeah, right.


Oh please. If they were Meghan's tribe she'd be pretending to be all cool and appreciating the brief lighthearted banter of the brothers. No Meghan, Covid is not hilarious. But some of us appreciate trying to be positive and having a laugh now and then. Life doesn't need to be serious, political, miserable, and negative all the time. Positivity goes a long way. Try it.

And I don't want to say this situation is a breeze if you have money. I'm struggling with it myself even though I'm a young person who's been able to work remotely. I know some people would love to trade places with me. But I too agree with you all that she's always so dramatic and always has to be the victim. Ever the poor little rich girl. 

Meghan, you are fortunate to have a high paying job. You are fortunate to have tons of money to fall back on. So many single people wish they had a spouse to go through this with. So many women would do anything to experience impending motherhood, even now. You have the means to order the nicest crib and baby clothes, not to mention, get the best in care. Also, spare us pretending all your friends are in dire straights right now. Does it suck if you're used to gigs that bring in tons of money and that's on pause for now? Of course. I just highly doubt you have many, if any, friends who are living paycheck to paycheck and struggling to get by. You are not the voice for those people. As much as you try to be and talk down to your fellow hosts who have humble backgrounds, you are an heiress who cares about politics first and foremost, not the well-being of your fellow man. 

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Meghan has friends who have lost their jobs?  Meghan, honey, those aren't your friends. Those are people who dye your hair, do your nails, clean your house, and sell you whiskey. 

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15 hours ago, falltime said:

Brought over from the weekly thread. I still remember her smiling after saying effective. So proud of herself.


And the look after the smile is her realizing "Oh wait, I'm not on Fox News, I can't actually just say the racist thoughts out loud anymore."

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9 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

Meghan is an idiot of she thought that people would be responsible. 


9 minutes ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

Meghan is an idiot of she thought that people would be responsible. 

Also, yep.

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Megan is a jealous bitch and she will never be like Ana who is genuine in her beliefs and is open-minded enough to grow and learn.  Ana is super close to Joy who is an unabashed liberal.. 

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23 hours ago, Picture It. Sicily said:

Meghan is an idiot of she thought that people would be responsible. 

Something I've noticed about Meghan is she expects the wrong people to do the right thing and criticizes the wrong people when they do the right thing.

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Who is that????

Not MM, unless she has reverted to her natural vampire form.

Sucking all the intelligence out of the room into her vacuous airhead.

Edited by Tosia
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On 5/21/2020 at 3:28 PM, babyhouseman said:

This reminds me of Kate Gosselin when her ratings were high. She basically said she didn't care if you loved her or hated her as long as you watched. She and Meggie are narcissists. 

So do I understand this correctly ?  MeeAgain doesn’t want to talk about sex on the show because her ( religious) mother-in-law watches ,but calling watchers motherfuckers is ok?  What a sweet Warm maternal pregnant lady she is.  

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How totally random and off-brand of her to post the over-filtered 'laying on her pillow - sad girl pose' popular amongst  teenage pop stars and their 14 yr. old fans.  Generic 'missing you' message, complete with broken heart emoji, included.  Ok, Ariana Grande.  🙄

Doesn't look like her, doesn't sound like her.  Zzzzzzz.

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On 5/21/2020 at 7:30 AM, ginger90 said:


Since Trudeau has been giving his daily briefings at 11, I haven't watched an episode aside from a clip here and there. Even when he didn't say anything on Victoria Day, I just didn't watch.

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4 hours ago, MeThinkMeNot said:

Since Trudeau has been giving his daily briefings at 11, I haven't watched an episode aside from a clip here and there. Even when he didn't say anything on Victoria Day, I just didn't watch.

People from around the US have also said that The View is often preempted by their President, Governor, Mayor or Health authority making Covid announcements.  So maybe it is the timeslot that is "#1 in all of daytime", not The View. 

Edited by deirdra
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Meghan posts that as if she has any idea what it's like to have a job at a store or office where there are quotas or productivity expectations to be met if you want to keep your job.  

She talks on TV.  that job has nothing in common with what other people do to live.  Her "rules" assume that companies can afford to keep everyone employed, regardless of how the virus is affecting the business. 

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4 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

She talks on TV.  that job has nothing in common with what other people do to live.  Her "rules" assume that companies can afford to keep everyone employed, regardless of how the virus is affecting the business. 

She talks on TV and if she loses that job, how does she suffer?

  1. Embarrassment...and she'll make excuses about that.
  2. That's it!

She has never known the feeling of deciding to pay the light bill or get groceries...and all those other stories hand-to-mouth people live all their lives.


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8 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Meghan posts that as if she has any idea what it's like to have a job at a store or office where there are quotas or productivity expectations to be met if you want to keep your job.  

She talks on TV.  that job has nothing in common with what other people do to live.  Her "rules" assume that companies can afford to keep everyone employed, regardless of how the virus is affecting the business. 


4 hours ago, Kayz Opinion said:

She talks on TV and if she loses that job, how does she suffer?

  1. Embarrassment...and she'll make excuses about that.
  2. That's it!

She has never known the feeling of deciding to pay the light bill or get groceries...and all those other stories hand-to-mouth people live all their lives.


Yes, she should shut the fuck up.  

I get that she cannot relate to the rest of the world, that is understandable, but she just needs to stop talking/tweeting about her "hardship".

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Exactly.  She's stressed out because she can't go shopping for a crib while many people are stressed out because they haven't had a job for over 2 months and have to decide between food and the electric bill.

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5 hours ago, bannana said:

I get that she cannot relate to the rest of the world, that is understandable, but she just needs to stop talking/tweeting about her "hardship".

If she is trying to be empathetic (or even sympathetic) she is failing.  She will never be able to pull off a "I feel your pain" moment. Because she doesn't feel anyone's pain.  If she did she wouldn't have the beliefs she has.

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1 hour ago, Haleth said:

Exactly.  She's stressed out because she can't go shopping for a crib while many people are stressed out because they haven't had a job for over 2 months and have to decide between food and the electric bill.

Yes, Plus all those  folks expecting new babies, and dealing with other kids at home,  no job between the 2 parents,  and elderly parents or grandparents to worry about.  

STFU, Megaphone.

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9 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


Followed by:


She is not following the advice she is giving in the first meme. And when has she ever talked about dancing with friends?

9 minutes ago, Tosia said:

STFU, Megaphone

This could be said every single day regarding anything she says and it would be appropiate.

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Lol, yes every day!

So we have seen and heard that:

Nutmeg frequently contradicts herself.

Mehgun  pontificates positive crap for others when she is horribly mean and coarse and gloating, and immature towards cohosts, guests,  staff, the audience, and the vast masses online. 

She parrots the most recent lines from her base, despite saying the opposite a few days/weeks prior. 

This self-described "strong" woman whines about being insulted and criticized for her physical appearance and poorly-articulated views, and not being able to do things that millions of people HAVE to do everyday,  like go outside. I really think Me-again has confused the term "entitled" with " strong", in her wee mind.

No, Meeegun, it's not us, it's you.  Or more specifically  your vile personality, spoiled brat demeanor, and lack of intelligence or awareness. 

So again,  we chorus:

STfU, Mehgun!


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