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S12.E15: Mystic Mistake

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Is it weird that I seem to be watching this season just to catch a glimpse of Baby Aspen?!  Well-behaved, fashionable scene stealer with personality plus!

Seriously, I'd rather watch her than boring retread doctor appointments or attempted slapstick of Diko trying to fold himself inside the luggages.  What is this - the 3 Stooges ugh!

Give me a good reason to waste my time, BRAVO.

  • Love 18

Peggy is a vile little shit stirrer and Lydia is her little sidekick minion.  She gets Shannon wound up and upset and then tries to be all "calm down". I despise people that do that. 

Shannon isn't well, and while that doesn't excuse her for bad behavior, that gives no one else the right to go at her like they are.   They are worse for treating someone who is struggling so horribly. Shannon seriously needs to quit this show and stay far away from all of these women, including her so-called BFF Tamra. 

  • Love 22
9 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

She's a hypocrite - LOL - I know she loves that word.  Yes, she had a psychic over after her Mom died with Billy and Tamra there... she also had some astrologer over her house in one of the early seasons to read everyone's chart.  She should have gone to Megan's house, would have made her more relevant and been hella more interesting that her "acting" out her head shake routine at the phony Dr.

I agree, but I bet she's scared now. Lol. She probably thinks it's a set up of some sort like the kind she pulled on tamra/Eddie/being gay at her birthday party, or like when tamra gave everyone shirts and Vickie's said "liar" and she wasn't prepared for that, so she laughed, then felt stupid once she had a chance to think it over. Plus, she saw Tamra's psychic tell everyone that Brooks didn't have cancer a couple seasons ago. She knows that Aura-Reader was going to be prompted to say crap about her. Hell, I MYSELF would have coached that mousy twit to talk trash about Vickie had I hosted. No brainer. In fact, I may throw my own "psychic" party and invite some frenemies and have their "auras read", if you know what I mean. ;) 

  • Love 4
48 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

OMG! Said same thing before I read your post! Seriously, great minds or what? ;)

Yes, but did you shout it in Ramona's voice?  I did.   ;-)

15 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Hell, I MYSELF would have coached that mousy twit to talk trash about Vickie had I hosted. No brainer. In fact, I may throw my own "psychic" party and invite some frenemies and have their "auras read", if you know what I mean. ;) 

I like the way your mind works, VP.  Remind me not to piss you off, 'Kay?!   ;-)

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

Lydia never should have come back to the show.  The thirst for more can backfire!  After her season she left on a relative high note, people were sympathertic to her becuause Ragey Ryan chewed out her mom.  And people remember her standing up to Slade and calling him a douche, which anyone would applaud.  Probably she had decent favorability in the public eye as "that former housewife".  But nooo that wasn't good enough, she had to come back with her unicorn sparkle and now everyone cannot stand her and she has lost any good will.  Well played Lydia!  

Yup. That. Never come back to a job you leave. It never goes well. Also same can be said for divorces. Remarriage after a divorce never work out in the long run. 

  • Love 6
20 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

There is really nothing entertaining at all anout Vicki. Her scenes are simply boring and painful to sit through. And she is so phony, acting for the cameras. Played out.

Surely to goodness Vicki will be gone for good after this season.  Producers can't even invent an interesting storyline for her.  If a doctor's visit and a colonic is the best they could come up with, it's time to give her walking papers!

  • Love 18

I suspect that Lydiot is now frequently stopped at stores and on the street and explicitly told what an asswipe she has become. Let us pray it is so. 

So Vicki tells her cardiologist that her father was diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimers at the age of 59. I certainly wouldn't wish that on anyone, but one can't help but view her increasingly isolated and loopy behavior with that prospect in mind.

Shannon, wake up and save yourself. There is no way this shit show is worth the toll it has taken on you and your girls.

  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

Lydia is a mean girl and a bully. The other person could be speaking calmly, even whispering, and bug-eyed Lydia would have both hands up, saying "stop yelling at me!11!!" Tell her that she needs Jesus and ignore her. Start freezing her out.

I'm trying to decide if taking one's baby to a foreign country for a Bravolebrity trip is stupid or a sign of total commitment.

It may be stupid, but I don't think Meghan would have agreed to go without Aspen.  Speaking of... That baby is a doll!  I spent way too much time on Meghan's IG today looking at pics and watching videos (the same videos, over and over!) of that child.  Aspen is the best-natured, happiest baby I believe I've ever seen, and both parents are totally smitten.  I don't blame Meghan; I wouldn't have gone without Aspen either!

  • Love 19
8 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Why would a hardy, no nonsense country need Deballed Dougs magazine?  Are men in Iceland really hard up for advice on how to tie a cravat or bleach their buttholes? Fuck off Doug, you balless fop.

Peggy is such a bitch.  I'd like to knock the Tah-boo-LEH taste right out of her oddly lipsticked mouth.  And her hyper little 4"11 husband hopping around in a suitcase like a ferret faced troll.  Dicko, you got rich doing rim jobs.  If you want to go to Iceland so badly, do a few more rim jobs to pay for it.

lydia, immediately recuse yourself from this show, you officious little monkey rat.

i always enjoy watching Tamra shed her skin and become a different yet similar glossy, dangerous creature.  This new one is masterful.

Vicki has been separated from the herd once again.  And I bet Tamras pasture can kick the shit out of her pasture.  Heifer, you are done.  Your Hail Mary heart problems fool no one. 

i can't begin to tell you the amount of amusement i got out of your post.  i'm still chuckling .

  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, jaybird2 said:

Why would a hardy, no nonsense country need Deballed Dougs magazine?  Are men in Iceland really hard up for advice on how to tie a cravat or bleach their buttholes? Fuck off Doug, you balless fop.

Peggy is such a bitch.  I'd like to knock the Tah-boo-LEH taste right out of her oddly lipsticked mouth.  And her hyper little 4"11 husband hopping around in a suitcase like a ferret faced troll.  Dicko, you got rich doing rim jobs.  If you want to go to Iceland so badly, do a few more rim jobs to pay for it.

lydia, immediately recuse yourself from this show, you officious little monkey rat.

i always enjoy watching Tamra shed her skin and become a different yet similar glossy, dangerous creature.  This new one is masterful.

Vicki has been separated from the herd once again.  And I bet Tamras pasture can kick the shit out of her pasture.  Heifer, you are done.  Your Hail Mary heart problems fool no one. 

Love it! They make me want to scream!!

Seals don\t care about white assholes!!


  • Love 1
6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

David hardly ever talks....TO SHANNON. If you watch him in the background at parties, he's always chatting with the other men just fine. I don't think he was throwing shade at all.

If one looks carefully, while David is “grilling” Diko, Michael is in the background looking on and Meaghan’s husband is working his cellphone.  I don’t believe for a moment that this wasn’t staged.  None of the husbands were talking to their wives during the cruise.

  • Love 8

Peggy: so fake. 

So she's NEVER gone anywhere without her husband? (He must carry her luggages: she said luggage the first time and then changed it to luggages to reinforce her foreign-ness)

but she will send her 17 year old daughter to New York alone? 

Gah: quit trying to create a story. 


Lydia: yuckkkkk. She is such a fakey faker. Someone who talks about being such a sweet peace maker, sure is awfully mean and ugly. 

Edited by wait.what
  • Love 20
22 hours ago, Pop Tart said:

I think you’re right but I think Lydia is even worse. She puts on the super-sweet facade but is getting at Shannon every chance she can, and with every interaction she makes sure to get a comment in about Shannon being crazy. When she inserted herself into the conversation between Peggy and Shannon and insisted that Shannon had to let Peggy talk, Shannon started to respond to her and Lydia said “don’t go mad dog at me”. Made me want to punch her. 

Shannon is way too emotional and easy to goad, but Lydia’s using ‘mad dog’ to her is a classic way to negate anything else she says going forward. This is akin to a man shutting a woman down by declaring her hysterical. If this were the first time Lydia has commented about Shannon’s “craziness’ I’d think it was of the moment, but Lydia has gone out of her way all season to push the crazy meme with regards to Shannon. 

There have been some nasty housewives (heck most of them from time to time) but Lydia just strikes me as vicious.

Agree totally.  She reminds me of in the movie Jurassic Park when 'Neuman' was killed by those cute/ugly little Velociraptors?  That is Lydia to me-- thinks she's cute but really ugly and totally out to get you.  A horrible person.  And from everything I've ever read in the Bible-- no Christian. So take THAT crown off, Lydiot!

  • Love 20
38 minutes ago, wait.what said:

Peggy: so fake. 

So she's NEVER gone anywhere without her husband? (He must carry her luggages: she said luggage the first time and then changed it to luggages to reinforce her foreign-ness)

but she will send her 17 year old daughter to New York alone? 

Gah: quit trying to create a story. 


Lydia: yuckkkkk. She is such a fakey faker. Someone who talks about being such a sweet peace maker, sure is awfully mean and ugly. 

Peggy - so effing dumb.

Dicko - small man with a small dick.

Lydiot - so effing dumb and ugly, outside and inside.

Vicki Miss Piggy - fat, ugly hag.

Shannon - drama queen, typical University of Spoiled Children graduate.

Vicki Miss Piggy's boyfriend, Steve - major loser.

NONE of these women have a triple digit IQ.

  • Love 6

Vicki's death rattle is music to my ears. She knows she's done.

Here's the melody. I'm so over the mean bullying. I'm so hurt. Can't we talk it out and move forward. No one will be friends with me. I'm a nice person. Why doesn't everyone love me?

Here's the harmony. My broken heart is giving me colon cancer/afib/influenza/crotch rot/. Must feel sorry for me and bring casseroles. And it's all your fault. 

Here's the chorus. It's ALL ABOUT ME AND MY SHOW that I know I'm within a knat's eyelash of getting kicked off of and I'm TERRIFIED. 

  • Love 12
10 hours ago, Duke2801 said:


What you mean "Get out!"? Is house on fire?

I watched this ep after work today. I found myself nodding off but whenever Peggy is on, all I can do is watch for her to slip up with her feigned ignorance of slang.


8 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Vicki gags over something as "exotic" as a Taco salad. She is such a rube. I hate watching her travel. 

Ha! Remember when she, Briana, and her mother went to Italy and requested a Californian wine for their spaghetti?

  • Love 14
14 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Peggy writes in her blog that she was not articulate because she is still recovering from surgery-at this point in the show it has been five months since the surgery.  To me it is Peggy's unwillingness to form coherent sentences and responses that have given this story life.

I was sympathetic to some degree to Peggy's poor communication because I thought that recent surgery, expanders and meds were part of the problem BUT she was recently on WWHL and stood by her story. She said the cast members were not coming from a place of concern. She's seen the episodes and still doesn't get or doesn't what to accept that she's part of the problem. Now I think she's just a bitch.

  • Love 18

Very interesting - I normally don't watch the episodes right away but I will watch the short clips Bravo posts to Youtube.  In the Youtube video when Peggy asks Shannon about trusting her husband she actually says, after Shannon says "don't even go there", "no, no I know nothing".  Then Shannon says again "don't go there, you do know something, so do not go there" and then Peggy says no I don't, Shannon ends it with "I told you, so do not go there".  Why wasn't that shown on the show (which I just finished watching).  I think it gives more cred to the idea that stinkin' Peggy was totally stirring the pot and knew when she threw out that jab that it would get Shannon going.  

I like Shannon but I really wish she figured out a way to handle these situations with finesse.  The other women get her goat every damn time and she does come across unhinged.


Lydia is awful!!

  • Love 21
6 hours ago, Cherrio said:

She better start packing her luggages.

And make sure she gets a FAMILY VAN!


5 hours ago, Pipedownlollipop said:

Very interesting - I normally don't watch the episodes right away but I will watch the short clips Bravo posts to Youtube.  In the Youtube video when Peggy asks Shannon about trusting her husband she actually says, after Shannon says "don't even go there", "no, no I know nothing".  Then Shannon says again "don't go there, you do know something, so do not go there" and then Peggy says no I don't, Shannon ends it with "I told you, so do not go there".  Why wasn't that shown on the show (which I just finished watching).  I think it gives more cred to the idea that stinkin' Peggy was totally stirring the pot and knew when she threw out that jab that it would get Shannon going.  

I'm pretty sure that part was shown b/c that's when I realized Peggy was a phony. This was also where she said Shannon needed to "turn it down a notch", either there or in the talking head cut away.

Yeah, and there was Lydia, clumsily trying to passive-aggressively stir the pudding...


So Vicki's seeing another doctor? I loved how she was fishing for reactions from the nurse with her stupid comment about hoping her cardiologist "finds my broken heart". Wait, did she just let slip she still misses Brooks?

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I suspect so, since I have no idea what IHJZ is!   I keep a low internet profile - I've only ever posted here on PTV and for many years before that, on TWoP.

IHJZ is the old "I hate Jill Zaran" website, lots of posters from TWOP posted there too and I thought I recognized your name from there, but it was prob from TWOP. :)

  • Love 4

Peggy seems like she has sand in the gears. Very strange halting way of talking, and poor communicator. Curious about how she will be at the reunion where they really have to think fast on their feet. If I never see one of these people start crying and run off the reunion set again it will be too soon. Also, didn't Tamra have a field day when Alexis ran away from the table and into a bathroom at the Peggy 1.0 dinner party? She bitched about that then relentlessly.  But I guess it's ok now that Tamra's doing it with Shannon. I hate when they do that. Stay in your chair!

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 7

Exited to see Iceland ! Perhaps all the HW's can sit in awe-some silence without making the ultimate universe's lights display be about themselves.

Lydia writes for the Nobleman eh.

So much time preparing luggage with new tags on attire cram packed into too many luggage(s), they appear so overworked to get packed ...for a trip.. TO ICELAND! Maybe it was exhausting, the amount of retakes it took to get D's to dive in with red soled shoes at the perfect angle- criss cross applesauce – feet posing, exhausting.

Have a feeling producers begged (paid overtime) Meghan to bring Aspen. I like how Meghan bites her cheek/lip when she so wants to contribute some inside scoop she is aware of, but refrains. Every episode.

Shannon would have gotten a better reaction, from me at least, if she didn't complain to David that her parka's dont fit, and instead shopped for new fitting parka and shoved the receipt in David's popcorn bag “oooo look you get to keep the cracker jack prize”.

Giggled at Kelly showing off her new rain boots, thought it was cute but then no one seemed to be paying attention to her :( I like her rain boots & her calmer self.

Good Gawd Vicki. Didn't recall seeing episode screaming about a van, so I thought they were showing an upcoming tantrum where she was gonna throw a casserole dish down the concrete driveway spraying shards of glass

“ No More Pyrex Casserole Dishes EVVEEER”. I see that's not happening :( . Must have read something similar in previous forum posts to have that impression in mind.

Wonder if Brianna will do a tell all book after..well ya know..the impending death by heart conditions affecting the young elderly.

Bring on the Northern Lights!

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, Ubiquitous said:

Wait, did she just let slip she still misses Brooks?

I'm sure that she still does love him. She knows that everyone is dead set against him (this cast, her daughter and probably her son too, as well as the rest of America and other viewing countries). If she could, she'd be back with him in a heartbeat. Wait...could he be the cause of her enlarged upper chambers and A Fib? No one wants to hear about it. He so soured us that we don't give a hoot about your health and have little tolerance for anyone who has illnesses. Sorry Peggy. You'll never get any sympathy or casseroles because Vicki ruined it for all.  We should sic our Detective Megan on this to see if she's secretly in touch with him. What floored me was that she took up with Steve so fast afterwards. Whatever could he see in her besides D-list fame and money?  

  • Love 5

I finally forced myself to watch this last night. (WWWHHHYYYYYY) 

Peggy is the MOST condescending, rude, nasty, phony EVER! I'll take Vickys fake cancer over this idiot. She always look like she smells something bad. Her Resting Bitch Face is not a RBF. That's her FACE> She is a resting bitch! Goddess I hate her. (And I hate hating people)

Who says to someone "Do you trust your husband?" When she KNOWS what happened! That was some low down shit. 

Hey Peggy-If you're NOT an American then please feel free to make a one way reservation home to Armenia or wherever you lived for 12 whole months of your life. Isn't your tag line "I'm living the AMERICAN dream"?????? BITCH....

Even Diko called her out on her fake stupidity. And NO Diko it is NOT BS that you can't go. It's called the Real HOUSEWIVES not the Real Fame Hungry Husbands.....

Megans still on? Well her baby is adorbs so there's that.

Kelly is decent when she's sober. Please stay that way.

I'd gag like crazy at FERMENTED SHARK too! If it's too gross for Anthony Bourdain that is some really super gross crap. Anthony eats everything! 

I love Tamras house! No big, tacky McMansions for her. Her home is elegant and cozy. I just want to curl up on that couch, have some wine, and gossip with her! She has grown and changed so much! 

Shannon (in the flashbacks) really was too skinny. She looked skeletal. I think she looks good now! Relax and enjoy life. Weight comes and goes. Family is forever. 

I hate acid wash but I'm sitting here in my "stylish" ripped jeans so I'm sure in 20 years I'll roll my eyes at WHY I ever wore them!

  • Love 20
On 10/17/2017 at 11:36 AM, VioletMarx said:

Wow, I can't believe I'm the only one who can't stand Shannon. She is the eternal victim and isn't comfortable unless she's whining about how someone is being mean to her. The times she gets most upset are when she thinks she is being perceived as the aggressor. She can't stand to be accountable for anything. 


I just can't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her kids. She played out her marital BS on national television for fame and money. I'm sure it was a real pleasure for the children of that marriage to have that on display to their classmates and neighbors. Not to mention the dirty laundry between Shannon and the girls' grandmother. But who cares about the girls when Shannon can be on TV!

I can't stand her either. She really lost me last season when they were on the Ireland trip and she was caught with her mike on secretly pulling the waiter aside and asking him to bring Kelly strong drinks when Kelly clearly said she didn't want to drink that night, she was determined to lay low and keep her cool. Shannon had the nerve to deny she ever did that when it was on tape for everyone to see and hear!! She wanted to stir the shit big time because we all know how Kelly gets when she's drunk. Shannon is a nasty bitch and I can't wait for next episode when she gets her panties in a bunch because Vicki and Tamra are having a fun moment (showed on the previews). Add jealous bitch to my nasty bitch comment. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 8
16 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

I love Tamras house! No big, tacky McMansions for her. Her home is elegant and cozy. I just want to curl up on that couch, have some wine, and gossip with her! She has grown and changed so much! 


I’m still not minding her this season. Loved last ep’s quip about the $50 dress. And based on the clip, I thought I’d be pissed at the way she called Shannon out for being an AH, but I think she was being helpful in her own (albeit kinda crass) way. I think it’s fair for her to be frustrated by Shannon but so far she still seems to genuinely care. Who knows how long it will last (LOL) but I too hope the change is permanent.

  • Love 11

Shannon (in the flashbacks) really was too skinny. She looked skeletal. I think she looks good now! Relax and enjoy life. Weight comes and goes. Family is forever. 

I agree - I was thinking the same thing while watching those flashbacks!  I think she looks better now.  She was really skinny and almost gaunt before.  I like her hair better long too, and her hair looks really healthy now.  Her hair probably wasn't getting enough nutrition before when she was thin.

Re: Vicki - I think when she said broken heart she was talking about Tamra.  :/.  Awk.

  • Love 8
On October 17, 2017 at 10:06 AM, amola said:

Although I loathe the doctor scenes with Vicki, I loved when she said that she never wanted Michael or Brianna to get the call saying she had died. Hate to break it to you Vicks but we are all going to die. 

What's the alternative?? Outliving your children?? Stupid Vickie. Of COURSE your kids should get that call!

she is really a Demented Old Circus Monkey-TM King Of Queens

  • Love 16

Vicki's limited appearances this season has been eye-opening for me.  When I do see her (alone, with no other HWs), I realize just how boring and unentertaining her segments are.  And, I don't miss her in the least when she's not with everyone else.  In fact, I find it more entertaining when they discuss her absence than if she were actually there in person.  I think it would be an improvement to the series overall if Vicki were to go bye-bye for reals.  I think she got too big for her britches with her nastiness and screeching, combined with her nasty son-in-law and the whole Brooks debacle just sealed the deal. 

  • Love 15
On October 17, 2017 at 11:36 AM, VioletMarx said:

Wow, I can't believe I'm the only one who can't stand Shannon. She is the eternal victim and isn't comfortable unless she's whining about how someone is being mean to her. The times she gets most upset are when she thinks she is being perceived as the aggressor. She can't stand to be accountable for anything. 


I just can't feel sorry for her. I feel sorry for her kids. She played out her marital BS on national television for fame and money. I'm sure it was a real pleasure for the children of that marriage to have that on display to their classmates and neighbors. Not to mention the dirty laundry between Shannon and the girls' grandmother. But who cares about the girls when Shannon can be on TV!

The world is full of assholes that live to rile people up. Don't give them what they want. I teach my children this...people can say whatever they want to you, it's your reaction that matters. Shannon is way to old to be throwing emotional tantrums like a 16-year-old over anything she doesn't like. Especially if she's going through real serious problems at home. She chose to go on an extremely toxic show, full of really terrible people who get paid to be awful. What the hell did she expect to happen on this show? I'm so turned off by her immaturity when faced with any opposition, real or imaginary or minor. (Even Tamra said what she was overreacting to was stupid.) Her reactions are all her. She would be so much better getting a coach to learn how to handle petty crap without losing her mind. I would have loved it if she sat back coolly and put those bitches in their place with words and intelligence and wit. With a sharp and clever tongue. What was she even up against?? She couldn't handle them?? Shannon continues to disappoint. She's no tamra whose learning to be quite the adversary. 

My mother always says, "if you can control yourself, you can control the world".

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 12


Here's my take.

I think the powers that be intended this season to be the season Vicki is integrated back into the show.  What they must have not known is Vicki is just impossible.  She can't help herself, and she can't be helped.

Lydia - Was brought back with a clear role of being the "peacemaker".  Early in the season, she was very confident in the role. She basically said, "Look the producers need us to get Tam and Vicki back on speaking terms.  What's it gonna take to do that?"  When it didn't work, Lydia found herself mid-season without a role or storyline.  The easiest fix, of course, is to create drama, and Shannon is an easy target because she's so reactionary.  Lydia just isn't an interesting enough person to carry her own storyline so arguing with Shannon will have to do.

Peggy - clearly was brought on to be Vicki's friend, but again it didn't work (because Vicki cannot be helped).  Obviously it wouldn't be easy to find someone willing to take on the "friend of Vicki" role, so the producers didn't have much to pick from.   And Peggy really is the bottom of the barrel (I can say that because she wouldn't understand the phrase -lol).  I don't doubt that the hubby thinks the RH show will help his business and image, but honestly his wife has ZERO social skills.  She is so over her head.  Someone must have told her about the creating drama so secure your spot - but she is just so very bad at it.   Her attempts to create drama include stomping into someone house, with the brightest lipstick to emphasize the scowl (she practiced in the mirror) and insult the first person she meets.  She just looks and acts ridiculous.  She doesn't have any social skills.  She can't read social cues.  She's just so clueless.  And when she said she's never been anywhere with other women, all I could think is, "yeah, that's obvious".  She really needs to get out house more.  Peggy is just a really bad casting call.  I guess when you are so completely over your head, acting like you're really dumb (and don't understand English) is one way to cope.  Not a good way to cope, but still a way.

Vicki- the writing is on the wall.  They should have never tried to keep her on the show.  I mean she LIED about cancer.  Come on, that's really, really unacceptable.  Had the powers that be been successful in integrating her back into the group, I would not be still watching this show.  Watching her on WWHL was so pathetic.  She is unable to accept consequences to her actions, because she unwilling to admit her actions.  She is so incredibly immature (which has always been why she was entertaining).  She thinks if she closes her eyes the world goes away.  She was absolutely unable to communicate in any way on the show.  At some point Andy said something like, "Are you mad at me about something?"  Yeah the writings on the wall.  She's a gonner (unless something happens in Iceland to change something).  

  • Love 12
20 hours ago, MinorL said:

Lydia is disgusting.

I agree. She's a no-good stealth bully with a manic grin, Gumbi arms and all the charm of Pennywise. I don't much like Shannon (except for Bret Shannon, he's hot :) but Lydia is so awful, you have to stand against the invasion of the Galumphing Gremlin,  just on principle alone.

And it would be so much easier to defend Shannon,  if she'd toughen up when Lydia comes for her. Flip the power differential & disrupt the Putrid Pixie's prized identity, by confronting her supposedly Happy & Light trademarked self ("Lydia, do you always try to control other people's feelings? Because this dynamic between us -- where I feel something deeply, and you criticize me for it -- that feels very hostile to me.") Or turn everything the Lacklustre Leprechaun says into a joke ("Hey, Tamra? Mad Dog is my new rap name!!") 

Whatever Shannon does, she has to stop wobbling on her pins, like a damn weeble, every time the Sickening Sprite flings fairy shit all over her.

6 hours ago, LydiaOhLydia said:

Bring on the Northern Fights!

Fixed that up for you ; )

Edited by film noire
  • Love 18

    Lydia and her “can I trust these girls to behave and not embarrass me on my VERY important business trip” antics is ridiculous. She isn’t Bethany ffs. This show is the only shot she has at making Noballsman work at all. She always talks to people like they are children. “We are going to ICEEELAAAAND!” Is she a preschool teacher? That whole seven year olds having their periods was so creepy I do think she was trying to repeat a line she thought up and messed it up. That girl is fucking weird.

       When Shannon and Pegs were alone I thought Shannon was sincerely trying to ask her how she was and reach out to her and Peggy runs off all weepy and offended. This makes me think her intentions all along were to mess with Shannon. 

  • Love 22
10 minutes ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

When Shannon and Pegs were alone I thought Shannon was sincerely trying to ask her how she was and reach out to her and Peggy runs off all weepy and offended. This makes me think her intentions all along were to mess with Shannon. 

I agree! It seems that Peggy just wants to stir the pot. Confusing explanations about her health. Accusing David of grilling Diko. Running out crying when Shannon is trying to reach out! Just freaking weird. Also, Peggy and Lydiot didn't arrive together did they? So, why was Lydiot driving Peggy home? Was she too upset to drive? That whole scene at Meghan's was bizarre, weird and confusing to me.

Edited by AntAnn
  • Love 12

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