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S16.E09: A Little Avant Garde


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9 hours ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

I wish they would always allow two days for the avant garde challenge. Most of them did prettt well for having one day, but I would have loved to see how much more they might have accomplished. 

Why did Meisha (?)(Michael's model) have to wear a sheer nipple suit under her melting disco ball and more specifically, why was it shown to the TV audience? She didn't seem uncomfortable but I sure hope Harvey Weinstein wasn't watching. 

I believe that the under suit thing was for the model's comfort. Sequined fabric can be hella scratchy and it would be easier to make a separate bodysuit than to line the jumpsuit. 


I do think that Michael's design would be easier to transition to doll sized couture, but the pink cupcake dress was both more avant garde and VERY Shopkins-adjacent. Oh, Lord, how I wish I didn't know that last bit!


Zac really appeared to honk Michael's model during the close up examination. I know that he was examining the stuffed swirly thing, but man! Hubby and I looked at each other and simultaneously said 'Zaaaaac!' in a chiding tone.


Ugh.  Weinstein.  Barf.  

  • Love 10
5 hours ago, Spiderella2 said:

This was merely step 2 in their “Get Famous” plan. I suspect they will be on the Amazing Race or Survivior next, an effort to erase the “cheating losers” label off their brand. 

No no no! Please keep them far away from the Amazing Race! 

1 hour ago, wings707 said:

I have a hunch no one mentioned the tape measure she had in the apartment earlier.  They may not have seen she had one until this last challenge.  They were probably just voicing her ripping off designs from others and her own wardrobe.  The judges and Tim did mention that getting inspiration from others is what all designers do.  

Using the tape measure was a tangible offense that was cheating so she went.  The other complaints were too vague.  Had they reported the tape measure earlier, she probably would have been auffed at that time.  

This seems likely to me too. In an earlier episode when Tim told the judges he was concerned about Claire helping Shawn too much, they said helping is not against the rules. The judges could conceivably decide to eliminate someone if they feel the person is not doing enough of their own work, but since the producers wanted to keep the twins around as long as possible, they chose to ignore all the complaints about helping and ripping off designs. It's very hard to draw a line between "inspiration" and "ripping off" so there's probably not a rule about it either.

So even though the helping and copying is what most of the contestants took offense to, the measuring tape was what mattered to producers because at that point they could no longer hide behind vague rules. This one was a hard and fast rule and there was no other way around it.


On another topic... I knew they were going to eliminate two people when Heidi said "one or more" they've said it before this season but haven't gone through with it, so it was time that they finally did. Especially considering Heidi didn't immediately say "Amy, that means you're safe"; I was surprised to see that Amy didn't see it coming. 

  • Love 11
11 hours ago, candall said:

Sorry, I should have indicated "figuratively."  I was remarking that she stood up (figuratively) and took her licks. (Also figurative.)  She accepted responsibility for her actions and the consequences.

She did not appear bored, flippant or nonchalant to me. 

I agree, but it's subjective.  I saw someone who was reeling at everyone having a go at her (justifiable or not), I'm sure she was humiliated that Tim's questioning occurred in front of everyone, and she was struggling to keep it together.  Plus, her lead accusers are suddenly teary-eyed and expecting Claire to buy their sudden regret, and possibly even express sympathy to them.  Part of her response may have been self-loathing, knowing she wasn't allowed to bring the measuring tape.  And she was off the hook until she stumbled into confessing, which was a voluntary admission before Tim even entered the room.  I'm sure twinnie would have been hysterical.

And I could have done without Yolanda Foster (who gets divorced and returns to their last divorced name?) inserting herself into the situation, and questioning some of the designers on the runway.  And then there's Miss Nepotism Golden Globes, whose title couldn't have been displayed better.  When serious things like this go down, I feel the guest judges should be quiet and let the real judges handle things.  I'm surprised Yolanda didn't march backstage and keep yapping and defending Claire.

Edited by RedheadZombie
  • Love 9

I just thought of something Brandon could have done.  An all white creation celebrating white chocolate.  LOL 

I wonder if Georgina Chapman will be a judge this season, she often is.  

1 hour ago, seasquared said:

Somewhere, Santino is throwing epic shade at Ebony’s attempt at a “Make It Work” song.

That was my first thought when I heard them attempting to sing.  

8 minutes ago, PrincessSteel said:

I believe that the under suit thing was for the model's comfort. Sequined fabric can be hella scratchy and it would be easier to make a separate bodysuit than to line the jumpsuit. 


Practically impossible, I think, because the bodysuit fabric was stretchy and the sequined fabric was not. So really that was the only way to do it without the two layers competing with each other.

  • Love 2

Claire cheated no doubt about that. She admitted it, and when called out by Tim she owned it, without any excuses. Her tone might leave something to be desired, but I think she just shuts down to cope. I am sure she was tired. I don't think that M and M have anything to be sorry about except the fact that they need to own what they did. Calling out a cheater is not a bad thing, but it's disingenuous to then ask for her to forgive you. "we didn't want it to go down like this" What does that even mean? So, it's ok for her to cheat and "borrow" others designs but the minute money is on the line, they can no longer bear the behavior. If anyone else had won, we would not be having this discussion. I also hate that I am defending a cheater that I don't even like.

I still think that they never went to production and said she had a tape measure in her room. I think they bitched about it amongst themselves and in spanish no less, to be even more exclusionary. Amy was floored, and had clearly not heard anything about a tape measure. If she had, that shit would have been shut down with a quickness.

Don't think I didn't notice that the minute Claire was gone Michael turned his vitriol on Brandon and accused him of leaning too hard on Kentaro for inspiration. Makes me think that is a pattern with him and production just sighed when he went after Claire and ignored him. I hate that he won, Ayana had a better design and Margarita and Batani had the same design just in different colors. I could not believe they liked Margaritas mess.

  • Love 11

Shut up Yolanda. You're not a judge either. Your a Z list reality "star" who is there for 1 show! Sanctimonious Cow. 

M & M did the correct thing. They reported it. Nothing was done. She won. M. walked. I would have also! And her snotty, bratty attitude was just...beyond. What the hell is Owning It anyway? Pretty easy to say Oh Sorry. Another thing to say I am sincerely sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone but Yes I cheated and I regret it. I certainly never heard her say she was so much as sorry much less apologize for cheating. Do the grown up thing and at least pretend to be sorry,  not some tween eye roll. So glad those 2 talentless hacks are Gone!

Margaritas dress was a dream. Princessy without looking princessy. (does that even make sense?)  Anyway it was lovely. 

I like the mint green dress. Mint green in one of my favorite colors and I love the ease and flow of his designs. Minus the dangly bits. But the dangly bits are intended for the Runway not real life. 

Edited by eurekagirl mOo
Thought of something else.
  • Love 16

As honorary Bubbe to a five year old girl, I have to admit that Shopkins are a pretty good prompt for an avant garde challenge. In my opinion, Anaya came closest to avant garde. The pink was a little too on-the-nose and the construction looked rough, but that was likely related to the lunacy of this being a one-day challenge. It certainly helped that The Divine Liris sold the hell out of it on the runway. The styling was perfection, too. In fact, with luxe fabrics and impeccable finish, something like this look would not be out of place on a McQueen runway. 

  • Love 10
27 minutes ago, Arynm said:

Don't think I didn't notice that the minute Claire was gone Michael turned his vitriol on Brandon and accused him of leaning too hard on Kentaro for inspiration. Makes me think that is a pattern with him and production just sighed when he went after Claire and ignored him.

I missed this.  Brandon leaning on Kentaro?  HA!   Come on, Michael, they are friends and have bonded over a similar aesthetic but that is it.   Happens every season.   Their clothes are nothing alike.  

  • Love 10

This thread has five pages of replies after one day.  The twins brought the drama and since so many appear pleased at their departure, you can guarantee they're now considered Reality Show Gold.  The producers obviously knew what they were doing by casting them.

I rewatched the episode and I realized that the preview moment where Tim went off saying "this entire thing disgusts me, it was unseemly, unprofessional, atrocious" was not in. I agree that the tone changed when it was originally Claire ripping off design concepts to having the tape measure.  Very, very interesting episode and season.

Incidentally, Amy posted an Instagram of Claire's dress alongside one she "designed".  Let's not forget the outfit she put a challenge or two after Brandon's win.  Same model as well, except Brandon's is way more polished and sophisticated. 



Edited by gingerormaryann
  • Love 3
16 minutes ago, gingerormaryann said:

This thread has five pages of replies after one day.  The twins brought the drama and since so many appear pleased at their departure, you can guarantee they're now considered Reality Show Gold.  The producers obviously knew what they were doing by casting them.

I don't think they had any idea a cheating scandal would result when they cast them.  I do think they saw their irritating personalities and went with that though. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, Tabbygirl521 said:

Sure - but does *sheer* fabric really protect that much? It seems odd to me. 

Depends on what fabric was used. I give Michael props for caring about the comfort of his model. His concern meant that he had to make an entire second piece during a very tight time frame. 


I think that you are reacting to the fact that nearly nekkid images of this model were aired. That isn't on Michael. Of necessity, models are nude or nearly so all the time in the workroom. The decision to film and air the model in a transparent bodysuit (uncensored) was made by the producers, not the designer. 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, RedheadZombie said:

And I could have done without Yolanda Foster (who gets divorced and returns to their last divorced name?) inserting herself into the situation, and questioning some of the designers on the runway.  And then there's Miss Nepotism Golden Globes, whose title couldn't have been displayed better.  When serious things like this go down, I feel the guest judges should be quiet and let the real judges handle things.  I'm surprised Yolanda didn't march backstage and keep yapping and defending Claire.

(the bolding is mine) A famewhore who wants to capitalize on her daughters' modeling careers? 

You all have summed up my thoughts on CheatGate pretty well.  Thrilled Claire Bear is gone.  She cheated - bye.  

  • Love 11
33 minutes ago, BlackberryJam said:

I am struggling right now with criticism of Michael and Margarita for speaking out, judging them for the manner in which they did it, on a show produced by Harvey Weinstein, a man who engaged in abhorrent behavior for so long because people were afraid to speak out and afraid of the reprucussions and criticism they would receive for speaking out.

As I mentioned before, I don’t care about Margarita or Michael because this will be the height of their fame bids. I just can’t be angry at them for speaking out, whenever, wherever, however they felt comfortable.

People should speak out. We should encourage it.

Great point.  

You should see the vile comments directed at Rose McGowan on Twitter over her no-holding-back twitter campaign against Weinstein and his enablers (although she's getting a lot of support, too).  It takes guts to stand up and speak out.  With HW, it was a power issue.  With Michael and Margarita, it was more about personal dynamics and discomfort over "tattling."  Of course they could have handled it better.  But we're saying that with 20/20 hindsight and from a detached view.  Plus, I'm sure a lot was edited out.  It's the producers who should feel ashamed.  I'm sure they were orchestrating this whole drama.  And one of them is Harvey Weinstein.  

  • Love 23

Branching away from the cheating scandal:

Kentaro. Is. Adorable.

I loved his happy little wave when they introduced him to his Shopkins fan partner.

And the following exchange (somewhat paraphrased) absolutely cracked me up:

Kentaro repeating multiple times to Kenya: "Sauna?" 

Kenya: "Salmon?"

Kentaro: "Salmon, Santa Claus, Merry Christmas Kenya!!"

  • Love 19
16 hours ago, gingerormaryann said:

Okay, did you note how they paired the minority kids with the minority contestants?

Not to say they didn't do it on purpose (I don't know) but for a split second before the pairing are announced we see Tim on the runway with a button bag, so while watching I thought the pairing were actually random. And I felt somewhat relieved that "Sara Sushi" didn't get paired with Kentaro, at least.

I think Ayana should have won, she was the only one who managed to both have somewhat of an avant-garde design and stay connected with the inspiration kid and inspiration doll. And I thought it was really cute on the runway. Liris is a great model, she really can sell anything (and she's the only model whose name I remember, so this is probably a sign that this show is going to do her a lot of good).

Brandon is also growing on me. If we accept that straps are his trademark, I think he's growing from episodes to episodes and he has a personnal vision. I would not be surprised if he won the whole thing (I'm not quite sure who else could, I don't think any one of them is a very talented and original designer, except maybe Kentaro).

  • Love 9

What bugged me the most about this episode is how rude Claire was to Tim when he came in to ask her about the measuring tape and to fire her for cheating. She wouldn't even look at him, and then didn't even acknowledge him as she walked out.  Maybe it's because I am a mom, and I would have been horrified had I seen my own daughter acting like that, but I thought it was awful.  Throughout the show Tim has been a supportive mentor and for her to treat him like that was inexcusable.  


If it's true that production has been ignoring the cheating claims then I believe Michael acted appropriately.  I also see how they would bring up the copycat designing since the cheating claims had been ignored thus far.  Also, I can see how to a designer that the twins' copycat designing would be more offensive than actual cheating.  An artist pulls from their heart and soul to create, such that what they make is like a piece of them on stage.  To have put all that out there and see someone just copying something and then getting credit and praise would make my blood boil!

  • Love 24

I did not see Michael "directing his vitriol" at Brandon. He was commenting on other designers in the talking heads, like they all do.


Speaking of Brandon, what the hell was on his model's head? It looked like Walmart wig that had been pulled out of moss. Why was that there?


Every week I wonder if Kenya only brought one outfit with her.

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, dleighg said:

I think many of us just learned this. One always wonders when a lovely young lady marries an old toad. Several examples come to mind.

Having heard the audio tape of Noted Toad Weinstein pressuring a young model to come into his hotel room, I shudder to imagine his marriage proposal to Georgina Chapman. 

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, jackjill89 said:

 That was like a happy Bo Peep fluffy cupcake and Liris SOLD it. Loved it. I really like Michael's model. She looked great but Ayana's was pure fun.

I am living for Liris these days. That girl is milking this TV exposure for all she's worth! And she delivers! She rocks every outfit, she is as beautiful as can be, she had good sound bites and just the right amount of snark. I adore her without reservation and look forward to her commentary every week. She ought to host ANTM or that stupid beauty show that's on after PR. Liris forever!

4 hours ago, alalaxmom said:

Kentaro. Is. Adorable.

I loved his happy little wave when they introduced him to his Shopkins fan partner.

And this exchange had me rolling:

Kentaro to Kenya multiple times: "Sauna?", Kenya: "Salmon?", Kentaro: "Yes, salmon, Santa Claus, Merry Christmas Kenya!!"

Kentaro was a early fave of mine and I am absolutely delighted with him every single week. He is pure sunshine.

2 hours ago, dleighg said:

One always wonders when a lovely young lady marries an old toad. Several examples come to mind.

Padma Lakshmi was married to Salman Rushdie!

  • Love 9

When I heard Weinstein was responsible for the rapid growth of Marchessa I immediately thought the marriage was more of a business deal but they have 2 children together.  Makes me think there must have been love there at one time.   If it is just kids you want he is not the vision of the perfect baby daddy!   They were together for 4 years before they married.

2 hours ago, jrlr said:

Marchesa was launched in 2004 and was successful on its own, but did not become a red-carpet name until 2007 when The Beautiful Georgina Chapman married Harvey Weinstein, when the lecher started pushing stars of his movies to wear the Marchesa brand.  Not my definition of a love match as much as a power merger.   But who knows?

The Beautiful Georgina Chapman quickly announced the divorce, but I'm not so sure she will be able to divorce her brand from him as quickly.  I read that Felicity Huffman confirmed he threatened promotion of one of her films if she didn't wear Marchesa to the red carpet events.  I expect more will come out about that as the days go by.  

As for the twins, it seems clear that they did not have many friends, if any, among the other contestants.   I see them as an example of hubris.  They are two attractive, intelligent girls who probably grew up getting more attention because of being identical twins.   For whatever reason they were able to get a bit of success in fashion and probably really believe themselves to be both skilled and creative, and particularly so.  The shit hit the fan there.   I have a feeling their true skills might lay more with being stylists rather than designers.   

I can't stand someone being disingenuous (looking at you in particular, Miss I-Wasn't-Raised-To-Throw-People-Under-The-Bus and Mr. It-Wasn't-My-Intention).  Just own it and don't go looking all surprised and sorry when what you were hoping to happen actually takes place!   

Not that I believed Amy had a chance of winning, but I don't get why she had to be dismissed this week in a double elimination.  I could see if this had been a paired challenge, but this seemed weird.  

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, wings707 said:

When I heard Weinstein was responsible for the rapid growth of Marchessa I immediately thought the marriage was more of a business deal but they have 2 children together.  Makes me think there must have been love there at one time.   If it is just kids you want he is not the vision of the perfect baby daddy!   They were together for 4 years before they married.

Whether or not there was love in that relationship, children are an entirely different matter: they are paychecks.  Younger women who marry rich older men usually have kids as quickly as possible to ensure that in case of divorce, there will be an ongoing, very lucrative money stream - at least until the kid turns eighteen.  So in that sense, Weinstein is a great baby daddy: he'll be paying Georgina and children a lot of money for a very long time.   Kind of OT, but in the same vein, I'm expecting to hear that Louise Mnuchin is pregnant any day now.

  • Love 7

I cannot remember if it was Michael or Margarita that said Claire went in the bathroom and measured her pants (I am assuming at the apartment), which makes me think that Claire knew she was doing something wrong. So her acting like it was no big deal that she had a measuring tape at the apartment irritated me.

I do not mind avant garde challenges, but wish the contestants were given more time for it. 

I did like Amy flat out stating to Claire that if she measured something at the apartment it was cheating.

I will be at my table for one for liking almost all of the rest of the designers even if they are boring. I could take or leave Margarita and Michael, but the rest I like. I do like Kentaro and Brandon the most though.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Elizabette said:

What’s shocking is that Amy and Batani didn’t have a 1-hour challenge to see which one of them would go home.

*insert eye roll here* 

*...and here* 

Yeh the twins face off challenge wasn't really needed, as it was obvious Shawn did the worse one I thought.  That approach backfired anyway as they didn't bother completing it, so the producers could only use it as a pointless cliffhanger. 

I suppose Batani had already been given one chance.  Amy was unlucky they made this a double elimination, normally they do that when they think it's one of the worst performances they have seen, but here they were full of praise for the general effort here.


And again we were given a teaser of a different kind of challenge, clothes for children (just like we had with the male models previously).  But they are unlikely to ever challenge designers like that again anymore unfortunately, much to the designers' delight.  It was basically an avant-garde challenge, the child aspect wasn't really that important at all.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, BlackberryJam said:

I am struggling right now with criticism of Michael and Margarita for speaking out, judging them for the manner in which they did it, on a show produced by Harvey Weinstein, a man who engaged in abhorrent behavior for so long because people were afraid to speak out and afraid of the reprucussions and criticism they would receive for speaking out.

As I mentioned before, I don’t care about Margarita or Michael because this will be the height of their fame bids. I just can’t be angry at them for speaking out, whenever, wherever, however they felt comfortable.

People should speak out. We should encourage it.

I can't get there with you. I don't disagree with what you're saying, but for me it just felt so self-serving that I can't get to a place where I see this specific instance as something to encourage. I guess I think that motive matters, so finally speaking out because you're jealous or you're the victim of the copying, whatever, isn't something I applaud. That may be wrong on my part and I'll have to rethink it. Also, my opinion is admittedly tainted because I have a pet peeve about people speaking a different language to hide a conversation, and I remember Margarita throwing a model under the bus spectacularly a few weeks back, so I'm already not feeling either her or Michael. 

I think they made a really big mistake with the cliffhanger last week pushing the twin drama to conclude on this episode. While it was great tv, and I did appreciate the soap-opera-ness of it all, it was really jarring to jump from Cheating to Product Placement w/Kids. I needed time to forget between episodes. 

Actually, I wish we'd heard more from the judges. I'm left with the impression that it's OK to copy a garment as long as you do it while in the workroom, and/or you do it on challenges that aren't about clothing design (like this one about making a print). But I think some of that may be embarrassment on the judges' part, because they can't exactly admit that they missed Claire's alleged propensity for knocking stuff off. It was just strange, they could have taken some time to clarify.

I was, however, super impressed that they managed to get an advertisement for pens nestled into that product placement segment. Although now that I'm thinking...didn't they used to shill tablets? Seems like a step backward, though these pens are cool.

I'll miss Amy. I don't care that her look wasn't the best, because I thought that most of them kind of sucked, and this isn't a show about talented clothing makers anymore so I don't see a point in getting rid of her now. I especially hated the winning look, it gave me flashbacks to a challenge from a few years back with car parts or something. Totally didn't get it. 

  • Love 4

I wonder if the judges wouldn't have been so blase about copying work if they hadn't just awarded the win to Claire. They seemed really defensive, as if they were being attacked. Yolanda was particularly defensive on Claire's behalf, and she doesn't' know Claire. It was more like she was defensive on her own behalf. "How dare you criticize the person I just decided was the winner of this challenge?"  It seemed like that's at least one reason why they were so quick to dismiss any of the criticism of Claire. 

  • Love 12
20 minutes ago, jrlr said:

Whether or not there was love in that relationship, children are an entirely different matter: they are paychecks.  Younger women who marry rich older men usually have kids as quickly as possible to ensure that in case of divorce, there will be an ongoing, very lucrative money stream - at least until the kid turns eighteen.  So in that sense, Weinstein is a great baby daddy: he'll be paying Georgina and children a lot of money for a very long time.   Kind of OT, but in the same vein, I'm expecting to hear that Louise Mnuchin is pregnant any day now.

While I think this is often true - it's no accident that Yolanda managed to squeeze out three children in her short marriage - I've read that Georgina's parents are billionaires.  I believe Georgina that she didn't know Weinstein was assaulting women, but she had to know he was a cheating dog.  Some women are just attracted to powerful men, even when they themselves come from a very affluent world, and said man is a dog to women.  I wonder if Weinstein reminds her of her father.  We often marry our fathers even if our fathers are alcoholics, cheaters, abusive, etc.

  • Love 7
32 minutes ago, jrlr said:

Whether or not there was love in that relationship, children are an entirely different matter: they are paychecks.  Younger women who marry rich older men usually have kids as quickly as possible to ensure that in case of divorce, there will be an ongoing, very lucrative money stream - at least until the kid turns eighteen.  So in that sense, Weinstein is a great baby daddy: he'll be paying Georgina and children a lot of money for a very long time.   Kind of OT, but in the same vein, I'm expecting to hear that Louise Mnuchin is pregnant any day now.

She is worth 30 million so not desperate for money though he has much, much more.  

  • Love 1

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