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S12.E12: Farm-To-Table Manners

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14 hours ago, ghoulina said:

But that Shannon exercise segment? Best scene of the season! She is funny all on her own, without the drama. But is it wrong that I was hoping David was trolling her when he bought her that bike? 

I want a Peloton bike!!  She really has no excuse not to work out because she has state of the art equipment--no need to waste time driving to CUT Fitness.  It looks like she has a home gym; she's very lucky.

And I loved Lydia getting iced out at dinner and again on WWHL during the poll.  She asked Andy and Ady Bryant (love her!) how Shannon won the poll and neither of them would answer!  haha.  They know she's a loser too.    

  • Love 18
6 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Can anyone think of a bible verse to justify man-scaping?

Well, knowing the way Lydia uses the Bible, they might refer to this verse from Genesis: "The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."

God told Adam to tend the garden. That's landscaping. That must apply to man-scaping too!

  • Love 15
2 hours ago, JD5166 said:

I would give my right arm fo someone to buy me a Peloton bike! 

I think Peggy is trying to be Sophia Vergara's character on Modern Family. Chee chee Chong was very similar to baby Jesus (baby cheeses). Just stop it, Peggy. While I hate her weirdness about her diagnosis, it's a difficult time and at times you may not even know what is happening! You just roll with the punches. When people ask me questions, it's still hard to make them understand stage "0" or trying to get "clean lines", hell, I am not sure I even understand it and it happened to me.  She shouldn't be on this show right now for that reason alone, well that....and she's kind of an asshole. 

Oh god yes.  I despise Sophia Vergara and her whole ditzy act.  I was thinking Peggy was playing the fool like SV does,  but with much worse hair and no affect. 

I hate spinning too.  Fucking hate it.   I hate those damn classes with people yelling at you.  Fuck that, I'm paying.  Shut up.  That's why I don't spin. 

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Or maybe 36.  She has a youthful look but the heart of stone cold assassin.   I have always wondered -if Lydia is so dead set against having more children-why not get her tubes tied?  I believe it is because she is deeply insecure and is worried Dougie might walk away and find a new broodmare.   She would not be the first or the last.  I look at it this way-if she could undergo a "boob job" or mommy makeover she could spend an afternoon and the next day or two recovering from a tubal ligation.  

I think that Doug froze his sperm. She didn't get her tubes tied because her rationale was that if they did decide to have more kids down the road they still could. However, she didn't want to spend another 10 years on birth control. It made sense to me. He's clearly very fertile and so is she. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

I think that Doug froze his sperm. She didn't get her tubes tied because her rationale was that if they did decide to have more kids down the road they still could. However, she didn't want to spend another 10 years on birth control. It made sense to me. He's clearly very fertile and so is she. 

Me too. Also, all things being even vasectomies cost less, only requires a local anesthetic versus general for tubal ligation, is less invasive, and typically requires less recovery time. 

Though I am not sure Lydia understands any of that but if as a couple she has been responsible for the birth control not to mention the pregnancies and births for their relationship it makes since for him to do something. As we saw with Jimmy it won't even prevent him from having children with his next wife.

  • Love 13

I'm not sure what to make of Peggy.  Could there be some honest communication problem going on with her?  My best friend grew up in Greece & came here at 13.  He learned English as a child in Greece & is well-educated & now a doctor.  And yet, there are many expressions that he still doesn't know.  Happens to him surprisingly frequently -- that he's confronted by expressions he's unfamiliar with.  But he's a charming & funny guy & he usually makes a joke of it -- and more importantly, he learns from it.  But Peggy OTOH is charmless & has ZERO sense of humor.  She seemed offended by her own lack of knowledge.  Maybe she's sensitive about it.  That's certainly understandable.  What I don't understand is -- why she would put herself on TV & broadcast this to the world?  I find it hard to believe she's faking this or putting on a Sofia Vergara act to be cute for the cameras.

Now, I'm probably the last one to defend Peggy cuz I don't care for her or her charmless husb.  But I thought Kelly was unkind & thoughtless (as usual) in her comments.  So Kelly is rehabilitated & now she's a sweet & wonderful gal, eh?  Uh, not so fast.  And yet, Kelly had a point -- Peggy really doesn't communicate well.  She just doesn't.  Is she stupid?  I haven't seen enough of her to make that judgement yet.  Look, there's no Cancergate 2.0 going on.  The producers seemed to make that very clear by including that shot of what looked like her doctor saying she had something "pre-cancerous" going on.  But I had no idea what Peggy was trying to say.

OK, so WTF is with Lydia?  Her cutesy act is just bugging the piss outta me.  I remember when she was previously on the show, she always referred to a man's private parts as "junk".  God, I hated that.  What man wants any part of him described that way?  Not funny or cute.  Just irritating & kinda gross.  Now this stuff about Doug having his "balls cut", which is inaccurate, not funny in the least & starting to get extremely annoying.

I liked Kelly's empathetic statement about Shannon.  Those 2 do have something in common -- with their shitty marriages.  But man, Shannon is depressing as shit, isn't she?  At least Kelly laughs & she's fun.  Shannon is such a downer.

  • Love 10
On 9/26/2017 at 0:36 AM, AttackTurtle said:

 Kelly Dodd is downright likeable.

I know.  And it's scary not loathing her -- in fact, if this version of Kelly could hook up with Bret-Shannon (and then open the restaurant together, serving that special spicy Armenian food threeways -- dry, wet and no heat) and steal Lydia's Lisa Frank vibrator (oh you know she has one) and shove it (non-sexually) up her righteous ass, I'd be pretty fucking happy.

14 hours ago, politichick said:

Do we really think that Peggy went to UCLA?

I do  -- the United College of Ludicrous Armenians.

Edited by film noire
  • Love 14
22 hours ago, Jel said:

The Shannon on the bike scene seemed like Shannon trying to be funny with her special brand of incompetence-based wackiness.  She's to exercise as Peggy is to American idioms -- lame and trying too hard to be funny. Fail.

Tamra questioning Shannon and also saying she likes Peggy's spunk -- seems like we'll be seeing the break up of Tamra and Shannon and the take up of Peggy- tv shenanigans.  Jeepers, who could have seen something like that coming? Well, besides those of us who watch the show I mean.

Kelly Dodd is finally getting her redemption edit.  

Love all of this! And agree, I find Shannon trying to be funny, never funny. It always seems forced to me. Never authentic. I also think she puts on the routine of being so tech illiterate. Something about that seems false too, like she's trying to be funny with that too. Evan back in seasons past, that scene with Tamra, Shannon and Vickie drunk and falling in the pool in Mexico or wherever they were, seemed like people trying to act drunk and fall in a pool. Everyone seemed to find that uproarious, it just felt inauthentic to me.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, Jel said:

Guess Shannon took her up on her suggestion to stay of her rainbow. And barf, btw, Lydia.

Also noticed that the very loving and compassionate and so caring Lydia was not exactly thoughtful and caring to her sick friend.  I just find her completely full of shit.

Lydia is a nasty, spiteful little bitch. I liked it when she went after Slade and Gretchen  and called Heather out a tiny bit on her shit with the magazine cover... I remember her sitting with Alexis in the limo after Alexis got treated like shit by Tamra and was falling apart, she was supportive until she saw Tamra eavesdropping nearby, then turned on a dime against Alexis. The camera caught that, subtle, but I saw it, and saw the real Lydia. now she's out of control with it and I can't wait to see her ass handed to her. Sadly, I probably never will because the awful are never really punished in housewives land.

Edited by VedaPierce
  • Love 22

We also learned this episode the reason why Shannon is holding on to her anger for Vicki and why Tamra is finding it harder to forgive Vicki this time around - Vicki hasn't really been remorseful. She's taking no accountability for the gossip she was spreading but instead has doubled down on it. Instead of admitting that she was being a nasty person by spreading that gossip, she instead is playing the wounded victim who even in all of her offenses, somehow thinks that it's everyone else that owes her an apology.

  • Love 17
27 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

Lydia is a nasty, spiteful little bitch. I liked it when she went after Slade and Gretchen  and called Heather out a tiny bit on her shit with the magazine cover... I remember her sitting with Alexis in the limo after Alexis got treated like shit by Tamra and was falling apart, she was supportive until she saw Tamra eavesdropping nearby, then turned on a dime against Alexis. The camera caught that, subtle, but I saw it, and saw the real Lydia. now she's out of control with it and I can't wait to see her ass handed to her. Sadly, I probably never will because the awful are never really punished in housewives land.


I really liked Lydia back then, thinking she didn't know that agreeing to go on this show at that time was like an innocent Bambi walking into the lions den...until we saw her true colors turning her back on her friend Alexis.  Tamra was so toxic (before her real??/fake baptism) and to watch Lydia dump Alexis to gain entry to the inner circle AKA Satans circle was so disappointing to me.  Watching her spar with Heather showed a whole new side to Lydia.


I still think she could be sweet and kind, because I think her mother is actually like that, but she went into this season knowing her job was to be on team Vicki.  She was gaslighting Shannon from day one.  The look on Lydia's face says it all. All in the name of promoting her magazine.  Lydia, did you sell your soul to the Devil?!!


I agree with most here, the flailing arms and the cutting the balls schtick is getting old. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, VedaPierce said:

The camera caught that, subtle, but I saw it, and saw the real Lydia. now she's out of control with it and I can't wait to see her ass handed to her. Sadly, I probably never will because the awful are never really punished in housewives land.

I do recommend you catch the episode of WWHL from that night - she really did end getting called out on a lot if her BS - she did try to laugh it off like she was game but you could tell that she sees her number coming up.  I will be really surprised if she's invited back next season.

  • Love 9
11 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I honestly think Shannon was confused because Peggy told her , on camera, that they did not find any cancer, then at the dinner she said they did find 3 mm of cancer. It is Peggy's changing stories that have cause the confusion (not doubt, just confusion), not Shannon trying to "stir up shit". LOL

I didn't mind Shannon's confusion but why did she have to dramatically declare that she was "upset" about it as soon as Peggy went to the bathroom? Upset? Really? It's this kind of dramatic flair that has many of the women feeling like Shannon always has to be the center of attention. And then they all laugh at Vicki being a drama queen...

  • Love 8
22 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

I do recommend you catch the episode of WWHL from that night - she really did end getting called out on a lot if her BS - she did try to laugh it off like she was game but you could tell that she sees her number coming up.  I will be really surprised if she's invited back next season.

I was looking forward to Lydia returning to show when it was announced. However, her performance has been very sad. Her lack of knowledge about the dynamics of the cast relationships is shocking. She can't come in & demand that Shannon & Tamra start getting along with Vicki. She ought to have known the damage that Vicki did to Shannon over the cancer scan. Her discussions about her husbands vasectomy are ridiculous. She seems to have only a superficial knowledge of Christianity. I suspect she is only on the show to promote the magazine they started.

  • Love 15

Lydia sucks and I'm glad people were calling her out on WWHL. I haven't seen it yet but am looking forward to watching her squirm. And throwing some sort of guilt trip on her son because she wasn't invited to dinner was too much. What kind of parent does that? What does the bible say about boob jobs Lydiot?

And Tamara!!! The old Tamara is back (I knew she never left). When she said that Shannon had set the dinner up (making Shannon look like the bad guy to Lydiot) she had that evil grin and those dead shark eyes darting back and forth to see how uncomfortable she was making people is the real Tamara.

OT re spinning: The best spin class I have ever taken was where there was NO yelling at all, just a calm quiet voice. She usually played cool instrumental music and took us on a long journey (in our minds) up and down hills and the workout was every bit as intense as the other horrible shrill boot camp types but truly enjoyable. She was the best and i can't attend any more because she left my gym and the other instructors just seem awful compared to her gentle yet seriously hard workouts.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I'm not sure what to make of Peggy.  Could there be some honest communication problem going on with her?  My best friend grew up in Greece & came here at 13.  He learned English as a child in Greece & is well-educated & now a doctor.  And yet, there are many expressions that he still doesn't know.  Happens to him surprisingly frequently -- that he's confronted by expressions he's unfamiliar with.  But he's a charming & funny guy & he usually makes a joke of it -- and more importantly, he learns from it.  But Peggy OTOH is charmless & has ZERO sense of humor.  She seemed offended by her own lack of knowledge.  Maybe she's sensitive about it.  That's certainly understandable.  What I don't understand is -- why she would put herself on TV & broadcast this to the world?  I find it hard to believe she's faking this or putting on a Sofia Vergara act to be cute for the cameras.

Now, I'm probably the last one to defend Peggy cuz I don't care for her or her charmless husb.  But I thought Kelly was unkind & thoughtless (as usual) in her comments.  So Kelly is rehabilitated & now she's a sweet & wonderful gal, eh?  Uh, not so fast.  And yet, Kelly had a point -- Peggy really doesn't communicate well.  She just doesn't.  Is she stupid?  I haven't seen enough of her to make that judgement yet.  Look, there's no Cancergate 2.0 going on.  The producers seemed to make that very clear by including that shot of what looked like her doctor saying she had something "pre-cancerous" going on.  But I had no idea what Peggy was trying to say.

OK, so WTF is with Lydia?  Her cutesy act is just bugging the piss outta me.  I remember when she was previously on the show, she always referred to a man's private parts as "junk".  God, I hated that.  What man wants any part of him described that way?  Not funny or cute.  Just irritating & kinda gross.  Now this stuff about Doug having his "balls cut", which is inaccurate, not funny in the least & starting to get extremely annoying.

I liked Kelly's empathetic statement about Shannon.  Those 2 do have something in common -- with their shitty marriages.  But man, Shannon is depressing as shit, isn't she?  At least Kelly laughs & she's fun.  Shannon is such a downer.

There's a big difference in migrating when you're 13, and your main formative years where in another country, and migrating when you are 1 and 2 and your formative years are in the country to which you migrated.


Also, does anyone else think that Peggy is deliberately being confusing in describing her health so somehow Vicki can try and spin the cancer gate as the cast's fault because look! They're questioning someone with legit cancer?

  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, snowblossom2 said:

There's a big difference in migrating when you're 13, and your main formative years where in another country, and migrating when you are 1 and 2 and your formative years are in the country to which you migrated.


Also, does anyone else think that Peggy is deliberately being confusing in describing her health so somehow Vicki can try and spin the cancer gate as the cast's fault because look! They're questioning someone with legit cancer?

No I don't think Peggy is that bright. I posted above about her cancer. Please...no more cancer gate. It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Peggy has gone thru a legit medical crisis. Don't confuse Crooks and Vicky's swarmy ways with Peggy's diagnosis, albeit she is a poor communicator, but as a nurse and survivor I more than understand what she is saying she went thru.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, Crazydoxielady said:

No I don't think Peggy is that bright. I posted above about her cancer. Please...no more cancer gate. It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Peggy has gone thru a legit medical crisis. Don't confuse Crooks and Vicky's swarmy ways with Peggy's diagnosis, albeit she is a poor communicator, but as a nurse and survivor I more than understand what she is saying she went thru.

I'll make a casserole and take it over to Peggy's. 

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

I didn't mind Shannon's confusion but why did she have to dramatically declare that she was "upset" about it as soon as Peggy went to the bathroom? Upset? Really? It's this kind of dramatic flair that has many of the women feeling like Shannon always has to be the center of attention. And then they all laugh at Vicki being a drama queen...

We only got to see part of that scene in the preview but I suspect that Shannon was upset watching Peggy be nasty to Meghan when Meghan was trying to talk to Peggy about the similarity with her (Meghan's) mom cancer scare. But we will have to wait until next week to see for certain what happened and why.

  • Love 7
17 hours ago, SweetieDarling said:

Do you think Lydiot and Fire Marshall Doug told the boys that Daddy's getting "his balls cut off"? Given the fact that they gave their sons the impression that they were going to jump over bonfires in the (S)He-Man race, you never know.  Between that and the "sex talk",  those poor kids have been unnecessarily traumatized (not to even mention Grandma and her fairy dust, etc, and a mother who channels Grover from Sesame Street with her wild arm movements).

I am a HUGE Grover fan, and I take deep offense to your comparison of Lydia (wink).  Next time they do a drag outing, or a party requiring costumes, she should try a Grover costume, she's got movement nailed!  It would be much better than the Charlie Chaplin outfit! 

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Maccagirl said:

I am a HUGE Grover fan, and I take deep offense to your comparison of Lydia (wink).  Next time they do a drag outing, or a party requiring costumes, she should try a Grover costume, she's got movement nailed!  It would be much better than the Charlie Chaplin outfit! 

Me too, I used to have a Grover puppet and am still upset decades later that my asshole, sadistic cousin thought it would be funny to let his dog destroy it.

  • Love 6

You know, Masshole Bambi Lydia seems like she's Christian because that's what good girls do, and she's a "good sweet girl". Alexis, however, seemed to be Christian because she truly believed. Both were sometimes offensive with their dogma, but at least with Alexis I felt like she was in it for the long haul.


Edit: I'm not casting aspersions, she could very well be a serious Christian. I just see her defining herself as the good girl and not embracing the fact that she's actually a Heather or Regina George deep down. Embrace it Lydia! You might be more palatable.

Edited by LVmom
  • Love 8
6 hours ago, RHJunkie said:

We also learned this episode the reason why Shannon is holding on to her anger for Vicki and why Tamra is finding it harder to forgive Vicki this time around - Vicki hasn't really been remorseful. She's taking no accountability for the gossip she was spreading but instead has doubled down on it. Instead of admitting that she was being a nasty person by spreading that gossip, she instead is playing the wounded victim who even in all of her offenses, somehow thinks that it's everyone else that owes her an apology.

I just wanted to see this again. On. The. Nose!

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Hockey Addict said:

Sooo, more than one site says divorce for K Dudd. Color me not shocked!

You know, a lot of people said how nice and loving Michael was during her surgery, however I feel like (tm Lydiot) he was just acting for the cameras and trying to manipulate the audience and those around him.  It seemed like all show and no substance to me.  I've unfortunately known someone like that.  For me, the jury is still way out on him.  Kelly, however redeemed herself just a little bit last week.  I hope it continues because I can't stand her vile behavior.  I hate people who do horrible things to others and then say, "when I'm hurt I hit back  hard."  That is not an excuse and no adult should behave that way.

  • Love 9

In some scenes, it looked like Shannon had on almost no makeup & she looked really terrible.  It's one thing to go around looking like that in your everyday life.  But to do it on cam -- with millions watching?  Eek!  Is she that depressed, she's just in I-give-up mode?  God, she's such a downer this season.

I wanted to laugh at her screaming at the non-stop annoying trainer voice, & when she got caught in the bike & it looked like she'd be stuck in that thing forever.  But no, it all looked sooooo bleak & sad.  Idk, this season when Shannon pops up, I just go -- Ugh, here we go with sadness & depression & darkness.  Can't say I wanna watch her anymore than Vicks, the cancer-faker.

I did get one giggle in this ep -- when Kelly led them all in mocking the idiotic hand gesture Lydia did when telling Shannon she was "done" (based on Shannon's re-telling of it).  That was cute.  And mocking Lydia is a ALWAYS a good thing!  But didn't Heather do the same hand gesture to Shannon when she ordered her to leave her rented house?  In fact, didn't Heather always do that hand gesture?  Lydia needs a new act . . . badly.

  • Love 3
On 9/26/2017 at 4:20 AM, diadochokinesis said:

Dude, you would be amazed.  I started editing dissertations for fun and some extra money after I finished my doctorate and OMG. You would think people who are going for their doctorate would have a strong gasp of the English language but nope. My first one that I edited was actually for a friend of mine (we were in the same program) whose second language is also English. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Took me 3 hours to make it through the first chapter (7 pages typed). I actually charged her double my normal fee because it was just so poorly written. You can also hire people to write your dissertation (or even just your undergrad papers) for you.  So, I'm wondering if Peggy had someone that was giving her a lot of help with her writing. 


13 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I'm not sure what to make of Peggy.  Could there be some honest communication problem going on with her?  My best friend grew up in Greece & came here at 13.  He learned English as a child in Greece & is well-educated & now a doctor.  And yet, there are many expressions that he still doesn't know.  Happens to him surprisingly frequently -- that he's confronted by expressions he's unfamiliar with.  But he's a charming & funny guy & he usually makes a joke of it -- and more importantly, he learns from it.  But Peggy OTOH is charmless & has ZERO sense of humor.  She seemed offended by her own lack of knowledge.  Maybe she's sensitive about it.  That's certainly understandable.  What I don't understand is -- why she would put herself on TV & broadcast this to the world?  I find it hard to believe she's faking this or putting on a Sofia Vergara act to be cute for the cameras.

Now, I'm probably the last one to defend Peggy cuz I don't care for her or her charmless husb.  But I thought Kelly was unkind & thoughtless (as usual) in her comments.  So Kelly is rehabilitated & now she's a sweet & wonderful gal, eh?  Uh, not so fast.  And yet, Kelly had a point -- Peggy really doesn't communicate well.  She just doesn't.  Is she stupid?  I haven't seen enough of her to make that judgement yet.  Look, there's no Cancergate 2.0 going on.  The producers seemed to make that very clear by including that shot of what looked like her doctor saying she had something "pre-cancerous" going on.  But I had no idea what Peggy was trying to say.

OK, so WTF is with Lydia?  Her cutesy act is just bugging the piss outta me.  I remember when she was previously on the show, she always referred to a man's private parts as "junk".  God, I hated that.  What man wants any part of him described that way?  Not funny or cute.  Just irritating & kinda gross.  Now this stuff about Doug having his "balls cut", which is inaccurate, not funny in the least & starting to get extremely annoying.

I liked Kelly's empathetic statement about Shannon.  Those 2 do have something in common -- with their shitty marriages.  But man, Shannon is depressing as shit, isn't she?  At least Kelly laughs & she's fun.  Shannon is such a downer.


6 hours ago, Crazydoxielady said:

No I don't think Peggy is that bright. I posted above about her cancer. Please...no more cancer gate. It all leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Peggy has gone thru a legit medical crisis. Don't confuse Crooks and Vicky's swarmy ways with Peggy's diagnosis, albeit she is a poor communicator, but as a nurse and survivor I more than understand what she is saying she went thru.

Proverbs of Solomon 17:28 Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.


I do believe Peggy knows at least one adage:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than speak and remove all doubt."

I am beginning to believe that for all of her {American} education, Peggy is just not that intelligent.  More than just a language and cultural disconnect, I think she is floundering with this group of woman precisely because she is not very bright.  Neither Tamra or the Dodd woman are erudite, but they are street smart and savvy. Both Shannon and Meghan have demonstrated the ability to hold their own in disputes. {Shannon moreso when she does not allow her emotions to get in her way.}

Although Peggy describes it as staying out of the fray, I think she simply knows she cannot hold her own with any of these women and resorts to the Sofia V. excuse when she is called on her behaviour.  When Peggy told Shannon that she was a “piece of work” and Shannon asked her to elucidate, Peggy immediately clammed up.  Twice now, she has physically interfered with the women, pinching Meghan's lips shut and obstructing Shannon’s path downstairs, rather than attempt to reason with them.  It is other things too.  The raw meat?  Apparently Armenians not only cook with passion and love, but they believe in imparting salmonella to their loved ones with their food.  I do believe she is pretending to not understand common idioms, but I am beginning to think it is part of the bigger pretense of being much more intelligent than she really is.  Have another Brussel sprout Peggy.

Edited by LadyK
possesive punctuation
  • Love 12

I don't know what sort of degree Peggy has (English, I think maybe?), but her university needs to re-evaluate her transcript. She has done what I'd thought was impossible supplant Kelly Dodd as my least favourite OC housewife. Kelly looked and acted both reasonable and civil in this episode. What is happening in my OC housewife world? I am so confused.

Lydia is another piece of work. Holding her son and saying, "Those mean people had a party and didn't ask me. Isn't that awful?" Seriously? You need affirmation so badly you'll extort it from your little boy?

  • Love 16
On 9/26/2017 at 3:15 AM, Lady Writer said:

Ehhh -- was it ever really that high? Someone called his two-year-old daughter a bitch on this show.

If it sells the cars that buy her the diamonds she's probably okay with it. Even Lydia came back after her flight from the drama.

Personally, I've been questioning Peggy's decision since she first started talking about it, so I'm not one to judge.

Yeah, it was. I think Lydia's exterior with the pool is really gorgeous too.

When Terry called his toddler a "bitch", that told me all I needed to know about him and Heather.

No coming back from that comment.

Also, calling your infant an "emotional burden"..... I can't imagine ever referring to my child in those terms. So sad.

  • Love 7
15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I'm not sure what to make of Peggy.  Could there be some honest communication problem going on with her?  My best friend grew up in Greece & came here at 13.  He learned English as a child in Greece & is well-educated & now a doctor.  And yet, there are many expressions that he still doesn't know.  Happens to him surprisingly frequently -- that he's confronted by expressions he's unfamiliar with.  But he's a charming & funny guy & he usually makes a joke of it -- and more importantly, he learns from it.  But Peggy OTOH is charmless & has ZERO sense of humor.  She seemed offended by her own lack of knowledge.  Maybe she's sensitive about it.  That's certainly understandable.  What I don't understand is -- why she would put herself on TV & broadcast this to the world?  I find it hard to believe she's faking this or putting on a Sofia Vergara act to be cute for the cameras.

Now, I'm probably the last one to defend Peggy cuz I don't care for her or her charmless husb.  But I thought Kelly was unkind & thoughtless (as usual) in her comments.  So Kelly is rehabilitated & now she's a sweet & wonderful gal, eh?  Uh, not so fast.  And yet, Kelly had a point -- Peggy really doesn't communicate well.  She just doesn't.  Is she stupid?  I haven't seen enough of her to make that judgement yet.  

            I suspect your doctor friend while not being familiar with idioms and sayings he doesn't take them literally when he hears them and can more or less figure it out because as far as I know every language has them. If not, he gets a pass for being a doctor and perhaps very concrete thinking.

       Peggy didn't major in English as a second language. I assume an English major would of been someone who grew up loving to read and has read lots of books, probably from a lot of different genres. Right? Therefore giving her a good understanding of the language. 

     I would also think there is a lot of writing involved? Writing involves organizing thoughts and clearly communicating them. I don't know.

     Lastly, I have a southern friend who says all sorts of idioms and figures of speech I am unfamiliar with. I am very amused by her sayings and never look at her all confused and interrupt her while talking to me demanding an explanation. 

  • Love 7
On 9/25/2017 at 10:21 PM, goofygirl said:

Seriously, Lydiot is just plain DUMB!  And I think it's ok that we refer to her as "Lydiot" even though we referred to that dumbass in Australia the same way.  Speaking of the Lydiot, what the hell? She's pissed that she's not invited to dinner that Shannon put together? Really?  Other thing that just reminds me that the girl is UBER DUMB is her continuation of the whole Doug's "balls being cut off" and the dumbshit Doug allowing that.  Jeebus, they went to the damn Doctor who explained what was really going to happen with his balls during a FREAKING VASECTOMY!! Sorry to yell!  But Christ on a cracker girl; if your dumbass husband was having his "balls cut off", it would be called a castration.  STUPID DUMB GIRL~ 

Meanwhile, I'm hoping that her plastic looking husband's balls end up with someone who would appreciate them: Eddie Judge.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, LadyK said:

Apparently Armenians not only cook with passion and love, but they believe in imparting salmonella to their loved ones with their food.  

54 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

In Armenia we don't get the trots when we eat raw meat.  Maybe diarrhea but not the trots.


I was trying to find the full clip from Arrested Development where Lindsay was making hot ham water (soup) and chicken tartare. I couldn't so all of the Bluths doing the chicken dance will have to suffice.

I can't tell if Peggy is dumb or pulling some very elaborate Andy Kaufman-esque performance piece.

And it wasn't really relevant in this episode, but revisiting Arrested Development reminds me that Tamra and Lindsay Bluth both do that forced attempting to cry nonsense.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, SheTalksShit said:

Tamra is loyal to no one. Never has been. She will turn on you for no reason, you don't even have to do anything to her, once she gets sick of you, she will find any little reason to ditch you. It's been a pattern for her ever since her first season on the show. Why Shannon ever expected any loyalty from her is beyond me. Yet, what's weird to me, is how loyal all her friends seem to be to HER. Shannon went so far as to run into the room, just bc she felt bad that Tamra was in there by herself while Vicki was screaming at her. Then Shannon consoled her after and made it clear, she had her back. Meanwhile, on that same day, at the same party, Tamra couldn't be bothered to have her back in her argument w/Lydia and laughed off Lydia disliking her. And the next day, did she talk about how cool it was that Shannon had her back w/her fight w/Vicki? Nope, instead, she talked shit about her to Meghan, saying how she can't always be there for her...even though Shannon had just had her back w/Vicki at the very same party. And in her TH, she says Shannon can be exhausting, etc. Shannon had her back and THAT is the thanks she gets. 

At the risk of sounding like Donald Trump, I can't stand disloyal. That's the biggest thing I judge someone on. Are you good to those who are good to you? And Tamra is not, never has been. 

Amen! and Hallelujah! SHETALKSSHIT talks truth! That sums up Tamara and who she REALLY is. And I suspect she's no different in her "real" life off camera.

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, Teddybear said:

 She really has no excuse not to work out because she has state of the art equipment--no need to waste time driving to CUT Fitness.  It looks like she has a home gym; she's very lucky.

Shannon is pretty vocal about her disdain of all things exercise, so having a nice workout room doesn't mean a person will use it.   Maybe she would like it better if she found a few different kinds of equipment, or walking on trails, etc. with a friend.  Not everybody enjoys gym equipment.  I like to get outside and ride my bike.  I find that much more enjoyable than sweating it out on a stationary bike.  I also like lighter weight free-weights for muscle toning.  YMMV.  


1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Other thing that just reminds me that the girl is UBER DUMB is her continuation of the whole Doug's "balls being cut off" and the dumbshit Doug allowing that.

Yes, I can't believe Doug let her go on and on about this, and on TV to boot.  It would be bad enough around friends.  I swear, these people have no modesty whatsoever.  At the risk of sounding like a prude (not that there's anything wrong with that!) I was brought up with the notion that there are certain things that are kept private.  My husband wouldn't be happy with me shouting something like that to the roof tops.  However,   I could see her telling  a few close friends about his vasectomy, but for the love of all that's holy,  you don't go on TV screaming like Chicken Little  "his balls are being cut off, his balls are being cut off!" Sheesh!

I do believe that the apology Meghan gave to Kelly was one of the most sincere ones I've seen on a HOs franchise.  That was a nice moment, IMO.

  • Love 12

This is for Lydia & Doug:  Sung to the  Beatle's tune "With a Little Help From my Friends."

What would you do if I chopped off your balls
Would you smile or just  act like a tool
Lend me your ears and I'll whine on and on
'Cause I need you to snip off your jewels

Oh, you'll get by with a little help from the Doc
Mm, you'll get high with a little help from the Doc
Mm, gonna try with a little help from the Doc

What will you do when your balls hit the trash
(Does it worry you to be sans sac?)
How will you feel by the end of the day
(Are you sad that you can't get them back?)

No, I get by with a little help from my Meds
Mm, I'll get high with a little help from my Meds
Mm, gonna try with a little help from my Meds

Edited by ChitChat
  • Love 23
On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 10:14 PM, LadyK said:

My heritage is Norwegian and Scottish, apparently these cuisines lack passion and love in preparation.  Who knew?

Yeah, I'm of Native American and African American heritage and I scowl when I cook.  No love there.  ;-)


On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 11:48 PM, mbaywife123 said:

I think Lydia is just in a general state of confusion about real life.

Lydia was raised by a bonafide flower child who smoked a little too much fairy dust when she was pregnant with her. 

  • Love 11
22 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Oh god yes.  I despise Sophia Vergara and her whole ditzy act.  I was thinking Peggy was playing the fool like SV does,  but with much worse hair and no affect. 

I hate spinning too.  Fucking hate it.   I hate those damn classes with people yelling at you.  Fuck that, I'm paying.  Shut up.  That's why I don't spin. 

But how do you REALLY feel about spin? lol I liked it but my knees are ducked now (probably because of spinning)!! Luckily, I am old and will die soon. 

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, LVmom said:

You know, Masshole Bambi Lydia seems like she's Christian because that's what good girls do, and she's a "good sweet girl". Alexis, however, seemed to be Christian because she truly believed. Both were sometimes offensive with their dogma, but at least with Alexis I felt like she was in it for the long haul.


Edit: I'm not casting aspersions, she could very well be a serious Christian. I just see her defining herself as the good girl and not embracing the fact that she's actually a Heather or Regina George deep down. Embrace it Lydia! You might be more palatable.

Lydia turned on Alexis in two seconds.  I still didn't mind her that much back then, but this season she has just been awful.  Her blind allegiance to Vicki is beyond annoying.  I don't think the two kept in touch at all over the years. 

  • Love 11

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