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S19.E39: Finale, Winner Revealed


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Ha ha, Paul so surprised and ticked off at Josh's farewell speeches. I'm glad they showed those speeches.

I don't think Jessica and Cody's relationship will last, but it won't be because they didn't really care about each other.

Boo! Christmas - Paul! Kevin voted for Paul. OK, Paul probably has enough votes now. Oh man, who did Cody vote for?????

Hurray!!!!!! Cody voted for Josh!!! Hurray for Josh!!

Ha!! Cody!! Now for AFP after the break. 

I'll have to rewatch the final vote just to see Paul's face. Kevin looks so sad.

Now Josh can help his family, especially if they had damage after the hurricane.

Oh wow, Raven has her arm linked through Paul's and she's rubbing it. Paul looks so dejected.

Julie: "A bridesmaid again." Nice shorting shot!! Paul, maybe you lost because you were mean to other people.

Congratulations, Cody! Now he can get his truck fixed. Paul finally broke away from Raven to fake hug Josh.

  • Love 10

I'm so happy for Josh -- I liked him all summer, which I know wasn't too popular. I saw a young, immature kid who was desperate to fit in, but someone with ultimately a good heart. I loved his emotion, and he won my heart as a super fan with his enthusiasm. As others have said, I think he'll look back on this season and be embarrassed by some of his behavior. But the fact that Mark, who warred with him, and Elena, who butted heads with him, could vote for him let me know he wasn't that bad of a guy, deep down.

Hey, Paul -- you were Boston Rob on Survivor after all. You were just Boston Rob in Survivor All Stars, losing to the person you carried by one vote because you were kind of an asshole who lied when you didn't need to and thought everyone would respect it.

Edited by Eolivet
  • Love 22

Paul totally deserved the win but I’m actually glad he didn’t get it. He overplayed his hand it and it went to his head. 

For all those who voted Cody for AFP because of the zero fucks he gives, congrats! Zero were given for his win as well.

I was embarrassed for Christmas and her  dumb final question. We get it, you’re friends. At least make it look like there was a game going on too.

Edited by asabovesobelow
  • Love 15
3 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Ha ha, Paul so surprised and ticked off at Josh's farewell speeches. I'm glad they showed those speeches.

I don't think Jessica and Cody's relationship will last, but it won't be because they didn't really care about each other.

Boo! Christmas - Paul! Kevin voted for Paul. OK, Paul probably has enough votes now. Oh man, who did Cody vote for?????

Hurray!!!!!! Cody voted for Josh!!! Hurray for Josh!!

Ha!! Cody!! Now for AFP after the break. 

I'll have to rewatch the final vote just to see Paul's face. Kevin looks so sad.

Now Josh can help his family, especially if they had damage after the hurricane.

Oh wow, Raven has her arm linked through Paul's and she's rubbing it. Paul looks so dejected.

Julie: "A bridesmaid again." Nice shorting shot!! Paul, maybe you lost because you were mean to other people.

Congratulations, Cody! Now he can get his truck fixed. Paul finally broke away from Raven to fake hug Josh.

I am glad that Josh gets to help his family.  Not sure what was funnier , Paul losing or Raven's facial expressions of Paul losing.   

  • Love 17
10 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:

I just want to say, I never dreamed I would be this happy with how this week went.

On a personal note, I finished my masters in math on Monday, defending.

And now? Paul loses F2 to a meatball and Cody wins AFP as one of the biggest collective fuck yous Ive ever seen given to an individual?

Thank you jury. Thank you America.


Could not have said it better myself.  I missed the finale due to being in a hospital.  But this makes me happy. 

  • Love 10

If this show really is scripted, TPTB could not have written a better ending for people who hate Paul. Paul losing by one vote AGAIN.IMG_2844.GIF.a612932b67cea594d7b001613f4d118e.GIF

Cody winning AF was the cherry on top that most people wanted.

Personally, I like when people vote FOR a winner , not AGAINST someone. This jury didn't vote for Josh, they voted against Paul. But, hey, it's a legitimate way to vote. And at least the jury admitted they were bitter and sore losers. (Dr. Will didn't seem too impressed with them. Heh.)

I will say that it really bugs me that America voted for Cody, even though I know it was just to spite Paul. And I get it. It was like when America kept voting for Janelle just to stick it to the stupid Friendship. Yes, Paul was an ass but people are forgetting that Cody was also an ass and treated a lot of people badly. I would have preferred to see that money go to literally any other houseguest.

I'm happy for Josh though. I think that money will help his family a lot more than it would have helped Paul's family.

Edited by Rachel RSL
  • Love 18

This finale made up for such a terrible season! I was pissed at Josh for not evicting Paul when he had a chance but it is such a great feeling to see Paul LOSE AGAIN! I was SCREAMING. And then Cody won AFP....the one guy Paul tried to take down and who had tried to Paul down...lol double whammy! May we never see Pauls face again.

  • Love 24

I may be in the minority, but I am really disappointed Paul didn't win. As was said on the show, he was THE puppet master the entire season, thus playing the game the best. The one and only person he didn't not influence ever was Cody. I think jealousy reared its ugly head in the jury house and influenced votes rather than people voting for who played the game the best rather than who pissed them off the most. Alex was mean, snarky, and deceitful to others, which she didn't see a problem with, yet when Paul was sneaky with her, she suddenly saw a difference. Same with Jason. At least Mark and Elena were consistent. I thought that Raven telling everyone, "That's how you play BB." was the one and only time she made sense all season. Glad its over. I think it was the meanest house I ever saw on BB.

  • Love 20
1 minute ago, Wandering Snark said:

What was with: Jessica's Bride of Frankenstien ponytail held in place by what looked like 100 hair pins and Raven's saddling up to Paul like THEY were the two in a showmance?

In all the jury segments on stage, I thought Raven was trying to project a sultry look.  It didn't work.  

What is with Will looking young in face, but letting the hair grey? i am confused. 

  • Love 4

I remember when the season first started and Josh was so off the rails crying one minutes and threatening people the next and acting rather simple and immature, I briefly speculated to my friend that maybe he was just acting and he was an evil genius. Guess I wasn't far off.  I have to say, watching dejected Paul made my night. True karma was Cody playing the winning vote against Paul & then winning fan favorite!

  • Love 17
1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

Paul could have won if he played a more honest game. He tried to hard to actually turn people against each other both emotionally and physically. He manipulated others to go after each other ruthlessly. That was why he lost. Not to mention he had 3 weeks of safety and friendship bracelets.

Paul went down to the wire trying to avoid any BOHH - when in reality, acknowledging the bloodstains would have undoubtedly served him better.

  • Love 17
1 minute ago, Caseysgirl said:

I remember when the season first started and Josh was so off the rails crying one minutes and threatening people the next and acting rather simple and immature, I briefly speculated to my friend that maybe he was just acting and he was an evil genius. Guess I wasn't far off.  I have to say, watching dejected Paul made my night. True karma was Cody playing the winning vote against Paul & then winning fan favorite!

Nah Josh wasn't acting lol. He wanted people to think he was the entire time but I dont buy it.

  • Love 12

Wow, wow, wow!  This could not have gone better if I'd written the script myself.  I fast forwarded, just sure the diminutive creature would win.  Surprise, surprise, and Paul has only himself to blame.  He didn't own his game at all.  What?  Bullying?  What's that you're saying?  FRIENDSHIP!  I am friendship!

The creep didn't own his game at all.  If he did, I feel confident he would have won Alex's or Cody's votes, or both.  He didn't like the questions, and instead of owning up to his game, aka "Friendship didn't work my first season, so it was just my gimmick this one", he pouted and scowled, and then tried to mimic Josh's genuine emotion.  Total failure.

And I think Cody proved he's totally self-aware by his reaction to winning AFP (fuck you, Paul, et al).  Genuine surprise, and no fake jumping up and down and screaming.  Just a - well that's weird - response.  I'm sure he's appreciative of the money, but no pretense that he earned it due to popularity.

  • Love 21

I thought for sure Josh blew it when he evicted xmas.  I almost wish Julie would quiz the jury like Peachy does in Survivor as to the other choice.  I think Josh still would have won, but not as close.


I hated all 3 of them, so it would have been real hard to choose.  Josh at least needed the money more and probably at least has the better capacity to change.  I really hope his family and friends show him how unacceptable his behavior was many times.

Edited by Hanahope
  • Love 11

Seems like most viewers were more happy that Paul lost and by a nose, rather than Josh winning.   I don't buy Josh claiming he was letting Paul think he was running the show and that he Josh was the real manipulator. I don't believe his schizo-hopeless/bully persona was an act much less strategy. It could have easily got him evicted if he was aligned differently. 

I'm glad Kevin didn't win AFP since I blame him for bringing Paul into the house, even though I know he only did it for himself and had no idea about the consequence.  I don't like Cody but I'm glad he won because he's the only one who wasn't playing Paul's game and didn't reward him in the end.  

I'm really hoping Survivor makes up for the rotten seasons of BB and BiP.

Btw, what did Paul mean when he said privately that he needed the $ to support his family? Isn't he rich?

Edited by dizzyd
  • Love 3

Raven is a delusional idiot. I love Mark telling her over and over that she wasn't the puppet master that she thought she was. And, I can't stand that she said something like, "that's how you're posta play." Instead of supposed to.

Paul's loser face was freaking hilarious. I can't stand him, but he deserved to win. Jessica was absolutely right.

Rewarding Josh's immaturity is disgusting.

Cody could have at least said thank you after he won AFP.

Edited by helpmerhonda
  • Love 12
42 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:


I just want to say, I never dreamed I would be this happy with how this week went.

On a personal note, I finished my masters in math on Monday, defending.

And now? Paul loses F2 to a meatball and Cody wins AFP as one of the biggest collective fuck yous Ive ever seen given to an individual?

Thank you jury. Thank you America.



Yeah after Mark lost I thought this was going to be a joyless slog to the end. It mostly was but tonight was very gratifying. And having the last vote being Cody was especially delicious.

I can't believe Paul got so pissy at Josh during the montage of Josh's goodbye speeches. He was telling the truth! 

How did Jason get more AFH votes than Mark?

When Mark called out Raven for being an idiot ("YOU JUST SAID CHRISTMAS!") was delightful.

Our dying swan sure glommed on to Paul at the last segment because she knew she would get camera time.

  • Love 16

Yes, yes, yes YES!

Not that I'm a fan of Josh but to see Paul denied at the very end and standing there near tears with Julie Chen was one of the most satisfying moments in 17 years of this stuff!

Also Cody winning favorite instead of poser Kevin and schmuck Jason was the cherry on top. CBS is nuts if they don't repurpose Cody and Jess over to the AMAZING RACE or some other comeback. Cody is casting gold! Stoic to the end even when winning a ton of cash! Loved when he said "Oh my god" when Raven was making it all about her and her surgeries.

They need to update Dr. Will's picture....he actually looks better now as a silver fox.

Elena should get an honorable mention from me for her faces during the Jury answers!

Alex managed to redeem herself by not voting for Paul. You were my favorite in June but then you lost me when aligning by Paul. Best comeback from The Dark Side since Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi!

Paul lost again!  Yeah, I covered that already but it gives me such joy. One more time...Paul LOST...and Allison Grodner goes on suicide watch!

  • Love 14
37 minutes ago, MKL122788 said:

Paul loses F2 to a meatball and Cody wins AFP as one of the biggest collective fuck yous Ive ever seen given to an individual?

I was so happy!

29 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

How #pissed was Paul when Josh revealed all in the goodbye messages? Too funny. 

The look of pissed/horror on his face is when I knew he knew he lost.


1 minute ago, Mumbles said:

Our dying swan sure glommed on to Paul at the last segment because she knew she would get camera time.

She thought she was going to win AFP.  ha ha ha ha ha


5 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I'm glad Kevin didn't win AFP since I blame him for bringing Paul into the house,

Paul was coming into the house no matter what.  Even if no one took the money, and more then Kevin tried, he was going into the house.

  • Love 13

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