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S08.E01: And Then There Were Five

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24 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I am seeing this trend lately. Every woman I know who has been pregnant in the past 5 years has claimed to be "high risk" and can't do shit. It pisses me off because there are legit high risk women and I am afraid that this overly dramatic delicate flower act by others is impeding their care. And I say this as someone that had 2 miscarriages, a complete placental abruption and 2 preemie births.

To be fair, I'm shocked at how medicalized and hypermonitored birth has become. I was deemed "high risk" because my amniotic fluid was at the high end of the *normal* range and had to go in for ENDLESS tests and ultrasound after ultrasound until they decided it was just incidental. They also convinced me the heart rate was off and it turned out she just wasn't as active that day, gave me a whole threatened miscarriage talk and told me to get progesterone shots and bedrest, and then it was up at the very next visit. I'm hearing that from a lot of others as well in my pregnancy support group, that they've terrified them and tested them to the nth degree. I don't know if it's the ultrasound technology improving and finding more incidental things, all the extra blood tests, or the threat of lawsuits or what, but at least at my hospital they're really great at freaking people out about every little thing about their birth and telling every last person they're "high risk" for one thing or another.

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

She's totally counting Maryssa. 

The baby's name is Ensley, so Endtable just came natural. Just like baby Addie was called Adderall. 

Adderall is also known as Baby Cheetos. 

40 minutes ago, Quilty said:

Janelle is one of those people who will put her kids on ADHD meds when he's 3. I think she tried to do that with Jace.

Jenelle was angry at Barb for putting Jace on meds. The meds that he needs to function and which apparently has made a difference in his school work and overall behavior at school. Jenelle wouldn't know because she is not Jace's mother, just the uterus that dumped him on her mother. 

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 18
3 hours ago, snarts said:

Based on her Instagram, no worries, she's already dropped the baby weight.

Yeah, I felt for Kaiser.   I worried even more aboit their dogs.  You know they weren't considered at all.  Poor guys spend most of their lives locked in crates with those two screaming & yelling at each other. 


I can't tell from her instagram pictures - she is covering herself up in all of them.  Of course, she never was slim. She really needs to wipe off some of that makeup, and brush her hair.  What does she see in the mirror?

Speaking of her instagram - someone commented on one of her pictures, "Chelsea, I love that you love a slow man" or something like that.  It was like a huge insult to Cole, wrapped up in a nice comment to Chelsea.

  • Love 3

I guess some people are just so damn smart they can tell a person is "slow" just by watching about 9 minutes of his life on an edited TV show. 

And no, the truth doesn't hurt , what hurts is people who are cruel for no reason.  How is he slow?  Because he's awkward on camera?  Call me slow then because I'd freeze up and look like a moron. 

And I mean 9 minutes total which is just about the amount of time he's been shown on this show. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 22
1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

I can't tell from her instagram pictures - she is covering herself up in all of them.  Of course, she never was slim. She really needs to wipe off some of that makeup, and brush her hair.  What does she see in the mirror?

June  and last week, certainly not carrying any extra weight that I can see.

People are assholes.  Cole is shy, maybe a little awkward, but certainly not slow.

  • Love 16

My goodness..... Jenelle is such am overdramatic bitch. Why not drop Kaiser off with Nathan or Nathan's mom. Seems funny Kaiser wants nothing to do with Jenelle and was constantly asking for David. I guess the bitching about having no one is all her own fucking fault. And poor Jenelle cries about it all the time is bullshit. She just really is an asshole and I am loving how fake her instragram bullshit about David is. Way to go dipshit picking another abuser. 

Brianna is beyond dumb getting knocked up by someone she didnt know. Way to go girl.  And did her sister get ass implants or what?

Can Kails complexion be any shittier? Sorry but not sorry, she is probably eating nothing but shit. I felt bad for Javi, last time he left, he came back to everything changed.

Nice to see Chelsea and Cole being normal, not fighting and loving their life and that they couldn't wait for their son to be born instead of the other bullshit between Brianna and her dude and Jenelle and her dude.

  • Love 12

All I don't know about children could fill warehouses but I'm willing to bet if a kid only hears his name in anger, he's going to be screwed up. Having an angry, large man (who has been accused of being an abuser) who isn't his father get impatient with him, seems like a recipe for abuse or worse. Glad the cameras are there. 

I like seeing Chelsea's boring segments. It's a nice contrast to the others. I also like the stark landscape of South Dakota. I hope they don't push her out for clueless Brianna.

Speaking of Brianna, I'm so glad that she, her mom and her sister seem to be screaming at each other a lot less. Nova is a cute kid.

Glad that Leah is "doing good". I think she really does love her kids unlike Janelle.

I hardly ever pay attention to Kail's segments. Her nasty, defensive tone is a turn off.

  • Love 17
16 minutes ago, Soobs said:

All I don't know about children could fill warehouses but I'm willing to bet if a kid only hears his name in anger, he's going to be screwed up. Having an angry, large man (who has been accused of being an abuser) who isn't his father get impatient with him, seems like a recipe for abuse or worse. Glad the cameras are there. 

I like seeing Chelsea's boring segments. It's a nice contrast to the others. I also like the stark landscape of South Dakota. I hope they don't push her out for clueless Brianna.

Speaking of Brianna, I'm so glad that she, her mom and her sister seem to be screaming at each other a lot less. Nova is a cute kid.

Glad that Leah is "doing good". I think she really does love her kids unlike Janelle.

I hardly ever pay attention to Kail's segments. Her nasty, defensive tone is a turn off.

I think Leah does love her kids, and wants them to be happy and productive people. I think she just isn't cut out to be a full time caretaker, and if she stays away from the pills, finds something to occupy her mind and doesn't have any more kids she will be fine. 

  • Love 10

The fact that Brianna and her family have no issue with discussing subjects like abortion and deadbeat dads in front of a small child is probably why they're trapped in such a dysfunctional cycle in the first place. Nova is young, but she's not stupid. If the recurring theme in her life is "men ain't shit" don't be surprised when she's knocked up at 17 by a total loser as well. 

  • Love 19
Just now, BitterApple said:

The fact that Brianna and her family have no issue with discussing subjects like abortion and deadbeat dads in front of a small child is probably why they're trapped in such a dysfunctional cycle in the first place. Nova is young, but she's not stupid. If the recurring theme in her life is "men ain't shit" don't be surprised when she's knocked up at 17 by a total loser as well. 

I definitely agree that these subjects shouldn't be discussed around Nova- she can hear! She knows exactly what's going on and it's not age appropriate. 


However I don't see how the "men ain't shit" mentality leads to being pregnant at 17. I think the "men will satisfy all of your emotional, physical and financial needs" ala Momma Dawn leads to pregnant at 17. If you don't think men are worth shit you're less likely to be emotionally or sexually dependent on them (and their approval), and less likely to be pregnant at 17. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

There's nothing wrong with not being paternal/maternal/nurturing but why the hell are those always the people who seem to have kid after kid while people who long for kids sometimes have to work so hard for it? Watching ain't-shit Jenelle and her parade of ain't-shit fathers makes me want to revive forced sterilization. 

Thank you!!! Not everyone is maternal or wants children, nothing wrong with that. But if you're one of those people, STOP having kids!! It's clear Janelle does not want to be a mother and should not bea mother. Barbara is nutty,  but jace is way better off with her. And Kaiser is adorable, such a cute little muffin!

8 hours ago, Ajb1112 said:

As awful as David is, I thought he handled the whole Janelle meltdown thing pretty well. Jenelle was being absolutely ridiculous. All she had to do was keep Kaiser out of the way. She couldn't even figure out how to do that. Take him to a bedroom with you and shut the door. It's not hard. I understand why David wanted him out of the way. Moving isn't easy. A child running around in your way is dangerous while you're moving big things. I would have flipped out on Janelle if I were David. She acts like she doesn't know how to do anything. 

God forbid she move and do that. She could have even just sat on the floor with him and gave him attention,  which he is clearly lacking, (well, he's at least lacking positive attention.) And agreed, David handled that meltdown well, then again,  he's probably used to these meltdowns on a daily basis.

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, Calm81 said:

Leah - Not too much to snark on as she's a little better than previous seasons so I'm going to watch another episode before I give up on her even though I know she already dropped out of college. The girls were on time for school, she made a point to not let the girls get full on snacks before dinner and she got their teeth brushed - she wasn't nodding off while driving lol. It's pretty sad that I feel like these are all improvements.

Jenelle - She's telling the producer nobody cared when she was crying yet ignored Kaiser when he was crying...hmmm ?

I'm not going to care about YOU crying if you're not going to give a damn about that sweet boy crying.

I feel that both David and Jenelle are too rough with Kaiser. The way Jenelle rigorously jammed Kaiser into his highchair and how David slid him across the floor broke my heart.

David was slacking with his friends while drinking and could've accomplished a lot more but yikes, was Jenelle acting hormonal...pregnancy doesn't mean you have to sit on the couch and nag your family. I guess her relationship isn't going as good as she acted like it was in last season. Just wait until the 2 am feedings when endtable shows up, if they're acting this crabby before the baby. #freekaiser #endtablefindbarb

Kailyn - I'm so sick of her not wanting to talk about ANYTHING but how busy she is with school but will cash her MTV check all day. Mackenzie (TM3) will take your spot in a second if you don't cooperate.

I felt so bad for Javi, he really doesn't want to be deployed again. I nearly teared up when Lincoln said he was his best friend. Poor Isaac. 

Jo looks totally OVER Kailyn's BS about her "hectic schedule" and probably goes home and takes a shot for each time he heard school out Kails mouth.  

Chelsea - She looks like a happy preggo lady, but she's going to regret smiling while eating that cupcake...I did the same while pregnant with my third and I wasn't smiling after the baby was born when I saw the damage I've done lol. She's definitely happy eating for two.

Not body shaming, I just know how proud she was when she was getting back into shape and I don't want her to go through what I did after my baby was born. Postpartum depression was AWFUL combined with 40 lb weight gain. Thanks to the keto diet and CrossFit I'm finally back to looking the way I did in College.

Watson is beautiful. Bless his heart. Beautiful family of five (including Pete). Scenes to the next episode shows the first sign of trouble in paradise when Cole bear says he hasn't got any sleep and Chelsea fires back "you've been getting sleep!" Lol. My husband and I fought the MOST after each baby was born. Baby bootcamp we called those dark days. It was both our most happiest time (due to new baby) and our worst (due to NO SLEEP).

Brianna is going to all of the places I've been to this summer (we live in the same city), as I took my kids to legoland and I went to the same burger joint and Indian restaurant...super weird, too bad it wasn't the day they were filming...I would've video bombed wearing a PreviouslyTv shirt. ???

I feel bad for Brianna getting the news that Lu already cheated on her but can't say I'm shocked. What do you expect when you get knocked up from a club hookup? Romance and a standup guy??? Nooooooope. I see them trying to make it work for a year to two at the most then calling it quits. Briana better thank her lucky stars MTV came back to fill her bank account back up to prepare her for Lu leaving her.

I don't like her sister, too much of "I'm so badass I can take on the world" attitude like Amber (TMOG). I don't want to hear that crap. The strongest people never have to shout to the rooftops how strong they are - they just are.

Thank you!!! She couldn't give that adorable little boy of hers attention bc that would deflect attention off of her and her meltdowns and whining.  And, im glad im not the only one thinking that they are WAY too rough with him! I normally dont liketo get involved in others parenting styles, as i dont have any children of my own, however, even without children, i know that i would never handle a child in that manner. Seeing them roughly handle him and get angry at him for simply wanting to be involved seriously pissed me off.


She wonders why she has no one in her life and i would feel bad for anyone in a situation like that, BUT, when you treat everyone around you like crap, why would you have anyone? I just don't get why some people (Janelle and Farrah specifically) can be so cruel and mean to the ones around them. Sure, we all have bad days, but this is beyond that. I would be disgusted/lose all respect for myself if i EVER spoke to my mother the way those girls do. They are really setting a good example for their children of treating others how you want to be treated....

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Maharincess said:

I guess some people are just so damn smart they can tell a person is "slow" just by watching about 9 minutes of his life on an edited TV show. 

And no, the truth doesn't hurt , what hurts is people who are cruel for no reason.  How is he slow?  Because he's awkward on camera?  Call me slow then because I'd freeze up and look like a moron. 

And I mean 9 minutes total which is just about the amount of time he's been shown on this show. 

On Snapchat he seems like fun. He and Chelsea act the way me and my ex did. Full of fun and silliness.  I can see he's uncomfortable on tv when compared to her sneaking video of him on Snapchat. He's himself when he doesn't realize she's recording.  

  • Love 12

doooode...like moving when you're pregnant and have a toddler is WAY HARDER than throwing things in a box and yelling at Tori about a hoodie.  Who could have known that moving with kids is so hard?! She moved a million times when Jace was a...oh yeah. Barb had Jace.

And what's so bad about a hotel room? It's small, there's no where he could escape to...oh wait I get it. There's no room she can shut him in. Got it.

It totally seems like Kaiser is "a spirited" child.  They can try the best of parents, and especially a lazy ass like Jailnelle. 

And just me over here rubbing my hands together with evil glee while J bitches about how she has no friends or family.  Hmmm....

Edited by guilfoyleatpp
  • Love 16
7 hours ago, politichick said:

OMG. Everything you said. Jenelle is the absolute worst and I feel very, very sorry for Kaiser. All the yelling, nothing to do, being dumped in a crib. I was really surprised by the amount of arguing. Why didn't she send him to Nate's mother? She's a lazy fucking clown. It was nice to see Jace and I wish there'd been more. I love how he and Barb can talk and laugh and be happy over the silliest things. I bet he would never dare do fun little tricks with that crazy bitch who gave him life.

Briana is a total idiot. Why is she having this baby? She is fucking dumb as hell. She and Javi might make a good couple.

I can't really blame Kail for not wanting to talk about her new baby daddy because he clearly wants nothing to do with her, which must be making her feel really stupid and embarrassed. I mean, he's like, don't even say my name. That is seriously cold. She is nuts to have allowed herself to get pregnant and I seriously don't get it. I don't think she really ares of Javi deploys but I understand her getting mad about sharing that info with the children before he learns whether he will in fact be deployed. Why upset poor Isaac like that? He's already a bit of a Nervous Nelly.

Chelsea is really living the dream. I like seeing her little family and lucky her giving birth an hour after arriving at the hospital. The other girls must be so jealous. When Teen Mom 2 started they probably all thought they were smarter, thinner, prettier etc. than poor Chelsea and now look at who has it all now. I hope they didn't bring in the dim Briana to ease her out because I would still like to see her as part of the show for as long as it lasts/

I'm really happy for Chelsea! Im so glad to see her HAPPY.  They have an adorable family and they all look genuinely happy which is such a nice change from what we see from the others on the show. She seems like a good hearted person and a wonderful mom. Im glad Aubree has Cole in her life to look up to as a father figure. So happy for them and i wish them and their adorable family all the best!!

  • Love 18

"Slow" has become the new word to refer to someone as "special" or "retarded".  That is fucking crass, and people who use such terms against anyone they dislike is beyond disgusting. They are on the same level as Jenelle. I suppose those trolls on Chelsea's page have no life and idolize Adumb.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 16

Jenelle said she cried "super bad" and "no one cared" ... Kaiser, YOUR TODDLER, cried "super bad" and was "super neglected" and you didn't care at all, Jenelle.

She kept saying she had no one and then, of course, brought Jace up...yes, things would be amazing if only she were with THREE children (hi, remember the baby in your stomach, Jenelle?!) in that parking lot having a hissy over nothing, again, while ignoring them and forcing them to watch you have a tantrum AGAIN. I feel really bad for Marisa, you know she's watching Ensley and Kaiser all the time she's with them...probably right this very moment.

It's bone-chilling that David may be Kaiser's primary caregiver (over Jenelle, who has zero fucks to even try, on camera...) and the reason he's still, apparently, heathy (although, mentally...it's so hard to hear them yell and argue about him over and over right in front of him!). Jenelle is the worst when I have to say something positive about David in contrast. Yes, Jenelle, you should take care of YOUR children. She's the worst narcissist. 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 20
4 hours ago, jadecorleone said:

One used to be able to but MTV has since locked all their videos and you have to have a cable subscription now to watch their videos online. Another way they are trying to stick it to cord cutters I suppose.

Oddly enough I can get in fine. When I signed up for my MTV user ID I did have cable but MTV wouldn't have known that. I chose my cable company but there was nothing I did that linked me to them. Now I don't have it but after choosing a video when it says sign in I sign in by clicking on my old cable provider and then click on sign in/ register. Then you can create an account or choose to sign in if you already have one. Once signed in you can choose from the list of full episodes or it will take you to a video you already selected. Just now many of the videos were locked but it just required that I follow the process above and sign in again. 

  • Love 4

Anyone who would say Cole is "slow" like an insult obviously has the same shitty judgement in men that Jenelle has.  A man's intelligence and worth cannot be judged by his portrayal on a reality show. In fact, I would say the more amusing he is on a reality show, the worse person he is. 

Cole seems like a good dude and his reluctance to perform for the fucking cameras raises my estimation of him by leaps and bounds.

  • Love 19
2 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


And what's so bad about a hotel room? It's small, there's no where he could escape to...oh wait I get it. There's no room she can shut him in. Got it.

It totally seems like Kaiser is "a spirited" child.  They can try the best of parents, and especially a lazy ass like Jailnelle. 


Yeah I have a spirited child.  It's a challenge.  I'm sometimes happy to go to work.  He is very much like Kaiser, and I spend my time with him telling him "no, Patrick don't touch that, don't eat that Patrick, Patrick NO!  I said NO!  Now you are in trouble!!"  I mean he doesn't listen and is always pushing buttons.  But I don't ever get rough with him or tell him he's bad, or that I can't deal with him.  Or cry and scream like that.  She is not equipped to deal with children.


3 hours ago, snarts said:

June  and last week, certainly not carrying any extra weight that I can see.

People are assholes.  Cole is shy, maybe a little awkward, but certainly not slow.

That's the thing, we can't see her body.  She's definitely using the baby to cover up.  There are no shots of her body at all, I assume it's strategic.

Cole is a nice guy, he doesn't speak much, but he doesn't seem slow to me.  He's kind of silly and their constant silliness is annoying to me.  I sometimes fast forward through her stuff, I know it's nice and happy but so boring.

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 7

Cole is on camera for Chelsea, the woman he loves who is on TV.

The rest of these second & third baby daddies are there for the camera first, not the woman they "love." 


(ETA: Well, OK, not Chris Lopez, but you know he gets/got perks out of being with Kail. He was there for the sex and the stuff Kail could buy him.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 16
6 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

Yeah I have a spirited child.  It's a challenge.  I'm sometimes happy to go to work.  He is very much like Kaiser, and I spend my time with him telling him "no, Patrick don't touch that, don't eat that Patrick, Patrick NO!  I said NO!  Now you are in trouble!!"  I mean he doesn't listen and is always pushing buttons.  But I don't even get rough with him or tell him he's bad, or that I can't deal with him.  Or cry and scream like that.  She is not equipped to deal with children.

It really bothers me they call him bad and tell him he's being bad. IDK, my own kiddo is so laid back and generally sweet that my default is to reason with him (now that he's able to understand). I don't see the value in telling a child they are bad. They internalize that information and then later it becomes an excuse (ahem...Jenelle...ahem). The roll is just over 2 years old. He needs love, affection, redirection (LOTS OF REDIRECTION) and affirmation when he makes good choices.

Mr. Guilfoyle also caught UB knocking Kaiser's head against the doorframe when he was putting him in the car. On purpose.

  • Love 15
8 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

She does not want to deal with the parenting work, so why have so many?  I believe it is a way for her to trap a guy, that is the only explanation I can see.

How's that working out for you, Jenelle? Where's Nathan, duuuuude? None of the trap babies have kept the couples in this franchise together. You'd think they'd learn.

7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

You literally just described every Walmart here in Las Vegas. Throw in "wearing pajama bottoms and whipping out her EBT card" and it would've been 100% dead-on.

:/ :(

5 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I am seeing this trend lately. Every woman I know who has been pregnant in the past 5 years has claimed to be "high risk" and can't do shit. It pisses me off because there are legit high risk women and I am afraid that this overly dramatic delicate flower act by others is impeding their care. And I say this as someone that had 2 miscarriages, a complete placental abruption and 2 preemie births.

How would it impede their care? (Genuinely asking out of curiosity.)

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

The truth hurts.

I respectfully disagree. It doesn't hurt Cole, but it does hurt those for whom that word is directed at by society.  IMO it is despicable how in this day and age the word slow is not only condoned, but also approved when it attacks someone they feel is unworthy. It is akin to using the N word. At least in my eyes it is. I have never used such a word to describe anyone, not even an asswipe like Adumb.

People with limited mental capabilities are often referred to as slow. I like to say everyone has their own way of learning things at their own pace.

Cole may be disliked, but that is no reason for people to attack him on social media by using a smear that puts a black eye on people with mental learning issues. It not only is an insult to Cole, but it is an insult to  those who are not at fault for how their brain works.

*stepping off my soapbox*


55 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

The people who believe Cole is "slow" would also trust Matt Baier with $100,000. 

They probably follow him on their social media and tell him how much they like him.

2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

It's funny because on Instagram right now, people are actually giving Jenelle solid parenting advice. I'm sure we'll be treated to a Tweet where she calls everyone jellus haterz and blames it on the editing. 

Giving Jenelle advice on how to parent is like telling Michael Vick how to be a good dog owner.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 22
5 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I definitely agree that these subjects shouldn't be discussed around Nova- she can hear! She knows exactly what's going on and it's not age appropriate. 


However I don't see how the "men ain't shit" mentality leads to being pregnant at 17. I think the "men will satisfy all of your emotional, physical and financial needs" ala Momma Dawn leads to pregnant at 17. If you don't think men are worth shit you're less likely to be emotionally or sexually dependent on them (and their approval), and less likely to be pregnant at 17. 

I can see how it could - just a general lack of respect for men and who needs them to help raise a kid?  

Her sister totally gets on my nerves. I think their tough guy, us-against-the-world collective persona (especially from the sister) was part of the draw for MTV. They are more willing to get into fights. 

  • Love 5
8 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I am seeing this trend lately. Every woman I know who has been pregnant in the past 5 years has claimed to be "high risk" and can't do shit. It pisses me off because there are legit high risk women and I am afraid that this overly dramatic delicate flower act by others is impeding their care. And I say this as someone that had 2 miscarriages, a complete placental abruption and 2 preemie births.

Feel the same and I have a very similar OB history!  (Only 1 miscarriage and 2 preemies but my 35 weeker didn't seem like one after I had a 30 weeker. )  Also had infertility issues so these young women claiming they're infertile bugs the shit out of me, too.

  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

To be fair, I'm shocked at how medicalized and hypermonitored birth has become. I was deemed "high risk" because my amniotic fluid was at the high end of the *normal* range and had to go in for ENDLESS tests and ultrasound after ultrasound until they decided it was just incidental. They also convinced me the heart rate was off and it turned out she just wasn't as active that day, gave me a whole threatened miscarriage talk and told me to get progesterone shots and bedrest, and then it was up at the very next visit. I'm hearing that from a lot of others as well in my pregnancy support group, that they've terrified them and tested them to the nth degree. I don't know if it's the ultrasound technology improving and finding more incidental things, all the extra blood tests, or the threat of lawsuits or what, but at least at my hospital they're really great at freaking people out about every little thing about their birth and telling every last person they're "high risk" for one thing or another.

Yep, that is what they are doing here as well. Within the next few years, everyone will be high risk so they will have to open specialty clinics for "normal" pregnancies.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, nikita said:

How's that working out for you, Jenelle? Where's Nathan, duuuuude? None of the trap babies have kept the couples in this franchise together. You'd think they'd learn.

:/ :(

How would it impede their care? (Genuinely asking out of curiosity.)

Because time and extra resources are being used on women who shouldn't be classified in that manner. A friend of mine was recently considered high risk because she had a history of one chemical pregnancy. (Technically not even considered a miscarriage.) When she got pregnant again, she was referred to a high risk clinic. Throughout her pregnancy she has had weekly OB visits, starting at 6 weeks. Weekly ultrasounds. Weekly bloodwork. Even SHE is confused by all this, yet her doc says it is necessary. She spends, on average, 5 hours a week at the doc and lab. At 18 weeks pregnant, she had racked up $14,000 in medical bills that insurance is still not paying. Even her primary care doc thinks all this is excessive. Meanwhile, there are also women with intrauterine growth restriction, partial abruptions, advanced age, cancer, gestational diabetes, incompetent cervixes, etc who might need extra care and resources but are not getting adequate attention because docs and nurses are spread thin. High risk clinics are meant for special, unique care for extraordinary circumstances and risky pregnancies. When more women are being sent there than staying with their home OBs, it is a problem.

  • Love 8

Yeah, I agree re: the high risk clinics. It's usually not the patients' choice, though. Once you are deemed high risk for one random finding, it's hard to reverse. I guess it might be to avoid litigation? 

I would assume by thin cervix she perhaps means incompetent cervix, which would actually be an issue. She could of course be making the whole thing up because she is herself. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

Because time and extra resources are being used on women who shouldn't be classified in that manner. A friend of mine was recently considered high risk because she had a history of one chemical pregnancy. (Technically not even considered a miscarriage.) When she got pregnant again, she was referred to a high risk clinic. Throughout her pregnancy she has had weekly OB visits, starting at 6 weeks. Weekly ultrasounds. Weekly bloodwork. Even SHE is confused by all this, yet her doc says it is necessary. She spends, on average, 5 hours a week at the doc and lab. At 18 weeks pregnant, she had racked up $14,000 in medical bills that insurance is still not paying. Even her primary care doc thinks all this is excessive. Meanwhile, there are also women with intrauterine growth restriction, partial abruptions, advanced age, cancer, gestational diabetes, incompetent cervixes, etc who might need extra care and resources but are not getting adequate attention because docs and nurses are spread thin. High risk clinics are meant for special, unique care for extraordinary circumstances and risky pregnancies. When more women are being sent there than staying with their home OBs, it is a problem.

Wow....things have changed in the last 10 or so years.  I was "high risk" for 2 of my 3 pregnancies because of advanced maternal age, among other things, and I didn't have anywhere near those kinds of appointments. (And I got very good care - especially with the last one - specialist, in-hospital bedrest - that care saved my baby's life.)  I also had a chemical pregnancy but didn't even consider it a "miscarriage."

Seems totally overboard. That kind of thing costs all of us. No wonder why healthcare costs are out of control.

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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I did find it particularly interesting that Jenelle chose her moment of frustration at the hotel parking lot to add the issue of Jace and his custody--this is after she spent the day complaining about the one son she did have with her.  She really makes no sense, and between her and the newbie on the show (that adds nothing as many have said), I really think I need to avoid this season of TM2 (and all future installments).

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10 hours ago, guilfoyleatpp said:

It really bothers me they call him bad and tell him he's being bad. IDK, my own kiddo is so laid back and generally sweet that my default is to reason with him (now that he's able to understand). I don't see the value in telling a child they are bad.

boy-child was like that too.  I remember reprimanding him about being disrespectful and he said "Mom I don't like the way you're looking at me, it's like you think I'm a bad guy!"

he's still charming like that....what a little schmoozer!!!!

  • Love 10
17 hours ago, Lm2162 said:

I am seeing this trend lately. Every woman I know who has been pregnant in the past 5 years has claimed to be "high risk" and can't do shit. It pisses me off because there are legit high risk women and I am afraid that this overly dramatic delicate flower act by others is impeding their care. And I say this as someone that had 2 miscarriages, a complete placental abruption and 2 preemie births.

It's about liability on the part of the OB. They are quick to classify anything even slightly out the normal range as high risk to shield themselves from lawsuits. We live in a litigious society. While yes, there are crap doctors that do bad things, but mostly doctors do good. But if something goes wrong, it is assumed that the doctor did something wrong or failed to act. In modern society, it always has to be someone's fault when things go wrong.  To cover themselves OBs label them high risk. This country needs tort reform badly. Otherwise healthy women will continue to be sent to specialists and high risk clinics for what would be considered normal 20 years ago. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 4

So basically, according to Jenelle, when you're pregnant you can't do anything. You can't put up a Christmas tree, you can't pick up or go after your child and you can't get off the couch. You can't take care of your own child by yourself. So all of those women around the world and on this forum who worked until their ninth month of pregnancy are anomolies. All of those women who took care of their households and other children while pregnant are aliens. Those mothers really are amazing because according to Jenelle, those things can't be done! Screw Jenelle. My heart broke for poor Kaiser. It really is a stark contrast to see the loving home Watson was brought into, to the shitshow Kaiser and Ensley are currently in. It's very sad.

  • Love 15
3 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

It's about liability on the part of the OB. They are quick to classify anything even slightly out the normal range as high risk to shield themselves from lawsuits. We live in a litigious society. While yes, there are crap doctors that do bad things, but mostly doctors do good. But if something goes wrong, it is assumed that the doctor did something wrong or failed to act. In modern society, it always has to be someone's fault when things go wrong.  To cover themselves OBs label them high risk. This country needs tort reform badly. Otherwise healthy women will continue to be sent to specialists and high risk clinics for what would be considered normal 20 years ago. 

Additionally, personally I think it's also an issue with the health care system as a whole in this country and whose best interests they serve--aka insurance companies, not patients, and we do have the highest maternal death rate in the developed world--but anything more would I think be venturing too far into politics and derailing the thread so I'll stop there. 

All this to say, Jenelle could very well have been deemed high risk and told not to pick up her child. But there is nothing stopping her from taking him into the damn bedroom, shutting the door and playing a game with him to keep him occupied, or asking David to lift him into the car so you can go over to the new house. I can't figure out what she was trying to do there. Is she just that lazy or was she trying to keep an eye on David? Can she not be separated from him for an hour without wondering if he'll cheat? 

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@Lm2162 I think Jenelle is incredibly lazy as well as wanting to keep eyes on David. In her head everyone exists to cater to her whims and keep her company, and lil toddler Kaiser is putting a cramp in all of that! (he is the cutest thing those cheeks OMG) To Jenelle Kaiser is just so needy and never thinks about her and just wants to make her life harder by running around and making her get off her buttocks. 

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