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S09.E15: Oil And Vinegar

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8 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I have always thought that there is something pervy about guys who prefer women hairless.  Maybe I'm just old, but ewww... 

There was a funny line in The Sopranos where a guy at the Bada Bing who had recently gotten out of prison noticed all the women were hairless and he said he felt uncomfortable, like he was at a girl scout meeting.

  • Love 19
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:
2 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:


ANY of these women can choose to end friendships if they like. Bethenny definitely has been nasty to some of them at times, but if they don't want to cut her off, that's THEIR issue.

I believe that if you removed the construct of the show, Ramona would not be friends with Bethenny. She wouldn't by trying to "make up" with her. But as we all do with coworkers, Ramona is trying to get along. For storyline purposes, that means apologizing and saying she wants to move forward and work on the friendship. That's all code for "We have to film together and I want to keep my job."

Ramona did care for Bethenny when she was sick and Beth invited Ro to her wedding. They were friends at one point. I actually believe Ramona has been far more generous with Bethenny during the totality of the franchise than Beth has ever been to Ramona. So I understood why Ramona reacted so badly to B's comment that Ramona was never a good friend to her. It's just categorically untrue.

Nothing excuses what Ramona or Bethenny said to each other in the Berkshires. Both were beyond nasty. But Beth seems to want a million apologies she won't accept. It's no use pretending to clutch pearls over having Ramona in Mexico. It's a group trip and she's allowed to go. All of this angst was about not breaking the fourth wall and making it plain that Bravo pays for the trip and no one can actually be excluded. 

I'd have more respect for Beth if she's just say "OK, Ramona, I can't keep you from coming. Just please don't insult me or bring up my child again." End of story. Instead she's ruining dinners and screaming at Tins when Ramona has already made the situation clear. Ramona is trying to be civil to a coworker. Beth seems intent on making this as animosity-filled as possible.

  • Love 18
18 minutes ago, Ki-in said:

Sonja just had to throw in yet another Tom reference. Maybe Tom didn't say anything about her bush because like most men he does not care.

Right? What about all the other men she's slept with? What about Harry? What about Frenchie? Why not reference THEM in regards to opinions on pubic hair? No, she just HAS to keep reminding people that she once slept with Lu's husband. 

8 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I believe that if you removed the construct of the show, Ramona would not be friends with Bethenny. She wouldn't by trying to "make up" with her. But as we all do with coworkers, Ramona is trying to get along. For storyline purposes, that means apologizing and saying she wants to move forward and work on the friendship. That's all code for "We have to film together and I want to keep my job."

Ramona did care for Bethenny when she was sick and Beth invited Ro to her wedding. They were friends at one point. I actually believe Ramona has been far more generous with Bethenny during the totality of the franchise than Beth has ever been to Ramona. So I understood why Ramona reacted so badly to B's comment that Ramona was never a good friend to her. It's just categorically untrue.

Nothing excuses what Ramona or Bethenny said to each other in the Berkshires. Both were beyond nasty. But Beth seems to want a million apologies she won't accept. It's no use pretending to clutch pearls over having Ramona in Mexico. It's a group trip and she's allowed to go. All of this angst was about not breaking the fourth wall and making it plain that Bravo pays for the trip and no one can actually be excluded. 

But, to me, it doesn't seem like Ramona is just trying to "make up" in a co-worker sense. That's what Lu and B did, and they're fine. They're cordial. They can get along in group settings, but they likely don't spend a second of time together outside of the show. Ramona is trying TOO hard. I don't think B wants a million apologies. She's heard them. She wants them to STOP. Ramona can't accept the current status of "cordial co-workers". She wants them to truly be FRIENDS again, and I don't think that's going to happen. So when B doesn't start gushing and make up with her in the way SHE wants, Ramona turns feral again. She is never satisfied. 

  • Love 23

I had to laugh when Carole was giving Tinsley date conversation advice, I remember that date she had from last season, all Carole talked about was sex and drinking. 

Ramona is so awkward and twitchy, when she was yelling at Bethenny at the dinner about Mexico about how it isn't all about her (which is never incendiary, right?) I though Bethenny showed enormous restraint by not punching her in the throat.  Honestly how big are Ramona's balls?  To just say it's a group trip so I am going? Who does that?  It makes Ramona look so ugly.

Who will enlighten Dorinda, Mary Tyler Moore's show was set in Minneapolis not New York.

  • Love 16
46 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

But Beth seems to want a million apologies she won't accept.

Here's the thing though, I don't think she does want apologies, she just doesn't want to be around Ramona anymore. She's obviously contractually obligated to be but I can't blame her to not want Ramona around when she doesn't have to be. 

  • Love 22

When I first saw Sonja's brows I thought eh, ok, but as she started talking her facial expressions looked comical. It reminded me of this.



         I was embarrassed for Tinsley but really hope she gets it together. If she is still with that guy good for her, he seemed nice. If he is a computer nerd, having Tinsley with him at social engagements might really work well, assuming she tones it down a notch.

      I didn't like Bethany snapping at Tinsley at the table. I don't know how I would do talking to Ramona in that state. Her crazy angry face then crying would scare me a little and I might panic and flip out myself. I like Bethany good and bad. 

       I love Luann and her big jewelry. I laughed at the Flinstone joke. I think she is a very dynamic person. I know she has a bitchy side and a pretentious side but I can take the good with the bad. I have watched the show from the beginning, missed a season or two but enjoyed seeing her change through the years.

       Carole has grown on me and I really disliked her. I like Dorinda too.

  • Love 22

No matter how crazy Ramona is - - and she's a crazy bitch, for sure - - she is entertaining as hell.  I don't have to deal with her personally so I am gleeful watching her on this show.  Her crazy, combined with not taking any shit from Bethenny, makes it worthwhile to get up in the morning.   Only Ramona would respond to a "you're no longer invited" with a "I'm coming anyway!"  That is gold.

Tinsley should have responded to Dorinda's repeated requests to cut her hair with a "I'll cut my hair when you go for more than a week without a drop of alcohol."  Problem solved.  I generally don't mind Dorinda and I also think Tinsley would look so much better if she took a few inches (at least) off her hair but it's her head and her business.  It's far more worrying that Tinsley wears tights, Mary Janes, little girl dresses and lists "Eloise" as her favorite book.

I do look forward to seeing if Dorinda remembers to book her flight to Mexico and if she remembers to bring her luggage.  (Apologies if they already left during this episode; I fell asleep) 

Bethenny is going to assign rooms in Mexico . . . it's about time someone came up with that genius plan with this group.  Duh.  Luann did look a bit worried.  She's probably concerned that she won't get the pick of the litter, due to being a newlywed and all.  Will there be any pirates on this Mexican vacay?  Will there be a banner saying "YOU DID IT!" when they arrive?  Will Bethenny hemorrhage in a home goods store before they leave?  We need to know.

Sonja . . . either you are dense or you really will do anything to have a man looking at your vajayjay.  It's NOT normal for a business owner (male or female) to be in the room while you're getting waxed.  Did we have to know that Luann and Tinsley keep it bare?  I'd like to know Luann's reaction to that dishing of info.  Honestly, what is it with the Howives and their fascination with filming their wax jobs?  

  • Love 17

Sonja, Sonja, Sonja.  Once again someone who wants to talk about her lady parts on the tee vee, oy vey...that creepy guy in the room with her was the owner and probably not a doctor.  Is this her way of getting someone, anyone to pay attention to her lady bits? 

R:  we get along like oil and vinegar

B:  you mean oil and water, oil and vinegar go together

R:  no they don't

B:  yes they do, they're right there on the table.

and "I just agreed to a bag of bullshit" 

legit lols.
Thanks ZaldamoWilder, that was a gem of a convo!!

Why did Ramona say she gave half of her money to Mario for the divorce settlement?  Married assets were split 50/50 so really she got to keep half of his, right?  Plus she got the Hampton's house and the apartment with enough money left over to renovate it and her face.

  • Love 15

When these women are going in on Tinsley, they might want to remember Tinsley is an Ivy League grad and selling her brand before it became a thing.  Regarding her date, I think the guy was having a blast.  I am certain with Carole transmitting Tinsley's pedigree he was expecting something else.  The length of Tinsley's hair doesn't bother me as much as the curtains effect it has around her face-it needs to be off her face more.  So cutting three inches won't open the curtains.  Bethenny does not like Tinsley but she sure seems okay with taking her to task. 

What is wrong with Dorinda?  Who would ever ask if tights/hose were back when someone was wearing them?  Dorinda looks like someone told her, oh you have a resemblance to Princess Diane with your hair like that-and has kept it that way ever since.  The big difference is I do believe, Princess Di, didn't run around with her hair uncombed or drunk. 

I think Dorinda is intimidated by Tinsley, ten years younger, most likely smarter enough to know the difference between Minneapolis and Manhattan, understandable when drinking.  I can see why Carole and Adam want to hang with Tinsley versus Dorinda.  The biggest thing Carole and Dorinda have in common is widowhood and the only other thing is Trump angst.  Dorinda is a downer.  Everything is always about something negative.  Even treating people to a new steakhouse, she has to start in with the negative. 

  • Love 11
10 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:


Why did Ramona say she gave half of her money to Mario for the divorce settlement?  Married assets were split 50/50 so really she got to keep half of his, right?  Plus she got the Hampton's house and the apartment with enough money left over to renovate it and her face.

I believe she said that she gave Mario half her earnings when she had her own business, not that she gave him half in the divorce. 

  • Love 1
58 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

I wonder if Carole finally realized that the term she wanted to use about drinking was "hollow leg" not wooden leg! (Although she may be back-handedly snarking Aviva....

What was even worse was that Carole tried to feminize the botched saying by saying a wooden tutu....no wonder the guys had no idea what she was talking about!!  

  • Love 10
27 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Why did Ramona say she gave half of her money to Mario for the divorce settlement?  Married assets were split 50/50 so really she got to keep half of his, right?  Plus she got the Hampton's house and the apartment.....

I think this was coming out in a garbled up ball of mush but what I got from it was the painful realization of a (30) year marriage being boiling down to a sum she owed him.  I didn't get the impression she was talking about the money per se more than:  life isn't all about you and your dumb shit Bethenney, I went through some dumb shit of my own.  I was this man's lover and sec-re-taire, working everyday of the week and after all that, somehow I had to pay him.    I was kinda confused by the semantics because I thought Mario came from or acquired money so......I got nothing.   Anybody know why she would've had to give him anything, let alone 1/2? 



.....with enough money left over to renovate it and her face.




eta:  to kee kee some more.

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
  • Love 6
3 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

What was even worse was that Carole tried to feminize the botched saying by saying a wooden tutu....no wonder the guys had no idea what she was talking about!!  

There is a reason it is hollow leg-as in the liquor is ingested and settles in the leg.  A wooden leg makes no sense as it is not connected to the body.  A tutu makes no sense as it is not connected to the body so it was a double fail.   Maybe Carole should put down her doobie before making booze jokes.

11 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

I believe she said that she gave Mario half her earnings when she had her own business, not that she gave him half in the divorce. 

I am just shocked that Ramona even thinks that would register that she worked and contributed to household expenses.  They essentially had two households-one in the city and one in the Hamptons.  Makes sense she contributes to the marriage.  Mario last public statement was he was taking what was legally his in the divorce after his 22 year marriage.  http://okmagazine.com/photos/mario-singer-reveals-divorce-deal-rhony-ramona/

  • Love 8

I don't know if it's been stated here yet, as I'm still catching up on all the posts, but Ramona is giving me Kelly Bensimon vibes of losing touch with reality when interacting with Bethenny. As we saw with Kelly, Bethenny doesn't go out of her way to trigger Ramona, but something in B's dna spikes and triggers a visceral crazed reaction. Not to make excuses for Ramona, because I think she's been awful, but she is obviously on very tender hooks since the reality of her marriage being completely over has sunk in and left her weak, desperate and devastated. Her attempt to appear strong and not bothered with excessive "dating" and desparation for youth makes her cringy and bizarre. I think Ramona is close to breaking down (or heading toward early dementia) and that's not something I want to see happen again on this show. It would seem that someone close to B needs to pull her aside and tell her to get through the rest of the season with Ramona and make nice for the sake of sanity.

  • Love 10

Anybody know why she would've had to give him anything, let alone 1/2? 

I'm pretty sure she's referring to the Bravo money from the show.  The same thing happened to Vicki Gunvalson, she had to give money to Donn, money SHE perceived that she earned by being a star on the show.   I am sure Mario has plenty of money. But legally he was entitled and in divorces things get ugly, people take what legally they can, 


Edited to add I just read through the article linked above, and I see that she had to buy him out of their homes in NYC and the Hamptons.  I am sure that had to sting, but assets are usually divide 50/50, he is correct when he says it would not make sense for him to walk away with nothing. Especially since before the show he was likely the breadwinner.


Also I looked up pictures of his GF, she is not as pretty as Ramona, but obviously it's not always about that.  Personality and crazy-level factor count for something as well.  ;)

Edited by FamilyVan
  • Love 4
12 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

  Anybody know why she would've had to give him anything, let alone 1/2? 

I'm more concerned with her claims that he not only cut out her heart, but her leg and her arm as well. Forget Mario-the-Flanderer.....I'm a bit worried he's a secret serial killer. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 16
8 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I'm pretty sure she's referring to the Bravo money from the show.  The same thing happened to Vicki Gunvalson, she had to give money to Donn, money SHE perceived that she earned by being a star on the show.   I am sure Mario has plenty of money. But legally he was entitled and in divorces things get ugly, people take what legally they can, 

This is how I stop just short of shedding a tear for her, Argentina.   Emotional impact notwithstanding, if he's entitled to 1/2 hers, she's entitled to 1/2 his.   I mean it probably seems super unfair because he's the one who cheated but as Betty Baltimore said above - she's the one who wound up with the stuff.

  • Love 8

Sometimes when there is infidelity things go 60/40 or more in favor of the person who was cheated on.  But these people are in a way different income level than anyone I know personally that has gotten divorced, so who knows.  Really I think he's a scumbag, and it was shitty to leave her high and dry at her age.  She isn't going to find another Mario (maybe that's a good thing).

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Jill Zarin said it best-Ramona should have gotten her feelings towards Bethenny off her chest years ago.  Ramona was more concerned with getting wedding invitations and moments on Bethenny's talk show.  Instead these two opposites had built an alliance and for Bethenny it was a painful one.  We have all watched Ramona blast off on someone and then worm her way back in-doesn't take Bethenny to point it out. I love the way Bethenny wants to just relegate Ramona to a Luann situation.  Maybe Bethenny needs to take a look at who she hasn't attempted to exile in the last year (answer Carole). 

Bethenny doesn't need Ramona any longer-their alliance to knock the dog poop out of Luann kind of backfired with fans.  Bethenny realized there was way too much attention directed Luann (and Tom's) way and wanted the show to be about her and her brands again.  Ramona wasn't smart enough to keep up.  The daughter thing is a bit of a misdirect to me. When Kelly was going to do Playboy  she sat down with her daughters and told them.  Bethenny was the one that ran with it and made the Diane Sawyer comments.  SHe should of just said-that is horribly offensive to me. To me, it seemed more like Bethenny was just done with Ramona.  Of all the people to continue to do the show-Ramona to em, is the one I think will ultimately have a meltdown that makes Kelly's on Scary Island look like a hiccup.  Ramona's prone to violence-she has hit a producer and thrown an object at Kristen.  Ramona may be the story that doesn't need an ending.

I think part of B's afront with Ramona bringing up the "porn" past when she did is that the info resurfaced over the summer before B and Ramona saw each other in the hamptons. Ramona waited to bring it up until the cameras were rolling (done my too many housewives). Essentially Ramona tried to creat a storyline on B's back. Sound familiar? That's what Jill did and that never sits well with old girl.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

it was shitty to leave her high and dry at her age.  

She still has plenty of money. Lots of women with small children and crappy jobs get dumped every day. I feel bad that this happened so publicly but if Ramona had been a SAHM and never worked she would have wanted half of his money and all future earnings.

People shouldn't have to stay in a miserable marriage because the other person is going to be hurt. Life is too short for that. He was wrong to be such a dirtbag (remember the boys' night out and what a pig he was in the 1st or 2nd season)  But 20 years of Ramona's crazy was enough for several lifetimes.

I do feel bad for her since I think she was truly in love with him and probably hoped this was just a phase and he would eventually settle down for real.

  • Love 14

Ramona treated the Mexico trip the same way she treated trying to get invited to Luann's wedding. She's gone into both situations just assuming that because of the nature of being a reality show that no matter what, an invite would be extended to her. And she got a rude awakening when that didn't happen with Luann's wedding so she basically said Fuck it with the fourth wall which is probably unnerving to the production folks.

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, Wendy said:

Ramona must be on some kind of medication, she looks crazy and acts crazy. 

Tinsley is a total case of arrested development, she is embarrassing but she looks cute so she gets a huge pass. She needs to grow up.  

Totally.  At some point you get to an age where dressing girly like that makes you look like a freak and too Baby Jane.  You are there Tinsley.  She is also a terrible date unless all you are looking for is Ms. Drunkety Drunkerson who doesn't make interesting conversation.

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I have no problem with 'tights'.  Its freaken NY in the wintertime.  It's cold.  I'm on board.  Call them what you will.  But I'd be wearing them.  And they can be very sexy.

I think tights are fine.  Its the whole frilly dresses, mary janes, tights, long blonde curls that makes her look like a semi crazy aging child actress.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, Cheetosandchoc said:

When I first saw Sonja's brows I thought eh, ok, but as she started talking her facial expressions looked comical. It reminded me of this.




HEL-LOW!  I am legitimately (YES BETHENNY) LOL-ing at the Uncle Leo reference.  Too funny!



3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

With all the fakery, that I detest on these shows, I did actually see some REAL emotion last night.  When Ramona was describing how her divorce ripped  her up inside.....OMG.  That was real.  You could hear the pain in that scene.  No excuse, of course, but, it is good to know that all of this malarkey is not total BS.  

Not to be a spoiled sport, but, is it safe to vacation in Mexico?  I thought it was dangerous, but, it seems that a lot of reality shows go there.  What's the deal?

I mean, assuming you aren't vacationing in Juarez... yes it is safe.  We traveled to Playa del Carmen last year and felt perfectly comfortable (save all the vendors who accost you to buy their stuff as soon as you enter the Cancun airport!)

  • Love 5
47 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

This is how I stop just short of shedding a tear for her, Argentina.   Emotional impact notwithstanding, if he's entitled to 1/2 hers, she's entitled to 1/2 his.   I mean it probably seems super unfair because he's the one who cheated but as Betty Baltimore said above - she's the one who wound up with the stuff.

Yes and No. Mario's business was part of his family's business so I'm not so sure Ramona would have gotten any % of that in the divorce, just what he earned/his paycheck. As for why she got the properties, he wanted the cash/money, she wanted the apartment/Hampton's house, so she had to buy him out of his 1/2 ownership of both properties. 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I'd never categorize myself as a Ramona apologist, but I wish she wasn't so incoherent and flailing, because most of her points are valid. Bethenny does make everything about herself. Pot, meet kettle. 

Bethenny is pretending to be completely blameless, and she's clearly not. The only difference is that no one will stick up for Ramona because they're terrified of upsetting Satan Andy's favorite. They are all so desperate to stay employed that they just keep trying to shush Ramona and save her from herself, instead of trying to get Bethenny to be reasonable. They saw what happened to Heather and Kristin...

Beth has said more than her fair share of nasty things to Ramona and to all the women. She went in hard at Sonja, then Lu, and now Ramona. It is a pattern, and it's ridiculous that she gets to play the victim so vehemently each time, while also acting as trip coordinator and God - doling out punishments, rescinding invites, ending friendships. I used to think Don Caro was bad but Beth has her beat by a mile.

And every time Beth goes in at Tinsley she shows a little bit more of her ass. She screams at Tinsley about a living situation when this was a woman who two years ago sobbed in a limo to Fredrick about being HOMELESS and living in a grand hotel. Girl bye. Tinsley's not allowed to look your way as you're having a conversation at the very same table? Get the eff over yourself. You are not Beyonce (Queen Bey frequents the casino in LV where my mother works and apparently forces dealers and other workers to wear opaque eyewear so she can't tell if they're looking at her. No one is allowed to speak directly to her.  She's a nightmare). This kind of behavior is childish and disgusting no matter what level of success you have reached, but you, Beth, are no Queen Bey. 

Tinsley's hair could use a little punching up, but I'd get real annoyed with these queens of extensions telling me to cut my hair every five minutes. The truth of the matter is that Tins is about a decade or more younger than all of them, and they're seething with jealousy over the fact that she can go out in Eloise clothes and barrel curls and still pull it off. Maybe only for a couple more years, but she looks and acts youthful, and not in Ramona's desperado manner.

She is only about 4-5 years younger than Bethenny.  I don't see jealousy at all in any of them.  Her life is kind of a mess and whether or not she can pull off that look is debatable.  I am not sure why it always boils down to jealousy when there is someone younger around.  She has nothing for them to be jealous of unless a potential drinking problem, arrest record, and arrested development are something to which one aspires.

  • Love 17
2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

In response to Ramona's: you copied my business idea on top of which, it's a fail!  she said you only sold 500 cases of pinot last year.     a) where's the lie tho?  and b) yeah, that was devastating.    


I think she'd need her original face to confront it in a mirror. 

You guys have been trying all season to figure out what her seam crack is.   Bingo, I think. 

Oh we're not doing that anymore?  hee!!!   

Sonja: "he must've been a dr. because he was in the room the whole time, right?"




This.   See aside from losing her shit and careening off the rails Ramona doesn't care about accuracy.   I can hear you if you're loud.  I can hear you if you're wrong.  If you're both, it's over.  Her estimated worth is about $20M, meanwhile Beth sold Skinny Girl for $100M.  At that bracket let's call taxes $40 or $50M, she's still worth more than two of Ramona.   If that's failure, please let my life be a not-success.   Most of the time I can take her, giggle at her, sometimes she even says what I'm thinking, in the way I'm thinking it.   Sometimes she's a straight asshole to the person she's talking to.   My thing is that knowing that all of these women are past the point of changing their characteristics, quit complaining about the mean girl while continuing to show up at her lunch table.  She ain't holding a pen to n'air one of these chicks' head at contract renewal time.

Not unless you're a drug mule or a gun runner.   Only 1/2 serious, it's about as dangerous as all of NYC.  You're more likely to get hit crossing the street than robbed or kidnapped.


That's nearly verbatim what she did say.   Personally I hate the I've been a good friend to you argument.  {{shrug}} so? me too.   She was around for Ramona's divorce and didn't say one word about Mario.  She didn't press Ramona for the dresses she kept without permission from whatever show it was that Beth had sent them over for.   Ramona's problem isn't that Beth won't forgive, forget and move on.  She's done it before.  It's that Ramona wants that to happen without being held accountable for the shitty stuff she's already said and done, on top of which, during each forgive and forget and move on conversation they've ever had, she says something even shittier and more hostile than the original thing.   Nope.  Reconciliation is a really simple recipe, acknowledgement and contrition.   Yes, they've both been nasty to each other, but the difference is that Beth and each of the other women are capable of saying:  I said something that I shouldn'tve to you.  It wasn't my intention to hurt you and I'm sorry.   FFS Ramona doesn't even have the sense God gave a billygoat to tell Dorinda she's sorry for ripping the paint off her walls when the woman was standing in her face upset enough to confront her about it.   She reacted badly to Beth's comment because she doesn't like being held to accountability.   Using someone's child to try and get under their skin is a coffin closer but doing stuff like texting saccharine messages and acting like it never happened-ish is annoying.  That's Beth's thing, the elephant in the room, it happened, acknowledge that, then we can be cool.

R:  we get along like oil and vinegar

B:  you mean oil and water, oil and vinegar go together

R:  no they don't

B:  yes they do, they're right there on the table.

and "I just agreed to a bag of bullshit" 

legit lols.


I loved Carole's zeal being all F. Lee Bailey about Adam's deposit.   Oh btw girl, a wooden tutu is not a punny.  


Tights in the winter fan?  ::raises hand::  I don't think anybody's criticizing Tinsely's choice to wear tights and/or Mary Janes as a standalone.  I think in the context of everything else, how tightly she is holding onto her past self, whatever her reasons, it meshes with the impression of her immaturity.   Arrested development is a perfect description.  I think she stopped aging emotionally at the age she married Topper.   When I listened to her describe it, I was reminded of a conversation I had with my then 17 year old baby cousin about how she would hypothetically tell her mom if she ever got pregnant (we were watching Teen Mom).   She said oh I wouldn't tell her, I'd just have the baby.  I said if you're too scared to tell your mother you're having a baby, you ain't ready to have a baby.   Tinsley's cute and all, but her emotional maturity and entire life skill set is stuck at 18.   

Thank you for articulating what I'm too lazy to type out.  Yes on everything. Except one,  I don't think Bethany has been particularly mean to Ramona this season.  As you pointed out,  she told some truths,  bit facts are neutral. ...

On another note,  because I dislike Ramona so much and everything about her stereotypes a type of person I can't stand. I hope she has a Kelly style breakdown on air and gets kicked off. 

  • Love 9
Just now, Natalie68 said:

I think tights are fine.  Its the whole frilly dresses, mary janes, tights, long blonde curls that makes her look like a semi crazy aging child actress.

I love tights, but I think the ladies were objecting to the fact Tinz was wearing fishnet/patterned tights and I have to agree with them on that point.  Leave the lacy, patterned tights to little girls.  And, combined with Tinz' other more youthful fashion choices, I think the ladies have a point.   

Edited by rayndon
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

No matter how crazy Ramona is - - and she's a crazy bitch, for sure - - she is entertaining as hell.  I don't have to deal with her personally so I am gleeful watching her on this show.  Her crazy, combined with not taking any shit from Bethenny, makes it worthwhile to get up in the morning.   Only Ramona would respond to a "you're no longer invited" with a "I'm coming anyway!"  That is gold.

Tinsley should have responded to Dorinda's repeated requests to cut her hair with a "I'll cut my hair when you go for more than a week without a drop of alcohol."  Problem solved.  I generally don't mind Dorinda and I also think Tinsley would look so much better if she took a few inches (at least) off her hair but it's her head and her business.  It's far more worrying that Tinsley wears tights, Mary Janes, little girl dresses and lists "Eloise" as her favorite book.

I do look forward to seeing if Dorinda remembers to book her flight to Mexico and if she remembers to bring her luggage.  (Apologies if they already left during this episode; I fell asleep) 

Bethenny is going to assign rooms in Mexico . . . it's about time someone came up with that genius plan with this group.  Duh.  Luann did look a bit worried.  She's probably concerned that she won't get the pick of the litter, due to being a newlywed and all.  Will there be any pirates on this Mexican vacay?  Will there be a banner saying "YOU DID IT!" when they arrive?  Will Bethenny hemorrhage in a home goods store before they leave?  We need to know.

Sonja . . . either you are dense or you really will do anything to have a man looking at your vajayjay.  It's NOT normal for a business owner (male or female) to be in the room while you're getting waxed.  Did we have to know that Luann and Tinsley keep it bare?  I'd like to know Luann's reaction to that dishing of info.  Honestly, what is it with the Howives and their fascination with filming their wax jobs?  


2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Sonja, Sonja, Sonja.  Once again someone who wants to talk about her lady parts on the tee vee, oy vey...that creepy guy in the room with her was the owner and probably not a doctor.  Is this her way of getting someone, anyone to pay attention to her lady bits? 

R:  we get along like oil and vinegar

B:  you mean oil and water, oil and vinegar go together

R:  no they don't

B:  yes they do, they're right there on the table.

and "I just agreed to a bag of bullshit" 

legit lols.
Thanks ZaldamoWilder, that was a gem of a convo!!

Why did Ramona say she gave half of her money to Mario for the divorce settlement?  Married assets were split 50/50 so really she got to keep half of his, right?  Plus she got the Hampton's house and the apartment with enough money left over to renovate it and her face.


1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I'm more concerned with her claims that he not only cut out her heart, but her leg and her arm as well. Forget Mario-the-Flanderer.....I'm a bit worried he's a secret serial killer. 

You guys have me rolling with laughter today!

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

In response to Ramona's: you copied my business idea on top of which, it's a fail!  she said you only sold 500 cases of pinot last year.     a) where's the lie tho?  and b) yeah, that was devastating.    


I think she'd need her original face to confront it in a mirror. 

You guys have been trying all season to figure out what her seam crack is.   Bingo, I think. 

Oh we're not doing that anymore?  hee!!!   

Sonja: "he must've been a dr. because he was in the room the whole time, right?"




This.   See aside from losing her shit and careening off the rails Ramona doesn't care about accuracy.   I can hear you if you're loud.  I can hear you if you're wrong.  If you're both, it's over.  Her estimated worth is about $20M, meanwhile Beth sold Skinny Girl for $100M.  At that bracket let's call taxes $40 or $50M, she's still worth more than two of Ramona.   If that's failure, please let my life be a not-success.   Most of the time I can take her, giggle at her, sometimes she even says what I'm thinking, in the way I'm thinking it.   Sometimes she's a straight asshole to the person she's talking to.   My thing is that knowing that all of these women are past the point of changing their characteristics, quit complaining about the mean girl while continuing to show up at her lunch table.  She ain't holding a pen to n'air one of these chicks' head at contract renewal time.

Not unless you're a drug mule or a gun runner.   Only 1/2 serious, it's about as dangerous as all of NYC.  You're more likely to get hit crossing the street than robbed or kidnapped.


That's nearly verbatim what she did say.   Personally I hate the I've been a good friend to you argument.  {{shrug}} so? me too.   She was around for Ramona's divorce and didn't say one word about Mario.  She didn't press Ramona for the dresses she kept without permission from whatever show it was that Beth had sent them over for.   Ramona's problem isn't that Beth won't forgive, forget and move on.  She's done it before.  It's that Ramona wants that to happen without being held accountable for the shitty stuff she's already said and done, on top of which, during each forgive and forget and move on conversation they've ever had, she says something even shittier and more hostile than the original thing.   Nope.  Reconciliation is a really simple recipe, acknowledgement and contrition.   Yes, they've both been nasty to each other, but the difference is that Beth and each of the other women are capable of saying:  I said something that I shouldn'tve to you.  It wasn't my intention to hurt you and I'm sorry.   FFS Ramona doesn't even have the sense God gave a billygoat to tell Dorinda she's sorry for ripping the paint off her walls when the woman was standing in her face upset enough to confront her about it.   She reacted badly to Beth's comment because she doesn't like being held to accountability.   Using someone's child to try and get under their skin is a coffin closer but doing stuff like texting saccharine messages and acting like it never happened-ish is annoying.  That's Beth's thing, the elephant in the room, it happened, acknowledge that, then we can be cool.

R:  we get along like oil and vinegar

B:  you mean oil and water, oil and vinegar go together

R:  no they don't

B:  yes they do, they're right there on the table.

and "I just agreed to a bag of bullshit" 

legit lols.


I loved Carole's zeal being all F. Lee Bailey about Adam's deposit.   Oh btw girl, a wooden tutu is not a punny.  


Tights in the winter fan?  ::raises hand::  I don't think anybody's criticizing Tinsely's choice to wear tights and/or Mary Janes as a standalone.  I think in the context of everything else, how tightly she is holding onto her past self, whatever her reasons, it meshes with the impression of her immaturity.   Arrested development is a perfect description.  I think she stopped aging emotionally at the age she married Topper.   When I listened to her describe it, I was reminded of a conversation I had with my then 17 year old baby cousin about how she would hypothetically tell her mom if she ever got pregnant (we were watching Teen Mom).   She said oh I wouldn't tell her, I'd just have the baby.  I said if you're too scared to tell your mother you're having a baby, you ain't ready to have a baby.   Tinsley's cute and all, but her emotional maturity and entire life skill set is stuck at 18.   

I seriously could not love every bit of this more!  Totally co-sign! 

There's not much I hate worse than a scorched Earth type of person.  People disagree all the time, but those people that instantly take it to the lowest common denominator, they totally suck.  Ramona is absolutely one of those people.  Once she figures out your weakness/hot button, she's GOING to go there with the quickness.  I hate people like her and I have cut many out for this exact thing.  She used to be kind of funny-bitchy, but now she's just mean, hateful, psycho-bitchy.

  • Love 7

Ramona is in need of mental health assistance. I truly think she is unhinged. For us faithful watchers I think the first ti e Mario was on screen we called out that he had a wandering eye. But Ramona lauded over everyone her amazing marriage and hot husband and when that fell apart I truly think she lost it. Shame. She's not that old (albeit not 40) and she has financial means to live a good life, instead she is ruining her looks, has lost her mind, and is making a public spectacle out of herself that probably has Mario thanking his lucky stars he escaped.

I am like Tinsley, dating makes me terrible nervous so I just stopped trying but I could feel her discomfort. Oh and the way Adam looks at her is fascinating. There's a sparkle there he does not have when looking at Carole, I rewound twice to double check. 

  • Love 23
5 minutes ago, sadie said:


I am like Tinsley, dating makes me terrible nervous so I just stopped trying but I could feel her discomfort. Oh and the way Adam looks at her is fascinating. There's a sparkle there he does not have when looking at Carole, I rewound twice to double check. 

Maybe they're going for a swapping match! 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Carole, quit trying to make Wooden Tutu happen. It's not going to happen. 

Writer girl should know that you shouldn't have to explain your jokes (or laugh at them )


8 minutes ago, sadie said:

Oh and the way Adam looks at her is fascinating. There's a sparkle there he does not have when looking at Carole, I rewound twice to double check. 

I noticed that too! He had a twinkle in his  eyes and was more animated in her presence than I have ever seen him (except when he was fondling radishes). Adam looked like he was having a lot of fun on the date...staring at Tinsley. That is when he wasn't checking his phone for Tindr hook ups.

Edited by Ki-in
  • Love 17
4 hours ago, nexxie said:

The way Adam was smiling and keeping an eye on Tinsley, it looked like he thought they might be a better match too.


2 minutes ago, sadie said:

Oh and the way Adam looks at her is fascinating. There's a sparkle there he does not have when looking at Carole, I rewound twice to double check. 

So that's what Adam can be like when he's genuinely interested in someone! Adam and Tinz definitely have more chemistry with each other than with who they are dating. Adam couldn't hide his disappointment when he had to switch seats to sit next to his real date. I noticed Carole's face darkened when Tinz casually mentioned her 38th birthday and that's when I realized hanging out with Tinz makes Carole feel like they are just two girlfriends of the same age. 

Tinsley is definitely more fun to be with and to watch at the moment than the bitter coven, arguing endlessly in circles over the same shit, different pile.

  • Love 14
20 minutes ago, sadie said:

 But Ramona lauded over everyone her amazing marriage and hot husband and when that fell apart I truly think she lost it. Shame.

I think you're right. Ramona did lord it over everyone like having a husband was a big accomplishment, so now she's totally adrift without him.

Since Luann is currently lording it over everyone about her great catch Tom, I wonder if Lu will fall apart as soon as her marriage hits the skids?

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, sadie said:

Ramona is in need of mental health assistance. I truly think she is unhinged. For us faithful watchers I think the first ti e Mario was on screen we called out that he had a wandering eye. But Ramona lauded over everyone her amazing marriage and hot husband and when that fell apart I truly think she lost it.

This is so true. Mario WAS an obvious letch from day one. In an episode, I believe, in season one....she comes up to him talking to a woman at a party and chastises the woman (OF COURSE). The woman then points out that she had no idea he was married because - SHOCKER - he wasn't wearing his ring. Ramona then "Mario!"'d him, but then in her THs she was giggling about how he intentionally likes to do stuff like that to make her jealous; it keeps things hot. YEA. RIGHT. 

I think Mario probably cheated many times, sadly. And I think Ramona was just so happy to have bagged a "hot" husband, that she was more comfortable living in the land of denial....until he shattered all illusions. 

  • Love 14

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