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S09.E15: Oil And Vinegar

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I really can't tell with editing etc but it wasn't what...a hour into Tinsley date and she was practically climbing into his lap and French kissing him (as she announced she loves kissing). Don't people discuss health issues before going in deep anymore? He seemed pretty happy about it as in 'I don't have to work for this...score'. 

It was hard to decide what gave me indigestion...Ramona yelling at Bethenny at a (presumably) good restaurant or Tin's tongue playing tonsil hockey. 

Thank you to editing for not showing  too many scenes with the ladies chewing and yapping with their mouths full. 

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

And every time Beth goes in at Tinsley she shows a little bit more of her ass. She screams at Tinsley about a living situation when this was a woman who two years ago sobbed in a limo to Fredrick about being HOMELESS and living in a grand hotel. Girl bye. Tinsley's not allowed to look your way as you're having a conversation at the very same table? Get the eff over yourself. You are not Beyonce (Queen Bey frequents the casino in LV where my mother works and apparently forces dealers and other workers to wear opaque eyewear so she can't tell if they're looking at her. No one is allowed to speak directly to her.  She's a nightmare). This kind of behavior is childish and disgusting no matter what level of success you have reached, but you, Beth, are no Queen Bey. 

Tinsley's hair could use a little punching up, but I'd get real annoyed with these queens of extensions telling me to cut my hair every five minutes. The truth of the matter is that Tins is about a decade or more younger than all of them, and they're seething with jealousy over the fact that she can go out in Eloise clothes and barrel curls and still pull it off. Maybe only for a couple more years, but she looks and acts youthful, and not in Ramona's desperado manner.

Amen about Skinny Cow. I was praying that Tinsley would say, "Who in the hell are you talking to, Skinny Cow?" But of course Tinsley would never, which is why Skinny Cow talks to her that way. A bully's  looking for an easy day. I notice she treads lightly around Dorinda.

I agree about the hair. I don't think women choose to cut their hair based solely on the opinion of a gaggle of menopausal hags. It's a very personal thing, and they're lucky Tinsley doesn't start 'advising' them on their appearance.

  • Love 19

Well there is not much more about Tinsley's blind date that hasn't already been said.  But oh goodness, I'll just add that I had to change the channel at one point because I was internally cringing with embarrassment for her.  It is now a toss-up as to which "double blind date" was worse - this one, or the one Carole went on a few seasons ago with... I want to say it was Lu and Jacque? Both were bad, but I think I gotta give a slight edge to Tinsley.  But hey - I guess Scott may have liked (or been able to see past) the ditzy blonde stereotype she was serving up since they are still dating.  He seemed like a nice, genuine guy. 

Despite her own mistakes on the aforementioned blind date,  I think Carole was doing her best to not make it awkward - and giving Tinsley good advice when she pulled her aside.  


8 hours ago, lilsadone said:

I literally laughed out loud at this.  Hilarious!!! 

Permission granted to write LOL. 

Sincerely, Bethenny Frankel.

7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

I have no problem with 'tights'.  Its freaken NY in the wintertime.  It's cold.  I'm on board.  Call them what you will.  But I'd be wearing them.  And they can be very sexy.

Yeah I am with you tights-lovers.  I am 42 and will never give up my dark tights in the wintertime--never I say!


47 minutes ago, Kemper said:

Once I got past the awfulness of Ramona's odd figure (the implants) when she was "exercising", I realized how much better she looks with her hair messily pulled back and way less makeup.  Especially less eye makeup.  Why must she make herself up to resemble a drag queen?  And this is no insult to drag queens.  

Also, my husband, who was trying to compose an email, looked up and remarked how skeletal Bethanny's arms were; I can't remember if it was in a talking head or someplace else.  I think Bethanny's hair looks great, her makeup always looks good.  But she is truly skeletal.

Yes, the work she has had done to her face and her chest is not great.  But she makes it 10x worse with the way she style herself.  There was one brief talking head last night where she was wearing a blue shirt, and - I don't know if it was due to better lighting, better makeup or what - but she actually SOMEWHAT resembled the Ramona of yore. 

10 minutes ago, thesupremediva1 said:

I'd never categorize myself as a Ramona apologist, but I wish she wasn't so incoherent and flailing, because most of her points are valid. Bethenny does make everything about herself. Pot, meet kettle. 

Bethenny is pretending to be completely blameless, and she's clearly not. The only difference is that no one will stick up for Ramona because they're terrified of upsetting Satan Andy's favorite. They are all so desperate to stay employed that they just keep trying to shush Ramona and save her from herself, instead of trying to get Bethenny to be reasonable. They saw what happened to Heather and Kristin...

Beth has said more than her fair share of nasty things to Ramona and to all the women. She went in hard at Sonja, then Lu, and now Ramona. It is a pattern, and it's ridiculous that she gets to play the victim so vehemently each time, while also acting as trip coordinator and God - doling out punishments, rescinding invites, ending friendships. I used to think Don Caro was bad but Beth has her beat by a mile.


Quoted for truth - I was having the SAME thoughts last night.  Her yelling at Tinsley last night to "STOP LOOKING AT HER" while she was having a "private" conversation with Ramona .... at a shared table ... while being filmed is just the perfect example of what a nasty Mean Girl she truly is. 

  • Love 22
8 hours ago, Box305 said:

I love how Ramona said she was married for 30 years. First, it was 17 then 20, then 25 now 30. Soon it will be 50. *snort* 

Wasn't it 22 years? She sure loves to exaggerate. Just like she's a "woman in  her 40s". 


43 minutes ago, cincivic said:

What exactly does Ramona do? Didn't she own her own company when the series started? Something about selling excess stock to stores? Does she not have that business anymore?

I'm currently watching the early seasons and yes, that was her business at the start of the show. But by season 2 she is claiming it doesn't excite her any more and is launching Tru-ReNewal. I don't think she's had that clothing business for a long time. 

  • Love 7

Ramona and her whining over contributing her 50% to her family-if she were single she would be contributing 100% to take care of herself.  Ramona sees the writing on the wall, if she doesn't have RHONYC she has no job, she has closed her business and she took the real estate instead of the cash meaning she is most likely carrying mortgages on the properties.  I can only imagine the texts and e-mails going to the producers when Ramona was worried about being nixed from the Mexico trip.  It is just not Bethenny the rest of the cast wants to be relieved of Ramona. 

24 minutes ago, StevieRocks said:

I hate-literally hate--Crazy Eyes with the passion of a thousand suns, but I thought it was cool, (AND an incredible burn on Skinny Cow) that she broke the fourth wall and revealed this. You're all dancing monkeys on a crappy reality show. Don't go actin' like you have a choice about whom to invite.

Who cares about a side trip to the town of Tequila, when you have a slew of servants the ocean and a pool at your disposal.  A trip to Tequila involves watching people work.  Bravo has already treated us to the good Tequila making facility via Top Chef and the Patron estate.  Here we go with the Suntory Beam Tequilas such as brands as Hornitos, Sauza and whatever backwash they use to make Skinnygirl ready made cocktails. So much for the "responsible drinking" the Suntory Beam folks claim-they have Dorinda, Sonja and Olympic level drinker Tinsley along for the ride-how can they exclude Ramona? 

  • Love 12

Well, I've been on the fence about Tinsley all season.  I just couldn't figure her out.  I didn't really get her and thought that maybe, she wasn't too deep and that I was overthinking it.  Perhaps, a little of that was true, but, last night, I really related to her and perhaps not for very positive reasons.  I like tights too.  lol  Really...I don't care for hose and haven't worn them in years, but, I love my tights in the winter and often wear them with boots.  And I wore Mary Jane shoes through my mid 30's!  Very comfortable and I got s lot of compliments.  I did let them go though.  So, I guess, I'm weird too.  

I also laughed when she said that alcohol made her more like her herself.  lol  It might sound bad, but, a lot of people think that or it wouldn't be the socially acceptable thing to drink.  Hey Carol, if it wasn't for the alcohol, there likely would not be a Real Housewives franchise on television.  So, I get what Tinsley meant.  And no, I'm not an alcoholic. I drink a little wine, maybe, once a month. 

And so what if she acted too friendly and went in for the kiss.....she was amusing, friendly and giddy.  The guy seemed tickled and flattered that she was so obviously impressed with him.  

One downside was her explaining how content she could be with a dress that only cost $500.00.  Please.  She can let go of that snobbery. 

But, unless, she messes it up next week, I'm now a Tinsley fan.  

  • Love 12
14 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

You have to love the Bravo Editors.

Dorinda is trying to get Tinsley to cut her hair

Dorinda TH: At some point long hair becomes aging. It has the reverse effect. You know, you sort of become a lyceum? (Not sure what word D used) at the back and a museum from the front. You’re like, oh look at that young girl and then they turn around and you’re like….UgggAaargh

Cut to Ramona walking to the table


Listen. I cackled when the editors made that transition. I was watching the episode this morning while getting ready for work, and I stopped doing my makeup just to rewind and watch that entire transition again. 

Dorinda: Tinsley's forcing it with this long hair. Older women with longer hair look older from the front.

*Cut to Ramona entering the restaurant*

That said, as delicious as that edit was, I really wish people would stop saying what women should do with their hair. Goodness, if a 45, 55, 65 year old woman loves her hair swishing at her waist, then so be it. 

4 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

I hate-literally hate--Crazy Eyes with the passion of a thousand suns, but I thought it was cool, (AND an incredible burn on Skinny Cow) that she broke the fourth wall and revealed this. You're all dancing monkeys on a crappy reality show. Don't go actin' like you have a choice about whom to invite.

I kinda loved this, too. Bethenny says you aren't invited, and Ramona Kanye shrugs and says, "See you there anyway!" I guess Bethenny only really has the power not to include Ramona on the distillery trip. I am reminded, though, of season five when Heather didn't invite Ramona on the trip. I loved Heather for it (became an instant actually because of it), so I'm guessing either (1) Heather's trip solely was a work trip and Bravo honored Heather's reasons for excluding Ramona or (2) Bravo decided that they didn't want a replay of that season where it was part work/part play, so no HW should be left behind.  

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 14
8 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

What is she going to do as Avery continues to get older and makes Ramona face the reality that she is not a spring chicken?

 I can see Ramona trying to say they are sisters.

There was an Ugly Betty episode where Vanessa Williams character is dating a man who thinks she's younger than she is (he might have been younger than her too). Then her college age daughter comes home and the guy takes a look at the daughter and then VW and he knows immediately VW is older than she said. I think there was a voice over and I wish I could find the actual quote, it was something like you can lie about your age but your kid's age will give it away.

Edited by Ki-in
  • Love 7
14 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

ANY of these women can choose to end friendships if they like. Bethenny definitely has been nasty to some of them at times, but if they don't want to cut her off, that's THEIR issue. As for the current Ramona-Bethenny thing, I really do think B is pretty blameless. They were fine at the start of the season, but then Ramona chose to use Bethenny's daughter as a venue for bringing up B's "adult movie" past. It was shady and distasteful and Bethenny wasn't having it. She was done. But Ramona wouldn't leave well enough alone. She'd try one of her typical Ramona "apologies" and when Bethenny didn't immediately hug her and make plans to get mani-pedis, she'd go on the attack again. She basically called Bethenny a gold digger, who slept her way to the top, and did the most profane thing of all - had sex on a waterbed!!!

I feel Bethenny's behavior with Ramona this season has largely reen reactive and understandable. But I realize mileage varies. 

I have to agree with you.  Ramona instigated all of this. Bethenny has really just been sitting back and letting Ramona did her hole. Ramona can't believe that Bethenny isn't taking her non-apologies and then flies off the handle again. 

  • Love 20
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

ANY of these women can choose to end friendships if they like. Bethenny definitely has been nasty to some of them at times, but if they don't want to cut her off, that's THEIR issue. As for the current Ramona-Bethenny thing, I really do think B is pretty blameless. They were fine at the start of the season, but then Ramona chose to use Bethenny's daughter as a venue for bringing up B's "adult movie" past. It was shady and distasteful and Bethenny wasn't having it. She was done. But Ramona wouldn't leave well enough alone. She'd try one of her typical Ramona "apologies" and when Bethenny didn't immediately hug her and make plans to get mani-pedis, she'd go on the attack again. She basically called Bethenny a gold digger, who slept her way to the top, and did the most profane thing of all - had sex on a waterbed!!!

I feel Bethenny's behavior with Ramona this season has largely reen reactive and understandable. But I realize mileage varies. 

Jill Zarin said it best-Ramona should have gotten her feelings towards Bethenny off her chest years ago.  Ramona was more concerned with getting wedding invitations and moments on Bethenny's talk show.  Instead these two opposites had built an alliance and for Bethenny it was a painful one.  We have all watched Ramona blast off on someone and then worm her way back in-doesn't take Bethenny to point it out. I love the way Bethenny wants to just relegate Ramona to a Luann situation.  Maybe Bethenny needs to take a look at who she hasn't attempted to exile in the last year (answer Carole). 

Bethenny doesn't need Ramona any longer-their alliance to knock the dog poop out of Luann kind of backfired with fans.  Bethenny realized there was way too much attention directed Luann (and Tom's) way and wanted the show to be about her and her brands again.  Ramona wasn't smart enough to keep up.  The daughter thing is a bit of a misdirect to me. When Kelly was going to do Playboy  she sat down with her daughters and told them.  Bethenny was the one that ran with it and made the Diane Sawyer comments.  SHe should of just said-that is horribly offensive to me. To me, it seemed more like Bethenny was just done with Ramona.  Of all the people to continue to do the show-Ramona to em, is the one I think will ultimately have a meltdown that makes Kelly's on Scary Island look like a hiccup.  Ramona's prone to violence-she has hit a producer and thrown an object at Kristen.  Ramona may be the story that doesn't need an ending.

  • Love 8
33 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Well, I've been on the fence about Tinsley all season.  I just couldn't figure her out.  I didn't really get her and thought that maybe, she wasn't too deep and that I was overthinking it.  Perhaps, a little of that was true, but, last night, I really related to her and perhaps not for very positive reasons.  I like tights too.  lol  Really...I don't care for hose and haven't worn them in years, but, I love my tights in the winter and often wear them with boots.  And I wore Mary Jane shoes through my mid 30's!  Very comfortable and I got s lot of compliments.  I did let them go though.  So, I guess, I'm weird too.  

I also laughed when she said that alcohol made her more like her herself.  lol  It might sound bad, but, a lot of people think that or it wouldn't be the socially acceptable thing to drink.  Hey Carol, if it wasn't for the alcohol, there likely would not be a Real Housewives franchise on television.  So, I get what Tinsley meant.  And no, I'm not an alcoholic. I drink a little wine, maybe, once a month. 

And so what if she acted too friendly and went in for the kiss.....she was amusing, friendly and giddy.  The guy seemed tickled and flattered that she was so obviously impressed with him.  

One downside was her explaining how content she could be with a dress that only cost $500.00.  Please.  She can let go of that snobbery. 

But, unless, she messes it up next week, I'm now a Tinsley fan.  

Sunnybebe, I think we're soul mates.  As I was reading everyone's comments I was thinking how much I loved mary janes (so much that at one point I instituted an affirmative ban on myself from buying more) but now, at 45, I don't think I own any.  And tights rock in the winter.

On the drinking thing, I also don't think I'm an alcoholic (my love of Austin's own Tito's notwithstanding) but I would say that alcohol can make me act more like myself - the myself that I usually lock up inside because I'm a total introvert.  After a couple of drinks the comments I usually just think to myself actually come out and people are generally amused.  

My thing with "older" women with long hair - if their hair is healthy-looking and not thinning, like Tinsley's and BH's Kyle, I say rock it as long as you want!  If it's not, and you have to resort to Barbie hair extensions to maintain it, like Ramona, then just cut it.  You'll look better.

  • Love 22
9 hours ago, lilsadone said:

Is Tinsley 13 years old? She acts it.

Girl, you've been at Sonja's for months - now you need two more months at a hotel , and THEN you'll start thinking about moving? Moving is not overwhelming when you have money to make it happen. Either she's broke and can't afford a NYC apartment (that she feels is up to standards for filming RHONY), or she's a child that's totally not able to "adult" or deal with the real world.  



Tins has plenty of money. She is suffering from Arrested Development and needs to be put on ADHD meds!  That double date was painful to watch. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, StevieRocks said:

Amen about Skinny Cow. I was praying that Tinsley would say, "Who in the hell are you talking to, Skinny Cow?" But of course Tinsley would never, which is why Skinny Cow talks to her that way. A bully's  looking for an easy day. I notice she treads lightly around Dorinda.

I agree about the hair. I don't think women choose to cut their hair based solely on the opinion of a gaggle of menopausal hags. It's a very personal thing, and they're lucky Tinsley doesn't start 'advising' them on their appearance.

I do wish I could give Tinsley my voice, she would have so much too say, oh and Bethenny, LOL! ..:)

Edited by F. M.
  • Love 5
12 minutes ago, nexxie said:

Tinsley's ditzy, drunken desperation is a good way to get laid - but she says she wants a husband. 

And this is what I don't get about Tinsley. The ditzy, let's make out an hour into meeting each other will certainly attract men. Will it attract a man who Tinsley wants to marry, however? Because it's easy to be the life of the party after some Tito's, but at some point, she's going to have to be real and open (though not in the way she was dumping everything and mentioning every single bad relationship on the first meetup). It will have to be with a man who's also ready to receive that.

Part of me thinks that Tinsley lowkey is self-sabotaging. She can say that she's getting out there to meet a marriageable man, but how she behaves on that first date seems more like, "We'll get it in and that's it." She isn't ready for the whole marriage deal quite yet. 

  • Love 14

Watching Tins dating misadventures is cringe worthily entertaining.  I think she figure it out eventually.  A good sign is that she has identified the type of man she wants to avoid but until her dating mentality matures she will just have more of these awkward dates.  Fun watching for me though LOL

Ramona continues to not make any sense. I feel like I had the same WTF look on my face that Beth had as Ramona went on her tirade.  It’s that look you get when someone starts to talk to you and you get to that point in the conversation when you realize “ohhhhh this person is crazy” and you try and remain calm to not poke the bear. 

  • Love 10

I don’t like how the ladies feel they can boss Tinsley around.  I agree that her hairstyle could use an update, but why do they keep harping on cutting it?  I don’t think that women have to cut their hair just because they reach a certain age.  I’m older than Tins and have hair past my shoulders.  It’s in a cute style and I get lots of compliments, especially from men. 

The date was cringe worthy.  I think Tinsley was pretty wasted, but seriously Carole is now the expert on how to behave on dates?  After seeing her on the date Lu and Jacques set up for her, I think not.  After seeing Adam and Carole’s attempt at conversation I don’t believe there are a lot of IQ points between them.  Seriously, neither of them understands the joke about holding liquor because you “have a wooden leg.”  The more I hear Carole speak the more I’m inclined to believe Aviva about the ghostwriter. 

There are things I don’t like about Tinsley, but the girl has been through serious personal issues and I think she just needs some time.  I’m glad she is moving away from Sonja.  I can also understand not wanting to make lots of changes to her appearance right now.  When you’ve been in turmoil, the little familiar things give you comfort.  I can’t fault her for that and I wish the others would be a bit more understanding.

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, lilsadone said:

Is Tinsley 13 years old? She acts it.

Girl, you've been at Sonja's for months - now you need two more months at a hotel , and THEN you'll start thinking about moving? Moving is not overwhelming when you have money to make it happen. Either she's broke and can't afford a NYC apartment (that she feels is up to standards for filming RHONY), or she's a child that's totally not able to "adult" or deal with the real world.  

Her hair is not cute anymore - Dorinda hit the nail on the head when she said Tins hair is aging her. 

She giggles, gets wasted, and flirts like a teenager who just had their first taste of booze. 

That girl (not woman) is a hot ass mess. 


8 hours ago, Reppiks2897 said:

  I don't think Tinsley ever matured after 16.  Watching her on the date was just embarassing! The hair flipping, giggling, high pitched screaching, bouncing up and down in her chair clapping. How could anyone take her serious, how could Carole think that Scott would want to settle down with that! Ugh too much!

@bichonblitz beat me to it! Tinsley, with family money and a teenaged marriage they forced her to annul is suffering from such a lack of independence, and arrested development. She's making her mistakes st an older age (the arrest, bumps in getting her own place) now at an older age. That said, I like her and think she's good at heart. 

  • Love 17

I enjoyed all the cringeworthy moments of this episode, but I am so looking forward to the Mexico trip:

Lu tripping and falling.

Sonja drinking out of the marg pitcher and Lu running and grabbing it from her.

All the screaming, fighting and everything else that goes along with these "fun" trips.

And in the preview we hear Ramona again complaining/scheming about the "good" room.  

Never change ladies, never change!

  • Love 10
19 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Sunnybebe, I think we're soul mates.  As I was reading everyone's comments I was thinking how much I loved mary janes (so much that at one point I instituted an affirmative ban on myself from buying more) but now, at 45, I don't think I own any.  And tights rock in the winter.

On the drinking thing, I also don't think I'm an alcoholic (my love of Austin's own Tito's notwithstanding) but I would say that alcohol can make me act more like myself - the myself that I usually lock up inside because I'm a total introvert.  After a couple of drinks the comments I usually just think to myself actually come out and people are generally amused.  

My thing with "older" women with long hair - if their hair is healthy-looking and not thinning, like Tinsley's and BH's Kyle, I say rock it as long as you want!  If it's not, and you have to resort to Barbie hair extensions to maintain it, like Ramona, then just cut it.  You'll look better.

Hey there!  Yeah, I get IT!    I think people tend to go for longer vs. shorter hair. Obviously Dorinda is a short hair person and it looks great on her.   There is a fine line with length.  I hadn't noticed that Tinsley's was too long.   I think she's young enough to go with it longer.  But, I'm a long hair person.  lol  I'll keep watch for your posts Texasgal!

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 4

I get Tinsley's fear of cutting her hair. I totally get it.

I had traumatic pixies in my childhood so when I got older I vowed never to cut it and to be the brunette Debra Jo Fondren (who has since cut her hair as she got older).  So I grew it, and it was healthy and I got tons of compliments even from hairdressers. But there came a time when I found myself wearing up dos all of the time and feeling like more of a witch than sorceress, so off to the hairdresser I went.  I went from hip length to bra strap, it was a lot of hair but not all that noticeable in the scheme of things. 

Pressuring her is not the way for her to change, if she wants to it will happen, if not then they should just accept it and her and move on. It's not their hair so they shouldn't be so invested in her cutting it. 

I think the color is worse than the length although I do think a few inches would make it look healthier and she wouldn't even notice.

Edited by Ki-in
  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, soccermom17 said:

I enjoyed all the cringeworthy moments of this episode, but I am so looking forward to the Mexico trip:

Lu tripping and falling.

Sonja drinking out of the marg pitcher and Lu running and grabbing it from her.

All the screaming, fighting and everything else that goes along with these "fun" trips.

And in the preview we hear Ramona again complaining/scheming about the "good" room.  

Never change ladies, never change!

You forgot to add drunk Dorinda to the list. That is probably what i'm looking forward to most. 
I have to say, I did literally LOL about the oil and vinegar thing--specifically when Bethenny said "It's right there on the table!" For some reason I found this hilarious and this is why I can't quit Bethenny. 

Tinsley was obviously a hot mess on that date and say what you will about Carole (I happen to really like her), but can you really argue that the advice she gave Tins on this date wasn't spot on? I ended up liking Scott, merely because he was a good sport about everything and had a great sense of humor about Tinsley mauling him. He'd be really good to her I think, so she'll probably end up breaking his poor nerd heart. 

  • Love 16

With all the fakery, that I detest on these shows, I did actually see some REAL emotion last night.  When Ramona was describing how her divorce ripped  her up inside.....OMG.  That was real.  You could hear the pain in that scene.  No excuse, of course, but, it is good to know that all of this malarkey is not total BS.  

Not to be a spoiled sport, but, is it safe to vacation in Mexico?  I thought it was dangerous, but, it seems that a lot of reality shows go there.  What's the deal?

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 9

Did she say she gave Mario half or was I hearing things?

I think this was her breaking the 4th wall again - I interpreted this as she had to give Mario 1/2 the money she made from the show. Hence the HomeGoods furniture in her apartment.  LOL.  And when I say LOL I am only laughing in my head not actually out loud, you know. 

  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

I think this was her breaking the 4th wall again - I interpreted this as she had to give Mario 1/2 the money she made from the show. Hence the HomeGoods furniture in her apartment.  LOL.  And when I say LOL I am only laughing in my head not actually out loud, you know. 

Hmmm....so, was Ramona's pain about Mario breaking her heart, as she said, or from having to split her assets?  

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, Lemons said:

Did Sonja get all her pubic hair permently removed?  Talk about Late to the party.  Again.   More women are getting away from the total bald look which was trendy 10 years ago. Hipsters started bringing back a little more of the natural look or at least leaving some. Do mature men of sonja's age really like the look of a mature woman with a prepubescent crotch?

I have always thought that there is something pervy about guys who prefer women hairless.  Maybe I'm just old, but ewww... 

  • Love 18
58 minutes ago, Jel said:

Carole said Tinsley's date started a promo code finder/lister company. Anyone know which one?

And Tinsley got so excited about it! I was like, "Maybe she's a big fan of Retailmenot, like I am!"


57 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

The daughter thing is a bit of a misdirect to me. When Kelly was going to do Playboy  she sat down with her daughters and told them.  Bethenny was the one that ran with it and made the Diane Sawyer comments.  SHe should of just said-that is horribly offensive to me. To me, it seemed more like Bethenny was just done with Ramona. 

She might very well have been. I think there was already tension because of the shady Tipsy Girl dealings. But in regards to Brynn and the adult movie, I don't think it was so much that Beth would have been horrified to have Brynn know about it or have her name mentioned in the same sentence with it....it was the WAY Ramona did it. She was using the child as a seemingly innocent way to bring it up. It was so obvious (to me, and I suspect B) that Ramona was just DYING to bring the topic up. But she couldn't do it directly without looking like a catty bitch. So she thought, "I'll just ask about the daughter. How's her DAUGHTER coping with it all. That will make me sound innocent and concerned, and I can still get some dirt". But Bethenny is way sharper than Ramona and picked up on that right away and was disgusted by it. To USE her child in that way. But yea, I do think it was likely a straw that broke the camel's back type of thing. 

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Sonja just had to throw in yet another Tom reference. Maybe Tom didn't say anything about her bush because like most men he does not care. Oh, they might have a preference to be sure but get real, if it's there and he's ready he's going to take it no matter what the package. Men weren't saying no to women before the razor was invented and they won't say no if every woman stopped shaving everything.

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I kinda enjoyed Tinsley's date.  Sure she made every gaffe possible but Cabin boy didn't seem to care.  You can tell that he's nice and doesn't have much game. If he needs rejuvenated, Tins is up for the job.  Everybody else is pretty much boring at this point.  Loved that Carole was gunning for Adam's security deposit.  I had to go to small claims court and get mine back once.  The judge believed me and not management, perhaps they were in court on the reg.  And Bethenny poo-pooing Carole's court action?  4k is more money than Adam can afford to lose, so good for Carole.  What has happened to me?  I usually hate Carole but I appreciate her taking Tinsley under her wing this season. 

When Sonja got landscaped, was the Bravo crew all women?  Even that doctor was creeping me out.  

Perhaps Dorinda was thinking of Marlo Thomas who lived in Manhattan?  I don't remember Marlo her tossing a cap though. 

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