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S12.E01: "The Great DIvide"

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3 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

All these shows do! A couple years ago Jewls did it on RHWNY! ;-)

Yes, Jules did have it done as did Sonja a year before. Bravo/Andy seem to love filming/airing these embarrassing procedures on the show. LOL

2 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Do we know this? I know Kelly translated it as, "Your husband beats the shit out of you," but has it been established that's what Vicki originally said? Or did she simply repeat the one incident that happened?

Yes, Shannon called her out on the lie at the reunion and Vicki said that she had "proof" that David beat her right before Shannon's first reunion. So, Vicki stuck to the story that she told Kelly, the same one that Kelly repeated on camera.

Apparently, a friend of Vicki's was present at Vicki house when Shannon called her to complain that she was "afraid" of David even though she also told Vicki that David had locked himself in a bedroom while Shannon was on a rampage. The friend contacted the site Stoodpidhousewives and gave her take on that call and what happened. She confirmed that David was not near Shannon, that Shannon hurt her shoulder trying to break down the locked door to the room he was in and that she also fell down the stairs. She also said that she/her husband wanted to call the police but that Vicki told them "No, that it wasn't necessary" and that she would "check on Shannon in the morning". Oh, and this friend/husband offered to go to Shannon's/David's house that night to get Shannon/remove her from any "danger" and again, Vicki told them "No, it wasn't necessary". This woman was trying to back Vicki up but ended up exposing Vicki as a liar, in other words, Vicki knew that David did not hit Shannon but lied about it anyway. 

1 hour ago, lunastartron said:

Don't forget that David plead guilty to battery of a cohabitant as part of a deal, which is really strange in retrospect if Shannon's story at the time was the same as it is today. 

Of course, it's even weirder that her defense against Vicki's latest allegations last season was that, no, David doesn't beat the shit out of her; in fact, he's so apparently fearful of her behavior when she gets blackout drunk that he locks himself inside of the bedroom.

See post above Please. Even though Shannon's story does not seem realistic, there was someone who over hear the phone call between Shannon/Vicki that night and basically confirmed Shannon's story, not Vicki's.

1 hour ago, Ki-in said:

Of course Jim looks like a good dad for the five minutes he was on screen. Lets see him let her sleep in and him handle the 2am feeding or dealing with colic and handling poopy diaper baby.

I'M pretty sure that Meghan said she was breastfeeding Aspen, so unless she pumps, she has to be the one to feed the baby. And, Meghan did say that it is Jim that changes all the diapers and bathes Aspen as well. 

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30 minutes ago, Teddybear said:

I agree but I really hope they fence in that backyard.  Archie is a puppy and it looks like below is a busy street (the PCH maybe?) No amount of "Come, Archie" will convince him if he's chasing a squirrel down that hill.  

I think a fence will ruin the view. They would have to go with one of those invisible fences. 

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4 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Tamra does a fair job of breaking down her feelings and observations about the show:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-orange-county/season-12/blogs/tamra-judge/tamra-judge-it-breaks-my-heart-to

At some point I think Lydia should have revealed to VIcki, Tamra did share her daughter issue. 


I chuckled quite a bit through Tamra's blog post. I just think it's hilarious that the one housewife who from her first season has been all about being malevolent and spreading toxicity is calling another housewife toxic. Sure, Vicki is toxic and the weirdest mix of narcissism and insecurity that I have ever seen. But Tamra tho. I mean I know a lot has been said about Naked Wasted, but the thing that will always be foremost in my mind is that Tamra did not even consider, how her own son would be portrayed in that episode. She has gone out of her way to try to destroy, not just take down, but DESTROY the other women on this show consequences be damned and has only ever apologized for it once - to Shannon. I can't look at Tamra without seeing her seething with anger during Shannon's first reunion. Actually, I can't look at Tamra without seeing her various seething with anger and resentment faces throughout her tenure. 

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23 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

I hope Shannon has some close girlfriends or a good therapist, she is in a downward spiral.  I don't think it's just the affair or the abuse accusations, they must be having some kind of financial difficulty that they sold their giant mansion and have been living in a rental house (yes, an amazing rental house but still a steep downgrade) for 2 years?  There's no talk of building or buying a house at this point, which is just odd.  Isn't David a contractor?  Aren't they just throwing money away on a rental?  Perhaps the rental is payment for a job?  I don't know.  40 pounds in 6 months, is a lot.  She must have some health issue going on as well.

Lydia is the new Heather?  Lives in a mansion with the perfect husband and kids?  I know she was on the show before, but she's a poor replacement for Heather.  Why didn't they start their kid with training wheels in stead of a balance bike?  Clearly the kid was afraid.

I don't get Brianna, she basically abandons her husband because she doesn't like Oklahoma and mommy offers to buy her a house to come back?  Really?  Its been a year, is the husband really going to come back?  I've lived in Oklahoma, its not that bad, especially when you get to live in a Mansion and don't have to work.  Ugh.

Vicki is just boring, but at this point they aren't going to take her off the show.

Tamra is Tamra, whatever, same storyline every season.  How do they hold on to that gym?  Whenever they film, they are the only ones there.

Duly noted that Meghan now has a puppy and a baby.  Looks like Jim does a lot of the childcare when he's there...I would guess she has a nanny the rest of the time?

Kelly is still gross.

David's company does highway construction. I don't think they built their last home and Shannon said that she was waiting until she found the perfect house.

I hope Shannon finds a project that makes her feel happy and fulfilled. Her storylines have been about her relationships with other people. I want her to be happy and empowered for something she does. I suspect some of the weight might come off then.

Vicki put a down-payment on the OC house. Brianna and her husband have to pay it back. Brianna is back in the OC because she wants to be.

Kelly is always terrible.

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

Not everyone can remain a stick in their 50's!

Oh, yes. I am 58 so I have a few years on Shannon, but menopause causes your body to change and it seems like you can't eat anything without gaining weight. I felt like Shannon when I started gaining weight in my late 40s, early 50s, I wasn't going to buy fat clothes. But I finally gave up and bought clothes that fit and it's more comfortable. Shannon has money, if I was in her position, I'd buy as many clothes as I wanted and and hire a chef. But the reality is that even if you lose weight in your 50s (particularly in peri and post menopause), your body changes shape (more weight around the midsection), so you will never get back to how you looked in your 20s and 30s and those clothes won't fit you anyway. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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6 minutes ago, raiderred1 said:

Thanks Bagger!  I completely forgot, as my life does not revolve around Icky as she may think! Vomit!

I like to keep up with the "cool" girls.

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9 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

They have been living apart for at least a year if not more, and their baby is 2.  This is completely not right.  To live away and keep those young kids away from their dad is horrible.  This is Vicki's dream, she has Brianna nearby, her grandkids, and her daughters hubby is nowhere to be found. She and Brianna can live their life together, no one comes between them, and Vicki has Brianna in a bubble, just like she always wanted.  

I really like the interior of Brianna's house.  I love her kitchen and the window seat/banquette.

Shannon's weight gain is really startling.  She got very heavy in a short amount of time.  When you look back to her first season on, she was TINY.  I really hope she looses some of it.  Are she and David still living in their rental home?  Have they not bought a new home yet?

BTW, the new Housewife Peggy, has a photo of Shannon as the background of her twitter profile.  Anyone venture a guess what that is all about?

I got a medical discharge from the Marines in 1991. The process started in October and I was discharged March 8th. Mine was pretty cut and dried though. Maybe they have been arguing about whether or not he is disabled

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2 hours ago, nexxie said:

I'm surprised Vicki doesn't like him better - seems like her kind of guy.

Ha, I forgot about those stories on him. Yeah, he seemed like he had a nice temperament on camera...

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15 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

. The only time I like Vicki is when she is with her grandkids because I think she is a fantabulous grandma. 


As soon as they are old enough, she will start in on them. I have personal experience, unfortunately, with someone like Vicki and that is how it works. When someone like her brags about how her kids or grandkids are "her life," it usually means they matter only in how they relate to her. If they don't react appropriately to a gift (meaning they did not show sufficient emotion signaling she is the best grandmother ever), there will be a consequence for them. Definitey some manipulation to make sure they react in the right way next time to keep her happy so she can tell herself and everyone she knows what an awesome grandma she is. 

I only wish I did not speak from personal experience and that this shit was not real. I do think she genuinely loves them but it is not an unselfish kind of love. I am sure some people here know of what I speak. 

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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4 minutes ago, chewycandy said:

Ha, I forgot about those stories on him. Yeah, he seemed like he had a nice temperament on camera...

He does seem to have a nice personality on the show.

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Maybe they have been arguing about whether or not he is disabled

Well is he? Brianna at one time said he has 15 more years in the Marines so would be unable to do insurance with Vicki, then went from that pretty quickly to he's having back surgery.  I don't think it's really ever been explained.

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7 minutes ago, FamilyVan said:

Well is he? Brianna at one time said he has 15 more years in the Marines so would be unable to do insurance with Vicki, then went from that pretty quickly to he's having back surgery.  I don't think it's really ever been explained.

Did he have back surgery? I should qualify that disabled is the wrong term. Medically retired does not necessarily mean disabled

Edited by JennyMominFL
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1 hour ago, HunterHunted said:

David's company does highway construction. I don't think they built their last home and Shannon said that she was waiting until she found the perfect house.

I hope Shannon finds a project that makes her feel happy and fulfilled. Her storylines have been about her relationships with other people. I want her to be happy and empowered for something she does. I suspect some of the weight might come off then.

Vicki put a down-payment on the OC house. Brianna and her husband have to pay it back. Brianna is back in the OC because she wants to be.

Kelly is always terrible.

Although David did not build their last house, they had it built for them by another contractor, we met him last season. Shannon wants to buy an existing house and redo it to her/the family's needs/requirements. I agree, Shannon does need something to occupy her time, something she, herself, is passionate about and separate from David, the girls and this show.

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Oh God.  That was pretty dull.

I said this in the media thread but Shannon's weight gain is likely from a combo of alcohol consumption, stress and hormones. Vicki is horrible but she's not responsible for you gaining weight. 

I'm sure all the ladies that came to Lydia's house for Bible Study were THRILLED to have that sea beast Tamra show up.  How Lydia's house did not spontaneously combust is beyond me.  And sure . . . everyone has issues but let's pray over Tamra's bullshit!  Yes!  

Tamra and Eddie have been together for 7 years already?  I hadn't even realized she and Simon had been divorced that long.  Sheesh.  Obviously Tam doesn't have a ton going on if she has to bring her niece on the show to stand in for her actual children.

I guess we're going to be subjected to Briana again this season.  Didn't she and the boys leave Oklahoma like a year ago?  Why did she permanently leave Oklahoma so far in advance of Ragey Ryan getting out of the military?  

I don't mind Lydia.  I like that she's pretty honest about while kids are great, they are also pills at times. 

Aspen is darling.  Who knew that Jim would be so hands on?  I sure didn't.  Happy to see it though.  Megan needs to keep that precious baby away from Tamra and Vicki, who will suck her soul.

I didn't really miss Heather, as she didn't do much the last season or two.  I'm sure they had contractual disputes but if you read the tea online, it seems that Kelly spilled some dirt on the Dubrow marriage.  Makes me wonder if that's why Heather didn't return this season.

Oh, and because this is always appropriate - - shut up, Tamra.

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4 hours ago, lunastartron said:

Don't forget that David plead guilty to battery of a cohabitant as part of a deal, which is really strange in retrospect if Shannon's story at the time was the same as it is today. 

Of course, it's even weirder that her defense against Vicki's latest allegations last season was that, no, David doesn't beat the shit out of her; in fact, he's so apparently fearful of her behavior when she gets blackout drunk that he locks himself inside of the bedroom.

To me it just means anger management works!!! Remove yourself from the situation or in the case of David put a door between yourself and the person who is angry.

3 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

I am surprised how many people are reacting negatively about the prayer group.  When Lydia was on the show before we saw scenes with her prayer group then too.  I think the show used this as the catalyst for introducing Lydia back and tying it in with Tamra.  They usually try to make it look organic how the new people come on the show, with Heather it was via a Real estate showing.  I really don't see this as a big deal, Lydia is religious.

Well there is Lydia's book which is about her faith and why she walked away from RHOC.  Oops -she is back.  https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Orange-County-Housewives-Happiness/dp/1617954233  There may be some people who find her emphasis on faith is a wee bit of marketing.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

To me it just means anger management works!!! Remove yourself from the situation or in the case of David put a door between yourself and the person who is angry.

Well there is Lydia's book which is about her faith and why she walked away from RHOC.  Oops -she is back.  https://www.amazon.com/Beyond-Orange-County-Housewives-Happiness/dp/1617954233  There may be some people who find her emphasis on faith is a wee bit of marketing.

I'm sure God told Jeanne d'Arc to change strategies once of twice, too. 


... or maybe, just maybe, there is something more sinister going on and Lydia has fallen vulnerable to Tamra's influence after reconnecting with her. Alexis Bellino knew what the fuck what up by staying away and throwing down the gauntlet via e-mail. 

Edited by lunastartron
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I want Tamra to stop crying every time her daughter is mentioned. That Bible study quickly became all about her. Since I have watched this stupid franchise since day 1, I remember when Tam was still married to Simon, she treated her kids like crap. Oh, yes, yes, she did. I particularly remember one scene where she was screaming loudly at her youngest daughter while she was trying to clean the house or something rediculous like that. She was very impatient with her.  I felt so sorry for that little girl. I was shocked that it wasn't edited out.  I have disliked Tamra ever since. She's dark, she's vicious, has a nasty out of control temper and is a phony and I don't think she really gives a rat's ass about any body but herself. Pretty good actress, though. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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So I'm the only one that thinks Brianna is in the process of leaving Ryan? 

I cant, just can't, listen to another season of Shannon bitching about her weight and getting offended every time David isn't writing her love poems. She's so exhausting. I wonder if she's always been like this. I can't imagine getting through life as determined to be unhappy as that.

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This franchise is getting very worn and tired.   I don't want to see Bible study, fake crying, making a crappy shrimp salad, watching a kid ride a bike, or hear about kids farting. 

Tamra is really stretching for a story line.   Yeah Vicki works, and helps Brianna (yawn).   Kelly is just Kelly - a time bomb waiting to go off.  Shannon put on weight - so what!  Lydia - uh, no thank you.  And the new girl - trying too hard.   Oops, sorry forgot about what's her name - the one with the baby.  Yeah she's really making a difference on the show.  So much so I forgot her completely.

I feel for Shannon - that weight thing can catch up with you quickly without noticing.  But, there is nothing more depressing than getting dressed and realizing nothing fits like it should.  Squeezing into something and trying to find a "big top".   She really should buy a few basics.   I'm surprised Dr Moon didn't help her ;-)  

Please don't let them take another trip to a wonderful place and embarrass themselves by being loud, not liking it because it's outside their OC comfort zone, getting into fights, etc.  I know Iceland is coming, but it would be better to take them to a big mall. 

Edited by notnowimbusy
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2 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

Did he have back surgery? I should qualify that disabled is the wrong term. Medically retired does not necessarily mean disabled

Ryan has about 17 years in and has hip surgery and back surgery and has PTSD.  The more important question is how much do you think he will get monthly for his medical retirement?

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The answers to everyone's questions are simple:  Vicki and Kelly are still on the show because of sites like this one.  Those two idiots stir up trouble, cause problems and make for good TV.  Of course they will keep the most controversial, and talked about, housewives. 

Brianna is living separately from her husband because she needs/wants the money that the show pays.  Another reason is because she's probably bored to tears living in Oklahoma.  

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

I want Tamra to stop crying every time her daughter is mentioned. That Bible study quickly became all about her. Since I have watched this stupid franchise since day 1, I remember when Tam was still married to Simon, she treated her kids like crap. Oh, yes, yes, she did. I particularly remember one scene where she was screaming loudly at her youngest daughter while she was trying to clean the house or something rediculous like that. She was very impatient with her.  I felt so sorry for that little girl. I was shocked that it wasn't edited out.  I have disliked Tamra ever since. She's dark, she's vicious, has a nasty out of control temper and is a phony and I don't think she really gives a rat's ass about any body but herself. 



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15 minutes ago, FozzyBear said:

So I'm the only one that thinks Brianna is in the process of leaving Ryan? 

I cant, just can't, listen to another season of Shannon bitching about her weight and getting offended every time David isn't writing her love poems. She's so exhausting. I wonder if she's always been like this. I can't imagine getting through life as determined to be unhappy as that.

I wish.  I've never liked him. But I don't think so. 

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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Ryan has about 17 years in and has hip surgery and back surgery and has PTSD.  The more important question is how much do you think he will get monthly for his medical retirement?

It will depend on if he just retires, or if he also rates as disabled by the VA. With a wife and 2 kids if he rates 100% disabled he will get around $ 3400. I know because I'm medically retired and rate 100% disabled. They should process his retirement and get the ball rolling with the VA at the same time. They are 2 separate systems though.   He can get separate ratings for each service connected disability

Edited by JennyMominFL
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I've given up on Shannon.  Sigh.   I hope Brianna's marriage will be okay.  Living apart like that can take a toll on a marriage.  I remember Brianna saying that she was moving back to California in part because her Mom was lonely, but also because she hated Oklahoma.  I didn't like the way she continually bashed a city/state that she never gave a chance.  I know how hard it is to move to another state away from your family (been there), but you've got to give the new place a chance!  No need to insult everybody on TV.  I've always liked Brianna though, in spite of the putdowns of her adopted city/state.  

Looks like this season will be Vicki & Kelly against the world; Shannon with more marital woes;  Tamra and her daughter's angst towards her; and Lydia meddling in things she knows nothing about.  Run, Lydia!  Don't get involved!  You're a sweet person.  You don't want to incur the wrath of Shannon or any of these women!  It'll be brutal.

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I don't have much to add that hasn't already been said. Not sure how Vicki is even back since everyone hates her (Lydia would hate her too, if she had witnessed even half of the shenanigans). After the ugliness of last season's final few episodes and reunion, I wasn't even sure if I wanted to tune it. I'm glad I did because Jimmy was so adorable with their baby. Who knew?! I think Aspen will be a daddy's girl.

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9 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I think some of it is to reflect the nature of the OC.  Isn't there a substantial evangelical population there?  I don't like to see it on the show, either though, and I consider myself an evangelical Christian.  The show is just so tacky and messy - I don't like it mixed up with that. lol

Born and raised in OC and there are a lot of Born-Again Christians. Not sure if that would be considered Evangelical since I'm not educated in the different sects of Christianity. There are tons of Calvary Chapel churches in the coastal areas of OC. Alexis and Jim come to mind. Every BAC I know goes to a Calvary Chapel church.

Edited by Hagosaurus
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8 hours ago, BBHN said:

Shannon can buy clothes for her current size, and if she loses the weight, she can afford to take them to a good tailor and have them fitted for her new size. But...I kind of understand why she doesn't want to buy clothes for her current body.

I understand this as well. She thinks this is temporary. She hasn't been this size before. 

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2 hours ago, notnowimbusy said:

I feel for Shannon - that weight thing can catch up with you quickly without noticing.  But, there is nothing more depressing than getting dressed and realizing nothing fits like it should.  Squeezing into something and trying to find a "big top".   She really should buy a few basics.   I'm surprised Dr Moon didn't help her ;-)  

Please don't let them take another trip to a wonderful place and embarrass themselves by being loud, not liking it because it's outside their OC comfort zone, getting into fights, etc.  I know Iceland is coming, but it would be better to take them to a big mall. 

I want them to go to Iceland.  I want them to be dropped off by helicopter on a remote glacier.  And I want the helicopter to leave them there and forget where they are.  After all,  even with the sound of the helicopter and headphones on,  the pilot would hear Vicki screeching and know that she needs to be removed from civilization.  If drunk Kelly is there, that's one more person to make the pilot stabby.  She would be foolish enough to play her childish "I'm not touching you" game while the pilot was trying to land.  Then Tamra would flash her evil little black eyes and he would know her demon self too needed to be banished. 

I too immediately thought of Dr. Moon.  I guess Shannon wouldn't want to check in with a gynecologist or endocrinologist when she can have good old Dr. Moon hold a magnet over her belly.  I wonder how much he has been able to bilk her for to address her weight gain? 

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I understand this as well. She thinks this is temporary. She hasn't been this size before. 

I think it's more in her mind, if she starts buying larger sized clothes that is almost her accepting that she is going to be that size forever.

On a different topic, I do like Lydia (and her mom) and am a bit apprehensive about her return. She was one the few HWs across the franchise to leave with her dignity in tact, more or less. Coming back? I'm not sure if that will last.

Edited by BBHN
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Is there ANY reason to watch anymore?  I like Lydia, but her religious shtick doesn't interest me.  I just can't stomach Vicks anymore.  And why the fuck should I care about Ryan or Briana?  I've never forgiven Ryan for the way he treated Lydia's mother.  He showed us exactly who he is & he is NOT a nice guy.  Couldn't care less about him.

Tams?  Who cares?  I'm sick of her nastiness.  Kelly?  Yech.  Meghan?  Yawn.  Shannon & her weight gain?  Ugh, it's gonna be endless whining & complaining & needling David cuz he'll be even more miserable stuck with her.  I'm in no mood to watch that awfulness.

Believe it or not, I think Heather's presence will be missed.  Her prissiness sorta leveled out the craziness of most of this group.  Maybe Lydia will do that now.

Eh, I think I'm done with this show.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Vicki may think that Lydia is "Disneyland all day, every day" but Lydia can also cut a b when she wants to. I can't wait for the episode when she informs Shannon that her mother called her a lost soul.

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9 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

I got a medical discharge from the Marines in 1991. The process started in October and I was discharged March 8th. Mine was pretty cut and dried though. Maybe they have been arguing about whether or not he is disabled

Oh, it is a whole process now. I had one friend that it took 2 years and his heart actually stopped in the middle of PT, took 7 minutes of CPR to bring him back, subsequently got a pacemaker/defib placed. Oh, and the anoxic brain injury resulting from being down for 7 minutes. 2 years for a medical discharge. It is insane. You can get some people out faster but a lot depends on command and how much they want to get rid of you. 

6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Ryan has about 17 years in and has hip surgery and back surgery and has PTSD.  The more important question is how much do you think he will get monthly for his medical retirement?

I don't have the formula in front of me but he will probably be at 100%. I believe PTSD gets you 40%. Depending on the back and hip surgery and what his function is like, he will probably be 100%. I have a friend who is 60% for back pain and he was never even deployed. 

ETA: Also, do we know that he is going for medical retirement vs medical discharge?  Payments and benefits would differ. 

Edited by diadochokinesis
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I somehow missed Lydia's first season and whether it was the God talk while instigating shit or the painfully scripted and poorly acted scenes of Tamra and Vicki "filling her in" on their lives for the last three years when she clearly is aware of the basics I think I am over her and maybe the season.

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22 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Which brings me to Lydia who I dislike and find just over the top with her pixie dust persona. She looks like a skeleton and communicates like a child. Like in the prayer circle "I feel that.... I just ...I just....) Take away those and she really says very little . It's a delay to keep people looking at her and listening to her sell that fairyland gamine thing she is selling and it is weird. She is a shit stirrer sitting down with Vicki and just coming out with "well Tamra says  you said  Eddie is gay" ( goes back to doe eyes and sipping her drink and baby voice). She's not fooling me at all and she works that hippy dippy thing for attention when she needs it. Her heart may be as black as any of the housewives camoflaged in her anorexic woman child bohemian exterior . Watch what happens. 

Finally, I was waiting for this. Agree 100%.

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14 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

This is all about the company these women keep; come on! You have skinny Tamra, Lydia, and other OC bimbos and they're buddy-buddy with regular women with curves like Vicki, Shannon, & Kelly! Not everyone can remain a stick in their 50's! I'm fighting the battle, but have found giving up "gluton" has helped! Nothing white should be eaten; bleached breads & pastas, rice, potatoes, etc.! I collected "it" for days unable to pass so giving it up has regulated my system and inches are falling off every day! My problem has been with "bloat" not fat! I'll be able to get back into my wardrobe! ;-)

Good for you! I also gained 'the weight that pauses', but for the last 10 weeks have lived on every day, 8 cups of raw veggies, hummus, an apple, grapefruit, some figs, and nuts and seeds, so far have dropped over 25 pounds. And tons of water. It feels so good, I just have to stay disciplined, so far it has been easy:)

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13 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

I am surprised how many people are reacting negatively about the prayer group.  When Lydia was on the show before we saw scenes with her prayer group then too.  I think the show used this as the catalyst for introducing Lydia back and tying it in with Tamra.  They usually try to make it look organic how the new people come on the show, with Heather it was via a Real estate showing.  I really don't see this as a big deal, Lydia is religious.

I agree, religion is a part of everyday life for a large majority of the people in this country.   To me, it's just like watching them go to doctors appointments, going to the gym, shopping, etc., a glimpse into what they are doing behind the gate!  At least it's not discussing polarizing politics like on NYC where differing opinions can create angst between the ladies.  We see it in the context of improving themselves, making an effort to affect behaviors...For once, we are seeing them (at least trying) attempting toward the positivity within themselves instead of screaming at each other in these type of scenes.  Trying to improve themselves, and not acting like fighting banshees is always welcome in my book.  There are several posts discussing their abhorrent behavior and attitudes as a turn off (several from me too) and this, to me, is a real way for these ladies to make a positive change.  We have already been subjected to psychics, counseling, spas, Bali...and it didn't take!  Hmmm...how can it hurt?!!

While I did question Tamra's new found faith, thinking she was using it as a storyline 2 seasons ago, I was hoping it would help her change her path for the better in spite of the perceived negative intentions.  Well, she certainly seems a tad nicer then she was in the past.  

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11 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Oh God.  That was pretty dull.

I said this in the media thread but Shannon's weight gain is likely from a combo of alcohol consumption, stress and hormones. Vicki is horrible but she's not responsible for you gaining weight. 

I'm sure all the ladies that came to Lydia's house for Bible Study were THRILLED to have that sea beast Tamra show up.  How Lydia's house did not spontaneously combust is beyond me.  And sure . . . everyone has issues but let's pray over Tamra's bullshit!  Yes!  

Tamra and Eddie have been together for 7 years already?  I hadn't even realized she and Simon had been divorced that long.  Sheesh.  Obviously Tam doesn't have a ton going on if she has to bring her niece on the show to stand in for her actual children.

I guess we're going to be subjected to Briana again this season.  Didn't she and the boys leave Oklahoma like a year ago?  Why did she permanently leave Oklahoma so far in advance of Ragey Ryan getting out of the military?  

I don't mind Lydia.  I like that she's pretty honest about while kids are great, they are also pills at times. 

Aspen is darling.  Who knew that Jim would be so hands on?  I sure didn't.  Happy to see it though.  Megan needs to keep that precious baby away from Tamra and Vicki, who will suck her soul.

I didn't really miss Heather, as she didn't do much the last season or two.  I'm sure they had contractual disputes but if you read the tea online, it seems that Kelly spilled some dirt on the Dubrow marriage.  Makes me wonder if that's why Heather didn't return this season.

Oh, and because this is always appropriate - - shut up, Tamra.

Your posts never fail to make me laugh, thank you!

This is too funny and spot on:

"Megan needs to keep that precious baby away from Tamra and Vicki, who will suck her soul."

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5 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

Oh, it is a whole process now. I had one friend that it took 2 years and his heart actually stopped in the middle of PT, took 7 minutes of CPR to bring him back, subsequently got a pacemaker/defib placed. Oh, and the anoxic brain injury resulting from being down for 7 minutes. 2 years for a medical discharge. It is insane. You can get some people out faster but a lot depends on command and how much they want to get rid of you. 

I don't have the formula in front of me but he will probably be at 100%. I believe PTSD gets you 40%. Depending on the back and hip surgery and what his function is like, he will probably be 100%. I have a friend who is 60% for back pain and he was never even deployed. 

ETA: Also, do we know that he is going for medical retirement vs medical discharge?  Payments and benefits would differ. 

OK, I don't mean to be pedantic, but 2 different things are being talked about here, one is a medical discharge/military retirement, the other is the VA disability process.  I'm not saying you are intertwining them , just that  I think people are. The military either retires you or not. If they do. you are entitled to full retirement pay and benefits.. If they rate you unable to work but not totally disabled they place you on TDRL...Temporary retirement and then reevaluate in a couple of years. Pay is dependent on rank and rate when you retire.  Getting a medical discharge would keep Ryan attached to his command for the whole process, while the VA would not. This makes sense with Briana saying he is stuck there in OK. You can also receive a medical discharge but not be retired.Those people usually get severance pay but not a monthly check

The VA  system always gives you ratings by disability. I know a lot of people who get completely denied for PTSD. That one is hard to prove and the VA loves to tell people that they already had mental problems before they joined. You can be rated anywhere from 20% to 100 %..You can be at 40% for PTSD and 20 for an injured back. The VA system take forever. The  VA system has nothing at all to do with your command. The military doesn't process VA claims, the VA does. Ryan can live anywhere he wants while the VA decides his rating. I waited a year and my initial rate was 20% . When I was bumped up to 100% in 2003 that review took more than a year.   I retired in March of 91. I didn't get a penny from the VA for years.

Generally the only thing your command will do regarding the VA is tell you to file, they might refer you to someone who can help. 

 Also the 2 things don't coincide. You can be retired from the military and not get VA disability, and you can get VA disability without being retired.

 Also Service Connected disability means you got sick or injured while on active duty. It  does not have to be combat related. Cancer, AIDS, Heart Disease can all be Service Connected Disabilities if you are diagnosed while on active duty

Ryan will likely be long done with the retirement process before he gets his VA rating . He can sit in OC during the entire VA process. The 2 are not connected.  I've never heard of a medical retirement process taking years..The VA sure, all the time. They are notoriously slow. And while my experiences are old, I know many who have gone through both processes recently, and my son just got his discharge after 6 year of service.

Coming back to add, while the process of medical discharge is ongoing, usually one is placed on light duty the whole time. I didn't work at all my last couple of months, just sat at home waiting for the process to end. 

Edited by JennyMominFL
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19 minutes ago, JennyMominFL said:

OK, I don't mean to be pedantic, but 2 different things are being talked about here, one is a medical discharge/military retirement, the other is the VA disability process.  I'm not saying you are intertwining them , just that  I think people are. The military either retires you or not. If they do. you are entitled to full retirement pay and benefits.. If they rate you unable to work but not totally disabled they place you on TDRL...Temporary retirement and then reevaluate in a couple of years. Pay is dependent on rank and rate when you retire.  Getting a medical discharge would keep Ryan attached to his command for the whole process, while the VA would not. This makes sense with Briana saying he is stuck there in OK. You can also receive a medical discharge but not be retired.Those people usually get severance pay but not a monthly check

The VA  system always gives you ratings by disability. I know a lot of people who get completely denied for PTSD. That one is hard to prove and the VA loves to tell people that they already had mental problems before they joined. You can be rated anywhere from 20% to 100 %..You can be at 40% for PTSD and 20 for an injured back. The VA system take forever. The  VA system has nothing at all to do with your command. The military doesn't process VA claims, the VA does. Ryan can live anywhere he wants while the VA decides his rating. I waited a year and my initial rate was 20% . When I was bumped up to 100% in 2003 that review took more than a year.   I retired in March of 91. I didn't get a penny from the VA for years.

Generally the only thing your command will do regarding the VA is tell you to file, they might refer you to someone who can help. 

 Also the 2 things don't coincide. You can be retired from the military and not get VA disability, and you can get VA disability without being retired.

 Also Service Connected disability means you got sick or injured while on active duty. It  does not have to be combat related. Cancer, AIDS, Heart Disease can all be Service Connected Disabilities if you are diagnosed while on active duty

Ryan will likely be long done with the retirement process before he gets his VA rating . He can sit in OC during the entire VA process. The 2 are not connected.  I've never heard of a medical retirement process taking years..The VA sure, all the time. They are notoriously slow. And while my experiences are old, I know many who have gone through both processes recently, and my son just got his discharge after 6 year of service.

Coming back to add, while the process of medical discharge is ongoing, usually one is placed on light duty the whole time. I didn't work at all my last couple of months, just sat at home waiting for the process to end. 

I'm more familiar with the Army system since that is my husband's branch. He's a FGO and has outprocessed tons of people (both medical discharges and medical retirements). I don't have him with me to answer questions so I'm just speaking off what I know. 

On the PTSD front... I hate to say it but it is common now to claim PTSD for the 40%. I don't know anybody that has had it denied on the Army side. I know 2 guys that claimed it that were never even deployed and got the 40%. There are soldiers out there that automatically claim it to bump up their rating. 

On the Army side, it is a process to medically discharge or retire. They will often try to reclass you to a different MOS (so, Ryan might have been reclassed as a Quartermaster instead of Infantry). There are also WTUs (Warrior Transition Units) that he would have gone into. One of my husband's old classmates is a double amputee and he continued to serve for around 8 years before he retired. Another classmate is blind from an IED and still serving. So, an injury doesn't even necessarily mean that you are medically discharged or retired. 

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On July 10, 2017 at 4:26 PM, WireWrap said:

From the article, they claim that "Vicki basically does not care about Shannon at all anymore and she lost all respect for her when she stayed with David after he cheated on her."! I guess you only stay in the marriage when you are also cheating on your spouse like Vicki did Donn! LOL

Vickie hates Shannon for one reason only. She will never forgive Shannon for not only not backing up the Brooks cancer lie, but also for asking tons of questions about it and helping her look like a liar. All leading up to Vickie and Brooks breaking up. 

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On July 10, 2017 at 4:41 PM, heatherchandler said:

Found a picture of the window etching.

It is very pretty.




Beautiful etching but this is why I find Heather so insufferable..."look carefully for the 4 birds...."  Ugh. Does she have to phrase it like that? She really is so enamored with herself, isn't she? Yes all you pleebs, let's all gather round Heather's very important architectural world contribution and "look carefully" for her very unusual and clever little bird nest! And her grandma, the bee. She's no Anne Boleyn. And if I want to look at a Seek n Find picture, I'll dig up an old Highlights. 

Edited by VedaPierce
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While I did question Tamra's new found faith, thinking she was using it as a storyline 2 seasons ago, I was hoping it would help her change her path for the better in spite of the perceived negative intentions.  Well, she certainly seems a tad nicer then she was in the past.

I think she does seem nicer!  I think she is controlling her temper and seems less angry. 

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On July 10, 2017 at 10:48 PM, njbchlover said:

I could NOT believe she said that...there is something seriously wrong with Vicki.  {Also, I think she messed around with her face again...why does she always do something strange to her face just before they start filming??}

Why does she do SO MANY stupid, self-destructive things to herself in general? she does one stupid thing after another, and all of them reflect badly on her. She's her own worst enemy. 

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