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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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I'll be honest, I thought the "drop the baby" prank pretty funny. Mostly because it struck me as something pre-teen boys would think up and do, and it was pre-teen boys doing it. It's when those "boys" are still doing stuff like that in their 20's or 40's that I find it pathetic.

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I'll be honest, I thought the "drop the baby" prank pretty funny. Mostly because it struck me as something pre-teen boys would think up and do, and it was pre-teen boys doing it. It's when those "boys" are still doing stuff like that in their 20's or 40's that I find it pathetic.

Yeah, I chuckled when I saw it, and I usually dislike pranks. Luckily the cameraman seemed to take it in stride. I don't find the trashing the car cute, however. JD and the boys' glee in acting like morons and destroying someone's car is pathetic. They might not like someone putting sardines in their cars, when all they want to do is leave the reception with the new brides they can finally touch. Although it's not like JD has to worry about THAT anytime soon.


Having said that, I don't think Josiah even owns a car, so no problem there. ;) Whoever suggested upthread both he and Marjorie pursue graphic design degrees was genius. It's good work, and I can see them working side by side.

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Don't be jealous, Texas isn't a great place to live.  Politics wise it sucks, then there are the red wasps and the scorpions.

This made me laugh.  I lived in Texas for 3 years when W was governor. Never saw a scorpion or a red wasp, but I did have more than a few run-ins with fire ants.


The RC Church actively teaches Natural Family planning.

Yes, but the overwhelming majority of Catholics in the Western world go ahead and ignore that teaching, and use other forms of birth control with zero guilt. Even 35 years ago I knew there was no way some old guys in Rome were going to tell me I could not control the size of my family.  

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I just hope that we don't have to watch Boob give Siah a lesson in kissing, or take the couple miniature golfing so he can demonstrate molesting Michelle while bragging that Siah can't do that yet.  How any of the Duggar kids can stomach that creep without suffering total embarrassment is beyond me.


I'm glad that Siah has somewhat broken out of the Duggar mold, even if it is only by finding his own style of dress. 

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Don't be jealous, Texas isn't a great place to live.  Politics wise it sucks, then there are the red wasps and the scorpions.

Maybe, but I'm pretty conservative politically (although more fiscally conservative than socially). Plus Texas has decent weather, delicious food, very cheap housing, and much less traffic. 

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Josiah asked his future father in law for an apprenticeship. Maybe there's hope that he has a career plan/is developing a career plan that will involve some education, or at least some certifications along with experience working for something besides Duggar Holdings.

That caught my eye too. Not only does it give me some hope that he's being guided in career planning but I'm thrilled that he's going to someone other than Jim Bob for advice. To me that seems huge considering that the Duggar kids are supposed to go to Ma and Pa Duggar for everything. 


Another thing that struck me in the article was the words the Jacksons used. They talk about seeing a friendship develop,  enjoying seeing them laugh together, how they like how Josiah treats Marjorie... something about the things they said make me think Josiah and Marjorie get more time together and get to act more like a couple when at/with the Jackson's than we've seen with the Duggars.

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I also wondered why they are both standing so awkwardly.  Looks like sombody photoshopped  out the stools they were sitting on.


Of course, JBoob and Mechelle approve.  Ratings, ratings, ratings.


This girl seems more intelligent than the whole Duggar clan combined.  Good for you, Josiah.  While I don't understand why they can't just date, you know just regular boyfriend/girlfriend stuff, I'm glad he found somebody.  And Boob, she is NOT "just like his mother." 


I do hope they wait a few years to marry.  In the meantime Josiah, prepare yourself to get the heck away from that circus!


I hope that by the time they do marry, the Duggar show has ended.  I would NOT want my daughter involved in all that.

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The special announcement is officially Josiah and Marjorie, not a Jessa pregnancy (I think....9 minutes left in the episode). Marjorie was pretty cute in it. She's pretty much on the announcement for the entire time, getting the audience to guess which boy is courting. "It's NOT John-David!" Lol....the family's disdain for JD's non-courting self has extended to the in-laws.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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She DOES look comfortable on camera, and cute as heck!


I have high hopes for these two...


ETA...I'm glad I stayed awake during that long-ass boring episode to see it.

Edited by katycat74
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Don't be jealous, Texas isn't a great place to live.  Politics wise it sucks, then there are the red wasps and the scorpions.


The moron Governor - Rick Perry is it? they have now would be enough to make me want to move. I'm fine with some liberal views, I'm fine with some conservative views. God knows all viewpoints are needed to study situations and make measured, intelligent decisions. No one has all the answers for everything. But that guy is just plain beyond belief. He was actually talking - in a threatening way - about Texas seceding from the Union a few years ago. OK Governor Perry, you all secede from the US. We in the other 49 states can definitely find a way to use the $18 billion in Federal money Texas gets now.  End of rant.


And apologies to all the wonderful, and sane, citizens of Texas.

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The moron Governor - Rick Perry is it? they have now would be enough to make me want to move. I'm fine with some liberal views, I'm fine with some conservative views. God knows all viewpoints are needed to study situations and make measured, intelligent decisions. No one has all the answers for everything. But that guy is just plain beyond belief. He was actually talking - in a threatening way - about Texas seceding from the Union a few years ago. OK Governor Perry, you all secede from the US. We in the other 49 states can definitely find a way to use the $18 billion in Federal money Texas gets now.  End of rant.


And apologies to all the wonderful, and sane, citizens of Texas.

Yup.  I used to live there.  and I escaped.  Never again.  ;)


Just to stay on topic.  I liked Marjorie and she has some personality.  Good job Josiah!


Maybe, but I'm pretty conservative politically (although more fiscally conservative than socially). Plus Texas has decent weather, delicious food, very cheap housing, and much less traffic. 

Cheap housing yes.  But, the weather was oppressive.  So hot in the summer you can't even stand it.  I currently live in the Adirondacks where we measure snow by the foot.  I prefer the snow.

Edited by Honey
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Yeah, but to be fair, all middle-schoolers are obnoxious. It's in their DNA. They're sub-human. Let's be honest, it's why most of the US segregates middle-schoolers from the general population. ;)


People talk about how high school is the worst. No. No. Middle school is the worst. You couldn't pay me to teach middle school.


Yep. I was tempted to clock my 12 year old nephew upside the head on Easter. He's almost 13 and has become just obnoxious between Christmas and now. Child is way too smart for his own good and he's much more annoying than his 2 older brothers were at that age. Good thing he's not my kid, he probably wouldn't live to see 13. 


Does this mean the poor Duggar kids have to start chaperoning again? It was pretty obvious most of the younger ones were way over it with Jill and Derek, let alone Jessa and Ben. 

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Does this mean the poor Duggar kids have to start chaperoning again? It was pretty obvious most of the younger ones were way over it with Jill and Derek, let alone Jessa and Ben. 


The burden really should fall all to JB and Michelle, because the rules are all their doing (the couples decide their own courtship rules, my foot!). Especially Michelle - it's not like she's running the house or raising the kids.


Although if it has to be anyone it should be James - that kid is actually funny.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
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Look at her Dad's FB photo.  He looks like a 20 year older version of Josiah.  Exactly.  Hairline, face shape, everything!  Wow.

Ok, this might be out of line, and if it is, I apologize to the mods and to everyone else as well. But I saw that Si and Marjorie kind of look alike, (and I believe someone else pointed that out also) and then Honey said the dad looks like Si too, and of course my first thought is, "Michelle had an affair and Marjorie is Josiah's half sister."

The burden really should fall all to JB and Michelle, because the rules are all their doing (the couples decide their own courtship rules, my foot!). Especially Michelle - it's not like she's running the house or raising the kids.


Although if it has to be anyone it should be James - that kid is actually funny.

I kind of agree it should be their burden, but I don't want another kid to have to face anything like dry humping incident that Jessa had to suffer through.

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I was pleased that they didn't go into no holding hands, no kissing, but emphasized the lines could be flexible. Do we dare hope for some flexibility from these two? Some hand holding while courting? Perhaps some hugging or a kiss on the cheek during engagement? The possibilities are endless.

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Look at her Dad's FB photo.  He looks like a 20 year older version of Josiah.  Exactly.  Hairline, face shape, everything!  Wow.


Well, girls are supposed to marry their fathers. Theoretically at least...


I thought Marjorie was very cute and extraordinarily-poised for her age. She could do the news on TV.  Keeping all good thoughts for this twosome.

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I also wondered why they are both standing so awkwardly.  Looks like sombody photoshopped  out the stools they were sitting on.

It looks like the vase is too heavy for her and she's balancing it on her hip. That's a heavy glass vase, it's filled with water, and she's a slight girl. No mystery, no photoshopping, no rickets... (He, I think, is trying to work out a method of looking close and couple-like without actually touching.)

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They are a cute, albeit young couple. And no she is not camera shy!

Though I would give major props to someone that agreed to go into a courtship with a Duggar WITHOUT cameras. I hope that is what is happening with Jana.

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That was a cute video. They already seem less awkward around each other than the Dillards. She seems to have a lot of personality unlike her future sister in laws. I hope they are able to date for a while to be sure that they truly want each other. Most couples who start at that age don't last because people grow up and realize that what they like at 17 is not what they like at 25 or 30. 

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She seems annoyingly perky. But hopefully she was just playing it up for the camera while Josiah -- who's clearly over it -- was talking as fast as possible and faking a smile at the end. Maybe it'll be good for Josiah to be around a girl who is happy and presumably a happier family. He seemed fine as a know-it-all preteen, but after that phase he got pretty quiet and just never looked happy and was being shipped off to Alert all the time. Maybe this brings some joy back into his life. Her dad's comments to People suggest that they act a bit more like boyfriend/girlfriend at the Jackson home. I'm not suggesting there's physical contact, but I'm guessing they are allowed private conversation, sitting around eating together or maybe watching movies or something. Her dad said that he's seen a friendship that's grown over time, he has seen how Josiah treats and respects his daughter. Those are only things you can see if you are watching from afar -- not if you are seated on the couch directly next to them or have parked your 5 yr old there to chaperone bc at that point it stifles all conversation beyond the most perfunctory issues -- and you as a parent have no idea if the dude is kind and respectful to your daughter's thoughts and ideas or if he's the type who shuts it down and takes the tone of -- I'm the man, I'll tell you how it's going to work in our marriage . . . .

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I guess I'm too cynical because when I look at this girl she just screams fame whore to me. I'm sure she's a nice kid but this whole courtship feels off. Part of me thinks that Boob and Michelle are trying to get rid of dead weight now that they're down two maids/nannies. I bet we'll see a string of boys married off while Jana languishes in the background. I just hope Josiah is doing this for the right reasons because he's going to have a long life of regrets otherwise.

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As the Duggar kids marry and move out of the house, there will be some couples that are not shown on the TV series as much as others. I wonder if after their marriage that these two will step away from the limelight and live a more private life than the others. It seems to be that way with Alyssa Bates and her husband, but they also live fairly far away from her family too. If Josiah is indeed going to pursue politics, I wonder if eventually they'll end up in DC along with Josh and Anna.

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I think every courtship starts out with high hopes that THIS will be the Duggar kid who finally breaks away, and it never happens. As long as Boob controls the purse strings, all these kids will remain in the fold. I predict God will "speak" to Marjorie about her heathen pants wearing ways and she'll be drowning in the Kool-Aid before we know it.

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I was pleased that they didn't go into no holding hands, no kissing, but emphasized the lines could be flexible. Do we dare hope for some flexibility from these two? Some hand holding while courting? Perhaps some hugging or a kiss on the cheek during engagement? The possibilities are endless.

All that kid is thinking about is flexibility.     He dreams of miniature golf and hoping Josie is their chaperone.   If its Josie then licking will be allowed liberally.

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The burden really should fall all to JB and Michelle, because the rules are all their doing (the couples decide their own courtship rules, my foot!). Especially Michelle - it's not like she's running the house or raising the kids.

Although if it has to be anyone it should be James - that kid is actually funny.

James' jurisdiction should just be official chaperone. I think he enjoys it/hates it less than the others. Aside from the awkward tension, being a chaperone isn't the worst deal. He gets to go out to eat, do some fun activities and an afternoon out of the TTH. Plus, I think when the cameras aren't around, James could probably be bribed to "wander off" for a half hour or so. Just enough time for the couple to figure out if their partner secretly wants less than 6 kids.

Part of me thinks that Boob and Michelle are trying to get rid of dead weight now that they're down two maids/nannies. I bet we'll see a string of boys married off while Jana languishes in the background.

I think you're definitely on to something here. Even though Siah and Joe aren't really dependent on the girls for basic care, they are mouths to feed, clothes to wash, etc. While I don't think they're going to hold Jana much longer, I do think they would like to see some boys go before they lose another girl.

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No offense, but the thought of JB and Michele chaperoning makes me want to run for the hills. I still get nightmares thinking about the dates they had with Derick Dullard/Jill and DashingBenjermin/Jessa. The sight of JB humping his wife in public makes me want to scream and ask my doctor for a sleeping pill to go into a deep sleep and not have to worry about dreaming about Mr. and Mrs. Obnoxious.

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I hope they're happy. I think they look sweet.

As far as anyone's sexual orientation, I go by what that person says about him/herself. I wouldn't say to a person who comes out as gay, "oh, no, no. See, I think you're straight. I have straight-dar." I wish what people said about themselves was respected either way.

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I was pleased that they didn't go into no holding hands, no kissing, but emphasized the lines could be flexible. Do we dare hope for some flexibility from these two? Some hand holding while courting? Perhaps some hugging or a kiss on the cheek during engagement? The possibilities are endless.


I sure hope so. I am fine with waiting for sex until marriage but I'd love to think they are sneaking off to make out in the back seat of a car somewhere. Everyone should have that kind of fun while they are young. Well everyone except my girls. They can date when I'm dead :-).

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I honestly don't think Josiah is gay either. I do think what got him in trouble and sent off to ALERT may indeed have been this girl. Maybe he checked himself out of ALERT when he turned 18, went to her family and said, "Help!" Because Jim Bob is alarmingly controlling and, I think, capable of being vindictive, he may have wanted to 'punish' Josiah longer by keeping him doing manual labor under his supervision until he's satisfied he's stomped all the life out of that boy. He wants to be with Marjorie, she wants to be with him, and her parents don't see a problem with their ages. So he cuts a deal with Jim-Bob: To announce a Duggar-style courtship, play his game at least publically, and JB will go along with it. JB knows he can't actually force an 18 year old to toe his line. I know Si said he just noticed her in December, but that could be the party line; JB doesn't want anyone to think Si got rewarded for his transgressions by going right back to the same girl that he picked himself. I notice her parents said they've been seeing it grow over time. And she is clearly confident, she's already an experienced public speaker. It wouldn't surprise me if she agreed to take most of that burden for him, like, Hey honey, you're great at this stuff. Please take the lead.

I don't think they're doing anything particularly scandalous, possibly even by Gothard standards, but it happened outside of Jim Bob's schedule and that has to piss him off. Now all of this is conjecture, and I'm just putting it out there to join the many other pieces of fiction about them that have already been posted here and elsewhere. We don't really know what's going on with them, and we probably never will. We'll see a JB-approved and edited version. Meanwhile in real life, I honestly hope those two kids are happy.

BTW (to be *incredibly* snarky) I bet Jill hates her.

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I wouldn't say to a person who comes out as gay, "oh, no, no. See, I think you're straight. I have straight-dar."

Erasing a person's LGBT identity is a common problem in society (where the queer person is often told they're simply confused or going through a phase), whereas the reverse isn't, so I don't hold the two things to be equal. That said, I don't think anyone's advocating actually going up to Josiah (or anyone!) and saying, "Poor boy, you're so totally gay and you don't even know it. My gaydar says so." That would be gross. Even if the person's gay, it's possible that they haven't come to terms with it yet - especially if they're part of a conservatively religious family - and throwing it in their face like that isn't going to help.


Also, gaydar is apparently really a thing, but only to a limited extent. Mine is pretty busted, though. 


Maybe Josiah went to ALERT because being at ALERT was still a lot better than being under Jim Bob's thumb. Honestly, I think I'd rather go to ALERT than live with the Duggars. To be fair, I don't really know what ALERT boot camp entails, I just know that I'd crack if I had to live with JB and Michelle and their golf-course-humping ways. 

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MICKS PICKS, ON 13 APR 2015 - 10:51 PM, SAID:

Masiah sounds a little disrespectful. Mar (marjorie) iah (joshia) mariah sounds better to me.


What's disrespectful about it?


I don't see this answered anywhere, so I'll chime in.  When I see "Masiah"- in my head I pronounce it very similarly to "Messiah". As a believer, I wouldn't want to call anyone but Christ the Messiah.  I have also heard it used as a derogatory term, someone thinks they are the "messiah"- meaning they think more of themselves than they should.

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I guess I'm too cynical because when I look at this girl she just screams fame whore to me. I'm sure she's a nice kid but this whole courtship feels off. Part of me thinks that Boob and Michelle are trying to get rid of dead weight now that they're down two maids/nannies. I bet we'll see a string of boys married off while Jana languishes in the background. I just hope Josiah is doing this for the right reasons because he's going to have a long life of regrets otherwise.

If we really think about it the Duggars are famewhores and it's all Josiah has ever known so Marjorie is a good fit into their "brand."


I'm with you guys I hope this is what Josiah wants and not what Boob pushed on him so he won't be sent to ALERT to pray, pray, pray.

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Eh, I didn't get fame whore at all from her. She's been doing plays and musical theater for a while now, what I saw was someone with experience on the stage who drew on it for the cameras. Certainly she's more comfortable there than Josiah, but that doesn't mean she's in it for the fame.

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I hope they're happy. I think they look sweet.

As far as anyone's sexual orientation, I go by what that person says about him/herself. I wouldn't say to a person who comes out as gay, "oh, no, no. See, I think you're straight. I have straight-dar." I wish what people said about themselves was respected either way.

I don't think anyone's disrespecting Josiah; in fact, it seems as though everyone here is clearly rooting for him.

My point in wondering about his sexuality is this: I went all through Catholic schools and have known quite a few people who didn't come to terms with their sexual orientation when they were young, then married people of the opposite sex only to come out down the road and divorce.

How sad that some gay people are led to believe heterosexual marriage is the only option. The Duggars would definitely fall into that category, so I worry about any Duggar child who happens to be gay.

It's not as if anyone's fighting Josiah and saying, "No, you're really, truly gay." If he's not, great. If he is, great. I just hope that he's able to be true to himself.

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Marjorie seems to like the camera a little too much.  That is a girl with a plan.  And I don't think it is to sit home and pump out kids by the dozens.  But I hope it works out for them.  She will have more influence over Josiah than Jim Bob.

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