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S04.E13: Ain't No Thang Like A Chicken Wing

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2 hours ago, bosawks said:

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that Whitney was worthless in a crisis!

Oh wait....

How many times did Elizabeth have to ask him to catch Danni, and nothing?   Whitney?  Whitney?  Lol, I'm glad Danni was ok, because that was hilarious.

Kathyrn looked hideous with that black lipstick. 

Landon showed some wisdom tonight when she said about TRav - I don't want that kind of man. 

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So wait, Ms. Mean Girl, merely says she's "aware" of how she's been to Craigie -- never once describing how mean she's been to Craigie ALL season & NEVER saying she's sorry or offering ANYTHING resembling an apology -- and then everything is fine & dandy with them?  What the hell?

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Well, I'm glad that Naomi admitted that she was really being a bitch to Craig.

Shep:  You're really screwed up.  And Craig is a better negotiator than you think.  He at least got Landon and Kathryn talking.  And yeah, Landon did have to admit she's been trashing Kathryn for years.

TRav and the privilege of a woman to be with you.  Hello.  You need a  reality check.

Glad that Danni was ok.

Loved Craig's gift to Cam.  Of course, Shep had the need to criticize.  And Cam sending a pix to her husband was great.  I think she truly appreciated it.

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Choking on a chicken bone is hilarious, Horseteeth?  I don't get it.  Is this something only drunks like Horseteeth get a chuckle out of?

You know, as I looked at the gathering at the end of this ep & the flashback to an earlier party & thought about this entire season, and since this was the finale, I was thinking how it's so ridiculous this show has such a definite lack of diversity, even just to people in the background.  Sorry, but it's really unsettling.  This can't be reflective of Charleston, is it?

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

TRav has been watching too much PBS or TCM if he has Jane Austin in his mind. 

I like it when they show their great educations.  Loved Shep and his spin on the cold war, Bay of Pigs etc.

3 hours ago, rideashire said:

Sigh. Oh well, maybe someday the alternative outcome will be showcased on tv in a positive light.

If she truly didn't want kids she would not have married someone who did.  Her constant discussion was her and herself in negotiations or just a storyline..............

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Oh my, Kathryn is living back with her folks.  Glad she is thinking of returning to school, but just no with a degree in psychology.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kathryn-c-dennis-life-update

You know what they say!  People who are psychiatrists/psychologists are just looking for their own answers.  She would be perfect.

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38 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Well, I'm glad that Naomi admitted that she was really being a bitch to Craig.

Shep:  You're really screwed up.  And Craig is a better negotiator than you think.  He at least got Landon and Kathryn talking.  And yeah, Landon did have to admit she's been trashing Kathryn for years.

TRav and the privilege of a woman to be with you.  Hello.  You need a  reality check.

Glad that Danni was ok.

Loved Craig's gift to Cam.  Of course, Shep had the need to criticize.  And Cam sending a pix to her husband was great.  I think she truly appreciated it.

It felt like Naomie was kind of covering her backside knowing much of her behavior would be shown when the show aired and she would then be accused of being dishonest.   

I loathe Shep and his idea that it is okay to run around and criticize your "friends".  Although juvenile I had to laugh when Craig punched Shep's leg.  Shocking Cameran was siding with Craig.  I thought the onesie was so cute compared to Shep picking up so tired old drinking T-Shirt.  You are right Shep cannot stand it when others compliment Craig. 

I agree about Thomas and he and Kathryn snuggling up again is puke worthy. 

Kathryn is not a good person to dispense advice.  She is not insightful in the least or she would have reached out to Jennifer. 

2 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

Actually, Kathryn is living in an apartment right now because a viewer called in on WWHL and stated that Kathryn was living in the same apartment complex as she was.

Oh perfect so she lied in an interview to Bravo.  Kathryn just is incapable of telling the truth.

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Thomas remarked on Kathryn's body but he missed the chance to point out her "physicality."

He was really hanging on for that hug.  For his sanity's sake, he apparently found someone else to paw.


Naomi stormed out of Key West and then even before she apologized and owned up to her shady actions, her legs were on his legs.  Come on if Craig was truly pissed at her, would he put up with that?  Not unless they were going to have hate sex or something.


Also, Cheltsie didn't want a relationship but she gets jealous anyways.  Why though?  She has to remind Austen not to drink so much so that he can perform -- wiggle on top of her as he described it.

Edited by scrb
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2 hours ago, scrb said:

Thomas remarked on Kathryn's body but he missed the chance to point out her "physicality."

He was really hanging on for that hug.  For his sanity's sake, he apparently found someone else to paw.


Naomi stormed out of Key West and then even before she apologized and owned up to her shady actions, her legs were on his legs.  Come on if Craig was truly pissed at her, would he put up with that?  Not unless they were going to have hate sex or something.


Also, Cheltsie didn't want a relationship but she gets jealous anyways.  Why though?  She has to remind Austen not to drink so much so that he can perform -- wiggle on top of her as he described it.

Yea her body language spoke volume. That  conversation between Craig and Naomi was clearly either a re-enactment of a "real" come-to-Jesus talk they had in private, or just faked for the cameras altogether. You just don't sit all casual and relaxed with your legs up like that if you're really, truly in the midst of a serious fight with your significant other. 

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8 hours ago, bosawks said:

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, that Whitney was worthless in a crisis!

Oh wait....

I know...Whitney's fragile frame can probably barely support his own body weight. I thought "uh oh" when I heard the call for him to help grab Danni. It looked like he struggled to hold up her purse

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8 hours ago, rideashire said:


So I was really holding out hope through out this entire baby arc that Cameron would actually remain child free and come to terms with that choice.

How refreshing would that have been.

I should have known that she’d come around to reluctant acceptance of popping out a kid. Of course she would.


You realize it's just for the show, right? She and her husband have planned to have children all along.


7 hours ago, slowpoked said:

Now apparently, they're hanging out again. Maybe watching it all play it out on TV rekindled some stuff, who knows?

She's posting photos of them together to support the storyline. Reunion's coming up, etc. She knows how the game is played.


6 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Oh my, Kathryn is living back with her folks.  Glad she is thinking of returning to school, but just no with a degree in psychology.  http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/kathryn-c-dennis-life-update

See? I told you she believes this show is real life! She did those scenes with her hands properly propped against her face, concerned looks. She is buying into the bullshit of a storyline!!!

6 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Calling it now. Tom and Kathryn will have a 3rd child. 

Nope. He's been with another woman for quite a while, although her living/working in CA has put a crimp in things. He's not interested in starting up with her again. What we saw last night was nothing more than them playing their roles on the show. Now, unless something is happening undercover that I've not heard about, that is. 

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6 hours ago, jumper sage said:


You know what they say!  People who are psychiatrists/psychologists are just looking for their own answers.  She would be perfect.

Kathryn may not be able to get her own life in order, but that advice she gave to Naomi was really good. Most people are better at giving advice than they are at following it. 

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8 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I don't trust Whit's motives.  Bet he wants to stay in the will.  Does make me wonder just what kind of mother Patrish was.

OK, soooo Craigie & Ms. Mean Girl are still together?  Um, WTF?  Are we being played or what?  What guy in his right mind would wanna stay around her when she's ALWAYS so freakin' mean to him?  Was that just fake shit for the cams?  I get annoying when scripted crap makes no sense.  Why are these 2 still together when they both treat each other so miserably?  Maybe cuz all we've seen this season has been fake, fake, fake?  If that's the case, I'm annoyed as hell with both of them.

Why was skinny twit Craigie threatening Horseteeth?  I mean, seriously, Horseteeth could kick weakling wuss Craigie away with zero effort, even in his usual boozed up state.  Another annoying scene that made no sense.

So you want someone "privileged & honored" to be with you, eh, Thom-ass, the convicted felon, booze-hound, coke-head?  Oh man, thanks for the hearty, chuckle, Thom-ass!  Yeah, good luck finding that.

Just a guess why Danni fainted -- maybe she's eaten a half of a cookie in the last 3 years & has puked up everything else?  Just a guess.  She's gotta keep the sugar daddy interested.  But sugar daddies have no patience for illness, Danni, hun, so it's a good thing you fainted while not in his presence cuz that would be the end of the fancy luxury trips & houses.

Maybe not.  "Horseteeth" , lol,  can't even shoot a few hoops without almost passing out.  

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37 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

TRav and Landum on WWHL tonight. Landum did not stop laughing for the entire 30 minutes. Unbearable.  

but she looked great (for she 1st ever)  i just stared at her the entire time.  just her hair and face....the top of her dress was a 'hell damn no'!

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Kathryn looked fabulous. Especially in that red dress, and her hair up. The way she spoke. I can see why she makes T- rav weak . She'd make a good therapist , she sorted that lot out! 
Is that the end? I didn't see a clip for a reunion. I guess Chelsea and Austen are a couple, Shep drinks too much, and I'm sure he has a crush on the married Cameron. As for Landon, no words, no need.

I'm glad Naomi admitted she was mean to Craig, maybe now they can move on as a couple, if not, break up and see other people.

42 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Shep's biggest problem is that Craig is more excited about the onesie and handkerchief he made than Shep is excited about anything.

I loved that he made that for Cameron's baby,  it was so sweet. 

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Actually, Kathryn is living in an apartment right now because a viewer called in on WWHL and stated that Kathryn was living in the same apartment complex as she was.

And on WWHL Thomas responded that he had no idea Kathryn was living in the apartment. Then he said he's not dating anyone seriously. Also, weren't there legal reasons why she couldn't see the children in Thomas' home? More than "it's not my day." Like, she had to have the monitor present in order to have visitation with her children?

That was Carolyn Roehme with Patricia at the party. Another wealthy socialite who dabbles in fashion, flowers, going to parties...

Kathryn has picked up some lingo from rehab and therapy and is spouting it out instead of being a real person. When she's not raging, she's so detached from what's going on around her.

I think Thomas' "I want someone who deserves me" lingo is also borrowed from therapy. I also am pretty sure he rehearses these tone-deaf speeches off-camera. Literally. Also, JD was either drunk or bored when he and Thomas had their little chat in JD's office. He could barely keep his eyes open.

This was the most obviously scripted episode I've seen. All the storylines were painstakingly (and painfully) brought to the finish line. Cam's motherhood, Craig-and-Naomie, Chelsie and Austin, Kathryn's supposed redemption...

I think Thomas will take a tumble in the sheets with Kathryn, especially if he's loaded late one night, but I think he's moved past wanting a relationship with her. What we saw last night was advertising for the reunion.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Allow me to just add that despite the many, many, MANY delights that oral pleasures provide, cheese is among my favorite ever foods---so give me cheese or give me death. I feel ya there, Craig!

Also, I find it sad that Kathryn is never shown gushing over Saint the way she does Kensie; hopefully she's been able to bond with him a bit more despite his young age and her legal situation, but it's always "Kensie is such a model" or "Kensie and I do crafts"...

I think this is largely because Saint is so young. When they're that little, they're just kind of like little meatloaves. You love them and cuddle them, but it's pretty hard to engage in any real activities.

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8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Actually, Kathryn is living in an apartment right now because a viewer called in on WWHL and stated that Kathryn was living in the same apartment complex as she was.

I thought this was interesting, considering that yesterday, the Bravo website had that article with quotes from Kathryn saying how she's a good place, a peaceful place, living with her parents in Monck's Corner.  Then, a viewer calls in on the same day, and says that she and Kathryn live in the same apartment complex.  

In the article, Kathryn went on to say how she is rediscovering herself, by gardening in her "little garden", painting and doing yoga, all in the beautiful surroundings of her parents' home.

And, even more interesting, after that viewer called in to WWHL, Thomas said that HE didn't even know where Kathryn was living these days.  

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The look on Kathryn's face when Thomas said he was spending $10,000.00  a month on attorneys' fees.  It looked like a light went off in her head and she was trying to figure out how that money could be coming to her.   Most of all I am getting kind of grossed out with Thomas and Kathryn and their love story.  Thomas comments about what Kathryn needed to do if there was hope for a future relationship between the two of them.  The woman wants access to Thomas' money and privilege.

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Sooooo I actually mostly really liked Craig tonight and felt for him while also contemplating if this whole Craig/Naomie fighting was just a set-up to give them a story line. That said, I was glad he got some validation from her that she treated him badly which makes me wonder exactly how manipulative she actually is. She managed to hide that from the cast all season and perhaps some of it from the camera while possibly bating him to look like the bad guy every time. It's really interesting to me.  As for the situation with Shep, I'm definitely team Craig on that one--Shep was being such an @hole and Landon to me was just as bad for taking an opportunity to pile on. Honey, you should not be calling anyone dumb. ANYONE. That whole scene was just gross. I honestly felt like Craig meant well and was trying to say something he felt was meaningful and important and just got cut down every time he took a breath. I was glad to see Cam stand up for him.  I think he really did think that if Kathryn and Landon get it all out on the table, they can move on with a clean slate and nothing to come out later that will haunt them. As for punching Shep in the leg, yeah it was kind of juvenile but my initial thought was that in a household with brothers where he probably got picked on, maybe that was the only way for him to get them to lay off--to literally fight back. I don't think this carries over into his romantic relationships, I just think he was standing up to a bully the only way he knew how.

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55 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

And on WWHL Thomas responded that he had no idea Kathryn was living in the apartment. Then he said he's not dating anyone seriously. Also, weren't there legal reasons why she couldn't see the children in Thomas' home? More than "it's not my day." Like, she had to have the monitor present in order to have visitation with her children?


10 minutes ago, njbchlover said:

Then, a viewer calls in on the same day, and says that she and Kathryn live in the same apartment complex.


My guess is that the viewer is trying to start a fun rumor and see who bites. If Thomas doesn't know where she's living, she's definitely not seeing her children. There were legal reasons she could not walk into the other room and see the kids. She's barred from having any contact with them, at that point. Then she pulls one drunken escapade after another and still can't see them. I'm happy she's happy in her garden. And with her parents, she needs someone keeping an eye on her. Not that they can, she's where she is today due to the fact she's headstrong and will do whatever she wants despite the repercussions.

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10 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

As annoying as drunk asshole Shep was being at JD's event, Craig's whining excessively to his drunk buddy and his pals that he's going to physically assault him, and then actually punching him in the leg at a fancy event?! He literally acted like an angry adolescent boy and I was more embarrassed for Craig than for Shep. Also, I think drunk asshole Shep had a point: Craig is the one with anger issues, not Shep. Not to insinuate anything, but I *really* hope he doesn't get physical like that when he fights with Naomi. His quick temper and catty put-down's are definitely showing a nastier side of his character.

Speaking of nastier...ugh...yes Kathryn, you and T-Rav are indeed both crazy. Not in a good way. And please don't ever wear that shade of dark lipstick ever again.

Thomas chuckling to JD that he would be treating Landon like a cocktail waitress...gross. Just when I think I can't help but like the dude, he makes degrading comments like that.

Who wants to take bets if Landon will be asked back next season? Her bridges all appear burned by now...her rental house is being sold...the other gals barely tolerate her anymore...even Thomas and Patricia seem over her...her website is still DOA...yeah, she's on really shaky ground, it appears.

Chelsea and Austen ended up winning me over this season after all; I like them both and thought the scene of them finally deciding to exclusively date was cute, even if it was just for the show. Nice additions to this cast indeed!

Strangely abrupt ending to the season, but hey, I've grown used to such oddly random endings since season 2 with this show. 

I agree.  Craig was acting very bizarre, imo, sitting there trying to preach to Landon about how she needs to say this and that to Kathryn.  Just shut up.  Not necessary.  Shep may have been buzzed, but, I thought his comments were more amusing than Craig's.  So, why does Cam suddenly think that it's Shep who has a problem and is an AH?  She's had plenty other chances. To me, this was not the last straw.  I suppose the cameras wanted her to wrap it up though.  No matter where you put Craig, he manages to find a way to act like a baby.  His tit for tat, his hitting, his sulking, tantrums, etc. ....so juvenile.  

Near the end with Thomas and Kathryn..the definition of  INSANITY. (Einstein)  Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.  There they go again.  They just don't get it or they are bound to THRIVE on chaos and mayhem.    

I'm okay with Landon.  I hope she returns.  She has her flaws, but, they are tolerable, imo.  

I like Shep and hope he gets in Rehab.  That might be a good show.  

I like Cameron, but, I don't see how mommyhood fits with the show. She'll be hard to replace. 

I also like Whit, Austen and Naomi.  

Chelsea never grew on me.  I'm not sure what it is, but, she's just not appealing to me.  I think she's sneaky and suspect she's manipulative.  Time will tell.  She's no Cameron. 

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9 hours ago, rideashire said:

Catching the rerun in the background, and I think I figured out why I tend to be on team Craig more often than not. There’s something about how he’s always so eager for approval that tugs at my cold, dead heart just a little bit. He’s almost childlike about it sometimes.

When he was showing his friends the handkerchief(?) he sewed, clearly proud of it, and then Shep fake sneezed in it I sort of wanted to punt Shep.

Craig gets that reaction quite a bit when he’s excited about something, maybe he’s just an easy target idk, but if there’s one thing I can’t stand it’s when people shit all over someone else’s happiness. Even when it’s something tiny like that…maybe even especially when it’s tiny like that, because it takes two seconds to not be a dick.

Just let your friend be happy about something for fucks sake, Shep.

Craig HAS A GOOD HEART.  He's very sensitive for a guy, but that's a good thing.  He's not like all the rest of those assholes and will come out the best in the end.

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I was ambivalent about Chelsea - and thought Austin was kinda douche-y - in the beginning.  But they both grew on me. Whether their relationship was real, or just a show-mance, I think they are cute together.  

Yeah, while there are already parents/kids on the show (mostly Kensie and Saint) I can't see Cam continuing to fill the narrator/Greek chorus/Gladys Kravitz role in her first year of motherhood.  And, at the same time, I'm not sure who could replace her.  God help us all if it's Landon!

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Cameron may take time off when her child is an infant, then return to work, as many parents do. I can see her making occasional appearances on the show, then resuming her full participation. It is her job after all. She can tote a nanny off-camera during production if she wants the baby nearby. The question for me is whether she'll keep working in real estate.

Edited by pasdetrois
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12 hours ago, Denim Dreams said:

None taken...we march differently because everything seems backwards or like a mirror image...dance team and trying to learn guitar was fun.  

Craig is stupid if he just wants someone to blow smoke up his ass and not call him out on his bullshit.  Naomi is just not mature enough yet to do it tactfully, but I'm glad she told Craig that she wouldn't put up with his disrespecting her.

I hope Chelsea and Austen work out.

I don't need more Landon.  I would be fine if she didn't return.

We march to our own drummer. 

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I bet Cam will continue with the show. It would be easy money for her, especially if she has a nanny watching the baby for a few hours here and there. I am more inclined to think she will ditch the real estate business for a while.

Speaking of real estate, Landon was on WWHL last night and said she now has her real estate license and is working for her dad. Apparently, the blog is still a thing, but I doubt she makes any money from it.

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10 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

You know, as I looked at the gathering at the end of this ep & the flashback to an earlier party & thought about this entire season, and since this was the finale, I was thinking how it's so ridiculous this show has such a definite lack of diversity, even just to people in the background.  Sorry, but it's really unsettling.  This can't be reflective of Charleston, is it?

This is exactly what I was thinking of re: Southern Charm: New Orleans. If that cast isn't more diverse, I'll be dismayed. Let's be equal-opportunity cheeseballs* here!


* I'm still waking up (probably before Shep, tho!) and I'm having a hard time thinking of a better noun

Edited by ivygirl
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I disagree that Kathryn is being fake with people think about,this Thomas who she has two kids with.Is old enough to be her dad she was like 21 years old,he is a felon a major drinker and cheater.He seems to get a pass for all his past crap ,and crap he says and does now.He cheated with Landon and Jennifer while he was with ,his kids mother young mother she was pregnant.Thomas talks bad about the mother of his children,hateful and lets other get away with it.Kathryn had to leave college due to being  with child,think of how she felt baby daddy screws her. Over and screws other woman while he was with her ,he and his friends laugh talking crap about her.I can see why she would be mad sad drank too much ect,they both drank and fight together.She was young thought this guy loved her,and he made her life hell.That prob pushed her emotions so far from the roller coaster ride,of crap he said and did to her please.Think about that !!!!!!

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I agree.  Craig was acting very bizarre, imo, sitting there trying to preach to Landon about how she needs to say this and that to Kathryn.  Just shut up.  Not necessary.  Shep may have been buzzed, but, I thought his comments were more amusing than Craig's.

I thought Craig was totally in the wrong in that whole sit down and Shep and Landon were trying to tease him out of being an idiot. He wanted Landon and Kathryn to sit down together again and say all the the things they dislike about each other. That's when Shep said that would be like the Bay of Pigs (weird reference, but right sentiment). Craig's insistence that he's the one who's right and he's going to use his mad therapy skillz with Landon and Kathryn (this after telling someone else that therapy was a bust). I just found it so condescending and paternalistic. Both Landon and Kathryn said they were fine with how they left things after their talk in the Keys, so why did they need to sit down again? I'm sure the producers pointed Craig in this direction, but he's just douche-y enough to be convinced he knew best.

After watching Naomi and Craig's little reconciliation speech I'm more convinced then ever that this whole "Naomi's unhappy with Craig's lack of direction" was a storyline. When Cameran was telling Craig that he was coming across to others like a jerk, he told her Naomi was different in private and then Cameran used words (a script) to re-state what he'd said to suggest that Naomi was cruel to him in private and he was to her in public. Then when Naomi was making her apology (or whatever it was) she used almost the same words and phrases as Craig and Cameran had. It all just seemed totally scripted and robotic. 

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I would like to take this time to lodge a complaint on behalf of Jane Austen.  Thomas, you are not Mr. Darcy.  You never will be.  Just because you can quote it, doesn't make it so.  Landon, you are also banned from quoting Jane Austen, even via text, until you get some elocution lessons and learn how to talk without giggling incessantly and/or ending every statement like it's a question.  Please take Vanessa from MAFS2C with you.

Not enough Gizmo.  I'm saying this now that I hope Craig shows up at the reunion with Gizmo.  Naomie isn't necessary but Gizmo is.  Gizmo is the only cast member that absolutely needs to return.  When does he get his own show, Bravo? 

Kathryn is a hot mess and I hope the ladies thinking she had changed was purely scripted because otherwise?  Girls, please. 

Chelsea, you have no right to get upset with Austen for talking to other women or even putting his arm around them after you informed him that it was casual.

Shep, you had always been my favorite but too drunk to fly (causing others to miss the flight) and actually choking on a chicken bone due to your drunken behavior?  Just no.  Please go to rehab.  Stop drinking.

While it's nice that Naomie apologized to Craig, it seems it was more out of fear that he would break up with her.  Also, you might as well not apologize if you are going to end your apology with "but you are an asshole."  (paraphrasing.)  Craig and Naomie need to break up.  They aren't good for each other.  Gizmo needs to stay though.

Glad Dani was okay.  Dehydration is bad news and certainly will make you feel super yucky.

I had a flashback to high school at the end party when Naomie told Chelsea about Kathryn and TRav kissing, who then had to run off and tell Cameron, who then had to run off and tell Whitney.  Ugh.  Really?  First, not news.  Is anyone surprised those two dysfunctional fuckwits can't stay away from each other?  Second, who cares??

Bring on the reunion! 

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I really liked that bit from Landon about Thomas and her ex using money and power to manipulate and push - the reason she stood up for Kathryn. Maybe Landon felt controlled by her ex and that's why she wants to make it on her own. I usually find her annoying but that was interesting.

(Just saw Landon on WWHL - she has gotten her real estate license and is going to work for her father after all.)

Edited by nexxie
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30 minutes ago, Hockey Addict said:

I disagree that Kathryn is being fake with people think about,this Thomas who she has two kids with.Is old enough to be her dad she was like 21 years old,he is a felon a major drinker and cheater.He seems to get a pass for all his past crap ,and crap he says and does now.He cheated with Landon and Jennifer while he was with ,his kids mother young mother she was pregnant.Thomas talks bad about the mother of his children,hateful and lets other get away with it.Kathryn had to leave college due to being  with child,think of how she felt baby daddy screws her. Over and screws other woman while he was with her ,he and his friends laugh talking crap about her.I can see why she would be mad sad drank too much ect,they both drank and fight together.She was young thought this guy loved her,and he made her life hell.That prob pushed her emotions so far from the roller coaster ride,of crap he said and did to her please.Think about that !!!!!!

i disagree with you. here's why

#1   she intended to get pregnant.  she exactly that in the 1st season.   she, cam 2 other women driving to sheps hunting camp.  i think cam said something to the effect of 'i hope you're using protection now' after the 1st scare'.   she replied no, and 'they' were hoping to get pregnant.  there was never a scene when tom said he wanted her to become pregnant. (but this in no way absolves tom totally) 

2.  kat  had already dropped out college when the season opened.  in fact, i thought 'they' said kat just graduated. 

3.  many pregnant girls attend school,

4.  in don't remember tom talking about during her 1st pregnancy.  

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10 hours ago, scrb said:

Also, Cheltsie didn't want a relationship but she gets jealous anyways.  Why though?  


25 minutes ago, psychoticstate said:

Chelsea, you have no right to get upset with Austen for talking to other women or even putting his arm around them after you informed him that it was casual.

I didn't think it was jealousy so much so as disrespect. I'm actually kind of annoyed that they finally settled on their relationship status not because they had a heart-to-heart talk about how they really felt about each other, but because Austen disrespected her and backed her into a corner to decide on their relationship. No matter what your status is with a woman you brought as a date to an event, you don't disrespect her by openly flirting and being handsy with another woman. I totally understand Chelsea getting pissed. Now, if they went separately to the event, and Chelsea acted all jealous, then I would understand Austen's confusion of not having any defined relationship with her so therefore he's free to flirt with other women.

With that said, they did make out a lot in Key West like there was no tomorrow, huh? And make-up sex too, considering they ended up in one bedroom from when they started the trip and stayed in two separate rooms.

Shep is just one insecure sad human being. I think he truly can't stand it when someone one-ups him, and so he puts them down to feel superior again. Mocking Craig's gift reminded me of how he put down Austen's financial status in regards to dating Chelsea. He probably thought his T-shirt gift was a hoot and would be the star of the evening. Then Craig comes in and steals his thunder by giving Cam a heartfelt gift that he put so much effort into other than just walking into a funny store and buying something. Then he goes ahead and puts down Craig. Same thing with Austen, because Austen was able to close the deal with Chelsea and he couldn't. Therefore he puts down Austen by saying, eh, I'm way richer than you. He is a pathetic and insecure drunk. He may have read all the books in the world and may have a really high IQ but his EQ is a negative 1 to the millionth power. Give me someone who is just a generally decent human being over someone who nonsensically throws historical references just so he can feel superior to anyone he's talking to. So over him. I hope his new show tanks.

Edited by slowpoked
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"I want to be with a woman who feels privileged and honored to be with me" - must be all about the money and name because Thomas is actually a horrible catch. Typical rich white guy thinks he can act like an asshole day in and day out and still have people kissing his feet. Blech!

(That comment about treating a noncompliant Landon like the waitress was telling.)

Edited by nexxie
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That heart to heart between TRav and Kathryn was something to behold.  She tells him that when they were together she always felt inferior. He tells her he thought she never really loved him.  Then when they are hugging she whispers, "I have always loved you, baby".  Bleeeech...... One step forward moving on with your lives, a gazillion steps backwards.  Some people must have drama in their lives to survive. 

The snippet of the preview of the reunion looks good. Kathryn is back to her fiery red hair and she and Thomas are threatening to reveal each other's secrets once again. Good times to come! 

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That little smirk Naomie gets on her face is a tell - imo she only half-assed owned up to her shit because she wants to stay on the show. Maybe Craig is her useful idiot.

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While sweet Craig's onsie made no sense because when the baby wears it will no longer becoming soon. I also hate when people assume in as yet conceived child is a boy.

JD looked like he was trying not to laugh at Thomas during their convo.

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