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Season 2 Discussion

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10 hours ago, Swim mom said:

Danielle, Mo, Russ, Jorge, Anfisa, Loren, Pao, and Pedro all have good jobs. Based on what I've read on other sites, reality tv pays about 10,000 per episode,  per person.  

It appears that only Alexei and Jorge have jobs outside of tv.

Chantel is supposedly going to school, she says Pedro is working two jobs. 

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Family Chantel needs to shut the fuck up. Chantel is the one that lied to them, not Pedro. She's the reason for all the drama. Mother Chantel can't seem to let go of River's Sheriff Woody hat from his Toy Story days as a child. Put the hat back in the toy box, Mother Chantel.

I never thought I'd say this, but I feel sorry for Anfisa. She was upfront about what she wanted and what she'd trade for it. Now, she's stuck in a one bedroom apartment with no money, no friends and a lying schlub for a husband.

I was knitting while it was on, so I was listening more than watching. One thing that struck me as hilarious is that Mohammed has a better command of the english language than Danielle. I stopped knitting so I could watch her tell people that Mahammit needed to amit he done wrong and that she woont poll the annolmit this time. Cracked me up.

I also feel sorry for Russ. He's a nice guy. Unlike the others, he didn't go online looking to buy a wife. He was working in Colombia and met Pao at a party. She thinks she's Sofia Vergara and doesn't give a shit if Russ is happy or not. 

Edited by lovesnark
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I don't feel sorry for Anfisa and I don't admire her for being honest about being a gold digger. There is nothing admirable about that and owning up to it doesn't make it better. Yes, Jorge is a liar and a pathetic lump, but I don't think he's any more shallow or crappy of a person than Anfisa. They both suck and they're getting what they deserve (except the physical abuse). 

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"De River de problem."     <--Pedro speaks for us all. 

"Is he gonna quit the marriage like he quit the basketball game?"   Yes, River, if your sister is half as big of a bitch as you are Pedro will probably quit the marriage. 

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Thinking back maybe anfisa never said she loved jorge but i think at the reunion.. but everything that she does it prooves somewhat she is obssessed or something, if not she would go back home and leave his broke ass....

Pedro needs to wake up and the disrespect if chantel family is because of chantel and now she is planning a bachelorette party .. as pedro said .. she has no control

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27 minutes ago, Verojama said:

Thinking back maybe anfisa never said she loved jorge but i think at the reunion.. but everything that she does it prooves somewhat she is obssessed or something, if not she would go back home and leave his broke ass....

Pedro needs to wake up and the disrespect if chantel family is because of chantel and now she is planning a bachelorette party .. as pedro said .. she has no control

I remember a discussion with Alla at the reunion where Alla said something like "Put the time, and maybe you'll end up loving him" (I paraphrase, I like Alla, she made sense with that "I don't love him but maybe we'll grow in love" shtick), that's the closest thing to love I can think of when it comes to Anfisa. 

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15 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Jorge and Anfisa had been so amusing to me up until this episode.   The physical, verbal abusive nature of their relationship got a little too uncomfortable.  That said, you make your own fun:  My husband and I do a FABULOUS impression of the two (with me playing Jorge with a dopey voice and he gracing the role of Anfisa with an amazing screeching voice). 

LOL, every time Mr E can't figure out what we are going to eat, I tell him..."you don't feed me, you don't take care of me....I don't like...I go back to Russia"... we get a good laugh at the gold digging dominatrix and her worm.

That said, I can't stomach her hitting him.  Even, though I find him tiresome and represents everything women find flawed about men, hitting is right out.  If he hit her, we'd be calling for his castration.  He gets on her nerves, so you think she'd he happy whenever he was gone, but she goes shrieking like a banshee crying for him to come back.  There's some vERY deep pathology in that relationship as well as within Anfisa. 

She's basically trapped.  He leaves her alone for hours, with no food and not a penny in her purse, so she can't even order a pizza or takeaway.  Tell me that's not deliberate, when she was crying that she was hungry. And the fact that he lied to her about damn near everything. How could she even trust him to do what's best for her when he does that type of behavior consistently?  He clearly does this for spite.

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1 hour ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

 If he hit her, we'd be calling for his castration.  

Agreed, but he would hurt her. He outweighs her by a good 250 pounds. 

*Did she hit him? I thought it was a slap. 


Danielle tells Mo "Meet me and these people who really hate you in the alley behind this restaurant" and doesn't realize how that sounds? 

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Russ has a degree in a very specialized field so I would be very surprised if he was able to find work quickly. IMO, if this couple should be moving for anyone's career, it should be for Russ's if only because his work would provide financial stability.  On a side note, I am very curious about what TLC pays because I would bet they're living off of that money.


On 7/3/2017 at 3:22 AM, Trampolina said:

I don't understand the apology Mohammed had to make to Danielle's family.  She was the one that imported a Tunisian boy toy and put him before her family.  So sick of her victim crap.

I don't either. If anything, she owes her family a HUGE apology. I'm surprised she's on speaking terms with her son - I don't know if I would continue a relationship with a parent who would put her family through what Danielle has.

I missed the scene with Pedro and River playing basketball when this episode first aired and now that I have seen it, I think I hurt myself from rolling my eyes so much. River comes off like a really rude person. I'm sure he saw how he came off last season and since he hasn't changed or softened his approach to his sister and BIL, I'm just going to assume it's rude all of the time. If he saw the last season, he'd realize Pedro actually isn't a bad guy. His sister, however, is immature and a liar. Odd that the family seems intent on punishing Pedro for a situation he didn't even cause! Not only that, all of the accusations about Pedro using Chantal, but the man has two jobs to support himself and his wife. That speaks volumes.

2 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

She's basically trapped.  He leaves her alone for hours, with no food and not a penny in her purse, so she can't even order a pizza or takeaway.  Tell me that's not deliberate, when she was crying that she was hungry. And the fact that he lied to her about damn near everything. How could she even trust him to do what's best for her when he does that type of behavior consistently?  He clearly does this for spite.

She doesn't have a penny in her purse? How was she able to go shopping with her "friend" an episode back? Jorge wasn't there with his credit card. Serious question, not being snarky. I believe she has access to some money. I don't feel sad for Anfisa at all - domestic violence took away any possible empathy I could have had for her.

Edited by trimthatfat
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20 hours ago, wings707 said:

The sound of the ocean and beautiful birds seafood, sand, palm trees, warm weather.....I will stop now, there is more.  

But...Oklahoma!  Pancakes and greasy bacon served up a humorless beige shrew who can't decide whether she hates Pao or wants to go to bed with her (watch Russ' mom in the earliest episodes.  I swear Pao turns her on, and she can't stand it.).  Bible verses etched on cutsey shabby chic pieces of wood!  Ninety-million crosses all over the walls!

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2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

She doesn't have a penny in her purse? How was she able to go shopping with her "friend" an episode back? Jorge wasn't there with his credit card. Serious question, not being snarky. I believe she has access to some money. I don't feel sad for Anfisa at all - domestic violence took away any possible empathy I could have had for her.

Maybe he doles out prepaid cards for her to use?  His line of work makes it difficult for him to do what we take for granted.  He may have pulled her cards...for all we know.  I agree with everything else you posted.

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2 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

 On a side note, I am very curious about what TLC pays because I would bet they're living off of that money.

I've seen on several websites that it's about 10,000 per person, per episode, once the show takes off well enough to get renewed.

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9 minutes ago, Swim mom said:

I've seen on several websites that it's about 10,000 per person, per episode, once the show takes off well enough to get renewed.

Producers have given interviews that it is a nominal striped per couple and certainly not 20k per couple pet episode this isn't the same as a lot of their other shows like the Duggar or Sister Wives.

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12 hours ago, lovesnark said:

Mother Chantel can't seem to let go of River's Sheriff Woody hat from his Toy Story days as a child. Put the hat back in the toy box, Mother Chantel.

But did Mother Chantel wear that hat to the wedding? I can't remember. Maybe it was a white one, lol.

21 hours ago, Teddybear said:

And Chantel looks like a completely different person from last season.  When they showed a flashback she used to be naturally, and I stress the word naturally, pretty.  She's either had work done or else just has insanely spackled on makeup.  

I didn't see last season, so I haven't seen enough of Chantel to know, but she is a pretty girl. I think it's a "thing" now to plaster on the make-up. I've seen many on instagran, youtube and such that literally paint it on, lots and lots of foundation. And most of them have good skin to begin with, they don't need it, or that much of it.

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11 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

Russ has a degree in a very specialized field so I would be very surprised if he was able to find work quickly. IMO, if this couple should be moving for anyone's career, it should be for Russ's if only because his work would provide financial stability. 

Russ did a very stupid thing early on- he left a work assignment (away from Oklahoma) because Pao was "lonely" (she'd just moved there) and as a result, lost his very good engineering job. I just can't feel sorry for him because of that move.

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I think part of Alexi coming down hard on Loren about the stripper is cultural.  He seems to come from a family/area where men are allowed to do certain things, but when women do them it’s frowned upon.  I absolutely don’t support that kind of thinking and I may be wrong about the cultural aspect, but I think his issue now is that she has repeatedly lied to him.  I got the feeling that the stripper at his party was discussed and he thought it had been resolved with an agreement of “no more strippers.”  Apparently Loren was still angry and chose to lash out by going against their “agreement.”  I understand how Loren would feel that way, but for her to act out, blame her good friend, and lie repeatedly is low.  The fact that she couldn’t express her anger in the first place and discuss it with Alexi and that she acted out like a child just highlights her immaturity.  She isn’t ready to be in a marriage.  She wanted a bunch of pretty parties with everyone focusing on her, not a lifelong partnership.  Now with the lies exposed, Alexi has good reason to be angry with her, plus she’s really lucky to have a friend who was willing to take the fall for her --- on national tv no less!

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22 hours ago, orangeiguana said:

I'm so impressed with Danielle's consistency. She has not missed a single opportunity to make a grammatical error, with multiple firebombs in the same sentence, *every* sentence! 

Finishin' that college degree might help?

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On 7/3/2017 at 0:10 PM, booboopbedoo said:


Anfisa's face is melting and she needs to go back to Russia. He has no money and never did. She was up front from the start and he lied to her from the start. He got into debt trying to impress her.

I'm surprised given Jorge's questionable business ventures that he could even apply for a visa or green card for Anfisa. His enterprise is still illegal under federal law. Anyone involved in drugs wouldn't be allowed to get a green card or naturalize.  As a spouse she'd be guilty by association, even though she clearly isn't interested in working in any capacity.  I wonder if this has been discussed on this thread before. Someone who's an immigration attorney, perhaps? He was granted a K1 for her and they're working toward her green card.  But, he's gone on TV telling us all what he does, so he'd never get away with lying to immigration.

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Pao is too short, too curvy and too "old" to be a runway/fashion model, she can probably get jobs in "glamour" modeling (biker/car/gun magazines) but that's about it but her age window is closing in on that as well.

Oh Anfisa, you shrinking violet, never change!

Danielle is sad and pathetic and needs to worry about her kids not if she can find another man.

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While Alexi may have had strippers at his party, he and Loren had an agreement that she would not have strippers.  However, the real issue is that she intentionally wanted to hurt him (teach him a lesson) and then lied about it for over a year.  Also, the fact that she was willing to let her friend take the blame shows that she really doesn't have deep loyalty to those she claims to love.  And then she has a bit of a tantrum because Alexi doesn't immediately forgive her.  Loren also moans about missing New York and not having a job in Florida while Alexi has two jobs.  I just don't like Loren (I know, you couldn't tell, right?); she seems to have been really spoiled by her parents and feels entitled to have and do whatever she wants.

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I honestly would question my friendship with Loren if I were her BFF. Her friend carried the blame for over a year and Loren doesn't seem the least bit apologetic about it. A true friend wouldn't behave the way Loren did. She waited an awful long time to come clean.

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50 minutes ago, trimthatfat said:

I honestly would question my friendship with Loren if I were her BFF. Her friend carried the blame for over a year and Loren doesn't seem the least bit apologetic about it. A true friend wouldn't behave the way Loren did. She waited an awful long time to come clean.

Yeah, I don't know too many people who would still be my friend if I threw them under the bus like that.

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Watched it or shall I say parts of it.  It will make my thoughts go more quickly!

Chantal/Pedro:  Do not watch.  I thought her family was horrible to him, I think she's a bitch. and the way she speaks with her teeth clenched is irritating

Pao/Russ:  Do not watch any longer.  I think they are a boring couple and I don't like how she is treating Russ.  Quit relying on this show and get divorced already.  You would rather live in Miami and party.  I get it.  Russ is boring but he has given up a lot for her.  Blonde hair does nothing for her and she is going to be spending a ton of money to keep it up.  Also, take out the freaking extensions.  I can see your real hair and you don't have enough cash to do it well.

Loren/Alexei:  She is a big old baby.  He seems humorless.  It seems to me (and I could be wrong) his friends arranged the strippers, she got pissed, they agreed she would not have them but she did and blamed her friend.  Yeah I see the problem.  She should have said fuck no, I am getting them too or stuck with the agreement.  Her spoiled entitled behavior is gonna get old.  I thought her admission was going to be she made out with the stripper.  Was kinda disappointed.  Will not lie.

Danielle/Mahammit (love this spelling by the way!):  Oy.  Her face IS extra twitchy and I think we may have another tourette's sufferer on this show.  I would like to be kind to her because she is clearly not a smart woman and she is not genetically gifted.  However, she challenges my kindness every time I see her on screen.  I told my husband as groddy as Mahammit is, I actually feel badly for him.  That is whacked!  All I can think of is her chasing foreign men takes away from time and money she could be spending on her kids and they deserve better.

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3 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

While Alexi may have had strippers at his party, he and Loren had an agreement that she would not have strippers.  However, the real issue is that she intentionally wanted to hurt him (teach him a lesson) and then lied about it for over a year.  Also, the fact that she was willing to let her friend take the blame shows that she really doesn't have deep loyalty to those she claims to love.  And then she has a bit of a tantrum because Alexi doesn't immediately forgive her.  Loren also moans about missing New York and not having a job in Florida while Alexi has two jobs.  I just don't like Loren (I know, you couldn't tell, right?); she seems to have been really spoiled by her parents and feels entitled to have and do whatever she wants.

This times 1,000. Loren is a spoiled, petty, spiteful little brat who cares only about herself. Remember when the whole family skyped with Alexei's family and Alexei was really sad and missed them? Loren immediately had to flounce off in "tears" and make it all about her. And her parents are as well trained as a couple of performing seals at Sea World--"go after her, she's crying!" The minute Loren has one of her diva fits everyone is trying to make it better. She acts like a middle schooler. She was an executive assistant? The whole point of a job like that is to make your boss look good. How could she possibly be self effacing enough? I cry foul. She must work for her uncle 

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22 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Producers have given interviews that it is a nominal striped per couple and certainly not 20k per couple pet episode this isn't the same as a lot of their other shows like the Duggar or Sister Wives.

I disagree.  Tom Sandoval was getting 15,000 per show on season 3 of Vanderpump Rules.  These clusterf's all know how to google better than I do, and if I can find it, so can they.  These couples are doing just fine financially. 


posted from another website:

Here is an idea:  http://www.irealhousewives.com/2017/02/tom-sandovals-vanderpump-rules-salary.html  Sandoval was making $15k per episode way back in the show's third season.  Last seasonVanderpump Rules ran over 20 episodes.

Craig at $15,000.00 per episode x 14 episodes a little over $200k a year. (Last season was 14 episodes.)  Craig and Naomi are besties with the Vanderpump Rules fools.  I am also told these tools on Southern Charm get paid for appearances in the off season.  Naomi probably gets paid something for each days work.  On Vanderpump Rules one of the things the producers had to change up were the waiters/bartenders living off their wages.  It is no longer realistic as we see them in New Zealand, driving Corvettes, footing the bar bill for a wedding.

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On 7/3/2017 at 1:11 AM, rideashire said:

That little smile from Jorge after Anfisa smacked the shit out of him is all the proof I need to know he likes that sort of thing. I'm convinced he gets off on it. Which might actually work out for them because she seems capable of dishing it out....but he's a lying liar that lies, so....

I straight-up rewound, played, rewound, freeze-framed, re-played her hit him. She had the mildest of the mocking smiles, he smiled right afterward. They love their sick dance of shame-grovel-belittle-repeat. Ugh. Just..... ugh.

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21 minutes ago, TeapotWakeen said:

I straight-up rewound, played, rewound, freeze-framed, re-played her hit him. She had the mildest of the mocking smiles, he smiled right afterward. They love their sick dance of shame-grovel-belittle-repeat. Ugh. Just..... ugh.

I'm convinced this is their dynamic 

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1 hour ago, Swim mom said:

disagree.  Tom Sandoval was getting 15,000 per show on season 3 of Vanderpump Rules.  These clusterf's all know how to google better than I do, and if I can find it, so can they.  These couples are doing just fine financially. 

Bravo and TLC is apples and oranges. The revenue generated on Bravo is a lot more. Even on TLC there isn't pay equity among different shows and production companies.

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4 hours ago, magemaud said:

I haven't paid close attention so I might have missed it, is that poor cat still living with Jorge and Anfisa? 

Yes, and she seems to really love Monkey.  She posts of photos of the kitty on her Instagram from time to time.  I also applaud that she always includes the hashtage "AdoptDontShop."

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On 7/4/2017 at 9:45 PM, Swim mom said:

I've seen on several websites that it's about 10,000 per person, per episode, once the show takes off well enough to get renewed.

I heard it  is much, much less than that. At the beginning it was $500/ep. Some people are now getting $2000/ep but not all. I think Mo is getting more.

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This talk about salary reminded me of a question I have. Those who enter the US on a fiancé visa are not legal to work in the time between entry and the wedding and still aren't legal to work after the wedding until the paperwork has been processed changing their status which can take several months. So how is it legal to receive money from TLC? That is a job (temporary as it might be) so I would think it wouldn't be allowed. Are these people actually entering on work visas and pretending to be fiancé visas for the sake of the show or is there some other legal loophole that allows them to work when others on the same visa cannot 

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 My goodness, what kind of fuckery is this?  Danielle. Good lord. I've said it before: the giddiness that oozes from her every time he's around is sickening. He's a manipulator and a cringey douche, but she would run over her family members one by one in his uber if it meant they could be together again. 

Loren: Boring as fuuuuuuuck. "This  is what I'm talking about." What? Hotel living?  Girl, you know that if you lived in New York City the most space you ever had it was in your $3000 a month apartment (which you shared with five other girls) in a sketchy neighborhood, where your "room" was roughly about the size of the king size bed you flung yourself on. The stripper storyline  is boring as hell, and I concur, she's a shitty friend.

Pao, as a Miami native, I suggest that you seek out another career, as feisty Colombianas are pretty much a dime a dozen here. Poor Russ.  He is going to fucking hate it and he  is going to flip his wig when he sees how expensive life is here. Buckle up, you picked a real winner with this one.  So, is he going to live with her in that weird Barbizon type apartment? Are there bunkbeds? What will his mother say??? 

Kudos to the genius above that said called Chantel's mother stole her hat from Woody.  Kill it with fire.

I feel bad for Anfisa. Jorge is a jerk and he loves the control he has over her with his (albeit limited) money.   She must daydream about poisoning him all the time.  I wonder what his sisters will say when they see that their precious, poor, mistreated and abused brother found his bride off of porn hub.  I really don't judge her for doing what she thought she needed to in order to attract the type of man she wanted, but he has lied from the first day and deserves all the slaps she's willing to give.

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3 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

This talk about salary reminded me of a question I have. Those who enter the US on a fiancé visa are not legal to work in the time between entry and the wedding and still aren't legal to work after the wedding until the paperwork has been processed changing their status which can take several months. So how is it legal to receive money from TLC? That is a job (temporary as it might be) so I would think it wouldn't be allowed. Are these people actually entering on work visas and pretending to be fiancé visas for the sake of the show or is there some other legal loophole that allows them to work when others on the same visa cannot 

They pay the US citizen.

In other news, I hope Jorge has a generous life insurance plan... accidents always happen so unexpectedly...

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I was wondering if the pay is all going to the US citizen.  If it is, then by default, that income should be community property in California (post-wedding).   Since it's coming in because of both Jorge and Anfisa, that's equitable, I guess.  But then, was Jorge trying to get Anfisa to waive her community property rights for 5 years for money she is actually working for (by being on camera)? 

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15 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Did Jorge really find Anfisa on PornHub?  For realsies?

Allegedly. Some internet sleuths have tracked down her page, put up screen shots. It's pretty sad. Everything comes out, the thought of going on tv with such a huge secret boggles my mind. Everything always comes to light. :/

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57 minutes ago, Bugfrey Von said:

Allegedly. Some internet sleuths have tracked down her page, put up screen shots. It's pretty sad. Everything comes out, the thought of going on tv with such a huge secret boggles my mind. Everything always comes to light. :/

Or was it a secret? The Kardashian clan was just a family that an ex Olympic champion married into

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16 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Did Jorge really find Anfisa on PornHub?  For realsies?

I find that more believable than what Jorge is purporting to have happened. I mean, Facebook? Really? I don't find it believable that he found her solely on Facebook. How would he have found her? I can't imagine the thousands (probably hundreds of thousands and possibly even millions) of profiles he would have had to look at to find her. Even once he did, how would he have messaged her? If you're not friends (or at least friends of friends), then any message you send gets quarantined and requires the recipient to manually find it, then accept the message request.

To me, it's much more credible that he found her working as a porn cam girl, tracked her down on Facebook, and messaged her. She would have been more likely to friend him (or at least accept the message request) on Facebook since she already knew he watched her porn cam. Besides, Jorge looks just like that type of schlub.

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18 hours ago, Bugfrey Von said:

 My goodness, what kind of fuckery is this?  Danielle. Good lord. I've said it before: the giddiness that oozes from her every time he's around is sickening. He's a manipulator and a cringey douche, but she would run over her family members one by one in his uber if it meant they could be together again. 

Loren: Boring as fuuuuuuuck. "This  is what I'm talking about." What? Hotel living?  Girl, you know that if you lived in New York City the most space you ever had it was in your $3000 a month apartment (which you shared with five other girls) in a sketchy neighborhood, where your "room" was roughly about the size of the king size bed you flung yourself on. The stripper storyline  is boring as hell, and I concur, she's a shitty friend.

Pao, as a Miami native, I suggest that you seek out another career, as feisty Colombianas are pretty much a dime a dozen here. Poor Russ.  He is going to fucking hate it and he  is going to flip his wig when he sees how expensive life is here. Buckle up, you picked a real winner with this one.  So, is he going to live with her in that weird Barbizon type apartment? Are there bunkbeds? What will his mother say??? 

Kudos to the genius above that said called Chantel's mother stole her hat from Woody.  Kill it with fire.

I feel bad for Anfisa. Jorge is a jerk and he loves the control he has over her with his (albeit limited) money.   She must daydream about poisoning him all the time.  I wonder what his sisters will say when they see that their precious, poor, mistreated and abused brother found his bride off of porn hub.  I really don't judge her for doing what she thought she needed to in order to attract the type of man she wanted, but he has lied from the first day and deserves all the slaps she's willing to give.

I agree with EVERYTHING here 1000%!  Now I will get even more real:  Danielle.....THOSE EYEGLASSES.  Call me shallow and mean (it would not be the first time) but dammit....they are ALWAYS dirty and smudgy then they cut her eyes in half so you never really see into her eyes,  Which is probably good as she has no soul.  I can't stand looking at her as she always peering up ala "I am so victimized" from behind those damn glasses.  There.  I feel better now.

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40 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree with EVERYTHING here 1000%!  Now I will get even more real:  Danielle.....THOSE EYEGLASSES.  Call me shallow and mean (it would not be the first time) but dammit....they are ALWAYS dirty and smudgy then they cut her eyes in half so you never really see into her eyes,  Which is probably good as she has no soul.  I can't stand looking at her as she always peering up ala "I am so victimized" from behind those damn glasses.  There.  I feel better now.

Yeah. Don't feel bad. She really needs someone to help her improve her look. Her wardrobe needs help. Her posture needs help. She needs help choosing glasses that actually complement her face. She needs someone to help her lose a few pounds. (She doesn't have to get skinny. Just stop being 400 pounds.)

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1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

Yeah. Don't feel bad. She really needs someone to help her improve her look. Her wardrobe needs help. Her posture needs help. She needs help choosing glasses that actually complement her face. She needs someone to help her lose a few pounds. (She doesn't have to get skinny. Just stop being 400 pounds.)

Thank you for the validation!!  She needs a What Not to Wear intervention or better yet, What Not to Import and Marry.

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4 hours ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

I agree with EVERYTHING here 1000%!  Now I will get even more real:  Danielle.....THOSE EYEGLASSES.  Call me shallow and mean (it would not be the first time) but dammit....they are ALWAYS dirty and smudgy then they cut her eyes in half so you never really see into her eyes,  Which is probably good as she has no soul.  I can't stand looking at her as she always peering up ala "I am so victimized" from behind those damn glasses.  There.  I feel better now.

Dirty glasses drive me insane! Danielle would probably have much clearer vision and not need to look above those horrid glasses if she'd clean them on the regular. Mr Lovesnark is guilty of dirty glasses.  Yesterday, he asked to me look along the back fence line to see if the cows were laying under the trees 'because I have better eyes than him'. I reminded him that my vision is worse than his, took his glasses, cleaned them and voila! he could see the fence line.

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